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How bad a big round of applause . [applause] i am the state senator in cedar rapids and i would like to welcome you. Issue where we critically, urgently need to bring americans together. For the Climate Solutions we have so we can lead the world on the issue. I went to recognize one of our officials, a former Kennedy High School teacher, now school board member. [applause] without further ado, it is my a husband, anduce entrepreneur, a nonprofit leader, all the way from schenectady new york, mr. Andrew yang. [applause] mr. Yang thank you so much. About howhear more you end up sitting on the stage and what you all are here. How many president ial candidates have you seen already . Like, eight . This man said zero. [indiscernible] everyone. A queue coming out. You all are very powerful individuals in our country, truly. That is how you can hold up the signs. I did the math. Do you know how many interviews . 1000 each. That is like for football stadiums from california. Coming out to events like this, usually do have the country in your hands. That is why it is such a pleasure and privilege to be campaigning here every single time. Mr. Hogg i would like to thank you for being here. It is an honor. How about that . Is that working . It is an honor and privilege to have you here. We want to talk today about Climate Change. Forwhat your strategies are ringing americans together to deal with the issue and the solutions you think will work so we can safeguard our people, and our property, and our future. I me tell you my concern. , whatthe mid1980s really changed my attitude was experiencing the flood in 2008 here in cedar rapids. The students might not be old enough to remember that it was devastating. Churches,usinesses, nonprofits, virtually every building for a flood that was 10 feet higher than anyone cedar rapids had ever had. I think when i would like to start off with his see what would you like to see and do as a country to safeguard people and property in the face of disasters . What has your experience been facing climaterelated events . To letg first we need all americans know you are not on your own. Is not just cedar rapids protecting itself from periodic floods. National priority. We have the resources to make our communitys in ways that might be able to save us money over time. Is it easier to spend money to make your communities more resilient or clean up after . Havingthe reasons we are trouble making progress on Climate Change is it looks different in different parts of the country. Here it could be floods and in other parts of the country could be forced fires that are ravaging parts of california. They could be droughts in the southwest. It could be rising sea levels and a place like louisiana. There are already climate refugees in parts of the United States. Ive got a 60 page plan on Climate Change and i would love to go into it, though i think it would be a little dull if i went through all of it. Im going to try and hit some of the big principles. When a disaster strikes, whether it is a flood or hurricane, who suffers the most . The poor. Mr. Yang the poor. We all know that is the case. People who do not have shelter to go to. We also know that the poor in america overlap very heavily with communities of color. Proposal isould that every american gets 1000 per month starting at age 18 until the day you die. But this would do is make it so families are able to protect themselves more straightforwardly. If there is a flood, would we trust the government to account for every man, woman, and child . We think i think most of us would think that the latter is a more than moreway to go chicle up than topdown. The second big thing is, if you say, Many Americans and what do you think about Climate Change . Many of them are living paychecktopaycheck. They cannot in the form of bills. Payingg i worry about my bills already. I cannot worry about something down the line. To makemaking us harder progress on Climate Change. They hear, what is it going to cost . Is it going to be more inconvenient for me . And is this going to cost jobs . That is what we have to alleviate. We have to let people know that this is actually good for the economy and progrowth. It creates many new jobs. The problem right now is we are not measuring the true cost of any of our activities. If you were to factor in the cost of Climate Change, how much does it cost . Trillions. Mr. Yang multiple trillions of dollars as well as thousands of american lives. Maybe tens of thousands of american lives. If you factor the cost and all of a sudden you realize it is very expensive to do nothing. If you are a manufacturer, if you are emitting things that are contributing to Climate Change that cost is being borne by all of us and is not being borne by the individual manufacturer. So what we have to do is filled in the price of Climate Change and let activities people know this is progrowth and is going to create jobs. The harsh truth how many of detroit . He debate in you remember that the bank debate. Isition number two, change a hoax. I know, some people maintain that, believe that. Most of them are bought and paid for by the fuel companies. Is itition, number three, is worse than you think. We are years behind. The is the tough truth United States of america is only 15 of global emissions. Even if we were somehow get to of what happened in terms of greater change . It might go down a tiny bit. Particularly when you account for the fact that the last four years have been the warmest years in history. We are already on the curve. Even if we are to go to zero, the curve would continue. In africa the Chinese Government is showing up and saying, we have got a call burning power plant for your rate what do african governments say . Theyre not worried about emissions. Theyre worried about getting access to cheap energy for their development. We want to change that. We have to be there at the table , saying to the african governments, dont take the power plant, take the solar panels and we will subsidize them to a degree that is a nobrainer. [applause] we subsidize exports all the time, but we are not at the table with african governments. That is where we need to go. You have to get our 15 under control and