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Look forward to the signing of this into law later today. Importantly, this authorization establishes the establishment of the space force. As the Newest Branch of the armed forces. I want to thank the president for the leadership of this historic initiative. Which will pastor us to effectively defend our National Interest in space. The last time we developed a new branch of the military it was over 70 years ago when we separated the air corps from the army in 1947, creating the United States air force. Back then we saw how power had air power had expanded during world war ii and we recognize the need for a Single Service to focus on the air domain. Similarly, reliance on space based capability has grown, and today it has evolved into a domain of its own. Maintaining american dominance is now the mission of the space force. The president will announce the official establishment later today when he signs this and we will provide Additional Details on the implementation and timeline. Ndaa also authorizes a 3 increase in pay through our Service Members, the largest in a decade. This is a welldeserved pay raise for the men and women of the military who continue to make sacrifices for the nation. It will also help to recruit the countrys best talent. Additionally, there are a number of important provisions directed towards one of my top priorities, taking care of military families. The force and follow through on our commitment to take care of Service Members and their families. As ive said many times, continuing resolutions cause these are all very important for the force and follow through on our commitment to take care of Service Members and their families. As ive said many times, continuing resolutions cause great harm to military readiness. We are looking forward to beginning a number of important modernization programs in areas such as Hypersonic Weapons and others that have been held back because of this continuing resolution. As we close out 2019, i am happy with the progress we have made this year. I personally have traveled to the indo pacific to meet with strong allies as well as some of our newest partners. Earlier this week secretary pompeo and i held a meeting with some counterparts, and additionally our alliance with nato is on the right trajectory following a meeting earlier this month. We have pushed for that analyze allies, and many have responded with greater contributions. This is resulting in a stronger more capable nato alliance. As ive said before, we must deal with the world we live in and not the one we want. As we focus on longterm our as we focus on longterm competition, russia and china will not lose interest. Our troops deployed continue to do great work to detour further aggression. I went to thank all of the Service Members around the world, especially those in harms way for their service over the holidays. Finally, i went to reemphasize our commitment to continued reforms as we entered the new year. As we expand this process to other parts of the department, we continue to free up resources to invest back. That i look for to taking a few questions, but first i would ask the chairman to make any opening comments. Good morning. Happy holidays. I appreciate the opportunity to do this on a frequent basis. In november i visited the indo Pacific Command and various officials and partner nations. Our military to military relationship in both regions remains strong and it is essential to continue efforts to maintain great power of peace in an era and to continue our collective efforts. This week i met with my russian counterparts that you may recognize in switzerland and we discussed serious Strategic Issues to enhance our. I conducted my first discussion as a chairman with my counterpart in china, generally and over the phone we renewed a relationship that was established why was chief of staff and he was the head of the ground forces. I look forward to meeting with my nato counterpart in our gathering over in europe or after the first of the year. And i am looking forward to signing a ceremony later today. Before we look forward to 2020, i think it is important that we all take a moment and reflect on the contributions of our men and women around the world today in uniform, whether they are in the air are on the watch on the ground, it doesnt matter. They are all doing rate work. They represent the best of america, of our values, and that they and their families have our deepest respect as we enjoy the freedoms that they provide to us with their service. The secretary and i are happy to take your questions. Youve seen the statement about the Christmas Gift that they may give. Have you had any indications about north korea about a longrange Missile Launch . And another followup, mr. Beacon was on his way back from south korea, is diplomacy dead and we on the path towards a potential conflict again . Longrange Missile Launch . And another followup, mr. Beacon was on his way back from south korea, is diplomacy dead and we on the path towards a potential conflict again . I will not comment on that i will not comment on that details of that. Clearly we think that the political solution is the best way forward to denuclearize the peninsula and to address that north korean programs. I have two functions here. One is to ensure that we are in a high state of readiness, if need be, and i am confident. And secondly to enable our limits. Need be, and i am confident. And secondly to enable our limits. I remain hopeful that we can get this process started and remain on the diplomatic path. We do not discuss those indicators. North korea has indicated a variety of things, so we are prepared. I remain hopeful that we can get this process started and remain on the diplomatic path. We do not discuss those indicators. North korea has indicated a variety of things, so we are prepared. I want to ask about the status of major goldstein charged with espionage. Now he wants this special forces to have his star back. Should he have those back . Im not going to comment on actions in this domain. I am not going to comment on any personnel actions. If we could go to turkey, do you see any willingness that turkey is going to go away from momentum and to ask the specific question about the threats, they have threatened to evict u. S. Forces from turkey. Do take that seriously . What impact would that have on our abilities in the region . They are a longstanding