Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Holds Town Hall In Hudson NH 20240713

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Only for her commitment to the nation, she is a soldier. She is her position in congress to service the soldier. Shes somebody who does not follow the current. She speaks up, and has the strength to do that. I believe her to be a very strong voice in the white house to be able to become a beacon for democracy and decency in the white house. So i am very grateful to the representative and candidate Tulsi Gabbard to join us here. We are very grateful, and we welcome her to be with us today here. [applause] ive been talking in spanish all day. Out of appreciation, we want to give you this tshirt. New hampshire first in the nation. Rep. Gabbard thank you very much. If there is anything you didnt understand what i said, i can explain it to you later. [laughter] rep. Gabbard muchas gracias. Can we give alejandro a round of applause, please . [applause] thank you, alejandro, for your kind introduction and your leadership here in hudson county. Is grace here as well . Sorry i missed you on the way in. Nice shirt. We will be matching. [laughter] how many of you were here when we were supposed to be here last time but there was, i was sick. This was right after the debate. I got a bad cough. Some of you had gathered. Raise your hands if you were here for the last one . A couple of you, when i skyped in from atlanta. I think we were in atlanta. Thank you for doing that, and thanks for being able to continue, and thanks to all of you for coming out here tonight. I really appreciate it. I want to say thanks to our host here, josh and his dad ray in the back. Thanks for inviting us and giving us this space to together. Justin, part of the team, thank you so much. Ray, thank you for your service to our country in the United States navy. We have an Incredible Group of volunteers who are here today, and are too many to list by name, but im so proud of the campaign that we have and the peoplepowered campaign we are building. We take no pac money, no lobbyist money. We are fueled and being moved by our volunteers working hard every day. Volunteers, if you can raise and wave your hands. They are in the back, working hard. [applause] thank you. Im really, really grateful. Its gathering together in spaces like this with people like you across this country that gives me so much hope for our future, for our future, because we are the change. Theres a reason why our Founding Fathers chose those three most important words to begin our constitution, we the people. Two reasons. So that we the people would never forget the responsibility we have, to be actively engaged and informed and involved in democracy, but also so that the leaders who we choose to elect never forget who they are supposed to be serving. We the people. So as we look at the many challenges we see, as we talked through how we want to solve these problems, i think it is most important that we stay focused on what this is all about, who it is really for. Its about every single one of you. It is about your children. It is about your loved ones, your neighbors, your community, our country as a whole. About 161 years ago, Abraham Lincoln gave a speech that was entitled a house divided against itself cannot stand. During that time, i was going back and reading about what was surrounding him at that time as he delivered the speech. Many of his colleagues were telling him this was very controversial, this was not a speech you should deliver. But he delivered it, to deliver a warning about how divisive things were then. But i think it speaks very loudly and clearly to us as a country, as we look at the challenges we face today. A house divided against itself cannot stand. And sadly, this is exactly where we are, as a country. Our country is deeply divided. Whether it be based on partisan lines, one group voting for this party or this person, another group voting for a Different Party or different person, or if it is based on racial lines, ethnic, religious, all these Different Things that are unfortunately being used to tear us apart and divide us. When that actually goes counter to the vision that our founders had, for our country, you know . As they were working through a lot of divisions, as they were trying to heal this nation and bridge these divides, recognizing that, as we have very different ideas about how to solve problems, as we come from different places in our own experiences and backgrounds and family story, that ultimately we are strong when we stand together, when we, every one of us, are firmly rooted in that foundation of our constitution that serves as the bedrock for our country, so that we can remember that our objective really is the same. We are gathered here today, as many people are in different parts of the country, because we care. We care for each other. We care for our country. And we care for the future, our future. Not only for the one that lies before us, but the one that we will leave behind, for those who come after us. And it is this focus and this care that allows us to see past so much of the divisiveness, and instead have the dialogue and the conversation built on this foundation of respect that we really need to have to solve problems, to work sidebyside, to build this brighter future. As alejandro said, to make sure that our country, our white house can once again become a beacon of light, of hope, of opportunity, of respect. These things are so important that we cannot take for granted, and we are the only ones that can make this happen. We are the only ones who can bring about this change. Some critics will come to me and express cynicism about, is this really possible . I spoke to a College Student not long ago, actually she just graduated from college, and she told me she didnt think it was. That the lines are so deeply drawn in the sand, one side against the other side, that washington is so divided, it is such a hyperpartisan environment that she didnt see how it is possible for us to be able to come together again, because increasingly, year after year, it just keeps getting worse. Who here disagrees with this . You dont think our country is divided . It is. Right, you agree we can fix it. There you go. You disagree with the College Student. Got it. [laughter] i was about to try to understand, where are you living . No, no, you are right, though. This is a conversation i had with her. It made me sad that she had lost all hope that we could come together in the future because of how bad