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The governor of new jersey, phil murphy, held a briefing today. He and state medical the governor of new jersey, phil murphy, held a briefing today. He and state medical officials updated infection numbers and efforts to treat victims. The Governor Also Announced an 90 day Mortgage Relief Program for state residents. Gov. Murphy good afternoon and thank you for joining us. Especially those thousands from new jersey watching us every day life. Tomorrow we will communicate electronically with you unless we deem theres a reason to do otherwise. If there is, you have my word that i personally, along with members of our team, will be available and we will call an audible. Ectronically with you us we deem theres a reason to do otherwise. If there is, you have my word that i personally along with members of our team will be available and we will call an audible. Monday, even though we said 1 00 for our briefings, it will be 2 00 monday. I believe right here at the war memorial. We have a vtc with the white house, which is typically mondays. In this case i think it is 1130. So 2 00 gives us enough time to attend to that and communicate with the white house. And we will be with you after that. Honored to be joined by an allstar team today including the woman on my right who needs no introduction. The commissioner of the department of health, judy person kelly. To her right the department of camino bowl disease director the partner of Communicable Disease director. Dr. Lipsitz. And my chief innovation officer, beth novak. To her left, the superintendent of the state police, colonel pat callahan. Joined byhonor to be the director of the department of Homeland Security and preparedness, jared maples. I mentioned yesterday, back to beth, all the great work that beths team is doing to keep our portal going and growing. I asked her to join us today to give more color on all that goes into making that portal work. The overnight numbers. Since we met yesterday, we have received another 2000 2289 positive test result, bringing the statewide total to 11124. Judy will give you more color on those positives and brought demographics, including county of residence. Digits, asinto five we protected we would be soon. We are at about the pace we expected. Is ain another itself recent to continue social distancing and all the other efforts we are collectively doing to flatten the curve. Please take this to heart. Over the past day, another 32 of our fellow blessed new jerseyans have died because of covid19 related complications. It to a cuba live totalof a cumulative of 140 who are no longer with us in the garden state because of this virus. No one is getting graded on a curve for their social distancing. There is no opportunity for an a minus or be plus here. Fell test. Ass, pass fail. This is life and death. Let me give you an example of something not to do. We will not be shy about naming and shaming those who cannot get this message into their heads. Last night here in Mercer County, Ewing Township police broke up a party, with 47 people, including a dj, crammed into a 550 squarefoot apartment. The organizer was charged, as they should have been and deserved to be. I thank the Mercer County Prosecutors Office for their work, in addition to the Ewing Township police department. This is not a game. It is critical that you stayathome unless you absolutely need to go out. Because we need you on the front lines helping us response to this crisis in whatever way we have asked you to help. For everybody else, stay home. Whether you do go out to a supermarket or pharmacy, keep a safe, six foot distance, from anybody else, including Family Matters and friends you may be with. Members and Family Friends you may be with. At the Grocery Store be mindful of your fellow shoppers and the women and men working hard to put the toilet paper on the shelf for you, or bringing you up at the registers. I had a powerful exchange this morning with a retail giant, stuart appelbaum, the head of the retail wholesale to parts union nationwide. He is based in new york city. They have thousands of their colleagues up and down the state. He wrote a powerful up at the daily news that made the points i am making. In terms of retail workers on the front lines of this response. The federal bill signed by the president yesterday includes retail workers in the provision for daycare support which is a great point. Stuart makes another point. Still in too many places, these workers are working for a pittance. Per hour. I am proud and we did it with the help of stuart and his colleagues. I am proud we are on a path toward 15 per hour minimum wage in new jersey, which is the least we can do for these folks. Likewise, when you go out to pick up dinner, which i think we will do again tonight, be mindful of the restaurant workers who need you to keep a safe distance so they can keep cooking and keep the food supply going. We are all in this together. On testing. Sunday,inder, tomorrow, march 29, only the testing site at Bergen Community college will be open, of the two fema run testing sites. Testing will be in at 8 00 a. M. And continue until 500 samples have been taken. 