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Chokeholds. This is 20 minutes. Good afternoon. Or probably still in the morning. We are in the afternoon now. Our updates for our numbers, we 13,252 cases of covid19 in utah. That is an increase of 380 eight from yesterday. We have tested over 250,000 new utahans. Individuals818 currently hospitalized for covid19. We have a total of 131 deaths which is an increase of three from yesterday. One individual, a Salt Lake County residents over president over the age of 85. Another, a Salt Lake County resident hospitalized at the time of death. The third, utah county resident between the ages of 18 and 60 years, hospitalized at the time of death. We have been experiencing an increase in our growth rate for the past couple of weeks. This started right after memorial day. Our daily cases have been in the 200300 range memorial range with a few spikes in the 400500 range. The percent of positive tests was hovering around 44. 5 . 44. 5 . We have seen the trend increase. There are some parts of the state that are being hit harder than others. Ande are outbreaks hotspots. By and large, we are seeing an loganse in the state from to st. George. There are some specific communities within our state that have been seemingly spared throughout this outbreak up until this point. It is likely because physical distancing is naturally occurring in these communities. We moveyone, as forward, it is essential we all modify our behaviors to prevent the spread of covid19, especially to those at high risk. We need to learn to live with this virus. That means we all need to physically distance, where face wear face coverings, stay home when we are ill, and continue to practice good hand hygiene. Ourave adapted changes to colorcoded guidelines. Some of these changes allow cultural events and activities to be allowed. Beoor venues are going to limited to 3000 attendees. Outdoor venues to 6000 attendees. The green guidelines, emphasis on personal responsibility through individual actions to limit the spread of covid19. Are going tos continue to be emphasized throughout the guidelines. Are we taking questions now . After question mark. Governor herbert. After . Ok, governor herbert. Gov. Herbert thank you, dr. Dunn. It has been a while since i have been here for this press conference availability. A lot of things have happened and things are in my mind i would like to share. About let me talk something that has been on the top of everybodys mind. With the protests, the rioting, the violence. Utah has not been immune. Horrifiedk we are all to see the killing of george floyd, an africanamerican, while he was subdued by those who had been sworn their job and obligation was to serve and protect. We see that something went terribly wrong. Such abuse of power is never acceptable. Social contract designed to help us understand the rule of law for everybody, no matter what their ethnicity, color of their skin, religious or sexual orientation. Gender is held equally under the law to give them safe haven. They are going to be protected and they will be served by those in Law Enforcement. Beknow everybody should beholden to the law. Particularly those entrusted to enforce the law. Our social contract depends on all of us following the rules of just conduct and civility in our interactions with our fellow man. We witness these kinds of egregious actions, examples of cruelty from those swarmed sworn toprotect and serve, it adds the divisiveness in our society and we can see room for improvement. We cannot order it. We cannot say all is well when these kinds of things happen. When we see those who are entrusted to enforce the law, they fail in that responsibility. And our social contract phrase. Frays. I think everyone really wants to have fairness. I dont want know anyone who wants fairness and equity. But i think everyone deserves dignity. I think we have far too many people in our society, even here in utah, who do not enjoy the fairness of dignity the law entitles them to have. Branch, weexecutive have two commissions. One is the Martin Luther King Commission. The other is the multicultural commission. These commissions to get together and we had a joint session next tuesday. It was heartfelt and honest and emotional. I know it was something that was way past due. I have been pleased with some of made torts we have address this. Seen ample, we have major extension of civil rights. Significantted criminal justice laws which makes it better for those, particularly with a lesser crime Violent Crime situations. We have had the passage of hate crimes legislation. Andave added more diversity appointments to those who serve as judges at different levels. We have added diversity to the cadre of judges out there. A have stood out as community, uniquely so, welcoming those who are refugees seeking refuge from people. Evil. We have been a welcoming home for those who are less fortunate and those who are underserved. As we have provided welcoming fortudes and opportunities people seeking jobs who are disadvantaged. You, it has been sobering as i have reflected on the events of the past couple of weeks. Many reminded that far too in our multicultural communities continue to experience discrimination. We can in the state of utah do better. I think we can as a country do better. Aah, uniquely, was founded as place of refuge for those seeking to escape persecution and those who had hatred for them. Up to do better to live that ideal. Actions,ing our interactions with those we associate with and the policies we in fact create. Meeting with the Martin Luther King Commission next month. Only to continue our discussion, which should be a dialogue, open and frank and honest. We to review the actions have taken and the actions we will take as we go through these 30 days since i have met with them. A special session which will have the opportunity to address some of the laws and policies we have in the state of utah. I am looking forward to having that next meeting and discussion. Meantime, there are things we can do right now to make a difference. Immediately, the director of our division of Multicultural Affairs and the director of Indian Affairs will now begin to immediately report directly to me. This will not necessarily affect but theynt structure, will be part of our weekly meetings and have the opportunity to report directly to me with issues they see of immediate concern. We will provide implicit bias training for all government officials. This will begin with my next Cabinet Meeting in july. We have had this before. We need to do it in a more regular basis. Immediately, i am directing the commissioner to enforce as executive policy what is now being currently taught through Public Safety training. No officer is permitted to use choke holds or holds that pressure the neck or spine. Reviewking police to their policies to make sure they are in alignment with our training for all post certified officers. The commissioner will make sure that is happening. That review process does take place. Commissioner anderson also serves on a multicultural tomission and is looking identify ways that fear and anger is created in our communities. Nobody should have fear of our police. It doesnt matter what the color of your skin is, ethnicity, background. Everybody is