its become. This is what i conveyed to her. Number one, failure is not an option. And this was how Abraham Lincoln closed that speech about a house divided against itself cannot stand. He said, we shall not fail, if we stand firm, we shall not fail. That we he is talking about is we the people. We are the ones who will bring about this change, both in selecting who we want to see leading our country, leaders who will put service above self, who will put the interest of the American People and our country above all else, leaders who will treat each other with respect, and inspire this positive change within our country at the highest level and within our community. Remembering who we all are, as americans, what it is that connects us. This Common Ground we stand upon in this country, in the United States of america. Now, where i come from in hawaii, we have a word, aloha. It is a word often mistakenly understood to mean hello or goodbye, but it means neither. Somebody said, i was in second grade and my teacher told me that word meant hello and goodbye. Are you telling me she was wrong . Unfortunately, she was wrong. [laughter] it is a word that we used to greet each other, both in the beginning of conversations and when we are leaving, because of its special and powerful meaning. What aloha really means is i come to you with respect. I come to you with an open heart, with care, with compassion, and seeing each other for who we really are, as brother and sister, as family, as children of god, as people who are all connected. Therefore, as we are having conversations and living our lives, our relationships personally and professionally, we are able to see past all of these differences that can sometimes get in the way of real dialogue and conversation. This is something i have done my best to live by in my own life, to lead with, and to bring to washington. We need a lot of aloha in washington. Its something that can and must be applied in a very practical way. I knew going into washington as a freshman democrat, elected in 2012, with a Strong Majority of republicans in the house of representatives and a very partisan environment, trying to think, ok, how can i practice this aloha in my work in congress . How can i reach out with respect, start to build these relationships necessary for me to do my job, the job i was hired to do by my constituents in hawaii, to serve them and deliver results for them. It would be easy to just turn my back and say, well, the other team is in charge so i will just hunker down and hang out with my team and just work hard until we get enough seats in congress to win, and then think about how we can get things done. That probably would have been the easier path to take, but it was not the right path to take, because thats not why i ran for congress and not what people voted for me. They voted for me to do a job, to serve them, to work for them, to be their voice in washington. And so i had an idea in how to begin to do this outreach. I called my mother in hawaii, who makes this incredible macadamia nut toffee. I thought, what better way than speaking through the universal language of food, to be able to open some, begin to establish these relationships. I asked if she could make 434 boxes of the toffee. [laughter] no big deal, right . She and my dad celebrated 51 years of marriage yesterday. They raised five kids. It is a rare thing these days. My mom thought it was a great idea. She said, i want to help. I actually have one more favor to ask. For all of the moms here, you know no matter how old your children get, they are always calling, i need some help. I asked if she would make another 435 bigger boxes of toffee for the staff of every member of congress. Again, shes an amazing woman. She paused only to start processing how much longer that would take her, how many more pounds of macadamia nuts she would need, but she understood why it was important. She got to work in hawaii, stirring both pots at the same time. She had my dad assisting her in the job he chose for himself, to be the Quality Control officer. [laughter] supervising, taking a slice out of every pan. Not even joking. While they were doing this in hawaii, i was handwriting personal notes to every one of my new colleagues. Going online, looking up information, seeing what their backgrounds were, Getting Better informed about who they are and signing every single one of these notes saying, i look forward to serving with you. The incredible thing, as we began delivering these little gifts of aloha, how quickly i got a response. On the house floor as we were casting votes, the only time all 435 of us are all in the same room at the same time. Members of congress i normally would not have the opportunity to work with, chairmen, women of important committees in congress, started to make the long walk from the republican side to the democratic side, finding me and saying thank you. Thank you. Many of them saying, i ate all the candy, i need more before i go home this weekend. And most importantly, what are things your constituents are concerned about, what are things you want to tackle . I am the chair of this or that committee, this is how many years i have been involved in this or that. Lets work together. I want to help. That simple gesture of reaching out with aloha, with respect, without preconditions, without purity tests, without picking and choosing, i will talk and work with this person but not that person. Reaching out with respect to everyone, focused on this mission that we all share together of service, of putting service above self, putting the interest of the American People ahead of politics, head of profits, ahead of special interests and corporations. Putting the wellbeing of the people of our country first. It was because of this outreach, the slaying of a Foundation Based on respect, that i have been able to be very effective throughout my time in congress. At a time of a strong republican majority, i was able to pass legislation, something a lot of people said was impossible, that i shouldnt even waste my time trying to do from the beginning. In introducing amendments to some of the larger bills that get through congress, being told, republicans will never support it, dont even try. And the leadership opposing my bill and amendment. Because of the relationships i had, i had my phone calls returned. But i am texting colleagues to say, my bill is coming up for a vote, i need your support, they will respond and say, ok, tell me why. Instead of just going along with the party line, which is often what