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Be here at the council on foreign relations, which has played such a major role in the world for 98 years. You were founded in the aftermath of world war i, and the Senate Rejection of the treaty of versailles and the league of nations, a critical moment in history when america americalobal rejected a global role and retreated into isolationism. The rest, unfortunately, is history. Since that time, cfr has helped remind us of the importance of engaging in a world and helps us think about how we can work to resolve global challenges that affect us here at home, rather than simply wishing them away. David nationsago, of the Washington Post wrote an article entitled the internationalism of the heartland. And he wrote about how some defining voices of global commitment over the past halfcentury have come from americas metal, and he just didnt mean middle of the political spectrum, he meant people in the middle of the country. He meant people like senator howard baker of tennessee, senator jay William Fulbright of arkansas, senator Mike Mansfield of montana and yes, senator Walter Mondale of minnesota. And i have given speeches at home about my own states transition from isolationism. Congressmanhad the who said europe should paddle its own canoe, if you were never that. Yes, he was from my state. And you saw other elected officials up of minnesota, senator mccarthy, who actually played a role in International Trade and opening things up, as well as senators humphrey and mondale. That change in our state coincided with more international businesses, with outreach to the world, its one of the reasons we have one of the highest rates of international adoptions, and it interesting to trace each states transition. But when ignatius interviewed me, i told him that as a senator from the midwest, that we need to embrace rather than tolerate internationalism. He summarized my comments by saying that, after a difficult decade, the United States need a refreshed internationalism that recognizes its stake in the costlyeven as it avoids military commitments wherever possible. He called this approach internationalism of the heartland. Is it is more important now, more than ever. A safer world is not just about what we do here at home. We doalso about what abroad. And even if you want to isolate yourself from the rest of the world, the rest of the world doesnt let you. Try, you miss when International Problems come banging at your door, and you do nothing about them, then they also, mostand you importantly, miss opportunities when they come knocking. So how we respond to the problems before us, and how we seize the opportunities we may miss if we isolate ourselves from the rest of the world . On november2020 4, 2020, the longterm vision of the u. S. And the world is at stake. Make no mistake. Under the donald Trump Presidency we are witnessing an erosion of our longheld principles and alliances and americas moral authority. We hear it every day. I am waiting for the president to tell us how asking a foreign leader to dig up on a political toonent and essentially try fix an election, how that makes America Great again. I would like to hear from him how leaving the kurds, our allies from year after year, how leaving them for slaughter makes America Great again. And i would like to hear about how walking out of a nato conference just because some other leaders were making jokes honestly, ive heard worse on the United States senate floor, not just about the president , but about a lot of people that we may even like. Ive heard these jokes before, but you dont walk out just because people are making jokes about you. You dont quit on the world. I dont think that makes America Great again. Most like to hear about how coddling up to Vladimir Putin makes America Great again. It doesnt make America Great again. It makes russia great again. Most troubling of all is the damage to our moral authority, and it makes it more difficult for us to attract allies to inspire people around the world to look to our example. Our democratic allies and partners have trusted us to lead for the benefit of all, not just for ourselves. Administration has fundamentally changed that perception. The president has aligned our ntry with the forces u forces of corruption and authoritarianism at many junctures. Implicitly and sometimes especially blesses the conduct of those who fail to uphold our values, and rejects the rulebased International Order that has endured for generations. He does it when he goes after the press and the first amendment. That is what dictators do. He does it when he goes after our refugees and our immigrants, and people of color. That is what dictators do. Becauseces kim jongun, the president says he fell in love. Meanwhile, there have been no meaningful commitments, no timetables, and no verification when it comes to denuclearization of the korean peninsula. We continue business as usual with saudi arabia, even after its crown prince ordered the coldblooded killer the coldblooded murder of jamal hashoggi, and our president billiondollar arms deals with those responsible for untold civilian deaths in yemen. We need a new commanderinchief , someone who can command with stability and strength, someone who understands that the great challenges of our time can and should dealt with by using our countrys advantages, the ingenuity of our talented and diverse population, connections we have all around the world because of that population, our entrepreneurship, our