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And candidly do what so many of you are doing, digest the moment and tried to reflect on the world we are living in. Not just the state of california, but the state of america, the state of Race Relations, the state of mind we are struggling with at this moment to reconcile our ideals, and the reality that so many experience each and every day. I come to you all most each and every day talking about values, about principles that transcend. It is a point of deep pride as a fifth generation californian, that i live like 40 million others in the most diverse the worlds most diverse democracy. It is a point of pride and privilege because i often reflect on the fact that this state is in so many respects americas coming attraction, the future happens here first. We talk in universal terms in the state of california, 27 of the state being foreignborn. A majorityminority state. You have heard me on ad nauseam occasions wax on about the lessons i learned growing up, and the impact faith leaders had on my life. Reminding us that the bible teaches we are many parts but one body, and when one part suffers, we all suffer. I am reminded of those words today, yesterday, the day before as i reflect in a poignant way on what happened tragically a few days ago to george floyd. Before iids grabbed me got out of the car coming home, they were in their pajamas. My 10yearold with my wifes cell phone in hand, and she had gotten onto tiktok. She wanted to talk to me about this incident. She had the video on this tiktok of a White Police Officers knee on the neck of a man who was desperate to breathe. And my daughter wanted to make sure i saw it. She was trying to reflect 10 years old on what it meant. She was tearing up because she knew it was wrong. My son, eight years old, said it is not just wrong, it is worse the wrong because bad people are supposed to be bad, but good people are supposed to be good. That is what makes this wrong. No sooner than did he do that to him my fouryearold said, Police Officers are good people, and he ran away. Daughter true story started to break down and ran away and said, i cannot talk about this. That is before i walked into the house, four young kids trying to come to grips with millions of americans are trying to come to grips with. Not lost on me, the privilege of the privilegeion, of being governor, the privilege privilegeground, the my kids have in terms of their upbringing, the fact that they are white, the fact that like so many other friends, my closest friends, they do not have to raise their kids, i do not have to raise my kids so many millions of others kids are a car pulled over and have to put their hands on the wheel. Not to go out with a hoodie on. We have not had that conversation in my home, but it is a conversation people have been having across this country for decades and decades, and it seemingly doesnt not end. Does not and. We are faced with that question again and a profound and emotional way, and you start to appreciate i have been in elected office for decades. Noting a law, you are solving problems, you have to change culture, you have to change hearts and minds. It is not just laws on the books. We have to fundamentally change who we are and recognize what we are capable of being. My wife and i, after that incident, my wife who has been a champion for e quality in this state and our nation, has written about it, directed documentaries in this space, reminded me about the most foundational qualities she things we need to express, a recognition we have a country that predominantly values power dominance and aggression over , and empathy collaboration. The predominant values we seem to be attracted to as a nation, they are not serving us anymore. Aggressionnance, over care, collaboration and empathy. Hat struck a chord with me i have been saying it for years, but it struck a chord at this moment in particular. I think we would be wise to consider that we have the capacity to be more caring, be more empathetic, be more collaborative. And so this moment weighs heavily on the hearts of so many. There is deep anger and deep frustration, deep fear. I can attest to that, but only intellectually. One of my oldest friends sent me a picture of his son who i have known since he was born and just graduated from usc. That same kid, no less than four years ago before graduating from high school was pulled over by the local sheriff for no other reason than he was driving with his brother in a car and happened to be black. I remember him calling me in panic saying, i need to talk to you. He said, i need you to call the sheriff, i cannot take it anymore. He started tearing up. He said, i cannot take it anymore. It was his kids first experience. That was not cot on videotape. That was not caught on videotape. We are so much better than that. , sit here deeply humbled emotional about this moment, and deeply resolved to try to meet and do more and do better. I could not be more proud of this state in that space. The doctor reminded me today that it was one year ago today that the California Assembly passed a landmark police use of 392, a year ago today that that passed the assembly. And how proud we were of her and the coalition behind her that included law enforcement. That moment a year ago, to Work Together across their differences in a collaborative spirit to recommend we can do better on the issue of training Police Officers, on implicit bias, we can do more to provide support and resources to truly train our Police Officers. Not mandate certain things without supporting that change of behavior. We have made a lot of progress in this state, but my gosh, i was reminded again this