30, only the pnc Bank Art Center site of those two will be open, again at 8 00 a. M. And again will be capped at 500 samples. These are the two drive through sides we stood up with the help of fema. Today, as you know, both sites are open, healthcare workers, First Responders only. Today, tomorrow, the day after, and every day until we tell you otherwise, only for people who are symptomatic and beginning tomorrow we will go likely one on and went off. At least sunday Bergen Community college will be open. On monday it will be Pnc Bank Arts Center and we will keep letting you know before each day. Again, you must be exhibiting symptoms of respiratory illness to get a test and they check you when you plop. If you are not exhibiting the symptoms you are politely but firmly asked to leave the line. With the new staggered schedule for the sites i will note again, as i promised in my briefings, site will be open the following day. The site will also be available, the schedule site will also be available at our online portal. Additionally, as we have been over the past couple of weeks telling you, when other testing sites are opening, even if we are not one of the sponsors and almost all these cases we are contributing. Tomorrow, Bergen Newbridge Medical Center empower ms will provide drivethrough testing for symptomatic healthcare workers and First Responders who live or work in Bergen County only. This will be by appointment only and you must first be prescreened via a telehealth interview with the doctor. That process is now open and available at their website for newbridge health. Again, this testing is for symptomatically healthcare workers and First Responders who live in Bergen County only. I want to to my hat again to newbridge for doing that. Switching gears. Today we are announcing a significant measure of mortgage relief for that many new jersey families who are directly impacted by this emergency and for whom that april 1 payment date loomed especially large and foreboding. Major nationalde mortgage lenders including citigroup, j. P. Morgan, chase, u. S. Bank, wells fargo, and i am proud to also note for the first time make of america, as well as many state chartered lending institutions and mortgage servicers. We can announce today a 90 day grace. For mortgage payments for borrowers economically impacted by the covid outbreak. Consumers who use this option, this 90 day grace. Cannot and will not be used to downgrade anyones Credit Rating and lenders will also waive any late fees or other costs which would otherwise arise because of this 90 day grace. Mirrorsgram closely what the state of california, under the strong leadership of my friend governor gavin newsom was able to provide for their homeowners. I thanked the National Lenders who are part of that agreement for working with us up, as well as all the state level associations who worked with us on this for new jersey. Werespecially proud we able to bring bank of america on board with our plan. I think were the first state in america to do that with bank of america. I tip my hat to them and to the extraordinary work of our colleagues including the commissioner of the department of banking insurance. This announcement builds on the moratorium on removals of individuals pursuant to ireclosures or evictions previously instituted Via Executive order. Further toe going announce these institutions are committing to not initiate foreclosure sales or eviction proceedings for 60 days at least. So put together a 90 day grace. And a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions, means many new jersey families can breathe easier and keep their heads above water and have a place they can continue to call home. This is a very important to note because otherwise he may come to us first, and while i hope you can be a source of information for you, the first port of call if you are a homeowner, should be contacting your lender directly. To take advantage of this relief. Lendersimagine, these are experiencing a high volume of inquiries and they may recommend using Online Services when available. Now is the time to do even more. Our financialect institutions and Credit Card Companies to do the right thing in all areas of their businesses. That also means lowering credit card Interest Rates to reflect the reality many families are living, to waive late fees, and exercise compassion when people call with financial hardship. We all need to get through this together. Not just get through it, but come out of it together. Have beguners, we hearing stories of landlords attempting to evict tenants during this emergency. Eviction,ter facing let me be clear. Under my executive order, your landlord cannot kick you out of your home during this emergency. Period. And for any landlord who is getting mortgage relief today, we expect you will in turn provide similar relief to your tenants. If you need rental assistance, i urge you to visit our online nj. Gov to doid19. A quick search for rental assistance. You will find information and a link to the Resources Available through the department of Community Affairs which gives me a chance to give a shout out to Lieutenant Governor sheila asver for next ordinary job a Lieutenant Governor and my partner and also as the leader of Community Affairs. To every landlord, i cannot stress enough, now is the time to show compassion. And to work with your renters to ensure they stay safe and in their homes. This is not the time to be raising rents. You cannot evict anyone at this time. If you try to, we are not going to take it lightly. And we will make an example out of you for violating the law. Every utility provider who has voluntarily stopped service shut offs throughout this emergency, i thank you. For doing the right thing. The other day we gave our municipal Water Utilities a deadline to follow suit and help shut offs and i am proud that with few exceptions, we have received their cooperation. S who have not yet responded, you can expect a phone call from us or perhaps from me in short order and i can assure you it will not be a pleasant conversation. Switching gears. Times abouted many our desperate need for personal protective equipment. Frontline Health Care Workers. This includes everything from and 95 masks to gloves, face shields, gowns and the like. All ppenue to accept donations and if you have ppe to donate, i urge you to visit covid19. Nj. Gov ppe donations. As you can see in the screens behind me. Reach out and our team will be in quick contact with you to accept your donation. I mention a lot of corporate citizens who have stood tall over