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We want you to join the conversation with your questions on twitter at tali tonight. Send ky tonight. And make surerum to check the box that says that you are not a robot. Or you can give us a call. Please include your first and last name, town or county on all messages. Welcome. The appreciate you being here tonight. We appreciate you being here tonight. Well get right down to business because time is limited. It has been a trying last few days in kentucky and across the nation. An emt was shot while she was in her home and today we understand the killing of a Business Owner in louisville. A lexington minister said last week, during one of Andy Beshears press conferences, when he was talking about Racial Injustice and Legend Police brutality, he said it is not the minority population that has been silent, but rather the majority has been death. Deaf. We will start left to right. How have you actively sought to be a part of the solution to heal racial divisions and not just action list rhetoric. Name one specific policy or action you commit to doing, win or lose, going forward. For startingnk you this forum off the right way by addressing the challenges that kentucky is facing. Because iade it today left the streets where so many people of kentucky are demanding justice and accountability. But we are seeing in louisville and across the country are people who feel ignored and abandoned. They feel like justice is not accountable to them. They feel like their humanity is ignored and denied. They are feeling the weight of Structural Racism that has been permeated for generations. Beat why i am running to Mitch Mcconnell because we need real change, not just tweets and words. In every level of government, demanding for change and accountability. And ourension and angst community, standing up to say that we need to get rid of the Breonna Taylor to be killed and her home, in her sanctuary. How do we bring more partnership and collaboration into the community and create accountability . I am going to fight for that. How do we make sure that we are accounting for Racial Disparities and inequities in our Justice System . Today i will add that Tamika Palmer demanded justice for her daughter. Wants the officers involved in her death to be charged. They want them to be fired first and eventually to be charged. What proposal will you be committed to, win or lose in the primary . I agree. Of police is chief may be too late, but i think it is a good start. Which came today, yes. Campaign was founded back in july. Things sped up. , wages werehrough stolen. Global pandemic swept over 110,000 americans, leaving them dead. Our cities are burning. It is not a request anymore, it is a demand. What does it look like . What will you do . You could call for it, but people want to know. Two demilitarized our police forces. We have been telling them that there has been a war on drugs for decades. You tell them they are at war long enough, and they believe they are at war. We can stop selling military equipment to police forces. There is no reason a county dip Department Needs armored vehicles. It sets the wrong precedent. They think they are at war. The enemy, sadly, too many times are africanamericans. Class this is an issue when it comes to demilitarization of police. Rand paul even agrees with it. He wrote about lawenforcement becoming too militarized and washington incentivizing them to do so for some of the same reasons as they have already spoken on. What is your position on the militarization of police . Do you believe that Police Brutality exists . There is Structural Racism in america. I think that the death of Floyda Taylor and george david rd mackey t tragic. What you are seeing around the world with hundred hundreds shows thatrs communities are hurting. Their voices are not being heard. That is why there is protest. We need to listen. We need to listen to them. The second thing that we need to do is foster a command climate. In the military, when you have a you is arybody under reflection of the leader. Floyd, ine of george his tragic and unfortunate death. You not only had a bad cop doing terrible things, but you have three other cops, looking on and doing nothing. We have to foster a command climate within the police community. The otherlieve officers should be charged in minneapolis . I think we should have do you believe the other officers should be part charged in minneapolis . Taelorsk breonna mother said it best. Andant justice for breonna we should demand that, but at the same time, no more violence. That is really important as well. Doshould have leaders who not try to escalate the situation, but deescalate. But many are making the point that i want to ask this question about Police Brutality. Since 2015, the Washington Post has been logging fatal shootings by onduty police officers. There have been 4728 such shootings. Account for less than 30 of the population, but the rate at which they are killed are twice as high as white americans. He believed there is a culture of systemic racism in Law Enforcement . How do we go about ending it . Absolutely. It is institutional. I appreciate my colleagues for saying that we need to listen to those most effective affected. That is my story. I have lived that. I have been demanding justice after my cousins were murdered. This is not just aspirational to say that we need to listen and do more. It means that we have to acknowledge the challenges within our institutions. To see someone who looks like me , that is why i have been standing. We are talking about accountability, but it is across the board. Du expect a different response . Proposals this morning. That includes full accountability. I helped in acknowledging that these Law Enforcement officers should be fired. Do. Ave a lot of work to we are taking steps, but we need to keep going, urgently. Does having the military presence signal Something Else to the community that the airport supposedly serving . They should not have been. The escalation has come at the hands of lawenforcement and many of these people are people i love dearly. They want us to be safe, but they took in adversarial posture to people who are hurting and demanding to be accounted for. It continues to escalate. Now the barbecue man has been killed. I have asked the governor and local leadership to call them off. Should the National Guard be called off . I think so. I was coming into the building with my wife and there was a Law Enforcement officer out there. Baby and iike a could not imagine him facing a crowd and what thoughts and fears might be going through his mind. Receivedhem have not training. This is a difficult thing to do. It is difficult to understand. Maybe putting somebody on the street who was not a louisville officer. I still do not understand where the shooting is coming from, but the hundreds of cameras on the streets, and no one can say where the shooting is coming from . Does not make sense to me. I wore the uniform for 24 years and anytime someone wears the uniform, whether police or the uniform of the military, you are held to a higher standard. That comes with a lot of responsibility and accountability. ,ny time a tragic event happens the first thing that we need to do is to have an independent investigation. Hold people accountable. It is so important because we need police in our community. That relationship between police and people, there has to be a trust there. Think we have to listen to people of color. They are living that. That is important. There are commonsense things that we can do. There is legislation at the federal level to make sure that anything Something Like this occurs, that police use this force, an investigation happens that is taken outside the chain of command. Those things are really important to continue to make sure that we have that trust between the communities and the police force. Email what are the candidates thoughts on the Second Amendment and what did they do to pledge to combat gun violence . To be a candidate of distinction and i actually have been on board ever since. They have simple things that they realize. Universal background checks and red flag laws. Both of those laws have come out of the house with overwhelming bipartisan support. Forward fort moved one reason. Mitch mcconnell does not want them to because he is in the pocket of the gun industry and the nra. Byy are completely supported most members of the nra. First thing we are going to do mcconnells mitch desk and we are going to pass the violence against women act. Of threehe mother small kids and they have to go through School Shooting drills, something i never thought i would have to see as a mother. At the same time, i am somebody who fought for this country. Second amendment and im a gun owner. We should start with something that most gun owners agree should happen. That is better background checks. We all want to keep weapons out of the hands of people who are going to hurt our kids, our children and us. That is the first step and it is something that Mitch Mcconnell will not take action on. , the cdc and nih think thisble and i is something that should definitely be done. That hest unbelievable will not act on that. Those are just some of the things that i would do. Stresst, i would like to that this is very personal to me. I am speaking for a lot of people who do not get heard. All across this commonwealth, people who understand and understand the critical importance of common sense gun safety. That ishe things i know critically important right now is that we have the leadership to say we are not pushing for common sense gun safety to be a front, but we are trying to honor it to make sure it is not being abused. Sinces why i am a gun candidate as well. Stand understand where i because they know where i have stood. Understanding that gun violence is a Public Health crisis. When my cousin was murdered on Easter Sunday a couple years ago, a young man who pulled the trigger was dealing with a lot of issues. There are so many things that permeate around issues of violence, that we cannot ignore. We need expanded background check background checks. It, is why i cosponsored but when we criminalize poverty and ignore the people of kentucky, we put people in a situation where their pain is not noticed. Happens, we have to question, why . Question from louisville. Calling for a complete overall. Who will ask mayor greg fischer to resign . Are you raising your hand . Is that a yes or raising your hand that you want to respond . I have already been leading on the overhaul. Build comprehensive plans across the country. Louisville is one of those cities. How do we leverage the community , Law Enforcement, citizen voices leading the way, including young people. That mayor needs to be accountable for what he is doing now and that these officers need to be fired, that he needs to put provide transparency. You will not call for the resignation of the mayor of louisville . Is a twoparter. I am glad he fired the chief, but the body cameras need to come out. If not, i would gladly call for his ragged resignation. West i would not call for the resignation of the mayor. Leaders need to escalate the situation, not escalate. You should be looking at ways at the federal level to make things better in this area. There is