morning. In san diego this man on a bench details are insignificant in the context of the totality and magnitude of incidents of that kind that process all across this country that are not part of the conversation on the nightly news. Our hearts go out to george floyd and his family of course. Entire community that has been torn asunder, absolutely. But we have to be more resolved now than ever to do more and be better as human beings, as parents, as leaders, and to model better behavior and soften the edges, and make the spirit of dr. King and kennedy, to make more gentle the life of this world. It was king that reminded all of us that we are bound together by a web of mutuality. We are all in this together. In that spirit of the commonwealth, the spirit that defines the best of our state and our nation and what we promote and promise, i hope we can track this a little bit more , and lean into this moment and make this moment more meaningful, not just in the whose life young man was taken away, but the spirit of so many lives that are impacted every single day whosee was taken away, but the from structural racism. And for our incapacity as a society to wake up to the realities that persist all across this state and this nation. Institutions large and small that fundamentally have to arege, not least of which criminal justice institution. We can do more and better, so forgive me for being longwinded. There is no script. Gov. Newsom i would be remiss if i didnt express the point of privilege, point of view humbly with the deep recognition that we have a lot of work to. I resolved to doing that work with each and every one of you at to bring people together a time we so desperately need people to focus on what we have in common. Overwhelming,at what we have in common. Let us commit ourselves to that in the spirit of this moment and of the spirit of this weekend, where i pray that all of us that want to express ourselves do so gently, but and forcefully, in terms of expressing themselves so that we collectively cannot only hear your voice, but we can resolve to do something with the lesson that we learned. We take the time to listen, finally listen, and do more and do better. So thats how i wanted to begin. Forgive me. This sort of seems trivial. I want to now transition a little bit into the work at hand and connect a dot. The issues related to covid19, the issues related to our health, the issues related to our economy and economic recovery have obvious tenants that connect this moment so directly. Issues of race, issues of racism, the issues are a big part of the real work that we have in front of us as it relates to addressing the issues of Public Health, public safety, and Economic Growth and recovery. I am going to set forth some slides that lay up some principles layout some principles that we are advancing in the state of california as we make modifications to the stayathome order. And then, i will also present some slides which highlight what i mean as it relates to the disparities that persist that came into this crisis and persist through this crisis that also must be addressed if we are to do justice as a state and as a nation. So fundamentally, and again, forgive me for the transition, let me begin with a foundational principle, a core construct. That is a reminder that localism is determinative. Whatever our ideals are as a state and nation, those ideals will be manifest at the local level. We can set the tone, we can set the tenor, but at the end of the day, the actualization of those ideals must be made manifest at the local level. It is a foundational predicate to which we advance as it relates to the issues of reopening the economy in the state of california and doing so in a thoughtful and judicious way mindful of peoples Public Health and mindful of the data we will present here today. Most important thing that has occurred that allows me more confidence in our capacity to deliver in the state on our promise that we can safely and responsibly reopen the economy in the state of california is that our testing has substantially increased in this state. We went from roughly 2000 test per day to now over 50,000 tests every day. Last weekend, we had one day where we tested 67,000 individuals. Pointe on this graph, one 8 Million People have been tested in the state of Million People. 8 have been tested in the state of california. As we test exponentially more than we were just eight weeks ago, that when youre testing 20 to 30 fold more individuals, you are going to have more positive tests. Thats inevitable. Thats what it is important, encumbered upon those reporting that that incumbent upon those reporting that that we also report that positivity were, which is the percentage rate, which is the percentage of people we have tested and the number of people as a percentage of that that have tested positive. We have been running a Positivity Rate over the last 14 days and you can see a substantial increase in testing of roughly 1. 4 4. 