the past couple of weeks and they continue to. Even since yesterday. I mention apple already. Apple informed me to the offices of tim cook and lisa jackson that even after yesterdays press gathering that theyre going to up their donation of n95 masks by 50 . They are one exam left many now standing tall. Addition to the donations, we also recognize the need for us to work within our Health Care Networks to be sure we are properly dispersing the ppe we receive from the national stockpile, more in a few minutes on that from pat. Or through donations. We want to do so proactively. An executivesign order requiring designated health care facilities, including licensed acute care hospitals, longterm care facilities, and temporary minimum,acilities at a to report to the department of health and the office of emergency management, within the new jersey state police, on a daily basis, data concerning their capacity and supplies. That will include bed capacities, ventilators and ppe. Us to morellow efficiently and effectively manage the flow of ppe. And to have the most uptodate data possible regarding our bed capacity. We will establish a process that allows information to be uploaded quickly and easily. Having a clear understanding of where each hospitals inventory stance is critical to make sure we are being proactive industry bidding ppe. More important as hospitals expand their capacities as we have directed them to. And as our level 1 hospitals prepared to help us administer the field of medical stations being created in partnership with the u. S. Army corps of engineers. Continuing to fight and we all are, every day. Alongside our federal delegation, for the essential ppe we need from the national stockpile. We have gotten some of our requests but not nearly all of what we need and i will not stop burning up the phone line to the white house until we get all that we need. Centralized procurement and donations management teams continue to pursue all available ppe in the private market as well. We are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to ensuring our frontline responders have the protective equipment they need. Have thatnow we all which we need, we need to pull together to make sure what we have is being properly distributed. So lets not just take stock of what we have, lets make sure we distribute it as effectively and efficiently as possible. I had a good private oneonone conversation with President Trump yesterday afternoon. I thanked him for the support that has already come our way. Fema, for the testing sites. The army corps, for the field hospitals. He and the Vice President have step, almostevery every day, the urgent need we have for ppe. Thankful for what we have gotten about acknowledging we need a lot more. A couple of things since that conversation. Following conversations throughout the week with the Vice President , we got another slug of ppe out of the federal stockpile, shipped overnight. Pat callahan will go through exactly what we got in a minute. That. Are think full for again, we have long way to go but i think the president and Vice President for the support there. I also asked President Trump formally yesterday, we had imented a written request, formally asked him to federalize the National Guard. Last night a couple of hours after we spoke we received approval from the dod to deploy the new Jersey National guard as necessary to help us through this crisis peered on what you think President Trump and Vice President pence and secretary dr. Mark esper for their timely response to our request. I will call on audible as they say in football, pat, two things, can you run through the work we got overnight and then can you give us a summary of the conversation you and the team had this morning with dr. Eastman, who i believe is the senior medical officer of the apartment of Homeland Security. That is correct, governor. With your guard to the shipment that came last night. 120,000 n95 masks. 287,000 surgical masks. 62,000 face shields. 51,000 surgical gloves. 3500 coveralls. Pairs of gloves. And 1000 medical beds. And as a direct result of your conversation with the president yesterday governor, i think, this morning the folks on our team met with dr. Eastman, the withr medical officer regard to him making sure he fast tracks any requests we have through fema region to and for more than an hour assured us that in any shape or form we could that he could fulfill, whether through regulation or actual equipment or ventilator needs, a highlevel discussion. It was indicative of our phenomenal relationship with fema, which continues. Thanks, gum. Thanks, gov. The we are going to need more. We will undoubtedly need more. I am committed to working alongside our federal delegation and my fellow governors and their respective delegations. In fact, to get more. That is my job as governor. You all have a job to play in this too. So much of what we get from washington is determined by the census. And i cannot put it more plainly. We know that we were undercounted in 2010 and because of that we are right now leaving critical aid, federal aid, on the table. So take a moment, please go online. As you can see behind being counted senses something timeo, while at the same practicing that critical social distancing. Things, before i turn over to judy, thanks to the guide guide to my left. President of the Sales University across the delaware river. Homily during an online service, father jim urged his congregation not to think of what we are all doing as social distancing, but rather as social solidarity. I think that is an important point. I referred to that phenomenon yesterday. Look at these images behind me. We are by nature a social species. Friendsapart from our and neighbors, even our families is not human nature. Doing so right now is critically important for us to break the back of that curve, and to flatten it, and to emerge