legislation out there to make sure we have that are training for police to make sure that the underlying issues that thecausing a lot of this is underlying social injustice. Committedbe a senator to tackling those issues, tackling Racial Injustice, educational injustice, systemic injustice that you see and the policies. We need a senator who has policies that will tackle that and not just talk about Police Brutality and move on. Have you been on the ground in louisville with the protests . I have not. And i been with my family have had family thing is going on this past weekend, but i have been following the news and we areg, making sure in the middle of a pandemic, so we also have to look at, is that the place to be right now . I have not. , i only haveign two hard and fast rules. We do not use people as props. I thought about it and i said, if i went to louisville or lexington, it would have appeared opportunistic. I did not want to be put in that situation. If i were just a regular taxpayer, i would be with them, but i did not want to take advantage of people who are really suffering. This question comes from heather. This question, do you support . Efunding police we need to police. Cannot make them go. We can fundamentally change them, but we cannot make them go. Redirecting funds that have been wasted . Sure. Had this cycle where politicians make laws. Have created this process where people are the material that go into this machine. I would rather take the money and profit out of prisons and use that for helping people instead of going into the pockets of politicians who keep this wearable cycle going. That is where we need to break the money chain. It is something that i have been working on for years. Policing. Reimagine it is not just lawenforcement. There was an act that mandates more funding for Law Enforcement, which means we are not putting money on the ground for community, so no, we should not continue to fund more and more Law Enforcement putting the pressure on then to be the arbiter of the community when they are being forced to kick our doors in and shoot us and justice is not due. Growve the opportunity to and build a better future. That is what i am going to do. Should not be defunding police. The men and women who protect us, the vast majority of them are really good people and professional. We need to tackle this from a leadership perspective. We need to set a climate where everybody is treated with respect and decency. You have a climate like that, when there are tragic events, there is less of them and when it happens, you have an investigation that is prompt, and it isnsparent something that the community can trust. I think it is really important and we should not be defunding the people who protect us every day. I will move to talk about covid19 release and possibly another stimulus package. We know that the house passed the heroes act. It includes another round of 1200 stimulus checks, more hazard pay for workers and mutual aid to local government, so on and soerage, forth. Do you agree that this should be passed yucca senator Mitch Mcconnell has said that the bill is dead on arrival. Your response. I think it is unfortunate that we have a senator would not even look at a bill that is out there to help state and local governments. Amy would be focusing on right now. Shortfall,00 million if we do not get help. Senator mcconnell prioritize help for wall street. He prioritized help for big business and for special interest that power his campaign. Of the taxes 80 cuts in that bill went people who make over 1 million. He calls for state and local governments to consider bankruptcy. In the bill that was passed in the house, it has money to prop especiallyrnments, our firefighters, our School System and the infrastructure that we have in this country. I would be prioritizing that. In addition, you personal protective equipment, funding for Postal Service and we need to keep our democracy going, we need funding for First Responders and make sure that anybody going into a position of hazard pay. Hey have these are all good things that i would be supporting. Would you support the heroes act . Does it go far enough . It does not go far enough, but includes many important points. With type 1lack man diabetes, i am seeing how critically important it is. , it is very important, making sure that vaccines are free is important. Canceling student debt i have debt that i do not think my wife pay off. If you have ever had to balance a budget to pay for insulin or keep your lights on, it is not enough. Same question to you. I want to ask you, what has been amenable that would be to answering, if you are elected. Have a healthcare care system that is tied to employment. We are the only ones in the world. We put 40 million americans on unemployment. Any households facing the Biggest Health care crisis without health care insurance. That is why we need to have a singlepayer health care system. Up to careed to blow for all and make it available for everyone. When i first started my plan, we child. 200 per when the pandemic struck, i cannot with a proposal for emergency income. 