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Hosted, Virtual Event will bring together more than 50 countries, as well as leaders of private sector organizations and civil society, to raise at least 7. 4 billion for gavi, the vaccine alliance. And tomorrows global vaccine summit should be the moment when the world comes together to unite humanity in the fight against disease. Mr. Speaker this morning, i had , meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, in addition to my duties in this house. I shall have further such meetings later today. Ms. Maskel as the Prime Minister obfuscates over his adviser, the real scandal of the coronavirus pandemic has been exposed in the Public Health england report published yesterday, inequality and poverty. If you are black or asian, if if you are poor, have low skill jobs your risk is double that of the rest of the population, the poor having the greatest exposure. Sure and risk with its easement announcement. Why wont the Prime Minister publish economic Risk Assessment for public scrutiny to protect us all from this deadly virus . I think the honorable lady in this Government Commission the review from Public Health and take its findings very seriously because their are any qualities in the way the virus impacts from people, different communities in our country and my right honorable friend will be looking at what the next practical steps we need to do to protect all our country from coronavirus. Thank you, mister speaker. The past few weeks we have been inundated with images of people not social distancing, beaches strewn with litter, and following that, one of the highest infection rates in the nation, exposed to this. Lots of assistance the government to deal with this set a time local services are already in question. Appreciate speaking up in the interests of that and the 3. 2 billion we have given to local councils to combat corona. And receiving another 9 Million Pounds in particular as well as funding we might treat to deal with the particular problems you rightly identified. Speaker for the opposition. I start by expressing shock and anger over the death of george floyd. This has shown a light on racism and hatred experienced by many in the us. Im surprised the Prime Minister hasnt said anything about this but i hope next time he speaks to donald trump he will convey to him the uks abhorrence about his response to the event. The telegraph this morning is reporting the Prime Ministers decided to take direct control of the governments response to the virus. An obvious question for the Prime Minister, who has been in direct control up until now . Let me begin by associating myself with what the right honorable gentlemen had to say about the death of george floyd. I think what happened in the United States was appalling and inexcusable. We all saw it on our screens and i perfectly understand peoples right to protest what took place. I also believe protests should take place in a lawful and reasonable way. On the other point let me say this government, i take full response ability for everything the government has been doing in tackling coronavirus and i am proud of our record and if you look at what we have achieved so far it is considerable. We protected the nhs, we have driven down the death rate. Weve seen far fewer hospital admissions and i believe the public understand we we will continue to defeat this virus and take this country forward. The country would like to hear from him more signs of cooperation in that endeavor. Mister speaker. He asked for a sign of cooperation. I wrote to him two weeks ago to ask if i could help build consensus for getting children back into our schools. I did it confidentially because i didnt want to make a lot of it. He hasnt replied. This is a critical week in our response to covid19. Whereas lockdown and stayathome were relatively easy messages, easing restrictions involves very difficult judgment calls so this is the week of all weeks when public trust and confidence in the government needed to be at its highest but as director of the Reuters Institute which commissions a policy i have never in ten years of research seen a drop in trust like we are seeing for the uk government. How worried is the Prime Minister about this loss of trust . Im surprised you should take that tone since i took the trouble to ring him up and we had a long conversation which i briefed the right honorable gentlemen about all the steps we were taking, he didnt express any dissent at that stage. He thoroughly endorsed our approach and i believe he should continue to endorse today. I think he is on better ground and firmer ground when he stands with the overwhelming majority of the british people who understand the difficult circumstances that we are in and want clarity from across the political spectrum who believe that we can move forward provided we continue to observe the basic rules of social distancing, washing our hands and making sure that when we have symptoms we take a test and isolate and i think everybody understands that. That is why the disease is coming down and attempt to distract the public have not been successful. They continue to Pay Attention to our government. Mister speaker, the offer i made wasnt confidential, the best thing i can do is put it in the public domain, how constructive we are being. Mister speaker two weeks ago today at the dispatch box the Prime Minister promised we will have a test, track and trace operation that will be world beating and it will be in place by the first of june but it isnt. And a critical element, the ability of local authorities to respond to local fight is missing. As one counsel leader put it to us we are weeks away from having this fully up and running. We were not given enough warning. It is not true. Veto harlan, the primary straps chair of the track and trace systems said these elements will not be ready until the end of june. The primacy must have been briefed on this problem before he made that promise two weeks ago. Why did he make that promise . I am afraid he is casting aspersions on efforts of tens of thousands of people who set up a track and trace system in this country, we have 40,000 people engaged in this. Every person, thousands of people have been tested every day, every person who tests positive in this country and the track and trace system is contacted, thousands of their contacts are themselves contacted, people