nato ally. They fought with us from left and a stand. From korea to afghanistan. I engages my counterpart routinely. That means they will not receive the f35. With regard to those comments, i think that is one of the things that i need to followup on and make sure i understand what is driving to and how serious they are. Our view is that we need to bind them closer to the nato alliance. They are a capable military, and that is my aim. Have you followed up with them . I have not had the chance yet. The Washington Post published what is being referred to as the afghan papers. And they suggested that public statements being made about the war were different than what was being said privately. Was that your experience . Is it fair to compare the papers that have been published to the pentagon papers . I would say couple of things, jennifer. I know there is an assertion of some sort of lie over the course of 18 years. I think that is a bit of a stretch. I find that a mischaracterization. From my own personal experience. You are looking at probably hundreds of general officers, department employees, department of defense folks, i dont think you can get that level of coordination to do that kind of deception. I know that i and many others gave assessments at the time based on the facts that we knew at the time and those were all honest. They were never intended to deceive. I think there is a very good piece of investigative journalism, but i think it is not the pentagon papers. They were multiple volumes, and they were contemporary papers written in advance of decisionmaking. The afghan papers, was an attempt in about 2000 pages to do post fact interviews looking backwards to determine Lessons Learned as we go to the future. I think they are different in both nature and scale. Just to followup, is it time to leave afghanistan . We have a mission to ensure it never becomes a safe haven for terrorists. Until we are confident that that mission is complete, we will retain our presence. You talk a little bit about how the department of defense has stepped up its efforts to safeguard elections. Can you talk about what additional steps are being taken to protect the 2020 elections as far as threats are concerned . Are there specific countries you are worried about . I will just talk broadly because much of this is classified. Dod participates in a whole government approach to Cyber Command and others we felt we had a very good 2018 election. We brief congress often on these things. So we continue to look and make sure we understand what the threats are out there and we look at all threats wherever they may come from. We feel like the critical thing is to preserve the democratic process. I am confident we are doing everything we can to ensure that going into 2020. [indescernible] the humane and the humanitarian crisis in venezuela is set to surpass that of last year. Columbia is looking for humanitarian support. What options does the department have . Are you looking at any potential airlift supply, and secondly, this week we wrote about a number of the very First Special Operations Forces sent to uzbekistan in the early days after the 9 11 attack and now face a multitude of cancers and they cannot get their medical costs covered. Is this acceptable . Im not familiar with the second issue but let me go to your first issue. Obviously this is a brutal maduro. Nder mud doro what he has done to the people of venezuela is horrific. I think we join the other countries, particularly in that region, and the state department has leave for actions there we are fully supportive of what they want to do it we always are prepared and plan to provide humanitarian assistance, but this is an issue that we appear to support them as they go through their steps. Mr. Secretary, the Inspector Generals Office launched to investigations related to the border operations. Two investigations into the border wall, one whether it was legal and the other about the awarding of the contract. Mr. Secretary, the Inspector Generals Office launched to investigations related to the border operations. Two investigations into the border wall, one whether it was legal and the other about the awarding of the contract. Do you have confidence that the department conducted thorough views of whether the operations were legal and whether it should be conducted and the awarding of the contracts . I dont characterize it that way. My understanding is he is conducting an evaluation, not an investigation. It is assessing whether the troops were properly trained. That was it. All of the other stuff that you are referring to is not consistent with what i have been briefed. We can get you offline and explain what that is. Briefed. We can get you offline and explain what that is. The president says this is a question for both of you. From a political point of view and operational point of view. How long do you think you will need to stay in syria . That is a crystal ball that i do not have. I think we are there as long as we can ensure the defeat of isis or we get other partners to step in and help offset us or that the real metric is isis can be controlled by local police or security forces. That is the metric. The broader landscape is what i refer to, we have a National Strategy that says we are now in great power competition. The principal challenges are china and russia. Whether its syria or afghanistan, how can we reduce our presence in other parts of the world to return troops home for Bigger Missions or reallocate them. The president says this is a question for both of you. From a political point of view and operational point of view. How long do you think you will need to stay in syria . That is a crystal ball that i do not have. I think we are there as long as we can ensure the defeat of isis or we get other partners to step in and help offset us or that the real metric is isis can be controlled by local police or security forces. That is the metric. The broader landscape is what i refer to, we have a National Strategy that says we are now in great power competition. The principal challenges are china and russia. Whether its syria or afghanistan, how can we reduce our presence in other parts of the world to return troops home for Bigger Missions or reallocate them. That is my principal aim. Do think it will take months, a year . You mean in terms of our troops are, i think all of the situations are different. I would say none of us want forever wars. Mostly those of us