Transcripts For CSPAN Lawmakers Reactions To State Of The Union 20200205

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up his second state of the union. getting lawmakers reaction. senator, what did you think of the speech? >> and impeachment battle in the house and a trial in the senate for the last two weeks. personally, i was hoping for a healing message, not a divisive message. this is one that was more designed to divide us than to bring us together. sometimes, when the president talks about don creation and economic --job creation and economic expansion, he forgets the bottome were at of the worst recession since the great oppression. we had eight years of economic growth and he inherited that and built on that. sometimes, we forget that. i think we do so at our own peril. >> senator, what was divisive? what was divisive about his remarks? >> a number of things that he asserted to the previous administration. for example, they took over the worst recession since the great depression. we were at the bottom. housing was in the toilet. thanks to the leadership of the last administration, we came out of that. were born onople third base. if you like they hit a triple. in this case, the president was fortunate enough to inherit the longest-running economic expansion. since then, we are spending $1 trillion we don't have and that's just like extra money that -- to pump up the economy. eventually, there will be a day of reckoning. >> what did you hear that you think you can get behind? >> the idea that we are going to provide and encourage the provision of family leave for people who may have a need in their family whether it is the birth of a child or a health problem in their family. that's one thing we can all support. > senator carper, thank you for your time. senator, come on over. how are you, sir? >> i have a different view from my friend, tom carper. i thought it was a very good speech which laid out a vision of optimism for the country, and importantly, talked about what we have been getting down in the congress with this administration, growing the economy, unleashing the promise of american energy, starting to work towards addressing some of the big challenges like the opioid epidemic. what i really liked that the president did tonight, which really unites americans, is reminding us of our heroic heritage. i mean, the number of people that he referenced up in the gallery that can bring us all together, the 100-year-old tuskegee airmen who just got promoted to general today. the service members. it was very inspiring, so i thought actually it was something that was going to bring us together and look forwards towards a future that everybody can be optimistic about it i thought it was a strong speech. >> another moment from tonight's speech when he acknowledged rush limbaugh in the chamber tonight. what was that like for you sitting there watching that? >> that's the kind of thing that can bring people together. i did not know that rush limbaugh's cancer had, you know, was in stage four. that's very serious. doing that kind of thing and talking about cures, not just for the big diseases, but for hiv/aids, putting a goal out that the vast majority of americans can work together on, i think it's important. who you have rush limbaugh, is obviously struggling right now, i think that was an important moment of the speech. >> senator, thank you for your time. congressman brady, how are you? go ahead. >> go-ahead. >> healthcare obviously passes under those in your jurisdiction. where do you think you could find common ground with democrats. >> i was thrilled. one with the president's optimistic vision. an american taking care of people from the unborn and innocent to those struggling with diseases to good schools and safe communities. even with drug issues. in the job opportunities for them. i think we can reach bipartisan this year on ending surprise medical bills. when you go to the er, or even have scheduled procedure. i believe we can have a bipartisan consensus on lowering drug prices. while we accelerate new cures. the biggest challenge with speaker pelosi the bill is that it is still up to a hundred new cures coming down the road, we can't have that. we need low prices and new drugs and new cures. i'm hopeful that we can find solutions in that area. stomach there are negotiations happening right now on this. >> i'm encouraged by the work were doing. surprise medical bill as well as our bipartisan discussions on drug pricing. how we ride those prices down. companies justify increases in really lower prices for a cancer care, whether you are a child or a senior in america, we can do this. if we are willing frankly, to put aside all things of the impeachment actually get back to work. as soon as we do that, the sooner we do that, the better. >> we also have your campaign, what are the odds congressman, that you get drug pricing and you get surprise medical billing done printed. >> there is no reason not to bring i am pretty optimistic about it. and of course while the impeachment is going on, and now during this in the housemate launch another investigation, another impeachment. >> we appreciate your time. >> go-ahead is take a step. perfect. your reaction to the speech printed. >> i thought it was epic. i told the president that himself. it was really an extraordinary speech. >> he did not mention impeachment tonight. however, was a something on your mind. >> certainly was on my mind. i was on the defense team but i thought it was really good form. i thought it was classy that he didn't mention it at all. he doesn't need to. it's in the rearview mirror now. american people are exhausted with it. is a bold vision for the future and it's optimistic. that's what the country needs right now. need to be unified and look on the bright side. and the sun is still rising. in the best