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I would like to introduce you gabbardgabbard tulsa tulsi gabbard. Aloha. Good to see you. Thank you for coming out, everybody. Nice to see you. Thank you. Have a seat. Aloha. It is great to be back here in detroit. You got it going on. I actually have roots in michigan. Pretty deep roots. I want to introduce you to my mother, there in the back. She grew up here in michigan, grand rapids. Went to university of michigan. Before my dad came, swept her off her feet, took her far into the pacific ocean, to a Little Island called american samoa. She is having a blast being back here. Thank you so much. You know what is so incredible to me, that im grateful for every day, throughout this we have beengn, campaigning for a year all over the country. It is the privilege and honor of being able to spend time with people like you everywhere. People who are coming from all n different backgrounds, across party lines, racial lines, across all walks of life, coming together, being bound together, by a singular motivation. It is a motivation thank you sir. Is based in love. Love of country. Love and care for each other. A deep concern for the challenges that we face. The deeply rooted challenges that go beyond the superficial, hyper partisan bickering of the day, but really deeply rooted in recognizing, how do we stand together as americans to solve problems . To solve the problems impacting every one of us, our families, our children, our parents, our loved ones. This is what binds us all together. This is what has brought you all out here tonight. You could spend your time doing anything but you are here because you care. This is where i draw great hope and inspiration for where we can go together as a country. We recognize how divisive, unfortunately, this current political culture is that we are in. Where instead of really focusing on issues, focusing on listening to the voices of people across our country, we have so many headlines, so much of the noise on social media, really about pitting a group of people against one another. Who you voted for, who you voted against, what your job is, how or if you worship, or even what cable news channel you watch. All of these Different Things adding fuel to the cancel culture that its really undermining foundational principles of the country, where, for generations, we have celebrated freedoms like the freedom of speech, where just as i have a right to stand here before you, you have a right to stand and share your views, your principles, to run for office and bring your ideas to the forefront in how we solve problems. We should not be afraid of having diversity of those ideas. We should not be afraid of the different perspectives and experiences we bring. It is through this dialogue, through our ability to see each other as fellow americans and treat each other with respect, and have these engagements where we can agree on something, disagree on others, agree without being disagreeable by staying focused on what the mission is. That if our mission is not about our own selfish interest or our own arrogance or pride or anything else, but really about how we can make a positive impact for each other and our country and planet, this is what lights that pathway forward for us. I read a quote from Abraham Lincoln recently that i had never seen before that really drove the point home for me. I have been sharing it with everybody ever since. He said, i dont like that man. I need to know him better. [applause] such a powerful, simple but powerful statement that really tells us how we bridge these divides. I have been asked over and over again, and it has been heartbreaking every time i have asked from people who care so much but feel so hopeless, and ask, is it even possible for our country to bridge these divides when we are so torn apart . How do we get to a place where we can treat each other with respect, regardless of whether we are of the same party or another, at a time where people are casting judgment saying, i do not want to talk to you or hear your ideas or have anything to do with you because you are of the other, fill in the blank. Understand how dangerous this is, if this is what we are willing to accept as america, then the truth of the speech Abraham Lincoln gave will come about. That a house divided against itself cannot stand. That will become our reality. To me, this speaks to the Pivotal Moment that we have before us, that you have before you in this election. About what choice you will make. What kind of leadership you want, what kind of future you want for the country. Only for ourselves, but those who come after us. What kind of message do you want to send to leaders in washington . Where unfortunately, we live in a country where our government is of, by, and for the powerful elite, leaving the rest of us behind. That this vision that our founders had for us, that we would have representatives of the people whose sole mission was serving you, is far from the reality we are struggling with today. We can see this evidence not just with the headlines. I dont know about you, but when i am flipping through the headlines on my phone or flipping through the channels with pundits and talking heads, it is so disconnected from conversations im having in rooms like this in small towns, east, west, people across the country who are frustrated because your voice is not breaking through and it is not for lack of trying. It is because the truth and your voices and the ability and desire for us to come together as americans, setting differences aside and saying we have got to figure this out, we have got to bring about the change, we have got to solve the problems, for each other. It is very telling when we face a situation where powerful elite in washington are not even trying to hide the fact