from this emergency stronger than ever before. We are all in this together. As one new jersey family. We may be literally apart right now, but in many respects we are as close to each other as we have ever been for, with one big challenging common enemy. We are united in our fights. We are pulling our family and ourselves through this together, and that in every respect is social solidarity. Jersey, practicing not just for social distancing, but your social solidarity. Do it for yourself, for your immediate family, your friends and for every single one of the 9 million members of our new jersey family. As i have said before, we will unequivocally get through this together, but only if each one of us, including yours truly, does their part. Big and small. Isolation,ments of and those moments of loneliness when you may think that you are all by yourself, remember that we are all in this together. In that respect, we are developing a bond which will become unbreakable, and because of that we will win. Just as we won world war ii, we will win this war together as one new jersey family. Please welcome the woman that needs no introduction, the commissioner of the department of health. Good afternoon. Before i provide todays update on new cases, i also would like to acknowledge and salute the hard work and dedication of our Health Care Workers, our First Responders, staff in longterm care settings who are caring for patients on the frontlines of this Public Health crisis. I also want to thank employees in Grocery Stores, pharmacies, gas stations, and on maintenance crews who are working hard every day to ensure food and other essentials are available. They are all heroes, and we thank them for keeping things going. However, i want them to take care of themselves. We need them, they are essential for a reason. Grocery store clerks and others who interact closely with the public, please try to maintain as much social distancing as you can carry out your essential duties. Use handh interaction, sanitizer with at least 60 alcohol. If you are sick, stay home. Please consider that repeated use of the same gloves between customers can actually be worse than not wearing gloves at all. Because, the gloves can become contaminated, and with the virus you can be spreading coronavirus around. Wash her hands with Hand Sanitizer as much as you can. Many of our Frontline Health care workers, especially those who work in longterm care settings with outbreaks particularly in the hot zones, are fearful of the weeks ahead. Fearful that they will not have the necessary protections that they need to stay healthy, so that they continue taking care of their patients. That our assure you leaders, governor murphy, state Police Superintendent callahan, myself, all of our teams are doing Everything Possible to get as much ppe, personal protective equipment as we can. We are monitoring the number of Critical Care beds, particularly in northern new jersey, and we know that the ceos of our hospitals are doing everything to increase the capacity. They are also working together in collaborating to make sure that the necessary equipment, particularly ventilators, are available for the patients who need them. This morning, i spoke with and had a meeting with new Jersey Hospital Association president kathy bennett. The Hospital Association is working with us, and we are doing as much as we possibly can to increase the number of Critical Care beds, and also the number of that ventilators. As of the data from this morning, from our major laboratories at this. 95 of the commercial labs are sending us information. 29,800 29 820 two tests performed, of which 10,000 for is a six tested positive, for an overall Positivity Rate of 34. 99 . As i have said, confirmed cases are rising quickly. Reporting 2289 new cases, for a total of 11,124 cases. In the state. At the governor shared, sadly, we are reporting 32 new debts. Deaths. Those debts were in the following county. Bergen and union each have seven. Middlesex have five. Morris has three. To each in hudson, passaic, and essex counties. In there was one death each ocean, somerset boring, and sussex counties. Of the debts we are reporting today, 20 our mail, 12 are female. Age range 30 years to 100 years. Cases with underlying conditions, the ones we know, 12 of the 32 had underlying conditions. The rest are under investigation. There were no deaths reported today associated with a longterm care facility. To allr our condolences of the families who have lost loved ones. The Data Available today, our longtermin care facilities are reporting at least one case of coronavirus. Yesterday it was 55, today it is 71 of the 375 longterm care facilities in new jersey. The breakdown of new cases by county is as follows. Atlantic, four. Bergen, 250. Burlington, 27. Kempton, 28. Cumberland, too. Essex, 197. Hudson, 155. Mercer, 36. Middlesex, 100. 6. Monmouth, 122. Ocean, 86. Passaic, 88. Sussex, 13. Union, 132. Warren, nine. There are approximately 128 cases that we are still gathering information on. A total of the cases today include 160 new positives received from the mass testing sites. There have been a total of 662 positive cases since testing started at the mess mass testing site. Thank you. Thank you. Just to remind folks in terms of coital total cases so far. Bergen is number 1, 1838. Essex is number 2, 1086. Middlesex 808. Monmouth, 781. Hudson, 771. Right behind hudson is union county with 742. Thank you judy for that and everything you and your team are doing. Met a couple of years ago and hers was a name i workingd from her time for the obama administration, and if that werent enough, her ase advising David Cameron his time as prime minister, as well as my friend the chancellor of germany angela merkel. I thought to myself, you know by the company you keep, that is keeping really good company. Extraordinary team across the whole number of fronts. Set