days are ahead printed. >> some of the special guests, extraordinary. the fact that we have the airm airman, when he is a hundred years old being promoted to general, and the congressional medal of honor going to rush limbaugh, but i've looked up to my whole life. we had some great moments. we spotted an old soldier to see his wife and children. it moved everybody in the chamber. >> you heard the president say there is a $2.2 trillion investment in our military. explain that to our viewers printed. >> the two-point trillion dollar investment is to rebuild readiness to make sure the training comes up to par. to make sure men and women have the resources they need to do the job we asked them to do. we asked them to go on some very dangerous places around the world. they continue to build capacity. the $2.3 trillion, will ensure that they have the tools necessary to be successful when we call upon them and when asked upon to fight victory and come home safe. >> one is to do here in the speech to night that congress needs to act on in the immediate future printed. >> prescription drug prices, the rising cost of healthcare and how we can fix that. he said bring peace of bipartisan to my desk and i will senate printed in making sure were not forgetting about those students who don't go to a four-year university. those who pursue a career in education. that's an important part of our economy and we want to make sure that those rodents have opportunities out there that are available to everybody else and also making sure that we continue to work on efforts to secure our border and as you point out, rebuilding our nation's military is incredibly important. but i like about tonight's the president said this. let's focus on the future. let's find places where we can agree. visionary speech and let's get those things done. i know people in my district telling me that i am so tired of the division and politics. congress needs to get the work of the nation done and get it done now because people are so fatigued of this. we have to get things done. congress you need to do the same. >> we heard from one democrat the president was talking about economic decay. the previous demonstration. >> file data statistics as they exist today. people can debate who is for credit of that. he also laid out that are yet to be done. the things that this nation needs to continue to do. he pointed out certain elements of our populations that are enjoying success. but things that we need to do to continue to do that in the neighborhoods that are still left behind, find opportunities there. i think those are things that are visionary and saying hey there is still hope for us to be able to get those things done. and it really laid out a vision for how we can work together to make those things happen. it. >> i appreciate your time. >> go-ahead. you heard the president talk about border security and house numbers have come down. illegal crossings. your reactions. your district is right on the border of texas and mexico printed. >> certainly the numbers have gone down. we want to make sure that we continue to work with central america and mexico and the stumbling securing the border but also making sure that central america gets to coordinate and get those countries safe so we can make sure that they grow their economy. unless people will come over to the border. >> if you could work with the president on something that would be pretty. >> he talked about bringing down the prices of drugs. and some of those things, the legislation that the democrats have taken over to the senate. we're just just waiting for him so we can work together in a bipartisan way. i think the american way people want to give democrats and republicans working together so i hope we can get that done and not just actually roll up our sleeves and get the job done. he talked about putting money into education. i hope that in the next few weeks, once we get the budget that we can go ahead and actually for more money into hybrid and public good. >> are you open to his school choice. he called on congress to act on this proposal printed. >> i want to make sure that we put that money into the public schools. i know a lot of schools that are title one schools. and there schools that need help in construction so let's go ahead and make sure that our public schools are working well before we move forward. >> thank you so much. >> how are you. >> to see you so healthcare is a big issue in the present speech tonight. can you work with this president on lowering drug prices and working on surprise medical bills. >> it was very encouraging to hear those words. but i know in real time, is been very difficult for the president to actually deliver on his good intentions or his promises. he talked about lowering prescription drugs to protect people with pre-existing conditions but it's not clear, that he really is intentional about that. and we have that kind of legislation and he won't let it out of the senate. also, i thought it was a laugh line to hear about him talking about pre-existing conditions that they are fighting against the affordable care act. and then protects people with pre-existing conditions. on the ways and means committee, there's a lot of discussion about infrastructure. chairman neil has not been able to get the president to commit to how he would put a trillion dollar package together. there were some hopeful sort of policy concerns but i have not seen it backed up with any work that his administration has done. >> thank you for your time. >> come on in here. how are you. >> first of all, explain what you are wearing in your outfit tonight. >> i am wearing white, hundredth anniversary of women's rights vote. but also a moment where all necessary have ratified the equal rights amendment. the problem being the timeframe in which it was done, they say