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Go as soon as madero steps aside. We will raise the flag again in caracas. I want to update the world on the regime and the republic of iran. Multiple aircraft belonging to iran air transferred unknown support to the maduro regime, birds of a feather. This was the same terrorist airline that ran used to new fighters around the middle east. These stops these flights must stop and the country must do their part. Human, we commended saudi arabia for extending their cease fire there for a month now. The king of saudi arabia and in the government of yemen have put out a call to lay down weapons and focus on defeating the pandemic. And i asked the iran to simply do the same, that is what is required. All parties must facilitate humanitarian access. Mustemeni government accept the integrity of yemen. In iraq my watching as the Prime Minister enters the third week of trying to form his government. The iraqi people need and deserve a government that frees the country from external intimidation, focuses on the prosperity of the country, and tackles the challenges that continue to face iraq. Iraqi leaders must put aside their system and make compromises and that will lead to a government formation for the good of the people and a partnership between the u. S. And iraq. Too most government hed the call for many elements of the iraqis, bringing armed troops under control, and we welcome steps taken in that direction. Moving to a second category, our mission to protect human rights and freedom around the world. I talked about this last week. We continue to monitor beijings increasing efforts to interfere with hong kongs governance. The erosion of their freedoms in hong kong are inconsistent with the promises that the chinese made under one country, two systems. Any effort to impose Draconian National security legislation on hong kong would be inconsistent with their promises and would impact american interests there. Back in our hemisphere, we have noticed how havana has taken advantage of the pandemic and will continue its exploitation of cuban medical workers. We applaud the leaders in brazil , and ecuador into bolivia who have refused to turn a blind eye to these abuses by the cuban regime, and have asked all countries to do the same, including places like south africa. We must protect our medical workers. Governments excepting cuban doctors must pay them directly, otherwise when they pay the regime they are helping to give cuban government an opportunity to turn a profit on human trafficking. We continue to defend american interests in domains of growing importance. I am pleased to announce we will reopen our consulate in greenland for the First Time Since 1953. Its reopening will boost the prosperity of our friends in greenland and strengthen our partnership with our arctic allies. Americasatement of commitment to the arctic as nonarctic states look to exploit the region for their own interest. I spokeic council, about my just last year. I mentioned last week that we are implementing the provisions of the 2019 nda on the 5g clean path. I raise this issue again of the clean path, so americans know trumpeps and that the administration has taken to defend our physical borders, so too are we defending america on cyber frontiers. Simply put, in upcoming 5g networks, mobile data traffic entering american diplomatic systems will be subject to new stringent requirements if it is transferred in huawei equipment. The objective is untested vendors will have no access to u. S. State department systems. We will follow the letter of the law to make sure that we have for all traffic coming into all of our facilities. Period. We will do all we can to keep her could go data and network safe from the Chinese Communist party. Finally, before a take a handful of questions, an update on our humanitarian aid, assisting countries working to fight the virus in their nation. Our team recently crushed some data from the Kaiser Family foundation and philanthropy called candid, and found americans have devoted 6. 5 billion in government and nongovernment contributions to fight covid19. This is by far the largest country total in the world and more than 12 times that of chinas combined contributions. Im especially proud of the work we have done in the indo pacific region, providing more than 32 million in funding to support the covid19 response in the Pacific Island countries. We are working with the burmese government, United Nations and others to prevent the spread of covid in burma. And we are working with our friends in australia, india, japan, the republic of korea and vietnam to share information and best practices as we move the Global Economy forward. The conversations include supply chains, keeping them running, getting economies back to full strength and thinking about how we restructure the supply chains to prevent Something Like this from ever happening again. One example of our Work Together is with india, we have moved export bands, including on pharmaceuticals used to treat covid19 patients. A few days ago i spoke with david beasley, at the world food bank, who is the executive director there. He reminded me the American People into their generosity supply 42 of the worlds food resources, which feed nearly one Million People around the world. We continue to meet the worlds food needs as the outbreak disrupts supply chains. One message i want to repeat today, if you are wrongfully detaining americans during this time and they become infected and die, we will hold your government strictly responsible. All wrongfully detained americans should be released. Im happy to take some questions. Of missions, north korea, i would like to ask what you know about the health of kim , but i do not think that you will give us much on that. If you like to ask about think north korea would be safer or more dangerous without kim jongun in charge . Is the u. S. Making plans for what would happen if he dies or is no longer the president of that country . Sec. Pompeo i do not have anything to add to the status of chairman kim, i think the president commented on it yesterday. We