more so than helping us up the allencompassing covid19. Nj not go website. Gov website. Expect, somed color behind each of the facets. Please help me welcome beth novak. Thank you very much. I wanted to give a little color as you say about the ways in which technology, data, and innovation are helping us to play a really key role to provide the public with uptodate information, and also drive datadriven decisionmaking for all of our leaders here. In addition to the many people who have been thanked already, i also want to thank my small, but mighty team at the office of innovation and the many volunteers that are working with us, who are truly working around the clock for their dedication and their long hours. All of the work that we are doing, and the reason we are able to be effective as a small team, is because we are collaborating with all of our colleagues. Between public and private sector, across the state to deliver a number of projects that i want to bring to your attention, and hope that they are of use. The governor has already mentioned, you can see the url up on the screen, the covid19 information hub that we have made available. Had 1,600,000y people who have visited the site. Dozenare updates made a times a day in terms of new information, and collectively our team has pushed out more than 12,000 content updates. Including key points you just heard the governor talked about. You can go there to find up to the minute information. Articles range on topics from housing and benefits, guidance for businesses and health care professionals, resources for the disabled and answers to your science and Health Lessons about the virus. The site is now available in spanish as well as in english, so you can go in there and search for information, it is fully bilingual. This could not have been made possible in the time that it was done without the generous volunteer support from our corporate sponsors. Also from the same site, front and center is the symptom checker. Froman also get there self. Covid19. Nj. Gov. That is the place from which you can get answers from your questions about what to do if you have a fever or a cough. The anonymous data that the site collects also allows us to know where the virus is spreading, and why to anticipate spikes. We were very glad to develop this with the partnership of health, and we have already had 120 9000 people use this site. Ar businesses, there is Business Information hub. Alreadyon the site 270,000 individual users, who have viewed over 800,000 pages on the site, and i might add, over 8000 live chat sessions. As a business you can go in 13 hours a day, seven days a week. Our colleagues at the department of state business action center, also the eva and office of innovation are all chipping in to provide assistance to keep traffic times and answer your question in real times. In less than two weeks we have at over a quarter of a million businesses use this hub, and lots of action there. We help answers to your business questions. Yesterday for example, working with eda, we were the binary place to go for answers about the eda forthcoming Business Assistance program. ,n a distance in addition there is a job portal. That is the first portal set up in the nation, the first one to launch, to provide an less than 72 hours information for job seekers about new jobs that are available to people. There are 43,000 jobs that are listed on that site from 435 different employers. Those are jobs that ran from an hour,of 11 to 75 but also salaried positions in excess of 100,000. The jobs range from warehouse workers and delivery drivers to Civil Engineers and registered nurses. We set it up really fast, and 72 hours. Bear with us, we are improving as we go to make it more unsearchable for you, to make it easier to find more industries and different jobs. We hope that this is of some use. In addition, we are seeing as we already heard an outpouring of support in terms of donations of personal protection of quitman. If you had personal protection equipment. If you have pbe to donate, please go to covid19. Nj not covid19. Nj. Gov donations. With heavy Big Companies youve talked about, but there is also a dentist in Edison New Jersey who is donating 20 surgical masks. There is a yet company which is offered to donate more than 180 and 95. N95s. We want to thank you for your donations. Businesses were required as of 5 00 p. M. Last night to comply with executive order 109 as to inventory any ppe that they have. If you miss the deadline the site is still up, please comply with the requirements and go up there as already 3700 businesses have done to let us know what ppe you have in the event that we needed. Medical volunteers. Covid19. Nj. Gov volunteers. Lastve already had in the 24 hours 2000 people who have volunteered. If youre a doctor, if you are a nurse, if you are a Health Care Worker at any time, we desperately need your assistance. We have had offers a volunteers from nearly 600 zip codes. Both from new jersey, but also from around the country who have offered their assistance to our residents. Want to last project i mention is a site that we have set up to report violations. This is covi d19. Nj. Gov violations. If you see something, Say Something. That of no there. Let us know there. Can use to report potential violations. These are some of the projects we have been able to make available in the last week, and we look forward to doing our part. I want to thank everybody for their collaboration in making it possible to get out this information to people, and to get in above all your offers of help and assistance for which we are very grateful. Thank you. Cannot thank you and your team enough. Multifaceted, allencompassing gets more robust by the day. We think we were the first state in america to establish this, and we would not have been able to do so without your work, without your team help. This is a great first place to go if you have got questions of you have heard. Thank you. There are, as we have already discussed, an Extraordinary Group of folks who have lost their lives. 