2000 for adults. We need to have you the eye through the pandemic. A depression or recession will follow. So you want it in perpetuity. Yes. It was endorsed by andrew yang. Scott semmes has helped me draft my plan. There is a map behind them. We can implement it and pay for it. You be for everyone having a universal income, or should there be an income threshold . A ghost everybody. Goes tos it everybody. No checks. Giving that bump of money to those who really do not need it does not make much sense. Your response . If it is about equalizing someone in the 1 , he is not going to feel it, but someone in poverty, they are absolutely going to feel it. Incremental . Bill gates is not going to care about that 1000, but somebody living in poverty will have incredible change in their life. Critics equate it to a handout and it would this incentivize work. Not incentivize work. That is not true. There is a program like this in alaska. It has been in effect for 30 years. No one would say alaskans are lazy. Peoples lives are dramatically improved. When i talk to people in the country, my neighbors are all farmers. They farm in the headlights of their pickup trucks and perfect theres tractors. You can see the light in their eyes and the gears start turning. They love farming. It is important to them. They feed their community. Some would say this is exactly what we fear, that most of kentucky would rebuke. , the working class and the working poor. Velocity. S tremendous withmoney to a rich person theyirline industry and buy back their own stock. I think there are major disparities and major income inequality in america and kentucky. Kentucky. Ople in hope in woodford county. In paducah, a Public School teacher. She and her husband are Public School teachers. They have to work multiple jobs to make in meet. This is a real problem. I propose that we do things like make work pay. This is a function of doing the things that senator mcconnell has not done. Lets not undermine unions. Senator mcconnell has a decadelong history. Those unions work for better benefits. Lets invest in kentucky to bring good, quality jobs. That is just one thing. It is not going to fix at all. What we need to do in kentucky is something that senator mcconnell has not done in decades, and that is investing in us, for the future. To get the quality jobs of the 21st century, we need better education and workforce development, meaningful investments and investments in 21st century infrastructure. Andjust roads, bridges dams, i am talking broadband, cell phone coverage. No business will want to come to a county in kentucky that cannot talk to the modern world. We see a lot of places in the commonwealth. Brooks asked this question. I would love a chance. Equal in time. How would he work to improve and do you think providing money to people is the right solution . Absolutely. This is an important point. I lived in and have grown up in the poorest zip code in the state. My mom is watching me right now, a woman who went without so that i could eat. High concentrations of poverty that are generational. We need to invest in people. We need to provide an equity stake in the economy that we have busted our butts to build. And day, worked night in and out only to be stranded on the tracks. I have supported it for years out of understanding that if we want to break the cycle of poverty, we need to make sure that people have the Financial Freedom to make decisions. We know that we can afford to do it. We cannot afford not to do it. How i have lead on the ground and in kentucky. Towards basic income to invest in communities that have been invented. Abandoned. Incremental means never to us. Greens why i support the deal. We need a kentucky new deal to invest in infrastructure that was mentioned before, including broadband. If you are from my neighborhood, you live in a digital desert. We need somebody who understands this. Because you have lived it on the ground and kentucky. That is why i built this movement and why i have been endorsed by the sunset movement. How can he connect me, does he understand my plight and my woes. You are the candidate that could best serve them . Absolutely. I know what it feels like to be invisible. The reason i have to answer this question so much is because nobody paid attention in my neighborhood. Of groceryt a couple stores, a handful of dollar stores. If you need public transportation, it could take you a couple of hours. Unemployment was around 30 in the neighborhood that i lived in. People in kentucky know that struggle. High utility bills, they know what that is about and that is why my campaign is building momentum. We will build the momentum to win this race. You have talked about democrats who have run republican light. Is that a path to defeat . Absolutely. 2018, she was critical of Brett Kavanaugh. In 2020, when she was running for u. S. Senate, she changed her mind and said she would vote to elevate Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court. It was massive backlash. Back. He took it she flipflopped again and again. On this issue that should be a nobrainer. We have this history for the nice35 years of running candidates against Mitch Mcconnell and getting creamed every time. That is what is important. Transactional leadership, where everything is focused on money. Need to provide them a path forward. The pointnt to get to of you did come under fire for waffling on Brett Kavanaugh last year. Some say that was an unsteady position. Some said it would raise questions about your judgment. How can you assure voters that you will exercise decisive leadership . Running because i want to be a voice for everyday kentuckians. To people like angie, trying make ends meet. She and her husband have a daughter who is 12 years old and is diabetic. We have a bill sitting on Mitch Mcconnells desk that could help get drug prices down. I tell you what. Through see everything a political lens. When i served, i did not look at the marine on my left or right and ask, are you a democrat or republican . Now is people who are going to work with anyone who will do what is right for kentucky. Whether it is that it were blue. That is who i am. It is about being an american first and being