that they are afraid of voices of the people. That out in the open now, you have a lot of money being spent, lobbying efforts being made in preparation for the Democratic Convention saying hey, if voters in the country pick a candidate that the powerful elite do not like, we have to back up plan voices ofe the the people. It is not even a secret. It is blatantly being thrown in our faces. The ball is then in our court. What will we do about it . Do we lie down and be like, you have the power and we have nothing, and let them roll through . Absolutely not. But do not let it stop there. We have to continue to speak truth to power and continue to hold leaders accountable, to continue to remind them about the oath that every Single Member of congress takes. About the first three words in the constitution that we take that oath, too. It does not say we the wealthy or we the powerful its as we it says we the people. We the people. [applause] that means something. That means something. Our Founding Fathers were very intentional with those first three words. It is a reminder to everyone of us that in the darkest of times, where you feel so hopeless, that the power in this democratic republic lies in our hands, that ultimately, we, the people, have the responsibility, challenge, the opportunity to determine what leaders you want working for you. To fire,r to hire and that power to hold leaders accountable if we choose to do so. People, the words are reminders to the leaders sent to washington on your behalf about who you are accountable to. We are far from the reality that we know this is where we need to go. I start the conversation talking about this because it is at the heart of how we can bring about solutions to the whole laundry list of challenges that impacts our environment, our planet, that impacts the decisions and effects of what our country is doing on the global front, the consequences are very real. But unless we address what is at the heart of both our challenge that we face in this country, and our opportunity to raise our voices, we will not be able to see progress. This is the most critical thing. We too often feel like our voices will not be heard, like we are powerless to affect change. When we look throughout history and weve seen monumental changes in this and other countries, i think of obviously leaders like dr. Martin luther king and nelson mandela, mahatma gandhi, leaders who recognize two important things. The power of the peoples voices and how essential it is that even during the darkest of times, the only way to defeat the darkness is with light, that even in the times where we feel surrounded by negativity and hatred, bigotry, racism, go down the list, that our challenge and opportunity is to stand strong with courage and strength that can only come with love to defeat the hate. It is the only thing that can, because love is not weak. Think about people in your own life, those who you love most dearly. Whether you are a parent or child, brother or sister, spouse, partner, think about those who you love most dearly in your life. And the length you would go to fight for them. For their safety, their wellbeing, their security. Only love can defeat hate. And this love and respect and we have for one another, whether we are coming together as strangers or coming together as friends is rooted in this identity of who we are as americans. What we want, because this is the truth, our nation is not defined by one person who occupies the white house. Our nation is defined by us. [applause] by the constitution. We are america. We are america. So the opportunity is ours. And this is where i see hope for our future. You are not alone. I guarantee you in this room tonight we have republicans and democrats, independents and libertarians. [applause] if you are coming here tonight and feeling you are the only one who is here tonight who voted for trump in the last election, i guarantee you are not alone. If youre coming in here saying, gosh, i am going to be the only republican in the room full of democrats, i guarantee you are not alone. Whether you voted for bernie, hillary, trump, ron paul, gary johnson, just like we are here tonight as Americans First standing together to put country first, there are people gathering all across the country who are doing exactly the same thing. This is how we bridge those divides and heal the divisive wounds in our country and blaze a new path forward for our country that does not fit into these conformed boxes that people tell us you have to be this or that. Prejudging who we are and what we are capable of, the power is in our hands, the opportunity is ours. We cannot look back, we cannot fail, we have to carry this torch forward if not for yourself then for those you love and this country we hold most dear. Take you very much, everybody, for being here and standing with me here tonight. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. We have a couple of microphones. I want to kick off our conversation, make the most of the time we have, we will try to keep your questions brief, i will try to keep my answers brief, and we will try to get to as many people as possible. We will start with you. Hi. My question is, going forward, you mentioned it when you were talking about superdelegates, and for me that was the saddest part of 2016 for friends who are truly democrats. I am independent. What is the path forward to get past that so the true votes of the people will matter to the Democratic Party . Rep. Gabbard thank you. I see two really important ways to address this ongoing challenge. Many of us were raising alarm bells. Myself included not realizing how deeply impactful and problematic superdelegates were, and how they are continuing to be. So a lot of people ended up running to the delegates and officeholders in the local