happens in washington. Republican bill, republican vote for it, democrats vote against it. A democratic bill, democrats vote for it, republicans against. That is the norm, rather than every member of Congress Looking at each piece of legislation and saying, what are the pros and cons, will this help people or hurt people . So instead of just toeing the party line, i was able to have these conversations where my colleagues knew and trusted because of this relationship that i would make my case, but i wasnt trying to screw them over or set them up for failure. Not every single one of them came my way, but on many of these cases i was able to convince enough people, taking the case based on the substance of my legislation, to supported, because it was the right thing to do. This is the leadership that i will bring as your president and commanderinchief. Reaching across the aisle. Treating every single american with respect. Not seeing one group of americans as part of my team, and the rest as deplorable. Seeing every single american, with respect, and bringing about the kind of leadership that puts your wellbeing and your interest ahead of all else, every single day. As we go on here, we have our volunteers who will pass around some goldwrapped macadamia nut toffee, my moms recipe. [laughter] [applause] so you can get a little taste of how my colleagues felt, when i first got elected and the magic of this stuff. It is dangerously addictive. You have been warned. [laughter] but this is what we are talking about a very practical level, and this is what i shared with that College Student, how we can and must move forward together. How i will lead as president. Not accepting failure as an option. Being inspired by the example of Abraham Lincoln and so many other leaders who came before us, facing very difficult challenges in divisive times but always leading with love and with care, and compassion, putting the wellbeing and interest of the American People above all else. Theres a lot of different issues that we will tackle, together. As president , i will take on and hold to account big pharma. Those who are perpetrating this Opioid Epidemic across our country. Those who have lied and cheated, and intentionally deceived people, just to make more money. Ruining peoples lives. Taking peoples lives in the process. I have introduced legislation that begins this process, opioid accountability act, that would hold those responsible accountable and take the dollars that would come from these cases and earmark them specifically for those survivors of this epidemic, to help them through recovery, to help provide those desperatelyneeded resources to those who are struggling with abuse and addiction, to get the help that they need as they walk this long path towards recovery. I will hold big pharma and big insurance accountable, and take them away from the policymaking table. When you look at so many of the pieces of legislation related to our health care that have come before congress, you see in this pay to play culture in washington how their highpowered, high paid lobbyists have a tremendous amount of influence over the legislation that affects our everyday lives. I want to take the opportunity to recognize aarp, who is here. I am so grateful that almost every meeting we have, and i know other campaigns as well, there are aarp volunteers with the red shirts and jackets, and i just love the message. I dont know if you wanted to stand up so that people can see you here for a second, and i can give you the mic if you want to say a word or two. [applause] thank you. See the jacket, it says stop greed. You are everywhere, a Nonpartisan Organization fighting for people. It says stop greed. Exactly. Stop the greed. Your message is so crystal clear, because it cuts to the heart of what is wrong with our Health Care System now. Its being driven by greed and profits rather than how to better take care of our people, whether it is our grandparents, our parents, us, our children, at every single age. So, when we have these conversations in our community about how we can improve health care, the number one thing we have to do is take away the crony capitalism and the greed that has infected this Health Care System that unfortunately really isnt about health at all, really. It is sickcare, right . We are not placing high levels of importance on prevention and wellness, and doing more to be able to encourage healthier, preventing people from getting sick in the first place. So, you, every one of you have my personal commitment that in a gabbard administration, big pharma and big insurance will have no seats at the table as we form policies guaranteeing Quality Health care for every single american, that would allow those who, if you have great private insurance or if your employer offers one, if you choose to go down that route, you should have that choice. But for the single mom of four who i met earlier today just down the way at cookies cafe, whose son is 25 years old and was born with severe disabilities, and who needs a lung transplant. He doesnt know if he can get it because they have to come up with 30,000. Hes on medicare. Hes on medicaid. They will cover just the cost of the surgery itself. But all the other things he needs around the surgery to make sure it it is successful, 35,000. So her boss, they have a donation can in the community to chip in, trying to get people together to make sure that this young mans life can be saved. But they dont know if they can raise it. I asked, do you have a gofundme page, because i would love to spread the word and to people to chip in. Whatevert is 20 or you can. You know what she told me . No, we are not allowed to do that, because if we have a gofundme page, they count those dollars as income and he will lose his apartment and his health care. So the predicament this young man is in, and his mother who is worried sick about his ability to live and be able to breathe properly, get this lung transplant, points to the corruption and the problem within our Health Care System. People like her and her son and so many families across our country should be able to live with peace of mind that when you are at that most difficult moment in your life, when you or your loved one needs care, that you will be able to get it no matter where you work what your zip code is or what your family background is, or the color of your skin. None of these things should stand in the way of us as americans living in the greatest nation in the world, able to ensure Quality Health care for every person. [applause] thank