Legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Neal first, thank you. We are here today in these very trying and unprecedented times to act on an emergency interim funding package that i am pleased has strong bipartisan support. But we did not arrive here without significant efforts by our democratic colleagues. When we began negotiation was the senate, we were presented with an insufficient proposal that did not address the Public Health crisis that has now claimed the lives of nearly 48,000 americans. The measures that we fought for will now bring real leaf to the American People relief to the American People, and prioritizes resources to combat this virus. This means more funding for hospitals and Health Care Workers. It also means resources designated for testing. Im encouraged that the administration has committed to a National Testing strategy which will be necessary to reopen our economy. We are all painfully aware that the American People are worried about their health, their jobs, the economy, and what life will look like after the emergency subsides. Its our responsibility to give our communities the confidence that we will get through this crisis and that eventually we will return to normal lives. To do this we must protect our Small Businesses on main street, and thats why we fought to increase funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, and target funds to communitybased send lenders, small banks, and Credit Unions. The legislation before us today is a marked improvement from where the Senate Majority started. But i want to be clear, this does not come close to addressing the staggering needs of the american family. That is why my fellow chairs and i have already begun working on covid 4. Our next legislative package must be grounded in the understanding that restarting our economy can only happen when americans are healthy and have the confidence to return to work. For our part, the ways and Means Committee will prioritize funding for hospitals and assistance for those on the frontlines, and i know mr. Brady agrees with us on that as we proceed. In addition, our state and local governments are feeling the pain of slashed revenue from this pandemic. Without our support, essential workers who have been risking their lives are at risk of losing their jobs. Finally, we must look at what the most vulnerable in our country are facing by putting money into the pockets with another round of stimulus payments so they can pay for essentials. Similarly, we need to extend federal Unemployment Compensation into the law and help take the pressure off overwhelming state governments at the moment. Since this crisis began, members and staff have made herculean efforts to address the challenges we are now facing. We still have much work to do to ensure that we put the needs of our neighbors first and we need to acknowledge, and i know mr. Brady feels as i do, the work of the ways and Means Committee staffers in bringing us to this moment. Together we will rise to this challenge. With that i urge our colleagues to support this legislation. And i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. The coronavirus launched an unprecedented attack on Americas Health and the best economy our nation has experienced in decades. America responded with an unprecedented effort to contain the virus led by President Trump and the health care community. Congress responded by working with the president to deliver not one, not two, but three bipartisan measures to combat the health and economic damage of covid19. The battle continues. Amid signs that in some regions we are flattening the curve and beginning to reopen the economies safely as Health Conditions on the ground permit. This fourth bill replenishes the crucial help for main street businesses and local Health Care Providers while devoting more resources to producing more tests and distributing more quickly. It adds 320 billion in crucial funding to the Paycheck Protection Program to help keep our local businesses afloat t boosts suspend pfunding for local Health Care Providers by another 75 billion. It expands our states testing capacities. It ensures more resources for our nationwide effort to continue locking down this virus. It is targeted. It will have an immediate impact. And it deserves strong bipartisan support. Once President Trump signed the cares act into law merely four weeks ago, then moved with historic speed to proforgivable loans to Small Businesses, it soon became clear more dollars are needed to keep workers on local payrolls. So far the Paycheck Protection Program is helping nearly 1. 6 million local businesses. Impacting and helping save 30 million jobs for local construction, retail, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, and service businesses. Despite many portrayals the average loan is around 200,000. Thats main street. More often than not as provided by Community Bank. These dollars are reaching Small Businesses and when funding ran out, republicans and President Trump urged congress to quickly replenish them. It is unfortunate the speaker decided to hold up this bill nearly 16 days. While Small Businesses and their workers desperately fought to hold on, especially minorityowned businesses in underserved communities. How many jobs could we have saved if partisan politics had not reared its ugly head . This emergency funding is just hat, its funding. Nor does it address the flawed Unemployment Fund that pays some americans more than they ake at work. Health care providers and remenishes it which is why it supports nausm organizations like the American Hospital association, National Federation of independent businesses. Todays bill makes it possible for families to stay connected to their work. Local businesses can keep their lights on. Once we get to the other end of this, we will return to a safe Healthy America for our seniors, our children, and our grandchildren. Ill conclude with this. The president is right. Can apply maximum pressure on the coronavirus while reopening and conomy safely responsibly. Not only can we, we must. To prevent hurting jobless families and the recession nomic marked with shortages of needed supplies and Serious Health care by longterm ed unemployment, this isnt a choice between lives and do both. Ds, we must with the president , state and local leaders, health care and local businesses all working together, im can. Nced we how . The way we tackle every faced, y our nation has with american ingenuity, knowhow, and common sense. Help our Small Businesses and health care heroes. And president ress trump will continue to Work Together to identify practical help businesses create safe, healthy workplaces, umpstart this economic rebound, and accelerate a return to work for those who are jobless or furloughed. Urge all my colleagues to support it. Speaker. , madam i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Its my pleasure to yield one inute to the gentlelady from california, Speaker Pelosi, whose career has been marked by steadfast determination to expand Health Care Coverage for all members of the american continues to be a champion for the least, the last, and the lost who are part of the grip of this pandemic, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the honorable speaker of the house is recognized for one minute. The speaker i thank the entleman for yielding and i thank him for managing this important legislation on the floor of the house. Also commend him for the work that he did in the previous had. Lation that weve as has been acknowledged, this is the fourth bipartisan bill brought to the floor to address the coronavirus pandemic. This is a very important piece of legislation. To the floor with such heartache, with such sorrow bout those who have lost their lives and their loved ones, those who are suffering from the virus assault now and for those ho are in doubt about their economic situation. Its about the lives and the ivelihood of the American People. Thats what this is about. 900,000 americans are diagnosed have been diagnosed sick. E nearly 50,000 have tragically died. Oh, my goodness. We have to be prayerful, assault, about this again, on the lives and livelihood of the American People. Health s hospitals and care systems remain swamped with cases and far too many frontline have the personal protective equipment that they need. Nd just this morning, we learned that four more than workers applied for Unemployment Insurance last week with 26 million having lost jobs so far. And so we work to protect the people. We have to make decisions. We recognize that the key to our economy, the key to opening that door, the is a old we must cross scientific one. Testing. Testing, Contact Tracing. Isolation. Of course, treatment. Prevention. Key is scientific and we must make our decision in that way. Are and i say this overarching. He the American People have told us taxpayer t want any dollars when we did our earlier bill they dont want taxpayer dollars going to enriching shareholders, give bonus dividends, bonuses, c. E. O. Pay, all of that. They want the taxpayer dollars in their jobs. Nd the oversight of that is exactly what we passed we by pass or we passed voice vote earlier, well vote on later. Important. Its very important for the American People to have onfidence as they make their sacrifices that our taxpayer dollars that they pay are not squandered. Our colleagues have said, why do we need oversight . We have all these committees to oversight, and i hope they will, but they have other work to do as well. The republicans put forth elect committees themselves, benghazi, trying to destroy parenthood, this has an American People. We need a select committee whose to ose, whose purpose is the ss the challenge that coronavirus places on. Thats one. Two, the American People want their checks. Their checks. And thats what we are doing ith the p. P. P. And the direct payments and other initiatives that are there, and we need to more. Havent doneand we enough in this regard third, they want our heroes, our health are providers, our police and fire, First Responders, our our ency services folks, transit people, everyone to our food service folks, they want everyone to have the equipment they need to do their job. Health care workers on the frontlines, as are others. Emergency services, police and fire, some of them are the first 911 call. Respond to a and the line of defense. P. P. E. , do not have the the personal protective equipment that they need, and we owe them. Worthy t we are not thanking them,m, praising them unless we support them, and thats not being done and thats what they have to do in the next bill. Act, when he heroes we will come together to support our heroes. There was not enough interest in this bill right here on the part of others supporting our heroes, our Health Care Workers, our police and fire, our services, our in of supporting state and local government. Hear state and local, it might sound bureaucratic but it isnt. Are the people who meet the needs of the American People and are on the frontlines of virus. G this once we finish this, and im pleased to hear the chairman of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Neal, talk about were already preparing for that. For a while because we just didnt really know that come up. Rim bill would but when it did, again, we had o meet the needs of the American People. Im so proud that all of the ills were passing has been acknowledged have been done in a bipartisan way. As the next bill will be well. But let me just correct the record, because the istinguished gentleman from texas said we held up this bill. That want to correct record, because nothing could be further from the truth and he isnt aware but let me inform. Two weeks ago, the distinguished secretary of the treasury called me and said, i eed a quarter of a trillion dollars in 48 hours. Oh, really . Well, i dont know about that. We can do. Hat lets see what the why do you need that . Next day, that was april on april 8, day democrats came together, house nd Senate Democrats and made a roposal that went beyond the 250, 250 billion for the p. P. P. , a program we helped shape and we fully support, our Small Businesses, the entrepreneurship of america, the optimism of america, the of jobs and wealth and our country. That saw some evidence everything wasnt being done as we had hoped. Proposed, one day later, that we would have an additional funding for Small Businesses. Setaside for the smallest of Small Businesses, women, minorityowned america, rural veterans, native american communities, and the rest who not shall we say bankable as some others. Underbanked, 60 billion. Another 60 billion we said for our Small Businesses. Billion on of it, 50 of it for this the idle, the assistance loans. There. Lion that 50 billion is leveraged to lending. Billion in easier lending than for some because its just a loan. Its not about the bank deciding. The other 10 billion, we wanted 15 billion, we got for the grants. So there we got 60 billion and billion, 120 billion. And another 100 billion for the hospitals. On april 8. 100 billion for the hospitals ivided, hospital, 75 billion, testing, 25 billion. The Senate Republicans went to the floor the next day on april the 24 hours from the request of the quarter of a trillion dollars, mitch went to the floor and said this is it, 250 billion, not one penny more. Is. Is what it he Senate Democrats objected, offered an amendment that includes what were voting on today. Mcconnell said absolutely not. That was it. So for one week, he kept saying, bring it up again on monday, bring it up again on thursday. That delay. Re was finally, thursday of last week, interest in negotiation. What we have on the floor today result of the not time we elayed the legislation but the time that the republicans refused to accept the facts that needed 100 billion for our hospitals and our testing. For we needed more money the those who do not have sophisticated banking have onships where we can Community Development, Financial Institutions reach into they know the re businesses, the neighborhood, the community, the customers, clients. And so we should be very, very done of the work that was by congress madam chair, Nydia Velazquez of the small committee. And madam chair, Maxine Waters, hair of the Financial Services committee, bank, Small Business, coming with an idea that was out of hand by the leader of the senate. Dont even bring that around. This. Nly thats it. Or else you dont support Small Business. O when i hear during the previous debate on the other bill and then this distinguished Ranking Member on the ways and Means Committee, i respect, and he knows that, to say we delayed this. No. Delayed this because now, this isnt about this is taking responsibility. Without the discussion over this pat in weekend, which resulted the Senate Passing the bill, unanimously. Mcconnell who wasnt going to do one more penny, unanimously passing the bill. It has all this additional help that we initiated. He initiated. Resisted it. He initiated it. I think its really important for people to understand what fight is about. Its not about trickle down. We were successful in turning act from a corporateoriented trickle down bill to a workers first, bubble bill, and we were proud of that and that it passed and signed by the president. Again, they just had the 250. That. Ly support we helped create that. That isnt the end of the day do. What else we needed to and the more i understand they are resistant to helping those of the scale, i cant understand why they billion for the hospitals and the testing, that is esecretari essentia of eeting the health needs the American People. I want more, of course. I want more. So now we go to the next bill. Call it the heroes act. Unfortunately, they did not want this bill heroes into today. As fully as they should by and local. State and what is the distinguished side, mr. He senate cconnell, said, i think the states should go bankrupt. Oh, really . And not pay the Health Care Workers and the hospitals and First Responders and the rest, oh, really . You think that was a idea . Its just more notion mongering guess. More attention, i i came to this floor fully happy bipartisanship. Totally sad about what it is in terms of the lives of americas uncertainty the they face and the illness that ome are suffering and the loss of life of the many others, tens of thousands have suffered. Them say, we held up doing ll, when they are today with great pride exactly what the Senate Democrats asked to do on april 9. Again i want to thank Maxine Waters and Nydia Velazquez. Frank pallone for the good work that he did, and the good staff of all those committees. My voting today on the floor the strong agreement that sets the path we had in the cares act. These are the issues that were addressed in the cares act. What we are doing we are helping Small Businesses. We strengthen the paycheck protection package. Its 310 billion, including that critical 60 billion reserve for underserved rural, urban, tribal communities. By supporting Small Businesses that cannot access p. P. E. , we secured 50 billion for Emergency Assistance lending. That would be leveraging to over 300 billion. In Disaster Assistance loans. And 10 billion more for the grants. The hospital, providers, and Health Workers, we secured 75 billion for health providers, losing revenue every day, and physicians and Health Workers risking their lives because they dont have p. P. E. They dont have p. P. E. One of the new York Hospitals i heard a nurse say on tv when she went to meet the needs of her patients, she was given not the regular gown and mask and gloves. She was given a new york yankees rain poncho. Others were wearing garbage bags. Some of them said they were wearing medical waste on their faces because they could not change the mask and they would go to maybe four patients instead of the one and disscarred. So again, we thank them. We honor them. We revere them. But we have no right to do that unless we support them with what they need. They are risking their lives to save other lives. And now they may lose their jobs unless we do our heroes act, which i look forward to doing. For testing we secured 25 billion for testing which is key. Central to reopening our economy and resuming our lives. The administration has also agreed, this is very positive, a National Testing strategy that will increase domestic Testing Capacity and address disparities, including across race, ethnicity, and geographic regions. Unfortunately, as i mentioned, administration was not ready to include funding for our heroes, our health care, fire, e. M. S. , and other essential workers, the postal system which is essential to getting information materials where they need to be. Thats why cares 2 must be our heroes act. Focusing on support for those health care and essential workers. I cant say it enough. And then with that overarching concern for them, osha, they have safety in the workplace. Family and medical leave so that they can meet the needs of their families. Cobra for those who lost their jobs for funding for cobra and i hope the administration will be receptive to that. Pension. Additional u. I. And direct payments and more. Let us be clear, the health and safety of our country will be endangered if we cannot pay the heroes who sacrifice to keep us safe. They are being fired as we speak. Mr. Schumer was referencing hospitals in his state where people were let go from public hospitals. But thats not unusual. Our teachers, the custodians of our children, being left go, we have to face that and we have to do it very soon and next. And its unacceptable that leader mcconnell thinks no further legislation is needed. Thats what he said. No further legislation is needed. And he thinks heroic workers can wait, and states who hire them should go bankrupt. As cares two projects the lives and livelihoods of the American People, it must also protect the american democracy, safeguarding the integrity of our elections, and supporting voting by mail. Again, its the lives of the people, the livelihood of the people, the life of our democratcy. Again democracy. Again our prayers are with those who are suffering. His holiness, pope francis, i quote him all the time, he said weeks ago, his world prayer, that god would enlighten those who had the responsibility to take responsibility for those in their care. Let us hope that we can all be prayerful. Take responsibility. Do the jobs the American People. We have an extraordinary opportunity to do that, but we must do so in a way that keeps them safe as we want to open our economy and do so again. Science, science, science. Let us show the same courage and strength and move with great urgency to provide the support that they need, that they provide to others. Again, we have our differences. There is no question. I heard the gentleman speak out against the 600 for people who are unemployed. I think that we have to do whatever we can to recognize that Public Policy has a role here. That governance, governance carries with it responsibilities. And opportunity, and results and progress for the American People. And that science and governance are the answers to meeting the Health Care Needs and meeting the needs of our economy as we go forward. I thank our colleagues for their leadership, Maxine Waters, Nydia Velazquez, frank pallone. So many people. Again others right now as we speak the Agriculture Committee meeting. As some of our colleagues have said, we cant do snap . They turned down snap . Food stamps at a time when americas hungry . We have our differences. But we are coming together on this particular bill. Im proud of that. It is bipartisan. It is urgent. And let us get on with it so that we can get on to supporting our heroes in a way that is worthy of their sacrifice. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the hobble yorble speaker of the house honorable speaker of the house yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself 30 seconds. I respectfully remember a different history. We are only one fund was out of money, those for our Small Businesses. The president asked for us to move quickly. It was blocked in the senate by those who said, theres no proof Small Businesses need this money. I remember the speaker herself saying, there is no data that shows Small Businesses need money. Those critical funds were blocked and held up for 16 days. This agreement we have today could have been agreed to in five minutes. At this point i am proud to yield two minutes to the leading republican on the Small Business committee, mr. Chabot from ohio. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Chabot i thank the gentleman from texas for yielding. Madam speaker, this is has not been an easy time for americas Small Businesses. As the Ranking Member of the house Small Business committee, i hear daily from owners of restaurants and hair salons and small retailers and manufacturers and grocers and others about the gut wrenching choices that they have been forced to make. Fortunately, the paycheck protection act created upped the cares act has already helped Small Businesses save millions of jobs and cover essential expenses. One company, for example, new york bagel, survived the Great Depression and world war ii during its 99 years of operation. This business was forced to close due to the coronavirus. Thanks to the paycheck protection act, their employees are still getting paid. Every atch losing 70 of their business, wood beyond a reasonable doubt barbecue in kansas city was only a week or two away from laying off workers or closing permanently. Their paycheck protection loan will allow them to stay in business. These examples are only a fraction of those who have been helped. Understandably this program has been very popular. In fact, demand was so high that funding was exhausted within two weeks of the program being started up. Over a million and a half loans have been processed with nearly 60,000 in my home state of ohio alone. Madam speaker, Small Businesses are resilient. Startups are pioneering new techniques for sanitizing masks and surfaces. Neighborhood grocers are bravely staying open to provide necessary supplies. Yes, including toilet paper, for their communities. Small manufacturers are retooling to make personal protective equipment for frontline workers. These Small Businesses and entrepreneurs make the america we all know and love. Congress should have passed this legislation last week. But to those Small Businesses who already applied and waiting to hear, or those yet to apply for this leaf, finally help is on the way. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentleman from texas reserves. Gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. I yield one minute to the well regarded gentlelady from alabama, member of the ways and Means Committee, congresswoman sewell. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from alabama is recognized for one minute. Ms. Sewell thank you, madam speaker. Today i rise in support of this bill to provide Additional Resources for small, local, and minorityowned businesses and nonprofits under the Paycheck Protection Program. As well as to provide resources for our hospitals and the Paycheck Protection Program has not been without its controversy. I have heard too much stories of frustrated Business Owners who have not been able to access the program due to lack of existing relationships with a lender. Or difficulty navigating the complex application process. These are issues that are disproportionately harming local, rural, and minorityowned business that is make up the heart of my district. Madam speaker, im glad that we are taking steps today to address the inequities and indirectly and directly allow funding for lenders that service the truly local barber shops, beauty shops, restaurants on main street across this country. These are the businesses that are the life line of so many of our local economies. Its important that we make sure that this lending gets to these vitally important businesses. I hope that this bill will offer some relief to these businesses and i urge my colleagues to support this bill. I also ask our leaders and the lenders the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Sewell we want the truly small local businesses to the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im proud to yield two minutes to the lead republican on the energy and Commerce Committee, the gentleman from oregon, mr. Walden. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oregon is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Walden i want to thank my colleague from texas for his leadership on this issue. I, too, rise in support of the Paycheck Protection Program and the Health Care Enhancement act. This provides a fourth installment of funds to continue to address the impact of the covid19 virus on the American People. We have heard all the stories. People lost their lives, loved ones, businesses, jobs. This bill will replenish the Paycheck Protection Program for Small Businesses and it will provide additional funding for Health Care Providers and expanded testing. Im glad we are finally here. For too long democrat leaders in the house and senate played partisan politics. They needlessly delayed the initial passage of the cares act. Then they prevent add quick replenishment of the funds for the p. P. E. That left our Small Businesses and the people they employ in the lurch. With record unemployment claims, we have seen that every single day, every day counts in this pandemic. Thats why republicans and President Trump were so adamant over the last two weeks he about the need to not let these programs run out of money. We all knew that was going to happen. We could have done this unanimously. Painfully, democrats took an ice cream break while Small Businesses were left empty handed. Pointless week long shuttering of Paycheck Protection Program. That hurt americans and cost thousands of jobs. As a member of the president s party task force on reopening the economy, i remain committed to ensuring resources and strategies in place for widespread testing, that our health and Economic Experts have said is needed to reopen the country. While i support additional funding for Health Care Related expenses, it should never have been at the expense of bankrupting more small employers and throwing more people into the unemployment lines. The American Peoples plight should not be used as leverage for partisan priorities, especially in the midst of a crisis. We must move forward in a united way that puts the needs of the American People first. Now lets pass this measure, get it to the president s desk so we can begin to safely reopen this country. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcneil neal let me describe hospitals as a priority. With that let me recognize the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Langevin, for 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from rhode island is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Langevin madam speaker, i rise in strong support of the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement act. Covid19 is a crisis with few parallels in world history. Yet i have been amazed by the resilience of my fellow islanders, the tenacity of our Small Businesses, and dedication and bravery of our frontline Health Care Workers. This bill is for them. It refills the coffers of Paycheck Protection Program which is a vital life line for so many Small Businesses. It back stops our hospitals, Community Nursing homes. This cannot be the end of the work of congress to help americans weather the storm, but it is another vital step as we confront this crisis. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, madam speaker. Im proud to yield four minutes to the Top Republican on the appropriations committee, the gentlelady from texas, ms. Granger. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for four minutes. Ms. Granger thank you. Madam speaker, i rise today in support of the paycheck paycheck and the health care enhance Paycheck Protection Program and the Health Care Enhancement act which provides 500 billion for economic recovery and Public Health efforts in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The cornerstone of this legislation is a support for Small Businesses through the p. P. P. , the Paycheck Protection Program. These p. P. P. Loans, which can be completely forgiven, are essential for Small Businesses to continue paying their employees and cover operating costs. To illustrate how crucial this loan has been to the 30 million Small Businesses in this country, the s. B. A. Supported more loans in the first 14 days of the p. P. P. Than it did in the last 14 years. In total, more than 340 billion has been provided for this than 1. 6 million american Small Businesses. An additional 60 billion is provided in this bill for another key source of assistance for Small Business, Economic Injury disaster loans and grants , borrowers can get loans at low Interest Rates and then repay them over a long period of time. Up to 30 years. This legislation also provides 100 billion for Critical Health care initiatives. These funds will support our heroes on the front lines and allow us to deploy more tests so we know where the virus is having the most impact. With this information, we can begin safely reopening our communities and restarting our economy. While it took much too long to get this bill to the floor today, i want to thank my colleagues for coming together to deliver results for the American People whose health and livelihoods depend on it. I urge my colleagues to join me in voting on this measure to continue supporting our nations Small Businesses, their hardworking employees, and our critical Health Care Workers. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Let me yield one minute to the gentleman from new mexico, the well regarded congressman, ben ray lujan, who also has the title of assistant speaker. The speaker pro tempore the assistant speaker is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lieu mr. Lujan thank you, madam speaker. In the face of this crisis, ive seen so many new mexicans step up. Theyve gathered fabric scraps, distributed masks, checked in which are neighbors and showed their resilience over and over. But so many people, Small Businesses and communities continue to struggle. Today we approved 360 billion for Small Businesses. 75 billion for our hospitals and front line workers who are doing heroic work to save lives and 25 billion so that more people can be tested for this deadly virus. But our work is not done. Everyone knows this is not enough. And due to republican opposition, this package fails to provide necessary relief to our local, state and tribal governments. Mitch mcconnell said local governments should file for bankruptcy to make themselves whole. I had the honor this last week to participate in a town hall with the Navajo Nation and i heard firsthand their struggles. They need resources, water and testing. We need to do more for them. And we need to do more for the people of new mexico and everyone living in the United States of america. Small businesses must be prioritized to approve these loans and grants. The American People are counting on us. Lets act. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im proud to yield a minute and a half to the republican leader the Foreign Affairs committee, the gentleman from texas, mr. Mccaul. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for a minute and a half. Mr. Mccaul thank you, madam speaker. I want to thank my good friend from texas, mr. Brady, great leadership on this bill. Today americas in a crisis. Not since the spanish flu of 1918 has the world faced a Global Pandemic of such epic proportions. This virus, which came out of wuhan, china, has created fear and devastation across the globe. Covid19 has infected more than 2. 6 Million People around the world and killed nearly 200,000. It has paralyzed our economy, forcing more than 26 million americans into unemployment in just a few short weeks. Thats why we took the risk, madam speaker, to fly back here today, so we can do our job and vote for this important legislation. This rescue package throws a life line to Small Businesses and the american worker, to keep them whole during this hard time. It provides muchneeded funding for testing and for our hospitals who need it desperately. So in closing, i want to take this opportunity to thank the brave american heroes who are on the front lines today, our doctors, nurses and First Responders, who are risking their lives every day. We honor their sacrifice to our nation. And at the end of the day, as americans, we are all in this together. And together we will get through this hard time and be stronger than ever before. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Neal theal thank you, madam speaker. Im mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased to yield two minutes to the very capable gentleman from South Carolina, the democratic whip, mr. Clyburn. The speaker pro tempore the democratic whip is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Clyburn thank you very much, madam speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding me the time. Madam speaker, i rise today in support of this emergency spending package. I believe this legislation moves ofa step closer to my vision making americas greatness accessible and affordable for all. The covid19 pandemic has laid bare the inequities in our Health Care System. That are having dramatic negative impacts on Health Outcomes in minority communities. Martin luther king jr. Observed back in 1966, of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhuman, because it often results in physical death. How prevalent. To know the full extent of how this virus is ravaging communities of color, we must test, test, test. That is why i am pleased there is 25 billion in this package for testing, which allows for my advocacy of mobile testing. We must make testing accessible and affordable for rural and persistent poverty communities facing obstacles due to a lack of transportation. This pandemic has also laid bare the inequities in our financial system. The first round of funding through the Paycheck Protection Program to businesses with longterm banking relationships, and many small family and minorityowned businesses, and nonprofit organizations were shut out. That is why democrats insisted that 60 billion be reserved in this package for communitybased lenders such as Community Development Financial Institutions, minority depository institutions, and Credit Unions. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Clyburn this is not perfect, but it is a step toward making some muchneeded relief accessible and affordable. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. Lamalfa. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lamalfa thank you. April 1, secretary mnuchin warned us that the p. P. P. Program will have high demand and need more funding. April 4, President Trump tweeted out a state supporting more funding a day after the program opened up. April 7, secretary mnuchin requests more funding for the program, warning that well run out. April 9, Senate Democrats block replenishing this funding, winning praise from fellow democrats. Members, colleagues, we had ample warning of the funding running out on numerous occasions during this month of april that weve been away. How many small restaurants, hair dressers, book stores, etc. , in your districts have suffered and closed because the majoritys too busy looking at the election in november to see todays crisis in april . Yet, after all this time, and the travel it took us all to get here, Wearing Masks, what is the first thing we bring up . A duplicative, partisan select subcommittee to make a political spectacle of the virus. I sit as a member of the transportation committee. We can see the oversight of fema just fine. Our Oversight Committee, our Commerce Committee can have oversight of h. H. S. We dont need extra duplicative committees. Were 22 days behind. We need to get back to work and put the people back to work and get this done. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. I want to yield one minute to the wellregarded gentleman from nevada, congressman horsford. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from nevada is recognized for one minute. Mr. Horsford thank you, madam speaker. To my chairman, i rise today to speak in favor of this emergency coronavirus supplemental package. I am glad that we are delivering for the people of nevada, including bringing home billions of dollars of additional funding for nevadas 270,000 Small Businesses and nonprofits. We also are positioning our country for recovery, in voting for 25 billion for covid19 testing. This bipartisan agreement is one of the many steps that we must take to provide the American People with the relief they need. However, for Senate Majority leader mcconnell to suggest that our states and local governments should be bankrupt in order to be made whole is outrageous. These are our heroes, they are on the front lines. I urge this body to pass this legislation and to work with us now to pass the heroes act. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady yes. Pleased, madam speaker, to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Mitchell. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mitchell thank you, madam speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 266, which provides badly needed Financial Support for Small Businesses and hospitals. Our nation continues to struggle with health and Economic Impacts of covid19. But i must also comment on the function of congress. We passed the cares act almost 30 days ago, since then the lights have been off here. Today we vote for one crucial item and depart again. I will vote aye on the relief package, but i stress, Congress Must get back to work here in the capitol. We all must resume our full duties and obligations to the constitution and, most importantly, to the American People. We took an oath to preserve and protect both. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i want to recognize again the distinguished gentlelady from ohio, congresswoman beatty. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Beatty thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you, madam speaker. I rise with the good, the bad, the ugly for Small Businesses. The good, democrats fought hard and won in providing more than 310 billion for Small Businesses. The bad, it may not be enough. The ugly, thousands and thousands of Small Businesses and minority businesses may be left out again. The past week of economic history and trends offer reasonable predictions of what we should do in this Financial Assistance billing. The longstanding economic inequalitys already inequalities already undermines any ability to close the wealth gap and covid19 will undeniably exacerbate this paradigm. I am asking that we match the language that we have, the democrats fought so hard for. Its not just enough to allocate funding to institutions. We must hold the secretary treasurer accountable that minority and Small Businesses will not be left out. Just like in the film, we must be the one to shoot the covid19 noose, to save Small Businesses. I know that we will do more in the weeks to come because this, a great victory for democrats, but still not enough. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to a member of the Small Business committee, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Joyce. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. Mr. Joyce thank you, madam speaker. All of us want our Small Businesses to survive this economic crisis. All of us want to save american livelihoods. All of us want to get americans back to work. For weeks i have talked to workers, Small Business owners, farmers in pennsylvania who are counting on the Paycheck Protection Program paycheck protection act. Today we are offering these pennsylvanians an opportunity to keep their workers paid and emerge stronger on the other side of this unprecedented challenge. By protecting our work force and safeguarding our economy. Truly, these are difficult days. But we know there is a light ahead. The people of pennsylvania are resilient. The people of our great nation are resilient. Together we will weather the storm. We cannot allow a virus to destroy the American Dream. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal im pleased to yield one minute to the gentlelady and wellknown advocate for the people of michigan, congresswoman laurning. The speaker pro tempore the the gentleman from is recognized for one minute the gentlewoman from is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Lawrence i rise in support of the latest covid19 relief package n my state of michigan the numbers are devastating. More than 38,000 confirmed cases. I want to add another number today. Its over 2,800 deaths. I just got a phone call, another dear friend of mine has passed. Nearly 1. 2 Million People have filed for unemployment. Thats why im back here today. We, however, have a lot more work to do. The package is not perfect. The more work must be done to provide assistance to our states and our local governments to ensure that the Postal Service, where there is a statement that neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night should stay the completion of mail delivery, the covid virus is devastating the Postal Service. The 484 billion measure will provide desperately needed Financial Support. I stand here today, my heartbroken, in support of this bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady im very proud to yield one minute to the gentlelady from puerto rico, miss gonzalezcolon. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman puerto rico is recognized for one minute. Miss gonzalezcolon than you, mr. Speaker. Madam speaker, i rise in support of this emergency legislation that prioritize to replenish emergency relief for all Small Businesses and hospitals across the nation. The Paycheck Protection Program has without any doubt been instrument in helping Small Businesses in puerto rico and america to keep their employees paid through this cry suss. Lenders in puerto rico approved loans, n 2,800 of these disbursing a total of 658 million before the funds ran out. We got less than 17 of all nation p. P. E. Loans making us just jurisdiction number 52. I expect this bill now would allow the rest of those Small Businesses to get it and to get it now. The islands economy has been greatly impacted like the people here on the mainland. 50,000 more than 1 people employees, its imperative we support this bill and provide vital today to all american businesses across the nation which are the lifeblood of our economy. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal i want to yield one minute to the gentleman from North Carolina, the very capable congressman butterfield, close friend of mine. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Butterfield i thank you. I rise to thank and commend my colleagues for their work on this 480 billion legislation. On april 7 as the speaker said, republicans wanted 250 billion but no more. After democratic demands, republicans finally agreed to increase by 250 billion to 480 billion to include our priorities. An additional 60 billion setaside for small banks and Community Development Financial Institutions and Credit Unions. We were determined to add billions to Small Community lenders. We wrote into the legislation that these loans will be forgiven if properly used for paycheck protection. I call on secretary mnuchin to follow through on his commitment to ensure that these small lenders get the money. Make sure the money gets in the hands of africanamerican, latino, women, and veteranowned businesses. Make sure the money gets into the hands of nonprofits and churches. I call on the Small Business administration to furnish data on the approved lenders authorized to originate this loans, provide a report to us bay race and ethnicity, as to whether diverse entities are receiving these loans. I thank the gentleman. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. Gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Kustoff. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one min. Mr. Kustoff thank you, madam speaker. I rise today in support of the Paycheck Protection Program and health care had been enhancement act. There is no doubt that our Small Businesses in west tennessee and across the nation have felt the brunt of the economic effects of the coronavirus. The Paycheck Protection Program has saved Small Businesses in west tennessee and also allowed them to keep their employees on the payroll. Im disappointed that the democrats didnt allow a vote on this funding before today, but i am appreciative of the vote. I look forward to voting for this funding today that will give american Small Businesses the resources to maintain their livelihoods and weather the storm. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal pleased to yield one minute to the gentlelady from illinois and champion of Small Business, congresswoman kelly. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from illinois is recognized for one min minute. Ms. Kelly madam speaker, i support this legislation because hospitals and Small Businesses in our communities need relief. Our communities need this bridge over troubled water. This legislation rightfully invests 300 plus billion into the backbone of our economy, Small Businesses. It puts 75 billion into our nations hospitals. And ensures that those serving our most vulnerable receive the resources they need to save lives. It invests 25 billion in testing. As the chair of the c. B. C. Health brain trust we must make sure that the testing goes into the areas disproportionately affected like the black and brown communities. This legislation makes language develop includes language developed by myself along with congresswoman bass and pressley and senators warren, harris, and booker to ensure we collect and analyze racial data related to the obvious disparity in covid19. The better data made possible by this bill must effectively direct resources into our communities where needed, not where best connected. Let us also remember the postal workers, states and local government, our teachers, they need our resources also. I want to give my condolences to senator warren for losing her brother to covid19. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady madam speaker, pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Huizenga. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one min. Mr. Huizenga madam speaker, while we have many different approaches about restarting our economy, we should all agree the Paycheck Protection Program has provide add vital lifeline to Small Businesses in communities across america, including west michigan. For example, media reports are that a Community Bank based in holland, michigan, was able to process over 300 million in p. P. P. Loans this. Will help keep paychecks coming to more than 27,000 hardworking people in west michigan. Heard from an owner of a Bowling Alley saved by the p. M. P. He can pay his bills and his business has avoid bankruptcy. Even with these successes i heard from employers across my district waiting to receive their loan. While im glad its happening today it shouldnt have taken this lofpblgt as we discuss the next steps the federal government can take i encourage the speaker and my colleagues to support h. R. 6433, a bill introduced on april 3, the heroes act. As a way to say thank you to the First Responders and medical professionals risking their lives on a daily basis to save the lives of others. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal im pleased to yield one minute to the very influential member of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Blumenauer. Mr. Blumenauer i am in awe of countless Unsung Heroes who made it possible for all of us to get here safely today. We thank you. Im here not just to vote for a badly needed additional relief, but in support of the speaker and our leadership in their uccessful effort resisting the republicans in the senate in fighting against making it better. Im here to give voice to my fellow oronians who know so much more needs to be oregonians who know so much more needs to be done. Big banks and the Trump Administration gave too much to the wrong people and not enough to those most in need. The administration can do something that cost taxpayers nothing. Clarify the p. P. P. Provision was a simple answer, how exactly the forgiveness provisions are going to work. I was on the phone until 1 00 a. M. Last night with a Small Business woman in portland because of this lack of clarity if she could even accept the loan that shes been given. We must do better for the Small Businesses and the millions of jobs that depend upon it. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Grothman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized for one minute. Mr. Grothman like all bills, this bill comes down to how its implemented. Right now we have a problem and i hope bureaucracy does a better job of implementing it. The p. P. P. In this program to, i believe, a lot of businesses that are actually even better off because of the virus because its been so sloppily administered. I hope in the future if we pass this bill the people Pay Attention to that. I also realize a lot of money is going to hospitals who have relied on predictions coming outs of washington that they were going to get a lot of patients they may not be getting. Right now in my district and many other districts nurses and other Hospital Personnel are being laid off and hospitals are losing money because they were expecting a deluge of patients that never came. Gratefully. I hope in the future that the recommendations out of washington are more on target. My employees in my hospitals can get back to work as we begin to do colonoscopies, mammograms, hips, knees, and diagnostic tests. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. Gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, congressman jeffries, who has done a remarkable job during this trying period as the compare of the Democratic Caucus. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. Mr. Jeffries i thank the distinguished chair for his tremendous leadership. Madam speaker, i rise in strong support of this emergency spending legislation. More must be done. But it is a strong step in the right direction. The covid19 pandemic is ravages america. Small businesses are shuttered. Thousands have died. Millions of americans are unemployed. Rome is burning. We can either put out the fire or watch our great nation go down in flames. This bill will help familyowned business, help womenowned business, minorityowned business, help small family farmers, and help our hospitals and Nursing Homes. Yes, its not perfect. But we cannot allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. We are here to legislate not just pontificate. Vote yes and live to fight another day. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Guthry. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for one minute. Mr. Guthrie i thank my friend for yielding. Adam speaker, the pp program p. P. P. Program came out in astonishing speed. But there were criteria to get the money because we are spending 350 billion. I did have have Smaller Banks and smaller business who is did not have experience working with the s. B. A. With the federal government who needed to come up to speed. I think all of us hopefully were home. I certainly was. Talking to our Small Businesses, our small banks. Getting them all ready. I dont have my 2019 taxes prepared yet and i have to have that to show my income for 2019. It came together right before we ran out of money, everybody was in the portal or Small Businesses are ready. Thats what we want, its the touchdown 50 billion to go forward. Keep the program running. They would be flush today and do the things that we are doing now today very important, too. They are bipartisan. We agree. But we didnt have to have this interlude. Help is on the way. Our Small Businesses are now ready. It did take time for some Smaller Banks and businesses, but im proud to say they are ready. Im proud to vote for this bill today. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal glad to yield one minute to ambassador, congressman, and successful businessman and member of the ways and Means Committee, congressman beyer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Beyer thank you. I rise in support of this legislation to protect jobs, support Small Business, and save lives. Its good that we agree on this funding but americans need more, much more. As of this morning 26 million americans have lost their jobs and many states as much as a third of their work force. Workers need our help in way that doesnt stop or expyre. Expire. Congress will have to do more to safe Small Businesses both in undering if and making changes and exercising oversight to ensure it goes to Small Businesses. In state and local governments desperately need our help. The idea we would tell states and localities to bear the brunt and let them go bankrupt d lay off medical workers, others irefighters, and is not right. The American People deserve and need to be able to participate in their democracy safely without having to risk their lives and congress should support state efforts and vote by mail. Finally postal workers are risking their lives every day to deliver our mail. They deserve our support. And the federal government needs to keep their agency from going bankrupt. Only congress can achieve these things and we cannot delay. The need is urgent antiAmerican People are depending on us. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased, proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Roy. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Roy i thank my friend from texas. Madam speaker, i have one question. Where has congress been . 43 of american households have had a significant or total pay cut. 26 million americans have filed for unemployment. Schools are shut down placing burdens on families and hospitals are playing off doctors and nurses. Where has congress been . Congress has met twice. First to pass a 2 trillion billion that in many cases is harming the very business it is purports to help. Now again to spend more borrowed money without asking the important questions. No hearings, no oversight. Today im holding my nose voting for a bill. I had no chance to shape because there are 700,000 businesses closed by the power of government on the outside looking in while harvard qualifies for nine million. This is it, madam speaker, enough. No more picking winnerers and losers. No more asking a small restaurant to gamble, borrow money hopes it will be forgiven by their government if they rehire people they cant reliar because those same overlords are paying more in unemployment than to do their job. Congress must convene not just today but every day. Our job is to make policies to save lives. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Roy not reaction, pain and fear. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Roy congress should be here, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded not to use vulgarity during floor debate. The speaker pro tempore massachusetts. Neal thealthaul, madam speaker. E the gentleman from massachusetts. Neal theal thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Im pleased to yield to the gentlelady from california. Ms. Chu i rise today in strong support of the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement act. In order to reopen our economy and conquer this virus, we must have a real count who have has been affected but we dont know the impact of this pandemic because our nation is facing a severe shortage of covid19 tests. Thats why it was so important that democrats fought to include 25 billion in this package to expand our Testing Capacity. Also of critical importance is that this legislation has the Paycheck Protection Program set aside 60 billion in Lending Authority for Small Community lenders, helping the countless Small Businesses turned away by big banks. Like my constituent tony, a dentist who has had a business account with bank of america since 1983, but was denied the opportunity to even apply for p. P. P. This setaside authority gives our smallest businesses the resources and hope they need that they can survive this pandemic. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, madam speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the leader of the Financial Services committee and newly apointed member of the oversight appointed member of the Oversight Committee of the cares act, the gentleman from arkansas, mr. Hill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arkansas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hill i thank, madam speaker. I thank the chairman. I rise in support of the paycheck protection increase act. In arkansas that are more than 13,000 pending p. P. P. Loan applications representing over 1. 1 billion, madam speaker, of loans in limbo. Like wise, many await the s. B. A. s disaster loan funding and, wait for it, now. The timing of this additional funding is critical and yet again i regret the delay by many leaders on the other side on playing politics one more time with the livelihoods of our constituents. After the passage of this important package, im confident that our employers and our consumers will prudently be able to combine common sense and follow the c. D. C. Precautions and get back to work, back to seeing patients, back to the barbershop, back to their faith communities, and back to some semblance of normalcy. Americans always come together in times of crisis. We will defeat this foreign invader, we will get our economy back to full capacity. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, champion of all things buffalo and a member of the ways and Means Committee, congressman higgins. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. Mr. Higgins thank you, chairman neal. This Disaster Relief bill includes 360 billion for paycheck protection for american workers. 75 billion for a crage our courageous Health Care Workers and the institutions they work in. 25 billion for virus testing, to bend, break and crush the disease curve. Sadly, new york state, county and local governments were kicked out of this Disaster Relief bill. The Senate Majority leaders arrogant advice for them, to include bankruptcy is insulting, arrogant. What we need at this time of national crisis, a national emergency, we need leaders who possess goodness, humility, courage and a sense that we are all in this together. A sense of national solidarity. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The members are advised to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the United States senate. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the republican leader of the House Administration committee, the gentleman from illinois, mr. Davis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Mr. Davis thank you, madam speaker. And thank you, chairman Ranking Member brady. Chairman neal. I really appreciate the opportunity to come here, to once again remind our colleagues that if theres one thing that we ought to do right in this institution, its to help americans recover from a disaster that they didnt ask for. We did that by coming together for the cares act. The p. P. P. Program in illinois alone has made 69,893 loans to our main street businesses, worth 15 billion, almost 16 billion. But i want to tell but one person who still has a need. Lindy mcdonald of myler automotive and repair of champagne, illinois. She kept all of her employees. Shes keeping her business going even though customers are down. Shes still in the queue to get funded by what we do today. Vote yes on this legislation. Thank you for the bipartisanship. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal glad to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois, the subcommittee chairman of the family and support committee, congressman davis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Chairman. The coronavirus has brought to national atext the attention the huge disparities in Health Standards and economic standards of africanamericans and other population groups in this country. Weve seen how some Financial Institutions overlook and deny small struggling businesses. This bill will do something about both. I hope it does and im confident that it will. And after we have arrested the coronavirus, lets do Something Different and help equalize america so that blacks and other population groups are not dying in disproportion to our population. Lets make america the great equalizer, the america that has never been and yet the america that we know can and must be. And lets save our Postal Service. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Muser. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. Muse muse i thank the gentleman from musemuse i thank the gentleman from mr. Meuser i thank the gentleman from texas. This has caused a significant disruption from employers and employees throughout the country. In pennsylvania, the payroll Protection Program has in a period of 12 days processed over 70,000 loans, totaling 15. 7 billion to help Small Business make payroll and save jobs. Thank you to our Community Banks and Small Businesses and the s. B. A. For everything that was done. The severity of this crisis, however, necessitates additional funding for this program. For the past two weeks, republicans in congress have advocated for additional appropriations while democratic leadership has permitted such delays to continue. It has been extremely disruptive for businesses that it took this long for the p. P. P. To be increased. Businesses need some certainty. They do not have the luxury of waiting for partisan political games. Lets not let this happen again, particularly during the course of this crisis. Our country must now focus our efforts on planning to get back to work while maintaining a high level of safety standards, with new funding in place, we can continue to fight the virus, stay safe and get our economy roaring again. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, a champion of all things new york and a member of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Suozzi. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. Mr. Souzzi madam speaker, i support this legislation. Im concerned, however, that banks have focused on big Small Businesses and have ignored the smaller Small Businesses seeking 100,000 or less. Im asking my colleagues to send a clear message to the banks and the secretary mnuchin. We will be watching. We need you to fight for the little guys. There are a lot of good things in this bill, including something we in new york have pushed for. Money for hospitals based on the rate of infection. But we need more. My three counties are in the top five in the nation in confirmed cases. New york has over 30 of the cases and 30 of the deaths. Previously this administration gave new York Hospitals less money than texas, which has only 3 of the cases. How does that make sense . Now senator mcconnell is saying, lets bankrupt our hardest hit states and local governments. Madam speaker, my state subsidizes senator mcconnells state and has for decades. The grim reaper is telling my state and others to drop dead. Well, i have a message four. Were going to fight you. Most democrats and republicans have put aside ideological differences for the common good. We must continue to fight for new york, for my district, and for the little guy. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to a leader in the Small Business committee, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Bishop. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bishop i thank the Ranking Member. In my one minute, let me tell but hornwood incorporated. Talk about a survivor. Hornwood is a specialty textile manufacturer in operation 74 years. Manufactures proukts for the u. S. Military. Many specialty applications and now components for p. P. E. Hornwoods main facility is in anson county, among the most economically challenged counties in North Carolina. Hornwood employs almost 400, largest employer in that county. Although it is designated essential, its revenues plummeted as government shut down the economy. Without a p. P. P. Loan, despite being essential, hornwood must shut down eminently. It applied for p. P. P. On the second day. But its application was caught in a snafu and funds ran out. The two weeks consumed by the majoritys exercise of leverage may well prove the fatal difference for hornwood and thousands of other Small Businesses, but im glad were here finally to finish the job. To hornwood and all the others, keep surviving. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Im delighted to yield one minute to the gentleman from california, the wellregarded member of the ways and Means Committee, congressman gomez. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Gohmert thank you. I rise in support mr. Gomez thank you. I rise in support of this package because i have Small Businesses in my district that are closing after being in business for decades, right before our eyes. This bill is better than what the republicans originally proposed and, make no mistake about it, if it wasnt for democrats pushing to make changes, the businesses, the true Small Businesses, not the public traded companies, would still to be left behind. There would be no money for hospitals, no money for p. P. E. s, no money for testing. It is the push of the democrats that made this bill better and its why im supporting it. I also want to be clear that this virus is on a different timeline. No matter what people think, no matter what people say, this is just the beginning. The end of the beginning and not the beginning of the end. So when that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, madam speaker. Please yield one minute pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, general bergman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bergman madam speaker, i rise today in support of the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement act. Less than a month ago i stood on this floor and urged my colleagues to support our Small Businesses by passing the cares act. And today im here again asking the house to pass this bill and get it to the president s desk so we can give our Small Businesses and Health Care Providers the additional assistance they need. This bill provides an extra 75 billion to our hospitals and 25 billion for expanded Testing Capacity. With resources specifically set aside for Community Health centers and rural health clinics. These additional funds will have a dramatic impact in rural areas like michigans first district, where access to testing has lagged and our Rural Health Care facilities are struggling to keep their doors open. This legislation also refills the Paycheck Protection Program, critical for the Upper Peninsula and northern michigans Small Businesses. This temporary, targeted relief is our opportunity to send a strong message to our main street businesses that we want them to be able to open their doors when its time to open our economy back up. I urge my colleagues to support this bill. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal madam speaker, im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from california, chairwoman of the Financial Services committee who was a major author of this legislation, ms. Waters. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized for would minutes. Ms. Waters thank you very much, madam speaker. I want to thank you for your leadership and tough negotiations in support of this legislation, h. R. 266. I not only rise in support of this legislation, this, the enhancement act. I also would like to rise in support of what were doing for the Health Care Enhancement act in this bill. And im going to take a moment to dedicate this legislation to my dear sister, who is dying in a hospital in st. Louis, missouri, right now, infected by the coronavirus. This legislation provides 370 billion in funding for Small Businesses, as well as 100 billion for hospitals and coronavirus testing. Im pleased that weve been able to set aside 60 billion for our nations Community Development Financial Institutions, minority depository institutions, Community Banks, Credit Unions, Certified Development companies and microlenders, to directly lend to their Small Business customers who are often minorityowned businesses. Small businesses and their workers all across the country are in dire need of assistance and will benefit from this bill. With that Congress Must immediately turn to the next package of legislation to provide relief during the pandemic. To help o do much more renters, homeowners, people experiencing homelessness, and landlords. As chairwoman of the Financial Services committee, im already additional Coronavirus Relief legislation, ncluding legislation that creates a 100 billion Emergency Rental Assistance Fund and a 75 homeowner assistance fund. I support h. R. 266 and look my ard to working with colleagues on the next relief package. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Are with chairwoman waters, her sister, and her family. One minute toield one of the leaders of the appropriations committee, the tennessee, mr. Fleischmann. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one minute. Mr. Fleischmann thank you, speaker. I rise in support of this, a fourth bill. Id like of adversity, to reach out to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. He American People are concerned, but we are optimistic. The American People are worried, but we will come through this adversity. I think of the people i represent in tennessee, but we coming together in as a never seen time ive us come together before. At a time of difficulty, we have opportunity to actually seize this moment and move our great nation forward. Am i concerned . Yes, im concerned. Of course, i am. We will see better days in this great nation, and let us chamberrget, we in this represent the people of the greatest nation in the world. We shall prevail. Yield back. You and the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Best toinly express our Maxine Waters and her family at this challenging time. I want to yield one minute to texas, lelady from congresswoman jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas recognized for one minute is for one minute. Ms. Jackson lee let me thank you, madam speaker. Me acknowledge that people are dying. But in some time in the future, may have 1 6 of the number of people that died in world war the battles on behalf of the United States. I rise because i support this has lation because it universal testing. For covid19, its a matter of and death. I call upon using this 25 billion for testing nursing workers. All essential they must be assured that they are safe. I join with the congressional we k caucus to make sure have concentrated voluntary testing in areas where there depth. En high Contact Tracing to identify the people which has been included, tests, working with our communities and faithbased. The fifth ward. I want them to be part of those get now the new dollars. The 60 billion thats going to help the very, very small. In the way of the ruths chris and shake and bake. Hospitals that have been on the frontlines. They need to be the speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Ms. Jackson lee not just medicare, medicaid focused. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Ms. Jackson lee yes, i want hero pay for our transit workers hero the speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Texas is man from recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Very proud to yield one minute chief deputy whip and key member of the ways and Means Committee, the gentleman from georgia, mr. Ferguson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Ferguson thank you. Madam speaker, i rise in support of the legislation. Is important for our communities and our Small Businesses back home. And on n a real battle, one front, we have our incredible Health Care Workers, our Frontline Health care Responders First and hospital administers that are fighting out there and those of es, we owe a debt gratitude, and this bill will provide some important resources, particularly for our hospitals. But theres an Economic Disaster as well. And id like to say thank you to nother group of unexpected heroes in an are out there working that are out there and ng very, very hard thats our Community Bankers in our small Rural Communities. Working kers have been long hours helping the Small Businesses in their communities that they serve. A lot you, there will be of stories that come out about good things and bad things that have happened with this am practice, but i could not be grateful for the men and women in our Small Community banks that are out there putting hours, long days, doing their deadlevel best to help serve. Munities that they so, again, i ask that all colleagues support this legislation. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from chairperson of the Oversight Committee, congresswoman maloney. The speaker pro tempore the entlewoman from new york is recognized for 30 seconds. Mrs. Maloney madam speaker, i support this bill which provides additional 310 billion for p. P. P. Loans. Is desperately need, it almost certainly will not be enough. Additional 60 billion is being set aside for unions, banks, credit and cdfis. Ks i promise i will watch the 60 billion like a hawk to make sure it goes to the communities we intended. But i also want to mention priority, the Postal Service, which is running out of money and must be funded soon. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. To proud to yield one minute he gentleman from florida, mr. Waltz. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Madam tz thank you, speaker. Were hearing a lot today about emocrats support this, republicans support that. I dont think this is a time for that, colleagues. Care. Ans dont they dont care about party. This virus doesnt care. They care about this Congress Things done and about america pulling through. This is a good day for our hospitals. For our i think a Silver Lining in all of this will be all of us seeing together. Ll and i think another Silver Lining will be us drastically view our ow we relationship with china. The chinese ding ommunist party is not our friend, friend, manipulating international organizations, are hoarding supplies, brought manufacturing away from a place where we as america can benefit. Bring that manufacturing home. We will do that on the other side of this. Introduce o legislation today to not only ring our pharmaceuticals home but our technology and our business that china is preying speak. T now as we wake up, america. We are in a cold war, and we better. Do the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Seconds to ield 30 the gentlelady and fully capable member from connecticut, congresswoman delauro. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Delauro this economic package is for Small Businesses, finally. Im proud we also secured 25 to expand testing with 11 billion to increase state capacity. Testing 1 billion for the c. D. C. N. I. H. Llion for the 1 billion for barta. Money for the food and drug administration. Community Health Centers. This is not everything we wanted. Next, we need relief for states localities, snap benefits, paid family leave and paid sick ays and the expansion of the child tax credit. Vote yes to continue working for people. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the is leman from texas recognized. Mr. Brady madam speaker, pleased to yield one minute to a member of n and key the ways and Means Committee, mr. Arrington. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Madam speaker, these resources are a lifeline to our fellow americans whose have been ivelihoods turned upside down by no fault of their own. Somearent just numbers on government spreadsheet. Theyre Health Care Workers who this o the frontlines in battle, risking their lives for our safety, their family theyre family farmers, independent energy producers, and Small Businesses part, kind who did their made their sacrifices and stayed home, shuttered their businesses, all to keep their and their country safe. This temporary support will partly, but em, more importantly, will help them get on their feet so that they their employees on the payroll and off the unemployment roll. Ofse folks are the heartbeat america. They are the lifeblood of this economy, and they, not the government, will lead one of the greatest american comebacks in our history. Madam speaker, lets suit up, it on, and lets get america back to work. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Seconds to ield 30 the gentleman and chairperson of the veterans committee, the gentleman from california, takano. Man the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Takano thank you, madam speaker. 266 provides billions of dollars in funding for small usinesses, hospitals, and muchneeded testing. This is a bill that works for the people, not just the clients of the big banks. I have heard from Small Business owners in Riverside County who receive the d to help they need after the original funds ran dry. His bill strengthens the Paycheck Protection Program by providing an additional 310 billion to help Small Businesses stay afloat. Further, this bill ensures that not large businesses, multimillion dollar corporations have access to these funds. I urge my colleagues to vote yes h. R. 266. The wellbeing of the American People depends on it. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the texas. An from mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from south wilson. , mr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennesseeing is recognized South Carolina is recognized for one minute. R. Wilson thank you, madam speaker. I support the legislation. Im grateful that President Donald Trump has succeeded with address the to destructive impact of the wuhan virus. Our families Small Businesses hospitals need this support o maintain jobs now more than ever. The Paycheck Protection Program has been successful in Small Businesses and maintaining jobs, already saving 30 million jobs. A realworld example of a on fox Business News last week with Melissa Francis of the wing bill dukes blue marlin restaurant in columbus, praising the security securing jobs. R this agreement will help families but, sadly, there was a partisan use of politics, letting no disaster go to waste. In conclusion, god bless our never forget will september 11 and the global war on terrorism. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. R. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Let me yield one minute to. Gentleman florida, very capable ember of the ways and Means Committee, congresswoman murphy. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for one minute. Madam rphy thank you, speaker. Todays bill is a positive step and has my full support, but it took too long. Time, lets skip partisan games and just do our jobs. Smart. Be aggressive and we should spare no expense when it comes to testing, treatment, and vaccine. We must support workers who crisis. Blame for this we should keep workers tethered to their jobs and to their care. Swift and uld be direct rather through time consuming programs. Their jobs, t lost congress has supplied billions. Unemployment system is marred by incompetence and indifference. Better. Try must do our country confronts a deadly virus. Covid19. Ombat my fellow blue dog colleagues and i will continue pushing for more bipartisan cooperation to for the ob done American People. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. You. Rady thank im pleased to yield one minute to a member of the appropriations committee, a hurd. Texan, mr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Speaker, madam 134,700, thats the number of Small Businesses in my home texas that have received paycheck protection moream loans, amounting to than 28. 4 billion. This money helps small usinesses Small Business owners catch their breath because they didnt have to fire their employees. His money prevented thousands from going on unemployment and in line at already overrun food banks. This money, madam speaker, has small bandaid, helping businesses stop bleeding. This program has and will help any survive this moment of darkness. More funding for p. P. P. Will save jobs. More funding for testing will lives. Lets get it done. Delays. I im proud a solution to these im came about but disappoint disappointed partisanship delayed it. Up and ies are stepping helping one another. Congress should follow that lead. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from ami bera. , dr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. I bera madam speaker, rise we are in the middle of this Global Pandemic. Ors isnt a republican virus democratic virus. It doesnt recognize the color of your skin or the country of your origin. Oesnt know what god you worship. Were in this together, not just as a city, a state, a country. Together, all of us. And we will get out of this together. Lets find our humankindness and better nature human kindness and our better nature. Stronger and ut kinder and gentler. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. You, madam hank chairman. Pleased to yield madam speaker, pleased to yield one ember of the ib Financial Services committee, the gentlelady from missouri, mrs. Wagner. The peaker pro tempore gentlelady from missouri is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Wagner i thank the Ranking Member. Today toaker, im here call on colleagues to protect the Paycheck Protection Program act,Health Care Enhancement legislation thats poised to be a lifeline to my constituents in missouris second congressional pandemic. Uring this this bill includes 310 billion the creased funding for Paycheck Protection Program, helped keep s opened of thousands of one, a Health Care Provider with over 200 employees. Y office worked with marthas hands to secure these vital p. P. P. Funds so they will be able to pay their employees and to help r doors open the most fragile in our community. There are Small Businesses and just like them all over who are dependent. The backbone of our economy. We included money for hospitals and Health Care Providers so hat Frontline Health care heroes are taken care of. And 25 billion for critical covid19 testing so we can understand the spread of this virus, to save lives, and to have the confidence to reopen our communities. Hank thank you, madam speaker. I ask everyone to vote yes on this legislation and i yield back. Mr. Neal pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from washington, doctor and congresswoman schrier. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Schrier thank you, madam speaker. Todays by the is critical for Small Businesses in my district who are desperately waiting for this Financial Life line. The funding for testing is also critical as our country is woefully behind. We need 10 to 20 times the current level of testing to know who is testing and isolate them and find emerging hot spots. Without that we are flying blind and we will see new surges. Widespread testing is keying to move forward. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. Is key to moving forward. Thank you, and i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Brady i yield to the gentleman from montana. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from montana is recognized for one minute. Mr. Gianforte madam speaker, i rise today in support of reopening the payroll Protection Program after an unnecessary lapse in funding. In just two weeks, after the launch, the program provided over 13,000 loans in montana, totaling 1. 4 billion. Its helped Small Businesses stay open and keep workers on the payroll. But as the well quickly quickly ran dry on this critical life line for Small Businesses and workers, Chuck Schumer stood on the sidelines and failed to work with republicans to keep this program running. When Senate Majority leader mcconnell moved to increase funding, democrats objected. Refusing to allow immediate action. Thats outrageous. At last, were doing the right thing by Small Businesses and workers, but its overdue. And its been needlessly held up with partisan games. I urge my colleagues to stand with Small Businesses and workers today and pass the Paycheck Protection Program and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal pleased to yield to the gentleman from utah, congressman mcadams. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from utah is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Adams thank you, madam speaker mr. Mcadams thank you, madam speaker. Utah families are suffering and worrying about how theyre going to survive this crisis financially. This legislation provides for additional funds for the Paycheck Protection Program to cover payroll and other essential expense for Small Businesses and it keeps paychecks coming for employees. We must make sure that this money makes it to the Small Businesses and hardworking families that deserve it. This bill also provides critical support to our hospitals who are saving lives and money for testing so we can move safely and responsibly to reopen the economy. This is critical economic support. I support this Bipartisan Legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you. Im pleased to yield one minute to a member of the Financial Services committee, the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Barr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for one minute. Mr. Barr i thank my friend from texas and for americas struggling Small Businesses, theres just no substitute for safely reopening the economy. But until that happens, the Paycheck Protection Program is a life line. The first wave of funding delivered 350 billion in for giveable loans to 1. 6 million firms nationwide, including over 4 billion to save jobs if my home state of kentucky. For the wells family at green tree force product, the funds meant they could keep their sawmill open and retain 93 employees in eastern kentucky. For upper riot marketing, a company impacted by the postponement of the Kentucky Derby and the closure of the kentucky bourbon trail, funding arrived a day before the company was set to lay off 30 employees. Its unfortunate that some in this house dithered the last seven days, making partisan demands after the program ran out of money and an additional 4. 5 million americans applied for unemployment. But this restores hope for those, including a dentist dennis from lexington, who has a car repair shop, has 10 employees but has yet to receive a loan. Congress must ensure that by flattening the curve we dont flatten Small Businesses with it. I urge my colleagues to vote yes and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal how much time is remaining on each side . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts has 31 minutes remaining. And the gentleman from texas has 24 1 2 minutes remaining. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Let me yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from minnesota, congresswoman craig. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Craig thank you, madam speaker. I rise in strong support today for america and minnesotas Small Businesses. Whether its a florist in apple valley, the cannon river winery, or a food shelf in eagan, ive heard the urgent need for funding assistance to survive the impacts of covid19. But we must do more. Im grateful that were going to add Additional Support to Small Businesses and nonprofits by funding the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program today. To keep Small Businesses and the American Dream alive. Thank you. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady madam speaker, im proud to yield one minute to a fellow texan, mr. Crenshaw. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Crenshaw thank you, madam speaker. I rise today, where we should have been a week ago when the treasury warned us that the Small Business program needed refunding. Its a program we already authorized and that americans need desperately to keep their payrolls whole during this crisis. But, in predictable fashion, it was delayed. My colleagues will claim victory for this delay, claiming wins for additional funding, but they know that this vote today could have easily been agreed to last week. We are asking our grocers to stock our shelves, truckers to drive, and nurses and doctors to risk their lives, but congress cant even bother to vote to help Small Businesses in time. In fact, many want to vote from home or by proxy. If you think thats leadership, then i would encourage you to rethink what it means to be a representative. Leadership is courage to lead from the front. It is steadfast judgment free from cynical opportunism. Leadership means acting worthy of the people we represent. If we are to survive this historic crisis, we might collectively stiffen our spines and demonstrate to the American People what that looks like. Thank you, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from texas, congresswoman escobar. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Escobar thank you, chairman neal. Madam speaker, i rise to support this interim package. Ive spent every day in my district speaking to constituents and stakeholders battered by this health and economic crisis. Im grateful to Speaker Pelosi and democratic colleagues who have fought for additional money for Small Businesses, fixed problems we saw after the first round of funding, and added money for hospitals. Im disappointed by republican colleagues who refuse to include local and state governments, but we will keep fighting for them and so many others who are left out. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady madam speaker, im proud to yield two minutes to the republican whip, the gentleman from louisiana, mr. Scalise. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from louisiana is incrediblyre successful as lifeline to those Small Businesses. It has been used by so many businesses to hang on. Ho are time. Ing through this the Paycheck Protection Program has been incredibly successful small fe line to those businesses. President trump called on us weeks ago to come and replenish this fund thats been used by so many businesses to hang on. One of the leaders of the main caucus on the opposition side called the Paycheck Protection Program leverage, that they should hold out from refunding to get other things. This isnt about leveraging families who are struggling and hanging on and businesses who barely can make it. While you try to go for other items. Help those people who are in need, negotiate on other things we can get agreement on but dont hold hostages during this time. I reached out to so many Small Businesses and heard from people in my district and all around this country. We saw another 4. 4 Million People lose their jobs just this week. And yet there were businesses holding on, waiting for this money that didnt get it for the last two weeks while this leverage game was played. Just talked to one company. Delta electronics in harvey, louisiana. We laid off two of our three employees. We are about seven days away from shutting our doors down for good and possibly declaring bankruptcy. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Brady madam speaker, i yield an additional minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Scalise thank you, madam speaker. Were about seven days away from shutting our doors down for good and possibly declaring bankruptcy. We dont know what else to do. Im tired of crying myself to sleep every night wondering what tomorrow holds. Will we lose everything we worked for . Our house, our retirement . Enough is enough. They had to wait an extra two weeks. Hopefully that company can hold on. M. J. s grill in columbia, South Carolina. Were a small familyrun business that has a staff of 16. We had to cut our staffing down to eight. Those employees work limited hours. I work, i hope and close the kitchen every day without taking a paycheck to try to keep the doors open. We are quickly approaching the hardline decision of closing our doors permanently. These are stories that begun on and on. Heartbreaking store that go on and on. Heartbreaking stories. Businesses that just want to keep their business going, to keep their employees, that represent millions of people. Stop thinking of them as leverage. And start thinking of them as our neighbors, just like we applaud our front line workers, the men and women in the hospitals, the nurses, the doctors, who are keeping us safe. Lets work to keep everybody safe and get through this and open our economy back again. Lets pass this bill. Madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from california, doctor and congressman ruiz. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Ruiz thank you. The coronavirus has upended life as we know it. Health care workers need personal protective equipment and hospitals need supplies. Small businesses and Small Farmers need Financial Security to weather this storm. America needs a National Testing regime to safely and efficiently get this country back to work. Underserved Rural Communities need doctors and increased access to care. The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement act will provide muchneeded relief to millions across the country and help save lives. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Ruiz can i have another 10 seconds . Mr. Neal i yield another 10 seconds. Mr. Ruiz because of the urgency, i urge you to vote yes. However, state and local governments, tribal nations across the country need funding too, to provide essential services for essential front line workers, paramedics, law enforcement, firefighters. We must include Coronavirus Relief act, 250 billion local government, for populations less than 500, in the next act. Because small cities, firefighters, paramedics in my district matter too. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady yes, madam speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Smith. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Smith madam speaker, in new jersey 100,000 people have tested positive for covid19. With more than 5,000 suffering death. 40 of those who have died are women and men in Nursing Homes and veteran longterm care homes. We grieve their loss. My constituents have shown remarkable strength, resolve and resiliency, especially those in health care, First Responders, postal workers, truckers, supermarket employees, and more. Without their courage and sacrifice, things would be far worse. Signs outside of a Medical Center say it all. Heroes work here. For our hospitals, the 70 billion in this legislation, on top of the 100 billion from the cares act, is critically needed to sustain our overworked, cashsambed hospitals that risk cashstarved hospitals that risk insolvency because they have been compelled by law to postpone surgeries. 30 million jobs have been saved by the Paycheck Protection Program. Today 310 million replenishment continues and expands this historic the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Smith with for giveable loans to prevent layoffs. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from new york, the vice chair of the energy and Commerce Committee, congresswoman clarke. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from new york is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Clarke i rise today to stand fun toer ms. Clarke i rise today to stand up for the thousands of americans who have lost their lives due to the coronavirus. And to stand up for the tens of thousands of health care and essential Community Workers whos lives are on the line as i stand whose lives are on the line as i stand here. Today we are voting on a 480 billion interim relief package that includes 370 billion for Small Business loans and grants, 60 billion of which will go to mom and pop and underbanked cash and carry. 75 billion for hospitals and health care facilities, and 25 billion for national the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Clarke i ms. Clarke i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, madam speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to a key member of the ways and Means Committee, the gentleman from arizona, mr. Schweikert. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Schweikert how many have had the phone calls over the wereouple of weeks where talking to that Small Business person and you can almost hear tears on the other side of the call, you can hear the stress, the almost panic theyre about to hurt the very people because work with their business is failing because theyre desperate for promise that ayroll protection money that functionally ran out a couple weeks ago and we know the we engaged in a type of cruelty around here because e sat here and engaged in artisan were better than this. We knew what we had to do. Lets never do this again. Arizona, what were bout to vote on is 202,000 jobs. And the fact of the matter is, two should have had those weeks ago. The speaker pro tempore the expired. Ns time has mr. Schweikert lets make this happen. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal madam speaker, pleased 30 seconds to the gentleman from texas, congressman green. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for 30 seconds. Green thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, with all due president , if you want to make America Great again, mr. President , have the pass a bill to protect First Responders by sending money to local governments. To make America Great again, put money in the ockets of the persons who are in food lines miles long so they families. Heir you want to make America Great again . Admit what you said was a hoax the Health Care Workers nd advisors give the advice on health care. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. Texas is man from recognized. Mr. Brady madam speaker, you may also remind members we are engage in personalities on the house floor. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you. Proud to yield one minute to a services the financial committee, the gentleman from ohio, mr. Gonzalez. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is one minute. Or miss gonzalezcolon thank you mr. Gonzalez thank you. Support of the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement act. Throughout this crisis, small have done everything we asked and its pastime we we do past time something. Work s not the end of our in response to covid19. Local leaders across my northeast ohio district have clear their finances are in dire shape. This is forcing difficult about essential services, including Fire Departments and Police Officers. Hile we should not bail out badly run states and cities, it is vital we provide targeted to municipalities like orville, rootstown, green. F done palities that have things the right way and need our help. I look forward to working with this. Colleagues on and i yield back the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Madam l thank you, speaker. I yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from wisconsin, congressman pocan. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin is seconds. D for 30 mr. Pocan thank you. I support the bill before us oday, but we all know its not enough. Much more must be done in the next comprehensive aid package. Must put people first. But something also must be done about the horrific federal to testing. Fema and the Trump Administration have been nonexistent in getting states the test kits, reagents and p. P. E. We need to reopen. President forces us to open too soon, more people will get sick and die and the economy ill suffer and that will be on the president s hands. This isnt a reality show. Are at sake. S get us our supplies now. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. He gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady im pleased to yield one minute to a key leader from committee, d means the gentlelady from indiana, mrs. Walorski. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from indiana is minute. Ed for one mrs. Walorski thank you, madam speaker. Shoutout to the Health Care Workers in indianas Second District while im supporting this legislation. A phenomenal and risk they have job and risk they have taken. Was long, too long, complete completely avoidable. Ago democrats blocked p. P. P. S to replenish they said there was no data supporting more funding even hough the program ran out of money only a week later. P. P. P. Has helped so many small District Across my save jobs. But others have been waiting for loans. While gently needed democrats played games with workers livelihoods. Businessustrated small owner wrote to me, i saw the speaker laughing it up on late off her stash g of highend ice cream while i owners r Small Business dont know how we will make the next payroll. What, ladies and gentlemen. Times are tough. Everything ss needs we can give them in a bipartisan way. I strongly urge support of this bill. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal madam speaker, pleased to yield 30 seconds to the and my n from virginia friend, congressman connelly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is seconds. D for 30 mr. Connolly thank you, madam speaker. I dont know what my friend from indiana is talking about. This. Now thank god the democrats insisted small is bill helps the businesses intended to be supported. Got supported ys over the little guys, and thats hat were trying to fight for today. Second point. We got to help state and local government. Allowed to go bankrupt. Thats social darwinism at its worse. To help our ave postal workers and the Postal Service who serve all americans. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the expired. s time has the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one inute to a key member of the ways and Means Committee, the gentleman from kansas, mr. Estes. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from kansas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Estes madam speaker, two weeks ago my republican colleagues and i asked for more the Paycheck Protection Program. More than 1. 6 million small employees and their were helped before the money were ran out, including 4. 3 in p. P. P. Loans for more than 26,000 Small Businesses in kansas. Thousands of of applications sit because congress would not act in time. Result, be Small Business owners are laying off employees, theyre losing the businesses hard to worked so build. This bill will save 201,000 kansas jobs. Late, this bill provides more funding to the program, epresenting a small step towards reopening america. This money will save businesses and jobs and allows more hardworking americans to provide for their families. Increased testing is a vital to normalcy. Eturn it provides 75 billion for Health Care Providers and testing 25 billion for capacity to combat the virus. Critical to reopening kansas and getting america going again. Today, im grateful for the to helps who stepped up their neighbors in this unprecedented time. And i will continue to show up by supporting this legislation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. R. Neal thank you, madam speaker. I yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from new york, congressman nadler, chairman of the judiciary committee. The peaker pro tempore gentleman from new york is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Nadler thank you, madam speaker. District nesses in my are desperate for assistance. Thats stymied by a lack of and unfair treatment by banks and s. B. A. Imperative wetely give Small Businesses a new round of funding and support. His bill provides significant funding for hospitals and for expanded testing without which cannot safely reopen businesses and other establishments were trying to save. The bill does not give state and local governments the funding and flexibility they desperately need. We must provide for these and other unmet needs in the next bill, but right now the funds in bill are desperately needed and we must vote yes. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. R. Brady yes, madam speaker, pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from florida, mr. Mast. Mr. Mast. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mast thank you. We are a body of 435 do you believe this body has acted with the urgency we are our people that require . The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The house will be in order. That st i think its sad people believe we have acted in urgency. This has been no haste by body. It will be said of this time the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Could t that those who do the most did the least. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Madam speaker, let me yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from new jersey, congressman payne. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is for 30 seconds. Mr. Payne i thank the chairman. I thank the speaker, and i would to my friend on the other side of the aisle, there was no this y in february when was first brought to the president s attention. Rise today to i support the fourth coronavirus stimulus. Is good to see both parties can come together to aid the during a national risis, but we have to use accountability we must have accountability for the money that we provide. And we must get it to the people need it the most. Like many members, i was not hear of Small Businesses that could not get funds. E must do a better job in getting the funds to the people that need it the most and that be our commitment. And i yield back. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois, mr. Bost. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is minute. Ed for one mr. Bost thank you, madam speaker. Last time i stood in this chamber, it was the first day my district reported covid19 fatality. March 27, my n district had just 27 confirmed cases. 12th district e has 50 deaths and 862 confirmed cases. Rattled our communities across our country and our top priority should be be keeping lways people safe. But the virus has also forced grinding y into a halt. Our Small Businesses are desperate for a lifeline, and is the , that lifeline p. P. P. Program. In illinois, almost 70,000 loans before funding ran out. But funding should have never allowed to have run out. Job. Ould have done our we should have come back and olitics should not have been played. The covid virus 19 virus is not republican. Democrat. This hurting economy is not republican, it is not democrat, held up and we will never know how many Small Businesses failed because rather was played than rather than getting our jobs done. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. He gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from rhode island, the chairman of he democratic messaging committee, congressman cicilline. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from rhode island is recognized for 30 seconds. Cicilline the speaker pro tempore for one minute. Mr. Cicilline thank you, mr. Chairman. Mr. Neal hes a good messenger. The icilline thanks to good leadership of the speaker and our Outstanding Committee chairs, this helps our small hospitals and a National Testing strategy, which were not included in senator mcconnells original bill. Goodness for their leadership. But madam speaker, we also have to work hard to flatten this to do a lot have more for americas working families. In the next phase of relief, we recurring direct Cash Payments to workers, additional Small Business and cities to states to pay First Responders and heroes that care, are on the frontlines and even more in unemployment benefits. Ur response must meet the gravity of the moment. I hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle will join with us to make sure we this issue in the way that is necessary and not resist hospitals, to help workers, to help expand testing, all the things we know defeat this to pandemic. Thank goodness we stood up. Otherwise we wouldnt have 75 for Health Care Workers, 25 billion for testing, and all of the other things which are in that helps the smallest of Small Businesses. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from florida, mr. Spano. Tempore the o gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Sole florida the person on the Small Business committee, i support replenishing the paycheck program. N while the program is far from perfect but its effective. Efore the original funds were exhausted. 88,000 businesses in florida received almost 18 billion in that saved s, money justand businesses, all in 13 days. Beyond numbers, whats important is the program these people serve. Think of a family owned bowling ally thats been in my alley thats been part of district for 30 seconds. With their p. P. P. Loan they can 90 employees heir and stay in business so my grandchildren can go there too. Think of a home Health Care Provider that cares services. With their p. P. P. Loan, they of employees on the payroll and continue to care for our greatest generation. While no Government Program is this one undeniably helps people in difficult times and for that i support it. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. The e yield 30 seconds to gentleman from california. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. Madam speaker, the american and strong enerous and we will get through this if we stay united. Inthe mom and pop businesses my district that havent received a dime and the ommunity Health Centers struggling to help their patients, you are why i got on a night. Last in the weeks ahead, it should be everyones priority in this government to help our heroes on most intlines and those need, regardless of what state or city theyre in. Of re the United States america, and we must stay united. Mr. Levin thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady i yield main to the gentleman from nebraska, mr. Fortenberry. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from nebraska is recognized for one minute. Mr. Fortenberry thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, steve called me recently. He has one of the businesses thats been hardest hit by coronavirus. Hes down 90 . We talked through some issues. Steve decided to fight back. He got in line early for the Paycheck Protection Program and made a decision to bring his employees back and then he had a virtual Ribbon Cutting where he announced his reopening. Madam speaker, our country is in dire need of some good news and this p. P. P. Program has been a bright spot. In the trauma that we have all faced here. Where i live, madam speaker, the banker knows the farmer, the banker knows the barber, the banker knows the cafe owner. C. P. A. s, financial advisors, Credit Unions, weve all pitched in. This is what i Call Community solidarity. And it was clear from the beginning that this program would run out of money and weve reached that point. Is has been a bipartisan airlift, a life safer for so many lifesaver to so many people who make things with their own two hands and take care of others under their employ. I wholeheart lid support this bill. The speaker pro tempore whole heart mr. Fortenberry i wholeheart lid support this bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal i yield to mr. Kim. Mr. Kim 5,000 of my fellow new jerseyans have died and many more will come in the weeks to come. And still we cant get enough tests for those who need. It we are the richest, most powerful country in the world and we are now tired of excuses. We need a National Testing program to let us know if our loved ones are healthy or sick so we can reopen our country and help our Small Businesses. Thats our challenge, it is what history will judge us by. Let us get it done. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady madam speaker, proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from arizona, mr. Bigs. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arizona is recognize mr. Biggs. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arizona is recognized for one minute. Mr. Biggs the current bill provides 12 billion for injures dicks that specifically authorize jurisdictions that specifically authorize Contact Tracing. The bill does not define these terms. Does it allow Big Tech Companies to trail citizens and turn that information over to government . How will this data be secured, stored, etc. . There are many questions that go unanswered. Not the least of these however is the question of how much longer the American People will acquiesce to unconstitutional and crushing government action. We need to open america now. I call on our governers to free their citizens immediately. And with that, i yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal madam speaker, im pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from florida congressman soto. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Soto madam speaker, the true question we face in this pandemic is not when we will get out of this crisis, but how whether he get out of this crisis, and the keys to our Economic Freedom lie in this bill. 25 billion for testing and monitoring. 75 billion for treatment. A National Testing strategy. Finally, and additional business help for our Small Businesses, including 370 billion and 60 billion for our smallest, most vulnerable businesses. If we commit to continue to focus on how to survive, this pandemic, then my fellow americans, we will. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady madam speaker, im especially proud to yield one minute to the leader of the republican conference, the gentleman from california, mr. Mccarthy. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mccarthy i thank the gentleman for yielding. I thank him for his service. Thank i begin, i want to all of us for spending the time to be here today. But, madam speaker, i want to say to the families who are battling this virus, or to the families who have lost a loved one, if we would all pause to think about that. Not only did they lose a loved one, but they couldnt even be near them or with them at their time of need. I want them to know, from a republican and democrat side, for the entire congress, you are in our prayers and you will stay in our prayers. I also want to give a sincere thank you to all the essential workers on the front line of this crisis. Not from the republican leader, but from a very grateful nation. For the medical professionals, the doctors, nurses, receptionists, we thank you for going to work. We know the fear that it brings. We know the fear that it brings when you go home to your families. Nd were grateful. To the farmers who make sure we have food grown in america thats safe. Or the Truck Drivers who drivethrough the night to replenish the stores that we walk in to keep our distance, to have the food. The postal workers, the warehouse workers, the clerks inside those stores who every day go to work. You are making a meaningful and measurable difference in the lives of our entire nation. We will be forever grateful. For those who kept us safe, kept us healthy and kept us fed, you deserve a government that strives to meet that very same level of dedication. That is the promise i will make. That we will bring the same dedication that you bring to help others that you dont even know. And we should rise to that occasion. This is a commitment we make to every american. Whether he fight this virus together until we defeat it together. We did not ask for this virus. We did not invite it. It came from a distant land. But together we will defeat it. Not only for our country, but for the world. To do that, Congress Must act. And we will continue to act, even if some in this body want to play politics. Even if we get something held up, we will stay at the table until we bring people together. We want to put people before politics. Our entire effort will be bipartisan. After all, Public Health and a Strong Economy are not a democrat or republican issue. Unfortunately, madam speaker, we watched the other side within our own speaker of the house interject politics where it did not belong. And to an oversight body of our necessary relief funds. I want everybody to understand what the cares act did. The cares act that got held up for more than a week. Yes, at the end of the day, it changed from that one sunday , some got more money. But it didnt change for the who for what the work was going to be done for the people who needed it. Yes, some people, unfortunately, got laid off because it was delayed. It wasnt a bright moment for this body that week. But inside that cares act, not only did we provide resources, we provided accountability. You see, every single committee in congress has an oversight. We have a Committee Just designed for oversight. But we wanted to make something to make sure it was bipartisan. So we created three new entities in the cares act just for oversight. The first is called the Pandemic Response accountability committee. Its made up of inspectors general, not republicans or democrats, they are independent and professional. The second is a special Inspector General for the pandemic recovery. This individual is appointed by the president , confirmed by the senate, and lasts for five years and we gave 25 million to make sure they had the resources to make it happen. But that wasnt enough. We created a third one. Now this one is the congressional oversight commission, with commissioners. The body is appointed by every single leader appoints one. On our side of the aisle, we appointed french hill. Why . First, hes a statesman. He worked at the Treasury Department. He knows things backwards and forwards so they cant ever fool french hill. I was very excited when i heard on the other side of the aisle you appointed donna shalala, former secretary of h. H. S. This body wont be weighted by one side or the other. All four leaders, republican and democrat, appoint one so its equal. And then you know what happens for a chair . Mitch mcconnell and Speaker Pelosi decide who to become the chair. I think the American Public says thats right. But they dont go and hide inside a corner. They literally report to Congress Every 30 days. I was proud of that accomplishment. Thats what america expects from us. No politics. But the very best put the very best on there and report back. But today when we come back, because it was delayed, to give Small Business the resources it takes to keep people employed, now we added a little politics to the game. You see, today well vote on a new Oversight Committee. Will it be equal . Will it the same number of republicans and democrats, like the congressional one . No. Will it be the same when it comes to the Inspector Generals, where it wont care about politics . No, sad to say not. You see, this committee will be the only committee weighted politically. There will be seven democrats and five republicans. This committee was announced before they even told you the mission of what this committee should do. They even announced the chair of the committee. Now, i respect the chair greatly, madam speaker. He has one of the best political minds i know. Joe biden will tell you that. You see, our dear friend, congressman clyburn, he should be credited for getting joe biden the nomination. Why he failed in all the other states, South Carolina was critical while he failed in all the other states, South Carolina was critical. He did poll v. I. X. Very well in the endorse politics very well in the endorsement. He turned the tide in the democratic nom nomination. Youll have a nominee and a lot of that goes to jim clyburn and he deserves the credit for what he was able to politically accomplish. We dont question his political abilities, hes the majority whip, he knows how to gather votes, he knows how to make the political argument. But, madam speaker, this is the that ndividual who said the pandemic presented the perfect opportunity to restructure things to fit our own vision. I do not question his appointment. I wonder why this committee. If that was his view, why wasnt he put on the congressional oversight that was equal with the number of republicans and the number of democrats . The public does not want to see politics. Why would we waste our time bringing people back to create a Political Committee . I guess the vote will tell us differently. Its interesting to know why we are here. At 8 30 today we actually found the reason. 4 4. 4 million more reasons why were here. How many of those 4. 4 million would not have gotten a pink slip last week had we listened more than two weeks ago on april 7 when we said the program we created, that was so successful, that was able to do the number of loans in 14 days that it took the s. B. A. To do in 14 years, that there was such a need out there, that maybe we would overcome politics for that one moment, could it be too much to read that it was one simple page . I thought there was a moment in time it would happen. I thought we could say, yes, on a unanimous consent. This is a program we all had just voted for. And surely just two weeks before. Yes, that was tough to get that bill through. Yes, we had to have it held up on the other side, that was wrong, that other millions were laid off. But this was the moment to learn from that mistake on the other side. Before. We did not learn. It was played again. To those 4. 4 million americans that were laid off this week, congress owes you an apology. You did not have to have that happen. To the Small Business owner, i understand this greatly, at age 20 i created my first business. I know where you make these decisions. You make these decisions on the kitchen table. If you ever had a Small Business, you realize youre the first to work, youre the last to leave and youre the last to be paid. You know those who work with you are not just employees, they are your family. You know their childrens name, youre there at their weddings, youre there when they graduate and youre proud of them. You never want to have to say youre going to lay them off. You put everything into your business to succeed, and government told them they had to shut down for the health of the nation. They made a sacrifice. But they got sacrificed for politics last week. Shame on this body. Ive listened to this debate thoroughly. Ive listened to the other side. When you look at what we accomplished in those 14 days of loans, we saved 30 million jobs. We all could have put a tweet out today, not having to have been here, and said we saved 34 million jobs. But no. Four million more lost because somehow people felt good with politics. I listen to debate on the other side. Some said they didnt want to be here today. Have folded and come together. Leverage, ave used political leverage to hold people up. ve even some people on the other side of the aisle said they loved to see it when the price of oil dropped when no one before. It and the idea that millions in our Energy Industry are going to too. Aid off about politics. There will be republicans, emocrats, both that get laid off. Hen, i listen as we come back here, madam speaker, and i tried to listen to the other side. Tried to understand why would you hold it up. Different . I listened to the debate, i leadership talk, it was amazing to me. Only thing it, the i could think what shakespeare deth proteste lady too much, me think. Explain as hard as you can and spend with as much political might as you can laid 4. 4 Million People better to you felt tell Mitch Mcconnell in a out and saved t 30 million jobs that you are a ng to hold it up to prove point, thats not what id want history. N adam speaker, as i said earlier, its our responsibility to act, to put our differences for and do whats right the American Public. Now more than ever, the American People deserve a congress that with leadership, dedication, and resilience. Chamber we do in this that deals with covid should be bipartisan. Legislation to deliberation voting. Yeah, i stayed up to 2 00 a. M. To see what the majority wanted forward. We all work hard to get mr. Speaker. Almost have about the same size districts whose every to ears we take a census figure that out. And our constituents make a decision every two years to lend their voice to the person they them. O represent they did not lend their voice to give that proxy to somebody else hold accountable. That voice to nd wait until 2 00 a. M. To change 200 years of history ecause somebody wanted to have more power than the job of the majority themselves. Were living in one of the reatest turning points in history. This is not a time for ndifference, selfishness, or division. Were going to help america get through this. Together. G to do this and in the end, were going to be stronger, helpedier more united than ever before. Why . Because we are americans and are. S who we debates. Will raise this body plays politics many times. Moment for ot the politics. To say, t the moment lets hold something up even if somebodys going to be publicished, because somehow i will get a political advantage. Inally, when people come together, the question should not be, lets hold more its ok. Because when we come to the floor, well not us. And say it was gone, n were long history will write about this day. Theyll write about that day on 7 when america witnessed something theyve never seen before a one stood chamber in the senate and requested to add exactly what doing today to a program hired in all the places we know and love in our neighborhood. Sent two people in the middle of covid onto the simple hand to say they object. That was the only Thing Holding money up between the and those 4. 4 million who unfortunately went to a different job today, the line. Oyment i dont know how anybody could that. Ud of but madam speaker, im always an optimist. I know whats been before us. Challenge. Today, were going to display to can merican public that we work. Just as those Truck Drivers, professionals, the hecker at my local vonns or the paramedic who comes when the call is requested. Theyre essential. This k its essential to country to show we can do our way. Not in a partisan so when the moment comes, youll have two votes. Voted all of us here into chambers to add three are committees that bipartisan for the accountability of this money forward. The country is asking you to keep that together. A choice. Have now you can cast a new vote to partisan that g weve never seen before. An individual who is one of the best political minds around, virus is more is about restructuring government nd their view than solving a problem. Hen, youre going to have another vote, a vote to continue the funding that we already weeks ago. Than two we this time, after twice holding up money for the just ask all c, i in this chamber to learn from this. Again our old up ability to help and work in a bipartisan manner to not only this chamber, work for the American Public, and solve this problem once and for all. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Reminder that our job here is ever to acquiesce to the other chamber. By any objective measurement, this is a muchimproved piece of legislation. With that, let me yield to the gentlelady from washington, expressions on behalf of her constituents this week were well noted. For howker pro tempore much time . Mr. Neal 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from washington is 30 seconds. Or ms. Jayapal madam speaker, in we will lost more american lives than we lost during the vietnam war. Unemployed mericans from covid. Body bags piling up and testing and p. P. E. Democrats took a bad republican better, and we made it but this is far from enough. Meet the scale of this crisis with a bold paycheck uarantee that stops mass unemployment and essential workers an essential workers and state and local government funding. Every minute, madam speaker, is family devastated, a business shuttered. We must think and deliver better. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from pennsylvania, fitzpatrick. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. To fitzpatrick were here replenish the Paycheck Protection Program and thats a good thing. We should have been here last ofk when the program ran out money, and we will be back in the same position next week if p. P. P. T fix the there are over 700,000 pplications currently in the queue, and if the Treasury Department does not establish differentiate between wellcapitalized rokerage firms and undercapitalized pop and mop shops, we m and pop need to get these Small Businesses and nonprofits every single penny they need to we must hold china ccountable for every single penny. Madam speaker, this is not the time to be attacking each other. Crisis get through this together. We must have each others backs. Others backs. Lets think with our hearts and our heads, and lets march through this together. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, im pleased to yield 30 seconds to ohio, tlelady from congresswoman kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized for 30 seconds. Thank the i gentleman for yielding. Madam speaker, this economic boost is desperately needed as sits on such a dangerous precipice. The bill offers hopes to millions of americans, our Small Businesses, hospitals, those on the frontlines. Im troubled by the limited insight into how the last 2 spent and why so much has yet to be disbursed. Seems like those with access had their takings. Americasshortchanges local communities and First Responders as calls and pressure mound. En without data, its shortsighted. T offers no assistance to our Postal Service, whose jobs hang in the balance. Congress must move america a step at a time. Are at stake. I urge my colleagues to vote for this important bill. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the entleman from ohio, mr. Davidson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized for one minute. Mr. Davidson thank you, madam speaker. Appreciate the chairman for yielding. This bill is a bandaid and it the wound. N cover its better than no bandage, but it wont stop the bleeding in stop onomy and it wont this virus. In light of covid19 and the it, congress urgently needs to lead by xample and get into full session. Safely but fully functional, 24 7, in full compliance with the house rules or debate, amendment, and voting. Every one of us has a duty to balance and consider public economy, but every single one of us swore an oath to support and defend our to defend freedom and represent our constituents. Its time to support and defend it. Time for us to occupy this house and man our duty station win. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i yield the gentleman from South Carolina, congressman cunningham. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from South Carolina is recognized for 30 seconds. Cunningham thank you. Today, i will vote to extend a businesses, mall shore up our hospitals and expand testing so we can reopen economy. But its unacceptable its taken this long. Supporting hospitals and small is not partisan but, gain, politics is obstructing policy. This bill fails to ensure relief goes only to Small Businesses instead of most large corporations. Nor does it help states respond unprecedented crisis. We cannot wait until the next isaster forces both sides to the table. Our constituents deserve more from their representatives. Our come together and get country back to work. The speaker pro tempore the texas. An from ohio. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Speaker. Eciate the id like to yield one minute to the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Norman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from South Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Norman thank you, madam speaker. Today to support a lifeline for our Small Businesses, for our first our hospitals. But i also rise today to say now to stop writing checks on money we dont have thats mortgaging the future of this great country. Was not sent here to bankrupt this country. Secondly, we get our businesses and do what doors americans have always been allowed to do, which is go to work. Time. The theres one person that can do that. Thats the speaker of the house. Urge her to get us back to work. We are getting paid. Many americans are not. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, pleased to yield one minute to the entleman from maryland, the distinguished majority leader, mr. Hoyer. The speaker pro tempore the honorable majority leader is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hoyer i thank the gentleman for yielding. People, d a number of including my friend, the majority leader, stand up and to act in a bipartisan fashion. Partisanstatement is a attack on one of our members. Schizophrenia or a lack of understanding of what this congress has been doing the last few weeks. Dont know about you, madam speaker, but i have been working the ours, seven hours on phone and another three or four ours reviewing the materials today. S gotten us here and why did it take so long . Took two weeks for my colleagues and this is a partisan statement, i understand it. Be i think we ought to all realistic. We are all trying to get to a place where america and safe. Ans are and where our economy is working. Statistics we see of pain and of fear, an anxiety about tomorrow. So what have we been doing . Weve been on the phone with one another. Minority ked with the leader numerous times over the last two weeks. Not only on this particular of legislation but on going forward. So if anybody on that side is aying that congress is not working, they must be speaking for themselves. Every one of these colleagues on my side of the aisle and i believe your side of the aisle have been working very hard. In touch with their local government. In touch with their governor. In touch with their Health Care Delivery people. Anybody who works in the hospital or Health Care Center or federally qualified health center. They are working hard. And let us not denigrate ourselves or this institution or our commitment to the American People. Because that is blatant partisanship. We waited two weeks, madam speaker, thats correct. What for . So that the proposal that we made two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, which has now effectively been accepted by the republicans, would be accept. Thats what we waited for. What did we get . 