did have a chance to interact with a number of koreans on our various trips, the ones i took with my team and when the president traveled there to meet with the chairman kim. So we have met his sister and some of the other leaders there. Our mission is the same, regardless of what transpires inside of north korea with respect to their leadership. Our Mission Remains the same, to deliver on our agreement that kim made with President Trump in singapore, that is the denuclearization of north korea. We are still hopeful we will find a path to negotiate that solution to get the outcome that is good for the American People, good for the north Korean People and in the whole world. Our mission simply will not change no matter what should transpire there. Will the mission get harder if he is no longer there . Sec. Pompeo there is a lot of work to do on it and we will continue to focus on it. Iran,anted to ask you on you are asking the Un Security Council to renew the embargo on iran. Can the u. S. Make the argument that it is still a state cpoa, after in the j you scratched it in 2018. . Crisis, ascovid19 governments and states are reopening, or planning reopening their economies, do you see a prospect or a date for the travel bans to be lifted and reopening the borders . I remember when the president announced the travel ban for itope, he said 30 days, and is now april. Is a lot of there talk about how america will reopen, how the states will do it, will particular parts of States Reopen as they become safe and we develop theories on how to get the economy going, while we protect citizens from the virus we are doing the same thing with our partners around the world. The state department, department of transportation, we are working on elements that will be required to get International Air travel back going, not only to get those flights back in place but in a way that will give confidence to those that want to travel, so they can do so safely. And we have made progress in thinking about how to do that. As for when will the state department will reconsider travel warnings, we will do what we always do, we will apply the same rubric, the same system to evaluate how travel warnings it should go in place. Those are connected to how we will think about reopening travel to these places, how the government, the limitations of that will be put in place. So we have these pieces and we are working to work with countries all around the world to not only make sure that we bans, so that people will be able to travel and we hope to get those back up and as each country is ready. And as we are confident that those people traveling from those countries will not create increased risk to the u. S. As well. For the summer . Sec. Pompeo i will that the Vice President talk about that. We will do it as quick as we can and do so safely. The first question was about irans ability to purchase conventional within system starting on october 23 of this year, in the absence of action. We are not going to let that happen. Iran nuclearof the deal, one of them is now upon us, now just several months out, where china, russia and other countries can also significant Weapons Systems to the iranians in october of this year. This is not some fantasy. This is a reality. Does anybody think that the nation that today is conducting terror campaigns with iraqi shiite movements, or carry missiles into the air ought to be permitted to purchase conventional weapon systems in a few months . I think the world realizes that is a mistake and we are urging our partners to take action, which is in is within their capacity to do. We will work to extend prohibition on those arms sales. And in the event we cannot get anyone else to act, the u. S. Is evaluating every possibility every possibility about how we might do that. Your question was about us as a participant. The Security Council resolution is clear, we do not have to declare ourselves a participant. 2231 is unambiguous. The u. S. Is a participant in the Un Security Council, it is in the language, there is nothing magic about it. Somebody said just add that this is fancy luring, it is just reason. It is unambiguous. And the rights that accrue to participants under the resolution are fully available to all those bridges but. We are going to all those participants. We are going to make sure that come october the iranians are not able to purchase conventional weapons that they would be given, given what president obama delivered to the world in that terrible appeal. Thank you very much for joining us. A question about china and the who. In china, we heard a similar talking point, as you know, from to the ministry of Foreign Affairs podium that the u. S. Had months of warning that it squandered. We noticed in your tweet from mofa that the u. S. Engaged in a conspiracy. So the ceasefire that the president declared over . And on who, you can criticize the freeze, bill gates criticized it, the who does things that nobody else does, as you know, measles campaigns, for example. Do you think the phrase will reduce influence of the who . A reduce influence sec. Pompeo your first question, what we do is speak the truth about the risk to the American People. Our mission is to protect the American People from threats around the world, so the information we provide about where the virus began in wuhan is just data. You suggested that the chinese mmfa and other Media Outlets are saying the same thing. I will leave it at that. Suffice it to say, when countries engage in disinformation it creates risk. The communist party tells us they want to be our partner, we need partners we can rely on. That when they tell us something, it is accurate and we do not think they are hiding anything. But we still have not gained access, the world has not gained the virology wib, institute there. We do not know precisely where the virus originated. There are multiple labs continuing to conduct experiments on those pathogens today in china, and we do not know if they are operating at a level of security to prevent this from happening again. This is not the first time that we have had a virus come out of china. And so there is