you. Thank you. I want to be able to open it up to questions here. I want to hear whats on your mind in just a few moments. We will come to you first. As i know, we will be able to talk about many of the other challenges, whether it is climate change, immigration reform, criminal justice reform. Theres a lot of issues we need to address. I do want to close on one issue that is central to all of these other issues, and that is the cost of war. Foreign policy is domestic policy. Yet very rarely in this president ial campaign, or even campaigns in the past, do you see a major focus on Foreign Policy. Which doesnt make sense, for two big reasons. Number one, the most important responsibility the president has is to serve as commanderinchief. I would think, as voters, you would want to be bestinformed about who is most qualified to serve as commanderinchief, right . And number two, those decisions that are made related to our Foreign Policy have direct impacts on every single one of us, in our everyday lives, whether you realize it or not. I have served as a soldier in the Army National guard for almost 17 years. I have deployed twice to the middle east. My first deployment was in a medical unit, where every single day we were confronted with the terribly high human cost of war. I have served in congress now for seven years, going on eight. Throughout this time, i have served on the Homeland Security committee, the Foreign Affairs committee, the Armed Services committee, gaining experience and understanding related to our National Security and Foreign Policy. Seeing firsthand who actually benefits most from our countrys longstanding policy of waging regime change wars, toppling dictators, nationbuilding missions. It is not our country that benefits, our National Security is most often undermined as terrorist groups like isis and al qaeda are strengthened. It is the militaryindustrial complex, and a lot of fancy washington consultants who make a whole lot of money off of this continued policy. The cost of war takes a toll on every one of us as americans, because we are the ones who are paying the price. Just in afghanistan alone, right now, we are paying 4 billion a month. 4 billion a month. It begs the question, what are we trying to accomplish . Thats 5. 5 million an hour, going towards a war and nationbuilding mission that some of the highest leaders in the pentagon, its now been revealed behind closed doors they are scratching their heads, saying, what are we even doing there . What are we trying to accomplish . What does winning look like . They cant answer that question. I have long advocated for bringing our troops home from afghanistan and stop wasting american taxpayer dollars. Regime change wars and nationbuilding missions, instead redirect those dollars towards serving the needs of our people, nationbuilding right here at home. This is the change that i will bring about as president. Getting our priorities straight. Ending these regime change wars. Ending these nationbuilding missions. This new Cold War Nuclear arms race. Taking care of our veterans, and making sure that we are redirecting taxpayer dollars right here at home. We need a commanderinchief who will make the right decisions, to ensure the safety, security and freedom of the American People and our country, and i bring the experience necessary to prepare me to do that job on day one. Every single one of us pays the price for war. Im not a pacifist. I dont live in a dreamland. I live in the real world where i understand that unfortunately sometimes war may be necessary to protect and defend the American People. But as commanderinchief, i will maximize all diplomatic measures, building relationships with other countries, leading with cooperation rather than conflict, making sure that if we are sending my brothers and sisters into harms way, that we are sending them on missions that are truly worthy of their great sacrifice, and that war should always be the last resort. If you agree with this leadership that we need in our country, then i want to personally invite every single one of you here to join me, to join my campaign, to join this Movement Towards this Bright Future where we are served by a government that is truly of, by and for the people. Thank you very much. We will open it up to questions now. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. Weve got a couple people Walking Around with the microphone. We start with you, sir. Good afternoon. Ive been looking at the chessboard and it looks like trump in florida, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin with a minority of the vote. If the libertarians had been allowed in the president ial debates, the libertarians, former republican governors, probably would have taken more votes away from trump, and the democrats may have wound up winning in those states. Now, if you find an organization that would sponsor, that would run president ial debates and allow the libertarians to participate, and invite the republicans if they choose or not to, id like that chess move because it gets donald trump out of the white house. I would like that test move because that gets donald trump out of the way. It would allow the libertarians to present their solutions to more voters. I think you would like it because it would help you get elected. Rep. Gabbard fair enough. Thank you. What is your name . Tom. Rep. Gabbard awesome. Thank you, tom. I want to get to the heart of the issue that you are raising, which is that we need a fair and impartial system that allows people to choose more than just the two parties. I think the concentration of power that exists within these two parties has really been fueled by money. It does not do service to the American People in a lot of ways. We see how that imbalance of power exists. You have said everything about foreign policies. Im a truck driver and i have been doing this for 35 years. What you think about the autonomous trucks that are doing it . It is really falling apart. Rep. Gabbard thank you. I have grave concerns. I think there is not won any single answer to this. I think there are a lot of safety concerns and other issues related to these changes. It seems like it is a matter of time. I would love to hear more of your thoughts. We need to be best prepared to empower those who are in a situation like yourself. Maybe someone who has not been driving their whole careers but their family depends on that income to be able to survive. What happens next . I dont know if you want to add to that. It is because of the real strict regulations. Everything