then export technologies as quickly and cheaply as possible. Enter, mr. Hogg andrew, thank you. Im going to hand the microphone off to tosha. Im going to introduce the next question. [applause] high im a junior at Kennedy High School. Your climateng if change policies extend to other candidates . Compared to other candidates . Mr. Yang i dont pertain that government is going to be able to get it all right. I am much more aggressive in terms of the International Sources of emissions. A lot of the other plans talk about giving getting ourselves under control. This is a common american take. We are the center of the world. We are one of the largest emitters, but 15 is not 100 . I am much more aggressive in trying to bring the world in the same direction. For the fact that we are already experiencing this in our communities. We need to spend hundreds of billions of dollars protecting our communities right now. This takes a different form. I have been to New Hampshire a lot, because im running for president. [laughter] in New Hampshire they have coastal flooding. There are all of these costs that different communities are incurring. None of this is speculative. I believe i am much more clear eyed about the fact that the costs are already hitting our communities and we need to put federal resources to work to protect our communities immediately. [applause] i am a sophomore and i was wondering more specifically if you are in favor of a cap antitrade and or a flat carbon tax. Is a greathat question. When i was talking about when you have this negative externality, that is exactly what im talking about. We need to put a price on carbon emissions. And have that money go towards moving assembly right direction. I am for cap and trade. Tonnitial price of 40 a and have it elevate over time. Have historically liked this because it is a marketbased mechanism to reduce emissions and increase investment. I love it. A carbonbased dividend, lets do it. [applause] have another question from jack. I am jack, i am a junior. As president , how would you ensure that any new measures you take to combat Climate Change are not reversed by the next president . This is very ambitious, but im the only candidate that is proposing constitutional amendments. [applause] we are going to be here, the earth is going to continue to undergo this process and we need to stake our claim right now. Thank you all for being here. We have left you and also mass. I apologize on behalf of adults everywhere. Climate change is perhaps the most egregious example, but there are any other examples up the mess we have left. You deserve better. We blame thing is that young people themselves. It is utterly ridiculous. How did you cause any of this . So, one thing i propose that is controversial, but the data supports it we should lower the voting age to 16 in this country. [applause] all right, 16yearolds can pay taxes. Studies have shown the earlier you vote the first time, more likely you are to become a voter throughout your life. Every high school into a hotbed of clinical activity because all of a sudden the the juniors and seniors could vote. There is also a moral argument that theyre going to be here longer than we are, so they should probably have a say in what is happening. The counterargument is that 16yearolds dont know enough to be able to vote. Theyre not mature enough, not informed enough. I dont buy that argument because many of you are very informed, but also, it is not like we are giving voters a pop quiz when they show up to the polls. [laughter] we have a lot of low information voters out there. [applause] the argument for lowering the voting age is much stronger than the reservations and that i believe would go a long way to your concern. [applause] their people in the community [indiscernible] i think this is a sign of where we have got to. You look in our measurements of doctors government or where the media. They are all at the decade lows. If you try to give scientific way inthey say it is a agenda. That is what we have to reverse as a country. When you lose trust it is hard to get back. Be a stretch to some of you, but i believe it is related to the mindset of scarcity that has now dominated our country. Like, i dont know if i can pay my bills, there is not enough to go around, you when i lose. Bills, itt pay your has the functional impact of decreasing your iq by 13 points or one standard deviation. Many americans are getting less reasonable, less oriented toward the future. We almost certainly are becoming all of those things because that is what you expect if you were to introduce pervasive Financial Insecurity into a society. ,f people cant pay their bills they are likely to become less reasonable. , what is theerse opposite of a mindset of scarcity . A mindset of abundance. Great, i get it to. There is enough to go around. The possibilities are endless. It is funny, when i say these things to say that is very familiar. He needs to become more familiar to us all. We are the most advanced society in the history of the world. It does not feel like it to most of us because we are not seeing the gains. That is what we have to change. We have to make it so we feel like we are all owners and participants in the most advanced economy in the history of the world. If you get this boot of scarcity off of our throats, and someone like sabrina submits presents you with the facts about Climate Change, instead of dismissing it as some kind of Conspiracy Theory you say, let me look at that. I had not thought about that, let me look at these facts. N people have gotten these this sort of economic support, their optimism has gone up, there are many incredible effects to getting this economic route of scarcity off of our throats. [applause] hi. On your website you have a policy relating to flood presumption flood prevention. Has it more important to prevent floods or to keep people away from them in the first place . We are in a situation where you have to consider every alternative simultaneously. If you can arrive at a place and we can we put a levy in prevent floods, then we should do that. If after you do that you look around and say, some of these areas are flood prone and it could be we should invest in resources to potentially have folks feel like they want