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Government is taking to help due to theinancially virus. Everyone. Rning, [speaking spanish] yesterday i shared [speaking foreign language] shared with you that my wife wassing with tested for covid19 was being tested covid19 and that test did come back positive. Sophias symptoms remain mild but we are taking every precaution. Isolation forn in the time being. We are thinking about all the families across the country who the same diagnosis but were in good hands. We have full confidence in anddas Health Officials professionals. This means that upon my doctors will remain in i selfisolation for 14 days. Clear. To be i have no symptoms and im feeling good. And Technology Allows me to work from home. Of course, its an inconvenience frustrating. We are all social beings, after all. But we have to do this. Because we have to protect our neighbors and our friends, our more vulnerable seniors and people with preexisting conditions. We are following medical advice, as should all canadians. On that note, i want to thank all of Canadas Health professionals and the Public Health agency, who are doing an incredible job supporting and after all of us. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] today, ministers blair, hidu and garneau announced that canada has advised canadians to curtail nonessential International Travel and that the cruise season is suspended until july bringing inare additional screening measures at airports. We are also streamlining arrivals to be better positioned for screening. Many provincesw take strong steps to keep people safe. Needs to beng what done to protect the public, and i want to thank them for their exemplary work. Later today i will have a call with the premieres and to discussleaders the latest developments and coordinate our efforts, the over billion dollar covid19 response fund, theh provides money to provinces and territories to support preparation and mitigation. Significant steps, and we will do more. And territories are facing various levels of risk but we will make sure that our response across the country. Be assing covid19 must to keep canadians safe, to mitigate Economic Impacts of the virus, all levels of the virus government are working together. We are coordinating our efforts. We are working very closely. We are pulling out all the stops. We know you are worried. You are worried about your health, your familys health. Your job, savings. Paying rent. The kids not being in school. I know you are uncertainty about are uncertain about the global economy. We are in the enviable position of having significant fiscal firepower available to support you. This is in addition to the measures we have already taken. The finance minister is in constant communication with his International Counterparts to find ways to Work Together to mitigate the impacts of the virus in the global economy. Furtherll be announcements shortly this afternoon. The agreement we reached gives us the flexibility to do the things we need to do to support canadians. No one should have to worry about paying rent, buying groceries, or additional in 19are because of cove because of covid19. We will help canadians financially. The government of canada will be introducing a significant fiscal stimulus package in the days ahead. [speaking french] the government of canada will be announcing a major stimulus package over the next few days. I know that many of you are worried, concerned you are concerned for your health, and the health of your families as well. We are doing everything that needs to be done to protect our economy. We find ourselves in a very good fiscal position to do that. All of the levels of government are working together to slow the spread of the virus down. You and companies are taking precautions as well. In canada we have Health Care Professionals and Health Care Services which are exemplary and they are doing incredible work as we speak. P. M. Trudeau to stop the spread of the virus. Businesses and citizens are taking precautions. We have outstanding Public Health authorities who are doing an outstanding job. We will get through this together. [speaking french] [speaking french] french cbc. You have been talking about eliminate foreign travelers coming into canada. Could you be specific about what you are thinking of doing . Are you targeting specific countries, reducing flights . People are worried the coronavirus could spread from other countries. What are you doing specifically . P. M. Trudeau we are working on specific measures, specific steps. I can tell you we intend to reduce the number of airports, accepting overseas flights, so that we can streamline the processes that will ensure canadians remain safe. We are also thinking of looking at the origins of flights. We will take steps on that. We will continue to work on a daily basis to make sure canadians are safe. P. M. Trudeau airports that will accept travelers from overseas in order to be able to give the proper resources on all arrivals to ensure we are doing everything we can to keep canadians and canada safe. We are obviously looking at countries of origin and further measures we can take. We will make those decisions based on the best science, best recommendations. [speaking french] are you thinking about completely closing the borders to the citizens of specific countries, and if that is the case, what will the criteria be used . Is it level of community contamination, number of cases in canada . P. M. Trudeau [translated] this will be based on recommendations of experts and Public Health authorities. We have full confidence in our experts in canada. Internationally we will be following recommendations. We will not be closing the door to any possible measures. We are looking at what we can do to make sure that we continue to keep canadians safe. That will continue, thank you. [english] we will make recommendations based on medical experts, Public