1 . Number, a encouraging relatively stable number and much lower than many states. Not every state, but many states. That is a number that is incredibly important when we talk about the issue of testing. I have seen the headlines around total number of cases increasing equivalent observation should include some stability to the extent thats reflected in our numbers in terms of the Positivity Rate. The issues need to be highlighted related to testing around race and ethnicity. Connects kenexa to. Dot i am referring we have all made Real Progress and made real commitment and we are resolved to do more and better to reach out throughout the Diverse Communities in the state of california. Not just in inner cities in the state, but in rural parts of the state of california. You can see by the increased number of tests, you can see the trendlines that have legitimately become headlines all across this country. That is the disparity in race and ethnicity in terms of the total number of positive cases and total number of deaths in the state of california. This is manifest all across the United States of america. In some ways, our numbers are more in line with population and others we are not immune to those disparities that were brought into this crisis in the first place. For the latino community, 55 of the total number of positive cases we have identified within the latino community, roughly 39 of the deaths, which is roughly in line with population. Asian community, relatively consistent. The black community, again, not surprisingly to the theme that s today, 5. 3 dot of the cases tested positive. The number of deaths substantially in percentage terms higher in the africanamerican community. It is a point to highlight and it is an incredibly important point about the structural challenges that we have as a state and a nation to address the issues that we brought into this crisis. Doctor, talk a little bit more about that. We are happy to answer questions. Hypertension, diabetes, and other related issues, issues also related to food deserts, all kinds of socioeconomic issues we believe are part and parcel of this, as well as the nature of essential work in the state of california being overly represented by people of color in the state. Of those things lead to a more granular all of those things lead to a more granular understanding of those numbers. Floyd are being highlighted at the moment in protest across the country. As it relates to the issues that also extend the narrative of consideration on reopening and have a component that also reaches into the frame of cultural competency, the issue of Contact Tracing. I made this point a few weeks ago. It is one thing to test. We also must be able to contact individuals that have tested positive and make sure that those they have come in contact with that could test positive are contacted in a very secure and private way. The state of california came into this pandemic with roughly 3000 tracers that existed throughout the state of california doing tb tracing, measles tracing, hepatitis tracing, hiv and aids tracing. We committed to developing a workforce in partnership with ucla and ucsf. We announced that. We have been training a cohort of individuals. We announced a partnership with salesforce and deloitte and amazon to help us with database to collect that information and share it across county lin es. As we have increased testing significantly, we also are on track to our goal of 10,000 tracers trained by the end of next month. We got cohorts being trained every single week, hundreds and hundreds being trained every day that will be part of this tracing core. We have absolute confidence by july 1, that first phase commitment of 10,000 workers will be established. You can see on this slide that that 10,000 allows us to trace 3600 new cases per day. I am giving you a sense. 2189rday, we had about new cases. We are confident we will meet the substantial needs of the counties that are reopening the have to commit as part of their containment plans their ability to trace appropriately, isolate, and quarantine individuals so we can keep a lid on the transmission of covid19. The tracing has a component as well. We announced last weekend i just want to highlight this, the cultural competency in terms of our outreach to our Diverse Communities on tracing. We are living in a world of anxiety on many different levels, including exide for the latino anxiety for our latino in mixed status families, that are fearful of the xenophobic rhetoric that is so much part of our national discourse, particularly over the last few years. It is incumbent that we have a tracing core that looks like our communities, that we have trusted messengers that can make those phone calls and want folks to know all across our Diverse Communities. When we call to reach out, these professionally trained individuals, they are doing so not only with Public Health in mind, but with your privacy in mind. It is foundational. We are making progress. We are fulfilling our commitment in this space as well. And we are doing it with an eye on representing all of our diverse communitys in california a diverse california communities in california. We have made huge gains when i the tune of mean in tens of millions of units of protective gear that did not exist even three weeks ago. We were able to get a very large contract overseas that has allowed us to procure tens of millions of procedure masks, surgical masks in the state of california. Our current state inventory, take a look at those numbers. 85. 9 million procedure masks currently part of our state inventory. 8 million face shields, 5. 