is too long. but that can be changed. that is our goal right now. equal rights in the constitution so women are in their in the constitution with our rights. >> i found it really tasteful many ways. first of all, i am going to protect people with pre-existing conditions even as he supports a lawsuit that would in the affordable care act and put all people hundred 50 plus million people with pre-existing conditions that are at risk. he talked about i'm going to protect social security and medicare. his last three budgets, will see what he does tomorrow they've got hundreds of millions of dollars in social security and medicaid. in one after another, the lines are being told that prescription drug costs have actually gone down. he says send me a bill, and i will sign it. you heard that. you heard people chanting on the democratic side. that is the bill that would negotiate lower drug prices. the partisanship. i doubt there was ever another state of the union them so in credibly on dissent. when people started talking about a hero, this having been health diagnosis, i thought he was going to talk about the hero of the rights movement. no is rush limbaugh. diplomatic. the right wing talk. and that's the cheesy element, of it all. the first lady, that he appears magically husband, it was just so difficult. i was sitting next to the only two native americans in the house of representatives. and he is talking about how he took over the land and we created america. never mind the genocide of native people. this is a culture of america. anti- immigrants. racist and he was going after his right wing states. socialism and healthcare. i really found it difficult to even sit there. >> homeless woman, we appreciate your thoughts. thank you for stopping by . >> what did you think of his speech. i thought it was marvelous. i know that every member of congress feels a different way about it but i thought his speech tonight was the best i've heard since i have been here. this is been my 24th year to listen to the president speak in that chamber. i things one of the best. just the way he talked about the issues and it resonated. i come from alabama, issues that he talked about, or issues that alabamians care deeply about . >> one thing obviously second a minute right, the right to life, he talks about infrastructure. he talked about the rule internet. he talked about fixing our borders. he talked about all the things that i think most americans are very concerned about. and think that the president like himself needs to address. and he did just that. >> he used divisive language, talking about socialism. does that concern you . >> i think most americans are against socialism. this is the united states of america. we're not founded on socialism. i think that anyone who would find offensive would be somebody who does not embrace socialism. i feel like my constituents in my states, were very excited about it in a very welcoming way. >> anything you disagreed with . >> i keep thinking of things that he said but he was very on point and he talked about the freedoms that we have in this country and that we will protect this country and an we will protect the second amendment right to life and we want to make sure that our borders are secured and that we are safe in america. and recognize the soldiers in a recognized in the gallery. in the families. that was unbelievable. and i think that is what america appreciates. he talked about going back to the moon, mars, anybody in america, that has any issue with that. >> let me ask you, the president mentioned that plan first offer from jerusalem . >> it is now up to the palestinians to put forward their offer. with that negotiation. nobody thought that the palestinians would just accept it. it is very much a plan is that yahoo administration. it would be substantially change if it's going to be accepted by the palestinians. >> has the white house reach out to you or anyone else in congress . >> i don't think it reach out to democrats but they ultimately those who supported israel said peace needs to be negotiated by the parties. the whole idea of there being such a detailed american plan, that opens the door. who will be the new next president. what plan will they have. it's much better to get the two parties together. but frankly if jerusalem had published them as a plan, this would be the opening offer of the israeli side and i have to work towards something both sides can agree on. >> he also mentioned a run. what did you tonight on that. >> thirty very much wants everyone to change his behavior and we all do. >> anything that you like and speech tonight. i would just make one comment. i do believe donald trump will project those increases and lower drug prices then you probably believe, who is faithful to all three of us lives. >> what you bring that up. >> when you bring up his wives. it's from. >> because there is a certain i'm going to mispronounce the world. unbelievable acceptance of what he says by some in our society. that's contradictory to the facts. the fact is that the president has done everything possible to destroy obama care in the healthcare rip it away from those with pre-existing conditions. he and his minions are doing everything possible to keep pharmaceutical prices i and to prevent us from bargaining for pharmaceutical prices. and yet those who believe anything trump says, will believe anything trump says. >> thank you for your time sir. >> how are you. go ahead. like with "c-span2". thank you for your time. what did you hear about the border states and your reaction. >> border security and immigration. as one of the few american presidents in history to be impeached in the house of representatives to give a speech, he came in under a cloud. i think because of that, he did what he always does which is to demonize democrats. try to divide americans. he