a kentuckian first. I make mistakes like everybody else, but i will tell you what i learned in the marine corps. When you make one, you correct it. Said that you need to attract some voters to win. When you launched your candidacy last year, he said Trump Supporters wanted him to drain the swamp, but Mitch Mcconnell is the biggest swamp dweller there is. You contend that Mitch Mcconnell has blocked some of trumps froma and has kept him fulfilling some of those campaign promises. If you are elected, would you support the trump agenda . I would support kentucky. Likeo many kentuckians angie and her husband, who are trying to figure out how to make prescriptionause drug prices are so high President Trump said Prescription Drugs is something that he is wanting to work on. Mitch mcconnell is bought off by big pharma. Another issue that you agree on. President trump has said that we need to fix our infrastructure. We do. Mitch mcconnell said infrastructure is a nonstarter in the senate. With anywhat i work president. I think this is the problem in america, one of the major problems is that we are too polarized. I will stand up to any president , whether he or she wears a vent jersey or a blue jersey, when it comes to the constitution of the u. S. Constitution that i swore to defend, or when it is bad for kentucky. President nd up to any. President trump, his trade policies, the trade war is hurting kentucky. I said from the moment that this was a policy consideration, that this was wrong. It is not about your party or being proor antiany one person. It is about being prokentucky. We have to get back to that. So you would find ways to work with President Trump, if he is elected . I think that is what people want. Wouldnt you want somebody who is going to do what is right for kentucky . Mitch mcconnell is constantly pushing for dysfunction when somebody in the other party is in power. That is why he is so bad for kentucky and our country because it is all about obstruction and partisanship for him. It is not that way for me. I will work with anybody to do what is right for kentucky and i will have the guts to stand up to anybody. That is the difference between myself and senator mcconnell. I will ask one question about abortion from louisville. Where do you stand on a womans right to choose. For a womansy right to choose. When you understand the challenges kentuckians face, you do not play political games. You are not going to convince donald trump to vote for you because you are not as bad as Mitch Mcconnell or you place expediency on when you should stand up for issues or not. I have stood up for the rights of women because i know what it means to see someone that i care about so deeply that i will lay down and die for, have her voice silenced. I was proud to be one of the few men that would always stand up on the house floor and speak out and speak up for reproductive justice and health care. Understanding the disproportionate impact on the women of color. I have been endorsed by planned parenthood. That is why i built these coalitions now because they know i am not just talking about it. People need to know that they will have a leader across kentucky, who will not back down on these issues. Even if people disagree with you, they will respect you. Stand . E do you absolutely. Roe v. Wade was correctly decided and i absolutely will not put a judge on the federal bench who does not agree to that. The judges are key. I know things are nuts in the country right now. A littleping people bit distracted, but Mitch Mcconnell and Lindsey Graham are telling us what is going on. We told people in kentucky, i am changing america forever. Lindsey graham was on tv this week, asking older judges 60 or older to step aside. He said President Trump has appointed one out of five federal judges with Lifetime Appointments and senator mcconnell is wanting these older judges 60 is not old for a judge. He is wanting them to step aside to put a 30 or 40yearold on the bench. Basically everyone who is not an old white man. I want to go back to the original question. Saying that you support abortions in the ninth month of pregnancy. I am the mother of three small kids. I am also catholic. I grew up with Catholic Schools and this issue has been around me and my family i entire life. It is very important to me and i do not believe that the government should be legislating my personal, religious beliefs on my fellow americans. Personal that these family decisions should stay. Ith the family they are not decisions for the government. I am in agreement with the context of roe v. Wade. Let me make this clear. I am not for lateterm abortions and i never have been. There are questions about the pandemic. Topics that we have had before. This question comes from betty from kentucky. What would you propose to help rebuild the economy after the pandemic . We have already been reaching out to candidates in adjoining states. Richard from you. About notng with them going to washington asking, but demanding that we bring social and Economic Justice to ppalachia. N a Works Project Administration level infrastructure. It into a green energy have. Roads, bridges and water for places where they cannot even drink the water. I do not know what the proposal is, but i can tell you what the return on investment is. It is seven years. You put solarter in, it has paid for itself. That is a relatively good return. You do not have to believe in climate change. You do a largescale Energy Program and put people to work, build the infrastructure and the industry follows infrastructure. Other businesses will come to kentucky. Inyou happen to believe climate change, it will put a huge