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Afterwards, she took questions from the audience fmentsnoo absolutely. What is the best way to do that . Get involved. Get involved with the Johnson County democrats and go to jcdems. Org, get out your phones right now and head there, sign up for our weekly email. There is a new letter that will send you events in our area as well as details about the caucuses, information about training online, and also in person, so please go to that site, join the Johnson County democrats, and help us take back he state, the country, and support our local democrats. Thank you. Next, please join me in welcoming state senator joe olkcom to the stage. Snoo sen. Bolkcom good afternoon, iowa city. Happy holidays. I am state senator joe bolkcom. Thank you for coming to see Elizabeth Warren this afternoon. If youre already a committed warren supporter, thank you for your support. We have a lot of work to do in the next 63 days. If you were still undecided about who you are going to support, thank you for taking time to come to hear senator warren share her vision for the country. The 2020 election is about three things stopping the crazy. Sen. Bolkcom thats right. Breaking the grip of corporate special interests on our democracy. Sen. Bolkcom and, bringing positive improvements to the american people. Sen. Bolkcom i am here today, because i enthusiastically support Elizabeth Warren for president , because she can win, and she is best suited to transform politics once she is in office. She has the experience, the energy, and the guts to take on powerful special interests in washington, to solve the daunting problems facing the american people, and our planet. The 2016 election was a loud akeup call driven by powerful special interest politics. People are tired of this corruption. Americans want political leaders to Work Together to solve problems, that is really what this election is about. When we have a government by and or the people again. We all want a more hopeful, unified country. The best way to unify the country is for leaders and government to actually solve problems facing our families, and improve their everyday lives. That is why we will that is what will unify us, solving problems that helps peoples lives. That sounds simple, its not. Our next president needs to have the guts to take on these powerful interests. Elizabeth warren has a proven record of taking on washingtons special interests and winning. That is what will actually bring people together, winning for the american people. Sen. Bolkcom i have heard from some of my friends that say we need a moderate approach if we are going to beat trump. I appreciate that viewpoint, i understand people have had it with the chaos, corruption, and the noise of the trump presidency. They just want calm and stability. Unfortunately, the world today is anything but calm and stable. We face complex issues here at home and around the globe. What we need is a steady, thoughtful, smart leader that is going to set high, but realistic and achievable goals. We need a leader who is going to tackle income inequality, Climate Change, college affordability, and the broken Health System head on. Sen. Bolkcom Elizabeth Warren is going to challenge us to be the best we can be. That is what great leaders do. Did anyone see the hawks beat ebraska on friday . Go, hawks. It came down to a 48yard field goal with one second left on the clock. The coach did not tell the kicker, keith duncan, to get in there and get it close, no, the coach and the team wanted to win the game, make the field goal, expect results, get results. That is what we need in our next president. Someone that will challenge us to be the best and get results for the american people. Elizabeth warren is that later. As i watched the Iowa Caucuses unfold over the last several months, i have seen elizabeth organize a Grassroots Campaign rooted in big ideas and persontoperson connections. She is campaigning in small towns, rural communities, and big cities across our country. He time she spends listening and learning about the lives of Everyday Americans makes her a better candidate and will make her a great president. She is proving she knows how to win. She will campaign hard in every state. She will stand tough against trump. She can beat donald trump. Sen. Bolkcom i have been doing politics for almost 30 years. Thank you for your support. I wouldnt be here without you. I have seen a lot of candidates and politicians. He best ones have always set the bar high and encouraged us to be our best. Sen. Bolkcom i have also worked on many tough issues health care, Climate Change, predatory lending, tax issues. Oldschool businesses as usual politics has not fixed these problems. Only a courageous, relentless fighter like Elizabeth Warren will. Sen. Bolkcom finally, a powerful woman president is our best hope for the positive hange we need right now. Sen. Bolkcom please, please join me in caucus for Elizabeth Warren on january 3. Thank you very much. Paige hello, everybody. My name is paige. Before i give a little speech, some of you wanted to ask questions. And so, what i am going to do is draw five tickets. Everybody get your tickets out. That is how we are going to do it. You will go up to stockton over here, holding up the sign. The first number is 1019. Yell persist if it is you. The second number is 1020. Persist aige amazing. I think i am going to shuffle them a little bit more. The next one is 1069. Nyone . Ok, cool. The next one is 1079. 1079 . Is that her . Do we have 1069, 1079 . O. And then, we have 1008. 