Democratic Party, the national Democratic Party, getting seats on the rules committee where those decisions are being made, but it was tough. It was tough. I know people who were serving on the rules committee, and how much opposition there was to getting rid of superdelegates, because that was the goal. The compromise position that was taken was the first ballot, superdelegates would not be allowed to weigh in which does make a difference. You are seeing elections happening in different states. I remember back in 2016, i was scratching my head saying if bernie would won the popular vote by large margin, how on Election Night he has less delegates than hillary clinton. They were throwing in superdelegates who committed to her which was not an accurate representation of people casting votes in those states. So superdelegates moved to the second ballot. In this environment, it is very much looking to be a brokered convention where there will be no settled nominee on the first ballot, which means superdelegates are preparing to jump in on the second ballot, which is what i am concerned about. I think we need to approach this, do not let up making sure those on the rules committees, it is not too late, they could change the rules now if they wanted. I have not seen moves in that direction, but this is the Pressure Campaign that can and should be waged to make sure at assure that make sure that at the Democratic Convention it is the votes and voices of the people that are respected and heard. I think it is hypocritical to talk about how we want higher voter turnout, as many people engaged as possible unless you do not like what they have to say. That is not what this democracy is supposed to be about. I would say lobbying directly to those in the dnc who have the ability to make these decisions and continuing to raise your voices online and however you can, we have to shine a light on this problem. [applause] voices online and however you hi. I saw you pop up when i said grand rapids. What is your sons name . Son,ll, this is not my this is my friend. You have grown a lot since i last saw you. Every president s day i like to read George Washingtons farewell address, and he talks about losing liberty through the party system. And i know you talked about bringing independents and republicans. I know you stepped down from the dnc when you saw problems. How do you continue to fight this destructive parties while also being in a party . Rep. Gabbard the current structure of our political system has created zero space outside of the two party system. Am continuing to work to bring about reforms to my party, the Democratic Party, by running to be the democratic nominee where i will be the head of the parties and can directly impact making these changes. And by continuing to shine a light on it, something i get criticized for. I want to make sure we are pointing out the problem so we can solve them, and not throwing our head in the sand and saying, everything is fine, moveon. No. How can we actually get to a place where in my view we can return the Democratic Party back to the soul. It is why a joined the Democratic Party back when i was 20, 21 years old. Old and thinking through which party as i was getting involved in politics. My party was a big open tent party fighting for peace in the planet. That is where a party has to get back to, and that is what i will do as the democratic nominee. Thank you. [applause] over here. Hi. My name is robert. Thanks for being here, robert. I just wanted to say i know you said some things you have not said some things you have voted on issues affecting the Lgbtq Community in the past. I want to let you know that when i saw that video you released of you apologizing to the Lgbtq Community, it struck me as so personal, and i really appreciate that about you and how personal you are to everyone , no matter the color of your skin or who you love can i give you a hug . Rep. Gabbard yes. [applause] thank you, robert. I am so happy you are here. Yes, sir . [indiscernible] here you go. You have tremendous experience. Right up. E mic we all know we are one of the best countries but there is room for improvement, you have talked about it. I have seen the world, too. I have lived in the world. I have the impression that the United States is over stretching itself all over the world trying to police other countries on other continents. We have aircraft groups floating around the world and military bases all over the world. Its a lot of resources. Example, i question why, for example, why 75 years after the end of world war ii, we have to guard europe when europe is blooming . Some of the countries in europe have better social systems than we have. You know that. What would you as president do different . What would you try to do . How would you go about it . Did you get my question . Im sorry. Rep. Gabbard i did. I got you, i wanted to make sure everybody else heard you. Thank you. This is central to why i am running for president. Yes, i have to deal with congress on a number of different issues, but the constitution provides the responsibility to lead and set Foreign Policy in the hands of the president and commander in chief. The constitution provides congress with the responsibility of deciding whether or not to declare war, but as president and commander in chief, i bring the experience that i have of both serving as a soldier for almost 17 years. My two deployments [applause] of having served in the height of the war in iraq on two deployments, where like every one of our veterans in this room tonight, whether you are post9 11 era veteran or vietnam era, or you have served in previous conflicts, you know and understand, in a deeply personal way the terribly high human cost of war, and who pays the price. We know and we understand in a deeply personal way the strain