talked about affordable lasting with strong winds in california which is taking miles and miles of land from private landowners in my home state of texas. trying to deliver on the past: jekyll project of his that he promised two years ago. but also trying to create false security for america. >> what policy issues you want to work with the president . >> interesting thing is that every week in the house and the senate there are bipartisan bills and legislation were members of congress are working together, for example, in foreign affairs i work with mark who is head of the tea party on legislation on global democracy. so that is going on every day in the congress. it doesn't get all of the headlines and all of the attention. the president came in today and rather than unite other members of congress for the american people, did everything he could to divide. >> thank you. >> democrat of florida. member of the financial services committee. what is the president saying that you thought you can work with him on that . >> for the last three and half years, is in everything in his power to dismantle the aca, and affordable healthcare and prescription drug costs being lowered. we've been dealing with that for a very long time. so it will be very interesting to see what really happens. but i think that there is some good points that he made. and i recognize the are significant and made contributions to america. so what will you do about the homeless crisis in america. and what about billing people on main street. without minimum wage. medicare and medicaid. but what about people who are trying to make a living. what about the student loan crisis in america. >> 7 million jobs have been added in wages, have gone up. the stock market of 70 percent. he said this is a blue color blue. >> it is a white-collar boom in the stock market because most blue-collar people are not in the stock markets. after the jobs, everywhere you go and you travel across america, people said they need to make a living wage. some white don't you support a 50-dollar an hour wage so that people can take care of their families. as a result, maybe the president is this election year, to influence everybody but there's not an american out there who will tell you that they're doing better than they were doing last year . >> what is the estate of the economy in york district and one of the people need. >> 240 miles district with a lot of students and two major metropolitan. what we need in their is the opportunity to help students with their budget and student loan debt that they had and we have a lot of people need food assistance. some students in my school, 100 percent of my students are in a free line. we need more resources especially for education. so that we can get the quality. we talk about the leaders of tomorrow. that is one thing that we really need. when he a lot of infrastructure in my district. we hope for infrastructure but many of us are willing to work with them on those issues. so it's trying to bridge the gap between the house and the senate. all of the things that are happening in america, and i think it would be good for him to bring america together tonight. >> thank you sir, appreciate it. >> do you agree with the president strategy in afghanistan ron. >> is the only area of the speech, i would urge the president to withdraw, that we have the right conditions but i don't think we do have the right conditions now. i think the president would agree. you do not want to withdraw to soon inhabit the taliban takeover same two years and then al qaeda have a safe haven. plus the one area that i get concerned with. we have a minimal in afghanistan minimal presence. i think it is a small investment compared to what we used to have been i don't think that would be good if we had to go back. >> what about barack in the situation there. did the president say enough about that tonight. >> this way we are there and iraq and then we got al baghdadi. the victories that we have had. there and around right now. we had like 5000 troops. by having a small presence holds the leadership in baghdad, our present encourages the government to make sure that the kurds are included. >> what else did you think about and who we sitting by in the chamber by the way. >> joe. on the committee with him. it's fun to talk to them. there was a couple of highlights for me. what is the overarching our country is very strong economically. low unemployment in our history and for minorities forcing low income earners, are getting wage increases twice the rate of inflation. that is great. two, policy recommendation that we need. he mentioned it tonight. more technical training in our high schools printed they pay about $50000 a year with insurance. twenty-two years old, this would be good. that's a big gap. the president highlighted that. i know in omaha we need the program in our school. this is the high embrace. also the neonatal proposal. investing more to take care of our newborns. in lowering that infant mortality. the innocent those announcements work very good and strong. >> please come on in here. senator, who were you sitting by in their tonight and what was the mood like. >> money rep. many, next hit to him was rand paul. in the next to me in my right side when diplomats printed so is right in the very end. it was energetic. there was a lot of up and downs as you would expect. republicans did for the up and downs and the democrats did as you would expect . but the energy was there in the room. i think the resident very nice job for small of sharing his thoughts about what is been accomplished already. unemployment is at a 50 year low. 7 million new jobs. past reductions have been put in place. but hundred 87 more judges on the bench that a good solid judges. those are all positive things that he moved into the fact that he had a trade