120 additional billion dollars for Small Business. What we assured, we all talk about being for the Small Business. What this bill does is puts 120 billion in addition, in addition, 370 billion for mall business. Now, we talk about bipartisanship. The first bill we did dealing with coronavirus on this floor passed 4152. Doesnt sound like partisanship to me. It sound like we came together and agreed on how we could help. It wasnt enough. Then on phase two, which we passed on march 14, 10 days later, congress not working . 0 days later we passed 36340. Doesnt sound like partisanship to me. En phase three, we passed on 3 27, 13 days later. On a voice vote. With only one member in the. Enate or the house demurring it doesnt sound like partisanship to me. I dont think todays vote will be a partisan vote. I certainly hope it will not be. Why . Because for the last two weeks we have been working with one another to try to get to a place where we think we are giving the needed resources. Because we think the initial request was shortchanging hospitals. Shortchanging testing. And its still shortchanging our state and local governments. We need another bill to get there. Madam speaker, on tuesday the senate came together to pass this legislation in a bipartisan way. Now, unlike the house, no senators came to the floor except three or four. They did it by unanimous consent. We are not able to do that, although i think this bill will pass overwhelmingly because some of our republican friends wanted a vote. Fine, we are here. We are Wearing Masks. Im not wearing one speaking, but as soon as i do youll put a mask back on as i turn around to go among us. Congress is doing its job. I want to tell the American People one more time, members are working daily to respond to the coronavirus that is putting our people and our country and our economy at risk. Last month we enacted emergency legislation that included more than 2 trillion in assistance for workers, veterans, Small Businesses, Health Care Systems, and communities dealing with the spread of coronavirus. One of the programs we created together was the Paycheck Protection Program. Try to keep people on a payroll even if they could not go to work because Health Professionals say dont ongregate. The Paycheck Protection Program provides loans to Small Businesses that will be forgiven, that will be forgiven if they keep their workers on the payroll. The need was so great that the initial 350 billion, as been pointed out in funding, madam speaker, was exhausted in a matter of days. So today we are providing another 310 billion for that program. An additional 60 billion for the most atrisk Small Businesses. Critically 60 billion of that as i just said will be setaside for Smaller Banks with fee cuss on Community Development focused on community velopment and Financial Development and Financial Institutions, Rural Communities left out of the initial program. I bet if you ask your Small Business or rural people, your hospitals, or those state officials who say testing is essential, ill bet they say, im glad you waited because you got us resource that is we needed. That wasnt in the initial proposal that came from the administration. And it was oobd to objected to and the leader in the senate would not provide for such sums. More help is still needed for nonprofits as well as small and minorityowned businesses. Those in Bank Communities and selfemployed. Those must be, madam speaker, priorities in the next gill bill that clearly is going to be necessary. In addition to the increased funding for the Paycheck Protection Program democrats insisted on recapitalizing Economic Injury disaster loans as well. Providing an additional 60 billion for this program which can be leveraged to 300 billion. Yes, we asked for, we worked for, we negotiated with to get Small Businesses, minority businesses, businesses that couldnt get into the system that the other bigger businesses got in. Some so big they were ashamed and gave the money back. We are also providing an additional 75 billion for hospitals and concurrent resolutionly 25 billion for testing. And crucially 25 billion for testing. No governor or county executive or mayor or county commissioner or county Council Person will say, gee whiz, we didnt want that money for testing. We will not be able to return our economy to normal operations, madam speaker, without a robust testing system. In place to know we can safely go to work without putting workers at risk and to identify those who have coronavirus so we can take necessary steps to isolate them and trace those with whom they came in contact because thats how we win this battle. This bill is an interim step. The fourth interim step. As we continue to work on the next major piece of legislation. I hope we can include, by the way, madam speaker, the next bill provision that is unfortunately we are unable to secure in this bill. First of all we shortchanged, we are all in the nations capital. Millions of americans come here. And we gave wyoming and vermont small states, less population than the district of columbia, the nations capital, to which millions of your constituents will come, we shortchanged them by giving them 40 of what we gave the smaller states. Smaller than the district of columbia. Let us hope that we wanted to add that 700 million in this bill. Unfortunately we couldnt get agreement on that. I think that was pennywise and poundfoolish for those of us who want our constituents to visit washington to see their government. We also must include more help for state and local governments. They have been on the frontlines of fighting this scourge. As a result have spent a lot of resources they budgeted for other issues, including employees, including police and fire and Health Workers. We need to do that. We wanted to do it in this bill. But those of you who argue for delay i will bet you youre going to vote in the next tranche for additional state and local help. Aybe not all of you. Why youre delaying that help is beyond me. This by the way is not an abstract accounting problem. We are talking about states and counties across the country being able to keep teachers, First Responders, as tax revenues collapse due to the necessary social distancing. This pandemic, madam speaker, has shown a spotlight on the stark disparities in Health Status and treatment of africanamericans in particular. Minority communities in general. That reality is an indefensible and unacceptable one. While we do not do include new ways of tracking certain data related to Racial Disparities in this pandemic, there is more we must do. Not simply for those who are greater risk, but for all of us who wear masks not because we dont want to be with one another, but because this pandemic has made us a risk to others, to our neighbors, our friends, our family. Furthermore, we need to do more to protect our elections. My governor has ordered the election coming up next tuesday e all by mail. In wisconsin, the governor tried to do that and republicans fought us. And the speaker of the house, the republican speaker of the wisconsin house, was covered rom head to toe, gown, super mask, gloves. Do we want to ask all of our citizens to be so at risk because they are exercising their franchised to vote in america . I surely think that is not the case. So we need some additional money to facilitate because they didnt plan on it. Because they didnt plan on this pandemic. To allow our citizens to vote, to encourage them to vote, to if acies tate their vote to facilitate their vote and welcome their vote. And to provide for a way that they can do it safely. Without endangering themselves or others. Furthermore, we need to do more to protect our elections and this administration. Im glad the house is moving toward with a committee to oversee the coronavirus response. My friends on the other side of the aisle had eight different partisan commissions overseeing what happened in benghazi where four american lives were tragically lost. 44,575 americans have lost their lives. Is it too much to ask that we would have a special committee to make sure that the money that we are appropriating in historic amounts is spent correctly . Congress has a responsibility to ensure that the extraordinary sums we have authorized and appropriated are disbursed efficiently and consistent with our intent. Such great sums can only not only be a source of economic recovery, but surely everyone on this floor knows that that sum of money on the table can also be a magnet for waste, fraud, and abuse. And, yes, criminality. We owe the American People as we appropriate unbelievable sums to make sure that the American People are the ones advantaged. Any Time Congress spends taxpayer money, particularly in such large amounts, we owe it to the American People to know where that money is going and to ensure that it is being spent as directed. Now, i know the president of the United States said hes going to do the oversight. I dont think thats what the framers had in mind in terms of checks and balances. In the most efficient and ethical ways possible. We must know which programs are working best. Which arent. That way we can modify what we do in the future. Madam speaker, i want to thank Speaker Pelosi. I want to thank the chair of the Small Business committee. I want to thank the chair of the Financial Services committee. I want to thank the chair of the education and labor committee. I want to thank mr. Neal on the floor. And many other chairs. Mr. Peterson whose very nervous about not having nutrition programs in this bill, which we wanted. And that would have delayed it further because, of course, we didnt get support on your side of the aisle for that. People are in incredibly long od lines because their Nutritional Health as well as their Psychological Health is at risk because they cant get food. I want to thank Speaker Pelosi for having the courage and the wisdom to stand up and say we need these items. We have gotten a lot of them. We asked for 500 billion total. This is 484 billion total. My, my, my. You held out for two weeks for 16 billion savings. Also want to thank our members who have been working let me repeat this once again, madam speaker, these members, those members have been working roundtheclock to make sure their communities are safe. To make sure their hospitals are getting what they need to make sure that their teachers are teaching kids at home. Everybody has been working hard. You may not see us, but millions and millions and millions of americans are working at home. They are teleworking. Thats essentially what we have been doing. Teleworking. Dont tell them they are not working. Because they know they are working. They have been a credit to their districts. Every member, republican, democrat. I presume, i only know about the democrats who have been on 220 of our 234, 225 of our 234 have been on the phone 2 1 2 hours a day talking back and forth between to see what policies we need. They have been a credit to their districts, to the institutions of the house and this nation spending hours on the phone through videoconference, making sure congress is doing its job, and talking to state and local leaders and Health Care Providers. Let me also thank the members and staff who volunteered to be here on the floor. Well go off the floor and we wont be as exposed as they are. They are all Wearing Masks. They are Wearing Masks because they know there is a risk. Perhaps not as great a risk as those courageous individuals who work in our hospitals and our Health Care Providers in many different modes. But courageous and patriotic nonetheless. Thank you, staff. I want to thank those who are working on in our grocery fire, our police, our our Truck Drivers who are from g food and products ere to there, e. M. S. Personnel who respond to emergencies, workers. And every time i go to the grocery store, and i hope all of it, i thank those people shelves. Tocking the i thank those people who are checking us out. I thank those people who are putting the carts where they to be. Of america, best and we owe it to them to do all we can to bring this pandemic to end as quickly and safely as possible. All want to go back to work in the regular fashion. House will icled continue to do everything possible, working with our we blican friends who believe want the same objective, working erica, a america. Want to help Small Businesses, workers and their families get crisis and to ensure our courageous Health Care Workers are on the frontlines have all the support win this fight against covid19. I hope and pray that every member of the vote for america and americans and vote for this bill. May need more, but we certainly need to do this this get more assistance to the American People. Yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. R. Brady thank you, madam chair. 1 3 of state budgets year to year. Billionready given 150 direct aid to state and local governments. Not sent nors have them down to their local communities. And localon for state hospitals and health care. Local lion for state and disaster aid. 30 billion for state and local schools and colleges. Billion for state and local much more. T and that claim is simply observed. With that im proud to yield one to the gentleman from iowa idaho excuse me mr. Fulcher. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from idaho is for one minute. Mr. Fulcher madam speaker, a onth ago we sat on the floor and authorized a 2. 2 trillion stimulus package. Authorize another 480 billion to keep it going. Economy is u. S. Mostly shut down. As long as thats the case, we obligation to facilitate relief. Ill support an extension of the paycheck program. On madam speaker, most of the embers have not been here the last month. Weve been working, but weve to working from home due health concerns. And by most of congress not that means only a deals. Otiate the deals. Very big madam speaker, our job is here. Bypassing of regular order. This virus may threaten our of us are when all involved in the work of ongress, our republic is threatened. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal already said that he the issue visit immediately of more aid for state and local governments and based on the negotiations and discussions we had in our caucus, that opportunity will present itself near future. So let me at this time yield to the gentlelady from assachusetts, congresswoman presley. The speaker pro tempore for how much time . Mr. Neal 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from massachusetts is recognized for 30 seconds. Madam ssley thank you, speaker. Food pantry lines are around the block. Rent is due again in eight days. Health care workers in my a crisis. S in crisis. A crisis in a exacerbating an inequity. Ow is not the time for back pass. Our nation is tryicrying out. The people are crying out. Answer our their cries in the cares 4 package. Rest. Not the time to people are counting on us. They deserve health care, economic housing justice. To leave out our immigrant neighbors, Small Businesses. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas. Thank you, madam speaker. Proud to yield to the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Carter i thank the gentleman for yielding. Madam speaker, i rise today in support of this legislation. Very important legislation, the Paycheck Protection Program a Great Program that has saved many Small Businesses in the first Congressional District of there are many Small Businesses that still need this program. Therefore, the extra funding today are sending here is going to be utilized and going to be utilized in a great Small Businesses. Also, there are 75 billion in there for hospitals, and particularly rural hospitals, are extremely important in this scenario as well. To make sure that money gets to them. H, by the way, speaking of hospitals, madam chairman, heroes come and go but legends last forever. Heard that before. Today, our heroes are wearing white lab coats. Hey are our doctors, our pharmacists, our Health Care Workers, nurses who are providing Health Care Services, own health in order to provide these Health Care Services to our citizens. I thank them for that. Thanks them for that. Their service will be legendary. And finally, madam speaker, for of those in the first Congressional District and throughout our country who have ones, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. R. Neal thank you, madam speaker. Ill yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from new york, congresswoman ocasiocortez. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman from new york is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Ocasiocortez thank you, madam speaker. Constituents in the bronx and queens, new yorks 14th Congressional District, the district in america, losing their families every day, it is a joke when epublicans say that they have urgency around this bill. The only focus they have urgency folks like ruths chris steak house and shake shack. The ones getting assistance in this bill. You are not trying to fix this bill for mom and pop. To fund fight hospitals. Fighting to fund testing. That is what were fighting for in this bill. Is unconscionable. F you had urgency you would legislate relentlessly. Be sure we include rent and ortgage relief for our constituents. Thank you very much. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to direct their comments to the chair. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Proud to yield one money to the mr. Eman from florida, bilirakis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. R. Bilirakis thank you, madam speaker. I appreciate it, Ranking Member. Again, thank you, madam speaker. Ince the establishment of the p. P. P. , i have heard from countless local Small Business owners that the application was difficult to navigate. In response to these to lations, i submitted leadership a letter asking that any future funding for p. P. P. Setaside for the truly Small Businesses like pops. M and i was pleased to see this take funding in todays package that sets asides funds for Small Community banks and unions which have a good small record with our businesses. Madam speaker, it would be a andedy if we lost these mom pop businesses. I have a business in my its a shoe repair. They have been around since 1912, madam speaker. See them go. To established by greek immigrants from generation to generation. It would be a great tragedy if them. T they survived world war ii. The urse, world war i, and Great Depression. Lets save our Small Businesses. They are the backbone of america. So very much, madam speaker. Thank you, mr. Ranking member. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Neal madam speaker, let me yield 30 seconds to the illinois, from congresswoman underwood. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. You, madam d thank speaker. I rise in support of the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement act. Needed legislation will help provide almost 700 billion in additional grants and Small Businesses and farmers reeling from the coronavirus crisis. Invests 75 billion in providers, 25 billion in testing, and requires the to develop a National Plan for testing. So once our businesses reopen, stay open. Congress has more to do. Frontline workers need p. P. E. Communities need relief, but this bill is a necessary interim fix to keep flowing to Small Businesses and our health system. I urge my colleagues to support it, and i yield back. You. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore reserves. He gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, let me yield 30 seconds to the entleman from pennsylvania, congressman lamb. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Lamb madam speaker, a said yesterday he would let local governments go bankrupt. Nd while he said that, our local county executive was busy cars. G food into peoples cars that had toolboxes and work boots in them and people who nonetheless hungry. If the senator has his way, these people whose towns will go bankrupt, he talks about the economy. I asked what happens to an conomy where entire towns of firefighters and teachers and others lose their paycheck or their pension . Were moving the ball today, but no one should mistake this for a touchdown. Send our best ld players off the field. The American People will never ccept that and neither should we. I yield. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from congressman krishnamoorthi. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for 30 seconds. Krishnamoorthi madam speaker, i rise in support of this legislation. Person, i amsiness glad that it helps Small Businesses. As the husband of a physician treating Covid Patients oday, i am glad that it helps hospitals, but as an american, i am glad that we are coming help those whose lives are falling apart. We must do more, but lets come together again and resolve bipartisan n a fashion once again. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Madam speaker, i want to yield 30 seconds to the florida, from congresswoman measure could you powell. Hurricane s congresswoman mucarselpowell. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mucarselpowell my constituents are calling me in tears because they dont know how to keep afloat. Afraid to rkers are lose their jobs. Floridians, over a million loridians still cannot access unemployment benefits. Although i am happy to support legislation to support our Small Businesses, we need to make sure its those small mom nd pop businesses, minorityowned businesses, womenowned businesses, veteranowned businesses that receive that funding. We have not done enough for america. We need to continue to work. Thank you. The peaker pro tempore gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i yield to the gentleman from new york, congressman rose. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is for 30 30 seconds. Mr. Rose madam speaker, i rise with my ause i agree colleagues across the aisle. We should have been here weeks ago, weeks ago to get more money for our hospitals, weeks ago to testing, weeks ago to improve programs for small only in s but, alas, washington, d. C. , would we wait agree. Hen we all but lets move forward, because ur frontline workers right now cannot afford for us to stand by for politics. Mcconnell said to our cities and states, to our cops teachers, he d told them to drop dead. Well, why dont we put politics rise up and tell him we are putting the Country First . Thank you. I yield back. The peaker pro tempore gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, ploozed to yield to the gentlelady from nming new jersey, congresswoman cheryl. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new jersey is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Sherrill thank you, madam speaker. Im going to vote for this bill because it provides desperately needed money for Small Businesses and hospitals. But we have got to do better by our state and local governments. We must support the work of our cops, firefighters, e. M. T. s, and teachers. New jersey is critical in the fight against this virus. We have more scientists engineers per square mile than anywhere in the world. Best Education System in the country so supporting our state and local governments in nmingnming is key to beating this virus and taking care of america. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal id like to yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from michigan, congresswoman slotkin. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from michigan is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Slotkin madam chair, i support this legislation as a critical lifeline to Small Businesses coping with the crisis. And the hospitals on the frontlines of this war. S. B. A. Loan programs are vital to main street businesses across my district and im proud to support them. This mustpass bill should also include support for americas smallest and mediumsized communities who face the very real possibility of eliminating basic Services Without our support. The same police and fire, Health Department and sanitation workers horrificing their lives every day now have their jobs at risk. They deserve better. We should give them better. Lets do it. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from pennsylvania, congresswoman dean. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Dean thank you, madam speaker. Chairman neal. Shame on those who would not tell the truth during the pandemic. The more help is needed. I rise in support of this interim funding bill. These dollars must actually make it to those who need t small family businesses, minority and womenowned businesses, so many i have talked to over these last few weeks. Their future and our economy depends upon it. For Health Care Workers, saving lives. We have the responsibility to do all we can to help protect those who are saving our families lives. And to reopen our country we need testing, testing, testing. I look forward to the next moreau bust more robust and equitable bill of relief. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from connecticut, congressman himes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from connecticut is recognized for 30 seconds. Madam speaker, i rise today in strong support of the aid we will deliver today. My small state of connecticut will soon pass 2,000 fatalities. These are our neighbors, these are people that we know and love. Madam speaker, i celebrate the bipartisanship that will be demonstrated today. It will save lives. Our Small Businesses are critical to our economy and to opportunity. But so are our hospitals and the heroes who work in those hospitals. So are our e. M. T. s and paramedics and Police Officers and firefighters. I say that not to make a political point but to say that they will need our help in the coming days and we need to tease out more bipartisanship to get that done. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, id like to yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from california, congressman rhoda. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Rounda thank you, madam chair. I rise today in support of this legislation. Lets be clear, 50,000 of our fellow americans have already died. We have 26 million americans out of work. We have tens of thousands of Small Businesses who will not be able to participate in this legislation because we havent funded it enough. And we have cities clearly looking at the prospect of bankruptcy. So we do have a lot more work to do. I hope we can continue to work in a bipartisan fashion. Stop the partisan snipping and do what we were meant to do here to protect our country. Thank you, madam chair. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Madam speaker, id like to yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from florida, congresswoman wasserman schultz. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Wasserman schultz thank you, madam speaker. Health care workers and Small Businesses are struggling to stay alive. Thats why democrats fought to ensure hospitals and main street get relief. We have walled off billions in new paycheck protection funds for smaller Community Banks and Credit Unions so wall street doesnt vacuum it up. If Health Care Workers cannot protect us, americas economy stops. Democrats secured 75 billion for Health Care Providers and 25 billion more for testing. Without mass testing we cannot fully reopen and we end up voting for endless relief pack ammings. Without democrats push for truly Small Businesses, big business would have continued to cut the line. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Wasserman schultz right now this is adrenaline shot that the Health Care System needs. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal let me yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from california, congressman sherman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. We need to shift from the economic to the biological and focus on defeating this disease. Everyone should wear a mask, including you, mr. President. Whenever you might be within six feet. We need to provide free masks to the homeless and others. We need more money for better paid sick leave so all those with symptoms can stay home. D so far only one tenth of one percent of the Coronavirus Money has gone for medical research to prevent and treat the virus. Im pleased this bill has money for testing and develop new tests the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Sherrman next bill needs 5 million. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal pleased to yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from california, congresswoman torres. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. Mrs. Torres madam speaker, i rise in support of this bill. And to highlight the need for reliable testing. Last week pastor joseph succumbed to dove covid19. He was a pill sar in our community. Hosted food banks, health fairs, jobs and Financial Literacy workships. He tried repeatedly to get tested but was denied time and time again because testing hasnt been available in my community. If he had been tested and treated earlier, would he still be here with us today. Without tests, we dont know who has covid and we cant open up our economy. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from minnesota, congresswoman omar. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized for 30 seconds. Thank you, madam speaker. People in my state of minnesota are hurting. And im sure everyone represents a state that is hurting. It is indefensible for us not to support, to replenish the p. P. P. But its indefensible for us not to focus on replenishing the coffers of americans and focus on making sure they are able to support paying their rent. Making sure that our cities and states are not going bankrupt. And making sure American Families are not dying of hunger. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from new mexico, congresswoman torres small. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman new mexico is recognized for 30 seconds. Mrs. Torres small thank you, madam speaker. I rise to give americans the support to keep them safe and make sure new mexicans and Rural Communities get their fair share by refilling Small Business, forgiving loans, and dedicatingle money to small lenders this will help new mexicans crowded out of the first wave of funding. Im voting to save rural hospitals and get testing and masks and gloves and gowns. All the things we need to keep us safe and rebuild our economy. There is still so much work to be done and lets do that next step together. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal might i inquire how much time is remaining on both sides . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has 12 1 2 minutes. And the gentleman from texas has four minutes. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, let me yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from new york, congressman espaillat. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Espaillat madam speaker, in the northwest bronx in washington heights, east harlem, this pandemic is still ravaging black and brown lives. The economic plight this viral will leave will be unprecedented. I am glad we provided 60 billion for Small Businesses and funding for hospital and testing. We must come back. Mitch mcconnells words are equivalent to gerald fords drop dead, new york. But we will come back. We must support state and local governments. We must support our communities. Our people are dying. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from california, congressman carbajal. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Carbajal madam speaker, i rise in support of this bipartisan relief package. The funds we are adding to the Paycheck Protection Program and eidl programs will go a long way in providing necessary support to Small Businesses. I am glad that small farms and ranchers will now be eligible for the program and we have secured additionle resources for hospitals, workers, and testing. While this is another great bipartisan step forward, more must be done, especially for our local state and cities. And local governments. People are hurting. Time is of the essence. We must act now. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, let me yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from michigan, congresswoman talib. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from michigan is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Talib thank you, madam speaker. This bill is only necessary because in the last bill republicans prioritized a half trillion dollar gift to corporations. That turned around and laid off workers who bailed them out. Our people need us to prioritize Public Health and testing. And they need reoccurring monthly relief payments now. This is skylar her bert. You need to see her face because there needs to be a human face to this pandemic. Shes 5 years old. Died. From coronavirus. She loved dressing up and performing and she loved and adored being in kindergarten. Her death should be a wakeup call that we must act in urgency. Her father, a firefighter. Her mother, a police officer. First responders. The amount of guilt they feel because maybe they didnt have access to testing and thats exactly why they are out there telling her story every day. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Talib lets act now. Mr. Neal i yield the gentlelady an additional minute. Ms. Talib i urge my colleagues to do more to save lives. It is immoral for us to walk away and take a month off when people are our neighbors are dying and losing loved ones. In memory of skylar and honor of her, please, lets expand Public Health funding and testing for everyone. Thank you so much. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from california, representative cox. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Cox thank you, madam speaker. I hear my colleagues on the other side today one after another crying about the replenishment of the Paycheck Protection Program. They wanted to keep it as originally as designed. Where 4 of the borrowers got 45 of the money. I think the farms and dairies and small mom and pop shops in my district and across the country should get loans before big stake houses. Im proud of the work my colleagues have done to make more equitable and testing which we all know is required to reopen our economy. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal madam speaker, let me recognize myself for as much time i consume. As we are near preparing to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Neal i want to thank many members and staff that made sure this final product conveyed the values of the Democratic Caucus and will bring real life and relief to the American People. First i want to thank the speaker who has provided tremendous leadership to get this deal over the line. Next, our deepest gratitude to fellow Committee Chairs and their contributions and shrewd negotiation of this package. Small Business Committee chairwoman velazquez and Financial Services Committee Chairwoman waters deserve our thanks for securing funding for Small Businesses that will need it the most. Thanks to frank malone from the energy and Commerce Committee for fighting for National Testing as a strategy and securing funding to combat this Public Health pry criecies. Each Coronavirus Relief package has been a herculean effort. And this one is no different. With that i want to close and wish my good health to our colleagues and fellow americans and i urge colleagues to support this legislation. I yield back the balance of my time. Sorry. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves his time. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady im prepared to close, chairman neal. Im preemedpreeped to close. Im prepared to close. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you. I want to thank chairman neal for his leadership. This bill is 16 days too late, despite all the denials you have heard. Could have agreed on this bill in 16 minutes, republicans and democrats. Up. Ot held for all sorts of extracurricular stuff, and we should have come together. It was delayed. Real people lost their jobs as a result. Thank y, i want to President Trump, Vice President entire cabinet and everyone in the government whos one a remarkable job standing up the Small Business program in seven days. Individual out rebate checks in 18 days rather it took the s that last time there was rebate checks. Thank that leadership in this coronavirus, both in the the h care side and economic challenges we face. Want to thank leader kevin mccarthy, who has done a remarkable job leading the republicans in the house through these key emergency aid bills. Supports himp that are Ranking Members who work with our democratic colleagues bill we think a urgent. Cal and there is a guiding quote that i as my computer screen saver my many years here in office. It reads, i cannot give you the formula for success, but i can you the formula for failure hich is try to please everybody. This bill doesnt try to please everything. Do it focuses on replenishing Small Business loan programs, the businesses and their workers desperately needs. Provides more funding for our hospitals and Health Care Workers who man the frontlines pandemic. It commits more of your tax ollars, producing and contributing distributing tests for communities that need them. I would point out, mr. Speaker, hat those who say were not committed to state and local ommunities, this congress, republicans joined democrats sending 150 billion down per and local communities, unlike some democratic governors at are holding their dollars the State Capitol and refuse to communities. Local our governor in texas announced more than a week ago, he was developing an approach to make all of our communities on help. Ontline are getting governors who are withholding that aid to small communities ught to be ashamed of themselves. Finally, lets continue after today to work ne together with President Trump to to the ximum pressure coronavirus, help businesses create safe, healthy workplaces. Lets jumpstart the economic rebound and accelerate a return are rk for those who jobless or furloughed. I urge strong and bipartisan for this bill. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields. N the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Neal mr. Speaker, i recognize myself for a couple of minutes here. The peaker pro tempore gentleman is recognized. Mr. Neal we need to establish record. To the this legislation is much improved over what came over to senate. The billion udes 75 additional for our hospitals. At billion that is directed people at the bottom end of the community. Ess in addition, we all agree on chamber in this chamber that the following has to occur test, test, testing. Legislation in the until we decided on this side to a marker. That as this legislation, on every improved. Been and let me just say this. President trump has said more oney for state and local governments, republican governors across the country, and democratic governors, ncluding the republican governor of massachusetts, who has spoken to me personally on forward. E as we go this is about the police, the fire, the e. M. T. s. His is about the school teachers. This is about those individuals who make a difference in our lives, the postal workers every and not to forget those individuals who we depend on and we have come to see just how they are to all of us in the last few weeks, thats phase 4 willtional look like. With that, with gratitude, i to recognize the gentlelady from new york. I must tell you that not only great job with authoring this legislation, but in answering questions from colleagues during weeksurse of the last two has been remarkable. With that i yield the balance of our time to Nydia Velazquez. The peaker pro tempore gentlelady from new york is recognized. Velazquez thank you, mr. Speaker. Providing 310 billion for p. P. P. , this bill would allow reopen and more Small Businesses to secure employees on ep payroll. 310 billion. When the Senate Passed their they passed 250 billion for Small Businesses. Enough to pour funding into a program if loans not reaching the intended businesses. Concerned bye been reports of big banks large firms for assistance. Traded publicly traded companies have received loans through the p. P. P. Like this, come to mind. How ruths chris steak house got help. Two loans for 20 million. This. Have all publically traded companies, this underscores the need for oversight. Administration giant ntation Mean Companies secure loans while Small Businesses are left be ing, that problem must corrected promptly. What congress intended, and the American People expect better. Today, this morning, as the chair of the small committee, i held a hearing entitled a members day hearing on covid19 response recovery. 56 members of this chamber, republicans and democrats, all them came before the today and everyone, republican and democrat, xpressed the fact that we needed more transparency, that that we data, and needed to fight to make sure serves every ram Small Business in every part of country. That is why my colleagues and i to securethis package funds, set in p. P. P. Aside specifically for issionbased, communityoriented lenders. More hese setasides, underserved Small Businesses loans. T in addition, this bill provides the economic r program, aster loan the eidl program. Again, when they sent the bill senate to the house, it idnt have any money for the eidl program, for the Disaster Loan Program. Testified today asking y committee was how are we going to make sure businesses, their disaster ts will get loans. Well, we have we have good news for them. Democrats fought and billion, ot only 50 but 10 billion in grants. Nd what i heard, complaints about the fact that the disaster that the grants grants money ran people oney and that really liked that program, the grants program. Wanted 100 billion. We secured 10 billion. We are putting in 10 billion in this bill that was part of what senator mitch us. Nnell sent to i thank Speaker Pelosi, leader chairwoman waters for their efforts to include all particularly ns, the 60 billion carveout for businesses, for womenowned businesses, for businesses, for farmers to have a chance to secure a loan. This legislation is a be ding block, more must done. In future legislation, we must businesses shuttered for longer than eight weeks. Address also does not problems that let Big Companies loans meant for Small Businesses. To those large publicly traded ompany who have already benefited, i will suggest, now some be a time to exhibit good Corporate Citizenship by funds. Ng those to the Small Businesses out received have not yet help who my office hears from i say this. Finished. Getting this program restarted nd loans out the door is because because this of the improvement we made to his bill, i will say that help is on the way and that we will agencies accountable, hat we must appear to transparency and that we must need inthe data that we order to assess if this program intended. As it was as chair of the Small Business fight tooth will and nail for Small Businesses received any ot assistance. Me let me, mr. Speaker, let emind the Senate Majority leader that there are two chambers. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. You can be sure that in this chamber i will be fighting nonstop independent congressman justin amash voted present. Obviously change because of the coronavirus. Follow the house live on cspan when members return. Cspan has roundtheclock coverage of the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. And its all available on demand at cspan. Org coronavirus. Watch white house briefings, updates from governors and state officials, track the spread throughout the u. S. In the world with interactive maps. Watch on demand anytime, unfiltered, at cspan. Org corona virus. While the coronavirus pandemic continues, your members of congress are working from their home districts. Many of my folks, 30 of them are ones that are at the automotive industry. The other majority are what you will call frontline workers, essential workers. Dont forget, these are the folks that put food on our table. And these are the folks demanding 15 an hour. Its really important to highlight that they are the ones keeping us afloat. This is a very, very a serious issue. What ive been telling people is please listen to the federal authorities, this day authorities, the local authorities, the health experts, and just stay away from other people right now. I see this as a war. The United States is at war with this virus. Stay in touch using the newly updated cspan congressional directory. It has all the Contact Information youll need to connect directly with your u. S. Senator or representative. Order your copy online today at cspan store. Org. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other democratic members talked about the 484 billion economic aid package shortly after it passed. During a signing ceremony on capitol hill

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