140 at this point. Of all shapes and sizes. ,e could probably Say Something we could Say Something about each and every one of them and in a Perfect World we would. Trying to find ways to make sure that each one of these livesus lots precious are remembered, memorialized and celebrated. For all they did during their lives. So when you start to mention some and not others, it can be implied almost as a disrespect for those that you dont mention. I dont mean any disrespect, but for those who remember watching desperately seeking susan, mark bluhm was a victim of the coronavirus. Born in newark, grew up in maplewood. A real jersey guy. We mention a lot of the talents we have in the state, he was high on that list. Our thoughts and prayers go out to marks wife and his family, and to everyone who has lost their lives. Just to remind ourselves that the beat goes on in life, even away from the coronavirus, the data of one of our colleagues the dad of one of our colleagues, passed away. Former deputy mayor of livingston, a giants, i think he lived to the age of 89. Known to many in livingston and beyond, and again his son darrell works with us and is an outstanding colleague and professional. We take our hat off to him. On a lighter note, you mentioned yext. I mention them a week ago, this site would not have taken place without their partnership. In their own way they have contributed mightily to our efforts. With that i think we are going to start questions. We will go right to left, and sweep across if that is ok. This afternoon the president mentioned the possibility of putting new york, new jersey and parts of connecticut into quarantine. Did he mention any of that in your phone call, are you aware of that . You and other governors have mentioned the difficulty of purchasing ppe. Considered a consortium you have talked about Financial Aid for hospital systems. The systems in South Carolina and ohio who are laying off furloughing workers. Are you looking at any Financial Stress test for hospitals right now. There is some confusion about wearing face masks. As the cdc said anything to the state about the possibility that americans should be wearing face mass in the coming weeks . Facemasks in the coming weeks . Any part of the conversation with the president yesterday, which was very productive i might add. Nothing about quarantine came up. I saw the story as i was walking into this room. That theno question Greater New York metropolitan area is the number one hotspot in america right now. It is not the only hotspot, but it is number one in terms of number of cases. Until further notified, we are going to keep doing its a few what we are doing, because we believe the data and the facts are on our side in terms of this , in terms of social distancing and flatten the curve. Regularly taking further steps . You bet. Whether prompted by the president or more often than not on our own. So we will continue to be as aggressive as we have been, and not let up. I dont know of any consortium conversations about ventilator purchases, not a crazy idea by any means. There is a lot of coordination. But our regional partners, there is a lot of best practices that we could learn from other governors who may not be contiguous to our region. The last thing we need to do is to be bumping into each other in the acquisition market, which has happened. To the besturloughs of my knowledge i have heard nothing. Judy . Not new jersey. Not in new jersey. We need all hands on deck. Cdc on facemasks. You are at should weigh in. There was an article in the new revisiting because we heard a few weeks ago that facemasks werent really as efficacious as we might think they are we put them on. There were sort of a reconsideration of that at least in the press i saw today. Let me just talk a little bit about facemasks and what they can do and what they cant do, and why there is this question in general. Facemasks are effective at preventing bigger droplets from either getting out if you are actually coughing, or getting in if someone is calling on you. It is very important that people who are ill where this masks, because that can prevent them from spewing droplets around. If you are close to someone who is infectious, it can have some effect. Out those larger particles and can have an effect as well. The issue about using them routinely, is how often are you coming into contact with someone who is sick and spewing those larger particles, where those face mass would give you that protection. There are several reasons why you would not want to wear a face mask. Ppe shortages and so forth. That it cans actually make things worse, because people who wear facemasks, particular those who arent used to wearing them, very commonly do things like this they readjusts, they move it around her face. , it cantouching my eyes be worse than wearing nothing at all. And, the facemask itself can be contaminated. I dont use hand hygiene, i may infect myself. Rumors that cdc may change their recommendation. We certainly know that other countries do it differently. I see argument on both sides as to whether you should wear a facemask or not. Thank you. Obviously if we get more direction from the cdc, we will make sure you all hear that. Couple of questions. Withg your conversation the president yesterday, did you bring up ventilators specifically, and did you get any reassurance that any will be on their way . Does new jersey have any hospitals reach their senses onimum, or any hospitals divergent, and have any hospitals exhausted their supplies of ventilators . Not come uprs did specific in that conversation, they have come up in virtually every conversation that we have had. Were outfema folks, we with them on ventilators this