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Mr. Biden norfolk thank you, thank you, thank you. Olk. O, norf god love you. Wow ill tell you what. I have got to start off with my mother. She said, joey, you have to say please excuse my back when i am talking. I apologize, everybody back here. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Governor, thank you for that introduction. Once and future governor of virginia. ,ook, i dont know if you heard whether you know wait or not, last night, there was a primary in South Carolina. And i just wanted to say a special thanks before i go much further to my friend, your senator, kim kane. A teachers son, and ironworkers son, who fought for people his whole life, and he is a governor who took on the nra after the massacre at Virginia Tech as well as other fights. He is not proud i am proud. There is no one i would rather have. Congressman donald, where are you standing . Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is allur nominee, his faults. He has been pushing me to do this for a long time. [laughter] mr. Biden mr. Biden you have been with me from the very beginning, and i am grateful for it. I really mean it. Congresswoman i call her commander. Commander. [laughter] mr. Biden i came down and campaigned for her and she won in spite of it. She was winning by 20 points. She still won after i campaigned for her. I will tell you what, you were doing a heckuva job, commander, and you helped us win back the house in 2018. And a guy who is forgotten about, who most people will never know, congressman bobby scott. Bobby has been a great friend for a long time. We served in the house and senate together in judiciary committees, and bobby, i want to tell you, you are going to be in trouble, because the first thing i am going to do when i get elected president , god willing, i am going to sign into law youre safe justice act, which will change a lot of things, so for real, you know it. You know it. You . Olks, mayor, where are mayer, thank you, man. Thank you. It was a different place because of you and congratulations. Thank you, thank you for being with me. Thank you for your endorsement. And Governor Terry mcauliffe. This is the guy who has been a leader who fought for a change in virginia that when i started off here as a United States atator, when i got elected 29 years old, back 180 years ago, that virginia was a circumstance that the idea that the only way you could find the way through getting to the president cy was a win in virginia presidency was a win in virginia. Because of you. , you and timat have changed the landscape here. You have changed the landscape of the country, and here is the deal. To all those who have been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. This is your campaign. Just days ago, the press and the pendants declared my candidacy dead. Heart of theo the Democratic Party in South Carolina, i am very much alive. And you know, the interesting thing is that on tuesday here in virginia, you could be launching pad to the past to beat donald trump. You know, this campaign has taken off, so i ask you all to join us, and anybody watching this on television, i want to joebiden. Com,o sign up, volunteer, contribute if you can. We need you and we will use you and we will take advantage of all the efforts you can provide for the campaign. There is a place in our campaign for you. You know, the next few days, democrats all across the nation here in virginia will be voting on super tuesday. The moment to choose the path forward for our party has arrived. Maybe sooner than most people thought it would. Maybe sooner than they thought it would, but it is here, and the decision democrats are going to make across america for the next few days will determine what our party stands for, what we believe in, and what we will be able to get done. If democrats want to nominate someone who can beat trump, keep nancy pelosi as speaker, hold the house of representatives, and take back the u. S. Senate and state legislature, like in virginia, if they want to do that,if they want to do now is the moment. Folks, you know, the fact is that the decisions democrats make all across america the next few days will determine, as i said, what we stand for, and folks, you know, if democrats want a nominee who will build on obamacare, not scrap it, they want to take on the nra, gun manufacturers, and not protect them, who want to stand up for the poor and the middle class, well, folks, we have arrived at that moment. That is the change. If you are going to stand up and make sure the middle class does not have to raise their taxes, and you have someone who makes a promise that can be capped, then join us, and if democrats want coalition and a legacy of the most successful democrat in our lifetime, barack , we can do this. We can do this by building this coalition. We can do this by bringing together americans of every race, every ethnicity, every. Ender, every economic station republicans, democrats, as well as independents. Ladies and gentlemen, this race is bigger than just the Democratic Party. The character of america is on the ballot. Literally. Big or loser win big. Winning big or and big, that is a choice. Most americans dont want the promise of a revolution. What they want is results. Results. Want to give all americans access to real opportunity. To have Affordable Health care available for every american. An environment with cleanair and clean water. An Education System that funds our schools, pays our teachers, and make sure Community College is free. A nation that is able to stand up successfully to the nra, perform our criminal justice system, and mobilize the world against climate change. And an economy that rewards work, not just wealth. Than as about a lot more paycheck. Its about a lot more than a paycheck. Its about your dignity. It is about your place in the community. It is about who you are. It is about being able to look your kid in the eye. He would say this after having lost a job in scranton, pennsylvania. We had to move to delaware. It took three years to be able to buy another home, but he would say it means about who you are. Being able to look your kid in the eye and say, honey, its going to be ok. Longestaybe made that walk a parent has to make, up a dad lost his job or mom last her job. We cannot live here anymore. We cannot live here anymore. Your brothers are going to go home as well. I am going to move down to delaware. I thought it was like going to the moon. My dad believed it because then he thought there was a chance that if you worked like hell, you would have equal opportunity. Ask the people who made that walk today. Ask them whether they think they can look their child in the eye and say, it is going to be ok and mean it. Killed. Are getting receive a bill that they did not expect. They have to borrow the money or sell something. Folks, thats not who we are. Thats not the United States of america. That