6 million grub sets part of our state inventory glove sets part of our glove sets part of our state inventory. I want to see those inventories decline because i want to get that inventory out all across the state and thats exactly what we have been doing. Procedure masks distribution by sector just as a proxy. For distribution. Million procedure masks have just been delivered in the last 14 days. This represents the last two weeks. You can see by sector, getting to the agricultural community, hotel lodging, local government. Obviously, committing ourselves to social service agencies, public safety, looking at the emergency sector, medical sector, but even beyond that, the retail sector. We are getting those masks out there, which allows people to protect themselves, protect others, and open more confidently within the framework of the guidelines that we have put out. Real progress in this space. Millions of masks coming in on a weekly. , daily basis. This is important for folks to understand, that we understand foundational he that is testing, tracing, and the capacity to distribute appropriate protective gear that is foundational. It is foundational we protect our most vulnerable populations. These were all part of the six indicators that we put out a few months ago that guide our decisionmaking. Healthdicators, science, that continue to drive our decisionmaking. We talked about one of those indicators being capacity at the county level to protect vulnerable populations, nursing homes. We have got hundreds of new beds capacity surge capacity. We have individuals trained in a new workforce that can go out like a strike team if we have a workforce shortage, a walkout, a cohort of staff that tested positive. Our ability to move quickly. We have got that core of Infectious Disease experts that have gone out in strike teams in partnerships with the v. A. , the National Guard all focused on protecting the most vulnerable, seniors, particularly those in nursing homes. Project room key. Im so proud of this. Just eight weeks ago, can you imagine the state in just eight weeks being able to get 9397 rooms made available for formerly Homeless Individuals . 9397 not the total number of people in those terms. Thats the total number of occupied rooms. 60 of folks are already in those rooms come off the streets and out of in those rooms, off the streets. Unprecedented in state history. , 1305,1000 trailers out and additions to the rooms available. There is a subtext on that. 70 of the rooms that were set aside 78 of the rooms that were set aside for a symptomatically asymptomatic clients and those that needed isolation we have occupied. Those that tested positive, we have a larger cohort of rooms that are not yet occupied. That is a good thing. The total number of positivity the homeless sector have not been as acute as some of the earlier projections. We are not out of the woods. We are not naive that we are getting all other tests out there by any stretch. We will do more and do better. I am so proud of the first in the Nation Program where we can lay claim to getting thousands and thousands and thousands of people off the streets in just a few weeks. I want to just complement our our team foriment the incredible work in that space. We have to have appropriate hospital surge capacity. We decompressed the Hospital System. The hospital association, with small and large hospitals and systems. Surgeere able to identify capacity at 50,000 rooms. Again, one of our leading and critical indicators, and that is on top of the stabilization numbers that now we want to transition to and talk about briefly before a bring up the doctor. We have seen trendlines for weeks and weeks and weeks well beyond just 14 days where hospitalization rates have remained fairly static, actually declined modestly. Beened utilization has fairly static over the course. The point is that line over the course of many, many weeks is stable. ,ithin that frame of stability again gives us confidence that counties can decide on their own ine what is best for them terms of their reopening plans. These are aggregate numbers. Counties dont live in the aggregate. They are encouraging signs nonetheless in terms of the work thats been done in this state andddress the spread suppressed the transmission of this virus. We have put out sectoral guidance. Also have supported the regional 17 sectors of our economy can reopen. We expressed in that guidance how we can safely reopen the economy. We didnt say when, we said how. The when question is determined by local Health Officials. The state puts out the guidelines by sector on how to save. Safely reopen. It is the county is working with their Health Director that can determine the pace of when. The state is not dictating, is not mandating those dates. It puts out the sectoral guidance and allows for a deliberative process to be put into place by counties. That is why you see variation up and down the state of california. Some counties moving it little slower, other counties moving a little bit faster. Thats exactly the system we designed over the course of many, many weeks. It is exactly what we encourage. What works in lassen may not work in other parts of the state. Rn may not in ke even work nearby. Each county has its own unique conditions. Localism, again, is the foundational principle to which we determine when to attest to the local plans based upon local leadership guiding the decision of when to reopen. Again, we put out the how. Counties decide when. So heres where we are. Heres a long way the longwinded point i wanted to get to today. The phase weart of are in the stay as we are moving into phase three, we are not ready for phase four. , big,four is concerts outdoor stadiums, sporting events, festivals and large conventions. We are simply not there. There is no sectoral guidance that has been given. There is no authority for local Health Officials to move into that phase. Into phase three on their own pace we are allowing local decisionmaking to go into effect. But it is conditioned on plans that have to be attested to by and localty elected Health Officials. We put those plans on our gov and wevid19. Ca. Actively monitor those plans. When there are issues, we target, support, and engage. Let me be specific and highlight a few examples. Imperial county. We have been working with Imperial County for the last few weeks. They saw a big increase in hospitalizations. They had some crossborder issues that needed to be addressed. We brought