Transcripts For CSPAN U.S. House Of Representatives U.S. House Of Representatives 20240713

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Dr. Schaffner we will have to end it now. We will take it to the floor now. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers room, ashington, d. C. , march 27, 2020. I hereby appoint the honorable anthony g. Brown to act as day. Ker pro tempore on this signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the will be offered by the guest chaplain, reverend dr. Dan capitol worship, washington, d. C. Me. Chaplain come pray with heavenly father, this morning, humblee to remember your servant, 91yearold holocaust rabbi kahn who lost his this week and just two dais ago at this very 75th anniversary of liberation. Z may his memory be a blessing. We run to hide from an enemy we cannot see . 9 11, we saw its hand. The planes crashing the towers, clouds of dust covering its victims. Needed. Those fortunate could flee but not now, not today. Are we all, as it might 93rd , trapped on the floor . No. We have a place to run. O let our hearts be comforted from the word of davids psalm. Run. Ve a place to to that rock that is higher than us all. From the storm, or jehovah th jehovah shalom. Enemies. H from our rock. E a e is our god and a place to hide. Hese things, i pray, in jesus name, amen. The speaker pro tempore 7a of houseection resolution 891, the journal of the last days proceedings is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be ed by the gentleman from colorado, mr. Neguse. Mr. Neguse i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the republic for which it stands, one nation god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. For peaker pro tempore what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i send ask desk a resolution and i unanimous consent for its consideration. The clerk House Resolution 911, resolution relating to the house 891 and providing for consideration of the senate 748 ment to the bill h. R. To amend the Internal Revenue ode of 1986 to repeal the xcise tax on health care sponsor coverage. The speaker pro tempore is there objection to consideration to the resolution . Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition . Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, pursuant o House Resolution 911, i call up h. R. 748 with the Senate Amendment thereto and i have a desk. At the the speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill, designate the senate motion. Nt and report the the clerk h. R. 748, an act to amend the Internal Revenue code 1986 to repeal the excise tax on high cost Employer Sponsored Health coverage. Senate amendment. Mr. Hoyer of maryland moves that he house concur in the Senate Amendment to h. R. 748. The speaker pro tempore ursuant to House Resolution 911, the motion is debatable for three hours equally divided and controlled by the majority minority leader or their respective designees. The gentleman from maryland, mr. The gentleman from texas, mr. Brady, each will control 90 minutes. Recognizes the gentleman from maryland, mr. Hoyer. Ask oyer mr. Speaker, i unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their and insert extraneous material on the matter under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Speaker, i yield myself one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, we meet challenging time in our country and in the global community. Session will be different than most where we come reach out our hands, we hug one another in their on and thanks for collegial work with us on the business. People who can see the chamber that we are keeping a distance from one another. Out of of hostility but love for one another that we may one that we may keep another healthy and safe. Be an unusual re session but a critical session. Speaker, this legislation resolve s a bipartisan to meet the coronavirus challenge headon. A focus on s amilies and workers with the objective of marking making hem safer and economically supported. T will protect workers and their families and our economy as we all do our part to flatten curve. Public Health Officials have the only ear that chance we have to prevent our Health Care System from being by this pan dammic pandemic is for many mericans to stay at home as possible. It is however, necessary, for us legislation o pass to respond on behalf of the to this daunting challenge. The closure means that large arts of our economy must be temporarily shut down, causing severe disruption for businesses workers. We saw the impact of this yesterday when new unemployment claims increased by people. N three million three mi three million individuals who ely on them for support and contribution for the support of their family and children. Is taking house action on phase three of our response to this unprecedented challenge. We initially responded, mr. Speaker, to immediate need of with an 8. 3 billion in appropriations to meet the mmediate health needs of our people. A little over two weeks ago, we continuing t the health and Economic Needs of our people. Two. Was phase this bill, mr. Speaker, which is hase three of our effort, will increase Unemployment Insurance benefits to those furloughed or expanding ile eligibility to include the contract yed and workers and send checks to most get cans and to help them period. This difficult mr. Speaker, i am personally disappoint isappointed that Senate Republicans insisted on shortchanging the 700,000 people district of columbia by 700 million, treating the district as a territory and not for the purposes of allocating Stabilization Funds, so often the case. His jeopardizes the entire National Capital region as we work to prevent further spread of coronavirus. With delegate ng Holmes Norton and our colleagues correcting islation this injustice, and i look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the that to accomplish objective. As the number of coronavirus cases in our country rises above 85,000 of our fellow citizens nd continues to increase xponentially, we must take swift action to ensure that thele can stay home to slow spread of this deadly viers and th deadly virus and our economy can be supported so it can rebound when the medical experts and Scientists Say it is safe to so. I want to thank the speaker and who have tee chairs worked tirelessly to bring this fruition, including chairwoman lowey, chairman neal, e, chairman rich chairman bobby scott, chairman waters, asair maxine well as other chairs who participated in forging this egislation with a Bipartisan Coalition in the United States senate. Well the thank as the ordinary staff, extraordinary staff who have worked around the clock in a short period of time knowing full well the crisis us and ntz confronts us and that time is of the essence. Thank you, staff. The staff of each of our committees, our members, and the leadership, staffs of all three of those entities and the working arounden the clock, literally, mr. Around the clock to determine the needs and priorities and meet them. Stand se continues to ready to take additional steps needed to they are win this battle for the safety ourhealth of our people and nation. Ogether, democrats and together, we mericans, we americans will Work Together to do our part in the ing against coronavirus. R. Speaker, all of us stand in awe and deep gratitude to the americans who have hown courage and commitment at this dangerous and challenging time. Nurses, our our medical personnel, our police, and emergency s medical response teams, those grocery ur pharmacies, stores, gas stations and other ritical facilities open and so many in the private and public showing up re daily of their he needs neighbors and fellow citizens. They reflect the best of the home of the brave. Like these that we remind the world and are truly one we god, indivisible, theing together to overcome greatest challenge with the greatest resolve. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Brady mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Speaker, we gather this morning in america coronavirus on two fronts, medically and economically. Odays vote is about saving lives and livelihoods, providing the urgent relief needed to keep workers on the job, helping those who have lost theirs, and preserving main street so they can ride out his crisis and rebound strongly. In 20 short days, our economy has taken a hit like weve americas n in history. Thankfully, due to President Trump and republicans in america has the strongest economy in the world challenge. O this still, Congress Must act aggressively and act together economic damage. Enate democrats, aided by Speaker Pelosi, unfortunately delayed this bill for days, and crisis to advance a frivolous political agenda. It failed. If senate found unanimous, not perfect, common ground. This bill arms families with rebates ofpport, tax per 0 per person, and 500 child to help ride this out. It makes it easier for americans o access their savings penalty free. Let seniors over 72 keep their savings intact. Get unprecedented help. Expanded nt is being by 250 billion to make sure the contractor, the free lacer, the furloughed and ber driver all have a lifeline to ride this crisis out. We are temporarily increasing the siesz of unemployment checks size of unemployment and lengthening them. If more time is needed to get on your feet. Unprecedented action to save americas local businesses workers. Ain street businesses face a crash, they face a sequence of and closures. Through temporary tax relief and ending, this bill injects cash directly into our local businesses, small and large, to crisis. S cash flow we focus on preserving business, to preserve jobs, to get them through these next few weeks. Businesses can quickly turn their mounting losses to tax relief so they have more cash on hand to keep workers and to survive. These two actions alone keep 500 billion in our local economies. For Small Businesses, we offer fully guaranteed loans through your local banker. With the promise that if you keep your workers on the payroll, that portion of the loan will be forgiven. For larger and most distressed businesses, we provide loans to, knowing your survival is crucial to millions of American Workers. These loans arent bailouts. Theyre given with the oversight and repayment to companies who did nothing wrong, but suffered Collateral Damage as a result of this virus. Finally, with the new worker retention credit, championed by ways and means republicans and leader kevin mccarthy, to help our local billses keep workers on their businesses keep workers on the job. For businesses closed or partially closed due to government order, who have seen their income drop by 50 or more, if you pay half of your workers salary, well pay the other half, up to 10,000 through this crisis. The sooner we lock down the coronavirus, the sooner we unlock this economy. To quicken that, we give our hospitals, doctors, nurses, nonprofits and Rural Health Care providers on the front lines over 140 billion in new resources. We give unprecedented flexibility to telehealth. We increase by 20 reimbursements for coronavirus treatments. We accelerate medicare funding and we give patients more flexibility to use their Health Savings accounts. Mr. Speaker, while no one will agree with every part of this rescue bill, we face a challenge rarely seen in americas history. We must act now or the toll on lives and livelihoods will be far greater. I strongly urge its passage. With that, mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, at this time i yield to my friend, the gentleman from massachusetts, one of the Senior Members of the congress, the chairman of the ways and Means Committee, mr. Neal. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts, four minutes. Mr. Neal i thank the gentleman. We have been whisked here this morning in one of the great challenges of our lifetimes. Usually in march we talk about brackets. The brackets this morning are clear. Those brackets are about the health of the American People and the Economic Security of the american family. This is not about corruption. This is not about military conflict. And certainly its not about malfeasance. Our country is weathering an unprecedented Public Health crisis that demands an unprecedented response from the United States government. And im really proud of the Critical Solutions our ways and means colleagues and i contributed to this legislation. This legislation could be called the Families Health and Economic Security stabilization act, because thats what were doing this morning, providing stability. The Health Care Workers on the front lines of this crisis are being pushed to their limits, both financially and physically. They need more masks, tests, ventilators and beds to combat this virus. This legislation will help them secure these fundamental resources with 100 billion in funding for hospitals in our health and our Health Care System. As we work to protect the health of all americans, we are also focused on the health of our economy. Just yesterday morning, we learned that this weeks unemployment claims skyrocketed by over 1,000 . As we face this record economic challenge, families need benefits that will allow them to cover essential expenses like food, rent and medication. From the beginning of this crisis, ways and means democrats have understood that expanding Unemployment Benefits must be a top priority. The additional 600 per week in Unemployment Benefits that we fought for is the least we can do to help those who through no fault of their own find themselves without a paycheck. Similarly, the direct infusion of 1,200 in cash for American Adults that we fought for will help families through these challenges times. We fought to include provisions to shore up the Financial Health of Small Business and other struggling employers. We were adamant about the inclusion of the Employee Retention credit, because we know that the American Economy will bounce back from this and employers that take action to keep employees on the payroll should be rewarded. This legislation is the product of two very different sides coming to the other to protect the health and Financial Security of all americans in the face of this crisis. I want to thank the many members on both sides of the aisle and the capitol who have worked to get us to this bill this morning. I also want to thank my ways and Means Committee staff who have been working around the clock since this crisis began and who have provided the committee and the congress with unparalleled Technical Expertise and counsel. They deserve our appreciation. We are facing this grave enemy in covid19. It is the dark and Uncertain Times that we are witnessing today, but thats why were here. Here to fight for things that matter to america. To prioritize their health and economic wellbeing. We have a responsibility to take this bold action this morning so that our economy will keep going for workers and Small Business and give families the peace of mind they can depend upon so that their government can help keep them whole in this crisis. Thats what we did in this bill. There will be a phase four which will be real stimulus as opposed, i think, to the stabilization effort we make today. So we wish our colleagues and the American People the best at this time. Take care of one another. But i fully support this legislation being passed in a timely manner. That means this morning. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Tom brady mr. Speaker, im proud to mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im proud to yield 2 1 2 minutes to the gentleman from oregon, the Top Republican on the energy and Commerce Committee, mr. Walden. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oregon is recognized for 2 1 2 minutes. Mr. Walden thank you very much, mr. Speaker. This package is not the First Response to the covid19 pandemic, nor will it be the last. The American People expect us to set partisanship aside in times of crisis and do whats best for our country and for our constituents and that is what we are doing today. Were helping Health Care Providers on the front lines back home get the personal protective equipment they need and the medicines and medical devices that will save the lives of their patients. Were helping people who have lost their jobs get a life line. Were helping our Small Businesses keep their work force together. And were making record investments into finding treatments and a cure, were helping our state and local governments too. Were all in this together. And with President Trumps leadership, were all in this to win as fast as medically possible. In order to prevent our Health System from collapsing under the weight of this virus, we will provide unprecedented support for our nations Health Care Providers, including 100 million for hospitals, labs, doctors, and increased reimbursement for treating covid19 patients. We dramatically expand production and distribution and medical supplies by providing Liability Protections through the act for respirator manufacturers, including 16 billion for the Strategic National stockpile to procure medical measures, such as personal protective equipment, ventilators and 11 billion for manufacturing, production and purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and other items to address the nations medical preparedness needs. The care act opens up the Fastest Computers in the world at our National Laboratories for research and analysis related to the covid19 virus. We help ellen expedite the ability to get help e. P. A. Expedite the ability to get disinfectants into the community quickly. And the volatile oil market, the care act delays a mandatory 2020 sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum reserve through 2022. Included in this package, improvements to expand access to care through telehealth, including 200 million for the f. C. C. For Telehealth Services and devices, and expansion of Telehealth Services in the medicare program. It extends vital medicare, medicaid and Public Health programs, including Community Health centers, among many others, until november 30 this year. We mobilized the Nations Health work force by providing Liability Protections to those who provide volunteer medical services during the Public Health crisis and by standing up the ready reserve. And we take steps to protect our medical supply chain, something i Hope Congress will continue to work on after we pass this legislation today. Todays phase three approach is the most comprehensive and robust response to covid19. Together were going to win this war and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now yield four minutes to the gentlelady from connecticut, one of the leaders in this congress on protecting families and children, ms. Rosa delauro. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized for four minutes. Ms. Delauro mr. Speaker, i rise in support of this historic bill. This is the biggest economic and Health Crisis the country has ever faced. Nurses and doctors are in intensive care units trying to save our humanity against this awful pandemic. And this is the biggest governmental response the country has ever seen to rescue people, the economy, and our Health Care System. It is necessary. The United States is now the epicenter of a global pandemic. Cases of the coronavirus are rising exponentially. And to slow the spread of the contagion, serious measures of social distancing are under way. Schools are closing. Businesses are shuttering. And last week more than three million filed for unemployment. So the hour is dark. But today the congress is ready to help get families, workers and the country to the dawn of recovery. And for that i want to commend Speaker Nancy Pelosi and appropriations chair nita lowey and all of the appropriations subCommittee Chairs, their leadership has been crucial in the progress that we were able to make for the people. Had we passed our house bill, things would be different. But we managed to shape this package in a fundamental way. We secured a large investment in hospitals, Health Systems, state and local governments. A profound increase in Unemployment Insurance benefits. A significant expansion for support for Small Businesses. We made rent, mortgage and utility costs eligible for s. B. A. Loan forgiveness. As chair of the labor, health and Human Services and education subcommittee, im proud of the investments weve made for working people. For Public Health, for our teachers and students. For health, we secured 140 billion, for the department of health and Human Services. 4. 3 billion for centers for Disease Control and prevention, to respond to the pandemic. 945 million for the n. I. H. To support research. 127 billion for medical response effort. Important increases for seniors, those living with disabilities, and for those struggling with mental health. In education, 30 billion for the department of education. Billions for elementary and secondary education. And billions to help colleges and universities confront the immediate effects of the pandemic. While this funding is crucial, let me be clear. Its a start. For working people and families, we secured 3. 5 billion for the Child Care Development block grant. 360 million for programs at the department of labor. Im proud of the increases that other appropriations subCommittee Chairs have secured. Millions to ensure the Economic Injury disaster loans. Millions to assist firefighters and our First Responders, to secure personal protective equipment. 25 billion for public transit, to protect passengers and operators as they access essential services. 5 billion for the community Development Block Grant Program to help communities respond to economic and housing impacts. Emergency funding for child nutrition programs. 4 billion for homeless grants. 45 billion for fema Disaster Relief, providing assistance to every single state who has declared an emergency. And we have provided relief to our tribal organizations and to our territories. So i embrace this historic bill. I know the speaker, appropriations chairman lowey, the Committee Chairs fought to include paid sick days, paid leave for all, increased Food Assistance, and a strengthened and fully refundable child tax credit, and a young child tax credit. And soon, soon duty will call on us to take the next major bold steps in this crisis. And i call on the house of representatives to support the relief that americans need. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield 2 1 2 minutes to the republican leader of the Small Business council, or committee, the gentleman from ohio, mr. Chabot. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for how much time . Mr. Brady 2 1 2. The speaker pro tempore for 2 1 2 minutes. Mr. Chabot i thank the gentleman for yielding. This is a critical time in our nations history. People are worried about their health and that of their loved ones. Theyre wondering how long this new way of life will last. But people across our great nation are coming together. Ive seen the response in my own district, where yesterday would have been opening day in the Cincinnati Reds season. From the bold leadership of ohios governor, mark dewine, and to the brave Health Care Workers on the front lines of facilities like the university of cincinnati medical center, and the local companies who have volunteered to produce muchneeded personal protective equipment, these men and women are heroes, risking their lives and livelihoods so that their fellow citizens may continue to live as comfortably and as normally as possible during this trying time. As a Ranking Member of the house Small Business committee, i want to single out the contribution of this nations Small Businesses. For those that have had the temp had to temporarily closed or who have bravely stayed open to provide lifesustaining supplies, i want you to know that theres help hep in this bill. We have theres help in this bill. We have come together in this legislation to help our entrepreneurs who so urgently need. It Small Businesses and their employees often rise before the sun and retire under the stars to ensure that their customers needs are met and often exceeded. Along the way, the Small Business administration or s. B. A. Is charged with assisting the nations smallest firms. When disasters strike, the s. B. A. Helps businesses get back on their feet. As we face the unprecedented challenge of the covid19, we must ensure that Small Businesses have the resources needed to weather that storm. They are being forced to make tough choices, to protect themselves, their employees and their customers. Theyre laying off staff who are like family to them. Cutting hours when workers need them most, and closing their doors after years or even decades of successful operation. To alleviate these enormous pressure, the care act, this legislation, creates a new program specifically designed to respond to the current crisis. That program, the Paycheck Protection Program, provides 350 billion for 100 federally guaranteed loans for up to eight weeks of assistance. These loans can be forgiven when used for payroll, interest on mortgage, rent and utilities. The care act also creates a deferment payment on current 7a loans. The s. B. A. Will pay all principal, interest and fees for those Small Businesses for up to six months. These payment obligations will be completely forgiven and removed from a borrowers books. Finally, the bill permits Small Business owners who have applied for a disaster loan to request in advance 10,000. Thank you for helping Small Businesses in this act. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank each and one of the chairs. None have worked harder than mr. Defazio from the state of oregon countrys f this experts on transportation and the movement of goods and services. Critical to our economy and so critical to the health of our people. To yield to mr. Defazio four minutes. Mr. Defazio i thank the gentleman. The speaker pro tempore the oregon is rom recognized for four minutes. Mr. Defazio this is an the cedented challenge to health and economic wellbeing of the United States of america and im proud to be a member of he house today here to address this. There are numerous provisions in this bill which i disagree and i know there are numerous provisions that my republican colleagues disagree with. Put a little bit in perspective with. In 9 11 we bailed out the airlines. They got a bunch of cash. Did they do then . They declared bankruptcy and their assets. They screwed their employees. They lost their pensions. Stock options. They lost their jobs. I remember talking to a employee. D flight being flying 25 years. Now i have to fly 10 years to guaranteed pension of he of what i could have gotten. Us and lsen came to said, give me the key to the and ill do this. We stayed strong, defeated that. Two days later we came back with something a little bit better but nowhere near adequate. E need to learn from those mistakes. That was supposed to save peoples homes and jobs. Millions lost their homes, their jobs, their pensions but, wall street, hey, they prospered. Never again. A week ago with secretary mnuchin proposing the that hank paulsen proposed. They all come from wall street. Ago. Now, a couple decades the democrats, we fought back. No, its going to be orkers, workers, and families first. This is a different kind of recovery package. Ultimate bipartisan product, passed the senate it emphasizes d payrolls maintaining payrolls, maintaining benefits. Its going to get help to Small Businesses, individual owners, larger businesses. Its going to target people with extended and enhanced Unemployment Benefits. In the gig economy and wouldnt be getting anything. Out. Lly there are good things in this bill. Ae Aviation Section should be mod odel who gets the funds that mnuchin distributes. One is a payroll passthrough. Keep the people working. Keep their benefits. Pay. Their nd the other part is heavily conditioned loans. O stock buybacks, no dividends, no executive bonus, no bankruptcy for a year after loans. E these keep the industry intact. Vital. And 3 billion to the contract workers, the service workers, people in the industry, the ones you never see who keep the plane clean, load food, you move your bag, do everything else, push the wheelchair. Rotten pay. They get assistance in this bill. Keep the framework of this industry alive. Were battling now, but weve been battling Something Else in our economy long time corporate greed, wall street demands that people, 2 over trillion in tax cuts that went to the people at the top. Working peoplehe of this country have been ignored. Not this time. Time. Is we need a system that always puts workers and families first, not just in an emergency, and ot when its politically convenient. I am ready at any time to roll up my sleeves for that fight, balance of back the my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im very proud to lead 2 1 2 minutes to the republican leader of the administration committee, the gentleman from illinois, mr. Davis. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from illinois is recognized for 2 1 2 minutes. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Speaker. S the Ranking Member of house administration, i want all of my colleagues to make sure that efore we leave this floor today, after hopefully passing this piece of legislation, that every member that works for the house, that makes sure that makes s clean, sure that this house operates, theyre here sitting there in well. They are here in our hallways. They are doing the job to allow do our job. And on behalf of everyone here, thank you thank you, for what you do every single day. It is important. The first vote that i ofk on this house floor, one the first, was for Superstorm Sandy relief. Friend, mr. Van drew, sitting next to me here, im sure he had more of a frontline as a state senator in new jersey at the time. What kind of impact that assistance had on the ground to those americans who hurting, and i went back and i took criticism from many media and in my own party. We as es one job that congress should do and do well is help americans recover from a ask for. They didnt we are in the midst of the worst Economic Disaster that weve lifetime. We were in ago, economy, Economic Growth, sustained unemployment that we promised the American People we would deliver together. 3 1 2 weeks, this Economic Disaster has hit many industries. You as i flew out this morning from st. Louis to Washington Reagan National there were two members of congress on the plane. Think that industry is on the brink of collapse . You, you will see. Its our main street businesses, its our main street Companies Line the street of every represent and i they are hurting the most. Its their Economic Disaster. Theyre being told they are not operate. We need to do better. We need to pass this bill. Give them the revenue and the cash flow to the get through this so we can get through this as americans and, chance to ou get a defer your loan payments. Nd what is great is when these businesses recover, they now have the recovery to taxfree help you pay your student debt. These are the things that will together ande work pass this bill. Its not about social media today. Its about helping the American People. Lets do it. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank the speaker, the gentleman h from illinois, this is about all of us as americans. And s republicans democrats. Helping those who are challenged is. Ll of our country i now yield want to yield to my dear friend from new york city, of this e epicenters challenge, who has led the small with ss Committee Extraordinary ability and passion about making sure that Small Business men and women of america are helped and and i ed in this bill yield to my friend, nydia four uez of new york for minutes. The speaker pro tempore four minutes, the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. S. Velazquez thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you, majority leader, for yielding. Ur nation faces an unprecedent unprecedented crisis. With one in three americans eing told to stay home to flatten the curve, the American Economy has essentially been off. Restaurants, hotels, bars, etail stores, barbershops, dance, yoga studios, gyms, of theally every segment Small Business sector is suffering immeasurably. Brooklyn, new york, or brooklyn, wisconsin, small heart of are the americas main streets. Nfortunately, many entrepreneurs are now facing impossible decisions about their future. His bill is about assisting these main street Small Businesses and their workers. Ot wall street banks or big corporations. We have taken a that wasnwritten bill weighted to Big Companies and reshape it to prioritize Small Businesses, heir workers, and their families. This emergency package channels enterprises now. More than 377 billion in relief for struggling firms to help them pay workers doors open. Ir allocates 300 lowcost r forgive, loans for businesses to continue paying their employees. Me be clear. Hese loans are fully forgivable forgive if firms doors open during this crisis. Since the crisis began, i have debtfree ting for ways to get capital to small firms. Accomplish that goal. The new Paycheck Protection Program is designed to help workers weather the Public Health crisis, remain we finally defeat his awful virus, resume growth quickly. Beyond this fully forgive loan, fought for emergency grants. Im proud to say working with my senate, we in the have secured 10 billion for. B. A. To provide grants to sma Small Businesses. For the first time in its history. Must assist we those who have loan payments due soon. Providing every 7a and 504 loan with payment months. Or six this deferment will also be open help them owers to stay afloat. S. B. A. With vides not million in funding to only hire new staff and equipment but also to ensure services are being delivered in languages other than english. Least, not Entrepreneurial Development million will get 265 for counseling and training related to covid19. Note, this bill is not perfect. Painstaking ult of compromise. As with any compromise, no one wanted. Everything they or now, however, small firms need to stop the bidding and economic provides an tourniquet. I am proud of the work we accomplished in this package. Cardin, enators shaheen, coons, and rubio, and the house bers of Small Business committee that this bill as on member, he ranking steve chabot, and the amazing staff who worked long hours to us here. I yield back and i ask everyone to support this bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. Is gentleman from texas recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im very proud to yield two minutes to he leading republican on the Homeland Security committee, the gentleman from alabama, mr. Rogers. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama is minutes. D for two mr. Rogers thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in support of our in deadly defeat virus. This bill will help people that this rting because of outbreak. For those from rural districts ike mine, our hospitals cannot handle the onslaught of patients. Hospitals in my district face a as its been ire in my 18 years in congress. There. Acity just isnt before covid19 outbreak, most hospitals in alabamas third were ssional district operating on less than 1 3 profit margin. Helps those rural hospitals by enabling them to uy essential supplies, build needed infrastructure for broadband and telehealth and flowing so they can remain able to help patients. Thats the good news. As Ranking Member of the i eland security committee, want to acknowledge the hard working personnel at the department of Homeland Security. And women interact with the public daily, whether its transportation and security administration, c. B. P. , i. C. E. Others. They are putting themselves in harms way. Say thank you for ensuring the safety of our homeland. This bill provides d. H. S. With a requests to help against this deadly virus and im thankful for that. Couldnt eason we provide fit to get the full requested by c. B. P. And i. C. E. To deal with this virus. Money to t dedicated get personal protective equipment for c. B. P. , for example, or i. C. E. Professionals work facetoface with migrants and they deserve better. This wont be the last time has to act to mitigate the impact of this virus on america. Want to thank President Trump for his leadership and the willingness of republicans and to crats to come together put americans needs first. Be more legislation. This legislation must pass and i colleagues to vote yes and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank the speaker and i you know yield to my friend from virginia, i now yield to my friend from virginia, my neighbor from across the river, from virginia, who is the chairman of the education and labor committee, and who has done yeomans service on working to create this legislation and to improve this legislation and to make it friendly for our workers and for our families, mr. Scott from the state of virginia. The speaker pro tempore how much time . Mr. Hoyer four minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized for four minutes. Mr. Scott thank you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to say to the majority leader, the hard work that weve done is to a large extent due to the hardworking staff who have been up late at night doing this work that usually takes months. Its been just days theyve been able to put this bill together. Mr. Speaker, i rise with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support the cares act. As a result of the significant changes made over the past few days, this legislation now takes important steps to give students, workers and families the support they need during this Public Health emergency. Many of the provisions of the bill fall within the jurisdiction of the committee on education and labor. For example, our most one of our most important challenges is to help workers maintain their income because losing a paycheck exposes workers and families to so many other problems. Yesterday the new unemployment claims sored to over three million and soared to over three million and thats four times more than the previous record. The cares act responds to our challenge by dramatically increasing Unemployment Insurance by an additional 600 a week for up to four months. The emergency Unemployment Insurance program also extends the selfemployed workers, socalled gig employees, many of whom are not currently eligible for Unemployment Compensation because theyre often misclassified as independent contractors rather than employees. And to my colleagues who have expressed concern that these benefits are more generous than paychecks earned by many lowincome workers, i would say that the problem is not with the bill, the problem is with the federal minimum wage, which has not been increased for more than a decade. The cares act also maintains access to health care. The bill specifically makes a 200 billion investment in hospitals, Health Systems and health research. It also includes the requirement that all insurance policies cover the full cost of future vaccines within 15 days of the vaccine being officially approved. It also helps people maintain their insurance if theyre laid off. Finally, the bill maintains students access to education. The cares act now has more than 30 billion in relief for students, educators, schools and institutions of higher learning. For institutions of higher learning, it will provide Financial Relief to colleges and universities and also support grants to displaced students. The k12 will provide help to educators to adapt to longterm closures, fund purchases of Education Technology for online learning, and provide equitable access to education for students with disabilities. The cares act moves us in the right direction. But its important to recognize that the legislation is only a down payment, the relief our communities will need in the weeks and months ahead. We Must Immediately start work on a fourth package that reflects the unprecedented scale of this crisis. Next package must include safety protections for frontline Health Care Workers and Emergency Responders who are risking their lives every day. Next package must expand Emergency Paid Sick leave and paid family and medical leave without exceptions so workers can take care of themselves and their loved ones without having to sacrifice their paychecks. Next package has to ensure that americans who were fighting the disease are not hit with costly medical bills afterwards. Establish package, we nocost covid19 testing. This next package that we have should expand the coverage to covid19 treatment as well. Mr. Speaker, its critical for all of us to understand that the cares act is not a stimulus package. Its a disaster leaf effort. Which must relief effort. Which must continue for as long as it takes to ensure that students, workers and families can survive this crisis. I call on all of my colleagues to support the legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Comer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for one minute. Comb comb my message to the American People mr. Comer my message to the American People affected by the coronavirus is simple. Help is on the way. This is not a perfect bill and i. A. P. Concerned about the 2 and im concerned about the 2 trillion price tag. But the American People need help and this response to the present crisis had put money into the pockets of struggling workers and families. This response provides help for Small Business owners who are the lifeblood of our economy. And we are responding to Rising Health care needs with more supplies and Financial Aid for our struggling hospitals. I will cast a yes vote for this package in support of the medical personnel on the front lines of this current crisis. That includes heroes like the more than 200 medical personnel from the Fort Campbell military base in my district. Who are in new york to provide medical support. I support this bill to help repair the damage caused by the coronavirus to our workers and Small Businesses. But any additional relief measures must focus on assisting main street businesses and working americans. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, im now pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished chair of the Intelligence Committee and a member of the promingses committee as well, mr. Appropriations committee as well, mr. Adam schiff from california. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Schiff my fellow citizens, let no one doubt that this is a difficult and dangerous effort on which we have set out. No one can foresee precisely what course it will take or what costs or casualties will be incurred. Many months of sacrifice and selfdiscipline lie ahead. Months in which both our patients and our will will be tested. Months in which many threats and denunciations will keep us aware of our dangers. These were the words of john f. Kennedy during the cuban missile crisis. They are equally true today. We cannot see what course this virus will take. Not precisely. Many months of sacrifice and selfdiscipline will lie ahead for the American People. We will be tested. And we will prevail. America will rise to meet this challenge or any other. Our Health Care Workers already are. In this bill, we give them the tools to do the job and we give families the Financial Support they need to get by. Until this time of trial and tribulation is over. Let us support this bill and help put our people and our country on the road to recovery. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from arkansas, mr. Hill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arkansas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hill i thank the Ranking Member. I thank the chairman. I rise in support of h. R. 748, the coronavirus aid relief and economic aid, leaf and Economic Security act. This will provide muchneeded leaf to arkansas families, hospitals and relief to arkansas families, hospitals and businesses during this unprecedented time. Ive spent much of the last two weeks in constant conversation with the arkansas governor and his team, as well as representatives and workers from almost every industry in our state. I want to thank them for their compassionate and hard work. I want to thank them for their perseverance. You know, mr. Speaker, honorary american Winston Churchill said, you can always count on the americans to do the right thing after theyve tried everything else. So im thankful that we rejected irrelevant ideas and both sides finally set aside their differences and came to an agreement that will help our families in these trying times. May god bless the state of arkansas and god bless the United States of america. I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank the gentleman. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I now yield to the gentleman from california, the chairman of the Veterans Affairs committee, mr. Takano. Four minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for four minutes. Mr. Takano thank you, majority leader hoyer. Mr. Speaker, i rise in support of the Senate Amendment to h. R. 48, the cares act. 571 veterans in the v. A. s Health Care System have tested positive for coronavirus. We have already lost nine veterans to this virus. 120 veterans have been admitted to v. A. Hospitals. 185 v. A. Employees, including doctors and nurses providing lifesaving health care to veterans with coronavirus, have also been infected. Because of the lack of widespread testing due to supply chain challenges, like low levels of reagents, shortages of swabs and testing kits, a dwindling supply of masks to protect Health Care Workers, understaffed v. A. Hospitals without providers to administer the tests, and a two to sevenday lag time for veterans to receive results, we know that the magnitude of this Public Health emergency and the number of veterans sickened by this deadly virus are underreported. It will only become more severe in the weeks to come. Providing nearly 20 billion to v. A. To combat this virus is vital. This funding will save veterans lives, protect v. A. s Health Care Providers and First Responders. And give v. A. The resources it needs to serve as the nations backup Health Care System in communities where local hospitals are overwhelmed with coronavirus patients. This relief package provides nearly 16 billion in funding for v. A. To provide health care to veterans. Including the purchase of essential medical supplies like ventilators. V. A. Will have the funds to purchase more covid19 testing kits, n95 masks, gowns, face shields and glove, personal protective equipment to keep Health Care Providers and staff at v. A. Hospitals safe. Health care providers and workers caring for veterans in their homes, at v. A. Run Nursing Homes, Community Living centers and state veteran homes will also receive personal protective equipment. 100 million is allocated for emergency management. So v. A. First responders have the resources they need to help veterans and communities during this Public Health emergency. 590 million is set aside for veterans most vulnerable to covid19. Homeless veterans and elderly veterans in Community Living centers and assisted living facilities. Over 2 billion is provided to support v. A. s i. T. Systems and strengthen v. A. s telework capabilities. Greater telework capacity reduces the risk of coronavirus transmission in v. A. s work force and keeps the department running. Over 600 million is set aside for v. A. To retrofit its hospitals and clinics, to increase the number of beds and treatment rooms to care for veterans with covid19 and deploy mobile treatment units. Over 2 billion is appropriated for veterans who need urgent or Emergency Care in the community for covid19. Finally, this funding ensures the v. A. Health care providers putting their lives on the line to treat veterans are paid for their overtime work hours that they work. Now, this relief package also makes veteranowned Small Businesses Small Business owners eligible for loans to pay their employees and keep their businesses afloat and prevents veterans from losing their homes due to foreclosure. It ensures veterans who receive stimulus checks remain eligible for a pension and meansbased v. A. Benefits. Now, this package is far from perfect. But theres so much in this legislation that is critical to helping veterans and ordinary americans survive this pandemic. I expect that there will be more legislation to ensure that no veterans or americans are left behind. I urge my colleagues to support this and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Very proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Mitchell. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mitchell thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the Ranking Member. Our country faces a Public Health and economic challenge unlike any weve experienced in 100 years. We must protect the health of the American People while also ensuring our economy is able to bounce back as the coronavirus subsides. I urge at every opportunity that congress assist americans with income support while also providing a critical lifeline to businesses. Especially Small Businesses. The curious act achieves those objectives through direct checks to american households, improved Unemployment Compensation, and back loans to businesses. This bill is certainly not perfect. Rarely do we see perfect in this chamber. And certainlyly not in these circumstances certainly not in these circumstances. However, we cannot delay, we cannot waiver. We must ensure this aid is delivered to the American People as soon as possible. The American People are looking to us to lead at this moment and we must do so now. So i rise to support the cares act, i urge my colleagues to do the same. And move this to the president s desk. Thank you, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank the gentleman for his comments. And now im pleased to yield to the former mayor of providence, rhode island, mayors deal with it every day on the street, face to face. They know how critical this problem is and im pleased to yield to our friend, the chairman of our policy committee, one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from rhode island is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Cicilline from roiled. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from rhode island mr. Cicilline from rhode island. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from rhode island is recognized. Mr. Cicilline since day one of this pandemic, House Democrats have been focused on two things. Saving lives and supporting families, workers and Small Businesses. Thats why we moved swiftly in recent weeks to pass two bipartisan relief packages that provided billions of dollars for medicine, protective gear and lab test, lowinterest loans for Small Business, emergency paid leave and free coronavirus testing. Yet we understood more needed to be done for working families. But Mitch Mcconnell still tried to use this third package to put huge corporations first. But democrats fought to make this bill about the folks who really need help. And thanks to the leadership of Speaker Pelosi and our extraordinary Committee Chairs, thats what this bill does. For Health Care Workers on the front lines of this fight, the working folks and Small Business owners struggling to get by, thats why this bill provides 130 billion for hospitals to treat patients and to protect workers. 360 billion in relief for Small Businesses, 250 billion in direct Cash Payments to workers and families, and an average of four months of full pay for workers who are laid off because of this crisis. Lets pass this bill now. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Steil. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized for one minute. Mr. Steil mr. Speaker, and american lth jobs are being attacked by an nvisible virus, and this house is called upon to respond today. Americans need our help. Countless stories of people struggling. Spoke to a young woman from kenosha worried about losing her job and caring for her young children. To a doctor from desperately needs protective masks. People are fighting a public crisis and an economic crisis. While far from perfect, the cares act provides needed testing, supplies for hospitals, protections for orkers paychecks, and assistance to those whove lost their jobs. Does lea his bill eave leaves much to be desired. A 25 million is for a theater. N, d. C. , however, the senate did their job. President trump continues to do job. Now, the house must do ours. We must not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank the speaker. Now yield one minute to my friend from colorado, the president of the freshman class, joe neguse. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado is for one minute. Mr. Neguse one of the people in class. Lented freshman thank you for your leadership pelosis leadership or this incredibly important bill. This bill is far from perfect. Thing. Be clear about one the American People need relief now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not month. Now. And so the question before this chamber is very simple. Step up for the American People . Will we step up for the health workers, sacrificing their own health to save the lives of to the millions of unemployed across our country in each of our states struggling to to pay their rent, to be able to feed their small s, to the businesses in boulder and fort of ins on the brink collapse, to the skooinss at c. S. U. And ists at n. I. H. Working on a vaccine to pandemic. 19 i pray and i hope that the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Neguse lets pass this bill today. Lets get it done. Lets meet this moment. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Speaker. yes, mr. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from kansas, mr. Marshall. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kansas is minute. Ed for one mr. Marshall i thank the gentleman for yielding. Ast sunday, the senate announced a bipartisan framework to help individuals and small the chinese rough coronavirus crises. Fray. Politics entered the in the five days that followed, coronavirus cost hundreds of lives. Ns their over 40,000 infections have occurred and millions of jobs have been lost. Goodness, cooler, more pragmatic heads have now prevailed. Want to thank our president for his leadership, for halting travel from china, and i want to thank the president for reaching to private enterprise to solve the testing challenges. These are decisions that lives. Y saved and finally, i want to thank the president for his constant message of hope and believing in for us that we will develop cures nd vaccines that we can and will rebuild this economy. As a physician, i want to remind mericans to follow the president s 15day guidelines. Lets flatten the curve, not let up. Lets beat this virus. As one nation under god, this prevail. Al nation will thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Speaker, at this time i yield to the gentlelady suburbs, ms. Hia susan wild from pennsylvania. One minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is for one minute. Ms. Wild thank you, mr. Speaker. S the representative of pennsylvanias seventh district, just an hour and a half from new ork city, i have a unique perspective on this crisis. The two worldclass hospital community, the Lehigh Valley network and st. Ukes university network, are also the biggest employers in my district. Hey anxiously await the spread of this disease to our frontlines. Community, our nurses, ab teches, p. A. s, physicians, and custodial and cafeteria staff have worked tirelessly to patient. Every despite their concern for their own wellbeing and despite often gear to protect themselves, they put the most vulnerable ahead of themselves. The pride of my community. The actions of health care the country say o us, we are all in this together. Our response cannot be fend for yourself. Do our part and provide them with enough personal protective equipment for their ventilators patients. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Speaker. yes, mr. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from arizona, mr. Biggs. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arizona is minute. Ed for one mr. Biggs i thank the gentleman. The vote we take today may be monumental vote during our tenure in congress. The amount of money were epic, ing is in itself and i heard folks from both sides and particularly the other about this is all for the families and the working people. And yet, i mind myself saying, thats the case, we might have produced a bill that would have funding for the kennedy enter, n. P. R. , smithsonian, library services, National Endowment of arts, and humanities. We have done this without strengthening the hand of unions sector . Rivate sure. We give 88 for the peace corps thousands 10 days ago. Hundreds more to the i. R. S. , election security, the education. Of these may be worthy or not, but they certainly have no place in package. Ic relief its a shame that theyre in here. The president is rightly curerned about whether the here economic procurement may sickness. An the we incentivize Small Businesses to keep their employees the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. Maryland is from recognized. R. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from nevada, mr. Horsford. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from nevada is recognized for one minute. Mr. Horsford thank you, mr. Speaker. Leader, my chairman, chairman neal. Today this body is here to send message to the American People, help is on the way. Yesterday, the department of released devastating numbers revealing that 3. 28 in america filled unemployment claims in the past week. Alone state of nevada saw 182 increase in claims. Job loss. Precedented American Families need to address d relief it. An important provision in the amilies first coronavirus package laid the groundwork for expanding Unemployment Benefits. The care act, we are going above and beyond for our ountrys workers, providing an additional 600 per week for the next four months. This country should worry about putting food on the table or paying their bills to keep themselves, their families, or their neighbors safe. Pain and uncertainty hat losing a job or facing a furlough causes, and thats why help is on the way. My body to pass this bill. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. To proud to yield one minute the gentleman from utah, mr. Curtis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from utah is recognized for one minute. Mr. Curtis thank you. Speaker, i rise in support of the cares act, the largest Economic Disaster recovery in our nations history. Given the size and scope of this price tagits a hefty that must be paid. But i challenge my colleagues to the me in dealing with consequences of spending money we dont have. Ts time to get our financial house in order before it becomes our next crisis. That has a a state balanced budget and a rainy day fund. We do it on a state level, and it on a federal level. Ive heard stories of the covid19. Ng effects of one of the most important unique parts of utahs culture is the one we take in serving another, especially in a time of crisis. Coupled with the targeted stream of resources, designed to keep money in the and people healthy, will e the key ingredients to ensuring communities across the state can fully heal from this unprecedented crisis. Will weather this storm together. I yield my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now to my friend, e r. Ohalleran, from state of arizona, but a former Uniformed Police officer on the streets of one the largest cities in america. Firsthand the challenges of our First Responders. I yield to mr. Ohalleran. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arizona is one minute. Or mr. Ohalleran thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of the cares act. And businesses across america and arizona are struggling and Health Care First responders are being asked to perform their mportant work without proper protective gear. With a high ng amount of covid19 cases. Cases ine 71 confirmed the community as of last night. His bill allocates over 1 billion to the Indian Health care service and to tribal care providers and over 400 million to tribal equipment. For i urge my fellow colleagues to ote for this legislative package that will provide relief to struggling American Families and ensure the tribal overlooked. Are not there is no excuse for our Health Care Professionals to not protected and our First Responders. You. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Minute toto yield one the gentleman from kansas, mr. Estes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kansas is for one minute. Mr. Essest thank you speaker, im inspired by the strength and generosity of kansans and across nation. However, we know the coronavirus outbreak has impacted hardworking kansans, their and their friends and relatives across the country. Area, weve already been hit hard by the grounding due to the 737 max issues. Small businesses are facing uncertainty as kansans have been asked to stay at home, when they can resume operations again. Today, i rise on behalf of the families in kansas who need congress to get this right. Every minute we spend trying to this crisis wastes official time and hurts americans. E should focus on what really matters offering stability to families that need it and getting america back open for again. S the cares act assists Small Businesses and distressed ndustries, giving families and unemployed workers the financial means to make it to the other side of this crisis and ensures creators are positioned to keep paying their workers and rehire those who have been laid when we recover. Kansans and americans across the country are the peaker pro tempore gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now minute to a gentleman who has served his country on of battle in the defense of freedom, jason crow from colorado. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado is recognized for one minute. Mr. Crow thank you, mr. Speaker. Our country and the american crisis. Re in it requires our action now. Is not a r, this perfect bill, but it is the bill today. Erica needs it will provide immediate relief, direct Cash Payments to illions of americans to pay rent, to buy food, and to pay their mortgages. Small 70 billion to our businesses in immediate grants and loans. There is much more that needs to done. We will Work Together to do it and improve moving forward. Through this challenging time as a country because that is what america does. Come at our best when we together and meet our common challenges, and that is exactly what we will do. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker, im proud to yield one minute to the entleman from idaho, mr. Fulcher. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from idaho is recognized for one minute. Mr. Fulcher mr. Speaker, the of america is at war. Its an invisible foe and its coronavirus. Having a virus is not a new precedent for america. The 20th ned twice in century called spanish flu and polio. Slow this ttempt to outbreak, we did set a new precedent. Or the first time in history, we mandated the economy shutdown by law. The we dont yet know benefits of that, but we do know the cost. Trillion. 2 one must ask, what is the cost of not acting . Heres a game changer for me, when the government shut down the economy, it assumed the responsibility for bringing it back. This virus may threaten our health, but 98 or more will survive that. We will not allow the virus to take away our livelihoods. Mr. Speaker, ill be supporting the bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Speaker, i misspoke and elevated mr. Neguse from colorado who is on the leadership and the freshman representative to the leadership. Now im really recognizing the president of the freshman class, extraordinary woman who has been in the federal government to rescue our automobile industry, and i thank her for her service, Haley Stevens from the state of michigan. The speaker pro tempore for one minute. The representative from michigan is recognized for one minute. Ms. Stevens thank you, madam speaker. I rise before you today in this chamber during this critical time in the United States of america. Where our country faces a battle with the pandemic. The biggest battle we have faced as a nation together in generation amidst uncertainty we work to keep americans alive by stopping the spread of covid19. In these times heroes will be made and not selected. We are in a clobal pandemic. Many americans may perish unexpectedly and suddenly. In unfair circumstances. These are not pleasant words to hear. Treatments and cures are needed. They will take time. Economic security must be guaranteed. The outbreak of covid19 has spread throughout our land. Listen to the scientists and doctors who have spent a lifetime in this space. Listen to dr. Fauci, this is not a moment to provide the false comforts of times past. We are so proud of americans who are sacrificing so much right now. Our students gone from their beloved classrooms and classmates. We beam for our manufacturers who have i request 30 more seconds because i rise before you adorning these the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized. Ms. Stevens not for personal attention. I rise for every american who is scared right now. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady will suspend. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentlelady is out of order. Mr. Hoyer i yield the gentlelady 30 additional seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for 30 addition at seconds. Ms. Stevens sharing in the profession with those who have not come before you. Similar times of trying medical needs. Wars and flus past. You will see darkness. You will be and our Society Needs you to stand together at this time. Our country loves you. To our doctors and our nurses i wear these latex gloves the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland is recognized reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. The gentleman from texas is recognized. The gentlelady from michigan is ut of order. The gentlelady from michigan is out of order. The gentlelady from michigan is o longer recognized. The gentlelady from michigan is o longer recognized. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to restore bipartisan work and yield for one minute to the gentleman from South Carolina, mr. Wilson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from South Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Wilson thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you, Ranking Member kevin brady. I rise in support of the legislation. This week star parker provided insights saying staying free and faithful in a pandemic in the daily signal. The coronavirus creates and presents challenges to us as a nation and individuals. There are principles we should keep in mind. We have a constitution that assigns limited defined powers to the federal government and leaves the rest to the states and individuals. Trump acted with deliberation, shutting down flights from china. We know this virus is most lethal to the elderly. There are large vare yaugses among the states. The answer is we should maximize local responsibility. There are two other things to keep in mind. Life is unpredictable. Thats why socialists from the National Planning and always result in failure and freedom is important. Only through freedom is responsibility focused on individuals. Faith is critical. Faith keeps us human. Faith binds us together. Unique individuals. Faith will play a key flole helping our nation through this crisis and emerge better for t i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now have the privilege of yielding to the gentlelady from queens, one of the epy septemberers of is challenge to our country, miss cortez. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Ocasiocortez i represent one of the hardies hit communities in the hardies hit city in this country. Queens new york, 13 dead in a night in elm hurst hospital alone. Our communitys reality is this countrys future if we dont do anything. Hospital workers do not have protective equipment. We dont have the necessary ventilators. But we have to go into this vote eyes wide open. The Senate Majority fight for . One of the largest corporate bailouts with a as few strings as possible in american history. Shameful. The greed of that fight is wrong for crumbs, for our families and the option that we have is to either let them suffer with nothing or to allow this greed and billions of dollars which will be leveraged in trillions of dollars to contribute to the largest income inequality gap in our future. There should be shame about what was fought for in this bill and the choices that we have to make. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from virginia, mr. Riggleman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Riggleman thank you, mr. Speaker. It wasnt so long ago that our country experienced an event that would bring americans together to fight a common enemy and help those in need. On seven, 2001, america experienced the worst act of terrorism in its history. The resolve and patriotism i felt that day as a war fighter is so very similar to the resolve and patriotism i feel today. Government can do some things for the American People. The cares act is not perfect. But it provides much needed funds for medical equipment, support for Small Businesses, and additional tools to fight the crisis. This bill is a step forward. And when combined with the same american spirit that brought us through 9 11 and crises past, we can come out of this stronger. The true strength of our great nation is what people do for each other. Rugged individualism turns into compassion sacrifice. The charity of american spirit expands and vfls all others. We see those in need. We act, we volunteer, we, lead, we step into the breach. Almost nothing perfect comes out of government. Service, however, demands we put forth a perfect effort to do the best we can. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i now have the privilege of yielding to a gentlelady from northwest illinois, the heartland of our country, and one of the leaders of our party, cheri bustos from illinois. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman illinois is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Bustos two. The speaker pro tempore two minutes. Mrs. Bustos thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of the cares act. Yesterday the United States became the country with the most known covid19 cases in the world. And we are all concerned. For our families, for our friends, for our farmers, for our futures. Today we have the opportunity to take a step forward. To come together even as we must stand apart to help our fellow americans. To strengthen our communities, and to face this threat as one. Illinois workers are afraid they will lose their jobs if they have not already. Small businesses are making hard decisions between keeping staff or closing their doors. And our farmers who have already endured so much pain are worried sick about what is ahead this year. Not only because of this worldwide pandemic, but also because of the threats of more flooding. That is why i join my colleagues on the floor today to cast my vote for the most significant relief package in american history. This vital legislation will help struggle americans make ends meet, it will expand Unemployment Insurance to help those who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. It will help Small Businesses secure precious dollars to keep their employees and communities afloat. And it will help our farmers who have always stood with us to provide much needed resources to feed the world. This bill is not perfect, no bill ever is. But it is the strong medicine we need to defeat this invisible enemy. Let us come together today to pass this bill and declare that no virus will ever tear this country apart w that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from washington, mr. Newhouse. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington is recognized for one minute. Mr. Newhouse mr. Speaker, i rise to support this unprecedented Economic Relief package in response to these unprecedented times. It is clear this pandemic is having a profound impact on the American People. It is our job to make sure that this impact is not a lasting one. Especially clear is just how devastating this crisis is hitting Rural Communities like those in central washington. This bill provides desperately needed relief to rural hospitals. Many of which are the only Health Care Provider for a great number of my constituents. It will support the Agricultural Industry to ensure hardworking farmers and ranchers can continue to provide Food Security for our nation. And it will provide stability for workers and Small Business owners who are the backbone of our local economies. Mr. Speaker, this is a 9 11 moment. A time to put partisan differences aside, policy goals aside, and Work Together as americans for the people of our nation. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield to the gentleman from california, mr. Cisneros, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Cisneros thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. As youall know our country is in a crisis and the American People are looking for congress for action and leadership. That is why i stand in support of the cares act which provides our workers, Small Businesses, health care corks, and so many more in californias 39th district, the relief they need. Whether its to provide p. P. E. And medical equipment to our Health Care Workers, Financial Support for our workers without jobs, or resources for our Small Businesses congress is taking significant steps to help our communities. At the same time, we are enforcing strict oversight to prevent secret bailouts and ensure those on the frontlines of our global epidemic come first. While the cares act throws a lifeline to our workers and economy, we will need to do more. There is not a Single Community across the United States that hasnt been affected by the coronavirus in some way. Thats why our next stimulus package must provide direct funding for our cities and towns with less than 500,000 residents. Although we have had to be physically apart, our community and our country have come together with the the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentlelady from puerto rico, miss gonzalezcolon. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from puerto rico is recognized for one minute. Miss gonzalezcolon thank you, spreak. The care act ensures all citizens in puerto rico are treated equally under the federal grants and benefits incorporated in this bill which i strzokly support. Puerto rico has been in a lockdown since march 15 and more than 48,000 people lost their jobs already. This bill will help our Small Businesses, as well as the Health Industry to tackle those issues. Puerto ricos ready because we have the infrastructure of great pharmaceutical and skilled work force that stands ready to ramp up and deliver medications, devices when backed up by the defense production act. We need to rebuild our American Work force in a domestic territory. Thats the reason i thank the president , the leadership of the senate and house for putting together this Economic Health package to give our colleagues the resources to tackle this crisis affecting our nation so we can focus on staying safe and healthy. I encourage my colleagues to vote in favor. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, can i inquire of the time that is left for both sides . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland has 52 1 2 minutes. The gentleman from texas has 63 minutes. Mr. Hoyer thank you. I now yield to the former chairman of our campaign can committee, extraordinary candidate for the United States senate in new mexico, my friend, Ben Ray Lujan of new mexico, two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new mexico is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Lujan i thank my friend, the majority leader. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in strong support of legislation before us. We are living in Uncertain Times. This virus has drastically reshaped each one of our communities and there is likely more change to come. Today americans need us. They need the support and resources provided by this Bipartisan Legislation. They need access to protective equipment of personal safety net and economic assistance. Workers need assurances that their Economic Security is paramount because it is the American Worker at the cornerstone of our economy. In this bill i fought so that trade workers and engineers employed at new mexicos National Labs can continue protecting our National Security mission. We cannot let them down. E must pass this bill for nurses, doctors, Health Care Professionals, and first esponders who havent slept as they provide for the sick. We must pass this bill for Rural Communities who need the lifeline to ensure seniors are access individuals can health care when the nearest doctor is hundreds of miles away. E must pass this for everyone who is fighting to keep one another safe, healthy, and afloat. Them down. Et the reality we wake up to each day may change, but what remains we face this crisis together. Like every crisis we have faced we will get through this together. Passage of this legislation is step, but i want every new mexican and every thiscan know we understand uncertain time demands an extraordinary response. Nd together, we will not let each other down, and we will meet that challenge. Thank you and i yield back the time. E of my the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Speaker. yes, mr. Im proud to yield one minute to texas, leman from west mr. Arrington. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Greek ington the physician said for extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure are most suitable, and this medicine will have some shortterm side effects, its our best hope for curing crisis. Our nation is fighting a global pandemic, and the prospects of a national disaster. While i have serious concerns with some bad policies, partisan provisions, and the overall price tag of this legislation, m more concerned about inaction. Delaying support for millions of hurting americans and the threat of an even costlier recession for our country. Has National Emergency wreaked havoc on our country and pended every aspect of our lives. We must provide temporary relief frontline families, Health Care Professionals. Mr. Speaker, this is unchartered territory. Crisis. An unprecedented extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. With my nited colleagues and my countrymen in these difficult days. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Have yer mr. Speaker, i the privilege of yielding one minute to the distinguished virginia, mr. Connolly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized for one minute. R. Connolly i thank the speaker, and i thank my good friend from maryland, the majority leader. Bleeding. America is in deep suffering. Anxiety. Deeper t counts on its congress to respond with alack rit and alacrity and thoughtfulness and action. We have no time to diter. En dither. E to we have no time to engage in pi pity political partisan fights. One. Ountry needs us as 3. 28 Million People filed for unemployment last week. N my state, that translated nto a 17fold increase in one week. The number of coronavirus victims quadrupled in that time in my state. And those figures are reflected throughout the country. Is the time to come together. Now is the time to show our countrymen, we can rise o this occasion and reinstill in them the hope and confidence that will come. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. Is gentleman from texas recognized. Mr. Brady yes, thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to ohio, dr. An from wenstrup. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Americans are suffering. Theyre suffering in the face of an unseen enemy, a Natural Disaster that we can only defeat together. I spent hours on the phone with ohioans and national leaders, researchers, elected officials, business and Community Leaders listening to hat they are doing to help us through this crisis and asking what they need. This bill is not perfect, but it does provide emergency relief legislation that helps our Health Care Workers, our our businesses with liquidity and helps our workers payroll as on the well as helping americans most in need. We see businesses retooling industry. We see groups donating supplies and others seeking cures. Were learning many lessons, inding many flaws that we must fix, so we have the opportunity to come back Even Stronger and than ever. Sible we need to pass this bill. Unprecedented. Ry lets get it done and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now ield to one of the Senior Members of the congress of the United States, a member of the energy and Commerce Committee the committee, the distinguished Jan Schakowsky illinois. Go, the speaker pro tempore how much time . Mr. Hoyer four minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for four minutes. Ms. Schakowsky thank you, mr. Speaker. A member to be here as of the energy and commerce i rise, as we all know, during one of the most challenging moments in the our country and i would say the world. Hurting, and families are suffering. Coming to my are office and im sure yours too are just heartbreaking, today we will pass a bill that will provide critical to begin the healing in our communities. Say, the e, i have to failure of leadership from our resident, congress has in fact stepped up. And thanks to the unity of House Democrats, we pushed proposal ican initial from corporate from corporate families and workers first. For and won 100 billion investment in hospitals systems that our octors and nurses on the frontline are fighting with the coronavirus, often without the they need, and i fully the president to invoke the defense production ct so that our frontline workers will have the protective gear that they need and right getting. Ot the cares act will also provide ouble the Unemployment Insurance benefits that proposed. S initially this will help countless workers and Small Business employees who call my and say, we need help. Thanks to democrats, the small owners in my district will now be able to make payroll with their mortgages and utility costs, eligible for small usiness Administration Loan forgiveness. Isnt all snt that it could be. I am deeply disturbed that my colleagues are trying planned e local parenthood clinics from the financing. Ess nd especially since they are the these clinics are helping people every single day to be get the health care they need. And im also really disappointed this opportunity therrelevantly add to this, hyde amendment. Especially take the time to thank the people that and im glad day, to be here among you doing just that. Seeing people that here, the capitol police, people that are helping environment, that people that are now working at my like the people in Grocery Store. In my ell food store neighborhood where the people bagging my groceries, who are are ng my shelves, who taking my money in order to buy he food that all the people in my community need, they are isking their lives, too, and deserve the kind of thanks. Want to thank my governor, governor pritzker, who has actually created a respond fund money into t Community Organizations and not peoplefits that can help that arent covered here, that need to be covered in the next bill. I am talking about immigrants, undocumented people the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Ms. Schakowsky i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im very proud to yield three minutes to republican the conference, the gentlelady from wyoming, ms. Cheney. The peaker pro tempore gentlelady from wyoming is recognized for three minutes. Ms. Cheney thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Ago peaker, 67 years yesterday, dr. Stalk announced had the United States successfully tested a vaccine to prevent polio, a dreaded virus afflicted tens of thousands of americans. Mr. Speaker, we have beaten diseases before, and we will again. 9 11, were attacked on our heroes are the firefighters and Police Officers who ran burning buildings. The citizens who stormed the who put f flight 93 their own lives at risk. Mr. Speaker, we have those same today. Today, they are the thousands of nurses and doctors and countless other Health Care Professionals, and their staff who work in our and tals and clinics provide the greatest care anywhere in the world. Deepest em our gratitude. Mr. Speaker, we also owe them very tool, every piece of equipment, and every resource they need to save lives. Mr. Speaker, we also have a duty o our parents and our grandparents. In this greatest nation on earth, we protect the sick and vulnerable. We owe all we have to our others and our fathers, to the generations who came before, and e must do all we can now to protect them. All of us, mr. Speaker, are of this to the service blessed nation at this time of hallenge, not as democrats or republicans, but as americans. Not recognizedoes party lines, and no partisan it. Tion will defeat neither will the government acting alone. T will take all the ingenuity and innovation of the American Private sector working with our and local ate, governments. His is not a time for cynicism or secondguessing. This is a time to remember that greatest izens of the nation on earth, that we have overcome every challenge we have faced, and we will overcome this one. Mr. Speaker. Tion, we should all be rooting for our president to succeed. New york Governor Cuomo to succeed. For california Governor Newsom succeed. For wyomings governor mark gordon to succeed. Everything wet do can to help every state and great overnor in our union. The bill we are voting on today is a crucial step. Sunday after 9 11, my evergreen hipped at chapel at camp david with the families of cabinet officials were rvice members who assigned there. Many of whom would go on to erve overseas in the following years. That morning, as our nation testing, her time of the chaplain urged us the speaker pro tempore the expired. Ans time has the gentleman from texas mr. Brady mr. Speaker, i yield an additional 30 seconds. The peaker pro tempore gentlelady is recognized has an additional 30 seconds. Ms. Cheney that morning as our time of ced another testing, the chaplain said, work on you,erything depends because it does, and pray because everything depends on it does. Se we will defeat this virus. We will restore our economy. Nation. Heal our we are americans. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, ill yield myself 10 seconds. Thank the gentlelady from wyoming for her remarks. Im sure that all of us on this to them and scribe accordingly. I thank her for her remarks. To congresswoman dina titus. The speaker pro tempore how much time . One minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from nevada is recognized for one minute. Economy whenever our is hurting, my Congressional District and the heart of las egas is always among the hardest hit. This time is no different. The people who work at chinatown, clean hotel rooms on the strip, and entertain visitors downtown are to pay rent and feed their children. I want them to know that this was put package together with them in mind. It will provide direct payments most americans, expand Unemployment Insurance, and give Small Businesses increased access to low interest loans. Oversight to re corporate borrowing while helping make sure that southern job to will have a return to when this is over. The bill will also send more make ces to hospitals to sure that our heroic Health Care Workers on the frontlines of the resourceshave they need. Weve all been inspired by the this e theyve set in difficult time. I thank them. