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Begin a safe, gradual and phased opening. Texas and vermont will allow certain businesses to open on monday while still requiring appropriate social distancing precautions. I can tell you the governor of texas, greg abbott, he knows what hes doing. Hes a great governor. He knows exactly what hes doing. Montana will begin lifting restrictions on friday. Ohio, north dakota, and idaho ave announced businesses for phased opening starting may 1. Host that is from the president and his daily briefing. We are posting all of these briefings not only what the white house but key governors around the country. They are on our website, cspan. Org coronavirus. What should happen in your state . Caller we should stay where we are at this point because they are not ready and there is not testing. I went to the Grocery Store yesterday and masks people have on nobody knows if you have it or dont have it, and until that happens, you can lift all the restrictions you want, im not going to go to a hairdresser or restaurant. This doesnt make any sense. For the people in the other states, and i used to live in minnesota that are protesting and want everything open. Good. If all of you are together and get sick, dont expect us to fix it for you. That is how i feel. Some of this makes no sense whatsoever. It is illogical and there are peoples lives that have died. We are talking about not winning a Football Game or something. We are talking about peoples lives. Im going to be 73 in may and im not wanting to check out yet. I dont understand and our governor and our state, in north carolina, they are doing a great job. They recognize it is a stepbystep process and they are working diligently to get the testing up. If we can test and no who is a carrier, who has had it and who hasnt had it, that affords you to know where you actually are with this virus. Without that, it is like you are blind. I dont understand that at all and i think the people in new york city would tell us point blank they dont get it either. That is where im coming from. Thank you very much. Host thank you for the call. This is the headline from limburg news california not close to easing the measures. In los angeles, deaths in that city hitting a new record. Michael and watkins glen, new york. What should happen . You are in upstate new york. What do you think . Caller here is what i think. I think the governor is taking the right steps, Governor Cuomo stepping up to the plate. He is not playing the political games. This is all politics, trying to push our state to go back to work. I get it. I know the economy is hurting, but we have to be common sense people. We have to figure out what is going on with this virus, get some testing going for everybody. I think people should know whether they do have it or not because they could be Walking Around with it and not even know it. Im going out to the store to get something and im noticing families walking in with their kids and everything and nobody has masks on. Its like they are not even taking heed of the governors warnings and something needs to be done about that. It is just promoting spread and if this stuff spreads, it is nondiscriminatory. It will spread to anybody. Andrew cuomo, you are doing a good job. Keep up the good work. Stay the course. These people, dont let them tell you because its going to cost us lives as it already has. I feel for him. He is in a very tough spot. As far as mr. Trump goes, he needs to help our country more. Hes not doing enough. Thats the real truth. I see him get up on his pulpit and tell the American People that hes the greatest and everything is great, its going great. Its not. That is a delusional life. Enough said. You guys have a good day. I want to stay home and stay safe. Host thank you for the call from the New York Times puts quote sunday magazine. From the epicenter inside new york citys hospitals as they face the pandemic. On social media this is from dwight kerr patrick on facebook. We live on the texas coast. Restrictions too soon, our city will be invaded by bigcity tourists bringing their virus here. And from our twitter page i think its time for all states to open. A few states that are the hotspots need to stay closed. Theres no need in keeping this going. Old people know to stay home, so young people need to get back to normal living. Itsfacebook comment time to begin the process of reopening our states. All are different in different beces, each area must examined and decisions based on their circumstances, but it is now time to begin the restoration of jobs and opening of businesses for the majority of people in america to get back to receiving a paycheck and providing for their basic needs and living. One other comment by the glorious power of our greatest and eternal president trump, america is ready for business. First, harley from dryden, new york. Good morning. Caller good morning. Dryden, new york. I have a couple of questions or maybe they are not even questions, comments. For those people that think the country should open today, i wonder what would happen if they were on their beachfront and a thunderous Lightning Storm came up. I wonder if they would take cover . Because they think it is unsafe to be out there by the water during a thunderstorm. Their chances of getting struck oflightning are in the area 100 million to one. Yet they are concerned whether they are going to get to a safe place. Hand, if they are one of these people that think the government should open right now and that beach should be open, and you are out there on that beach and there is a number of people on the beach with you, and you leave the beach and go over to your mothers house may be to have a drink with heor

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