and the toll that it takes on our loved ones, our families. It does not often get talked about. So that people really understand it. I did not understand it when i first deployed to iraq. Our loved ones, our families. I did not understand it until i came home. I was gone for 18 months, was focused on my mission, focused on doing my job, and i will never forget, it was the day we came back before dawn in hawaii, stepped off the plane and went into a big hangar, and i ran to my family so happy to be home and went to my dad first to give him a hug. And he held me so close, and i felt his body sobbing as tears ran down his face, it was the first time i had ever seen my father cry in my life. It was that moment that i began to understand the stress and anxiety my mom, dad, family were dealing with. There are incredible costs to our military being stretched thin around the world, carried by those who wear the uniform, but that is really also carried by every one of us. Right now, we are dealing with a coronavirus and trying to prevent it from being an allout pandemic in the world and taking root here in the United States. There are some questions and debate in congress about funding. I will be headed back to washington to look on to vote bill toergency funding make sure no one can say there is not enough money to make sure everyone who needs to be tested for this can get tested. But as there is nitpicking and nickel and diming saying it should be 2 billion, 4 billion, or 8 billion lets stop and think we are spending 4 billion a month in afghanistan right now. 4 billion a month. And yet, people here at home who are sick and with symptoms are not able to get the test they need to prevent them from posing a risk to other people because why . Well, there are not enough tests, the criteria is too narrow because they are trying for othere test people, there are not enough health care gear, masks, gloves for Health Care Providers and first responders. It blows my mind in the United States of america we are far less prepared for this than so many other countries who are on the ball putting resources where they are needed to protect their people. That is one example of many before us today about how our continued spending on wasteful regime change wars like we have seen in iraq, syria, libya, and other places overthrowing dictators in other countries, the nationbuilding that follows, now we are seeing escalating tensions between the u. S. , russia, china, Nuclear Armed countries and nuclear arms race. We have treaties being torn up, the Iran Nuclear Deal thrown in a trashcan all of these cost lives and taxpayer dollars, and they do not make us any safer. So it begs the question, what are we doing it for then . Who is profiting off of this . If it is not strengthening our National Security interest, the safety, security, and freedom of the american people, and not strengthening our interest in any way, then why are we continuing to needlessly send our men and women in uniform into harms way and needlessly taking more money out of your wallets and your pockets and away from the things we need to be serving here at home like Quality Health care for every american. [applause] things like quality education for every american. Things like clean water. How about clean water for every american . [applause] basic, basic essential needs that every american deserves to have served by our government that is responsible for whose responsibility is to serve our interests. This is at the heart of why i am running for president , to serve as commander in chief and bring about a sea change in Foreign Policy to accomplish these goals that ensure your safety, security, and freedom, and ensure your taxpayer dollars will serve your needs. [applause] thank you. Yeah . Hi. Thank you for being here. I was not going to ask any question because i have met you and know all about you. But i need to do this for my wife. As you know, i am a disabled veteran with invisible injuries. They are not invisible injuries. My wife tells me i get the the in wyoming where i live, v. A. In wyoming where i live, and the battle creek, they have been really good to me, taking care of me. Since i returned in 2009, i have literally put my wife and my children through hell, i have. I have attempted suicide. I am going to say three times in the past two years. I go into the closet to pick my nightly meds, and six weeks ago my little daughter was in my room and she thought daddy was going to go in and do that again. My, i guess, question or statement or whatever is the v. A. , at least in my experience, has been really good to me, the services they provided, Community Care when i had to be hospitalized. My wife also works. But the v. A. , department of veterans affairs, needs to do more for the spouses, for the children because this little boy and my daughter are so important, but they have seen me at least three times in the past two years overdose and have an ambulance, and ambulance come and get daddy, not knowing if this will be the time where i did not come back. I wanted to say this past october i came closest in my suicide attempts. I could have made my injuries worse. Actually, i did. Anyway, the v. A. Needs to do more for the families, they are doing really great for at least me. Theow some veterans say v. A. Does not do good they have for me. But the families, and my wife would have wanted me, that is the only reason i am talking because they need to do more for the families like in my situation. My spouse has to miss work. I put them through hell, and i admit that. Rep. Gabbard thank you. [applause] thank you for having the strength and the courage to share that with all of us today. You and your son both. Because you know that you are not only speaking for yourself or your wife and daughter and son, but you are speaking for