our teams, national officials, not just from california but in partnership with the federal government, we brought resources to bear, including field medical stations so that we can decompress, reduce the total population in their Hospital System and get them into these temporary facilities, including the addition of more ventilators. We have roughly 11,000 ventilators within our system right now that are currently available to be targeted if there is flareups or needs across the state of california. So we are doing targeted engagement. Recently kern county around Skilled Nursing facilities. We did in two lair county with osha. That target engagement is part of a very deliberative process of engagement based upon hotspots,based upon based upon areas that we are monitoring in real time with constant collaborative spirit and engagement with local officials. That is why i want to remind everybody as i now transition that if we see through the process of target engagement numbers that persist and things that get out of control, we will toect local Health Officials switchr put a dimmer back on, put the brakes on in terms of modifications of the stayathome orders. You saw exactly this in Lassen County. They saw a little bit of spike, relative numbers. For lassen, a relatively large number. They made some targeted adjustments. They did more testing, data tracing, and they began they did tracing, and they began the process of making modifications back and forth. This is part of the process we are in. The reinstitution of interventions is that third gaia counter is that third key. All of this is done with local Public Health officer using data to decide whats appropriate for them. Pace fort mandating a opening. Announced,co just their major, that on june 15, they will move forward. They were afforded the opportunity to go sooner. They chose to go a little bit later. We encourage that. San mateo wanted to move a little faster than other parts of the bay area, marin than other parts of the day area. Bay area. We think that is a foundational principle that you will hear over and over again that is three simple words, localism is determinative. With that, i am determined now forgive the longwinded wickedness to turn this over to our Public Health czar to talk a little bit more about our efforts in the state come has partnerships with counties, the differentiation within counties and our individual and collective approach to addressing the unique characteristics and needs of counties large and small up and down the state of california. I will make one final point. This states population is larger than 21 states. There is only 50 states. 21 states in the United States of america combined. That is how large california if you put the map of california and overlaid it on the northeast corridor of the United States, you would see how many states, in terms of the geographic size and population size, that state map would consume. The point i am making is that all of our effort has to be done with local considerations, local construct, localism fundamentally in mind. The doctor will speak to that as well in a moment. Haveu wish to turn out, we tune out, i would encourage her to go to the covid19. Ca. Gov website. On that website we have all the information i have presented today and all of the 48 county self attestations that have been put up in terms of local containment plans around covid19 that you can monitor yourself if you are a member of the community, or for your own interest, monitor on behalf of the Larger Community of the state of california. Doctor . Dr. good afternoon. Thank you, governor. I am going to briefly go over what the governor is sharing about what local conditions are really going to drive some of the decisions and just walk you through four different counties and their case data. I will start in the southern part of our state at Imperial County. Border county, shares with mexico. The governor spoke about how we have been for weeks monitoring cases, watching their hospital numbers, in addition to the many t important things the governor mentioned, allowing the state in a very targeted weight, working with local partners, moving over nearly 200 patients out of the county into surrounding county hospitals to make sure those facilities dont get overwhelmed. Bringing in additional testing sites to allows to stay on top of disease transmission and to ensure that that Contact Tracing infrastructure can be put into place. One of the counties, one of the first counties in the state our salesforce platform to track where cases surehowing up and making that we can contact those that are close contacts. You see that we have seen some ups and downs. Data looksuntys only like Imperial Countys data. Counties look very different. I am going to go further north to Los Angeles County, where even though the case numbers are much higher because of the number of people there, their in normas increase in tech test enormous increase in testing within los angeles enormous increase in testing within los angeles is identifying areas where we need to focus. There are many cases, debts and those facility deaths and those facilities that we are working hard with that county to make sure we get the testing in those sites. And that we look at the essential workers and that Health Care Workforce in Los Angeles County and the impact on brown and black communities throughout that county, where those workers go home and potentially transmit covid19 to family members, those with underlying chronic conditions, those who might be vulnerable in other ways. Working hard with this county to make sure that as that data line goes up, as you see it has over the last few days, that we work with