deal. which set the coda farmers want to hear it. they want trade deals in the recognize that we haven't had the best in the past. and he started talking very emotionally about the men and women in uniform. several times in which there was not a dry eye in the entire project. >> what moments. what were moments really got to you. >> the 100 -year-old gentleman was recognized and i thought that was very special. and then when the family was reunited after the soldier coming back after his tour in afghanistan. reunited, that hits home. and then he jumped right back in and talked about the future of our country. and he talked about opportunity. in a very bright future. he did it all in a fashion in which people had to admit that they were moving the country in the right direction . >> going back to the farmers in your state. what is the economy like for them right now. how quickly does the present need to move to get the trade deals to work for them . >> all the trade deals will help. the japan trade deal on beef, is already in place. usmc eight will now be in effect in the next three days. phase one of the china deal will become effective soon. the challenge is to get the $40 million in purchases on the road to china. we don't know what that will look like right now. none of them, the farming economy, they all help the farming economy. in the farmers are saying finally we have somebody fighting for us. >> senator we thank you. >> go ahead and sandra their printed your thoughts. >> ... ... ... ... a where does infrastructure stand at this point given as you said in the swaying of campaign season, what are the odds? >> when the president came into office he talked about infrastructure being one of the cornerstones, i do as well. in my home state of california we have so much to deal with on water storage, rebuilding our highways. i have a terrible highway in myy own county with so much carnage. and our levee system, all of it if needs to happen. so we need smart ways to pay for it and keep focused on it and getting rid of the regulatory that makes it so difficult. we can finally move in the that direction because we have to stand and show some accomplishments and once we can show to the american voters we got something done. we have to wait two years in the house for impeachment. so, hopefully they can put this behind us. >> anything in the speech concern you? >> there's nothing he said that i disagree with so much. i think we just need to focus on the positives to come out of this so far with job opportunities for everyone in the country. i don't know about petroleum trees. -- a trillion trees because the fires each year but everything else we need to be focusing on the low unemployment and keep those things rolling. >> thank you, sir. congressman, republican of nebraska represents the first district. how are you? good to see you. your reaction to the presidency. >> old american speech. mashed potatoes and gravy. an emphasis on keeping a safe national security and important set of policy planes taking on the big pharmaceuticals in the scandal of prescription drugs and uncontrollable prices that are hurting so many americans. i thought the stories were quite poignant. i saw the military family reunited coming home from afghanistan and seeing his children for the first time and that was beautiful. >> member of the press committee, what did the president say about the budget tonight that you think congress needs to act on? >> there wasn't much discussion on the budget, there was the discussion of economics and the president led with that because we are experiencing an economic boom, lowest unemployment in 50 years and it's helping everyone which is the beautiful thing including putting upward pressure on wages for people struggling to get ahead. it's very important, and i thought he spent spent a lot oe going over a litany of the list of important accomplishments. i thought that was important because if you don't do that, people won't know. we can't take it for granted. >> democrats were disappointed of the divisive language on the economy and didn't give president obama credit for bringing the country out of recession. do you think that he should have? >> should they have stood up when he came into the room lacks is important for americans to understand the institution of the presidency, so that was disappointing. i get it, we are in a divided time and i think a lot of people are longing for a more innovative opportunity to come together but it has to be everybody committed to that. >> thank you. appreciate it. congress woman debbie wasserman schultz, as you were listening to the president and i can't tell us some of the thoughts you had throughout the evening. >> i thought the president was the panderer in chief tonight. for him to spend as much time as he did highlighting individuals who certainly deserve the attention and the accolades, but at the same time, talking about things that were completely untrue that represented the achievements of these people, for him to suggest that he's lower prescription drug costs or that they are lower now than they have been before, that is just completely and utterly untrue. i brought a special guest tonight is a 15-year-old insulin-dependent type one diabetic and she has paid $1,200 a month for her insulin. covered by insurance, but because the president refuses to do anything about the high cost of prescription drugs, even though he promised he would come insulin-dependent kids like emily and kids with pre-existing conditions like me on medications every day, we constantly worry about what we are going to do when the bottom falls out of our ability to pay for these things. >> the president also said that he has lowered premiums 60%. >> that is completely untrue. what's needed is created a hollow health-insurance plan that actually are bare bones and