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discrimination based on sex, and president trump delivers his budget proposal. his budget priorities to congress today. the house will be in order. the chair lady before the house of communications on the speaker. the speaker for grade 10, 2020. i hereby appoint the honorable rick larsen nancy pelosi, speak of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the house of january 7, 2020, the chair now recognizes the members from listses submitted by the majority and new orleans nor morning hour debate. the time will be equally allocated between the parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip limited to five minutes. but in no event shall debate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. bishop, for five minutes. mr. beneficiary yp: -- thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, north carolina state senator tom going minnis of rockingham has been named citizen of the year by the richmond community college foundation and i rise to comment on this well deserved honor for my friend. tom is an alumnus of r.c.c. and i know this distinction is meaningful to him. i was privileged to serve with tom in the north carolina senate, and have worked closely with him to learn and serve the needs of richmond county in the time leading to and since my election in the house. that experience deepened my appreciation for tom's love for rockingham and hamlet and the rest of richmond county and his personal force in advocating for the needs and advancement of his people. and i mean everybody. the citizenship award specifically recognizes tom's effort and success in promoting work force training for rural north carolina. and tom has devoted much of his adult life to improving educational opportunity especially. tom grew up on a richmond county farm. he put himself through school and started multiple businesses. in 1983, he founded iron horse auction company, which in 2013 was named one of the top 10 auction companies in the united states. he was elected to the north carolina auctioneers association hall of fame in 1994. tom's public life began with eight years' service on the richmond county board of education. tom is now in his third term in the senate where he served as chairman of the transportation committee. tom played a key role in securing funding for work force training at richmond community college, including programs for and driver training electrical lineman. since just the fall of 2016, the trucking program has graduated 50 new drivers into the work force with highly markable skills. the lineman program started last fall and has a wait list. tom will never forget his rural roots and his people will never forget his hard work and service on their behalf. i'm proud to call him a colleague, meptor -- mentor, and friend. thank you, mr. speaker. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair delayers -- declares the house in recess >> listen live on the free c-span app. president trump will also be in new hampshire today. he's holding a rally in manchester. live coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span3. >> the new hampshire primary is today. watch results and candidate speeches starting at 7:30 p.m. eastern. live on c-span,, or listen on the free c-span radio app. >> article 2 is aacooperated. >> do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of donald john trump, president of the united states, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws, so help you god. the senate will convene as a court of impeachment, what we have seen the last couple days is a descent into constitutional madness. >> again we think the basis upon which this is moved forward is irregular to say the least. >> donald john trump president of the united states is not guilty as charged in the second article of impeachment. >> for the third time in u.s. history, a president has been impeached and acquitted. from the house hearings to the senate trial, c-span has provided live comprehensive coverage of the impeachment of president trump. you can find all of our video and related resources at slash impeachment. c-span, your place for unfiltered coverage of ongress. john: on "news

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