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More debate from the house floor on the economic package, which was passed by a voice vote earlier today. Recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, pleased the eld one minute to gentleman from West Virginia, mr. Mooney. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from West Virginia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mooney thank you, mr. Speaker. There are good parts of this bill. The things President Trump asked or at the very beginning like tax relief for employers, help for those who lost their jobs, funding for the medical responders. D first i thank President Trump for his excellent leadership. Id like tole ideas offer as amendments to this bill but this is a closed process. Members of congress cant offer amendments. Thats not the way were make legislation, especially when it spends 2 trillion. Amtrak, money for National Public radio and the rts, but we dont talk how were going to pay for it, 2 trillion. How do you pay for it . It from to borrow china, borrow it from russia . Are we going to print the money devalue our current currency . Already half a trillion dollars every year Going Forward. We could use that money to pay epidemics like this and fund our troops. So Going Forward we need to talk about balancing our budget and things. Or thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from texas reserves. Maryland. Man from mr. Hoyer reserves. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from alabama, mr. Byrne. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama is recognized for one minute. R. Byrne mr. Speaker, last week, 3. 3 million americans filed for unemployment. Small businesses around this country are shuttering. Millions of americans and their at home practicing social distancing, a term few two weeks ago. Countless others are on the frontlines in our hospitals, offices, pharmacies, or simply checking us out at the grocery store. I spoke to many Small Businesses in my district on a call. Hope. Asked to give them to the American People who are watching, there is hope, and way. Is on the there are many things in this bill i do not like. Here are portions that i think are a mistake. But colleagues, this is our time action. Do not hold this bill up. We owe it to the citizens of country who are struggling. Today, ction for them and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from texas reserves. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield one minute to the gentleman from virginia. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The last pandemic, i want to draw attention to the research act. Tments in the cares the department of energy has funds for the highend computing capabilities. The National Science foundation research. Lecular nist will have the reliability of the testing. Research on ll do the risk of transmission. Mr. Speaker, my grandfather lost son in the first flu epidemic in 1919. Is yet, this is not the last novel virus. With a bold, sustained science, we can make covid19 the last pandemic. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Maryland man from reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. One minute toield the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is minute. Ed for one mr. Carter mr. Speaker, our country finds ourself in waters. Red none of us have ever experienced anything like this before. For the past two weeks ive been home in the First District of georgia visiting with individuals, with Small Business owners. Ive seen something ive never seen before. Ive seen people who are concerned. Health, d about their concerned about their future. Mr. Speaker, this is something to address. Ive also seen something ive never seen before either and is people pulling together. People doing for each other. Other. Caring for each volunteering at food banks. Volunteering at service organizations. Workers health care putting their own health at risk to deliver services. Best of america as well. Mr. Speaker, it is our here, our responsibility to help these people to deliver to them. Is not a perfect bill. If i had an opportunity id change a number of things in it, to do, s what we need mr. Speaker. And mr. Speaker, more than anything, what we need to do is pray. D to we need to pray to the god the speaker pro tempore the entleman from maryland is recognized. Seconds toi yield 30 the gentleman from michigan, dan kildee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is 30 seconds. Or mr. Kildee thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. This is an important moment for our country, its important that Congress Respond in a way consistent with this threat. We differences about this bill. There are things in it many of us dont like. This moves us forward. This gives the American People the support they need in order to follow the medical advice they are given without putting their families at risk. It supports Small Businesses, it puts money in the hands of americans, so that they can take care of their families financially while theyre taking care of the health of their families. I support this legislation. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, general bergman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bergman i rise in support of the coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act. This legislation takes major steps to support American Workers and families during this unprecedented time. It provides increased funding to get our Health Care Workers essential supplies and equipment. It also helps Small Businesses who have been asked to close their doors an sacrifice their livelihoods for everyones health and safety. This bill is not perfect. Im disappointed that were paying for things that dont have anything to do with covid19. And i am concerned about inadvertent damage we may be doing to our seasonal businesses by incentivizes people to stay at home rather than go back to work once shelter in place restrictions are lifted. Small seasonal businesses are the lifeblood of michigans First District an as we implement this policy ill do everything i can to prevent unintended consequences from happening. The people of michigans First District are resilient. We have survived hardships before and we will again. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from new hampshire, ms. Kuster. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Tufter i rise to support this un ms. Kuster i rise to support thun precedented emergency relief for the American People my colleague and i have spoken with tens of thousands of our constituents through telephone town halls and Conference Calls with hospitals. I want to support the support for our people who have lost their jobs, for our small miss, but most importantly, for our frontline Health Care Workers in our rural hospitals. We need supplies. We need support. Thank you for vetting yes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Crenshaw. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Crenshaw businesses large and small through no fault of their own are failing. We told them to shut down and workers are losing their jobs. Let me clear something up for everyone. A lost job is a lost job. Whether from a Large Business or a Small Business. And its devastating for families. Americans need help. Thankfully this bill covers it all from direct aid to accelerated loans. But when every day counts in a crisis this bill was delayed by democrats unnecessarily for totally unrelated progressive wish list. I dont get mad but this made me mad. In the end, the final bill today is barely different than last weekends. The record will show that. But we have it now and we should pass it now. It will soften the upcoming hardship but we must not be complacent for we have more difficult decisions ahead how much will we balance the opening of society with the pandemic. Its a tough question and we wont be able to answer that question if the antics of this week continue. The country will move Forward Together the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland is ecognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from new york, mr. Meeks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Meeks my home state of new york has become the ep center of the terrible pandemic. This bill brings Financial Support to increase the number of hospital beds, equip our brave doctors, nurses, e. M. T. s and other medical providers who are our frontline of defense and who should not be asked to risk their lives to save others. This crisis will pass. Our economy will recover but american tam liss an workers who ost their jobs by the millions desperately need this Financial Support now. This bill provides important grants an loans to Small Business which is will be critical to our economic recovery. Theres more for us to do but this bill is an important first step to secure americas families. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expyre. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Burr chet. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. When i was five or six i had a sunday schoolteacher tell me a story that relates to what were doing right now. A small child went missing in the plains states. The community went 100 Different Directions and didnt find the child. They finally came together, prayed to god, asked him for wisdom. They ended up Holding Hands an walking across the prairie. Mr. Speaker, they found that child. This country needs to remember that in and this body needs to remember that i think we need to put our partisanship aside. We need to quit bickering and ask almighty god for wiz dopped and do whats right. Thank you, youre doing a fine job. The speaker pro tempore thank you. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from illinois, ms. Underwood. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Uns wood i rise today in strong support of the cares act. Over 2,500 illinoisans have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. 26 of whom have died. Countless more are in need of testing an thousands of our frontline Health Care Workers are desperate for p. P. E. Just this month, over 130,000 illinoisans have lost their jobs. The cares act provides economic he releaf to individuals, and improved unemployment protection. It will help state lorks call governments and Health Care Systems meet the enormous hallenges. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, the head of the prolife caucus, mr. Smith. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized mr. Smith as of today in my state alone, 6,800 people have been tested positive with 81 deaths and in one family alone four members of the family have died. Containing the pandemic, developing and deploying reliable therapeutics and a safe, effective vaccine must be our highest priority no matter the cost. Those on the frontlines in health care, first responders, are heroically meeting the challenge often at great personal cost. The 2. 2 trillion cares act is comprehensive and absolutely needed. It provides unprecedented support to taxpayers, Small Businesses, grants to hospitals, help state and local government, boost unemployment and security. Special thanks to all of those on the house and senate side, the leadership for their cooperation in this bill and to President Trump, the Vice President , doctor birx, dr. Fauci and many others who have brought their expertise to confronting this huge challenge. Yield back. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds though gentleman from missouri, mr. Clay. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Clay i rise in support of the cares act. Im so proud of the emergency housing priorities including a temporary moratorium on evictions, foreclosures of home owners and federally backed mortgages. Theres 4 billion for emergency grants, for homelessness, 5 billion for cbdg and 1 billion for project based assistance. We are in this fight together and we will not be broken. Viruses come and go but the courage of the American People the speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the chairman of the values action team, the gentlelady from missouri, mrs. Hartzler. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Hartzler we are at war against an unseen enemy our world has never faced before. We are battling on two fronts, the health care front and the economic front. Thousands of people are sick with courageous Health Care Workers battling on the frontlines. Meanwhile, millions of americans have lost their jobs because of the virus. Imperiling Family Budgets and devastating our economy. Todays bill sends needed battle reinforcements to both fronts. It provides pounds purchase more medical supplies and to support our hospitals while also sending muchneeded help to businesses so they can make payroll and keep the doors open. It sends money directly to almost every household and supports those who have lost their job due to the covid crisis. Most importantly it give this is nation hope. Hope that we will get through this by supporting our Health Care Workers, enabling businesses to stay open, and sending americans funds needed to get them through. While this bill is far from perfect and the price tag is sobers, i believe we are in an unprecedented battle and it is imperative we win this war. I will be voting yes and i invite all americans to join me. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentleman from maryland. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from new york. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Espaillat i rise in support of the cares act. Mr. Speaker, it would be criminal to not support billions of dollars for our hospitals and Health Care Workers. It would be criminal not to support millions of dollars for Small Businesses that will be struggling. It would be criminal to not support help for working families, 1,200 for individuals, 500 per child. But its crit ka to leave out immigrants. They clean our houses and take care of our children and elderly. Criminal to leave out this is our future. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady proud to yield one minute to the yell from florida, mr. Mast. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mast mr. Speaker, i would rather die than see my country stumble or fall. And by god, i mean that and i i dont think im the only one in this body that feels this way. Im worried that as a result of a virus that was born in the disgusting market in wuhan, china, that was hidden from the world that our country may stumble. But i can tell you that that worry has subsided quickly for me as i looked around my own community and realized again that americans are a salty group of tough s. O. B. s that are defeated by absolutely nothing. This isnt going to defeat us either. Theres parts of this bill that i dont like but im proud that when americans wake up tomorrow theyre going to continue to know that ewith wake up here not as victims but as people with a greater opportunity than anybody across the world, 50 stars, 13 red and whide stripes, we get to decide for ourselves that today is better than yesterday this week is better than next week this month is better than last month and next year and so on. Nobody else gets to decide that for us. That hasnt changed and will never change. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from pennsylvania, connor lamb. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Lamb i know a firefighter going into sick peoples homes, still today work no mask. We all talk like this is war. But george marshal, a western pennsylvanian, wait for u. S. Steel to join the war effort in their own good time . No. He used to say, you cannot fight against the problem, you have to decide it. We have given this government money. We cannot give it leadership. Now is the time to decide this problem. Take this money, buy the masks, build the ventilators, protect our people now. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves, the gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady proud to yield one minute to the gentlelady from american samoa, ms. Raid wagen. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Radewagen i rise in overwhelming support of this bipartisan legislation. The country meeds and american is a meawowa desperately needs it. American samoa has unique challenges. So far my constituents are without any coronavirus testing at all as nbc recently reported. The army corps has report our l. B. J. Hospital needs over 100 million in minimum improvements to meet compliance standards. I want to thank the president for his leadership and i thank my colleagues for including my request that the pacific territories and the freely associated states are in the definition of state so all pandemic unemployment assistance programs apply us to. Our people are strong and their faith is strong. Lets get this funding to work and provide testing in america samoa. Thank you, mr. Speaker. May god bless us all. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from maryland. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from new york, again, the epicenter, who know this is firsthand, ms. Clarke. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Clarke thank you, mr. Speaker. As vice chair of the energy and Commerce Committee i rise in support of the cares act my colleagues have spoken about the provisions of this bill and although its not perfect it is a necessary one. We must now protect our constituents in the ninth district of new york, the epicenter and all americans across this country. New yorkers have been through 9 11, the financial meltdown, Superstorm Sandy and now were in the midst of covid19. In my city, noverbingt, were not just fatesing fatesing economic ruin but also a Genuine Health crisis. Thats why its so critical that donald trump use the defense production act. I yield back the balance of my time the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady may i inquire as to the time remaining on both sides. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from heather has 10 1 2 minutes. The gentleman from maryland has 11 minutes. Mr. Brady im proud to yield one minute to the gentlelady from indiana, mrs. Brooks. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Brooks mr. Speaker, i urge strong support for the cares act. For years, my colleague from across the aisle anne shoo, have worked to pass the pandemic all hazardness preparedness act. That was signed into law j june of 2019. For years we have said it was not a matter of if we would have a pandemic but when we would have a pandemic. That when is now. Time to place blame. Now is not the time to look back. Time to act and to look forward. Ow is the time to restore confidence in this body. This acte time to pass for those Health Care Workers who are staying at the hospital theyre begging us to stay home. Now is the time for all those watching dren who are this body, thinking about and learning about this body, to them we can come together and govern. Now is the time to pass the act. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas reserves. From maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now ield to mr. Sablan, who represents the northern an anas, and he does such excellent job. Thank you very much. I yield 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from the northern marianas is recognized for 30 seconds. R. Sablan mr. Speaker, the legislation we are considering to stop the coronavirus is not perfect. Ever is, and we but even work to do, n mid crisis, we should not forget to say thank you. Speaker pelosi responded the coronavirus to give Health Care Providers resources, families financial workers and rt businesses. And throughout this unprecedented time, always the and her leadership remember the United States of of ica includes the people the northern mariana islands. For that im grateful. The speaker pro tempore the expired. s time has the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker, im to theo yield one minute gentlelady from new york, ms. Stefanik. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from new york is recognized for one minute. Stefanik new york is the epicenter of the coronavirus i want to thank our nurses, our doctors, e. M. S. , teachers, nders, and ers and grocers truckers. The better angels. Making to saratoga. To emergency bill needed pass yesterday. It needed to pass last week. New yorkers and this nation need for our ef immediately hospitals, Health Care Heroes and hardworking families. Country is a resilient nation, from the revolution to pandemic war to the flu to 9 11, we will overcome this. Congress needs to step up, do rescue pass this package today for new york state and for the American People. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields back. The gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. It now r mr. Speaker, gives me great honor to yield to the chairman of the democratic the gentleman from new york, again, the epicenter of as achallenge that we have country, hakeem jeffries. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is one minute. Or mr. Jeffries america is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. Assembled the mightiest military, but you annot judge the greatness of america based on our wealth or our military might. We should only judge the america based on left stand up for the behind. The cares bill is legislation that will help and provide the most vulnerable amongst us. It will provide relief to everyday americans. Relief to Small Businesses. It will provide relief to workers. The coronavirus is a silent targeted the s American People, but we are a resilient nation. Great ated the depression, we defeated nazi germany, we defeated jim crow. Will defeat covid19 as well. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Texas is man from recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, may i nce again inquire as to the time . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas has 8 1 2 minutes. He gentleman from maryland has 9 1 2 minutes. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. One minute to the gentleman from illinois, mr. Bost. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Mr. Ost thank you, speaker. I rise today in strong support of the cares act. Rural southern illinois, there are 27 cases in my district. Cotogether ed to am in a bipartisan manner with this with we need to to deal with the business businesses where they need to go its a work, whether Small Business or a Large Business. This bill does that. Is it perfect . No. Step forward that we need to do and do today and with that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. He gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield our distinguished vice chair of our caucus, Katherine Clark from massachusetts. The speaker pro tempore the massachusetts is recognized for one minute. Ms. Clark mr. Speaker, i rise support of the cares act. Mericans are facing a Public Health crisis thats unprecedented threat to the our h and safety of communities. Hospitals are struggling to care or our communities and get the protective equipment they need. The pandemic has brought businesses, and whole states to a standstill, state of my home massachusetts. Mericans are calling for help, and today we will vote to bring them relief and offer them a ifeline, but it wont be the end of our support. To those on the frontlines, workers, cashiers, childcare providers, truck rivers, cleaners and postal workers and to all americans, we see you. We appreciate and are grateful for your sacrifice, and we will to fight for the people. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from virginia, mr. Wittman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is minute. Ed for one mr. Wittman thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today on behalf of the district f the first of virginia to say that half as glass is still full. While we face this unprecedented across our e see nation the resolve and the spirit of america. Alive and well. While this is a challenge for us congress to show the same spirit and resolve, to get he job done for the American People. While this bill is far from perfect, it will demonstrate together and me show what we have sew what we the days past whats going on across america. Folks, americas best days are still to

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