provide no coverage. we prohibited those in the affordable care act. he signed against the affordable clear act and declared it unconstitutional, so he's against those and has tried to repeal it or get it out as unconstitutional. he also talks about the importance of the second amendment, and continues to do nothing and flies when he said he was going to do something about gun violence on closing all the loopholes that keep people from those that shouldn't have a gun to be able to get them. he never did that and that's why he's gotten burned from my home county and was escorted to and m proud of him for standing out not only for his daughter but the thousands of gun violence victims every year. >> the blue ribbon on your lapel, explained to the viewers. >> i chair the military construction subcommittee and we wear those of us that are supportive of our veterans, community, we want to highlight the extremely high incident of both military and veteran sexual assault and her husband come and want to make sure that we continue to pay attention to that issue and work hard to eradicate it. >> thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> congressman al green, please come on over. >> sir, what tonight did the president say that democrats could get behind? >> i think the president got us off to a poor start when the speaker extended a hand of friendship and he rejected it and went on to have a campaign rally. i can get behind transportation infrastructure and things that benefit the country, and i demonstrated that by going along with the trade deal. we worked with the president on the means of doing that and i say we, my colleagues and i voted for it. but i think that the president seems to want to expand and want to invite or indicate that democrats are not a functioning part of the government. he doesn't do anything without our help and all of the things he claims he has done that require both in congress, he has the support of democrats and he seems to forget that. >> the state of the union is also the eve of the impeachment vote in the senate. your thoughts? >> i think the president merited being impeached and i think we have to demonstrate to the president that there is at least one part of the senate and the e house, the two bodies, that one of those bodies would stand up to him. the senate, unfortunately, with a majority but are republicans that have chosen not to, but we have to do this because if we don't, there will be a clear indication to the president that there are absolutely no guard rails at all and without any guard rails at all, we no longer have a democracy and we are moving into something that clearly was not anticipated by the framers. >> it's clear that there's not the 67 votes to impeach him. should the house try it in the backs of >> if the president goes out on his avenue and shoots someone as he often says he can do, he should be impeached and i think clearly his behavior will dictate future actions. i think the president is a recidivist and he might engage in recidivism, and as a result, then we would have to take additional action. >> congressman al green, democrat from texas. congressman chavez. how are you? you were here in 1999 when bill clinton also gave the state of the union during an impeachment trial. curious on your thoughts, giving you were a house manager at the time. you also schiff also gave his state of the union at night, but during the day they were doing a senate trial. >> i think that both presidents were smart not to bring it up during the state of the union and stay focused on important issues com come and they both dd that and both did it successfully i think. >> what else are you from the speech? >> it was optimistic and he talked about his policies and how they are working. we are seeing one of the strongest economies that we have seen in a long time, and as a result we see the unemployment rates among african-americans, hispanic american, asian americans at all-time lows meaning people are working and that is a good thing. so his policies are working and what's get beyond the impeachment and maybe get together to work on things together like infrastructure and opioid abuse in so many other things we ought to be working on. >> he brought that up and mentioned your state, pennsylvania, along with others that have reduced the opioid deaths he told the viewers with its been like, with the challenge has been like for this epidemic. >> we have about 70,000 deaths due to overdoses nationwide in recent years. years. it's down to 68,000 last year, which is still far too many. relatively new governor has elevated this cause and has both the state and federal money going to this, and it's working. we are not through the problem, but we are moving in the right direction, and it's going to take all of us working together to get a grip on this and reduced the deaths to drug overdoses in the country and in ohio. >> who is sitting by tonight coming in to give our viewers an idea of what it's like as a member of congress to be able to sit in the chamber and listen to the president addressed the country and give the state of the union. >> this is my 24th i believe state of the union. i think i made them all in my 24 years. seen a lot of presidents. they all generally do well at the state of the union address. it's a little tougher quite frankly if you are there taking questions as opposed to reading a speech. that's what they do. so they are ready for it and they do a good job. i think the president tonight did a good job. one of the most successful parts of this is when he actually referred to some people in the galleries that did extraordinary things. and i thought the reunion of the soldier and the wife with the kids there, i mean, if you didn't have a tear in your eye when i was going on, well i will leave it there. >> congressman, we appreciate