to develop new properties in a different area, we should do that too. Right now we are not doing either of those things adequately. Right now our infrastructure is falling apart. Theineers of engineers of america have evaluated and what did they give us . A d. The infrastructure deficit, i believe was measured at Something Like 4 trillion. I was willing to accept that. [applause] we need to invest in levees and infrastructure to prevent floods, and then we need to face the harsh reality that some of the development should be moving toward areas that are not as flood prone. [applause] [indiscernible] [applause] in terms of American Foreign policy, do you think we should entertain how local communities [indiscernible]. If you are president howard your administration invent solutions to help these communities . [applause] mr. Yang i am very interested in your family. I came about five years ago. Mr. Yang [indiscernible] we need to rebuild our partnerships abroad. Ald trump has unpredictable leader. Our partners dont know if they can rely upon us. At the same time we have been in a constant state of conflict and that is not the will of the american people. What does the constitution say about the ability to declare war . Act of congress. It is been a long time since an act of congress. What happened is in 2001 congress signed the authorization of use of military force. Here we are 18 years later. I have a threepart test as to whether to send troops into a foreign theater. I believe syria may qualify. Clear ands to be a vital american interests at stake. Or the ability to avert catastrophe. There must be a timeline that we will event to get our troops out. Eyesour soldiers in the and tell them he will not be there for 18 years. We need to have allies that will be willing to join us. If these three things are in place, military intervention could be the right thing. In order to enforce American Values abroad we are in a weaker position to say, you should curb human rights abuses. That is a challenge for the next president , to rebuild a world order where we can say to countries, there will be consequences if you do things that abuse human rights. I believe we can get back to a point where we make that case powerfully and show countries that following our example is a much better way to go then taking advantage of their own people. [applause] i just want to ask a quick followup. If you look at the roots of the current conflict in syria, they had an unprecedented drought from its Climate Change. One of the things people have trouble envisioning is the number of climate refugees coming. How do you feel like you could approach helping countries. Right now, the border issue and is what and what is happening in central america. There is a lot of climate related refugees there. Are 100 right. Asher syria, but migrants moving around the world have been spurred by Climate Change. If you have a drop and you cant feed your family, what do you do . You pick up and go. Spurredcases that has some of the European Countries have had issues acclimating the population that has come in. The our at national security, Climate Change, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence, outofstate actors, and the proliferation of drones. Climate changes kicking off a cascade of events that are shifting borders and challenging the integrity of many countries around the world. We have actually been very much on the receiving end of that yet. Because of where we are situated. Other countries have bore the brunt of it. , a minuscule number of refugees compared to our population and economy. We have not borne the brunt of it. This is where we need to focus our energies. Dollars 0 billion 650 billion right now. That is where we need to shift our priorities. If you have one more aircraft carrier, does that help you . Anage climate refugees no. We are buying very expensive things that are not making us stronger and more secure. Change is the biggest global threat. [applause] i am very involved in studies. Over the last two years we have seen opportunities in communities be diminished. How do you plan to reestablish these freedoms and promote inclusion . [applause] i have two boys at home, one of them is autistic. When my wife and i discovered he a tostic, it came as us. We were firsttime parents. It did not feel normal, but then the entire tabular like, [indiscernible] when we found out he was autistic, that actually explains a great great steel. Deal. One of the challenges we have is that many communities do not have resources in place to support families that might have special needs children. This is an emblem of a much bigger problem in the country that my campaign is actually focused on. Everything in our country evolved revolved around how much the markets as we are worth. Mr. Yang the greatest Economic Transformation in the history of our country. How many of you have noticed Stores Closing around where you live . Where are the Stores Closing . Amazon. How much did they pay in taxes last year . Zero. Retail clerk is the most common job in your state, and they are paying zero taxes. You are getting sucked dry. You go to the facility fulfillment center, it is all robots and machines. Eventually you will have self driving trucks. It does not matter if the trucker was hardworking, the robot can go 24 7. Not say, the market is all seeing and all knowing, because it is not. My what does the market value my wife at home with our children . Zero. We know that is the opposite of true. We need to start recognizing the important work and our families and communities every day. You are the only people who can rewrite the rules of our economy to work for us, the people. [applause] we have one more question. [applause] i was wondering. Curb chinas to growing political and economic on the world stage . That is more of a debate question, because the first couple of debates they kept asking about china. [laughter] that said, china is our biggest economic rival moving forward. I am deeply concerned that theyre going to leapfrog us in artificial intelligence. This is going to get a little bit wonky. There is a theory in artificial intelligence, there was one breakthrough called Machine Learning where all of a sudden you had algorithms that get smarter based on