Health authorities and top scientists. We understand we have taken significant measures over the past weeks and months to ensure canadians are kept safe and to slow the spread of the virus. We will continue to make determinations of how best to do that based on recommendations of experts. We are not closing the door to any further steps, but we will make those decisions based on what science tells us. The Financial Markets have had two of their worst days on record. You talked about the governments fiscal power. Why havent we used it yet and what are you planning to do . P. M. Trudeau two days ago we announced a 1 billion plan to help invest in health and support canadians across the country. We have put forward measures that will strengthen e. I. And help canadians. We recognize there is much more to do. We do not want any canadian to have to worry about whether or not they are going to be able to pay their rent, whether or not they are going to be able to buy groceries or care for their kids or elderly family members. We need to make sure canadians have the options and the ability to follow the best Public Health advice and keep themselves safe. That is what we are focused on and we will be rolling out those measures in the coming days. The finance minister will make further announcements later today on concrete measures to support our economy. But further to that in my conversations with fellow g7 leaders, we have agreed it will be important for us to coordinate at a g7 level to impact the global economy. We will be continuing to follow up on those conversations in the coming days as well. Are you considering direct financial payments to canadians or to affected industries . P. M. Trudeau yes, we are looking at ways to do that including vulnerable canadians who will be squeezed if they are not able to go to work. These are the kinds of things we are focused on. Small businesses may struggle through or will struggle through this period of economic slowdown, people choosing to stay at home to protect their families. We will look at how to support them so that once we get through this difficult time, our economy and canadians will continue to prosper. [speaking french] we are looking at how we can help canadians directly. Canadians in the toughest situations, where there is no money coming in. Of course that could have a major impact on their ability to pay their rent, to feed their kids, to look after seniors, or to put food on the table. So we will be taking direct steps to support our canadians who are facing a tough time. We will also be attempting to provide assistance to businesses who will be going through tough weeks as we respond to the threat to Public Health. We will be announcing measures this afternoon that will be done by the minister of finance and early next week that will be further measures to directly help canadians as well. Obviously we wish good health to all canadians but if you are to fall ill, members of your cabinet for instance, what is the plan for governing . P. M. Trudeau we have continued to engage, we have been busy both yesterday and today. We will continue to work from home and remotely to do the important things that need to be done to keep canadians safe. We have an exceptional cabinet that is working hard on all of these issues as well. We have extraordinary public servants. We will continue to do the work that needs to be done to keep canadians safe while following all of the directions by public Health Officials. I dont think that indicates whether there is a contingency plan in place if you were to fall sick. I am curious why Public Officials have told you you dont need to be tested. P. M. Trudeau first of all, there have always been contingency plans for cabinet members who are sick or even a Prime Minister who has fallen ill. We will continue to follow all of those correct contingency plans. For now, i am continuing to work extremely hard from home. In terms of advice i have gotten from medical professionals, it was explained to me that as long as i do not show any symptoms at all, there is no value in having me tested. [speaking french] [translated] while i am following the instructions of Health Care Professionals, they have explained to me that if i dont have symptoms of the coronavirus, it is not worthwhile having me tested for the virus. There are canadians who are perhaps wondering, you are a healthy man, you might have covid19, you might not have any symptoms at all. You are the Prime Minister. You continue to share a house with ms. Gregoire. Why are you not getting tested systematically on a daily basis . The advice from experts is as follows. If i am not showing any symptoms, not feeling any symptoms it is not worth having me tested. Ms. Gregoire returned from london last week, right . You met many people during the week, toronto, ottawa, throughout the week. Dont you feel that you might be a vector for the transmission or the spread of the virus . P. M. Trudeau [translated] i talked about that and given i have no symptoms, not showing symptoms of covid19, while that means really that based on the advice, there is no risk of people i have worked with over the past week. [english] the fact i have expressed absolutely no symptoms means that anyone i engaged with throughout this week has not been put at risk. I am wondering given the warnings canada is giving about traveling abroad, should canadians be traveling between provinces and cities given how different the virus is spreading within canada . P. M. Trudeau i think people need to make responsible decisions and check with their medical professionals and their own travel plans in terms of what makes sense for them. I know canadians will listen to the advice of experts and make decisions that are appropriate for them and for their family. Can you describe what yourself isolation means for you and your family and your wife

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