it. thank you. go ahead, sir. >> [inaudible] >> stephan up. your ranking member in the house administration committee. what did you hear tonight on election security, do you have concerns? >> i have a lot of concerns on election security. that's why i introduced making sure all of our technology the federal government invests in, the electronic voting machines and now maybe we ought to include applications to count the caucuses but the parties hire, we ought to test that and make sure they are viable. let's work with dhs. dhs offered the democratic party in iowa. a lot of people feel disenfranchised right now today after spending a lot of time and energy working to elect and vote for the candidates that they chose him and they are disappointed today. we've got to do better and we ought to be able to come up with a bipartisan solution like the bill to make that happen. >> is there legislation -- could this have been prevented, what happened in iowa? what do you know about the act and what could have been done? >> they could have worked with dhs. when they offered to test their application, and also run through a tabletop exercise. that would have allowed a dhs to talk about the contingency issues that they may have run through with some other election authorities and localities. the democratic party, and more importantly i think the app developer, i don't think they chose to take advantage of the technical assistance. that's working together. that should have been done. i know the caucuses were different than a primary election. these are party operations run by the local state parties, but it's still the importance of iowa -- and i was there. i was in iowa. i got to go caucus as my old grade school from where i grew up and went to kindergarten and first grade. i sold the operation on the republican side. the american people expect, even though the party run operations, they expect the votes to be counted and expect the votes to be tabulated and released to the public. >> should they go first, iowa? and i think illinois should go first on virtually anything because i represent the great state of illinois. it's going to be tough to take away iowa's status, but there's going to be more discussion, and frankly i think the democrats own this problem right now and the fact we only have 62% of the precincts that are released right now, i think that raises more questions as to why we couldn't have a better reporting process from the democrats in iowa. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> congressman, how are you? come on in here. let's start with your initial thoughts on the president's speech. >> i think that the high points were the kind of highlights, the heroism of ordinary americans, and people in uniform. i think the low points are where they divide people and pics on immigrants, just tells falsehoods. my favorite is when he said he was protecting people with pre-existing conditions, even at the same time he has a lawsuit that would basically just write obamacare and those very protections. it doesn't makes sense. >> you're also a member of the intelligence committee. did he talk about the threat facing the united states? >> not really. i didn't hear a whole lot about that. i didn't hear a lot about climate change. i didn't hear about other correct that are potentially very calamitous for everybody, and that's a problem. >> you have a pin on your lapel. >> it is for fighting climate change, and we have a thin that honors the victims of sexual assault in the military. >> who were you sitting by tonight in the chamber? >> i was sitting next to tom of new york. >> did you rise when the president entered? >> i did. >> do you think it was a mistake for some of your colleagues not to? >> i can't speak for them, but its respect for the office in my case. >> would do you think you can work with the president on? >> one of the issues he mentioned his career and technical education in every high school, and i don't know if you've interviewed me before on c-span but this is a great passion of my office, and we've authored the modern authorization of the skills-based education system in the first place, so it's important to me. >> did you agree with him about the technical and vocational education, the opportunity for every high school? >> absolutely. i think that one third of americans have a four year college degree, two thirds do not. but we have to make sure that every american has the opportunity to have his skills of created to the point where they can take a job and that is very important. >> congressman, thank you. appreciate your time as always. congresswoman sheila jackson lee, democrat of texas. come on over. >> how are you? >> i'm wonderful. thank you. it's a pleasure. >> you were wearing white tonight as the other democratic ladies. tell the viewers how this came about and what was the message? >> is clearly a message that the president of mass. this is the 100th year of the 19th amendment. women haven't had the vote for a long time coming and we struggled. we marched, sojourner truth was a suffragette way back in the 18 hundreds. the message was to remember the ladies come as abigail adams said to james adams, which is remember that your policies should impact working families, working women. and i didn't hear anything tonight that really spoke to the families of america. i didn't hear anything that was feeling or overcoming divisiveness were bringing us together. i saw moments of red meat that were hurting. because if yo you happen to be e parent of a child was killed by gun violence, highlighting the national rifle association and the second amendment, which no one is against, is cruel and it does not speak to the importance of the office of the presidency, which is to be the chief and the comforter and that we didn't see tonight. >> you are wearing a button on your jacket, loss