tent and dent in the countrys carbon footprint. What does it look like from your perspective and what plans do you have to bolster the economy . We are dealing with structural inequity before this pandemic. Rationing their insulin like i do, before the pandemic. We have to build these structural challenges. We have to prioritize people. That is why i support a Green New Deal because we need to lead on the future. More economic opportunity. Kentucky doacross not have sustainable housing. We need to provide good paying jobs. It also means that we need to break down the barriers for more people to pursue their dreams and become Business Owners. We need to pass medicare for all because not only is it a healthcare policy but an economic policy. Ownou are healthy, you can a business and advanced your education. We need a universal basic income to get Financial Freedom. You are not medicare for all, are you . I am not. Look. I believe everybody standing in this studio believes that health care is a right of all americans and we should have Affordable Health care for everybody. We just differ on how we get there. I believe we should have reasonable, Common Sense Solutions where people are not thrown off their health care if they like it. I propose Something Like a public option. This is called an uncle sam plan. Planu like your current and your current plan from your employer or private plan, it is fine. You do not have to buy it, but this would be a nonprofit uncle sam plan that my husband and i buy for my family because we are in the military. I believe it would provide more options without bringing prices down. These are things that we can get done. I also think we should tackle Prescription Drug prices that we know we can do in a bipartisan way. These are very commonsense sense, reasonable things. Thetor Mitch Mcconnell, in two years that he had all the power come the house, the senate and the presidency. Did he do what did he do for kentucky . Did he do anything on infrastructure . The brent spence bridge was a problem when i was a kid. Did he do 21st century infrastructure . No. You work on Prescription Drug prices . Dad did heep work on Prescription Drug prices . The only thing he worked on was a tax cut for people like him. He is not interested in health care. We have not even talked about the opioid problem, but we have to tackle that as well. Unfortunately we will not get to that tonight. I do not i do want you to give your final pitch. If joe biden were to call you and ask you who you think my president ial running mate should be, who would you say . That is up to him. I think he should be looking for diversity. Should it be a woman . I think it should be. Honestly, he is running for president and i am running to Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. Say thank you to everybody watching tonight. This is your democracy and i appreciate you watching and being engaged. Voting in kentucky is very different in the middle of this pandemic. I urge people to help their neighbor, helped their grandparents, their parents and children. They can do that on kentucky votes. Com. We are in the middle of a pandemic and a lot of people do not know how to vote. I think it is so important for kentucky. Thank you for being here. Who would be your pick . Kamala harris. She is incredibly sharp and tough. I would like to see her debate mike pence. 30 seconds . We have to pick somebody of these three. Anybody appeared would be a much better candidate than Mitch Mcconnell. Mitch mcconnell has held a stranglehold. I am the best choice. How can you beat him . All 120nning in counties. I am a veteran, a teacher and a farmer. That carries a lot of weight in kentucky. I am the person they know and trust. Have towhat you need to beat Mitch Mcconnell. Who would be your pick and how do you beat Mitch Mcconnell . There are many incredible women that he could pick. I think senator harris is a good choice. He has a lot of options and he needs to be smart about them. In my closing, this is the moment where we need leadership and courage on the ground, and contact, for real change. Need somebody who understands our struggle. We need people who can build coalitions, not just saying that you are a rural or urban candidate, but the best for all of kentucky. We need someone who will not play politics. I am building a movement. We can cease that moment and beat Mitch Mcconnell in the cost beateze that moment and Mitch Mcconnell in the process. Good luck to you in the remaining days of your campaign. Stay with us. Two democratic candidate in the six district. That is next as we continue. Stay right where you are. Will be back in a bit. Here is a look at live coverage on tuesday. Of about response to the coronavirus pandemic. Follow later in the day by a Senate Finance hearing on the drug manufacturing section process. On cspan two the senate is back to consider executive nomination, including brian special Inspector General for pandemic recovery. A new position created by the cares act to oversee covid19 relief funding. At 10 00 a. M. On cspan3, the senate to sherry committee holds a hearing on keeping Prison Inmates safe during the virus. In the afternoon, a subcommittee examined the efficacy of the 1998 general millennium copyright act, which outlines notice and takedown procedures for website host. Hosts. Publicpresident from affairs, available in paperback and ebook. Presenting biographies of every president , organized by ranking, by noted historians from best to worst, featuring perspectives into the lives of our chief executives and leaders styles. To learn more about each president

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