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I want to share more information about the 2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill we will be voting on today. The American People need relief now. That is what this bill intends to provide. The bill is far from perfect, but is a positive, bipartisan step in the right direction and more importantly puts workers and families first. Our country faces two simultaneous crises, a Public Health crises and an economic crises. The only way we are going to deal with the economic crisis is if we flatten the curve and deal with the Public Health crisis. This bill provides a lot of money for frontline line care workers and hospitals, as well as state and local governments that are dealing with the front lines of the Public Health crisis. The economic crisis is obviously important. Cash paymentsides and broadly supported economic assistance to Small Businesses and much more to assist with economic relief. It could have gone further. It has important oversight and accountability measures, prohibiting stock buybacks and limiting executive compensation, but we can go farther and i am disappointed that did not happen. However, the good far outweighs the bad and we cant let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Yes on thisbly vote bill because i think at a moment when we face these two actiondented crises, and from the house of representatives would be unacceptable. But we will be doing far more in the weeks and months and i am already working on next steps. I have written to house leadership to insist that local governments of 500,000 or less will be able to directly access the Coronavirus Relief fund resources, so our local communities can get the money they need as quickly as they can. Thing we can best do is follow the guidance of our federal, state and local Public Health professionals. Stayathome. Lets flatten the curve. Lets defeat this together. Even in the face of an unprecedented situation, i have no doubt americans will continue to be strong and resilient and to get through this. Its get through this together. Americans and the people of marylands wonderful eighth congressional district, i want to send love and encouragement and solidarity to all our fellow citizens who have been taken ill, and to their families. I am voting for this bill proudly, because this is what government is for. Government must use the common good to accomplish things as a community would we not we would not be able to accomplish on our own. This is a time of profound National Crisis and a time we need government the most. For those who think that government doesnt matter and government cant work, we ask so we get out of the way can stop all the distractions and blockades and make Real Progress to save the lives and the health of our people and to put america back to work again and restore our communities. There are things we can be very proud of that are in this legislation. 100 50 billion for hospitals and Online Health we getoviders, so that the personal protective equipment our doctors and nurses and other Hospital Personnel need the gowns, masks, ventilators, all the equipment in such short supply since this administration appears to have been taken by surprise by the whole thing. 377 billion dollars for Small Business loans and guarantees and grants to get our Small Businesses through this process, the restaurants in the bars and storestores, the shoe and the drugstores, everybody who has been knocked out of business by this, hair salons, barbers, everybody. We want to make sure Small Business survives and continues. 330 billion for other emergency purposes, including increasing our National Stockpile of relevant drugs and medical equipment. Stockpiling nuclear weapons, we should be stockpiling the medical provisions we need to get us through a pandemic like the coronavirus. Money to go to fema, so that fema is ready and to be ready next time, if and when we face another pandemic. Money to get the defense production act moving so that we put the nations awesome manufacturing capacity to work to meet the needs of the American People during this crisis, and child here for and child care for frontline providers, because who is taking for the kids when Hospital Personnel are taking care of us . There is 260 billion for an employment insurance. It is an extraordinary amount for an extraordinary job we need to do. Millions of americans have already been thrown out of work. Traditionally, Unemployment Insurance has covered 40 or 50 of peoples salaries. We put in enough money to take care of 100 of salaries, with an extra 600 a week to supplement what states are now doing, and we have it in and we have added an extra three months worth of funding to get people through this crisis. We extended the categories of people who are eligible, so selfemployed, independent contractors, people in the gig economy, you will be included in the first time. We have tens of millions of americans who are not on monthly payrolls and are working for themselves, or working for someone else, and we have to make sure we get them and their families through this process as well. The provisionsll we fought for in the house of representatives. Between thempromise democraticcontrolled house and the Republicancontrolled Senate attached the legislation on their side a lot of corporate pork and we were able to scale back some of what they wanted to do. Billion dollars in here that the president and secretary of the treasury are going to be able to dole out to different businesses. We said that none of it can go orthe president s businesses any member of congress businesses and none of it can go to corporate dividends or the purposes of bloated ceo or other executive bonuses, and none of it can go to buybacks of stock, which is just building money up for shareholders. It has to go to save the jobs of people in the industries and keep the business is going. Businesses going. There are other ways the senate doubled down in this legislation. People ofed the Good Washington dc, 700,000 american citizens, like people in the territories, thereby teaching them out to 500 million that they would get if they were treated like people in states, which they have been treated like for purposes of other programs and distributions of federal funds. That is something we will have to rectify. There are a lot of little nasty traps and ripoffs tucked into this legislation, a lot of tax loopholes carved out, and we are going to do everything we can to rectify it. We couldottomline is, not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good, much less the enemy of the necessary. This legislation is necessary and is a compromise with the Republicancontrolled Senate. Nobody thinks this legislation is ideal, but it is a necessity for the American People. I will close with the words of the great tom paine, who said these are times that try men and womens souls. The sunshine patriot will shrink from the service, but everyone will wins with us now the love and affection of every man and woman for all time. The more difficult the struggle, the more glorious is our victory. This disease is a form of tyranny. We have got to stick together and stand by e edger and stand by each other. In america, we take care of our own and we will take care of every american struggling under the weight of this terrible crisis. I am proud we are doing this in our third piece of legislation, and we are not done yet. Thank you all for being involved in this process. This is congressman andy kim from the new jersey third congressional district. I want to wish you and your family security and safety through this crisis. I have heard from so many of you who have called an emailed, telling me of your concerns about your health or the health of a loved one. I have heard from Small Business owners about struggles you are having and whether you will have to shut your Small Business down, potentially forever. I have heard from workers who dont know how they will pay their next bill because they have been laid off or are unable to go to work. These are real problems and it felt critically important that we in the congress are able to respond with the urgency you deserve. Passing thisn of to trillion dollar stimulus relief package is aimed at doing 2 trillion ismulus relief package aimed at the coming weeks and months. This is aimed at workers who have been laid off, for you to get the Unemployment Insurance and support that you need and deserve to pay your bills and be able to support your family. Sick ore that are communities worried about the virus, this is how we invest in slowing the spread of the virus, investing in our health infrastructure. These are things this bill moves forward on, which is why we need to urgently see this taken into action. I will stand by for anything you ofd help on, and if i can be assistance, please dont hesitate to reach out. We stand with you sidebyside ring this crisis during this crisis. During times of adversity, americans support each other, and that is what i intend to do today to ensure American Families and work the and workers have the help they need to weather the covid19 pandemic. In florida we are used to hurricanes. Covid19 is a monster storm that is wreaking havoc, especially on our most vulnerable neighbors. This bipartisan aid package is the third emergency aid package so far. It contains a huge infusion for doctors, nurses, healthcare workers who are on the front lines. God bless them. They will be at work and they must have the masks and personal protective equipment they need to care for the sick. Democrats worked to improve this aid package that was originally weighted too much toward corporate special interests and now it focuses on American Workers and families, to make sure you have the help you need. Most people will receive direct cash assistance. Job, followingr the advice of Public Health care experts who told you to stay home, new unemployment assistance is on its way, so please apply. Governorlorida, the has to ensure Computer Systems work so people can apply and get the eight that they need. They need to expand the number of weeks that are eligible and make sure it is a robust check to help people get through this crisis. Billions of dollars are available for our Small Businesses, including nonprofits and churches. We want to make sure that you can handle your bills, pay your rent, and make sure your employees stay connected to your business. Most importantly during this time of crisis, i encourage you to demonstrate love and kindness for each other. I hope that your family and the peace of god

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