who serve in uniform, and we have taken care of our wounded, so none of us want that. It has to do with National Interest. It has to do with the appraisal of our adversaries and what their threats are to america. We weigh the costs and benefits and the risks, and thats why we are where we are. With respect to syria, we are there to ensure the enduring defeat of isis. When that condition is met, then i think the president will be apprised of that, and then we will probably come out. Happy holidays. A year ago at the Army Navy Game the president announced he would nominate you to your present position, and since then both of you have assumed your current jobs. Looking back on the year, how would you characterize it for the Defense Department . I would like to hear from both of you if you dont mind how you look at the year and the roles you inherited. He cant escape me and i cannot escape him. [laughter] its deeply humbling and it is an honor to have been nominated and confirmed. Ive spent my final year as the chief of staff focusing on the army business. A month or two in preparation specifically for this job, a very long professional and personal relationship with my predecessor, and we did a very professional handoff pit that is how i spent the year. I had a great pleasure working with the chairman before i assumed this position and certainly after. I think the transition has been seamless. Its been relatively seamless. I think we have strong teams across the department now and each of the departments. Last night we got three more senior officials confirmed. Its good to have that. We have more in the pipeline. The constant charge, it happens. They are demanding jobs. They bring people out quickly. It is something that you have to continue to deal with. I think we have a strong team, happy with the commanders we have in the field as well. Everything looks good. I want to follow up on the border. I happen to have the letter on this. It talks about the use of military personnel on the border. The request was specifically whether there could be a violation of how they interacted with dhs professionals there. Do you have any concern that the troops who are working on the border could be violating this . General, i went to followup on north korea. I know you dont want to talk about intelligence. They seem to be telegraphing that there could be a launch. I am just curious, have you increase your Readiness Level . Is there a concern that they will exit do something, or is this rhetoric . The first thing, i dont have any concerns that they are violating the agreement. We make that explicit. Lets see where the evaluation goes. If we learn something, we will improve our training. I am used to that. We will see where it goes. In terms of the orders, instructions, communications, i feel confident but we will see where it goes. From a military perspective on the korean peninsula, korea is a place where we have maintained high levels of readiness. Today, we have high levels of readiness. We stay shoulder to shoulder with republic of korea counterparts. And a bond with the military of japan. The alliance between japan, the u. S. , and korea is rocksolid. I think it is prepared to defend the interests of the u. S. , japan, and korea. You say Readiness Levels thank you very much. I wanted to follow in my colleagues question from fox news. The afghanistan papers reveal senior officials have been more pessimistic in private than the prospects for a military victory in afghanistan. You have had several combat tours to afghanistan. Has the u. S. Been throwing away american lives . Absolutely not. Not in my view. I am one who was there. Many times. Our original objective going into afghanistan on the seventh of october, 2001 was to prevent afghanistan from ever again becoming a platform to launch terrorist attacks against the United States and that is what we set out to do and to date, we have been successful. I absolutely do not. I could not look at myself in the mayor. Could not answer myself i dont think anyone has died in vain. For years, we have clearly stated that there is not going to be a rational, reasonable chance of a military victory against the taliban and with likein see something signing the surrender documents on the uss missouri in tokyo bay. President bush said that and that remains true today. There is only one way this will end and that is a negotiated solution with a taliban. And it will have to be an afghanistanafghanistan discussion. It has been a strategic stalemate. And the regime is not going to militarily defeat the taliban and or the various other groups over the militarily so long as they have some small degree of popularity among the people. This is a difficult and complicated situation. But on the face of it, it has to do with our vital National Interests. I would just add, for 18 years the media has been over there. Many of you have traveled multiple times. Multiplehas been there times. I was probably the first congressional delegation to go over there. Igs there. Think with the conflict over the years, and in said new asian that there has been a largescale conspiracy is ridiculous. And i echoed the chairmans comments on that front. You have talked to the commanders. History will continue to evaluate this war. Thank you, all. Have a happy holidays. Cspans washington journal live every day with issues and policies that impact you. Holly harris will join us to discuss prisons and sentencing reform. And then Jennifer Kavanaugh with the Rand Corporation will discuss a new report on where americans are getting their news. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 this morning and be sure to watch authors of the week featuring authors from across the political spec from all next week starting at 8 00 eastern each morning on cspan washington journal. This week, pbs newshour and politico help the six and final democratic president ial candidates debate of the year in los angeles. Seven of the remaining candidates took heart. Cspan will reair the entire debate at 10 00 eastern. Washington forng a two week stay at his Maralago Club in florida, President Trump made remarks at the joint Andrews Air Force base. Base. That thedent announced u. S. Space force will officially be the sixth branch of the u. S. Navy and named jennifer j whalen the first head of operations. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States and ms. Melania trump

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