else that has come out and the last 15 years. I dont know, the last time you were here my buddy handed you a packet of information. Did you read it . Rep. Gabbard i started to read it and i passed it onto my staff. He mentioned you guys would be going to washington, d. C. , to help pass legislation for those of you working in this industry. Thank you. I appreciate. We will grab that from you before we go. The work that you are doing to raise more awareness about the challenges you all are facing, i think that this is a big topic. I will not claim to have the answer to every single respect. A universal basic income will help provide a layer of security. Where do you go . How do you transfer your skills . I have talked to other folks who are in a similar position. People who have spent their entire careers on the sugar plantation. Just on the last two years, the very last sugar plantation and in our state shutdown. They were given some money for transition assistance. For someone who is 65 years old, they are thinking, what kind of retraining am i going to go do . We have to get to the reality of the situation. Recognize the inevitability of what is coming. Make sure we are standing up for our brothers and sisters. Welcome to New Hampshire. If i were from hawaii i would probably rather be there in december. Rep. Gabbard i love my country. That is why i am here. I want to ask a serious question related to your vote on impeachment. You had a very unique vote. On bothd present articles of impeachment. The question i have for you is if there was incontrovertible evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, would you have voted yes . Rep. Gabbard yes. This is part of the problem. Throughout this process, it was and continues to be extremely partisan. This is something that the founders warned against in the federalist papers. The process would result in a conclusion that was based on the strength of one party over the other. Rather than objective assessment of innocence or guilt. That such an outcome would only further divide our country. This is why i voted president to take a stand for our country. To take a stand for the people. We can and should defeat donald trump for his multiple wrongdoings and abuses of power. And defeat him and throw him out of office so we can come together as a country and move forward together. It is why i introduced a censure resolution that listed many other areas that were not included in any impeachment articles or discussed throughout that whole process. Decisions that donald trump has made that were clearly our unconstitutional and illegal. Dropping bombs and another country without congressional approval. Vetoing a war powers resolution from congress to stop supporting saudi arabias genocide in yemen. There are many other areas that i think should have been discussed but werent. Given the reality of the situation, i do not want to see donald trump further emboldened and strengthened as he will be. The senate will exonerate trump. They will proclaim his innocence. He will take that message across the country. We are likely to see his support grow because of that. By the absence of your yes vote, does that mean you do not think there was any incontrovertible evidence . Rep. Gabbard im saying that the process was flawed. The entire process. That is why i could not in good conscious vote either yes or no. Trump has committed many acts of wrongdoing. Have made our country less safe. That is why im so committed to defeating him and working to earn the support of the americans across the country so we can remove them from office. But none rising to the high crime or misdemeanor . Rep. Gabbard the problem is the process. If it is flawed, we are not able to have a clear look at what levels and what he has done. That was why i chose to take the vote i did. [applause] i was wondering if you can elaborate on the things that precede these regime wars. The covert actions taken by our government. A lot of people dont know in 1949 in syria, the u. S. Backed a coup. Ironically enough, the guy who wrote the afghanistan papers in the washington post, he also wrote an article in 2011 about the u. S. Involvement in syria in 2006. I was wondering what your thoughts on stopping these covert actions to overthrow governments . Rep. Gabbard thank you for your question. So often the story we hear in the news about some of these wars, regime change wars, whether they are using military means or covert means through the cia or this modern day siege tactic of draconian sanctions to try to overthrow a government. The back stories often not told. We do not often find out what is happening until maybe decades later as happened with iran. That was a regime change war that the u. S. People did not know were involved in. What is at issue here is my position that the United States should not try to play this role of being the police of the world. We should not be into the business of overthrowing dictators that we do not like. Even under the guise of humanitarianism. When we look throughout history and many different parts of the world, it has resulted in more suffering and struggling. It has undermines the interests of our country. You can go on and on. There is some hypocrisy there. Some dictators, the u. S. As we have to overthrow them. Others in other countries the United States props up and supports. Even calls allies and partners. This is something i will and as as president. Instead focus on these decisions about when and where our military takes action. This longstanding practice of regime change and nationbuilding. Really having the foresight to look at what are the consequences down the line of those actions . Will they actually help people in other countries . Or will it hurt . That is something that does not happen often enough. In the back. I want to say i think you are amazing. How will we deal with foreign leaders who do not treat women like women . Rep. Gabbard good question. It is something i have dealt with before. During my second deployment to the middle east, one of my platoons missions was to conduct counterterrorism training with the kuwait army. I was a lieutenant. I have my sergeant and we brought some of our soldiers. We went to their camp to begin this training. From the outset, i was told, they do not allow women onto their camp. Obviously i had a mission. I went anyway. The guard at the gate, he was a little puzzled when he looked at me. He waved us through. As we went down the line and started meeting the soldiers we would be training, half of them did not