how much data they had. No one had more data than china. More people, more interactions. So the Chinese Companies have access to more data that could make their algorithms smarter, faster. They have another advantage. Their government is putting billions of dollars to work building this computing infrastructure as far as the eye can see and they essentially give it to their companies so they can crunch all of this data. I have met with the leading technologist in silicon valley. People who control billions of dollars. Spentaid, andrew, i just 3 billion, i cannot match the Chinese Government. How much is the United States putting to work to help support our Technology Players . Nothing. Essentially, nothing. How is this going to play out over time . There is one that says, it is ok , the American Companies will come up with a new breakthrough and then we will somehow regain the advantage. The other school of thought is whoever has more data will win. Lets try it out on you all. If you thinknd that the American Companies will come up with another breakthrough to leapfrog the chinese. Raise your hand if you think that more data is going to win. Me too. Yeah. If you have enough data, you will win. What does this mean for us . Means that we are seeing being threatened in a field that we that we invented. How will tell a joke that used to be funny. [laughter] in ai . Behind his china to be 12is, he used hours. Because that would wake up and see whatever we did. And copy it. [laughter] now that joke stop being funny because it could be they are not 12 hours behind us. It could be five, 10, 20 years ahead. With our Tech Companies and say, we are going to support you and ensure you are competitive with the chinese. But we have a tradeoff the trade is that you have to have someone from the government who is just hanging around, making one you dont break things an epic scale. The technologist i talked to say that is a fair trade. We technologist has said welcome some degree of Government Intervention because if you are a Company Investigation artificial intelligence. Those are not the right incentives when it comes to this is not a customary ask on their part. They are cool with the trait if i say, we will help support you in the computing infrastructure but you need someone around to make sure you do not break things. Then restart an organization after that is patterned the wto on data and technology. You get the you and japan on board and you set international standards. China is developing their own technology ecosystem. Leave it or not, there are couple of african countries that do not want to say yes. Over time may become less crafty, that is what the congolese are hoping. Anyway. This is real. So you build a World Data Organization and then, just like china felt it had to confirm conform to international standards, we try to get them to say, ok, i need to get some of my abuses under control. The best way we can maintain the right stance toward china is to outcompete them. That is what i will make sure happens as president. [applause] thank you so much. [applause] [indiscernible] [applause] here is the deal. Mr. Yang will be available to meet people individually appear. Pause of applause for the Kennedy High School democrats. [applause] to andrewt to speak yang, lineup here. Ok, quick one. It was good. Sure. [indiscernible] you will see, there is a chapter 20 and called [indiscernible] lets do it. [indiscernible] appreciate it. Mr. Yang hi, how are you . Of course. [indiscernible] i havent figured out which side is my good one yet. The biodiesel tax credit, and multiyell multiyear tax credits is helpful for the industry . You cant operate [indiscernible] ive got to move, we have got to get to it. Sorry. Hello. As such for peace. Peace. Age for congress. Ing for [indiscernible] at some point in time, if you could see your way to interview them and support mr. Yang they sound very much aligned with me. I need them, thank you. High, hi, guys. Was he in the movie . He was in one and as nerve. Ed asner. [indiscernible] mr. Yang i enjoyed being here. Hello. Thank you for waiting. I appreciate it. Hello. I think i saw you. [indiscernible] mr. Yang come on in. I really wanted to say that your outlook and the way you talk is so reassuring. I really hope you stick with this. The firsthat you were you were the only candidate of color. Thank you so much for coming. Mr. Yang i got it. Sorry about that, tosha. [indiscernible] would you mind signing this . Mr. Yang i will definitely sign it. Maybe on the frame . Wow, look at that. That is freaking hilarious. Hi, how are you . Thank you so much. [indiscernible] mr. Yang i had a couple of [indiscernible] do you have any more of the books to sign . Mr. Yang sure. I left work early just to get here. Awesome, thank you, sir. I just want to say it really means a lot [indiscernible] thank you. Hello. G hype hi. [indiscernible] mr. Yang thats a fun sweatshirt. Im supposed to do it again next week. [indiscernible] can i, thanks. [indiscernible] to meet you. You meet you. [indiscernible] thank you. Thank you, have a good day. Mr. Yang hi. House democratic votes are being lost due to abortion issues. I was hoping [indiscernible] mr. Yang i certainly am very prochoice. Ok, great. [indiscernible] can i get a signature . Thank you, again. Mr. Yang i remember you. Hey, how are you . Estimate you. Nice to meet you. [indiscernible] honestly, it is here and hampshire. Thank you. Thank you so much for everything. [indiscernible] thank you so much. Mr. Yang sure. Thank you. Mr. Yang thank you very much. I went as you for halloween. [laughter] mr. Yang you are like a younger version. I am 25 and [indiscernible] mr. Yang i know what it feels like. [indiscernible] that is some of our campaign 2020 coverage with andrew yang and iowa. The house is about to n. This week working on federal spending, the impeachment of donald trump. Speaker. The clerk the speakers room, 16, ington, d. C. , december 2019. I hereby appoint the honorable to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2019, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. Seeing none, pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair eclares the house in recess until 2 00 p. M. Today

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