a lot of folks who may not feel comfortable standing up, grabbing the microphone and sharing the troubles and the hardships that they and their loved ones are going through. The mission of our v. A. Is to care for those who have borne the battle, and that is not limited to the ones who wore the uniform. When one person serves, the whole family serves. [applause] that mandate, that mission does not end when you lay the uniform down and transition back to civilian life as a veteran. That promise that our nation has made to care for, honor, serve those who are willing to sacrifice all in service must continue. I am happy to hear that youre satisfied with the care you are getting from your v. A. , but you are right, a lot of folks are being left behind. I have met more than i would hope to who have come to our town halls, come to gatherings large and small, and we end up crying in each others arms. That burden is so great. And it is often coupled with the sense of purposelessness and hopelessness and wondering, how do i get my life back . This is a challenge for the v. A. , for our leaders in this country, for us as a nation to not just show our gratitude on veterans day by saying thank you for your service, but by making sure that gratitude is turned into action. Not one day of the year but every day of the year. You might question how. If you are not a member of congress and cannot introduce legislation, not able to directly impact the v. A. These are issues we have been working on in my time in congress there are choices and actions we can make in our everyday lives. There is unfortunately still a stigma on veterans who come home they are broken somehow. That we want to thank you for your service, but do it from far away because you have been through stuff we do not understand, when really veterans who are coming home have rare experience in how to lead, make decisions under pressure, how to work as a member of a team. I think the most important quality is having made that decision already to commit your life to service, and i know you are doing that still, even with the challenges you have, you are finding every way possible to make a positive impact for others, stepping outside your comfort zone, stepping outside of your safe space with your family to make that positive impact on others, by expressing this appreciation in our country, we can shift the culture to make sure those who come home are truly supported, and make sure our leaders turn that into action. This is bigger than throwing more money at the v. A. , it is about breaking through the red tape to make sure every veteran and their family that when you go into the v. A. , you are treated with a five star service that you deserve, and that no veteran is left behind. No veteran is left behind. [applause] i will close on your question on this point, there are too few veterans who feel comfortable asking for help. Few veterans who go into the doors of any v. A. Because they feel it is too difficult, or they do not want to show weakness, or they feel alone and there is no one there for them. There is far more that i will do as president than we are seeing done today to expand outreach, to go out and find veterans, especially those living on our streets, going out and offering services, having the v. A. Be an outreach v. A. , and not relying on the cookiecutter services we see, but recognizing every one of us is different and unique and may need a different approach to find that healing, to find that peace. There are amazing programs offering outlets for veterans to work through those demons of war you come home with, but are lacking the support that will help them to expand these programs at scale. It is taking an innovative and creative approach, and actually understanding what it means to serve, to walk in those boots, to be able to solve the problem. My secretary of the v. A. Will have worn those boots and be a veteran, a veteran that every other veteran can trust, thank you. [applause] yeah . Hi, tulsi. Thanks for coming. A question on Media Coverage on you, which has been appalling, frankly. [applause] i think it was just last night, i was watching the mainstream thia and they talked about e four candidates. You are number five. They didnt even want to mention your name. It was ridiculous. Rep. Gabbard i saw the same thing. When i came here today with my husband, we were walking through the airport and we saw a little clip of cnn. They were like, four candidates remaining in the race. Like hello. [applause] rep. Gabbard we are still here, guys. We are still here [applause] i guess the question is, what is driving this . Because something is behind this process where they are blocking you out they dont want to talk to you, hear your positions or invite you on. They dont want to talk to you at all. I dont think this can be an individual news anchors decision. This has to come from the top of the media corporations. Who are the ceos behind Strategic Decisions to make sure they dont talk about you or your positions . Who are these people and what can we do about that . [indistinct shouting] rep. Gabbard [laughing] this is a really important question. Theknow, you can look up at names of the people who run the Cable News Networks and the National News networks, and you are right. It is not one rogue anchor doing their own thing. I have had the opportunity to have one nationally televised town hall throughout this entire campaign. Just about every other candidate that has been running for longer than 100 days has seen double digits in town halls on all three cable networks, and it has not been for lack of seeking those opportunities, trust me. We have experienced from day one, the day i announced my candidacy, i think it was february 2 in hawaii, just as i am about to go and take the stage and share with people why im