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. He gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to montana, mr. From gianforte. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from montana is recognized for one minute. Mr. Gianforte mr. Speaker, last night we learned that a montanan died from covid19, the first in our state. Our hearts are heavy back home. Montanans are concerned, theyre concerned about the health of their families and communities. Theyre concerned about the fallout from this outbreak. Theyre concerned they may have businesses and lay off their workers. Theyre concerned they may not see their tomorrow or next paycheck. Were addressing many of these in the cares act. It helps families and workers so bills and putheir food on the table. Provides loans and grants to Small Businesses so they can open. Heir doors it boosts funding to support those on the front lines from Health Care Providers to c. D. C. And the v. A. Clinics. Mr. Speaker, i encourage my to vote for the cares relief provide emergency to American People facing this crisis. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now yield to a retired Navy Commander who has been on the frontline herself and knows what the for what purpose doesline is all about. Miss laura from the state of virginia. The speaker pro tempore for one minute . Mr. Hoyer one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from virginia is recognized for one minute. Miss laura thank you, mr. Speaker. Miss lauria 00 thank you. I rise in support of this afpblgt this is a necessary step in providing relief to families and Small Businesses throughout coastal virginia and across america. This bill provides critical funding in helping our communities thrive exen gwen when this crisis passes. As we prepare to provide relief for the American People amid this National Emergency, im reminded of the words that president kennedy would have spoken were it not for his untimely loss on november 22, 1963. This is a time for courage and a time for challenge. Neither conform it or complacency will do. Neither the fanatics or fainthearted are need. Let us not be petty when our cause is so great. Let us not karl amongst ourselves when our nations future is at stake. Let us stand together with renewed confidence in our cause. United in our heritage of the past, and our hopes for the future and determine if this land we love the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from pennsylvania, dr. Joyce. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. Mr. Joyce thank you, mr. Speaker. As a member who has voted against a number of large spending bills in the past, i have to admit this legislation has given me significant pause. But we as a nation face the largest threats that i have seen in my career as a doctor and certainly during the short time i have spent in congress. The president has declared a National Emergency. Governors are instituting shelter in place orders nationwide and consumers have been told not to consume because businesses have been told to shut their doors and not conduct business. If government is forcing them to shutter their doors, then our responsibility is to help them out. The American Dream cannot be shut down by a virus. And that is why i will support this legislation, mr. Speaker. It is time to put political gamesmanship aside. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer thank you, mr. Speaker. At this point in time i yield one minute to the distinguished lady representing the Virgin Islands, miss stacey last the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from Virgin Islands is recognized for one minute. Ms. Plaskett our nation faces the worst pan democrat knick our lifetime. We are in unprecedented times. Like the rest of the nation and countries around the world, the Virgin Islands life has significantly been altered. Americans need urgent action of this body, the congress, to address this threat to the lives and livelihood of American People. We do so with passage of this bill. Its not a perfect bill, but this shortterm action will go a long way to save lives, help the economy, and pave a path to recovery. Aside from support to health care and economy, one of the most important measures in this bill in the care act is the support and investment we make in our children. The 30 billion in educational funds as well as the 14 billion in allocated Higher Education will do that. The foresight and fortitude of the speaker and democratic leadership to ensure that Small Businesses, local government, and American Workers and families the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Meuser. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. Mr. Meuser thank you, chairman. Mr. Speaker, this is not a crisis caused by a specific industry or weak economy. It is a voluntary shut down of our economy in order to save lives. As a result, our government needs to support the families and businesses directly feeling the pain of this National Emergency. The cares act will buy the needed resources for our hospitals and Health Care Providers to safely care for the sick. Ensure that hardworking americans receive income. And increased Unemployment Benefits during the crisis. Extend emergency loans to Small Businesses which are forgivable for retaining their employees during this crisis. And establish a Stabilization Fund for other stressed businesses and to maintain liquid it in our economy. Liquidity in our economy. This bill not perfect but it is a necessary response to an unprecedented crisis. With these policies, coupled with the efforts of the private sector antiAmerican People, we will defeat the virus. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, at this time i yield to the chair of the Financial Services committee, Senior Member of the congress of the United States, Maxine Waters from the state of california. The speaker pro tempore how much time . High pressure four minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from california is recognized for four minutes. Ms. Waters thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of the Senate Amendment to h. R. 748, now referred to as the coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act or cares act. Congress must take action to provide relief and assistance to the millions of people across the nation who are struggling in the midst of this national Public Health and economic emergency. With 3. 3 million americans filing for unemployment last week, a million californians filing for unemployment in the last two weeks, and many families struggling to make ends meet, it is our duty as elected officials to step up and help them. Several weeks ago as the chair of the Financial Services committee, i led the democratic members on the Financial Services committee in devising a comprehensive plan to address the Financial Services aspects of the coronavirus crisis. I am pleased that todays bill includes some elements of this plan. The legislation before us takes important steps to protect and provide relief for consumers, renters, homeowners, and people experiencing homelessness. The bill would address the shortage of key medical supplies and equipment that providing 1 billion appropriation to the Defense Authorization act fund. It would support Small Businesses and local territory and state governments and ensure that any federal aid to corporations has conditions and independent oversight. The bill provides 4 billion to help combat the outbreak of this disease among the homeless community. Most importantly, building upon my proposal, most individuals and families across the country will receive a check or direct deposit for 1,200 for each adult and 500 for each child to help our families who are struggling during this unprecedented crisis. While im pleased that the legislation includes these provisions, the democrats fought for, while i support the bills passage i must make it clear that the legislation is far from comprehensive and that there are issues that leaves unaddressed in areas where it false short. H. R. 748 falls short. H. R. 748 does not prohibit negative credit reporting during the crisis, but gives student loan debt, suspend all Consumer Credit payments, among other concerns. However, despite these shortcomings, this bill is the most consequential piece of legislation that many of us will ever vote on. The American People need help and they need it now and this bill represents a down payment on that relief. I look forward to working with the speaker, my committee colleagues, the senate, and others on the next phase of relief. While it is clear that Congress Must pass a fourth package to address these and other for thecomings, the passage of todays bill shortcomings, the passage of of todays bill is critical for all communities. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the Top Republican on the budget committee, the gentleman from arkansas, mr. Womack. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arkansas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Womack thank you, mr. Speaker. We have a responsibility to the people we serve and the moment is now to mitigate the damage to our people and our economy. For those who question the price tag, for those who question certain features in the bill, think of the images we have all seen that are unprecedented in our lifetimes. The senior citizen, only able to see Family Members through a window. Worse yet, americans dying alone. The frontline medical professional fighting an invisible disease, risking their very lives, to bring hope to a frightened public. The businessman fighting to stay solvent to keep a work force and live to see another day. The scientists and engineers desperately searching for an answer. Who among us can question the crisis we are in and the needs of the people we serve . By midday today, mr. Speaker, let us be remembered for taking the actions necessary to put aside our policies the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. Mr. Womack i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now yield to the gentlelady from virginia, abigail spanberger, who also has seen challenge up front and personal. I yield to her one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from virginia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Spanberger thank you, mr. Speaker. I will be voting for this bill for the children who are forgoing their school and the millions of children for whom that means they are losing the stability and nutritional support that comes with it. I will be voting for this bill for my Family Members and my friends and constituents who have lost their jobs in the past two weeks because of this pandemic. I will be voting for this bill so that we may deliver support to the Small Business owners and restaurateurs throughout Central Virginia who have closed their doors in order to stop this pandemic and keep their neighbors safe. And i will be voting for this bill for the Health Care Workers in my district horrificing their lives to make our community safer. And im grateful to the sanitation worker, mail carriers, ups workers, Grocery Store workers, those who work in our Nursing Homes and facilities across our district and accost across our country. I thank them for adding stability to our country during this difficult time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, may i inquire as to the time remaining . The speaker pro tempore the entleman has 53 1 2 minutes. The gentleman from maryland has 39 minutes. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Le brady proud totoyield one minute to my fellow texan, mr. Mr. Brady proud to yield one minute to my fellow texan, mr. Flores. Mr. Flores we presented a bold bipartisan action to help hardworking americans to deal with our current challenges. This plan puts much needed resources where they are most feed kneaded. Our families, our Health Care System, our Small Businesses, other businesses affected by this crisis, and our state and local governments. One of the things that we found out during this crisis is that our Health Care System supply chain relies far toosm on foreign sources like communist china. We can never allow this to happen again. In order to fix that problem, i am pleased that senate and house negotiators included my request to fund 3. 5 billion to utilize three existing centers in innovation for advanced development manufacturing. One of these is part of the texas a M University System which i represent. Hese publicprivate ciadm partnerships are positioned to develop research and vaccines and therapeutics to mitigate pandemics and do it right here. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. I am pleased to yield one minute to my friend, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Perry. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. Mr. Perry mr. Speaker, the coronavirus emanated from china is here. We cant stop that. We cant go back. But i am distressed by the hobsons choice that we have. It is ravaging our communities. It is ravaging our Health Care System. It is ravaging our economy. And we should be solely focused on healing our communities and saving Small Businesses, the big businesses and commit that makes america great. So as we discuss this and also discuss a fourth, yet another package, no more hobsons choice. No more billion dollar bailouts for things that are unrelated. No more policies that are longstanding for short standing issue that needs our critical attention. Mr. Speaker, whatever we do, lets do no harm. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to my fellow texan, dr. Burgess. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Burgess i thank the gentleman for the recognition. Our country is in a war, a crisis unlike anything thats been seen in over 100 years. But there are heroes. We know our doctors and nurses, we know what heroes they are. But you know, mr. Speaker, not all heroes wear capes. Certainly our doctors and nurses dont wear capes. Ive got a furniture manufacturer in my district who called me last weekend and said she wanted to transition her furniture manufacturing to manufacture personal protective equipment and shes doing so. I had an aircraft manufacturer who said they wanted to manufacture ventilators and theyre changing their room and hiring engineers so they can do that. We do have heros in this country. They dont always wear capes. I also want to recognize the hard work done by the Health Subcommittee staff, kristen, hristian, caleb, and on my staff, elizabeth, kasey, rachel and my chief of staff, james, who are all over in the office right now making certain that this goes smoothly. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland. Reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, i am proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from maryland, dr. Harris. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized for bhin. Harris the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized for one minute. Mr. Harris mr. Speaker, we are here two weeks late. Because too many in the congressional swamp felt that you never let a serious crisis go to waste. Filling this important bill with pork and earmarks, like 25 million to the kennedy center, 75 million to n. P. R. , 75 million to the National Endowment of the humanities. Instead of more masks and ventilators. But, mr. Speaker, Many Americans do need our thanks. Thank you to the front line Health Care Workers who selflessly and compassionately care for victims of the wuhan virus. Thank you to President Trump for his leadership and for his transparency with the American People in this time of crisis. Thank you to my anesthesiologist colleagues who have stepped up to the challenge, theyre trained in intensive care and the ventilators on their machines could prove critical if this fight escalates. Finally, thank you to all those americans who have followed the president s recommendation on 15 days to slow the spread. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Mr. Hoyer reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Guthrie. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for one minute. Mr. Guthrie thank you, mr. Speaker. As all of our colleagues came in yesterday and this morning and make an effort to get back, it is important that we were all home last week. I was home last week and got to talk to a barber. He has his own shop. Had to close down because of the order. Now hes going to have an income. I talked to a businessman who said, im going to have to lay people off for the first time in 40 years of business and almost in tears. After this bill passes, he will not have to do that. Or the businesswoman that says i have a rent payment due at the end of the month. After this bill passes, shell be able to pay her rent. Mr. Speaker, im humbled that today im going to vote for the largest bill in american history. I think it should make us all a little nervous. But it is after being home, listening to the stories of those in our communities, it is the right thing to do. I encourage my colleagues to support our communities and support those making our country better, and im here to say im going to support this bill and i encourage my colleagues to do so as well. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland. Mr. Hoyer reserve. The speaker pro tempore reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to our gentleman from california, mr. Lamalfa. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lamalfa i thank the gentleman for yielding. This bill is indeed historic. The largest Disaster Relief package in american history. Im disappointed, as many of my constituents are, that much of this bill is not directly related or targeted at emergency relief but thats the cost of doing business in a divided government, in such divided times. Indeed, much that was on the lastminute ideology wish list has been removed and returned to the virus and its economic effect. A colleague said its much like a 9 11 moment. Its up to us today. Highlights include helped for our revered veterans, nearly 20 billion for their medical care, Homeless Veterans and modernizing v. A. Telehealth. Expansion of telehealth in rural america, like my own district. 350 billion in guaranteed s. B. A. Loans, cushioning the blow and providing much stability for Small Businesses so that their employees will have jobs waiting when the allclear signal finally sounds. Its my hope and prayer this act hits the targets and brings certainty that i hope most of us in this room desire and, importantly, meet the needs the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the former county executive in long island, tom suzie of new york tom swawsy of new york. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Souzzi my father was born in italy. He would say, what a country. My grandfather at family weddings would give advice to the new couples and say [speaking foreign language]. You cant have a rose without the thorns. Right now we mourn the thorns in our country. So many people are suffering because of their health, because of their sickness, because theyre worried about their families finances. And because of the deaths that have taken place. But today we also celebrate the roses. Those essential workers that are working for the common good every single day. The grocery workers. The postal workers. The Health Care Workers. The people that are out on the front lines every single day looking out foress us every single day. I want to celebrate the roses of life of democrats and republicans coming together for the common good. Putting aside ideological purity and working together to try and help people that are facing these desperate times. Mr. Speaker, god bless this country. And god bless all of our American People. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from indiana, mr. Pence. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from indiana is recognized for one minute. Mr. Pence thank you, mr. Speaker. Yesterday i got my in my car and drove to washington, d. C. , from columbus, indiana, on behalf of the voters in the indiana sixth district. Im here to support President Trump and be a voice for hoosiers who need relief from this virus now. Ive been fully engaged in making sure that this package preserves the health and livelihood of americans. We need to protect the health of americans and get them back to work. Congress has come together to provide relief and support for hospitals, families, workers and Small Businesses. I came here to fight for hoosiers prosperity and the American Dream. We cant afford to wait another minute for relief. Lets do our job and get it done. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i now yield one minute to mr. Swalwell from the state of california. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Swalwell thank you, mr. Speaker. We will get through this. Thats who we are. Thats what we do. Throughout our countrys history, with leadership and resources, the American People have shown resilience to overcome every crisis we faced. This will be no different. As we meet here in this chamber across america, from eden hospital in castro valley, california, to hospitals in new york city, our health workers, our doctors, our nurses, our receptionists, the janitors who support them, are toiling away to heal the sick. We see you, we hear you. We need you. And this bill, more than for anyone else, is for you. This relief package also helps the next generation. Student borrowers, people who are working their first jobs and paying off their student loan debt, and without a paycheck, find themselves in financial quick sand. This allows to you cancel your payments through the end of the fall. And also suspends the accrual of interest. We will get through this. Its just who we are. And its what we do. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, reverend walberg. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Walberg thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in strong support of the coronavirus aid re aid, relief and Economic Security act and our president. This pandemic has upended life for everyone. Ive heard from workers living from paycheck to paycheck who face an uncertain future. Ive heard from struggling farmers, ive heard from Small Business owners who suddenly cant make payroll or rent. Ive heard from courageous Health Care Professionals and First Responders who desperately need personal protective equipment to continue to care for the sick. These are incredibly trying times. While the cares act wont solve every unique challenge, health is on the way help is on the way. America has faced periods of profound adversity in the past. Each time we prevailed together as americans. We will do so again. But may we remember that while our nation is locked down, our creator, god, is wide open to our prayers. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, at this time im very proud to yield to one of the first two native american women to serve in the congress of the United States, and this bill, of course, reaches out to our tribal communities to make sure that theyre whole. I yield to ms. Haaland from new mexico. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, this Global Crisis causes us to ask, how do we value the workers who grow andujar vest our food . How and harvest our food . How do we value Health Care Workers who risk their own lives for our loved ones . How do we value the people who educate and care for our children . Democrats fought hard to make sure this bill includes comprehensive support for Health Care Workers. It also creates a 150 billion relief fund so that state, local and tribal governments can fight this pandemic. I know what its like to live paycheck to paycheck. This stimulus package provides direct payments to working families so they can pay bills. The Small Business rescue plan will aid Small Businesses and nonprofits in new mexico to maintain their existing work force and pay rent. Yet still Congress Must continue to act. Even after we stop the spread of this virus, we must ensure our families have the help they need. I support the coronavirus, aid, coronavirus aid, relief and Economic Security act, because we must battle this threat together. And i yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from ohio, mr. Gonzalez. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized for one minute. Mr. Gonzalez thank you, mr. Speaker. Covid19 is hitting our country hard and fast. But americans across our country and in my home district in northeast ohio are rallying together to confront and overcome this latest challenge. In ohios 16th district, we have seen restaurants with empty dining rooms making free meals for students and we have seen businesses like a grocer do everything they can to prevent layoffs and support employees who come to work every day to ensure their shelfs are stocked for those who need. It our hospitals are bracing for impact need it. Our hospitals are bracing for impact. But weve seen our Health Care Providers working their hardest to innovate through this crisis by developing their own tests and launching drivethrough testing facilities. Our great governor is setting the Gold Standard of leadership and response to this crisis. Hes taking Decisive Action to flatten the curve and save lives in the buckeye state. This bill provides Critical Resources for those who need it most. Our heroic Health Care Workers, our Small Businesses, the unemployed and our local leaders who are fighting this virus on the front lines. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from staten island, who himself has been on the front lines fighting for freedom and now fighting for our people, max rose. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. Mr. Rose mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of this bill, because each and every day new yorkers, people in my own community, are dying. I rise today in support of this bill because our front line soldiers of this war are nurses and our doctors need masks. I rise today because days from now, weeks from now, new yorkers will need thousands of more ventilators. I rise today because hundreds of thousands of new yorkers have been laid off. And i rise today in support of this bill because this virus doesnt see party affiliation. And today we rise as americans, not democrats or republicans, and lastly, i rise today in support of this bill because this is just the beginning. More work will need to be done. New york needs more help. But were americans and we can get the job done. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas sizz is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from florida, mr. Dunn. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Mr. Dunn i thank the gentleman. I rise in strong support of the cares act. Covid19, otherwise known as the coronavirus, has seriously impacted our country. Both medically and economically. During this unprecedented time, its imperative that we not only take proper precautions, but react in an effective manner. This bill is not perfect. It has a very large price tag. However, a crisis of this magnitude requires congress to act swiftly and decisively. This bill represents a bipartisan compromise that can make this happen. We have single household incomes, seniors on fixed incomes and Small Business owners who need relief right now. My constituency is still rebuilding after Hurricane Michael and i intend it to do whatever it takes intend to do whatever it takes to get them the help they need right away. This is an excellent opportunity for us all to come together and support our constituents. Please join me in supporting this stimulus package. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Malinowski . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for one minute. Mr. Malinowski im proud to stand here today and say to my constituents in dover and clark and others who are out of work and Restaurant Owners in summerville, to our nurses and doctors at overlook at hunterton medical, help is on the way. This does not mean we are done. There is so much more to do for our local governments, for example. For our hospitals and Health Care System. Congress must keep working. Lets use technology. Lets use remote voting. Lets have virtual hearings to make sure this money we are approving goes out the door quickly and to the right people. Lets remember we are not here today rescuing the economy because of a virus. We are rescuing the economy because of our failure as a nation to test for that virus. So congress will do our job. We will take care of the economy. I implore the president to work with us, republicans and democrats, to fix the supply chain for masks, ventilators, test kits. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Gentleman from texas is recognized. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from arizona, mr. Schweikert. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arizona is recognized for one minute. Mr. Schweikert thank you, mr. Speaker. Doesnt it feel like it was just yesterday the Federal Reserve chairman was telling us we were in the goalielocks economy . The wage growth, particularly wage growth for the working poor was the best in modern economic times. I will argue we need to find a path back to that. That Economic Growth was moral. It was amazing thing. Good things were happening. And then we hit this black swan. This is ripping my heart out because there are things in this bill that just dont belong there. I consider them i cant say that word in front of a microphone. But we all have these moments in our political lives where we walk in front of this microphone and say im going to have to vote for something that has things in it that brick my heart break my heart, but we must do the right thing. We must get back to that Economic Growth. We must get back to that prosperity that was enveloping this country. Hopefully well look back, understand the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now yield one minute to my friend from massachusetts, mr. Steve lynch. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lynch thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of this bill and i want to associate myself with the remarks of the gentlelady from wyoming. Although in recounting the heroes of 9 11 she forgot the United States Postal Service workers. We have forgotten them in this bill. During 9 11, the United States Postal Service workers continued to deliver the mail despite the anthrax attacks, and they continued to deliver medical supplies and medicines to every home and business in america today, six days a week, yet they receive no benefits in this bill. A eed them also to execute delivery by mail system, a vote by mail system in this crisis to preserve our democracy as this crisis continues. So we need to fix that in the upcoming in the next bill that we consider for this type of relief. We have to remember the United States postal workers and the great job they have done on behalf of our country. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from indiana, dr. Bucshon. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from indiana is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bucshon mr. Speaker, these unprecedented times call for unity to help hoosiers and all americans struggling medically and or financially through no fault of their own. This relief package puts Americans First with aid for families, workers, Small Businesses, and companies that employ millions of people. There is assistance for Health Care Providers who are on the frontlines working tirelessly to save our friends, neighbors, and Family Members from covid19. In addition to their usual duties. Im proud to see the two provisions i helped author are included in this package. These bipartisan policies will ensure patients have timely and Affordable Access to covid19 Preventive Care such as vaccines and testing. And make clear, doctors who provide volunteer medical services have Liability Protections. Special interest the past week talking to hospitals in indiana and it could not be clearer they need our help. Just as we need their help, to defeat the virus and keep our loved ones safe. I urge my colleagues to support this package so we can provide relief americans desperately need. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield 30 seconds to my friend from new jersey, mr. Norcross. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Norcross thank you. I rise today in favor of this bill. But also to say thank you to my brothers and sisters who are on the for what purpose doesline. Yes, those who work in the superintendent markets, who are delivering the mail, who keep the lights on, who keep the water running. We are thanking them because they are making the sacrifices today. We have always been tough. Americans are special. And we will rise to this occasion. Fate calls us. We will answer and we want to say thank you to everyone here and to all those serving america. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im proud to yield one minute to the former chairman of the energy committee, the gentleman from michigan, mr. Upton. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Upton thank you, mr. Speaker. Lets face it. Coronavirus has totally disrupted our lives. Across the country in every community and certainly around the globe. To all of us its frightening. Its a nightmare. This bill is a partial response to end that disruption. It provides our medical workers and hospitals, Small Businesses and virtually every family needed assistance. So to you who oppose this bill, please, please stand down. We cant wait another day to help. Dont add to this disruption by, in fact, being a disrupter. Be a leader. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, again i have the opportunity to yield to one of our most Senior Members, the gentlelady from texas, Sheila Jackson lee. One minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from texas is recognized for one minute. Ms. Jackson lee i join my friend from michigan. There should be no one that rises to object in spite of the fact that we know there are challenges in this bill. I hear these words. We are scared, we are stressed. The words of an emergency room doctor. These are the one that is are on the for what purpose doeslines right now today. When we have on the frontlines right now today. When we have over 1,100 dead. Now we have 500 billion for industries with oversight. 350 billion for Small Businesses that include the microbusinesses, the gig economies, and nonprofits. I will fight to make sure all of our nonprofits get it. All for direct payments for individuals as well as 100 billion for hospitals. I watched as the Memorial Medical Center gave out over 1 sks 100 tests, a small hospital, putting themselves on the frontline of the heres my words, mr. Speaker. No man is an island. Each mans death diminishes me. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. The gentlelady is no longer recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Hudson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hudson mr. Speaker, these are challenging times for our country. Yet throughout our history america has risen to every challenge. And today is no different. I want to thank our president , donald trump, for strong leadership during this crisis. I dont like everything in this bill. While we kept out dangerous provisions like union bailouts, the green new deal, and election schemes, it still has items i dont agree with and worry about the price tag. However, families, hospitals, and Small Businesses need immediate relief. I am atalking about Small Business in concord where the owner is doing his best but still had to furlough many of his 30 employees. He told me can he put most of them back on the payroll using the s. B. A. 7a loan program in this bill. Its workers and Small Business like this one that are counting on this legislation. Its not perfect, but i urge my colleagues to support this legislation. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Yield er mr. Speaker, i 30 seconds to the gentlelady from ohio, joyce beatty. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from hoif is recognized ohio is recognized for 30 seconds. Mrs. Beatty the worlds touchdown trillion aid is relief and Economic Security for all americans. We worked hard to provide Health Care Disaster needs and to ensure americans and workers and families come first. 350 billion in forgivable loans to Small Businesses, independent contractors, like barber shops and beauty salons and more. First time funding for not for profits and churches mi which we must include minorityled and minorityserving not for profits. 1,200 in direct payment to individuals and couples. 500 to children. The nation the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Please to yield one minute to gentleman from North Carolina, dr. Murphy. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Murphy thank you, mr. Speaker. As a member of congress i have spoken with constituents, Business Owners, and Community Leaders over the last few weeks who are apprehensive about their health and Financial Security. As a practicing physician, i spoke with numerous Infectious Disease physicians, scientist, epidemiologists about the present covid19 threat. While there are certain several provisions in this bill that are not necessary, i rather not dwell on imperfections and will support it. Instead id like to thank house and Senate Members as well as secretary mnuchin and President Trump for negotiating a bipartisan deal in a timely manner to provide relief to the American People. The cares act provides desperately needed funding to those who need it in this unprecedented time in this nations history. Families, Small Businesses, churches, Community Institutions will receive the funding they need to stay viable while we continue to fight the outbreak of covid19. I would like to urge employers to keep their employees employed and access the benefits that this bill provides to keep them financially afloat. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. Gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i now yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from california, mr. Brad sherman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for 30 second. Mr. Sherman this virus is a machine gun. Machinegunning america. This bill provides 2 trillion to bandage some of the wounds. We must stop the machine gun. Less than 1 of this bill goes for medical research. Our Economic System provides significant incentives to the private sector to research patented drugs, but we should do more. The next bill should provide 5 billion to the n. I. H. To evaluate every reasonable research alternative, particularly those compounds that the private sector will the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Kustoff. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one minute. Mr. Kustoff thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in support of the cares act. We all know that the covid19 pandemic has greatly affected the health and livelihoods of people around the globe. Mr. Speaker, this bill, its not perfect. But its a solid step forward to providing the relief needed to revive our economy. There is no doubt that as a nation we have endured tough times in our history. But we have always come back stronger and more resilient. Im proud today to be here representing west tennessee during this trying time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield one minute to the gentlelady from texas, ms. Garcia. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from texas is recognized for one minute. Ms. Garcia mr. Speaker, we never faced a Public Health threat of this magnitude. Hardworking people have lost their jobs and are on the edge of making rent or putting food on the table. Thats why our rescue efforts have been focused on people. This bill offers additional Unemployment Benefits, injects billions into our Health Care System, provides billions to Small Businesses to keep their workers on payroll, and gives every eligible adult, 1,200 check or 500 for every eligible child. However this bill isnt perfect. It leaves out immigrants who contribute to our economy, pay taxes, and are also on the frontlines of the this pandemic. This virus does not discriminate based on immigration status or race. And our response shouldnt, either. However, despite that, in this shortcoming, i do plan to vote for this bill and urge all my colleagues to do the same. Hardworking families are at risk. They need help now. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleladys time has expired. Gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. I would like to yield to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Fleischmann. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one minute. Flisheflishe thank you, mr. Speaker mr. Fleischmann thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of this bill. To my colleagues in this great house, the peoples house, we have been here in times of triumph and in times of tragedy. This is the latter. It is a time for civility, it is a time for unity, and it is a time for us to serve the American People and pass this bill. Let our resolve be. To defeat this virus, no be to defeat this virus. Nothing will erode this great republic. God bless us all, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield to another former member of the armed forces who has seen combat face to face, and knows what risis we have today, mikie cheryl from the state of new jersey sherrill from the state of new jersey. Ms. Sherrill thank you. I rise today with an incredible amount of pride to speak for the people of new jersey. To speak for the heroes in health care who have labored around the clock to provide the best care in the nation. I rise for those workers and for the First Responders who are running out of personal protective equipment. I rise for the brave men and women who are going through these tough times to help us. Grocery store workers, delivery people, volunteers bringing food to the elderly and the sick. I rise for our manufacturers, our researchers, our state and local officials and i rise for everyday families. Small Business Owners and laborers who are losing their jobs and not sure what the future holds. I rise for everyone in my great state to tell you that together we will beat this. In congress i will continue to work to get you the relief you need. And this nation, we as a people have always come together in a crisis and ive seen firsthand that this time is no different. And so i rise today to ask that god bless this house, god bless the state of new jersey, and god bless the United States of america. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from florida, mr. Spano. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Mr. Spano i rise to speak in favor of the cares act with optimism. On one hand, cautious optimism because we face unprecedented challenges. But on the other, confident optimism of what can be accomplished when we Work Together. We come together for those who bravely work on the front lines of the fight, our nurses and doctors, at lakeland regional, brandon regional, south lake hospital, one of the many other medical providers across my district. We come together for families like the single mom who worked two jobs in floridas Tourism Industry to keep food on the table but now doesnt know when her next paycheck will come. We come together to support the backbone of our economy, Small Business. I spoke to many Small Business owners this week who are desperately trying to figure out how to keep their employees. As a form Small Business owner myself, i understand the decisions that you are facing. As a fiscal conservative, im cautious about this bill. But i understand the cost our country would pay without it. When we face adversity, we rise to confront the threat headon. For those in floridas 15th district and around the country, we remain optimistic because we will win this fight together. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to my colleague from maryland, david trone. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized for one minute. Mr. Trone mr. Speaker, our nation has never seen anything like the coronavirus outbreak. At a time when our american businesses are forced to close and American Families face fear and uncertainty, we do what americans do best. We come together and support one another. My background is business. I run a Small Business and a large organization. This bill puts workers first. Its good for the american business. Puts workers first, additional 600 a week in Unemployment Insurance. Puts families first, funneling 1,200 directly into the pockets of americans. Supports Small Business with 377 billion in fusion for fast relief grants and loans. This bill is what the American People and the American Economy need. Its time to come together as one nation, united, against this outbreak. I urge support for this bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from virginia reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Roe. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one minute. Mr. Roe mr. Rose a month ago our nation stood on the highest mountain top. Marveling at the supposed limitlessness of our domain. Today barely three weeks later, a wakening from an abundanceinduced stupor, we find ourselves deep in the valley. Peering perilously into the abyss. I hope that the safety net we are attempting to purchase today with our nations scarce treasury doesnt dull too much the alarm that this crisis has sounded for our country to reform its ways. I pray that from this low point we will seek out a great revival of faith in our almighty god, and a renewed commitment to the principles of freedom, liberty and selfreliance. For those in this congress who have used this crisis to loot the public treasury and serve special interests above the common good, i trust that our people and history will judge you as harshly as you deserve. And today i give thanks for our president the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from virginia is recognized. Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to yield one minute to our distinguished colleague from maine. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maine is recognized for one minute. Mr. Golden thank you. Thousands of mainers are staying home to do their part to bend the curve against the coronavirus. Thousands of Health Care Professionals, ship builders, Grocery Store employees and many others, deemed essential, got up this morning and went to work. Theyll do their jobs in had this difficult time, despite the risks, because people depend on them. Congress shouldnt be any different. Were about to vote on a bill in response to the pandemic sweeping through our nation and the growing economic crisis that follows it. Nearly 900 pages long. My office received the text a little over 24 hours ago. Ill be honest, many of us are still working to understand this bill in full. Portions drafted by lobbyists with loopholes you might drive a mack truck through. Only time will tell whether this will fully deliver on its economic promises. It wont fully stop the deepening recession. Only the loosening of the tourniquet will let the blood flow back into our economy but thats not yet an option. I will however support this relief act. Its not a stimulus. Its an emergency relief act, providing 100 billion to hospitals the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from virginia reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from ohio, mr. Johnson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized for one minute. Mr. Johnson mr. Speaker, were here today debating a massive stimulus bill, not by choice, but by duty. The coronavirus is an unseen enemy that threatens countless american lives. A nuclear bomb to our economy. Yesterday we learned a record 3 millionplus americans have filed for a record three millionplus americans have filed for unemployment. Small businesses are hurting. Thousands of americans are sick. Health experts tell us we have several more weeks of this collective suffering ahead. But there is good news. Lots of it. Americans from coasttocoast are pitching in to help the cause. Businesses are changing their production lines to make ventilators and hand sanitizer. Surgical masks are being donated by the millions and were lining up to give blood. Health care workers are being cheered like rock stars during shift changes. Americans are pulling together. Everyday heroes are emerging. Teachers teaching their classes over the internet. Doctors and nurses working superhuman shifts, while friends and neighbors step up to provide child care for them. Were seeing the best of america. Now the house must do its part. Vote yes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now yield to the gentlelady from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore one minute. The gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Scandal scandal thank you, mr. Speaker. I rye ms. Scanlon thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to support the cares act, and we know its not the last. This bill will help protect the health, safety and Economic Security of all americans. I want to say that im so grateful to our state and local officials, our First Responders and Health Care Workers, our postal and grocery workers, all of whom are fighting for our communities. And im grateful to our friends and neighbors for listening to our medical experts and staying home to slow the spread of the coronavirus. But they cant do it alone. As the numbers of patients and deaths are mounting, our doctors and nurses are telling us theyre working without the protective gear and medical equipment they need. We need to end the disconnect between what the president is saying and what is really happening in america. We need the president to use the defense production act to produce and distribute the medical supplies we need. Im so grateful to our colleagues for moving quickly to pass this bill and help the American People. And i urge the president to do the same. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is ecognized. The great state of texas. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield one minute to the gentleman from florida. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bilbray thank you very much, mr. Speaker. This is a historic moment in the u. S. House. We need to pass an unprecedented economic package that will prevent financial disaster for millions of americans. We must get people working again. This bill funds programs for Small Businesses, including independent contractors and nonprofits. It provides up to 1,200 for taxpayers who earn 75,000 or lells. As well as 500 per child. Additionally, seniors and disabled veterans are also eligible for checks. These payments will not be considered taxable income for 2020, mr. Speaker. Most importantly, critical funding to provide personal equipment and test kits for Health Care Professionals is on the way. For sure, this is a spending bill, im not happy with everything, but i will vote yes to save the lives and livelihoods of my constituents. I ask for swift passage, as soon as possible, mr. Speaker. I appreciate it very much. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i am pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished lady from michigan, ms. Slotkin. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Ms. Slotkin think about the most Iconic Images from 9 11. Just after the attacks, people running away from the towers as our First Responders were running towards the flames. It was a generational event. Today, as so many stay home, those who are running toward the crisis are our Health Care Workers, our First Responders, they are on the front lines. Our supermarket workers, our Truck Drivers, our Border Agents and task force agents. Right now we are sending them into the fight without the gear that they need. We owe them our passion, we owe them to Work Together, democrats and republicans. And above all, we owe them a plan. Meanwhile, americans are doing their best. Michigan understanders are coming together michiganders are coming together from ways i could hardly imagine, trying to fill the gaps. Today here we must do our part. We must pass the cares act. It is imperfect. It is the third appropriation. I hope there will be a fourth. But it is our duty to come together and pass it. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Van drew. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for one minute. Mr. Van drew thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the pain being felt in south jersey and in this nation is real. I have listened and heard the stories. What were doing today will soothe some of the pain. But its just the beginning. America was founded and has thrived with the idea that we are an exceptional nation. We are exceptional. Not because of our differences, but because of what unites us in times of adversity. This legislation is a testament to our strength that we show in that uniny unity. While we must maintain a physical distance from one another to slow the curve of our hidden enemy, we must remain closer than ever in our hearts and in our souls to one another. I stand with my colleagues ready to fight this disease, fight for our families, fight for their jobs, and fight to keep our nation. May God Bless America and may god bless all of us as we go forward with our work. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentlelady from michigan, mrs. Lawrence. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from michigan voids for one minute. Mrs. Lawrence i rise today in support of the cares act. At this time our country needs this congress to act with a bipartisan commitment to ensuring the safety and the wellbeing of our constituents. Although this package is not perfect, we must support our postal workers, we must ensure our municipalities have the funding and give our hospitals grants to offset the revenue and losses. However, i want our work is not done. As confirmed cases in michigan and across the country continue to rise, i will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to address the outstanding issues and i want to say, God Bless America. And we need to do our work. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brandy im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Barr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Barr im 3r0ud to mr. Brady im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Barr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Barr this shutdown is a serious problem. Because of the spirit of the American People it is also an opportunity. Its an opportunity to support the heroic work of americas hospitals and Health Care Workers and doctors and give them the resources they need to stay safe and take care of the sick. Its an opportunity to go to war against this virus and unleash the Creative Energies of americas private sector and help our scientist and researchers find therapies, vaccine an cure. Its an opportunity to give American Workers, Small Business owners and families the cash flow they need to get back to work. Its an opportunity to provide liquidity and Financial Support tour markets to fuel economic recovery. Its an opportunity to come together as a narkse not as republicans or democrat bus as americans to rise to the occasion as we have done so many times before. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman ease time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserve , the gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, can i get the time remaining for both sides. The speaker pro tempore yes, the majority leader has 22 minutes and the opposing, the other side has 31 minutes. Mr. Hoyer i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is ecognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Huizenga. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Huizenga thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise on behalf of the people of west michigan for the individuals and family who was seen their world turned upside down by covid19. Our neighbors, friends and Family Members are losing their income, Small Businesses are closing their doors, and manufacturers big and small are shuttering their facilities. All this is happening not because of bad Business Decisions or personal choices but because of a virus. The cares act will deliver critical relief to west michigan residents, Small Businesses, and our medical professionals. This package will help tens of thousands of constituents in my district stay employed. While i dont agree with every proposal included in this bill the vast majority of it will work directly to provide relief to the people who need it most. Communities across the nation expect this body to act today. Finally, i want to say thank you to the First Responders, nurses and doctors who are serving our communities on the front lines. Thank you for the farmers, the Food Processors the Truck Drivers and those stocking the shelves to make sure goods are available in this time of need. Were all in this together, mr. Speaker. God bless america god mess america. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i reserve. Sfloip gentleman from texas is recognized. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady im pleased to yield one min to the gentleman from colorado mr. Buck. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one inute. Mr. Buck thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to oppose the cares act. I agree we are facing unprecedented emergency, one tied directly to chinas nefarious actions. However as President Trump said, we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself. The president has shown strong leadership, seeking to help struggling families and Small Businesses. Congress must do the same. But we cant do so at the expense of our children and grandchildrens future. The truth is, this bill will spend 6 trillion, not 2 trillion. Even that cost fails to include the cost of borrowing this money. There is no attempt by congress to reduce spending elsewhere in the budget to pay for this bill. The sad truth is that most of this money in this bill is unrelated to fighting the coronavirus. We believe that the fight against the virus will take six to eight weeks yet this bill spends money decades into the future. While it is clearly necessary to do something to help our country fight this disease, this bill is not the answer. Our country needs help. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, at this time i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. Pa net tasm the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Panetta mr. Leader, mr. Speaker, at this time like i said last week, i say it again this week. The covid19 pandemic will get worse before it gets better. It will get worse for our Public Health and will get worse for our Financial Health. Thats why i rise in support of the cares act. With these shelter in place orders, we are continuing to flatten, trying to flatten, the corona curve. When we do that figuratively we are putting our economy in a medically induced coma. A step that as we have seen this week has led to one of the worst employment rates in our history. Thats why we need one of the biggest stimulus packages in our history. The cares act will expand Unemployment Insurance for restaurant, retail and Hotel Workers on the Central Coast of california. It will assist my specialty crop farmers in the is a lad and berry bowls of the world and provide Small Businesses across the couldnty ry with the loans necessary to survive. With this bruising pandemic, we are asking our constituents to do something thats not normal, to stand down, to stay inside, to separate from one another. They are relying on us to do the right thing. And support the cares act. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Brady im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from florida, mr. Walz. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Walz as a fissdal conservative, 2. 2 trillion of our grandchildrens money is a tough pill to swallow. But this is a twofront war. On our economy and on Public Health. On the economic front, we must provide a lifeline to individuals, businesses, seniors that are suffering Collateral Damage. On the health front we must send reinforcements to our Health Care Workers. This morning i spoke with a physician and Family Member heading into the emergency room in manhattan. She said shes scared. Like combat, i told her you have to take a deep breath, stay focused and do what youre trained to do. These hospitals are the omaha beach of this war. Colleagues, in the foxhole, nobody cares about race, religion, creed, sose yo economic background, they certainly dont care about republican or democrat. Its about mission, its about country. We have a duty to provide these soldier what is they need. We have a duty to support this bill. I yield my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves, the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from indiana, mr. Banks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Banks over the last 10 days ive seen the very best of america. Ive seen restaurants like umis seafood and lucilles barbecue in fort wayne deliver thousands of meals to those who need id. Ive seen t t floral shop deliver flowers over the nursing home resident in my county. Ive seen many lining up to donate blood. Ive seen so many Health Care Professionals put themselves in harms way on the frontlines. Mr. Speaker, its time for congress to join them and bring relief to our neighbors who needed it yesterday. The cares act will keep the lights on in america. It will put cash in the hands of americans who need help to pay their bills and put food on the table. It will give a lifeline to Small Businesses when they need it most. This is by no means a perfect bill. But it gets help to the people who need it most. And i hope we will come back and make changes as needed in the near future. Mr. Speaker, in this time of national crisis, we must continue working together and with President Trump to keep our country the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has exnimplede gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland reserve , the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. Mcclintock. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mcclintock thank you, mr. Speaker. Covid19 didnt kill our economy. Government policies, however well intentioned, did that in just a few weeks they derailed the most promising and prosperous economy of our lifetimes and put us in imminent danger of permanently destroying millions of american jobs. The unprecedented spending in this bill threatens to destabilize the fiscal structure of our federal government and suppress future Economic Growth. But in order to deal with those issues we must first arrest the damage caused by the actions that have plunged us into a recession. Temporary job losses will soon p become permanent job losses without federally guaranteed loans to preserve those jobs and a way for families to recoup their financial losses. Is bill does so although inefficiently, wastefully and at enormous cost. Despite all its flaws, passage of this bill is therefore imperative. But it is no substitute for getting americans back to work. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from virginia is ecognized. Thank you, mr. Speaker. It gives me pleasure to yield one minute to our distinguished colleague from massachusetts. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Since day one of this Congress Democrats have committed themselves to a for the people ayen da. Today is no different. The covid19 pan democrat sick impacting people across the world, our country, my district. And it is for the people that we stand here today to assist families, uplift workers whose basic livelihoods have been threatened, strengthen our Community Hospitals and support our frontline Health Care Workers. We are here to deliver relief to people like the own ore of a Community Bookstore in andover, massachusetts, whose business has been crushed. To keep our end of the bargain for hospital workers who are putting their lives on the line each day. We are here for the families who are worried about their basic health and safety. This bill delivers for them. This is a time for bold action and much more needs to come. For families struggling with the harsh realities of this situation know well keep protecting you. Well take our lessons in courage from our frontline workers from the families banding together to care for loved ones if the acts of kindness we are seeing all over the country i the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expyred. The gentleman from texas recognized. Mr. Brady may i inquire how much time remaining on both sides. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has 26 minute , the minority has 20 minutes. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from South Carolina, mr. Nor map. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute mr. Norman during times like this it brings out the best and the worst. The best has been a president working nonstop, the best have been those business who are businesses who are protchigse masks and things we need. The best has been the churches praying nontop. The nonstop. The worst has been the price tag thend worst has been the things added to this that had nothing to do with the coronavirus. A 25 million for the kennedy center, 75 million for the national arts. This has nothing do with the coronavirus. This nation shall survive and in the words of Winston Churchill, times when doing our best isnt good enough well do what is required in spite of. This i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from virginia is recognized. Mr. Connolly i yield one minute to our friend from florida, mr. Desoto. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker as i rise here today the United States has more coronavirus cases than any nation on the planet. This is an unprecedented crisis that requires an unprecedented response. This bipartisan bill is a promise that help son the way. That help son the way for families with 1,200 checks and 2,400 for married families, for Food Assistance for the unemployed. Help is on the way if 600 in unemployed Unemployment Benefits on top of state benefits. Help on the way for seniors and veterans with financial assistance. Help son the way with Small Businesses through payroll grants and other costs. First responders and hospitals, help is on the way to confront this crisis. To our farmers and students, help son the way. Its time to pass this bipartisan bill and send a message to Central Florida and every american across every corner of the nation that there is help because help an hope are on the way. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from virginia reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is reck correct, the house is not in order. Members are asked to take conversations off the floor. The gentleman from texas may proceed. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from oklahoma mr. Hearn. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, it is unfortunate that this bill was delayed and pursues certain wasteful provisions that have nothing to do with the coronavirus. With that said im thankful that the vast majority of this bill rightfully focuses on the needs of americans. It will save Small Businesses in my district, provides much needed funds for the hospitals on the front thrivepbs fight and provides a safety net for those who lose their jobs due to no fault of their own. America is hurting. The American People need us now more than ever. Thanks to leader mccarthy and President Trump and the members involved for the relenting unrelenting work on this to the American People, it is much later than anyone wanted but help son the way. I urge a yes vote. May god bless us all. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from virginia is recognize. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Cox i rise in support of is a s bill which bipartisan, goodfaith effort to begin to provide relief to illions of American Families and workers. While not perfect, its a good start. Spoke last few weeks, i with thousands of my Central Valley neighbors. Last week i had a town hall constituents called in. Theyre scared. Theyre worried. But theyre looking for guidance leadership. And today, theyre looking for relief. Go merican should have to between paying rent and putting food on their table. Without immediate assistance, is exactly the choice theyll have to make. Top representative of the ag district in the top ag state, this bill shores up vital safety net programs for armers, ranchers and their families. Im disappointed about this bills glaring shortcomings remedied in a future bill. This bill punishes mixed staff denies some d American Benefits they deserve. It does not put a penny into the the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from virginia reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Y the gentleman speaker, pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Grothman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized for one minute. Mr. Grothman weve gone from a affected barely americans three weeks ago to a 2 trillion bill today. Too high, but the crisis and response to experts may be right and may be wrong who said, dont fly, dont eat out, dont go to school. Held up by ident irresponsible democrats and too many irresponsible republicans spending . Ive yes. We must act to calm the panic and move back to normalcy. Flew here yesterday on the only southwest flight from passengers. Th five usually they are two almost full flights. Employees are laid off. Is right to act and stand up to the purists who let businesses go under or dont understand that even the greatest of president s have had to compromise. Im concerned about the benefits going over 900 a week, more than most wisconsin people make. To help americans laid off, but this provision delays he recovery and i hope americans dont bite on it. Stand with the president. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield to the istinguished member from california the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. We had two obligations in pandemic. To this first to move quickly and put tly and second to science ahead of partisan politics. Neither of these two things bill is a stepis forward. It helps all the workers who have lost their jobs. Helps the businesses that are struggli struggling with customers not showing up and staying home. Helps the frontline nurses, octors, First Responders who need more equipment. There is more to do. Bill, wes we pass this need to keep working to make sure were expanding paid leave, expand access to health care, and to make sure that we continue to protect each and person who is out there as a first responder. But until then, i want to thank both sides of the aisle for working to get this done and i urge us to pass it as possible. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Gohmert. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Gohmert thank you, mr. Speaker. Interesting hearing all this talk about, we got to do it now, got to do it now. Delayed since last weekend because of our friends across the aisle. The bill we arding previously passed, it exempted the big corporations. Now hearing is so evil. We need to get our story here. Tent thank goodness the president put a travel ban in while some were conspire, spy, impeach, but he kept being persistent and as a result, people with the disease. Vastly too lion is much money, but i spent much of the night reviewing all the sunsets in the bill. Im satisfied that most of them most of the waste, but theres some projects in to turn backs time to the god that so many have the d from and then use tools weve got to help those that have been put in jeopardy. Bill. Vote for the i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now privilege of yielding to the distinguished democratic mr. Jim clyburn of South Carolina. The speaker pro tempore how much time . Mr. Hoyer one minute. The peaker pro tempore gentleman from South Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Clyburn thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for time. Ng me the i just want to take a moment to colleagues for esponding to what is an unprecedented event in the history of this country. Many of us who studied history full well that the countrys been here before, and recovered. Ays that oblem is, many times recovery is uneven, and what we have done with this legislation the opportunity to recovery e equitable taking place and i thank you all that. Ing the fact of the matter is, this does reat country which not have to be made great again. Hat we have to do is make this countrys greatness accessible to all americans. This legislation makes an attempt to do that and i hope as upon forward we will build it. And when we come back, which we anek we l have Equitable Society for all. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Way, mr. by the speaker, youre doing a fine job thank you. The speaker pro tempore you all are doing a fine job. You. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from north dakota is recognized for one minute. Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, throughout our history, the have mobilized in extraordinary and of ecedented ways in Times National crisis. But the enemy we face today has response. Different to defeat covid19, we have asked most americans to do what so unnaturally to them, stay home. Weve asked businesses to employees to stop going to work, and churches to close. Ntire industries have lost their Consumer Base overnight. The American People didnt cause but are responding the way they always do, by being smart, tough, compassionate. To give them hem this support. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady minnesota, ms. Omar. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from minnesota is seconds. D for 30 mdz omar ms. Omar thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of this bill, its perfect or even sufficient, but because the livelihoods of americans are at risk, and so his bill provides immediate cash assistance. It allows for Unemployment Benefits. Puts direct money in the hands of the Small Businesses who are struggling in my district. It creates 100 million in assistance to hospitals, omething minnesota hospitals are desperately in need of. Billion in 150 necessary funding for the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. He gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from north bishop. , mr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bishop mr. Speaker, im vote yes enthusiastically. But the big bill, American People are bigger. The presentspond to thre threat, as americans have always challenges, as free men and women with deep reservoirs of strength, and when summoned, duty and confidence. Ts the duty of some to mobilize this government to b k backstop the economy. To blunt the contagion. Duty of some to face the risk pending the afflicted. Americans, the duty the rest of us to mobilize the Unstoppable Force of the economy, to provide supplies, innovate Technologies Health care capacities to meet the needs of help, this gods virus is no match for the United States of america. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields. N the gentleman from Texas Reserves. Gentleman maryland is recognized. Speaker, one time because were getting towards the end, can you give us the side has . Each the speaker pro tempore the majority has the gentleman from maryland has 15 1 2 minutes. Texas has 20 from minutes. Mr. Hoyer ill reserve. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from maryland reserves. He gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, pleased the eld one minute to gentleman from West Virginia, mr. Mooney. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from West Virginia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mooney thank you, mr. Speaker. There are good parts of this bill. The things President Trump asked or at the very beginning like tax relief for employers, help for those who lost their jobs, funding for the medical responders. D first i thank President Trump for his excellent leadership. Id like tole ideas offer as amendments to this bill but this is a closed process. Members of congress cant offer amendments. Thats not the way were make legislation, especially when it spends 2 trillion. Amtrak, money for National Public radio and the rts, but we dont talk how were going to pay for it, 2 trillion. How do you pay for it . It from to borrow china, borrow it from russia . Are we going to print the money devalue our current currency . Already half a trillion dollars every year Going Forward. We could use that money to pay epidemics like this and fund our troops. So Going Forward we need to talk about balancing our budget and things. Or thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. Maryland. Man from mr. Hoyer reserves. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from alabama, mr. Byrne. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama is recognized for one minute. R. Byrne mr. Speaker, last week, 3. 3 million americans filed for unemployment. Small businesses around this country are shuttering. Millions of americans and their at home practicing social distancing, a term few two weeks ago. Countless others are on the frontlines in our hospitals, offices, pharmacies, or simply checking us out at the Grocery Store. I spoke to many Small Businesses in my district on a call. Hope. Asked to give them to the American People who are watching, there is hope, and way. Is on the there are many things in this bill i do not like. Here are portions that i think are a mistake. But colleagues, this is our time action. Do not hold this bill up. We owe it to the citizens of country who are struggling. Today, ction for them and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield one minute to the gentleman from virginia. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The last pandemic, i want to draw attention to the research act. Tments in the cares the department of energy has funds for the highend computing capabilities. The National Science foundation research. Lecular nist will have the reliability of the testing. Research on ll do the risk of transmission. Mr. Speaker, my grandfather lost son in the first flu epidemic in 1919. Is yet, this is not the last novel virus. With a bold, sustained science, we can make covid19 the last pandemic. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Maryland man from reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. One minute toield the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is minute. Ed for one mr. Carter mr. Speaker, our country finds ourself in waters. Red none of us have ever experienced anything like this before. For the past two weeks ive been home in the First District of georgia visiting with individuals, with Small Business owners. Ive seen something ive never seen before. Ive seen people who are concerned. Health, d about their concerned about their future. Mr. Speaker, this is something to address. Ive also seen something ive never seen before either and is people pulling together. People doing for each other. Other. Caring for each volunteering at food banks. Volunteering at service organizations. Workers health care putting their own health at risk to deliver services. Best of america as well. Mr. Speaker, it is our here, our responsibility to help these people to deliver to them. Is not a perfect bill. If i had an opportunity id change a number of things in it, to do, s what we need mr. Speaker. And mr. Speaker, more than anything, what we need to do is pray. D to we need to pray to the god the speaker pro tempore the entleman from maryland is recognized. Seconds toi yield 30 the gentleman from michigan, dan kildee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is 30 seconds. Or mr. Kildee thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. This is an important moment for our country, its important that Congress Respond in a way consistent with this threat. We differences about this bill. There are things in it many of us dont like. This moves us forward. This gives the American People the support they need in order to follow the medical advice they are given without putting their families at risk. It supports Small Businesses, it puts money in the hands of americans, so that they can take care of their families financially while theyre taking care of the health of their families. I support this legislation. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, general bergman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bergman i rise in support of the coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act. This legislation takes major steps to support American Workers and families during this unprecedented time. It provides increased funding to get our Health Care Workers essential supplies and equipment. It also helps Small Businesses who have been asked to close their doors an sacrifice their livelihoods for everyones health and safety. This bill is not perfect. Im disappointed that were paying for things that dont have anything to do with covid19. And i am concerned about inadvertent damage we may be doing to our seasonal businesses by incentivizes people to stay at home rather than go back to work once shelter in place restrictions are lifted. Small seasonal businesses are the lifeblood of michigans First District an as we implement this policy ill do everything i can to prevent unintended consequences from happening. The people of michigans First District are resilient. We have survived hardships before and we will again. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from new hampshire, ms. Kuster. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Tufter i rise to support this un ms. Kuster i rise to support thun precedented emergency relief for the American People my colleague and i have spoken with tens of thousands of our constituents through telephone town halls and Conference Calls with hospitals. I want to support the support for our people who have lost their jobs, for our small miss, but most importantly, for our frontline Health Care Workers in our rural hospitals. We need supplies. We need support. Thank you for vetting yes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Crenshaw. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Crenshaw businesses large and small through no fault of their own are failing. We told them to shut down and workers are losing their jobs. Let me clear something up for everyone. A lost job is a lost job. Whether from a Large Business or a Small Business. And its devastating for families. Americans need help. Thankfully this bill covers it all from direct aid to accelerated loans. But when every day counts in a crisis this bill was delayed by democrats unnecessarily for totally unrelated progressive wish list. I dont get mad but this made me mad. In the end, the final bill today is barely different than last weekends. The record will show that. But we have it now and we should pass it now. It will soften the upcoming hardship but we must not be complacent for we have more difficult decisions ahead how much will we balance the opening of society with the pandemic. Its a tough question and we wont be able to answer that question if the antics of this week continue. The country will move Forward Together the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from maryland is ecognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from new york, mr. Meeks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Meeks my home state of new york has become the ep center of the terrible pandemic. This bill brings Financial Support to increase the number of hospital beds, equip our brave doctors, nurses, e. M. T. s and other medical providers who are our frontline of defense and who should not be asked to risk their lives to save others. This crisis will pass. Our economy will recover but american tam liss an workers who ost their jobs by the millions desperately need this Financial Support now. This bill provides important grants an loans to Small Business which is will be critical to our economic recovery. Theres more for us to do but this bill is an important first step to secure americas families. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expyre. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Proud to yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Burr chet. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. When i was five or six i had a sunday schoolteacher tell me a story that relates to what were doing right now. A small child went missing in the plains states. The community went 100 Different Directions and didnt find the child. They finally came together, prayed to god, asked him for wisdom. They ended up Holding Hands an walking across the prairie. Mr. Speaker, they found that child. This country needs to remember that in and this body needs to remember that i think we need to put our partisanship aside. We need to quit bickering and ask almighty god for wiz dopped and do whats right. Thank you, youre doing a fine job. The speaker pro tempore thank you. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from illinois, ms. Underwood. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Uns wood i rise today in strong support of the cares act. Over 2,500 illinoisans have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. 26 of whom have died. Countless more are in need of testing an thousands of our frontline Health Care Workers are desperate for p. P. E. Just this month, over 130,000 illinoisans have lost their jobs. The cares act provides economic he releaf to individuals, and improved unemployment protection. It will help state lorks call governments and Health Care Systems meet the enormous hallenges. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, the head of the prolife caucus, mr. Smith. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized mr. Smith as of today in my state alone, 6,800 people have been tested positive with 81 deaths and in one family alone four members of the family have died. Containing the pandemic, developing and deploying reliable therapeutics and a safe, effective vaccine must be our highest priority no matter the cost. Those on the frontlines in health care, First Responders, are heroically meeting the challenge often at great personal cost. The 2. 2 trillion cares act is comprehensive and absolutely needed. It provides unprecedented support to taxpayers, Small Businesses, grants to hospitals, help state and local government, boost unemployment and security. Special thanks to all of those on the house and senate side, the leadership for their cooperation in this bill and to President Trump, the Vice President , doctor birx, dr. Fauci and many others who have brought their expertise to confronting this huge challenge. Yield back. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds though gentleman from missouri, mr. Clay. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Clay i rise in support of the cares act. Im so proud of the emergency housing priorities including a temporary moratorium on evictions, foreclosures of home owners and federally backed mortgages. Theres 4 billion for emergency grants, for homelessness, 5 billion for cbdg and 1 billion for project based assistance. We are in this fight together and we will not be broken. Viruses come and go but the courage of the American People the speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Proud to yield one minute to the chairman of the values action team, the gentlelady from missouri, mrs. Hartzler. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Hartzler we are at war against an unseen enemy our world has never faced before. We are battling on two fronts, the health care front and the economic front. Thousands of people are sick with courageous Health Care Workers battling on the frontlines. Meanwhile, millions of americans have lost their jobs because of the virus. Imperiling Family Budgets and devastating our economy. Todays bill sends needed battle reinforcements to both fronts. It provides pounds purchase more medical supplies and to support our hospitals while also sending muchneeded help to businesses so they can make payroll and keep the doors open. It sends money directly to almost every household and supports those who have lost their job due to the covid crisis. Most importantly it give this is nation hope. Hope that we will get through this by supporting our Health Care Workers, enabling businesses to stay open, and sending americans funds needed to get them through. While this bill is far from perfect and the price tag is sobers, i believe we are in an unprecedented battle and it is imperative we win this war. I will be voting yes and i invite all americans to join me. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. The gentleman from maryland. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from new york. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Espaillat i rise in support of the cares act. Mr. Speaker, it would be criminal to not support billions of dollars for our hospitals and Health Care Workers. It would be criminal not to support millions of dollars for Small Businesses that will be struggling. It would be criminal to not support help for working families, 1,200 for individuals, 500 per child. But its crit ka to leave out immigrants. They clean our houses and take care of our children and elderly. Criminal to leave out this is our future. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady proud to yield one minute to the yell from florida, mr. Mast. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mast mr. Speaker, i would rather die than see my country stumble or fall. And by god, i mean that and i i dont think im the only one in this body that feels this way. Im worried that as a result of a virus that was born in the disgusting market in wuhan, china, that was hidden from the world that our country may stumble. But i can tell you that that worry has subsided quickly for me as i looked around my own community and realized again that americans are a salty group of tough s. O. B. s that are defeated by absolutely nothing. This isnt going to defeat us either. Theres parts of this bill that i dont like but im proud that when americans wake up tomorrow theyre going to continue to know that ewith wake up here not as victims but as people with a greater opportunity than anybody across the world, 50 stars, 13 red and whide stripes, we get to decide for ourselves that today is better than yesterday this week is better than next week this month is better than last month and next year and so on. Nobody else gets to decide that for us. That hasnt changed and will never change. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from pennsylvania, connor lamb. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Lamb i know a firefighter going into sick peoples homes, still today work no mask. We all talk like this is war. But george marshal, a western pennsylvanian, wait for u. S. Steel to join the war effort in their own good time . No. He used to say, you cannot fight against the problem, you have to decide it. We have given this government money. We cannot give it leadership. Now is the time to decide this problem. Take this money, buy the masks, build the ventilators, protect our people now. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland reserves, the gentleman from texas. Mr. Brady proud to yield one minute to the gentlelady from american samoa, ms. Raid wagen. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Radewagen i rise in overwhelming support of this Bipartisan Legislation. The country meeds and american is a meawowa desperately needs it. American samoa has unique challenges. So far my constituents are without any coronavirus testing at all as nbc recently reported. The army corps has report our l. B. J. Hospital needs over 100 million in minimum improvements to meet compliance standards. I want to thank the president for his leadership and i thank my colleagues for including my request that the pacific territories and the freely associated states are in the definition of state so all pandemic unemployment assistance programs apply us to. Our people are strong and their faith is strong. Lets get this funding to work and provide testing in america samoa. Thank you, mr. Speaker. May god bless us all. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from new york, again, the epicenter, who know this is firsthand, ms. Clarke. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Clarke thank you, mr. Speaker. As vice chair of the energy and Commerce Committee i rise in support of the cares act my colleagues have spoken about the provisions of this bill and although its not perfect it is a necessary one. We must now protect our constituents in the ninth district of new york, the epicenter and all americans across this country. New yorkers have been through 9 11, the financial meltdown, Superstorm Sandy and now were in the midst of covid19. In my city, noverbingt, were not just fatesing fatesing economic ruin but also a genuine Health Crisis. Thats why its so critical that donald trump use the defense production act. I yield back the balance of my time the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady may i inquire as to the time remaining on both sides. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from heather has 10 1 2 minutes. The gentleman from maryland has 11 minutes. Mr. Brady im proud to yield one minute to the gentlelady from indiana, mrs. Brooks. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Brooks mr. Speaker, i urge strong support for the cares act. For years, my colleague from across the aisle anne shoo, have worked to pass the pandemic all hazardness preparedness act. That was signed into law j june of 2019. For years we have said it was not a matter of if we would have a pandemic but when we would have a pandemic. That when is now. Time to place blame. Now is not the time to look back. Time to act and to look forward. Ow is the time to restore confidence in this body. This acte time to pass for those Health Care Workers who are staying at the hospital theyre begging us to stay home. Now is the time for all those watching dren who are this body, thinking about and learning about this body, to them we can come together and govern. Now is the time to pass the act. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. From maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i now ield to mr. Sablan, who represents the northern an anas, and he does such excellent job. Thank you very much. I yield 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from the northern marianas is recognized for 30 seconds. R. Sablan mr. Speaker, the legislation we are considering to stop the coronavirus is not perfect. Ever is, and we but even work to do, n mid crisis, we should not forget to say thank you. Speaker pelosi responded the coronavirus to give Health Care Providers resources, families financial workers and rt businesses. And throughout this unprecedented time, always the and her leadership remember the United States of of ica includes the people the northern mariana islands. For that im grateful. The speaker pro tempore the expired. s time has the gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady yes, mr. Speaker, im to theo yield one minute gentlelady from new york, ms. Stefanik. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from new york is recognized for one minute. Stefanik new york is the epicenter of the coronavirus i want to thank our nurses, our doctors, e. M. S. , teachers, nders, and ers and grocers truckers. The better angels. Making to saratoga. To emergency bill needed pass yesterday. It needed to pass last week. New yorkers and this nation need for our ef immediately hospitals, Health Care Heroes and hardworking families. Country is a resilient nation, from the revolution to pandemic war to the flu to 9 11, we will overcome this. Congress needs to step up, do rescue pass this package today for new york state and for the American People. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields back. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. It now r mr. Speaker, gives me great honor to yield to the chairman of the democratic the gentleman from new york, again, the epicenter of as achallenge that we have country, hakeem jeffries. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is one minute. Or mr. Jeffries america is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. Assembled the mightiest military, but you annot judge the greatness of america based on our wealth or our military might. We should only judge the america based on left stand up for the behind. The cares bill is legislation that will help and provide the most vulnerable amongst us. It will provide relief to everyday americans. Relief to Small Businesses. It will provide relief to workers. The coronavirus is a silent targeted the s American People, but we are a resilient nation. Great ated the depression, we defeated nazi germany, we defeated jim crow. Will defeat covid19 as well. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Texas is man from recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, may i nce again inquire as to the time . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas has 8 1 2 minutes. He gentleman from maryland has 9 1 2 minutes. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. One minute to the gentleman from illinois, mr. Bost. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Mr. Ost thank you, speaker. I rise today in strong support of the cares act. Rural southern illinois, there are 27 cases in my district. Cotogether ed to am in a bipartisan manner with this with we need to to deal with the business businesses where they need to go its a work, whether Small Business or a Large Business. This bill does that. Is it perfect . No. Step forward that we need to do and do today and with that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. He gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield our distinguished vice chair of our caucus, Katherine Clark from massachusetts. The speaker pro tempore the massachusetts is recognized for one minute. Ms. Clark mr. Speaker, i rise support of the cares act. Mericans are facing a Public Health crisis thats unprecedented threat to the our h and safety of communities. Hospitals are struggling to care or our communities and get the protective equipment they need. The pandemic has brought businesses, and whole states to a standstill, state of my home massachusetts. Mericans are calling for help, and today we will vote to bring them relief and offer them a ifeline, but it wont be the end of our support. To those on the frontlines, workers, cashiers, childcare providers, truck rivers, cleaners and postal workers and to all americans, we see you. We appreciate and are grateful for your sacrifice, and we will to fight for the people. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from virginia, mr. Wittman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is minute. Ed for one mr. Wittman thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today on behalf of the district f the first of virginia to say that half as glass is still full. While we face this unprecedented across our e see nation the resolve and the spirit of america. Alive and well. While this is a challenge for us congress to show the same spirit and resolve, to get he job done for the American People. While this bill is far from perfect, it will demonstrate together and me show what we have sew what we the days past whats going on across america. Folks, americas best days are come, and we continue to be the greatest nation the world has ever known. Bless our tinue to great United States of america. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. He gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Chairman, now id yield to the distinguished gentleman from texas, mr. Green. Tempore the o gentleman from texas is recognized for 30 seconds. R. Green thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the American People want to know that their there for will be them. They want to know that their tax ollars will pay dividends for them. They want to know that we will romote the general welfare as extolled from the preamble to the constitution. They want to know that we will to become he perfect the enemy of the good. This is not a perfect bill. It is a good bill. I will support it. The American People need certainty. That we will now be there for them. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Is gentleman from texas recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. Pleased to yield one minute to he gentleman from kansas, mr. Watkins. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kansas is watkins thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise on behalf of the people of eastern kansas. Analogy has been thrown out a lot. As a man that went to war and years, i can tell you its not all inaccurate. N both cases people are frightened. In both cases people die. In both cases, people discover of. It is theyre made and when war, just like now, people need to come together. His bill is an example of having done just that. Its not perfect, but its what got. Its got my vote. I urge my colleagues to do the same. I yield my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer thank you, mr. Chairman. I would now like to yield to a member of the house and a debbie from florida, Wasserman Schultz for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from florida is minute. Ed for one ms. Wasserman schultz thank you, mr. Speaker. As a proud floridian, i rise to workers, health professionals, Small Businesses and veterans from this grave face. We Senate Republicans drafted a corporate friendly bill that failed to meaningfully support who are losing their jobs. Instead, democrats secured a invests 2 trillion in families, hospitals, and Small Businesses. Massive ill get investments in Unemployment Benefits and added 13 weeks of benefits which republicans deny. To working class families will get as much as 3,400 for a family of four. Mall businesses will get help to make payroll, rent, and utility costs. Im proud that the ppropriations committee spearheaded nearly 20 billion to ensure Veterans Health needs re met, whether at the v. A. Or local e. R. And clinics. Appropriators have also worked o ensure our v. A. s can assist our local communities if they reach full capacity. This package is not perfect, and help will be needed, but our families, Small Businesses, nd hospitals need this help desperately. I ask my colleagues to give them this lifeline against this invisible enemy. In this together. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from maryland reserves. Texas is man from recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. We also reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i am yield to the former president of the university of wisconsin, president of the miami, and f secretary of department of health, one of our most about geable members issues of families and workers, secretary, ished donna shalala, congresswoman from florida. The speaker pro tempore for how time . Mr. Hoyer one minute. Excuse me, 30 seconds. We have a lot of people going here. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from florida is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Shalala mr. Speaker, today, cares act to the president to provide the people in my community with the needed the devastation of this pandemic. Im here for the first esponders, the Health Care Workers, and all of those who are risking their lives. They are our heroes. We need to support this bill now because we must. With no has left us choice. But my hope is that after we have starved this virus, we will a National Commitment to permanently rebuild our public infrastructure. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. R. Hoyer mr. Speaker, im now another member of south florida, all three of them have indicating the importance of the crisis that debbie measure murcasal sayal poul powell. The peaker pro tempore gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Mucarselpowell over 1,200 have lost their lives. 2,300 ida alone we have cases, 652 in miamidade county, monroe county. South florida is quickly becoming another epicenter of this pandemic. Watching how numbers for unemployment are skyrocketing. Closing. Inesses are its a tough reality to face, but we in congress can do something. Come together. Set aside our ideological and help people now and thats why i support this bill. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, at this the id like to recognize gentlelady from iowa, ms. Finck for 30 finkenauer, 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30k seconds. Finkenauer i found out we lost another two iowans to coronavirus, all in my district. Nal today, we are grieving losses ll over the country and the globe. We are cation came too late. The package were considering perfect. Not it will not bring folks left that we lost, but it will give muchneeded relief to our system and workers on the frontlines and to our across the lies country. God bless the United States of america. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. He gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, can i have the time check . The peaker pro tempore gentleman from maryland has 5 1 2 minutes, 5 1 2 minutes. The gentleman from texas has 6 minutes. Mr. Hoyer the gentleman from texas you have 6 1 2 minutes left. I yield 30 seconds to colin allred from texas. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Allred thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to speak to the people of north texas, many of whom are under stay home, stay safe orders like those from Dallas County judge clay jenkins and others. Many of you are frightened, youre warred about your familys health and your business. We are on your side, we will not let this great country fail, well defeat this virus in a way that leaves no one bind. We should fol throw the examples of our great first respoppeders. We can best honor their service by staying home if you can. I yealed back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from ohio, mr. Davidson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio has one minute. Mr. Davidson i dont think anyone is happy about the present situation but the free market did not close the economy. Governments chose that response to an exceptional risk to Public Health. The various governments made up in our country need to make sure individuals, families and businesses affected by their unprecedented decisions remain solvent and as many people as possible remain employed. Like any war, the enemy votes too but the sooner we can get lower risk americans back to work the safer most people will feel in our will feel. In our response, we must defend our values and the way of life that makes america the world of opportunity. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i yield 30 seconds to mr. Chuy garcia of chicago. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Garcia i rise in support of the cares act even though it doesnt protect everyone i wish it would, including all immigrants. However it represents a bold, unprecedented step in protecting workers and bolstering our Health Care System and in stabilizing our economy,est pellly our Small Businesses. Thats why i will vote aye. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The yellow light from maryland reserves. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i now yield to the gentlelady from pennsylvania, madeleine dean, for 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Dean thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you to the leader. The coronavirus pandemic is a reminder of our common humanity and our interconnectedness. I stand today to say montgomery county, pennsylvania, burks county, pennsylvaniaing, my home district have been particularly hard hit. Theres suffering and courage in my community. We have had three deaths. I rise in support of this cares act, it is unprecedented, it is a monumental bill to send relief and confidence to those who are suffering. To our workers. To our families. To our chirp, to our Business Owners. Im proud to support this bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expire thsmed egentleman from texas is ecognized. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady mr. Speaker, im proud to yield one minute to the leader of the republican conference, the gentleman from california, mr. Mccarthy. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, i want to thank you for the job you have done in the chair today, we thank you for the work you are doing. Before i begin i want to say to everyone watching at home right now, we hear your concern. We feel your anxiety. We know what we need to do. When this year began, americans were enjo enjoying a level of peace and prosperity unheard of in modern times. The economy was at record highs. Unemployment for American Workers was at record lows. Take home pay was rising. Business closures were falling. And our brave men and women in uniform were protecting us from threats across the globe. But a few weeks ago, we learned about an invisible enemy from a distant land. An enemy like weve never faced before. Now the virus is here. We didnt invite it. E didnt ask for it. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman will suspend the house is not in order. Members take your conversations to the hallway. The gentleman may proceed. Mr. Mccarthy now the virus is here. We did not invide it. We did not ask for it. We did not choose it. But we will fight it together until we win together. We will win because we have the best of our country on the front lines. We will win because of the other people in uniform, our doctors, our nurses, our lab technicians. And hospital volunteers. Take one moment and imagine, where would we be without their fortitude . They have the toughest jobs in the world. But they are truly the best in the world. Our medical professionals are our heroes. We, this entire body of members of congress, salute you. We will always win because of our Truck Drivers, Grocery Store clerks, postal workers, farmers and warehouse workers. Youre working night and day. Youre making a meaningful, measurable difference in the lives of everyone you serve. You are the foundation of everything we will do today. And we will win because of our scientists. Their bright minds an faster cures should give every American Peace of mind. We are developing a victory vaccine, faster than ever in the history of any virus. On behalf of all americans, on behalf of all members of congress, i want to thank those on the front lines for their professionalism and dedication. Another critical front in our war against this virus is the home front, literally. To slow the spread, the government is asking and in some cases requiring millions of Small Businesses and families to put their daily lives on pause and remain at home. Im overjoyed that so many have taken the imperative of social distancing so seriously. Flattening the curve is the most important activity any american citizen can do today. It is even more important now that the virus has arrived in full force. We are asking you to continue to remain at home as much as possible. I know this action carries substantial circumstances. We all saw that tragic news just this week. 3. 3 million americans filed for Unemployment Benefits. We have never experienced that before in our lives. Not even in the great depression. That many. So what can we do for the hard working taxpayers, their families and Small Businesses . The pillars of the American Life who are doing their part but facing Economic Disaster through no fault of their own. First we can recognize that recognize their sacrifice is an Invaluable Service tour fellow citizens. They deserve our gratitude and prayers. Second we can give them our Financial Support now, today, so they can weather this brutal storm in the weeks ahead. Which brings me to the rescue package before us today. The cares act. The developing tests and dreams and vaccines is americas new arsenal of democracy. The cares act is our modern day all american marshall plan. It is the largest assistance measure in American Idol history. And it is going directly in the pockets of hard working taxpayers they families and Small Businesses. For everyone affected by this virus, we will be your voice. For those battling the virus, or lost your job, or do not know if youll have one a month or two from now, i want you to know were listening, we hear you, and we are working for you. I want to give leader mcconnell a lot of credit. From the beginning, he was committed to a bottom up, bipartisan and bicameral process. He non he honored his commitment and it shows. The Senate Passed this bill by unanimous vote. Every republican, every democrat. It is bold. Truly bipartisan. And targeted to achieve the mission at hand. Our top priority is to keep americans at work. So we aim the efforts to keep americans employed through two measures. For Small Businesses and nonprofits, the bill provides 100 federally guaranteed loans for eight weeks. If that loan is used to pay your employee or pay your rent or pay your utilities, its no longer a loan, its a grant because we know what government has asked you to do. Other business gets retention credit to keep employees on. If, unfortunately, American Workers find themselves out of work, this bill offers an additional 13 weeks of Unemployment Insurance. And dramatically expands eligibility. It also makes benefits more generous by adding another 600 across the board payment. Through the end of july. The care act also expands Unemployment Insurance to cover gig workers and selfemployed and nonprofit employees. Additionally for American Families that might need a little extra support, you will start receiving and seeing those checks in three weeks. You wont have to wait for months for financial help. Payments will be as much as 1,200 for an individual taxpayer and 500 per child. Finally this legislation provides Critical Resources to american Health Care Workers and hospitals. Over 140 billion in appropriations to support our ealth systems. It we just talk about give them the equipment to save lives and tools they need to protech themselves. The reason for this legislation is to protect American Workers prork tect american jobs, and protect hard working american taxpayers. We are providing targeted temporary and timely relief to main street, not wall street. Were not underwriting bad Business Practices or priming the pump. Ultimately we are laying the foundation for rapid economic recovery. This bill is not only a rescue package, it is a commitment. A commitment that your government and the people whom you elected to serve will do everything we can to limit the harm and hardship you face, both now and in the foreseeable future. To the American Public if you do your part, i promise we will do ours. Mr. Speaker, as i said earlier it is our responsibility to act. To put aside our differences and do whats right for the American Public. D must be robust, rapid, and resilient just like its recipients. We are going to help americans through this. We are going to do this together. In the end, we are going to be healthier, stronger, and more united than ever before. Because as americans thats who we are. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from Texas Reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield 30 seconds to mr. Cohen from tennessee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Cohen thank you, mr. Speaker. Words above the speakers head at the top of this chamber from daniel webster, he says, may in our day and generation, may we not perform Something Worthy to be remembered. Today we have Something Worthy before us and something to be remembered. We should all vote aye. I am here to vote aye and encourage the president to use the defense production act for everyone and to continue talking to the president of china because this is a worldwide pandemic. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from texas is recognized. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i now have the privilege of yielding to the speaker of the house who has been so critical in putting this piece of legislation together and focusing on workers and families, i yield to Speaker Nancy Pelosi of california. The speaker pro tempore the speaker of the house is recognized. The speaker thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I thank the distinguished democratic leader mr. Hoyer for yielding and the manner which manner in which he has enable sod many of our members to participate in the debate today. Thank you for your leadership on the legislation and also for leading us today. I thank mr. Brady for his leadership as well. For facilitating this conversation. I thank you, mr. Speaker, for keeping us reasonably on time as much as possible for congressional members. Thank you for the strength of your authority. , the speaker pro tem today. Of your authority, the speaker pro tem today. I thank all members on both sides of the aisle for the seriousness with which we have all taken this important hallenge. Mr. Speaker, last week his holiness pope francis said, in his world prayer, he said, enlighten those responsible for the common good so that they might know how to care for those entrusted to their responsibility. That is his holiness quote. And that is the responsibility that we all have. Today, as we have all acknowledged, our nation faces an economic and Health Emergency of historic proportions due to the coronavirus pandemic, the worst pandemic in over 100 years. As i proceed with my remarks, i want to say to our colleagues, who are watching this the proceedings from their chambers in the house, to come forward and come to the come to the gallery and listen from here. So that when the time comes, we will be prepared to proceed. The distinguished leader on the republican side, mr. Mccarthy, and mr. Hoyer, have sent a communication to all of you to that effect. But it is very important that you come now. The sooner you come, the shorter y remarks will be. And i want to thank the distinguished leader on the republican side for his leadership throughout all of this to achieve a Bipartisan Legislation and to do so as expeditiously as possible in the house. In the house. So that the message will be clear to the American People that whatever concerns we may have and whatever we want to do next, right now were going to pass this legislation. And that is because so many American Families have been touched by this crisis. More than 82,000 americans so far have fallen sick. A number certain to surge as testing goes forward. Which is already the most in the world. Weve gone past china and italy. More than 1,200 americans have tragically died. It gives you chills just to think of it. Millions of workers are losing their paychecks, including more than, as has been mentioned on both sides of the aisle, 3. 2 million americans who filed for unemployment last week alone. A staggering recordshattering figure. Countless Health Care Workers, First Responders and others fighting on the front lines in this crisis are at great personal risk. The American People deserve a governmentwide, visionary, evidencebased response to address these threats to their lives and their livelihoods, and they need it now. Again, i acknowledge the bipartisanship in which we on which we bring this legislation to the floor. Late wednesday night, as the leader acknowledged, the Senate Unanimously passed legislation which transformed, in our view, since you acknowledged, leader mcconnell, i will acknowledge our distinguished chairman on our side, which they transformed a republican corporatefocused bill into a democratic workersfirst focus. And we salute our chairs, working in a bipartisan way, and in a bicameral way, across the aisle, across the capitol, we are able to dramatically expand Unemployment Insurance and defeated attempts on the senate side to claw back the 600 per week added benefits that would provide essential relief to the Record Number of americans losing their jobs. And i salute chairman neal and scott for the work that he did on this. I know this is the work work that they did on this. I know this is the work of the ways and Means Committee. And successfully achieve fulldirect payment for workers, this is so important, ensuring that working class American Families will be eligible to receive as much as 3,400 for a family of four. I thank again mr. Neal and madam chair of the Financial Services committee, Maxine Waters, who both of them had bigger proposals. But nonetheless advocating for all this. By the way, i would suggest, instead of saying its going to take a few weeks for the checks to get there, that the administration electronically transfer those direct payments immediately. We ensured in the bill that any taxpayer dollars given to industry goes first and foremost to workers. Workers paychecks and benefits, not used to pay c. E. O. Bonuses, stocks, fund buybacks or dividends and the rest. And i thank and we have secured robust special oversight that will hold the Administration Accountable for this. And i thank the distinguished chair of the where did he go . Energy and the infrastructure and transportation committee, mr. Defazio. For his leadership in that regard. I will not try to find all of you because you may be in the gallery as we are encouraging members to come. Here we go. Were also proud again, i want to salute the congresswoman waters for the work, for the holding having the oversight provisions in the bill for the count that is going to be spending money out. Were also proud to have secured truly historic investment of hundreds of billions of dollars in hospitals, Health Systems, state and local governments, ensuring that they have the tools they need to combat the virus. I salute chairman pallone, congress chairwoman lowey of the appropriations committee, and chairwoman delauro for making so much of all of that possible. And when we talk about state and local government, i want to express pride in our own governor, gavin newsom. He was on the front line of attacking this, as well as my own mayor who has disciplined us to shelter in place. For Small Businesses, thank you madam chair velazquez, and working in a bipartisan way, we want fast relief for those in need, including by securing 10 billion for s. B. A. Emergency grants of up to 10,000, and making payroll costs, rent, mortgage interest and utility costs eligible for s. B. A. Loan forgiveness. And for the first time, we have grants from the s. B. A. And thanks to secretary mnuchin, he has facile he is facilitating this by not just all of the loans going through the s. B. A. , but going through banks with the s. B. A. Which makes this all go much faster. For our students, weve passed payments for paused payments for federal student loan borrowers, paused the payments and suspended wage garnishment and negative credit reporting during this time for that and for so many other things relating to our students. I thank bobby scott, our chairman of Energy Education and work force. And labor. And for our veterans. You heard earlier all of these chairmen make these presentations. For our veterans we secured nearly 20 billion in funding to improve v. A. s readiness with equipment, tests and additional 571 veterans and 185 employees have now tested positive. I thank chairman takano and others on the committee for their leadership. For our homeowners, renters and homeless creditors again, i thank and consumers, i thank chairwoman waters for her leadership there. Since the beginning of this crisis, we have fought to ensure that our nations response puts families first. As we go through this. So the first two bills that we worked in a bipartisan way on were about addressing the emergency. The first bill was about testing, testing, testing. To ensure that everyone in the country would have access to free testing. Among other things. It had in there issues that relate to research for vaccines, research for a cure, but many other things, addressing the emergency. In the second bill, which also focused on the emergency, we have masks, masks, masks and many other provisions focused on the emergency. But taking us to this bill today, which is about mitigation. The distinguished mr. Defazio would say, first we had emergency, then we had mitigation. Doesnt mean were finished with emergency. But its moving on to mitigating, mitigating some of the economic and Health Damage caused by it this pandemic. Next well to move recovery and hopefully that will be soon. Always, though, addressing the emergency and the mitigation needed. How are we coming, mr. Leaders . How are we coming with our gallery . The house is not in order. The speaker as we have all said universally, and we say it almost all the time that we come to the floor, no bill is perfect. No bill is perfect. But we want to make sure that at least it comes part of the way to being sufficient. I do think that we should when were considering a bill appreciate for what is in the bill rather than judge it for what is not in the bill. But we do know that we must do more. Theres been a constant communication among all of our members, im sure on both sides of the aisle, when youre at home or here, with doctors, Health Care Providers, laborers, Small Businesses, nonprofits, faith groups and scientists on the daily needs and developments in your communities. The ontheground reports and clearidentify thinking we have are essential to crafting our approach to all of this. So, again, listening to members on both sides of the aisle and the comments here today, as well as the input you have been giving in the legislative process we know that this cannot be our final bill. Yet this bill, again, i think bobby scott called it a down payment. We must advance a fourth bill to address the continued needs. For our fight against the coronavirus, our state and local governments will need vastly more support for preventing, preparing for and responding to the crisis. Our hospitals and Health Systems still need vast infusions of funding so they can treat those in need. We must do more for our Health Care Workers. And this has been a current theme on both sides of the aisle. Our gratitude for our Health Care Workers. They are our heroes. Were thankful and grateful to them. We pray for them. But we need to do more for them than just to say those word. Our front line Health Care Workers, and whether theyre emergency need, our firefighters, our law enforcement, face a dire lack of medical and personal protective equipment. P. P. E. Personal protective equipment. Thats the reference when you see p. P. E. , thats what it is. We must ensure that the president uses the defense production act to its full extent to provide the tools that we need to combat this crisis. All workers are risking their lives on the front lines of this fight and need stronger osha protections to keep them safe. Thank you, mr. Scott. This week, for example, for example, and you probably all have examples, this week we learned of the tragic death of a nurse manager in new york who died in the line of duty from coronavirus. He and his fellow nurses risked their lives without proper protective equipment because the hospital supply simply did not have enough. Nurses were given a single plastic protective gown to use for an entire shift. When protocol called for a change of gowns between interactions, with patients. Other nurses were forced to resort to tying bandanas over their faces in place of proper equipment. And still others even began tying plastic garbage bags around, disposable scrubs they were given in place of proper scrubs for extra protection. As mr. Kellys sister said, his death could have been prevented. Im angry. He was healthy. And now our nurses, doctors, Health Care Workers and First Responders need action. We have to make sure they know that help is not only on the way, but it is a priority for all of us. These people risk their lives trying to save other peoples lives. Hen they take home what they interacted with in an infected environment take home. This is just asking far too much. Our family, our workers, our retirees still need more money in their pockets to protect their income security, with increased snap. One thing we couldnt get in the bill was the increased the 15 increasing in food stamps for our children, for our seniors, for those who qualify. Bigger direct payments, i hope that well be in agreement. I know that ritchie and maxine d the idea of ongoing direct payments, so bigger direct payments. Pension protections. We had a protection in the legislation. It was supported by everyone. The president of the United States supported it. But senator mcconnell said he would save it for the next bill. So thats why im mentioning it. For the next bill. And then we need more expanded family and medical leave. Let me give you an example. Come on, my colleagues. To the gallery. Let me give you an example. If your parent is sick or had an ongoing caregiver in the home or went to a Senior Center on a daily basis, and because of the virus that care giver couldnt come or that Health Center was closed, you would be able to give you would be able to take family and medical leave. However, as in the case of many members here, if your mom or your dad are healthy, and they contract the coronavirus, you would not be able to take family and medical leave. For those who cannot air r care for themselves who cannot care for themselves. It doesnt make any sense n any case we need that and without exception. And all americans need free coronavirus treatments so they dont have to fear the high cost of a hospital stay. When we said the tests were free, it didnt mean the test was free but the visit to the doctor is not. In the days and wooks to come democrats will continue to advance legislation to meet an urgent needs of all affected by the coronavirus. I keep saying the coronavirus because in this people say how come we didnt do this or that . Because this is specific to the coronavirus challenge that we have. I just want to say a word about our children as i close. So many of our children i want them if they are paying attention, distinguished congresswoman brooks mentioned the children. We are so sad for them that they cannot be fully engaged in school as they were. Some have access to Remote Learning and the rest. And this has had a deep impact on american lives as it affects our children as well. Graduationshat some have been canceled and hopefully not so many more, and they the mother of five, grandmother of nine personally, but officially in my leadership role i have seen hundreds of thousands of graduates. And whats exciting about it personally and officially is to see the excitement of the families when their child graduates. But when that family happens to have someone on the stage who is the first in the family to graduate, the pride, the joy, the patriotism is so exuberant and many of them will be deprived of that experience of seeing that child walk across the stage. Lets try to get this. E had the best minds working 24 7, all hands on deck to find a cure. Lets make sure that we give them the resources they need to do so. But at the same time that will we obey the science that says shelter in place or whatever it happens to be. As we go forward, let us pray, let us remember what his holiness told us, what he told us was we have a responsibility for the common good. Let us prepare for all the one who is have lost Family Members and others struggling with the illness now. Lets pray for our heroic Health Care Workers and First Responders who are risking their lives to care for the sick every day. The men and women in our factories making more medical supplies and personal protective equipment. The farmers, produces, grocery workers keeping food on the shelves, our Truck Drivers, postal workers, everybody who is contributing to the effort. And the sciences, as i say, all hands on deck, 24 7 for a solution. Congress must show the same courage, same resilience, same strength and with a great unity and urgency to put families and workers first. Let me again thank everyone who had any anything to do with this, and that means almost everybody in this room. Let me thank the Senate Democrats and leader schumer for his work as you acknowledge leader mcconnell. Let us again return to the words hits holiness, pope francis. May we enlighten those responsible for the common good so that they may know now to care for their those entrusted to their responsibility. With that i hope we have the biggest possible vote for the American People to show them that congress heart and the countrys heart is full of love for the American People. And with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yield. The gentleman from maryland reserves. And the gentleman from texas is recognized. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I have no other speakers and prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady i yield myself such time as i may consume. Thank you, leader mccarthy, for your strong and relentless leadership. Thank you for allowing each of us to bring to the table the progrowth policies that brought about the strongest economy on the planet as we headed into this challenge. Thanks to our house leader, to our Ranking Members, and all the key committees representative granger and fox, representatives walden, mchenry, cole, and chabot these members who engaged in this historic agreement. And to the professional teams who practice every moment night nd day in this endeavor. I want to thank our democratic colleagues for working with us on this bipartisan bill. To our republican colleagues in the senate. I especially want to thank secretary mnuchin, the point man for President Trump op these negotiations. As well as President Trump on these negotiations. Squells the white house economic team. I especially want to thank President Trump for his strong and results oriented leadership at a time of unprecedented crisis for this great country. In times of challenge i lean on this proverb. Fear not, faith answered, no one was there. Coronavirus has knocked at americas door and with it fear. Faith is answering. We answer with faith in ourselves and our ability, faith in our Free Enterprise system, faith in our amazing Health Care System, and, yes, faith that when the chips are down congress can come together with our president to help hardworking families and businesses when they need it most. We answer that door at this crucial moment with faith in our creators and faith in our Great American spirit. This is the challenge of a lifetime. But if we keep pulling together, we pass this bill today without delay, we take another step toward that day when we answer the door and fear is in longer there. On behalf of President Trump and the republican congress, we urge support for this bill. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas yields back the billion of his time balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, as i id, america has faced many threats. Ome in the nature of attack by enemies. Some in the nature of Natural Disasters. Whether they be hurricanes or tornadoes or floods. Americans have responded. And overcome those threats. We now have a threat that some have mentioned is unseen but has a great effect. And is having a great effect today as we debate this bill. In america. Today well vote not as democrats or republicans, we will vote as americans. Who have been september here to represent our country and our people. Sent here to represent our country and our people. To promote the general welfare. Certainly the general welfare has been put at risk by this virus. We have in a very short time passed three major pieces of legislation. Two that generated in this house, one generated in the senate. We will pass this bill today. I want to thank the majority leader excuse me the minority, im the majority leader, right . You cant have it. While we enjoy a little levity, we understand the graphity of this gravity of this situation. People will die today as a result of this virus. We have come together as democrats and republicans from every region of this country to respond in a way sufficient for the challenge. And we know well need to do more. But this day let us hope that like the United States senate we come together each and every one of us not for partisan advantage but for the advantage and defense of our people. Merica has been blessed by god and by our people. Let us respond this hour to their need in their defense so that america will go forward stronger and better and more ready to face future challenges. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. All time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 911, the previous question is ordered op the motion. The question is on adoption of the motion. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i came here to make sure our republic doesnt die by unanimous consent and empty chamber and i request a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore recorded vote is requested. Those favoring a recorded vote will rise and remain standing until counted. An insufficient number has risen, a recorded vote is refused. For what purpose does the gentleman reckedsvecked . Mr. Massie i object on the basis a quorum is not present and make a point of order a quorum is not present. The speaker pro tempore the chair will count for a quorum. Counted for a quorum, a quorum is present. The motion is adopted. Without objection, a the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. Pursuant to section 7b of House Resolution 891, the house stands adjourned until 3 00 p. M. On tuesday, march 31, 2020. Now, the house passes by voice vote the cares act, the coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act, a measure that had been passed late the other night by the senate with the house coming in at 9 00 a. M. Eastern this morning to work on the measure. Thomas massie, republican of kentucky there at the end calling for a recorded vote. You saw the speaker pro tem representative brown make the count of the quorum that the quorum was present and a sufficient number of members were there, denying mr. Massey the ability for a recorded vote. We are watching live video here from statuary hall were outside now, as members leave the house, congressman rankin in the center, this is the east front of the capital. We will watch and stay here live on cspan. We are live outside the house of representatives were moments ago, by voice vote, the house approved the 2 trillion coronavirus stingless package passed in the senate the other night. Congressman Thomas Massie calling for a recorded vote was not able to do that. They quorum was denied and the ability to get a recorded vote was denied post up the bill passes and its on to President Trumps desk for his signature. As of this hour, its unclear when that will happen. That is the last bit of business for the house until march 31. On whats typically fall day friday get away in the nations capital, you will see members leaving from the side of the capital, the house side, literally heading home as they are doing here. Many members obviously are texting and tweeting and posting on social media. They are leaving the u. S. Capitol. Just a short while ago, the house passed the over 2 trillion Coronavirus Relief package. It passed by a voice vote after an objection by Thomas Massie of kentucky. The president weighed in earlier on that. Before the vote, this is what he tweeted. He says it looks like a third rate grandstand or name Thomas Massey can a congressman from, unfortunately, a great state kentucky, wants to vote against the new save our workers bill in congress will he cannot stop it, only delay it which is dangerous and costly. Workers and Small Businesses need money now in order to survive. The virus wasnt their fault. Give up stupid things to get the big check the big picture done. That is from the president earlier. Thomas massie before the vote tweeted this are they affect are they afraid of the truth . Im told they dont have one minute for me to speak against this bill during the four hour debate stop why not allow a vote on it why not have a real debate . Thats from Thomas Massie. Congressman mullen, republican tweeting this i flew to d. C. Last night to vote in the coronavirus dimlys package. Today, shortly after i landed, my wife called and told me my son jim had an accident and was being airlifted to the hospital and he is improving but i am on my way back to be with him. Thank you for your prayers. Ofo from Haley Stevens michigan, she tweeted out this picture of her driving through ohio last night on the way to the u. S. Capitol. Michigan is considered one of the coronavirus hotspots. She made this appeal on the house floor. Thank you, madam speaker. I rise before you today in this chamber during this critical time in the United States of america where our country faces a battle with a pandemic. Its the biggest battle we have faced as a nation together in generations amidst uncertainty. We work to keep americans alive by stopping the spread of covid19. In these times, heroes will be made and not selected. We are in a global pandemic. Many americans may perish unexpectedly and suddenly in unfair circumstances. These are not pleasant words to hear. Treatments and cures are needed. They will take time. Economic. Outbreak of covid19 has spread throughout our land. Doctors and scientists have spent a lot of that a lifetime the space. This is not a moment to provide the false comforts of times past. We are proud of americans who are sacrificing so much right now. Our students gone from their beloved classrooms and classmates. I requestrers 30 more seconds because i rise before you adorning the your time is expired. The gentlelady will yield. Gentlelady will suspend. The gentle man from maryland is recognized. [gavel] the gentlelady is out of order. I award her 30 additional seconds. You are recognized for an additional 30 seconds. Sharing in the profession with those who have not come before you. There are trying medical needs. Will see darkness. You will be and our Society Needs you to stand together at this time. Our country loves you. To our doctors and our nurses i wear these latex gloves the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from maryland is recognized reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. The gentleman from texas is recognized. The gentlelady from michigan is ut of order. The gentlelady from michigan is out of order. The gentlelady from michigan is o longer recognized. The gentlelady from michigan is no thats just part of the nearly 4. 5 hours of debate on the coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act. The measure passed in the house after passage in the senate the other night, 960. It passes in the house today by voice vote after some objection by Thomas Massie, republican of kentucky. Here is a look at the final moments of the vote. Ore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. All time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 911, the previous question is ordered op the motion. The question is on adoption of the motion. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i came here to make sure our republic doesnt die by unanimous consent and empty chamber and i request a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore recorded vote is requested. Those favoring a recorded vote will rise and remain standing until counted. An insufficient number has risen, a recorded vote is refused. For what purpose does the gentleman reckedsvecked . Mr. Massie i object on the basis a quorum is not present and make a point of order a quorum is not present. The speaker pro tempore the chair will count for a quorum. Counted for a quorum, a quorum is present. The motion is adopted. Without objection, a the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. Pursuant to section 7b of House Resolution 891, the house stands adjourned until 3 00 p. M. On tuesday, march 31, 2020. And that vote from about 50 minutes ago passing by voice vote in the house. After going through some unique challenges to the vote and getting members to come to washington first and secondly, the procedures for maintaining social distancing within the capital, within the House Chamber itself, asking members to use wipes on the microphones to wash their hands in special places outside the chamber, the doors of the chamber were open and many of the members were actually up in the Public Gallery so they allowed for spacing between members. But there was a quorum established and they were able to pass it by voice vote in that measure now goes to the president or his signature. I want to remind you that all of the debate, love the briefings including todays debate on the house floor are available on our website at www. Cspan. Org

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