them to understand where those cases are, ensure that the Hospital Capacity is Strong Enough to meet the need for those individuals in those communities. Lets go a little further north we seeeda county, where one of the bay area counties that together, those counties have moved forward with their different orders and their different pace. Not just in the when, but the how to reopen and bring back sectors. You see that alameda has a very different looking case graph, that they have had peaks and valleys as well and that our constant communication with those Public Health leaders and local officials and alameda looking at both Skilled Nursing facilities, certain communities, whether its east oakland or other parts of Alameda County where we know there are existing Health Disparities and making sure that testing is targeted there. Ensuring that we are not just seeing rising cases based on just testing, but ensuring that those hospitals are able to meet the need for those patients who might need care. With just ao end quick discussion about lawson county. They had a zero cases up until just days ago. The Health Officer and the community attested, ready to move enter stage two and now stage iii. Earlier this week, we learned from them in close contact and dialogue that they were going to slow down. They discovered two cases. They did testing, found three others for a total of five. They were able to contact and find close contacts of 270 to 70 people that they worked to test. As they brought that situation under control, make sure that they had the capacity to protect the community. They made the decision to continue working moving forward and bring back parts of the community and economy. Basically taking you through a creek south to north through our state showing you that each county has a little bit of a different story. Imperialnce between county to Lassen County is about that from vermont to virginia. Nobody would expect vermont and virginia to behave the same. They arent. They are in fact working hard to make sure their own communities and counties and populations are protected in the unique ways for vermont and virginia. As the governor said, we have presented aggregate data over weeks. Have localtinued to county level data. We appreciate the Ongoing Partnership with local health know, theyou tremendous teams that they have at the local level working harder to not only track this data, but make those difficult decisions for their own communities working with elected officials and other county and other county and city and Community Leaders to set the pace. The state is in that partnership position to monitor the data, and regular conversations with her the counties to make sure we are protecting and supporting them to make these decisions. And when we need to, bring in additional resources. And to bring the collection of ,alifornias strength together to help put out small fires, small surges in cases, to make sure that california moves safely together while recognizing those unique characteristics of each of our counties and communities. Thank you. Gov. Newsom thank you, dr. Again, we thought it was important to update on these regional variations. Again, an expression of reinforcing a paradigm that needs to be communicated and cannot be repeated enough that the state of california, as we put out guidelines, we are not dictating when counties move on those guidelines. On thell be determined basis of working with local Health Officials, local elected officials with attestations that require certain conditions to be met before they can move in that direction. 48 counties out of 58 have substantially moved through the process of getting the attestations and have moved forward, but not all of them wish to do so at this time. That is exactly what we want to see, local decisionmaking based on local conditions at a pace that is appropriate to meet locals needs. Strong oversight, strong monitoring, targeted intervention and Capacity Building and the ability to put that dimmer switch on and pull back these orders on the basis of the spread of the virus. , and i thinkm line it is foundational in this state , is that because of your extraordinary work, we bought time. We bent this curve. In fact, we never allowed that curve to take off like other parts of this country. We have had stability for weeks and weeks and weeks. Not only did we buy time, we invested an unprecedented amount of Human Resources and physical resources to build capacity to meet the needs of those entering into this new phase, if indeed we see an phase. If indeed we see an increase in ands and hospitalizations needs for people to get the kind of support they need in icu and elsewhere. Thats the message we are trying to communicate today, highlighted not on the in this presentation but always highlighted on the covid19. Ca. Gov website. I cannot encourage you more. Take a look at it. Go county by county. Just know that that pace now is 100 going to be determined on the basis of your local Health Director in partnership with local county officials. We will be putting out new guidelines next week. Substantially now, we are in the frame for the next few weeks of a phase three approach on local decision timeline. Thats the presentation today. Of course, happy to take any questions. Associated press. Hello, governor. Are you confident that the masks from byb will be certified by the may 31 deadline . What is the state doing to prepare for protests tonight and this weekend over the death the death of george floyd . Gov. Newsom we have received over 50 masks from the byb contract and they have been distributed over the last 14 days. They were certified, though surgical masks are in not our possession