big ideas, our unmatched military, yes, that is true, but also our our diplomats and Global Networks of allies and partners with shared interests and shared values. By standing together with our allies and investing in ourselves, we can protect our interests and build a more just world. Today i want to talk about five steps we can take to address the challenges facing our country. They are simply called the five , as opposed to the three rs of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Restoring American Leadership, repairing alliances, rejoining ,nternational agreements responding appropriately to threats and challenges that come before us, and reasserting American Values. Restoring, repairing, rejoining, responding and reasserting. We will start with restoring American Leadership. We have to send a clear message that america is once again a global power of good. Trust from our allies that we will stand with them is key, and trust from our adversaries that we will oppose them and feed them. For me, that begins with respecting our front line troop, diplomats and Intelligence Officers who are out there every day risking their lives for us. They deserve better than Foreign Policy by tweet. The impeachment hearings have made clear the devastating effect donald trump and his policies have had on our state department and diplomatic corps. Ovitch saidor yovan in her testimony, the state department is being hollowed out from within. This is not a time to undercut our diplomats. Restoring American Leadership at home and around the world begins with rebuilding the state department and expanding our budget for foreign assistance. That is not only the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do. As former secretary mattis wants said, and i wish he was still there, if you dont fully fund the state department, then i need to buy more ammunition. Whatever issue we face, whether ebolaconflict in or pandemics in africa or zika in south america, our response is more effective if we use the tools of diplomacy and work with our allies. In my first 100 days as president , i will launch an effort to rebuild and restore our lament the core. That begins with immediately depoliticize and Foreign Policymaking and ensuring that the state department and International Agencies receive sufficient funding. Will recruit a new generation of Foreign Service officers, who will carry the mantle of American Values and ideals forward. But we will also welcome back and make it possible for career diplomats who were forced out of the state department under the Trump Administration to return, and there are some things you have to do to create those pathways to allow them to return. Then there is foreign aid, which has always gone hand in hand with our diplomatic efforts. Fortunately, congress has been successful in pushing back against dramatic cuts to foreign aid proposed by the administration. I have been part of that and have supported a strong foreign assistance budget. Helping friends and allies is not only the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do. Foreign aid is also critical for our National Security, strengthening our economy, and americas world leadership. In 2017i joined forces in a bipartisan effort to push back against the Trump Administrations proposed cuts to foreign aid, including for security and economic development, in the horn of africa. And we specifically talked about the drop in somalia, because minnesota has one of the largest east african populations, the biggest some alien population in the United States. Together, by showing that bipartisan support, our constituents understood the catastrophic result and National Security risk that could come, and that one instance that stood well, because we have so many somalians, inadequate responses to global disasters per that is the kind of thing we need to do to make this a national priority. Ahave also proudly supported program that is a great example of the positive impact we can have on the world today with bipartisan cooperation. Pat pharr was launched under ar wasent bush petf launched under president bush and continued under president obama and has saved lives across africa and change the course of hiv and aids pandemics. We also need to make sure we continue to be a country that makes stuff and exports of the world. We know that over 95 of our customers are outside our borders. That means exporting goods, and having a Strong Manufacturing sector that sector, but it also means fair trade agreements with environmental and labor protections. I voted for some trade agreements, i voted against some, but you have to look at each individual trade agreement and make your own decision. But mostly we need cohesiveness and consistency in our trade policy. It means having allies at our side so we can knock down trade barriers across the world and seek new markets. Bit of a sideline, not as relevant sadly today, but had a bipartisan bill to lift the embargo to open the cuban market. That is something president obama was working hard to do, but it has been left thanks to one person. [laughter] fornt know if that was president obama or whatever, i will take it from this group. Having been there several times, i have seen what we can do with those 11 Million People 90 miles off our shore. My most memorable trip, in addition to the one with president obama, i was with secretary kerry when he opened the embassy, and there were three senators on that trip, senator flake and senator lahey and myself. And on our