running for president , there was a hit piece that came out immediately trying to smear my character and my motivations for running for president. Right away. That is what we have seen consistently throughout the campaign. Factually, i dont have any evidence of the individuals behind it. I can guess what is behind it. I dare to speak the truth. I dare to speak the truth. [applause] i have been told before by some of these anchors on different news channels over the last several years. They are, like, tulsi, whenever we have you on our show, we know you will never follow the talking points. We never know what youre going to say. Always bringing a different perspective, or a different angle on the issue being discussed. A lot of people are afraid of the truth, afraid of shining the light on different issues that dont follow the narrative, that threaten the coziness of the relationships between the powerful elite and the parties, between the powerful elite and the media. Between the powerful elite and the warmongering Foreign Policy establishment. Once you start shining a light [applause] rep. Gabbard then you are then holding even those media entities accountable. Saying, oh, well, so you go and hang out with the ambassador from this and that country and have dinner once a week. Interesting. Or that ties in the relationship, you scratch my back i will scratch yours, between the media and those in the intelligence community, to be able to share only the information they want you to see, but not the information that gives you the whole picture or the truth. Daring to speak the truth is my crime. And i have no regrets for it. [applause] people say, tulsi, you are not polling as high as other candidates, well, we have been dealing with a total blackout of the entire campaign, or the coverage we do get is negative and attempt to smear what i am doing and why am running for president. It brings back a bigger issue that is bigger than me or my campaign, which is the incredible, the incredible amount of influence and power that the Corporate Media have over what information you as voters are allowed to see. And where that information then takes you, whether it is limiting which candidates you are allowed to hear from and silencing other voices, or with domestic or global issues, only presenting one view or perspective that really is not indicative of what are often the complexities of so many of these situations. Not telling you the truth about the influence that Industries Like big pharma and big insurance have on the lawmakers who are writing the laws that benefit their bottom line, and hurting and killing people in this country. These are the stories that they should be covering every single day. But instead, and i have seen it myself, you have this coziness of those who thrive off their power in washington that feeds off one another. And if there is too much truth and too much involvement by people in our country once they see the truth, they are like, whoa, that aint right, we have to fix that. See them come all right, you see them, all right, you have to tighten down the hatches. This is a bigger, much bigger issue now, where i think we are seeing more and more in this president ial campaign as well, that unless you are a billionaire and you can afford to dump unlimited amounts of money to get your message out there, or you are a part of the Corporate Media cozy family, it is very challenging. It is very challenging. There are i think a lot of i Different Things that we as a democracy, as a society, need to continue to point out and continue to try to address, whether it is Campaign Finance reform i have introduced legislation called reinstate the fairness doctrine act so that we can retake our public airwaves and make sure youre getting accurate information. Fair information. Im continuing to fight for fairness, for reinstating Net Neutrality so that if you are not interested in watching television, you can go online and have access to media. Those who really are presenting you with the information and the truth that can best help inform every one of your decisions as individuals. Thank you. Yes, maam. Right here. I am an educator. My biggest thing is the social and Emotional Learning of our kids and how we can deal with the major suicide rates, especially in middle school i teach seventh grade it is a huge issue right now. And the fact that we dont have enough teachers. We cant keep teachers. So you are having longterm subs that are not certified, who dont know how to deal with kids, who dont know the kids. It is a huge problem. How can we help our kids and teachers . Rep. Gabbard can i ask you a question . Sure. Rep. Gabbard what is the biggest thing that you are seeing just in your school that is causing teachers to either stop teaching or preventing others from coming in . Where do you start . Huge class sizes. I see 153 students every single day. The lack of substitutes, so that we are on our prep time, when we prep with other teachers or collaborate, we are subbing. The fact that we dont have ancillary stuff to support us for coteaching, special ed. We have so many kids in our classroom. One teacher and 36 kids is just not enough teachers are getting. Burned out really quick. Four. In year i am here for the long haul, but at our do know three of my colleagues who graduated with me have left the profession already. That is a big thing, i think. Rep. Gabbard thank you. Thank you for being in it for the long haul and choosing to teach. [applause] i think this is one of those things that we often hear rhetoric coming from politicians giving fancy speeches, saying our kids are our future. If that is true, we must not give a shit about our future. Right . Unfortunately. [applause] because actions speak louder than words. That for so long, what you are dealing with today is not