any longer. We are very close to the determination by the federal government. We have not spent one penny on anything we have not received. If they do not get the certification required in the contract, we will not be out a dollar. We cannot come i cannot say this cannot we cannot, i say this enough, how pleased we are by the tens of millions of masks that we have received that have allowed us to send those masks to healthcare workers, frontline workers, farmworkers, and to our school system. If we are going to reopen our economy, everybody does not need need5 mask, but they do Face Coverings. Face coverings are appropriate. They are foundational if youre going to come into contact with people. If you cant physically distance, it is incumbent upon you not only to protect yourself, but to protect others by putting a Face Covering on. I want to encourage people to do just that. Of course, guidelines that we have put out and the locals decision about when they want those guidelines to go into effect. So many of the guidelines required face masks. That is why we are very pleased with the pace of the procurement under that contract. As it relates to broader issues, for days now, we have been working. We have the diversity of the state, federal, local, and regional family. They are all here and task forces large and small. This is where we prepare for wildfire season. This is where we havent all hazards have an all hazards approach. Is constant engagement with Community Leaders, faithbased leaders, leaders of all stripes all up and down the state of california as it relates to planning for any contingency, including along the lines that you suggest. K cbs radio. So much to ask you about today. President trump has tweeted and spoken repeatedly the last couple of days, highly critical, often mischaracterizing your plans. With a tagged his tweets fact check label. Today, they flagged a tweet about the george floyd protest. Should these California Companies be in the business of Fact Checking what Public Officials post on the platforms . Gov. Newsom i say this with deep respect. I think this is a sideshow. This has been a diversion tactic much more than anything else. Thats my humble opinion. I respond, as i have responded, good news, i have not had to respond. The president has been fact checked about that tweet. You made a point that the president unfortunately did not make about registered voters versus all living people, regardless of how they arrived in the state of california, which is the tweet that was fact checked. Beyond that, i see this as a sideshow. My essential frame of focus is dealing with the issue of trying to unite this country, not along the lines of democrats or republicans and political terms, but across the spectrum. At this fundamental moment in our history, state, nation, the world collectively we are trying to build, that is a spirit in which i will engage in conversation and debate with and about the president with and about issues that appear on the nightly news, but none that are more important and pressing than the issue of Race Relations in this country and addressing the Public Health of the population in california and the nation. L. A. Times. How are you doing . Today, your administration approved a variance for Los Angeles County. As you note, l. A. County has been the epicenter of the pandemic in the state. With 10 Million People living there, even a small spike in cases will affect a lot of people. How do you justify granting the variance to l. A. County . Secondly, what exact data or conditions on the ground do you or your administration have to see in counties to move in and reimpose restrictions . Gov. Newsom thats exactly what we set out in the guideline today and what we put on our websites, the targeted examples that the doctor referenced. The specific work we have been meatpacking facilities. Let me just clarify something. The local Health Director made the decision in l. A. Today. The state of california did not. They put out the attestation. They put out the Self Certification that certain criteria and conditions, utilizing the Technical Assistance of the state of california on the guidelines that we put up. I cannot repeat it enough. It is important that it be repeated, not just by me, but as a point of foundational reference in terms of the policies the state of california. The guidelines do not dictate when, they dictate how. The determination of when is done by local county health withtors in collaboration local elected officials. That question is foundational he a question for local Health Directors and local county officials. Our guidelines simply say, this is how we believe you can do it safely and thoughtfully with your eyes wide open. All we ask of you in the attestation, we dont approve it , we just certify it meets the foundational conditions we have put out, which you and others have written about on many occasions. We them postop on our website we then post that on our website. That affords the opportunity for localism to go into effect and implementation of their Self Certification moving forward. Final question. Thank you, governor. I am curious if you had any update in terms of when you might release guidelines for scoria openings . Also School Reopenings . We have heard from a number of School Officials and labor groups that they are concerned they cannot reopen and follow those guidelines, given the cuts. Gov. Newsom i respect that. These are historic moments. The budget has presented itself in historic terms. Projecting well north of. 6 million surplus i am confident it would have been closer to 10 billion. Forgive me, that is not conjecture. Acan based on foundation of number of factors that