plane were these three marines, jim, mike and larry i think, and they were the ones that had taken our flag down when we closed the embassy over 50 years ago, to a cheering crowd. And one of them said, we will be back. And over 50 years later, they were there handing that flag to three young marines, who hoisted it over the embassy. That makes you think anything and everything is possible, if you believe it can get done. The next r, repairing our alliances. This is key. Strength means a Standing Shoulder with our allies, not because a young up to dictators. Ismy first 100 days, this key to building trust, not only abroad, but with our country, and i have a 100day plan that has over 137 things and new prison a new president can do without congress that are legal. [laughter] becausea 100day plan of the economic crisis we were facing. We have a bit of that ahead of us if we dont change our ways, but that also was a trust crisis, and to get at that immediately you have to show leadership and change, including in the international area. So in my first 100 days, i will meet with the leaders of our neighboring countries, and assure our allies across the world that we will stand with them. And i will renew our commitment to the u. N. And other International Organizations such as nato. This is in stark contrast to President Trump, who criticizes our allies and coddled brutal adversaries. According to a pew survey, people in france and germany now are more likely to trust the leaders of russia and china than President Trump. Why . Here is good example. When the president dismisses questions about isis fighters escaping. Heause each its because said, they are just going to escape to europe. How would you feel if you are the people in those countries . Andashes our nato allies injects doubt about our willingness to fulfill treaty commitments. 70 years nato stood as a bulwark against aggression in europe and around the world, and remains a Vital Partnership today for our allies in the security of the u. S. We can never forget that in the wake of the 9 11 attacks, it was nato that invoked article five for the first and only time. I will reaffirm americas commitment to the Nato Alliance and and any question of americas commitment to collective defense. I will strengthen our relationships with japan and south korea, the cornerstones of our alliance in the asiapacific region. I will stand with israel, one of our strongest and most enduring allies, and a beacon of democracy in a tough neighborhood. President trump has tried to drive a wedge time and time again for bipartisan support of israel. I dont approve of many of the things that he has done, nor do i agree with what Prime Minister netanyahu has done. But that doesnt mean we cant change things and regain that bipartisan support for israel. Strongstand up for a u. S. Israel relationship and return us back to a Peace Process that combines the political and economic tracks, has buyin from israelis and palestinians and the arab world, and ultimately leads to negotiations between israelis and palestinians themselves, that can lead to a twostate solution. Pillar will be rejoining and reengaging with International Agreements and institutions that serve to protect and advance u. S. Interests. U. S. Leadership in creating the Global Security and Economic Framework for international institutions, agreements and norms has been one of our greatest Foreign Policy accomplishment. It has allowed for peace and prosperity at home and around the world, as well as Global Cooperation to address challenges. By contrast, the Trump Administration with drawl from International Agreements administration withdrawal from International Agreements has been one of americas biggest Foreign Policy blunders. Whether it was taking us out agreement, nuclear the intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty or the paris climate agreement, america has made us less safe and squandered leadership abroad. Here is what i will do in the first 100 days. Rejoin thei will International Climate change agreement. When he announced our withdrawal from the agreement, there were it, two countries not in nicaragua and syria. They are now in the agreement and we are the only ones that are not in the agreement. And we have to lead by example by it, nicaragua bringing back the cler rule and the gas mileage standards and introducing sweeping legislation to tackle lime it change. I will meet our commitments to the u. N. Another multinational u. N. And other multinational organizations and jumpstart your and jumpstart negotiations with russia for a new start treaty and restore the imf treaty that our linchpins in this global framework. Yes, we know russia was cheating on the imf treaty, but that doesnt mean you simply withdraw from the treaty. And i will renegotiate us back into the iran agreement. One of the major focuses of u. S. Foreign policy for years has been reducing the nuclear threat, particularly from iran. That is why i supported that agreement, even though it wasnt perfect, and why i believe we should renegotiate ourselves back into it. Iran remain a destabilizing force, it is also responsible for supporting aidingsm and directly the brutal war in syria and for threatening the security of israel in the region. By allowing them to again move toward a nuclear weapon, by giving leverage to china and russia, by leaving our allies in europe and holding the bag, that is wrong and against our interests and the interests of the world. Trumpsof donald feckless decision to