something new that started this year or the year before. Ultimately, the dedicating of the necessary resources to make sure kids are able to get a good, quality education in our schools no matter what zip code they happen to be born in is still seemingly an impossible dream. That means it is not only a resource problem, that it is a leadership problem, of backing up those words with action. In my administration, i would start with the very first essential step of making sure that my secretary of education has been a teacher. [applause] why this even needs to be said is mindblowing, but i can understand how critical it is, even just i served in the state house in hawaii, city council, then congress. My eighth year there. In these experiences, i have seen the work i have done with teachers in my home state. How the decisions being made at the highest levels in our government, whether by elected officials or political appointees, even with the best of intentions, more often than not, see unintended negative consequences because they do not have any idea you are dealing with every single day. That as politicians in congress are making decisions about resources, where do we authorize those funds to go to . Those decisions are being made with a vacuum, without the input from teachers on the front lines, whether in big cities or small towns, saying, this is where we need the most help. By approaching this from this perspective, not only with the secretary of education but i would form a National Council of teachers to help inform those policies that are being made in washington, to best empower teachers to do what you do best. [applause] and this is the incredible thing. Whenever i need teachers i always say thank you. I went in one day to a high school in my district in hawaii and they let me teach two periods of a history class. Two periods. [laughter] i left with a whole new level of respect for those who choose this profession. You dont get paid very much. For those who say teachers have got it made, you work from 8 00 to 2 00, you get weeks off in the summer, what a great life you wish. My fatherinlaw is a Public School teacher in hawaii. We see what you do. You spend so much time prepping before class, grading and planning for the next day, after class and late into the night, figuring out how you will make this work so that the hours you get to spend with your kids are maximized. Ultimately, this is about valuing our future, valuing our children, and those of you who have this really heavy responsibility every single day, to best help give them the tools to set themselves up for success. The point you started out with about social and Emotional Learning. [inaudible] rep. Gabbard exactly. Learning how to cope with new challenges that kids may be 10 years ago were not dealing with. This is an urgent crisis. The fact that we have kids in middle school who are contemplating suicide is heartbreaking to the greatest levels. We have to put our money where our mouth is. We care about our kids. We care about our families and our communities. We have to do what is necessary to attract those professionals back into this profession. Those who care for our kids. So they can best help them at this foundational moment in their lives, and not just by saying here, we are going to give you some more drugs to numb the pain, but actually help them get to a place of peace and healing. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, we have time for one more question. Rep. Gabbard yes, maam. Right here. Yep. Did you have a question, or did he . She is deferring. Ok. You have talked a lot about big tech and how they are part of this twin headed hydra between the media and them and restricting free speech and attacking consumer choice. We have gone to a point where we are in the 1910s again and big tech has become the new railroad company, and we have Big Tech Companies that are integrating their manufacturing and make it so that only that company and authorized retailers can buy their parts. Do you think this country needs a Teddy Roosevelt moment with big tech and we need to start trustbusting again . Rep. Gabbard yes i do. [applause] i do. I feel strongly about this. [cheers and applause] when we talk about a washington that is ruled by the powerful elite, these big tech monopolies, and there are only a small number of them, are at the core of what needs to change on so many levels. But, yes. It begins with updating our antitrust laws so that they actually do apply to big tech. It is about increasing understanding and awareness in washington of what Big Tech Companies are all about so that we can make sure that our laws are protecting the consumers and ing sure we are opening up maybe opening up is not the right word by making sure that the internet, which is supposed to be this universal equalizer, actually provides that equal opportunity for the startup journalist, or the single mom at home starting her own online small business, or for someone who is starting their own youtube channel, talking about whatever they want to talk about. We got a lot of work to do in this area, and there is not just the antitrust laws that have to be addressed, the article 230 laws have to be reformed. These are things i am working on legislation right now to do so, so that big tech monopolies who are choosing whose voices they want to be heard on their platform are treated with the same liability laws that every publisher in this country are, because that is essentially what they are doing. [cheers and applause] this is such a big topic. I could talk about how our information is being monetized, Civil Liberties being violated, freedom of speech being undermined. We are on the same page. [cheers and applause] rep. Gabbard thank you. Thank you so much everybody. I am sorry. We are running out of time tonight. I