acknowledge that i existed at all. They would not shake my hand. They would not make eye contact. It was as though i was invisible, simply because i am a woman. The way i treated this situation was i got there cultural difference and background and what they were coming from. But i knew what my mission was. I let my actions speak louder than anything else. We went and got this training. We did it a few days a week. We showed them how to shoot their firearms. We showed them how to conduct basic counterterrorism tactics. How to clear buildings. How to deal with civil disobedience and riots. What i found was as time went me not as a woman with their preconceived notions but as a fellow soldier who they grew to respect, because of the experience and leadership that i brought to the table and what this resulted in was, on graduation day, when they were done with their training course, they gathered in a room. Their commander who was a very conservative muslim, he called me up to the front and in front of all of his soldiers and he presented me with a ward for the appreciation for the training we had given to his unit. As we left, there was someone else there who have been working with these guys for a long time. He said i hope you understand what just happened. What it took for this commander to recognize a woman in front of his subordinates. In front of his soldiers. What kind of historic thing that was. Whatever the obstacles were, it has been my practice to say my leadership will allow me to overcome the obstacles that others may place before us. People will see that i mean business. I will not be detracted away from my mission of working for and representing our country with strength and pride. [applause] i have a comment and a question. My comment thank you for bringing down Kamala Harriss campaign. We really dodged a bullet with that one. My question was you emphasize the uniter in chief aspect. I know one of your biggest issues is ending foreign wars and protect civil liberties. There are republicans in congress and in the country in general who agree with that kind of goal. Who your favorite republican has been to work with in congress on the spirit of that question . Rep. Gabbard i have worked with a lot of my republican colleagues on a lot of different issues. You mentioned civil liberties. I worked a lot with former congressman trey gowdy. I have worked with congressman justin amash and congressman tom massey. Now passed away congressman walter jones on issues related to ending president ial wars. Respecting the constitution and the role that congress has. To be the body that decides whether or not to declare war. Ive worked with a republican congressman in florida who is a combat veteran. Congressman brian mast who lost three limbs in his service. On veterans related issues, something that we are working on that have to do with making sure our generation of post9 11 veterans does not have to deal with what our Vietnam Veterans faced in agent orange. Many are suffering and struggling with rare cancers and really terrible respiratory illnesses because of that exposure. I worked with a lot of different people in congress on a lot of different issues. Finding those areas where we can find agreement present that united front to the American People. As divided as things are, we can come together and tackle some of the greatest issues of our time. We still respect each other. We still maintain friendships because of that foundation. [applause] we have a problem with people taking positions of power in government and then they become very rich. Rep. Gabbard i have always wondered how that happens. Would you support something president s, and their family members to get yearly audits by independent parties . If Something Like that happened, i think we would see big changes in how politicians push foreign aid to other countries over the homeland. Rep. Gabbard this is a really important issue. I talked about this pay to play culture in washington. This revolving door that we see between members of congress and senior staffers who work across Different Industries in washington. Area they will go from spending time in this Public Service arena and then leaving and getting big payouts. People then go and work and get a big paycheck from an industry they were supposed to be regulating. Terrible there must be transparency and not only where members of congress and their spouses are getting their income from. Are they abusing their position of influence . Getting personally financial benefits from those relationships . I think we have to go even further. There is a Financial Disclosure form. You could look it up, where you you arewhere you getting your income from what , stocks are you investing in . There is a congressman who just resigned because he was i dont remember the details but the bottom line was he was in a position of power on a committee. Turns out he was a major shareholder in a company and he was encouraging other members of congress to invest in the company and then made decisions in congress that would then if it that company. I think it was a pharmaceutical company. Chris collins. He is being indicted for it. Making sure that transparency is there and the accountability is there. I dont think members of congress should be allowed to invest in stocks. To be in a position where they can personally benefit off of those decisions. Whether you are on the committee of jurisdiction or not, everyone of us has to vote on bills related to every single sector in our economy, directly or indirectly, and no one should be in position of benefiting from that. Members of congress should not be able to become lobbyists. Neither should senior staffers. Closing this revolving door and our government will do a lot to reduce the level of corruption and influence. It is being exploited by too many people in a position of power for their own financial gain. , do we have any teachers here today . Thank you for your service. Teachers, nurses, firefighters, Law Enforcement officers, school counselors, Mental Health professionals, when you go down this list, these are people who choose to serve. They are not getting into these you didnt get into this for the money, did you . Theres not much money there. You get into it because you love teaching and you want to serve to help our kids. Those who get into Public Service must be in it to serve. Be using that as a stepping stone or a way for them financially exploit that position of service for their own personal gain in we have time for one more question. Question. Ok. Ive just learned