pull us out of the iran nuclear agreement, iran is reducing is resuming enrichment activities, including at the underground site, and increasing uranium stockpiles. We need a realistic, longterm strategy for iran that will contain its aggressive actions and prevent it from gaining nuclear weapons, not just tough talk. Or tweets. That means renegotiating back into the nuclear agreement, but also rebuilding consensus with our allies. Fourth 4, responding to threats. Vigilant against terrorism. Since 9 11 we have made significant improvements to our counterterrorism and intelligence capabilities, but the threat remains. Our military forces and intelligence agencies must continue to go after terrorists wherever they pose a threat to the u. S. Or our allies. We must also push back against russia and china, two of the most significant beneficiaries of the disruption of our global system. They have seized the opportunity to strengthen their dictatorial regimes and challenge global peace and stability. They share an aversion toward mock receipt, and are desire to and a desire to reshape the global system. They use political and economic coercion to exert control over their neighbors while also exploiting cyberspace to threaten our infrastructure. Both regimes present a serious threat to our allies and our security. We know what they did in ukraine. Once withre twice, senator mccain and senator graham. Seizing crimea, poisoning political points, that political opponents, arming militants in Eastern Ukraine and propping up the brutal assad dictatorship in syria. Ukraine itself was targeted by russian hackers, id like to remind us the current debate is not really a debate, being put out there. I loved fiona hill when she said, they are peddling russian blamesnda, anyone who ukraine for the interference in our election, but they themselves were targeted by russia. On my trip with senator mccain to the baltics i learned a number of other incidents like estonia, wheng they moved a statue of a russian fighter away from a Public Square into a cemetery. They then had their internet shut down and they had to try to communicate with people from a hillside. It is a small country, but still. These are things that have been going on for years. And when we were there i didnt fully understand that this had happened in such a big way in our own country, but now we know, in the words of robert mueller, that it happened in a sweeping and systemic fashion. We should continue to cooperate with russia in areas where we have common interests, but must be clear right about the limits of productive clear eyed about the limits of productive engagement as long as Vladimir Putin is in power. It means reasserting our commitment to nato, strengthening sanctions against his regime and its enablers and protecting our elections. It means major investment in cybersecurity. I was talking on the senate floor before i came over here, and another senator and i lead the bill for backup paper ballots. We were blocked by the white house in senator mcconnell, that bill would have passed a year ago, it was in a Markup Committee and calls were made to a republican senator to stop the bill. There is no excuse. This is not a partisan issue. It is about protecting our elections by having good equipment, audits, backup paper ballots. Then there is china. Chinashave to look at detention of over one million detention camps or temps state crackdown on protesters in hong kong to see how far that country will go. It has been playing by its own trade rules for years, stealing our technology and international property. It weaponizes its economy against its neighbors by withholding key exports to try to extract political concessions, and it is throwing money into a military Modernization Program typically toires typically designed keep america at a distance and intimidate its neighbors. Embed itself in our sensitive infrastructure through internet firms which we know have strong ties to the chinese government, and by acquiring american startups and other companies to gain access to technology. Rhetoric, the Trump Administration attempt to rebalance our relationship with china is focused on the wrong things. His trade war has cost our country 300,000 jobs, but has done nothing to forestall longterm competition we face. That, wean old saying have a lot of tribes in my make, that great leaders decisions not just for this generation, but seven generations from now. If you are china you see a president that doesnt keep his decisions seven minutes from now. He has used a meat cleaver, or should i say a tweet cleaver, and is creating chaos with his erratic approach look at three weeks in august. August 1, he claimed he was going to put tariffs on 300 billion worth of new goods. August 13, he took it back, august 20, he said he is going to lower taxes because hes concerned about what is happening, says it will add more to the debt, the next day he dials that back. As they say in trade negotiations, keep your promises and keep your threats. He has done neither. We must go back to the negotiating table. You know that. But the point here is to refocus on results and trade enforcement efforts that help america. The stakes of this competition are high. It is not about some faroff balance of power in asia. We dont want to prevent china from succeeding, but we do want to prevented from doing so at the expense of others, including americans. Our china policy needs to oferage our full range economic, diplomatic and security strengths, including investments