predated covid19. This is simply without president. It is not unique precedent. Is not unique to the state of california. He saw governor murphy in new jersey you sigh governor murphy in new jersey announced a rather remarkable estimate you saw governor murphy in new jersey announce a rather remarkable estimate of the people they will need to lay off because of this pandemic, this global pandemic. We are working with our partners to do two things. Working to come up with appropriate guidelines. We have some drops going back. Nd forth drafts going back and forth they are not finalized. We will be working very closely to work through some final edits. Once we are prepared, we will put those out. Foundational in that is appropriate level protective your. It is 1 protective gear. We also have to have an equivalent conversation about caring for caregivers. What i mean by that is teachers, principals,aff, pe teachers, cafeteria workers, janitorial staff, bus drivers, so many others, Maintenance Crew that we need to serve and protect. We are working across the spectrum to advance that cause. Obviously, this budget is a cause that unites us in terms of our quest. It is not charity. It a federal effort that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has advanced with conviction and courage. She got her colleagues and she within coequal branch the congress, the house of representatives, to pass a heroes act, understanding a foundational principle that that is heroes that will be impacted disproportionately but budget cuts. Those heroes are those teachers. Those heroes are nurses and doctors. Those heroes are firefighters and those sheriffs deputies as are as Police Officers that doing so much every single day to protect public safety. And to meet this moment and protect Public Health. And so we continue to work across the political lines. Republican governors, governor hogan, democratic governors, governor murphy, many others united in the cause of getting support from the federal government at this historic moment where unemployment has now increased just shy of depression era numbers, well on their way to north of 20 across the United States, 25 plus percent in many different states. All of these things we are working through. Sober to the realities, sober to the challenges as well as the impact this will have on our ability to reopen our economy and get people moving again. Thank you all for the opportunity. R, and his docto team for all of their outstanding work. Ll remind you that local Health Officials are the tip of the spear as it relates to the wind question. The pacing, the application of the efforts to move forward into these new faces is in the hands of local Health Directors. They have the right and the responsibility to make determinations based on local conditions in partnership with their local elected officials. We respect that right, we honor it. Some will go slowly, some will go more quickly, but no one will go forward to concerts, no one will be allowed to move forward with large venues like conventions and festivals until we are at a much better position than we are today. Closing, no one is naive about the reality of reopening our economy and the expectation that as more and more people mix and are not practicing physical distancing, not wearing Face Coverings, that the likelihood that we see a larger spread of this disease presents itself. That likelihood is very real and we know that. We were Crystal Clear on our planning around that expectation and our capacity that has never been more robust to address those issues in realtime in a targeted weight and in the aggregate as a state that has worked for months to procure more ppe, to get more testing, testers, train more tracers, find alternative care sites and work in the spirit of collaboration and cooperation across political and geographic lines. To work with county leaders, Health Directors to build a framework so that we can go Forward Together responsibly as a state thats larger than all but four economies in the world and is as large as 21 states populations combined. Take care, everybody. Have a good, safe weekend. Our hearts go out to communities torn asunder by just another senseless act of violence against a member of our community in public. We express our deep condolences to george floyd and his family. Thank you, everybody. Watched cspans daily, unfiltered coverage of the governments response to the coronavirus pandemic with briefings from the white house, congress, and governors from across the country. Plus, join in the conversation on washington journal. If you missed any coverage, watch anytime on demand at cspan. Org coronavirus. In his new book talking to strangers, Malcolm Gladwell details why he things people make inaccurate judgments about people they dont know. You are going to drag me out of my own car . Get out of the car she is imprisoned for resisting arrest. Two days later, she hangs herself in her cell, a tragic and unexpected result. Saw hange that we which by the way, goes on and on and on and on we saw a small snippet of it is that was the kind of when i first saw that online, that was when i realized what i want to do right about. If you break that exchange down moment by moment, you see multiple failures of understanding, of empathy, of a million things. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern cspans q a. At the start of a white house meeting with industry executives, the president talked about the death of george floyd in minneapolis. He has asked the Justice Department to conduct a quick investigation. Pres. Trump thank you very much. Appreciate it. I want to express our nations de

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