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What was the number in congress . Just as close. Is prettytrump amazing. Thats the same thing. Was in it, kevin . Wasnt it, kevin . I want to thank her publicans and democrats for coming together, putting america first. This provides for direct payments to individuals. We will keep our Small Businesses strong and our big businesses strong and thats keeping our country strong 500 billion dollars with a ban on stock buybacks. Tough limits on executive compensation. To support ourn wrote doctors and nurses in hospitals. You see whats happening. I want to think, while we are here, the incredible job by the army corps of engineers and fema. Its incredible. They did for hospitals in two days, three days in new york. In credible structures. What a job they have been doing and theyre doing them all over country. 45 million for the Disaster Relief fund, supporting our state, local, and tribal leaders. 20 million for vaccines, therapies and public response efforts including 16 billion to build up the Strategic National stockpile and im going to we have tremendous supplies coming into the stockpile. You will be seeing that and hearing about it a little bit. We are doing a News Conference on what is happening. We have had tremendous results on the respirators. We have had Great Results on just about everything we are talking about. Owing Just Announced they are going to be making the plastic face shields, the actual shields , which are hard to come by. They will be making them by the thousands a week. The ventilator, which is probably the most difficult because its like building a car. We will be announcing thousands. We will have them under contract. As you know, we delivered thousands to new york and they were delivered to a warehouse. Them andis taking redistributing them. Million. Ave 3. 5 we have health care workers, first responders, others and 1 million for securing supplies. Nder the defense we have enacted the act. We used it three or four times. I pulled it back three times because the companies came through in the end. They didnt need the act. It has been great leverage. Have instituted against general electric. We thought we had a deal for 40,000 ventilators and all of a sudden it came back to 6000 and they talked about a higher price and we were discussing, so i dont like it. We did activate it with respect to General Motors and hopefully we wont even need the full activation. We will find out. But we need the ventilators. I said hello today. I called him a wonderful guy for us. He tested positive. Before he said hello, he said, we need ventilators. I said, wow. That is a big statement. Hopefully he will be in big shape. I spoke to angela merkel. She is being forced to stay at her house. This is an incredible situation. Last night, i spoke to president xi. We talked about the experience in china, and all the things that have taken place. We have a very tough experience. We have great communication together. Things have happened that they experience. Early we are getting all of that information. Of that has been sent to our scientists. The people to thank behind me who have been incredible friends. They have been warriors. There is no one tougher or smarter than the people sitting alongside of me. I think i want to start by asking mitch and kevin to speak and then we will go through a few of the folks in the room. Mitch, i would love you to say a few words because you this day for 24 hours a longtime. This is the result. It is the biggest ever, ever approved 6. 2 trillion. So, we had to get used to the billion. It used to be million, then it was billion, now it is trillion. Its going to go along way. Its going to make a lot of people happy. Mitch mcconnell. Please. Mcconnell let me just say this is a proud moment for our country. We will together and passed the biggest bill in history and record time. I also want to thank Kevin Mccarthy and our leaders of the republican side who helped speed this through. The American People needed this rescue package. They needed it quickly. We delivered. It is a proud moment for all of us. Would love top i shake your hand but anthony will get angry at me. Its a natural. I just want to go back and shake his hand. They have done such an incredible job. Kevin, please. Real answery the to america is we are listening to you. You do your part and we will do hours. Leader mcconnell, what he did was amazing. Everyone was involved. I wish we could have signed it earlier this week. Maybe the word not be as many people out of work, but this will put people back to work. I want to thank secretary mnuchin. Youve done a fantastic job. The said in my speech, virus is here. We didnt ask for it. But we are going to defeat it together. He hospitals will get money Small Businesses will be able to hire their employees back. This has something for everything. Resource. Be an needed thank you for your leadership. President trump mike pence. Could you play could you please Say Something . Vice president pence thank you, mr. President. Thank you for giving me the express this to the American People. You told the American People we would do whatever it takes. You called to make paid family leave responsible. With the bipartisan fashion delivered, but today, every american family, every American Business can no help is on the way. I want to thank leader mcconnell for his work. I also want to thank the democrat and republican leadership. This is an american accomplishment. Thank you very much, mike. And steve mnuchin, you know he has been working hard. ,ecretary mnuchin thank you mr. President , per your leadership. You made it clear that we had to think big. Should have the resources to protect American Workers and business. It was a great honor, mitch, to work with you and everyone on a bipartisan basis. This will be a great thing. And thank you for all of the to move thise did forward quickly. Pres. Trump please. This is a great day for protecting American Workers. This includes unprecedented support for workers who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. It gives us, as near as we could, the same wage that they would have been able to have. More important, it includes three injured 50 billion for loans. It comes on top of legislation. Igned. Aid leave, reimbursed in full this is the first paid leave law for the private sector ever and achieved on an unprecedented, bipartisan basis. This is the third major part of Bipartisan