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These virtual hearings, in order to make sure lawmakers practice physical distancing. What are you hearing from your colleagues . Guest i think we all recognize that this is what we need to do. We have got to follow the Public Health recommendations. It is not going to be as effective as if we were in the it isoom together, but acceptable. It gives us a chance to get testimony on the record. Each of us can participate by asking questions visavis the electronic equipment that we have, so we will be able to participate in the hearing but we will not be physically present. Host lets talk about the situation in your home state of maryland with 30,000 cases of covid19 across the state. The death toll has exceeded more than 1600. We are seeing some lifting of restrictions later this week. Golf courses, state parks, elective surgeries, gentle work being allowed, dental work now being allowed. So what do you expect from Governor Hogan and what is your advice to state officials . Followeach of us has to the Public Health recommendations. Those of us who need to work, we need to do it by making sure that we socially distance. We need to also wear face coverings. We need to be careful. Those of us who can stayathome and work from home, that is what we should do. I understand in regards to going to a park or doing things such as playing golf that that has a limited risk factor. So it is reasonable to expect you will see some opening of activities, but by and large, we are still in lock down here in maryland. Host there is some news tonight. I am not sure how much you have been following what will happen with the Summer Convention in milwaukee, but the dnc will be meeting tomorrow to look at the idea of remote voting for delegates, which means that convention in milwaukee will have a very different feel. What is your sense about what is going to happen when your party nominates joe biden in august . Guest conventions are part of our political system and so is in person voting on election day and we have already changed that to do a lot of mail in voting so i think the new norm is going to figure out when we do not need to be together in big groups, then we are not together in big groups. Party conventions will not be what used to be where we had thousands of people, tens of thousands of people in the same room at one time. That is not going to happen. Host your colleagues in the house of representatives, working on a new round of legislation, will come from the house but may hit a brick wall in the senate. What do you want to see in the next round of legislation . The followup is, how do we pay for it all . Guest we need the next round. There is no question that state and local government needs help from the federal government. They have had tremendous loss of revenue. They need help for the federal government if they are going to be able to maintain their essential missions such as law enforcement, protection, public schools, health providers. All that requires the federal government to help our state and local governments. We have not yet provided relief in regards to revenue loss and the smaller units or government have not gotten direct help so far so i think we need to do more, and that is one of the driving forces. Secondly, we have what is known as a plan for Public Health. We are not there yet. We still need to Pay Attention to the health issues, and then, yes, we are putting more money in the economy because so many people are not at work. This is the way we get our economy retooled and back on its feet. What we need to do is continue to stimulate the economy. Obviously, it is a challenge as we get our debt under control but we will never get our debt under control if we dont get our economy back working, so the , funds that they can pay, living expenses, and lets get our economy back on track, and then yes, we will have to exercise is a plan and figure out a way to pay off this deficit. Host with that discipline down the road, when the economy is back on track, will it result in some sort of a tax increase to pay for all of this . We are working with a debt that could reach 30 trillion within the next year. Guest i think we have a responsibility to our children and grandchildren to make sure that we do everything we can to live within our means. That means, we have the ability, if our economy can afford it, bills, have to pay our the revenues necessary to do that. That is a decision to be made when our economy is in a much better state than it is today. Host the big concern is to make sure states are getting the aid that they need. A couple of weeks ago, the Senate Republican leader, Mitch Mcconnell, said states should consider paying bankruptcy. When you heard that, what was your reaction . Guest i was very disappointed by that comment. Statementt a reckless from the majority leader to say. We do not want our states declaring bankruptcy. We know our states have had a dramatic loss of revenue. So many people unemployed, their Income Tax Revenues are down. With people not traveling, the terrorism is totally down. The revenues for local governments are really, really at a very low level. They have to balance their budgets. We want to make sure they can provide the essential Services Including law enforcement, including our public schools. We need to make sure our local governments can continue their critical missions. When Mitch Mcconnell declared said to declare bankruptcy, i dont know what he was thinking. We are in this together. The federal government has to come to the help of our states. This goingor, how is to play out in the 2120 election 2020 election . Joe biden is unable to tru travel. What is the Campaign Going to look like . You are a veteran of a lot of elections over the years. Guest i think covid19 will dominate this years election. Theres going to be a lot of talk as to how well this situation handled this crisis. He lost several months. And we still do not have testing as to where it needs to be. We have seen a lot of people, families, destroyed by covid19. We have seen our economy go down in the dumps. We wille the issues talk about as to how we should have prepared for this pandemic and what do we do moving forward . I do think that theres plenty of issues we can talk about in regards to how this president handled this national emergency, but quite frankly, President Trump has conducted policy differently over his last 3. 