is not what we have been or have to be. Look, im in this for all our families. For all our communities, because its the right thing to do. Thats what makes us democrats. Talk is cheap. False promises are deceptive. The talk of revolution isnt changing anyones life right now. The fact is, you need real results and we need them now. Thats what ive done my whole career and ill do it as president. It isnt an election to spends our time in a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. Thats going to be determined by all of you. But were in a battle for the soul of america. This is the most perilous moment in the lifetime of anyone here in terms of politics. Youve never voted in an election, no matter how old you are, thats more consequential than where we are now. Folks, you know, i believe with every fiber in my being, that when we talked about, you know, i announced my candidacy up in philadelphia. Winning means uniting america. Not selling more division. It means not only fighting but healing this country. [applause] youve got to heal it. We have to beat donald trump and the Republican Party but we cant become like them. We cant become them. I get criticized in this caucus in this democratic primary, for talking about, were not were going to have endless war. Folks, system doesnt work windless war between the parties. If that happens, that continues, i refuse to accept the notion that we cant bring it together because if we cant all thats left, all thats left is the abuse of power by a president because we cant get anything done. Its not at all consistent with our constitution. Folks, look, we must heal our divisions and repair this democracy and above all, its time for america to get back up, and once again, fight for the proposition, as corny as i sounds, the proposition, the truth is so self evident, we hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator. [applause] we, the people, in order to form a more Perfect Union, look, look, weve never lived up to those words of jefferson, but we have never, never, never walked away from them. Like we have under this president. I believe those words with every fiber in my being. I saw a few days ago in a town hall on cnn in charleston, South Carolina, you know, a gentleman spoke up or reverend, he stood up and he asked me a question in that town hall, his name is reverend anthony thompson, whose wife myra, was studying the words of her bible with eight other parishioners, with mother emanuel 4 1 2 years ago. It was their weekly bible study. And, you know, a white supremacist walked in, they were trying to find purpose in faith and in god and in each other. And in an instant, in an instant, what happened. Hates vengeance pierced their faith. They are lost forever. Us what most incredible about that congregation, whats most remarkable, is reverend thompson and the families of emmanuel nine is that through their pain and grief, they for gave. Remember, they forgave the killer, and in their forgiveness, more change, more change has been brought to South Carolina than in the past hundred years. The Confederate Flag came down as a consequence of that. [applause] for real. Basically shamed the legislature in doing the right thing. And real change began to take place. That was six weeks after my son bo biden had just died. After a long, long illness. And my wife and my son and daughter and i, we stayed down another two days because we wanted to go back to the sunday service at mother emmanuel. After the funerals had already taken place and the Memorial Service had ended. Because we needed to heal. We needed to be in a situation where, where we, the family, could find the kind of peace. God knows how they found it. Folks, we went back to that church and with every day thats passed, every season thats passed, they have gotten up and weve been able to get up, because we learned, and im not proselytizing, im not trying to continue any particular faith, but it was faith that got us back up. I know youre not supposed to talk about this. [applause] but every day, every season thats passed, you know, what i learned, and a lot of you have been through as much or worse than i have been through in your family life, losing children and a wife and things like that, but but, you know what . You find out what i found, and thats why i went back to the church, i think we all have to think about this, back to their church, is that i found the only way to deal with real loss is to find purpose. To find purpose. And to do things that are worthy of the blessings to live in this remarkable country and the things that you hope and pray, that what you lost would be proud of you for doing. How many in this room, in this gymnasium, have lost a child, mother, father, brother, sister, look around, anywhere from half to 2 3 of the people have been through that. You know what im talking about. And many people have been through a lot worse than i have been through without any kind of help from the family that i had. My point is. This youre the reason im in this race. People like you here tonight and all around the country, because the days of Donald Trumps divisiveness has to come to an end. Empathy, no concern, no ability to understand what people are going through. They have to end. Because its not who we are. Because the American People have seen the alternative. Thats why were going to be able to change this. They now know, they now know, there are two ways people get inspired. By inspirational leaders from lincoln all the way through to obama, or by really bad people. By people who dont seem to have any sense of decency and honor and compassion. Guess what . The days of donald trump have, in fact, made people realize we cant go on like this. We have to build a more Perfect Union because the American People have seen the alternative. So my message to you is simple. Folks, lets get back up. Were decent, brave, resilient people. Were better than this moment and were better than this president. So get up. Lets take the country back. This is the United States of america. We have never, never, never, never failed when weve set our mind to it and done it together. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Its time to get up, take back the country, and lead the world once again. God bless you all and may god protect our troops. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. Rotc today by your television provider. Brought to you today by your television provider. Cspans washington journal live every day with and policy issues that impact you. Monday morning, we will talk about campaign 2020. U. S. Andion of the Global Response to the coronavirus rate former fda commissioner. Washingtonwatch journal live at 7 00 eastern monday morning. Join the discussion. Next, Pete Buttigieg announces he is suspending his president ial campaign. He spoke from south bend indiana, where he was mayor for eight years

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