a continuing obligation on the part of reliable partners to share this information. We talked about this in the context of Nuclear Information all the time, where they permit others to come and see their systems to make sure that the security levels are right, that the technological capability is right, so the checks are right so we can prevent an Accidental Nuclear release. We need the same processes for biosystems as well. So we would urge every country, all partners, to demand that we get answers for what happened here, but also that we continue to have transparency, that the world gets the transparency it needs to make sure that those who are conducting scientific viruses andcomplex pathogens are doing so in a way that does not create the risk we get precisely, the economic devastation and enormous loss of life we have suffered as a result of this virus that came out of china. And the who we will get this right. We are the biggest contributor to the world health organization. It failed in its mission here, so we are conducting a review to figure out how best to use taxpayer money to produce real outcomes. The administration has been clear, we engage in multilateral work all across the world. We are doing so even this morning, i was on the phone talking about our work with countries around the world in venezuela. We defeated an Isis Coalition with other countries paid we are happy to work with countries to deliver security for the American People. We should not pretend that because some organization has helped in its title that it is capable of delivering health and its title that is capable of delivering what is needed. This is a politicized organization, not a court. We want to make sure that we are getting it right so we can deliver outcomes for the market people. And we will conduct our review, if there is a function that only the who can do and we think it is important for American National security, because we are good humanitarian partners around the world i am confident we will find a way to deliver that outcome. I urge everyone, there are private donors that contribute to the who, always ask if this is the best model, is this the right outcome, when you see the influence of the Chinese Communist party had, as they debated how to handle the virus in january. When you think about the risks that those pose to the world, there is an obligation to reconsider whether that vehicle is the right one to deliver Pandemic Response systems for the world. Hi, givenering the reliance on china when it comes to medical supplies and that supply chain which obviously those supplies are desperately needed in the u. S. Right now, does the Trump Administration have to wait until this Health Care Crisis in the United States is over before you can actually talk about the specifics of inflicting a price on china, as he repeatedly said the ministration will do . You repeatedly said the administration will do . Sec. Pompeo our First Priority is to address the crisis in which we find ourselves, as a direct result of the virus and that came out of china. That has been the focus of the task force, the state departments focus on the side of doing our best to understand what happened there, as well as getting the American People back. We have to get it right. We need to get the economy back up. There will be time to evaluate how it is we hold accountable those responsible. For the loss of tens of thousands of american lives, and wealth, including the Global Economys devastation. There will be a time for that. We will get that timing right. As the president said when he took office, we will no longer tolerate nonreciprocal behavior from the chinese government. He said we wanted freetrade, we wanted to be abundant and reciprocal. He got a phase one trade deal. We were hoping to move into the second part of that as well. That will ultimately be the decision of the Chinese Communist party. Are they prepared to engage in trade in a way that is fair and reciprocal. The last thing i will say is, of nas are some comments from the Chinese Foreign ministry talking about a course of activity with respect to australia. Who had the temerity to ask for investigation. Who could the world would not want an investigation of how this happened to the world . I assume the good people of china, doctors and scientists, imagine if they were working in our system, in a free system where you put hypothesises forward and you have the freedom to talk and publish papers and others can comment. This is what democracy does best. The solution will come from freedom loving people around the world, i am confident in that. Authoritarian regimes are poorly designed to deal with the crisis that this pandemic has engendered. Democracy is where we are free to comment, critique, you can ask the sectary of state a hard question. These are the places where scientists and freedom of thought and journalists can operate freely. They will deliver the therapeutics, the vaccines come into we will get our economies back going again. I am confident of that. This is where we see the true benefit of freedom and liberty. In the days ahead, i am confident the world will see that as well. Thanks everybody. Everybody have a good day. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] announcer more Live Programming later today from the states and their Pandemic Response, including a News Conference with andy beshear, live at 5 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Announcer washington journal primetime, and evening addition journal. Shington guests included clinical psychologist and president of the Anxiety Association of america, joining us to talk about covid19 in Mental Health in the u. S. Of those directly and indirectly affected by the disease. Then the head of the humanitarian Group Partners in health will be on to talk about the scope of the pandemic in developing nations. Also joining the program, congressman dan meuser talks about how the coronavirus pandemic has been felt in his district in pennsylvania. Join the conversation tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. 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