5 years. He has isolated america. He has not dealt with the environment. He has failed to provide the leadership for gun safety, and the list goes on and on and on. I think there will be plenty of issues we are able to debate going into the president ial Election Year and i expect it will be a very likely season. Host does it bother you that the president is not part of these negotiations, that the meetings are taking place with the treasury secretary and house and Senate Democratic and Republican Leaders . That i am quite pleased secretary mnuchin is conducting negotiations for this administration. He has been very open, very accessible. We had a chance to debate issues, to have give and take, and the first three bills were all passed by strong bipartisan votes. That is a credit to secretary mnuchin. I am afraid of the president got involved, we would not have gotten these bills down. When he interfered in the Immigration Reform debates, when he interfered in the budget debates, every time he seems to negotiate with congress, we have seen host how has this impacted you, your own schedule, and you are dealing with constituents your dealing with constituents . Guest i do telework. I do many meetings with my constituents all through teleconferencing. This morning, i was talking to elected officials in Southern Maryland. Normally, i would have been in Southern Maryland to meet with them but instead, we did it by telephone. Contractorsith today by teleconferencing. It is one tara conference teleconference after the next. Is committee members, it again by teleconferencing. We are all getting to know how to use these Electronic Communications systems. So it is different, but we are getting our work done and we are negotiating. We are working on legislation, important matters. I think this is the way we have to conduct business in order to keep each other safe, and we are effectively using technology. Host but will it be the way the senate conducts this down the road . Will it result in any permanent changes to the senate as an institution . Guest i think it will change the way that we conduct our hearings. It will change the way that we interact with each other. But ultimately, legislating is the art of negotiations and, quite frankly, negotiations require a lot of contact. Not necessarily oneonone within six feet, but you do have to have a lot of interaction, and sometimes, it is very difficult to do that other host than in person. Host Speaker Pelosi, if she passes a bill in the house that results in about a 1. 2 trillion dollar relief package, it gets to the senate, what happens there . Guest i hope that we will do what we have done in the past, and that is pause for a moment and recognize the only way we will get a will to the finish line is a bipartisan bill bill to the finish line is a bipartisan bill. We said those bills are not going to pass. We have got to Work Together here. I think Speaker Pelosi took the challenge from leader mcconnell when he said he did not want to provide a framework. Speaker pelosi is forward with the bill. A bill that i hope will be embraced by democrats and republicans and negotiated between democrats and republicans. Lets see whether we cant get a bill that represents what this country needs and pass it on a bipartisan basis. This is a national emergency. You have to Work Together for the best interests of our country. Host and where in your home are you at the moment . Guest i have a couple rooms i use. This happens to be a converted library type of room that my wife uses for her office. She is nice enough to let me use it when i am doing any of my videoconferencing. So it has got the nicest background. A nice bookshelf behind me makes it look good. Let me just say and emphasize this point, we need a bill passed by the United States Congress Paid we are not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination. We have got to come together. Lets get a bill passed, lets do it quickly, and lets move forward so that we can get beyond this very dangerous virus and get our country back where it needs to be. Host but will your republican colleagues go along with that . Guest at the end of the day, they recognize and their constituents recognize that we still have a lot of work to do and we need the federal government as an active player to get our country back on track. Cardin joiningen us from his wifes study at his home in maryland. We appreciate your time on this and subpoenas for the president s tax returns. At noon eastern, the National Constitution center hosts a panel to review the days oral arguments and at 2 30, the Senate Judiciary committee holds a hearing on Liability Protections regarding the covid19 pandemic. The Senate Returns to work including the nomination of Brian Montgomery to be deputy housing and urban Development Secretary with a confirmation vote at noon and later the nomination of troy edgar to be chief Financial Officer for the Homeland Security department. On cspan 3 at 10 00 a. M. , the Health Committee meets to discuss measures to safely return americans to work and school. Fauci and redfield are expected to testify. Announcer President Trump held a News Conference in the rose garden focused on coronavirus testing. He said the government will provide 1 billion in funding for states to increase Testing Capacity and responded to questions on the Vice President s press secretary testing positive for the virus. Relations with china and on the killing of ahmad aubery. President trump thank you ver

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