about you recently. From what ive heard, you have support. Thank you. But before that, i felt like i needed to settle for the other about, likei knew the big names like warren and sanders. So my question is, how do you stand up against these people that are more like you . Hold names compared to im counting on you to help me do that. [applause] yourd thank you for support and thank you for your question, because this is real. Im not as famous as some of the candidates in the race. I think a lot of the National Polls especially that people are of an are really more indication of who is most famous and wellknown rather than an indication of voters having amounts of information on every candidate and then making their decisions accordingly, right . Appreciate you taking the time to learn more and to come today and im grateful to have support. But our challenge and our opportunity as a Grassroots Campaign ised challenge. Weve got to get better known and weve got to get the word others. And what were finding is that the more were able to do that, more our support grows. And so for our campaign, we are using every platform possible to do that. Were Holding Town Halls like day, going outle into different towns and communities and reaching out. Couple of people, who i saw earlier today, but in the coffee shop. Invited you to come. Thank you for coming. And this is where i just want to of you foringle one help. I want to hand the mic over to our incredible volunteers, matt grevell. He invited about 150 of his closest friends and family to his house. Share with youto some ways that you can join our movement. Matt. You, youre welcome. All right. Some ofly recognizance the recognize some of the people who were actually at my house. Tulsi said, she doesnt accept p. A. C. Money. Means shes counting on people like you, people like me, elected as get president of United States. What can you do . On your seats, you guys had cards. This is what theyre for. You can commit to talking to two heard heret what you today and getting them to watch one of her town halls on youtube or twitter. You can defend her on twitter when somebody says something ridiculous about her that make any sense. True. It is true. And i love doing it personally. And theres also you can get bumper stickers and lawn signs, new one here. If you live on a main road, that is a perfect opportunity to get for tulsi. When im driving around toin, i your around town, i see signs. I want to rip them out of a ground, but i would never do it. At them, not in a favorable way. All over thesi place and i would love to see more. We want to see them all down the streets. Theyre free. Theyll come and install them for you. You can host a party at your house like i did. You dont have to invite 150 people. To kind of put her on the map and it was quite the moment. I was shocked. Big house and a it did not look so big when these people were in it. Andi was happy to have them it made me feel really good. Im always honored when she asks me to introduce her or talk about the pledge cards, because person who hated politics my whole life. The fact that she has drawn me just speaks volumes to the kind of candidate she has to be, because otherwise i would have her like everybody else. Theres Something Different about this woman and shes fantastic. And we need her to be president of the United States. Do what you can to help her. [applause] you can turn your pledge cards in at the back. You can talk to vince, theyll and install any yard signs you want. Banner. Have a whatever you want, she will get it done for you. There get her there, guys. Thank you, matt. [applause] thank you. Election day is right around the corner here. Is . Many of you know when it february 11. 11. Uary now you know. Corner. Ght around the one thing that i really, really appreciate about New Hampshire voters is that you think for yourself. As, you know, the cable news, youll hear all of these Different Things. See different polls, saying Different Things, coming out almost every single day of everywhere we go, we meet voters like yourselves who think for yourselves and you you the responsibility that have as first in the nation, as you consider the vote that you of who you to cast would like to see move forward in this president ial campaign. Thepreciate very much seriousness with which you take this responsibility and your consideration in being here tonight and considering casting your vote for me in this election on friday 11. Youve got those pledge cards. I just want to invite every us. Le one of you to join if youve made up your mind tonight, please do fill out that information. Ways, small and large, that you can help spread this even ifwith others, but you havent made up your mind tonight, even if youre still theking and looking at different candidates, thats ok too. I still encourage you to share heard here, share our conversation with those in your coworkers or friends, and increase this discussion and our community as we head into the final stretch of the last five weeks of the primary here in New Hampshire. Most of all, i personally just every single one of you for giving me your time. It is the most valuable thing one of us has in our never gett you can back, so thank you for being here tonight. Im so grateful to know you. Around ifble to stick any of you want to come up and say hello or take a picture, well have the opportunity to do that. Again, thank you so much. Have a wonderful night. Aloha [applause] linell start a picture coming from the left and exiting this way. [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] i just wanted to let you for, i voted republican years. This is the first time im ever voting democrat. Thank you. I appreciate that. I really hope the media can be a little bit more fair to you. Yeah. Me too. Thank you. Really appreciate your support. [indistinct conversation] whats your name . Amanda. Nice to meet you. You. Really like thank you. Im glad youre here. [indistinct conversation] i appreciate you. Whats your name . Ava . You. To meet thank you. [indistinct conversation] have a good night. Glad you came. Thank you so much. How are you . Thank you. [indistinct conversation] thanks for coming. Thank you for being here. A good one. Have a good night. Thanks. [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] name. L me your james. I appreciate you coming and for giving me your support. Im glad i can finally find a i can actually like. Thank you, james. [indistinct conversation] how are you . Thanks for being here. [indistinct conversation] even with our