morning as a general matter. Ppe comes up all the time. Slugecific we did get a of ppe post that conversation. My specific asked was in and around getting the National Guard to get federalized, which was an urgent request of ours. Judy, any questions about nexen outs in terms of hospital capacities . Maxing out . First, on the ventilators. Point, it is getting more than a little tight with the ventilators, so there are hospitals working with one another and moving equipment around. Wewere able to send out had asked for 400 ventilators, we got 200. We were able in the past week to send out about 65 to hospitals that had urgent needs. Ourre convening professional Advisory Group to talk about the concept of coventing, which has been approved at this point. That is where you can use one ventilator to support to individuals. Two it was reported this morning in my conversation with the president of the Hospital Association, that a couple of hospitals in the north went on diverge. Issue as muchpe as a person power issue. Some individuals home, not feeling well, not enough Health Care Workers in their emergency rooms. That is being handled on a regional basis at this point. As i reported yesterday, the north is really feeling the stress right now. Our goal is to work with the hospitals, increase their Critical Care capacity, give them the equipment that they need to the degree that we have it. Given the guidance that they need if they have to start sharing equipment. We would only do that along with the guidance of the cdc and fda, and safely. Yesterday, that we have to be more efficient in our beds, our equipment, our manpower. Days is proving to have been a very smart move. Coming out. Is more followup, how many hospitals are on divergent diverging. Diversion. I dont have that in front of me. We have a map with the counties. We might be able to bring it forth, it is a great slide. Which map sorry . We have a map at the department of health that identifies the regions in the hospitals within the regions. You have a slug . Do you have that slide . We do not. Sir . Changing face of policing. What are some of the things, can you talk about what police are doing from a dispatchers, asking information for a Police Officer walking into a scene. What are some of the things you are doing to keep themselves protected as well . Only we have noted, not our Health Care Workers are heroes and at the point of attack, but they are joined in that reality by our First Responders and not very far behind them, essential retail workers. Getting them tested and in our highest priorities. That is what we have two sites today dedicated exclusively to that. Packaging a little more color in terms of protocols and protections for our First Responders up and down the state. To the one critical point that the attorney general worked tirelessly with the commissioners legal staff was with regards to, basically getting a waiver for the addresses of covid positive patients to be released to our operation dispatch units throughout the state. So when an officer or trooper was arriving on scene, there was basically a flag in the system. We did not go as far as name at this point, that is under consideration. But to at least give that responding officer a heads up in order to make sure they properly done their mask as well as their gloves. As far as the guidance that the attorney general put out guidance, we also put out guidance from the International Association of chiefs of police that has been distributed. We are on almost daily phone calls with executives. We do do a daily phone call, a covid19 call. As i miss her yesterday there was almost 800 officers on the call every day. This is where we stress the guidance on the protocols for when you arrive at these locations. If you have any doubts, we asked them to just act as if that person is symptomatic with covid19. Over thed i mentioned last couple days, at least two officers who were in a tough shape, but work god willing improving. That is the case. Daily we track every Single Police who is positive and who is quarantined at home. At this juncture, there are more than 700 Police Officers quarantined at home. That is about the same amount of number who have tested positive from all 21 counties. Thank you for that. Thank you, governor. Regarding your upcoming executive order. The daily data, will that be public . I actually dont know. I think we said it would be uploaded. It will be uploaded to a dashboard, portions of it will definitely be public. It is going to have a lot of items on it that are probably for internal decisionmaking, but i see no reason why not. Matt . Some of the data may be confidential and proprietary data from the hospitals, as well as health data from people there. We certainly will make public whatever we can and be as transparent as possible. That would be our default position, to give you as much as we can. But for privacy considerations. Priority would be for our professionals to maximize their of the dish ability to manage this crisis. To manage this crisis. Starting when . Monday . It will take a number of days to refine the data. Maybe by the end of next week. We will get it beginning on monday, but bear with us. One more on Voter Registration. Board of election offices are closed, a lot of the way people normally register are not available to them. Speaking of innovation, will you be able to get the online Voter Registration of earlier, would you consider waiving the 21 day requirement to register before an election . Not, you tell me if im wrong. We would need a law to go to online Voter Registration. Which is something, frankly that i would welcome. The answer is as a general matter, we are reconsidering this is an idea and some of their answers for the past couple of days. Balancing that life has to go on, particularly democracy and the exercise of our sacred right to vote, and acknowledgment that we