1008. Anyone . Ok. O, we are missing two. Cool. So, then we are going to do 1024. Persist aige yes paige ok. And then, the last one for this round is 1016. Yay paige amazing. So, my name is paige, i use them they pronouns. I figured i would tell you all about my experience in college. There will be trigger warnings in here for gun violence and sexual assault, for your awareness. My time in college was book ended by the catalyst of two major social movements and protests. The first of many sleepless nights on my normally subdued campus happened in the fall, in august. In november, the grand jurys decision to not indict the Police Officer who took his life came before thanksgiving break. What the course of that year, as we fought with School Administrators and faculty, the black lives Matter Movement emerged and entered the national spotlight. In 2017, i remember scrolling through facebook one day and seeing the words me too all over my timeline. I cant remember if it took me three hours or three days, but eventually i said it, too. Fast forward a couple of months, valentines day. We got word of another shooting in a high school, and incredible kids calling out officials through actions in sharing their stories. Fast forward another couple of months, i am two months at a college working in cedar rapids to elect fred hubbell, for governor in the great state of iowa. I wake up one day to a massive idney stone and thousands of dollars in medical bills. Had i not had insurance, i would have voted upwards of 42,000. Everyones decision to get involved in politics or a Movement Comes from a deeply personal place. I was not going to do another campaign. But Elizabeth Warren, who has been fighting for health care for all jumped into the scene, i cant say no to her. Joined this campaign, because when i started college, my tuition was 42,000. When i graduated, it was 66,000. I joined this campaign because as a survivor of childhood sexual assault, i cannot sit ildly by as it happens to someone in the white house. I joined this campaign because the number one cause of death for black men between the ages of 18 and 35 in this country is gun violence. I joined this campaign because being a Student Activist has taught me that the best leaders are the ones who listen to people affected most by the issues, give credit where credit is due, and know how to get from point a to point b. Elizabeth warren does not rely n fancy consultants. She turns to her queer endorsers and staff and asked them what they wanted for the lgbtq community. She never shies away from a good idea. But she ever have a plan for everything. This is a movement. We can elect Elizabeth Warren is the next president of the u. S. , but we need your help to do it. This is a movement, and i promise there is a place for you. There is too much at stake for anyone to sit in the sidelines with 63 days left. Ind out how you can fight by our sides to elect the first female president of the United States. Thank you. Cesar a lot of people here. Hello, my name is cesar perez. Before i even begin to tell you why i support Elizabeth Warren and why she gives me hope, i want to start by telling you guys who i am and how i got to this point in my life. As a mexican firstgeneration student, i always thought college was something reserved exclusively for my wealthy peers. Growing up, it was a struggle to keep up with my grades, and for a long time, college did not even seem like an option for e. Both of my parents came from mexico and never attended college. It was never mentioned in my home. But, dont take this as a sad story, because i dont really take it as a sad story. I am actually really proud of where i came from him how i am getting there. Cesar my future was not always bright. I was not always hopeful about anything, and honestly, didnt think i was going to a publish anything. So when i got accepted to the university of iowa, i knew this was a turning point for me. I seized it. This is my chance to make a difference in the world. And more importantly, to make my mom proud of me. To be completely honest, though it was hard when i started and it is still hard right now, it is hard because exams are hard, because studying until 4 00 a. M. Is hard, and also balancing 30 things on your plate is pretty hard. But, it is also hard because for lowerincome students like me, every day can feel like a struggle just to afford tuition. Like so many others, i took out loans to afford iowa, but in doing so, i did not know what i was getting myself into. Right now like many students in the u. S. , i am thousands of dollars in debt. This is definitely a struggle, and i stress about my future all the time and how i am going to ay for it. College was not made for me to succeed, especially as a son of two immigrants, but i know i will continue to work hard and continue to have hope. I want every person to have the opportunity to go to college. If they want to or not, and not have to worry about this. No one should be defined on their past struggles. Everyone should have their opportunity to live on their dreams. And this is why i support Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth has a plan to not just cancel Student Loan Debt, but also to make tuition free college. This is what big structural changes. Her plan will erase every cent of my thousands of dollars in debt. It will help people like me to be successful in college, but not just in college, but in life. Think about it, Elizabeth Warren is giving every american the opportunity to attend a twoyear, Fouryear College without paying a dime intuition. This is truly amazing. It will be transformational for our economy and our country. Something i learned through all of that is, my Life Experience has not been easy, but you cannot choose your life. You can only choose how you respond to it. I will continue to keep working hard for me, my friends, my siblings, and my parents. Elizabeth has genuinely given me hope about the future and has inspired me more than she could ever know. She wants to fight for me and the people i love. So please, help me in welcoming the next president of the United States, Elizabeth Warren. Sen. Warren hello, iowa ity woo and great job, cesar. Give him a hand. Good to see you all here. Just what you want to know, it is good to be back in iowa city. This time, i brought family. Brought my son, alex. The guy in the blue shirt. Sen. Warren now, actually, you were with me here before in iowa city, and you had on a blue shirt. Alex has been my tech support since second grade. True story. He now runs his own business, small business. He has picked up a new sideline. Support your mother when she runs for president of the United States. Way to go, al. So, i thought what we would do today is try to give you just a kind of real short version of who i am and why i am in this fight. Then we will take as many questions as we can get in. Let me start this by saying i was born and raised in klahoma. There are not that many of us. We got to stick together. Born and raised in oklahoma. I have three much older brothers. I am the baby in the family. I am what used to be called a late in life baby. My mother always just called me the surprise. My