of my grandchildren. you are from texas. what are your thoughts when the president talked about border security? >> part of my thoughts were under this presidency, at least seven children have died at the border. i served under three previous presidents and haven't had this kind of incidences. so, no one is against strong border security. i voted on the legislation, many years before the president was inaugurated as president of the united states. i'm not a stranger to it, but i believe in comprehensive reform, and using children as scapegoats or their families now remain on other sides of the border and they are denying them the right to a silent. that's not america's values, and i don't think if we speak about immigration that they are undermining america's values by taking immigrants over americans. we are a land that has been built. this is the greatest experiment in the world. we were built by immigrants coming to this country. we were built by enslaved africans who come here and spend 250 years a slave. we are a large country of so many distinct and wonderful values of people. why does the president speak to that, why doesn't he bring us together as he had a number of episodes in the gallery as he spoke about things that were divided, why wouldn't he speak to things that would unite? if he is serious about the infrastructure, the legislation, he said it three years ago and we haven't done anything. we would work with him on that but he needs a serious of the sanctity of the constitution, the rule of law and the understanding of the violation of constitutional crimes. he must share with the american people but something went wrong and he's sorry. >> your reaction to senator susan collins saying in the interview on impeachment that she thinks the president has learned his lesson. to vote in the senate, what do you think? >> i think the presentation of the voters can become a judiciary committee on oversight committee in the house are house putting together a very solid case of the violation of the constitution and the president's efforts to seek a foreign entropy to help an election or to distort the election and do something the framers were frightened of, the sovereign entity violating the sanctity of the united states was proven. now, senators will have to seek their own profile in courage and do the right thing, or not. and they will make all kinds of excuses. it's very difficult for me to believe that someone has learned their lesson. look at the speech that was given tonight. there is no guarantee that the president will not do the same thing again. why? because that is the president's way. and i would just simply say that we did all within the legal powers of what was right. it wasn't a witch hunt him it was factually based with witnesses and we sought to havee witnesses in the united takes senate to give them more information and information. they chose not to do it. and so, whatever remarks will be utilized to give them space, that is on them. i'm speaking to members of the united states senate that would follow the constitution and find a place in a profile of courage. >> congresswoman, thank you. we appreciate it. that does it for our reaction here in the hall for the president's state of the union address. if you missed any of it you can go to the website, brought to you by your television provider. c-span's washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up wednesday morning, we are getting your reaction to president trump state of the union address and the pending senate impeachment vote. join the conversation all morning with your phone calls, emails, facebook comments, and tweets. watch c-span's washington journal, live at 7:00 eastern wednesday morning. here's a look at our live coverage wednesday. on c-span, the house is back at 10:00 a.m. eastern with speeches with legislative business at noon. they are expected to take up suspension bills dealing with restoring lakes, estuaries, and bays. on c-span two, the senate returns at 9:30 a.m. for general speeches and 4:00 p.m. the senate convenes as the court of impeachment holds final votes on the two articles of impeachment in the trial of president trump. , fbi director christopher wray testifies that an oversight hearing before the house judiciary committee. that gets underway at 10:00 a.m. >> the clerk will call the roll. mr. chairman, there are 23ayes and 17 noes. morentius pilate afforded rights to jesus than the democrats have afforded this president. you just don't like the guy. you didn't like him since november 2016. >> this president will be held accountable. no one is above the law. whetheruestion is now senator mcconnell will allow a fair trial in the senate. the senate's time is at hand. >> each of us will face a choice about whether to begin this trial in search of the truth or in the service of the president's desire to cover up. >> do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial in the impeachment of donald john trump, president of the united states, now pending, you will give impartial justice according to the constitution and laws, so help you god? >> since the president was sworn into office, there was a desire to see him removed. >> the impeachment of president trump. watch unfiltered coverage of the senate trial on c-span2, live. follow the process on demand at, and listen on the go using the free c-span radio app. for this year state of the union, president talked about immigration policy, health care, the economy, and border security, while addressing a joint session of congress. throughout the speech he acknowledged several guests in the audience, including talk show host rush limbaugh, who was awarded the presidential medal of freedom and military wife who was reunited with her husband, who had been deployed overseas.

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