are in a crisis unlike we have ever dealt with before. That has been guiding our decisions to try to strike that balance. Three quick things. Mortgages. Will they be due in one lump sum after the 90 days . It is only for people who have been affected by this, what is the qualification for that . Two, we have an update on hospitalized patients . Three, i miss the ppe requirement that came from the federal government . On mortgages. This is going to depend on your relationship with your particular bank, and that is the place folks should go. Most i believe are just adding if you have a grace. To two or three months, it is being added on the back end of your mortgage. I believe that is the practice that is most common. In terms of your qualification, it is between mortgage payer and the bank that is providing it. Is that about right . We have spoken to all of the major banks that we dont regulate as well as the States Charter banks and associations that we do. Our clear expectation is that they will attack three months onto the end of the mortgage, and not have one lump sum payment. They have all said that they intend to do that, and have expressed that commitment. The one caveat is that some of the federal loans we dont have federal jurisdiction over. We have been pretty direct. One quick followup. We did sign a law that would allow that to be in effect, however we have not implement it and we are exploring whether that is a possibility. Thank you. Hospitalizations. That will be part of the dashboard. Nothing to add. Ppe. Real quick pat. 121,000 and 90 fives, over over00 surgical masks, 51,000 surgical gowns, over 3500 gloves, and68,000 1000 medical beds. Thank you. You good . Just to followup on the ventilators and ppe. You said you bet 200 more ventilators . 200 got more than any word on how much, and more specifics on the equipment . The 200 ventilators. Do know where they came from . We got this from the national stockpile. Any results from the survey that we required folks to fill out friday . I dont have it together yet. Too early to tell. Thank you all. To my to thank the folks right, department of health the commissioner. Thank you both. To all of your colleagues. To my immediate left, beth novak thank you for everything you have done. To make that website a reality to make it even more powerful. Colonel pat callahan. Again, the we will leave this is for tomorrow, we will put out anything that you need in terms of overnight data. Electronically, if we collectively make the decision, and ultimately that will be in my hands that we need to be with you physically in person if there is this report, or if we need to get on the phone. The team will get the word out. Otherwise, we will be back together monday at 2 00 p. M. In this very room unless you hear otherwise. Where we repeat an end have ended most of these gatherings. To say, unequivocally, that we will get through this together. Not without a price to pay as we have already seen. 140 precious lives have been lost. Bless each and every one of them. We will not come through this unscathed, im sure we will not come through this without mistake, but we will come through this. Assuming all 9 million of us does our part. Washing our hands with soap and water, up to the big heroic work on behalf of our Health Care Workers, First Responders and others. I would love to tell you that we will be out of this in the next couple days. That is not the case. I have said pretty clearly over the past number of days, the number of positive tests is going to continue to go up dramatically. That is partly due to community spread, that is overwhelmingly due to opening up testing. Again, still with symptomatically. That has been our focus since day one. Thats not all bad news. It allows these folks the data they need to much more aggressively and thoroughly deal with this. We will pay any price to save anyone life. That number we would love to see never go up, and there is no amount of any acceptance of that number to continue to go up. Sadly, it most likely will. There is no price too high for us to pay to be on the battlefield saving each and every one of those lives. I remind you again. This is war. This is no time to panic. We win wars because we are smart, aggressive, we stoop straight with each other. We come together as one new jersey family. Theight the war, we win war, and we come out of this as one family in new jersey. Stronger than ever before. Thank you all. Calvin coolidge president ial foundation chair, author, and economic historian on the u. S. Government response to Economic Crises from the Great Depression through the coronavirus. The crash in the great gatsby, that was just the crash ofthe early 1920s, not 1929. People thought america would never come back from the big up people of world war i. That was what was going on. At that time, there was inflation. We were getting over a flu, spanish influenza. All that was going on. At that time, the government took a policy. The policy was lets pull out of the way. The government response was so counterintuitive it is also them it is almost impossible to utter it now. Cspans q a. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up, dr. Margaret harris will join us to talk about her organizations response to the global coronavirus pandemic. Ofn, the founder and ceo Regeneron Pharmaceuticals discusses his companys work with the federal government to develop drug therapies to treat covid19 patients. Trust for americas healths president will be with us to talk about the u. S. Governments response to the pandemic. Eastern sunday morning. Join the discussion. A reporter who is working in louisiana right now to see if we can find out more about what is going on on the ground. Adelson, who jeff is a reporter in new orleans. Good morning. Guest good morning. Thanks for having me. Host what is going

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