Legislation in three weeks. I want to thank the president for his commitment to American Workers. And also my colleague, secretary mnuchin. What hit the world . Something hit the world. We are going to make it a great place anyway. Thank you, mr. President. I want to thank everyone involved in this. This is a bipartisan approach. To do something sorely needed by the American People. Fighting the virus directly, but it hasnt impact on the american all. We have to doings to suppress the virus have a negative impact because of what we are doing. Economically is essential. I feel really good about what is happening. Thank you, mr. President. Dr. Fauci worked on this. Whenever you start with one of these serious diseases, the president s goal was ensuring the health of the American People. It has been a pleasure to work with the Economic Data in the same way. Economic data and health data is very similar. I think they are recognizing that the health of the American People is first. I want to thank you for what you have done for the American People. Pres. Trump kevin, please. Know ifys ago i dont anyone could have imagined how hard we have been hits. Know ifago, i dont anyone could have imagined Congress Pulling together so quickly and forcefully behind what the president needs. What an example of leadership can be provided in white house. Pres. Trump as kevin was saying, we had a smooth running, punitive full machine, the greatest economy in the history of our country. We had the highest stock price and then we got hit by the invisible enemy and we got hit hard. But it was not just us. 150 one countries, i think, as you go torning, and germany and speak to angela, she is in quarantine. As you know, boris was diagnosed and he is positive. And all of these things are happening. Because of the talent behind me, this is a big part of it, but not the biggest part. Veryone has pulled together the spirit is incredible. The people have altogether and they are doing really, really well. Think how life can change when you go 20, 22 days ago, everything is perfect. When we going to hit 30,000. More jobs, more everything and then one day we get hit i this thing nobody had even heard of by this thing nobody had even heard of. And we are fighting a different battle. ,ut because of what we had done we will be stronger than ever of protected from a lot this. A lot of the things that we have done now are going to protect us in the future, if this should happen again, from testing to so many things even stockpiles, yeah . Vaccines, cures, therapeutics, whatever you want to call it. , we are making perhaps a lot of cures. Anybody else have anything . You doingnever seen anything. Will have complicated this is the right thing for the American People and i can sell you this. Its not easy. Its not easy. ,ou want to be out, especially we want to do the right thing for our health and families in the country. Small businesses are the backbone of the american economy. I am the Ranking Member of the. Ouse Small Business Committee Without this legislation, it is questionable whether they will reopen. Those people who work for Small Businesses will be shuttered. Thank you. Thank you, eric. Where is our man. Thank you, mr. President. Mr. Vice president as well. To becouraged your team bold, be brave, be big. You delivered today. Their paycheck is protected, their earnings are protected. You made sure we can provide significant enforcement to the american economy, and finally, looking ahead, to address the violence, we have included significant resources to ensure come onlineies can as soon as possible. Protecting the Economic Health of america is what you drifted us to do. Thank you very much. Pres. Trump it seems like we quickly. The money out especially with the computer equipment they have to use. To mitchto him mcconnell. Didnt amazing job. I want to get a special thanks to my friends. Indefatigable. And mr. President , a few months ago, the economy was roaring. And we hit literally this blog, this virus, and i think the assistance bill here, which does have growth, will lead us back to a very strong economic rebound. Pres. Trump i think we will have a tremendous rebound toward the end of the year. Even now it wants to rebound. You cans the it, you can feel it. Bigave this really stockmarket surge two days ago. Biggest days in the history of the stock market. It wants to rebound so badly. We have to get rid of the bumps. I am going to sign this. 6. 2 trillion. I never signed anything with a t on it. I dont know if i can handle this one, mitch. We can chicken out at this point. Thank you all. I wanted that to be a nice thing. [applause] gavin. Gavin. Come on over here. A lane, what a job she is doing with elaine, elaine, she is doinga job with transportation. This bill is going to help the supply chain and the workers. Pres. Trump thank you. Bob lighthizer, thank you very much. Hes too busy. You. Thanks, everybody. 0 news will have a 5 3 conference in the same location. It seems to be doing quite well. Thank you very much, everybody. Moment of a rare agreement today between you and senator kerry. Pres. Trump he made a little joke about it. Congressman massie was totally out of line. Because of that, i guess a lot of people had to come back. They had to go into place, where, quickly, were not supposed to be in. We are doing it with deborah and tony and all of the professionals. People have to come back. So, john kerry made a little joke out of it. I dont know that he had that kind of personality, but we actually put it up and he was right. Ok. We will see you in a couple minutes, folks. Thank you. Inks, everybody. Joining us on the phone, jeff mason. Good saturday morning. Thank you for being with us. Steve. Leasure, i want to begin with some of the back and forth between the president and the governors of new york and new jersey about the quarantine. Explain how this unfolded. Nfolded. Guest they certainly did that late in the day. The longterm answer to your question, not putting in place a president dide dabble in the possibility. When he was leaving the white house yesterday he went to virginia, his first outing outside the white house in about two and a half weeks, speaking to reporters on his way to virginia, saying it was something he was looking at and , receiving in generating quite a bit of criticism from those governors. He ended up tweeting last night that there would be

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