here at home in education and research to increase americas competitiveness in the Global Economy and ensure a level playing field. It means repairing diplomatic and security alliances, which china can never match. And it means standing up for u. S. Values on human rights and democratic freedoms. We dont seek conflict with china or russia, but we are not going to allow them to break up the International System that has enabled peace, stability and prosperity. Must continue to ensure our military remains second to none. To maintaining our military superiority over any child over any adversary. We will ensure our troops of the best trained and best equipped in the world and should not be trapped by false logic the higher defense spending automatically leads to a better military or safer nation. Every analysis of the pentagon budget has found duplicate to and unnecessary programs. So we need to make it clear that we will take a much clearer look at how money is being spent, and i will immediately focus on making sure we are making the right investments. One of those investments is clearly cybersecurity. Our is not about attacks on election only, it is electric grids, businesses, and the new reality we know we are facing. Congress has provided the pentagon a special authority to recruit civilian cybersecurity expert. Experts. I will, as president , direct the department of defense to provide adequate standing for cybersecurity programs that recruit Top Technology experts , becauseprivate sector a modern, National Security strategy means are your enticing cybersecurity. Another Foreign Policy challenge is afghanistan. We are now deploying soldiers who werent even born before this conflict began. But the way we do that is being clear in our purpose in working with our allies to make sure any negotiated settlement wont go backwards on our democracy gains. It is not by haphazardly inviting the taliban to camp people,r surprising both in the administration and the taliban, that we are renegotiating again. Cleare must do is make and to be very consistent in these negotiations, and work to end this conflict. Bringing ourted to troops home by the end of my first four years of i of my administration. R, that means having at the heart of our Foreign Policy our values. This includes standing up for freedom, democracy, and human rights around the world, and it starts at home. We have to stop fear mongering and tate. We may, from different places. We may pray in different ways. We may look different. We may love different, but we also live in a country of shared dreams. Themember at the height of antiimmigrant rhetoric in the last campaign, i heard the story of a somali family that had gone out to dinner. The parents had been in our state through 9 11 and had not experienced any discrimination, but at this moment at a suburban restaurant, a guy walks by and he said, you go home to where you came from. And the little girl looked up at her mom and said, i dont want to go home to eat. You said we could eat dinner out tonight. Word . U think of that that innocent child, he didnt even know what he was talking about, because she only knew one home. And that was my state. And that was our country. So as we think of reasserting our values at home and abroad, we have to remember that what we say at home mattress to the rest of the world. It is very hard to be the beacon of democracy and talk about the happening what is with the, if in fact we are not taking care of our own house. I come from a family of immigrants. My moms family came from switzerland, and ran a cheese shop for a while. What a cliche. [laughter] relatives on my dads side of the family came from slovenia and worked in mines in northern minnesota. My grandpa had to quit school at age 15 to help support his family of nine because his parents were sick. He became a teamster, and spent the rest of his life working underground in the mines. He wanted to be in the navy, and i often think when he went down into the cave with his lunch bucket my grandma would pack for him, how much he thought of life at sea. Instead he went 1500 feet underground every day, to take care of his brothers and sisters , the youngest, a sister, had to go to one orphanage when the parents died. He borrowed a car when she was 10 years old and got her out of that orphanage. That was sacrificed. Every day he would go to work in his hard hat and get the job done. That is what we have to do now, because we believe in a country where the granddaughter of that iron or minor and the daughter of a teacher and a newspaperman and the first woman elected to the u. S. Senate for the state of minnesota and run for president of the United States. Why did my great grandparents come here and my moms side and my grandparents on my dads side . Because they saw our country as a beacon of democracy. We must believe american can continue to be that again. The damage President Trump has done to our standing in the world is serious and will last long the on his presidency. But i dont believe it is irreparable, or i wouldnt be running for this job. It will take time and hard work, but i believe we can rise to the challenge and restore the promise of americas unique role in the world. Years of donald trump would permanently weaken our country. That is what we cannot afford to lose this election. The world is watching closely. Alike are adversaries wondering if america has turned away from its commitment to values that truly make us great and enabled us to build a Global Network of alliances unmatched in history. Administrationnt and aberration, a hick up on the hiccup on the path to greater prosperity and a greater future. I know where i stand. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much, senator. Nick shifrin, Foreign Affairs correspondent at pbs newshour. ve got three minutes john has 10 minutes. Then the senator has to get back. We have done a lot of work on china lately, especially on uigh jinping. Xi decided014, xi jinping economic incentives alone in change on wasnt enough, that there needed to be some sort of psychological means of control. Personally responsible for the imprisonment then holding in camps of more than one million uighurs . Senator kloubchar hes the leader of that country, but the question is what we do about it. End those stories we have seen in the news have been atrocious. You have students that go away to college and come back and their parents are gone, their families are gone. That,cant stand against i dont know what we can stand up against. A lot of this is working with whom to whom we make very clear that what theyre doing is wrong. We had a history of this with the japanese, and we reversed that and have apologized for that, and we spent decades and decades coming back from that. So we, of all countries, should be able to stay that this is wrong and stand up against it. Ofi think it should be part trade negotiations . Now. It should be separate from our trade negotiations, as well as what we recently did in congress, and standing up for the ability of protesters in hong kong, which the president grudgingly signed into law. I think this has to be a tenant of foreign a tenet policy. We have lost so much credibility when it comes to things like this that i think it was a big surprise when they saw how President Trump reacted to the dismembering of a journalist from an american newspaper. Other people are watching. Other leaders across the world know we are not going to stand up. This has happened time and time again. That is why having a new president who is not going to tolerated and going to call them out for it, who is going to be at international conferences, i think will make a difference. Administration shouldoned people the Trump Administration sanction people responsible . Senator kloubchar im not going to negotiate this, as much as that sounds fun. I just think he should be much firmer in his stance and that we have to keep pushing him. Eventually we will triumph, but not if we lose our moral focus. U. S. Military officials in europe and ukraine, ukrainian , sayials i talked to increased assistance sent to ukraine including javelin missiles, more money, has successfully deterred any russian incursion in Eastern Ukraine. Is that proof the Trump Administration policy on ukraine is working . I think thischar is a longstanding policy, and i personally advocated for sending more assistance to ukraine when president obama was in, after trips with senator durbin and with senator mccain and senator graham. One policyribute any to stabilization. There has only recently been a ceasefire. I also note that leaders involved in that ceasefire were Angela Merkel and the president and oure, macron, president had left, because he left the nato conference pits oh i think it is a combination of factors. But we still have the situation, despite the ceasefire, we have a situation where they have still illegally annexed crimea, and ukraine is nowhere back to where it was before russia invaded their country. The normandy process is different than what happened a couple of days ago at nato. Senator kloubchar i know that, but i dont see this huge change. And i also see our own president and some of his minions on the political side actually putting out this information, blaming ukraine for invading our election, which i dont think helps our relationship with ukraine, and not being Strong Enough in taking on russia, which was really the source of invading our election. Minutes,e six or seven so let me start back there, the woman in red. Please, quick question. Im from Japan International affairs. Senator klobuchar, thank you for taking the time with us. Applaud your condemnation of the u. S. Departure from the iran deal. When you want to renegotiate back into the deal, can you clarify what you mean . You said youchar are with the Japan Alliance . Right. Good to see you. Proud wheny ambassador mondale was , and i haveo japan done a lot of work with japan. When it comes to iran, we should try to seek, for instance, a longer sunset. Period a longer sunset period for a better agreement, but we are close to that because the president is taken that out of taken us out of that agreement. That happenspe before a new president takes over, before i take over, because everything iran is doing right now is somewhat predictable, including what you have seen in terms of oil tankers and other things. Many of us thought this would happen. This is the worst of all worlds. Even for people who oppose the agreement, send of the Democratic Senators like senator schumer or senator menand is, they did not favor getting out of the agreement, because of the fact that you are literally giving them some of the funds back, and yet they are not doing anything when it comes to stopping them from an ridging uranium, so i think we are in the worst of both worlds. I would start negotiations immediately, work with our allies, something this resident is not doing. When i brought up the tweet, that was because of his latest thing when there was a prisoner