will be able to stick around for a few minutes if you would like to come around and say hello or take a picture. We are buffering in some time to be able to do that. I want to ask you to take home some thoughts with you. As you head towards your election day here in michigan, i want you to really understand the power that you have in your hands, that, yes, it is about the power you have to make sure your voices are heard through your vote individually, but understand that every single one of you here, without exception, without exception, you have a sphere of influence that you can bring with you to make this change. If you have five people on your contact list in your phone, i guarantee you most of you have hundreds of people there. If you have facebook friends. If you are on twitter. If you have a job and you go to work, there are people you work with. If you are a student and you go to school, you have people youre seeing every single day, family members, friends. I hope you walk away from here tonight thinking not only about how you will cast your vote but how you can do more. Because this time requires everyone of us to do more. The obstacles are great. We have talked about some of them before us. Those who are fighting against the voices of the people have a lot of weapons and tools in their arsenal. But none of them, none of them can withstand the raw, awesome power of the voices of the people. [applause] that is on us. [applause] so, if you are sick and tired of politicians in washington who say one thing and do another, i invite you to stand with me. If you are sick and tired of those in washington who spend a lot of time talking and no time , i invite youou to stand with me. If you are sick and tired of those who sit in great positions of power and responsibility making decisions for themselves, their power, their greed, or their influence, instead of being focused on their responsibility to serve you, i ask you to stand with me. [applause] and if you are sick and tired of seeing our men and women in uniform coming home in coffins, and others with wounds both visible and invisible, wondering what they are fighting for, i invite you to stand with me. [applause] this is not a game. This is not a game. As much as the pundits on tv make it sound like fantasy football, we are talking about real peoples lives. The lives of every single american in this country. The lives of your kids, eva, who are coming to school dealing with the kind of trauma and hardship that no child should be struggling with. Those who have cancer and who cant get the medication they need because they are not rich enough, and wondering how they will survive. Those families who are working hard every single day across our country, barely making ends meet, one emergency away from being put on the street. We are talking about real peoples lives, and we are talking about the heart of our country. Want. Uture we what we want this country to represent for every american and every person around the world. The answers to these questions lie in our hand and our ability to say, how can i do more, how can i be of service . How can i make a positive impact on those around me and for our future . If you agree with me and you share these concerns, i ask you to stand with me and let us do all that we can, not for ourselves but for each other, for our country, for our future. Thank you very much. [cheers and applause] rep. Gabbard aloha ladies and gentlemen. Rep. Gabbard thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. They dos gentlemen, if you would like to take a picture with tulsi, please lineup on the left side of the room. Daniel, raise your hand. Everyone behind daniel. During this election season, the candidates beyond the talking points are only revealed over time. But since you cant be everywhere, there is cspan. Our campaign 2020 programming differs from all other political coverage for one simple reason. It is cspan. We have brought you our unfiltered view of government every day since 1979, and this year, we are bringing you an unfiltered view of the people seeking to steer that government this in other words, november. Your future. So this election season, go deep, direct and unfiltered, see the biggest picture for yourself and make up your own mind. With cspans campaign 2020, brought to you as a Public Service from your television provider. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up this morning, we are getting a reaction to the primary results from super tuesday. Join the live conversation all morning with your phone calls, facebook comments, texts, and tweets. Be sure to watch washington journal live at 7 00 a. M. This morning. Join the discussion. Heres a look at our live coverage wednesday. On cspan, the house is back at 10 00 a. M. Eastern for general speeches followed by legislative business at noon. They are expected to work on a bill dealing with the rights of tsa officers and may take up emergency supplemental funding related to the coronavirus. On cspan2, the Senate Returns at 10 00 to continue work on a a. M. Comprehensive energy bill. On cspan3 at 10 00 a. M. , federal Health Officials from the National Institutes of health testified before a House Appropriations subcommittee on the president s 2021 budget for the agency, and the work on that the work of the nih in researching the coronavirus. At 2 30 p. M. , at hearing on the role of global aviation in containing the spread of the infectious disease. Acting u. S. Customs and Border Protection officer mark morgan is among one of the witnesses scheduled to appear before the Senate Commerce aviation subcommittee. Former new york city mayor Mike Bloomberg spoke as the results of super tuesday primaries were started to be reported. Voters go to the polls on march 17

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