equal under the law and they should look at police and Law Enforcement officers as friends. Somebody there to help. To the extent we need to change , we are going to work building a better relationship with all of the people of utah with Law Enforcement agencies. We need to make sure there are more trusting relationships, particularly in underrepresented communities. He is also working to identify potential changes in law and increaseat can help to transparency and accountability. I directed for him to do this review process and have a report i july 1. These are important issues for me and i believe for every utah resident. I believe there is a sensitivity to this. Action, nothave just to talk about it, to do something. I am sure our future will be brighter and more inclusive for all people. That certainly includes underserved population. Have is not that we can put policies in place, i think that is a first step. Maybe the easiest first step to develop policies and fund them. A greater concern is what we need to do to change hearts and minds. That comes from families, faith based organizations, private organizations, all of us doing our part to reflect and see what changes we need to make. What can we do to help others have that change of heart and mind so we treat each other fairly, with civility and compassion, love and concern for their wellbeing . And to be a helper and not a er of their progress and society. I will plan to call a special theion of our legislature end of next week. Because of the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, our state revenues have taken a hit. Revenuesa decrease in of what we had planned when we put the budget together. Not only for fiscal year 2020 but for 2021. It is necessary for the legislation to meet legislature to meet and make modifications for the budget of 2020. We need to close it out in the black. Also, anticipation of what we will have to spend for the next fiscal year of 2021. We dont as of yet have the precise numbers of funds which will be available. Picture a lump sum of money we need to carve up and find the best prioritization of the use of the money, the budgetary process. A numbereve, paste in of things, we will be able to weather the storm and provide services to the people as they need. It is going to be a challenge to do more with less. I believe we can do that and here are the reasons why. Fiscallyeen very prudent and responsible in good times. You prepare for the bad times by doing the appropriate thing during the good times. As a state, we have done that very well. We are in better shape than most states in america. We are one of a handful of a aaa bond have rating from rating agencies and wall street. On wall street. We dont spend more than we take in. We dont have structural imbalances which means we do not pay for imbalances with onetime money. Every year, the government has to borrow more and more. Not the way we do it in utah. We dont spend more than we take in. We have rational debt. Usually for Construction Projects which are onetime areas of need, buildings and roads. We save for rainy days. We have a Rainy Day Fund for these kinds of situations. We have been unique in the country and we are the first oure to stress tests budgets. Meaning we try to into spate what happens if we have bad times. One reason we received favor from wall street is not only do we leave live within our means but we anticipate with the bad times will be. Toare in a good situation modify some of our needs. We have Construction Projects being funded by an aunt ongoing revenue stream. We can be direct redirect that to other needs. Because of that, with a little tightening of our belt, i believe we will be able to keep education held harmless for example. Proven, think they have the teachers and those involved in education, have been very willing to adapt and innovate and find better ways to do things. Some of that will be incorporated in a new school year. I appreciate the work of our teachers and their love of teaching, trying to make sure our young people get a good education. Also a look at some of our policy changes. Need to look at some legislation necessary for guidance for Law Enforcement people, what they can do as they have confrontations, what is allowed and not allowed. Look for us to talk about things outside of the budget. Lastly, let me talk about what has mentioned. There are questions regarding the state health risk. We have color codes, sometimes a little confusing but necessary to give us guidance on what we should do when we conduct ourselves. This is done with the idea of how do we protect the public legislation, by the legislature saying these are the responsibilities of the local Health Departments to ensure the health and wellbeing. The ability to give guidances which sometimes are annoying but necessary. The legislature has empowered local Health Departments to make those decisions. It is a guide to help us not health butt peoples their livelihoods. Make sure we can in fact in a methodical way open up the economy. That is good. Guided by this is common sense. There is nobody that wants to return to the normal. The green color coding where we have less restriction. To a more normal society. Nobody wants to have that happen quicker than me. I suspect everybody wants to have that happen and we will do it as quick as the data allows. I dont want to go forward and then take a step backward. Certainly as we see some spikes in thedisease incidents, past week and two weeks, we have seen a spike and it gives us pause. What should we in fact due to the spiking in reaction to the spiking of infection . For the most part, the answer is we will pause and maintain guidance and most of the state. Yellow, undert yellow, there are no Economic Activities that are categorically prohibited. We have not gone down the road as other states have as identifying essential or nonessential businesses. Restrictionsinimal on inhouse dining, Public Schools closing. We have been listed as the fourth least restrictive state in america. We have not closed down the economy. Fremont brought the Pacific Coast into the u. S. At the beginning of the story, the u. S. Did not have a Pacific Coast. And there was california, which belonged to mexico. Fremont encouraged the settlement of oregon. Just in time for the gold rush. He did play a real role changing the map of the united states. Bookeve inskeep in his imperfect union. How john fremont mapped the west, invented celebrity, and helped cause the civil war. The president s, from public affairs, available now in paperback and ebook. Presenting biographies of every president , organized either ranking, by noted historians from best to worst. Featuring perspectives into the lives of chief executives and leadership styles. Visit our website. To learn more about east each president. Order your copy today wherever books and ebooks are sold. Mike pompeo announced a new executive order and actions taken against the International Criminal court for what he described as a record of watched prosecutions and poor judgments. This comes in response to an investigation into whether u. S. Crimes inmitted war afghanistan. He was joined by mike esper, robert obrien, and william barr. Today, this is just under 20 minutes

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