exchange, and he said, see, iran, i can do a deal. We were in a deal that took years to negotiate, and just because you dont like every , your job as president is to lead, and to figure out, how can i use my leverage in this great democracy to try to make changes Going Forward . That is not what he did. He took us out of that agreement. I would start the negotiations right away, because clearly there are many world powers that are interested in having us get back into that agreement. Thank you, senator. Im from lehigh university. Ofia has been a source instability for europe because of refugees. Do you think president obama did wrong and what you think President Trump did wrong . Would you do today totoday resolve the humanitarian a political crises . Senator kloubchar it is hard to go backwards now, but at the time, and i went on a trip with senator graham and other senators, and we went to jordan and turkey and met with some of the leaders at the time. And when i came back from the trip i met with president obama, and we called for a humanitarian , and it was at a moment in time it is possible because you have done more, and that didnt happen, and things kept getting worse and worse. I disagreed greatly with President Trumps decision to move 150 troops off the border. That left the kurds in a horrible position, after they stood with us and lost 11,000 people, fighting with us. And we broke our promise, which was heard around the world. The most important thing we can do right now is ensure humanitarian aid keeps going to where it should go, working with whatever allies we have left their. I was asked at one point, do you think we should get turkey out of nato . That helps. K they house our military weapons and nuclear sites, as you know. I dont think that is a solution, but it is continuing to work with the rest of the world. But he has put us in a very difficult position to serve to show any leadership right now when it comes to syria. Senator, thank you for your remarks. In the rejoining part of your one r strategy, you focused political arrangements. I wanted to know what you see as a u. S. Role in multilateral economic arrangements, and whether you would want the u. S. To rejoin the tpp . To join the tpp . Since it haschar but what put forward, i referenced, i meant. I have voted for some trade agreements and against others. I look at them individually, and if we are going to start bettertions on tpp, we make sure there are improvements to that agreement. There were real issues to that , and we were waiting and then it got withdrawn from consideration. That doesnt mean a new president , especially with a looming threat from china, could not renegotiate that agreement. I will seet usmca, what changes have been made there on labor standards, environmental standards, pharmaceutical agreements, and see if those are Strong Enough. I am now merging these for your purposes, if they are Strong Enough to garner my support. And also, what we could do to take some of those negotiated changes that are Strong Enough in looking at tpp. Had the, i canadianamerican enter parlin canadianamerican interparliamentarian group. Have done that for a decade, including when canada was going to be left out of this agreement. I guess it would have just been u. S. Ma usma. I went to canada after the g7 with two senators to meet with the canadians after that disaster with President Trump, to aich our hosts took us closed, underground nuclear facility. We were concerned at that moment they were going to leave us there. [laughter] but they did not. Bus ander we were on a looked out and there was a fancy sports car that drove by, and mustf our hosts says, that be a canadian dairy farmer. [laughter] know there are issues of imbalance with those countries, and thats why the renegotiation was so important. So the end of that story is that i got back and worked with senator portman and other senators to setup a meeting at the canadian embassy, a very big dinner. We had half democrats, half republicans, i think there were 15 or 16 of us that went to that dinner and talked it through with the ambassador from canada, their method or, at length and work out some ideas. Im not saying this dinner was a big breakthrough, but at least it showed the canadians we were interested, and we are starting those discussions again. And then senator portman worked with the white house significantly, because of his past work, on some of the details of that. So we were very pleased and i said that publicly, when canada got back into that agreement. I dont think it would have worked very well without our friends to the north. As i have often said, i can see canada from my porch. [laughter] and im looking forward to reviewing this agreement and working with my colleagues. We know you have to get back to an important hearing, so thank you, very much. Senator kloubchar thank you, everybody. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] mr. Chairman, there are 23 ayes and 17 nos. With the House Judiciary Committee approving two articles of impeachment against resident from, abuse of power and reach breach ofs, congress, watch live on cspan3. Watch online at cspan. Org impeachment or listen for free on the cspan radio app. Next, president ial candidate senator Elizabeth Warren talks about the economy. She also greeted supporters and spoke briefly to the media at Saint Anselm College in manchester, new hampshire. The Granite State holds its president ial primary february 11

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