may have been in contact with at the moment as a result a test tracking, up and running on the first of june and it was up and running and as a result of their efforts thousands of people are following our guidance, following the law and self isolating to stop the spread of the disease. I welcome that news from the Prime Minister. He didnt put a number but as he knows the number of people testing positive for covid19 is only a fraction of those actually infected every day. According to the ons the number actually infected is between 70009000, up to five contacts need to be traced for every infected person. The system probably needs to reach 45,000 people a day. A long way to go. The problem when the primacy used statistics is the Statistics Authority touched concerns on more than one occasion. Yesterday in a strongly worded letter to the Health Secretary the chair of the uk Statistics Authority said the statistics still fall well short of expectations. He went on to say it is not surprising given their inadequacy, data on testing are widely criticized and often mistrusted. Can the Prime Minister see how damaging this is to public trust and confidence in his government . I do not see the purpose of these endless attacks on public trust and confidence when what we are trying to do and what the public want to hear from politicians across all parties is our clear messages of how to defeat this virus, test and trace is a vital tool and contrary to what he says, we did by the end of may get up to 100,000 tests a day and we got 200,000 by the beginning of this month and that was an astonishing achievement not by government the tens of thousands working to support government, and should pay tribute to them for what they achieved. The Prime Ministers confusing scrutiny, i supported the government openly and taken criticism for it, makes it difficult to support the government for the last few weeks. Initial on trust and confidence is transparency about decisionmaking. On the tenth of may the Prime Minister set on the question of lifting restrictions, if the alert level wont allowing we simply go until we got it right. At the time the alert level was 4. And the are rate between one. 5, one. 9. We are three weeks on. Some restrictions have been lifted. Prime minister tell us what is the alert level now and what the are rate is now . He knows perfect the well the alert level he didnt raise that issue with me when we had a conversation on the telephone. The reason we have been able to make the progress we have is the five tests have been fulfilled. The alert level remains in force but we managed to protect the nhs, got the rate of death down and infection down, the ppe crisis, the question of the ask have been addressed, the question for him is whether he supports the progress we are making. The weekend he was backing it he is doing a uturn. You see the steps the country is taking. I supported the government, that is why i wrote to the Prime Minister because i could see the problem with schools and i thought it needed leadership and consensus and i privately offered to build that consensus. That offer wasnt taken up. Can i finally go to the question of parliament. You feel strongly about this. Members being unable to vote were frankly shameful. This should not be a political issue. Members on all side now this is unnecessary and unacceptable. If any employer behaved like this it would be a clear and obvious case of indirect discrimination on the quality act. Clear and obvious test. I urge the Prime Minister to stop this and allow online voting the right honorable gentlemen needs to consider what is going on where ordinary people, and and i do not think it unreasonable but we as parliamentarians to come back to do their job. I apologize for the inconvenience. And they are shielded, the change we are making today. And they should be able to vote by proxy. And support is going through. And his policy is to agree and criticize. And once there parliamentarians go back at work doing their jobs passing legislation on behalf of the people of this country. And and the Prime Minister said he did that for the testing, did he tell us how many tests were turned around, will he publish on a regular basis that number. The detailed question we could have had earlier on. The answer, we already do 90 of tests and turnaround within 48 hours. Of the tests conducted, 199 Testing Centers as well as the mobile tech centers within 24 hours and, we take all tests turned around in 24 hours except for difficulties with super problems like that. Watching events unfold across america and actions and recollections from the american president , i am deeply worried. We cannot dilute ourselves, it is in times like these when people look elsewhere for hope, guidance, leadership, interaction. In the 7 days since george floyd was murdered. The uk government has not even offered words, the Prime Minister scuttled over this. Can i ask the Prime Minister with representations has he made his ally donald trump and at the very least say it now, black lives matter. Primacy. Of course black lives matter and i totally understand the anger, the grief, and i totally understand that and protest be carried out lawfully and in this country, protests should be carried about our rules on social distancing. The Prime Minister didnt answer the question, what representation he made to his friends, donald trump, it is imperative that the uk is vocal on human rights, freedom of speech, pulling press freedom and other parts of the world. Nothing short of hypocrisy if we were to turn a blind eye to events unfolding in the us, but actions speak louder than words. The uk exports millions of pounds of riot control equip into the us including teargas and rubber bullets. The Prime Minister must have seen how these weapons were used on american streets. Warning against equal and used in such ways, the Prime Minister reviewed such things . I am happy to look into any complaints but he knows all exports are conducted in accordance with consolidated guidance and the uk is the most scrupulous country in that respect in the world. I have a number of businesses in the wedding market that would like to hold viewings for the future. Church leaders contacted me about access to churches and loneliness. Please could i ask religious faith be allowed to let people in their places of worship, observing social distancing and wedding venues