challenges, it the best place in the world. Thank you. Thank you. [indistinct conversation] it. Appreciate have a good night. [indistinct conversation] thank you so much. Have a happy new year thank you. Hi. How are you . [indistinct conversation] really appreciate that. And you will have my vote if you get there. You. Ank well, consider voting for me in the primary so we can get there. Will. Thank you. [indistinct conversation] you . W are good to see you. Good to see you. Ive got an hour drive ahead me of, so [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] is the Democratic Party going to stand back up again and [indistinct conversation] justice. Erve to have we dont deserve to be [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] thank you very much. A good one. You too. Year. Safe new thank you very much. [indistinct conversation] how are you . Whats your name . Lee . [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] we watched the debates. That ething [indistinct conversation] i hope you win [laughter] [indistinct conversation] thank you. Travels thank you. Quick . D we take it real sure. Inre going to do a retake one second. One second. [indistinct conversation] give matter what, dont up. Even if you dont [indistinct conversation] thank you. I wont. [indistinct conversation] puerto49 years old, rican. Never voted in my life. Obama. Voted for didnt. But im voting for you. Thank you. Im telling everybody. You. Ank thats what im talking about. I appreciate you. Thank you, brother. [indistinct conversation] thank you very much. This is how we do it. If youre losing ground, dont quit. [indistinct conversation] how are you . Very impressed. Running. For whats your name . Greg. Thank you for being here, greg. Thank you for running. Appreciate it. [indistinct conversation] i really like your ideas. Dragged my wife here. Good. Good. Her d you and [indistinct conversation] is this your wife sitting right here . Yeah. Awesome. Thanks for coming i appreciate it. Have a good night. [indistinct conversation] whats your name . Im natalie. Nice to meet you. Erin. Nice to meet you. Im darian. Hello. You. To meet whats your name . Too . N i give you a hug thank you, tristan awesome guys are family . Yeah. You go. [laughter] [indistinct conversation] saw you guys. Did you like the conversation . Yes. [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] thank you for coming. I appreciate it. Sorry. Just one second. Thank you so much see you. T to [indistinct conversation] its much better. Thank you. We appreciate that you came back. Thank you for having us. Wonderful. Thank you. Appreciate it. [indistinct conversation] come on do it right [laughter] [indistinct conversation] thank you. I appreciate it. Have a good night. You. My name is miranda. Im his granddaughter. He invited me over. I just heard about you. We were, like, this just sounds much needed. Means a lot to me. Thank you both. Nice to meet you. [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] we dont have enough information about, from what ive heard. I think the way china is approaching this situation is not the right answer. You. Ank i appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you very much. You . How are good. Yes. Ill give you one more. Back again tomorrow. [indistinct conversation] [music] how are you doing . Are you . Im good. Thanks for being here tonight. [indistinct conversation] luck. Ha and good thank you. Thank you so much for your service. [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] keep up the positive message. Wish you well. O thank you for your support. Night. Good you too. Im nervous as all hell, way up i came all the here to [indistinct conversation] ok. I will take a look. Ive got a bit of a drive ahead i will take a look. [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] thank you very much. Safe. And thanks for bringing this. Ill take a look at it. Thank you. Hi, tulsi. Im john. All, thank you very much for your military service. Want to thank you for talking about [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] i must admit, especially your military background, and i totally agree with you, im really against [indistinct conversation] its kind of interesting. [indistinct conversation] wouldnt think youd be naive about the military threat to us. Rea poses im not. Theres an issue, every day that [inaudible] but the choice is between a flawed agreement and no a ment and [inaudible] i chose the flawed agreement. Point is choosing the agreement, delaying any ability able to develop or require a Nuclear Weapon and simultaneously working to strengthen and improve [inaudible] goevery single day that we by without the agreement, they are a day closer to developing a weapon. But they are [inaudible] multiple intelligence agencies from many different thetries, even outside of iaea, confirmed that they were developing a Nuclear Weapon in the years since the deal. Was imperfect. The only alternative is war. And the europeans are [inaudible] recognize the problem too. So much. Eminds me [indistinct conversation] safe new year. That t wanted to say [indistinct conversation] thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate you. Support. R all your thank you. Much. You so [indistinct conversation] powerful man, nick. Im trying. [laughter] keep it up. Thank you. [laughter] [indistinct conversation] hi. Daughter . Ur this is my daughter. Hi she is your biggest fan. [indistinct conversation] so beautiful thank you so much. Thank you, tulsi. [indistinct conversation] how old are you, ella . Elsa. Elsa. Im sorry. Nine. [indistinct conversation] im glad you came tonight. Did you have fun . Very intently. She did. She did. Bunch of yard signs. [laughter] thank you. Thank you very much. [indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] [music] [indistinct conversation] cspans Live Campaign 2020 2verage continues sunday at p. M. Eastern. Former Vice President joe biden monday at 2hire, p. M. Eastern. Entrepreneur andrew yang in nashua, New Hampshire. And tuesday at 11 a. M. Eastern, senator Elizabeth Warren in boston. Watch the president ial candidates live on cspan, or listencspan. Org, live on the free cspan radio app. Were back with brett cohen, executive director of generation talk abouttion to impeachment, election 2020 and the youth vote. Good morning. And the youth vote. Guest good morning, thanks for having having me. Host tell us what generation progress is. We work with 18 to 35yearolds. We move Progressive Solutions to

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