to be allowed for bookings. I understand the urgency many in this country feel about the need to reopen places of warship. The secretary of state for local government, media task force in this matter. Every time you do this you push up the risk of infection and the risk, what im saying, we are not there yet but we are getting there but we are not there yet. It is vital. Infection rate. Our firefighters have been assisting this covid19 crisis. And they are about to face another round of devastating cuts, trying to remove more from the county and a lot of front line firefighters. Is the primacy planning to respond to the letter sent to him on the 20 second of may calling for a moratorium on cuts, will he put his money where his mouth is and ensure that no Fire Authority needs to cut front line firefighters when they have been helping save our country . I will respond. Will the Prime Minister agree that it is critical that the uk economy and leveling off. And Excellent Companies investing in broadband and moving the treasury to show field. And joining this and as for transport secretary to approve. Be careful what he wishes for. I will investigate that possibility. My honorable friends will know whether it is 300,000 homes we want to build every year with maximum investments in broadband, huge investments in railways and roads, i will make sure i add to that and ambition to see the station launched. Will the Prime Minister addressed himself to the question of quarantine arrangements . European countries have corn seen arrangements for a while now and beginning to reduce them. This country had no corn seen arrangements to date and only now introducing them. Why is that . The rate of infection down, it is vital that we avoid reinfection from elsewhere. When my right honorable friend attended the Liaison Committee he committed to the possibility of selfemployment income in the cancellation of support. I wonder if my right honorable friend had the opportunity to have good news from the house because there up and down this country need that support. It is a matter of fantastic complexity. The just of it is they are forced to rely on all sorts of information they would not be able themselves to verify easily to comply and discuss it more fully in detail. The Liaison Committee, the Prime Minister was shocked to learn many living and working lawfully, without support, working in unsafe conditions or pushed into extreme poverty. He promised to do all he could to help. Can he update the house on his progress . No recourse to public funding, applies to people with temporary immigration status. It doesnt mean they are excluded from all public funds and may be eligible for coronavirus. Selfemployed income supports scheme funds to the benefit system may be eligible for certain benefits. As we come out of lockdown, we get the economy firing on all cylinders. To level up we need more skilled jobs. Will my right honorable from the primary list or meet with me to discuss my proposal to lead the country with a green enterprise zone to bring low carbon manufacturing and research to our region. The vision for the whole country, the Green Recovery would be essential to the countrys success in the next few years, happy to meet with him to discuss it. A planning inspector to allow the development to go ahead. Richard desmond was a conservative, 50 Million Pounds in tax. Did this weeks after connecting to the developer. And and and will he publish all correspondence, for the department. Im happy to have no conversations on the matter. The lockdown has seen a rise in antisocial behavior in my area including where a man sadly died, my condolences over family and friends. This incident shows the need for more visible police, can the Prime Minister confirmed the 147 new Police Officers promised they will be focused on frontline policing to tackle antisocial behavior . Yes indeed and that is why the government will get on with the agenda of 20,000 more Police Officers when we were recruited, thousands already. So she identified so they havent already gotten that. They do that very shortly. The Health Secretary missing that covid19 outbreaks are worse in those areas and the inequality is very serious in session. Can you promise me about the council, get the full reimbursement instead of only half of it. On the eleventh of may he promised to look into it. Before i pointed out we have given an extra 3. 2 billion to local governments, particular costs, i am happy to write back about a particular counsel. Thank you. The council has been able to help thousands of local businesses for the 91 Million Pound business department. Despite the best efforts, 13 million remain, i as i counsel like all that money to be given to Small Businesses that needed to survive but the minute that is not allowed will my right honorable friend persuade his cabinet colleagues that this will be a winwin. More help for businesses in need before costing the government up anymore that has been allocated. We are doing that, he represents these businesses well, to all councils about how they can properly utilize the allocations they have. The Public Health minister told me on may 20 second the justification for a 14 day quality quarantine is a local incident, much lower relative to International Incidents and prevalence. It is not, is it . Why is he inflicting a blanket quarantine with no basis in science that will devastate industry and rub british families of their im surprised to hear that criticism. I thought the opposition was in favor of quarantine policy. The simple reason is to protect the british people from the reimporting of that disease once weve driven infection rates down. Aviation was one of the first sectors to take an immediate negative impact from the coronavirus pandemic and will be one of the slowest recovery. Will my right honorable friend consider an extension to the furlough for air industry employees through the low season into 2021. Im not going to make a commitment to extend the coronavirus he represents the aviation sector which was very hard hit, and we will support him. I hope the Prime Minister, for the killing of george floyd, determination that we will Work Together in the us and the uk. They are scared of going back to school because of the higher rates and Figures Police show more than a quarter of lockdowns for black people even though they are 8 of the population. Will the Prime Minister condemn the actions of the American Police . Will he freeze the sales of tear gas and rubber bullets . Will he act on the report in covid19 deaths . I certainly condemned the killing of george floyd and make sure everything we export is in accordance with consolidated guidance on human rights. This government has taken the lead on tackling domestic laura farris this government have taken the lead on tackling domestic abuse, but there is an ugly dimension that remains unresolved, where men who kill their partners in appalling acts of Sexual Violence establish in court that she asked for it and avoid a murder conviction. Does my right honorable friend agree that the time is now to end the rough sex defence . P. M. Johnson my honorable friend raises an incredibly important point. We are committed to ensuring that the law is made clear on this point, and that defence is inexcusable. Tim farron the virus effectively turned summer into winter for cumbrian tourism. Ending government funding in october, though, will mean three winters in a row, causing severe hardship on top of the 312 increase in unemployment we have already had locally. Will the Prime Minister provide a support package for tourism and hospitality in the lakes, the dales, and elsewhere to see them through the spring of 2021 . P. M. Johnson i am grateful to the honorable gentleman. We are certainly looking at all sorts of packages creative to help the Tourism Industry over the winter period so that their winter, as it were, can continue to be a kind of summer once we can get things open again. But there are all sorts of packages that we will be bringing forward, but i do not want to extend some of the schemes that we currently have. Holly mumbycroft i am very proud to tell you that we have 2,500 worldclass steelworkers in scunthorpe. And like steelmakers across this land, they stand ready to make steel for hs2. My right honorable friend the Prime Minister has said in the house that he wants to see that happen. Will he reassure me that he will press for hs2 to sign the uk steel charter, and that steel for hs2 will be made in britain . P. M. Johnson we are doing everything we can to support the u. K. Steel industry and to make sure, as hs2 goes forward, that it maximises the use of u. K. Steel. Im proud to say that 98 of the Countries Companies that have signed up to deliver for hs2 are based in this country. Andy slaughter when the Prime Minister was forced to publish the review of the risks covid19 poses to black and minority ethnic groups yesterday, why did he remove reference to the 1,000 responses to the review, many of which cited Structural Racism and discrimination as root causes of higher risk . If, unlike trump, he seeks to represent the whole country that he is elected to lead, what action is he going to take to show that in tackling covid19 and wider racism in Society Black lives matter . P. M. Johnson i think that the honorable gentleman may have missed some of the earlier answers i have given, but he is wrong when he says that this government were somehow forced to publish a review. This Government Commissioned the review because we take it incredibly seriously. It is our review, and yes, i do think it intolerable that covid falls in such a discriminatory way on different groups and different communities in our country, and that is why we are going to ensure that our minister for equalities takes up that report and sees what practical steps we need to take to protect those minorities. Mrs. Theresa may my right honorable friend has rightly been focusing on keeping people safe, but that task goes beyond covid19, so can he give me the reassurance that as from january 1, 2021, the uk will have access to the quantity and quality of data that it currently has through prum, passenger name records, the european criminal records Information System and sis ii, none of which, i believe, should require the European Court of justice jurisdiction in the uk . P. M. Johnson that depends, i am afraid, on the outcome of our negotiations, as my right honorable friend knows well, but i am absolutely confident that our friends and partners will see sense and the great Mutual Benefit in continuing to collaborate in exactly the way that we do. Mr. Speaker we now come to the end. In order to allow the safe exit of honorable members participating in this item of business and the safe arrival of those participating in the next, i now suspend the house for five minutes. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] youve been watching Prime Ministers questions from the house of commons. The next one is wednesday. You can also go to cspan. Org to find video of past Prime Ministers questions and other British Public affairs programs. This week, former president s jimmy carter, george w. Bush, and barack obama made statements surrounding the killing of george floyd. From president carter, dehumanizing people debases us all. The bonds of our common humanity must overcome the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices. Yearsent clinton, 57 ago, dr. King dreamed of a day when his four little children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. Today, that dream seems even more out of reach, and we will never reach it if we keep treating people of color with the unspoken assumption that they are less than human. How do we end systemic racism in our society . The only way to see ourselves in a true life is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving true light is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving. President obama delivered his message on social media, said, but it falls on all of us, regardless of our race and station, including the men and women in law enforcement, who take pride in doing their tough job the right way, every day, to Work Together to create a new normal, in which the legacy of bigotry and unequal treatment no longer infects our institutions or our hearts. You can hearts. You can read the entire statements from the former president s on cspan. Org. Newollowing protests in york city, mayor de blasio lifted a citywide curfew and unveiled Police Reform initiatives during a news conference. He took questions from reporters for an hour. Hi, all. Just a reminder that we have the first lady and the mayor here in person. The deputy with that, i will start with roger. Roger . Are you there

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