three older brothers back in oklahoma now live there, and they are collectively referred to as the boys. Even today. That is to distinguish them from the surprise. Rowing up, all three of my brothers went off and join the military. It was their path to the middle class, their chance to serve america. I had a different tree. I knew what i wanted to be since econd grade. I have actually never wavered from it. I wanted to be a Public School teacher. Can we hear it for them . Sen. Warren oh, man. This is what i wanted. I want you to know i invested early. I would line my dollies up and give school. I had a reputation as being tough, but fair. I loved it. By the time i graduated from high school, my family did not have the money for college applications, much less to send me off to four years and university. So, like a lot of americans, i do not have a Straight Path story. I have a lot of twists and turns in my story. I was a high school debater and got a scholarship to college. Woo hoo go debaters. Then, at 19, i fell in love, got married, and dropped out of chool. Woo hoo now, look, it is what i picked, good life, but i thought i lost the dream. I thought that was it, i will never get to teach. We were living down in houston, and then i found it. A commuter college 45 minutes away that cost 50 a semester. And for a price i could pay for on a parttime waitressing job, i finished my fouryear diploma, became a special education teacher, i have lived my dream job. There it is. Sen. Warren now, have we got any teachers in here, or teachers to be . Ood. Im going to need you to back me up on this. It is not a job, it is a calling. I love this work. I had four to six year olds in special education, and loved t. By the end of the first year, i was visibly pregnant. The principal did what principles did in those days, wish me luck and hire someone else for the job. Yay. So, here i am, at home, have a baby, cant get a job, i got to o something. I got to go to law school. I ended up there. Y this time, i was living in new jersey, i found the college, and baby on hip, i finished three years of moscow, graduated visibly pregnant, passed the bar, and practiced law for 45 minutes. Then i went back to my first love. Hich was teaching. I spent almost my whole grownup life teaching in law school. Now, i dont know if everybody does this who grew up like i did, but we watched every nickel. When i taught law school, i taught all the money courses. If it was about money, i was right there in the thick of t. But there was one central question that all of my work was always about, and that is, what is happening to working families in america. Why is americas middle class being hollowed out . Why is it that people who work every bit as hard as my mother and father worked two generations ago, today, find the path so much rockier and steeper . Nd for people of color, even rockier and even steeper. And the answer is about who Government Works for. Think of it this way we have a government that works great, fabulously for giant Drug Companies, just for people trying to get a prescription filled. It works great for people who want to make money, investing in risons, in private detention centers, just not for the people whose lives have been destroyed by those places. It works great for giant Oil Companies that want to drill everywhere, just not for the rest of us who see Climate Change bearing down upon us. And when you see a government that works great for those at the top, for those who have money, and it is not working for much of anyone else, that is corruption, pure and simple, and we need to call it out for what it is. Sen. Warren so, that is why i am in this fight. I want an america that this not work just for those of the top, want an america that is not just business as usual, i want an america that works for every Single Person. I want an america that is expanding opportunities. That is the america i believe in, that is why i am in this fight, that is why i am here today. So, thank you. Thank you. We got two questioners fment hi, rr i studied ame sn and here in iowa we have older adults and rural towns are far away fment im wondering once you take care of universal child care and how about older adults nfment sen. Warren the question you are ultimately asking is how do we make this country work for everyone, whatever their age and whatever their zip code, whatever their race, we want a country that works for everyone fment lets start with Social Security fment heres my view on this, after a lifetime of hard work, people are to retire with dignity fment that means protecting and expanding Social Security fment and i got a plan for that and here it is fment we can ask the top 2 prs to pay a little more and with that money, we can do a couple of things, the first is we can expand the decades, by decades, the viability of Social Security plus we can increase the monthly Social Security check and the monthly disability check by delrs 2 hurks for every Single Person that gets Social Security fment that will lift five Million People out of poverty ent think about that fment ease our budgets for millions more fment that is one part of the problem fment second part of the problem fment i want to mention around health care fment well talk more about it, but one part of my transition plan for health care for medicare for all is to lower the age of eligibility for medicare down to 50 and then to expand the benefits for everybody who gets it to include hearing, dental and vision and longterm care ment applause applause sen. Warren and again, we can do that by making sure that we ask those at the top to pay fment this is not something we are going to need to raise taxes on middle hife class families by one single penny fment a third way to look a this problem fment you identified is how many young families move out of small towns, how many folks leave iowa and dont come back, right sn and think about some of the reasons behind that fment big art, Student Loan Debt fment youve got to have a community hospital. [applause] sen. Warren and you keep thinking about how all these pieces fit together, but its so important throughout a huge part of our country and that is the in our t farmers play economy and the Climate Crisis we face. Sen. Warren i made the decision when donald trump was elected, i decided i would go to the inauguration and i know people who didnt and i respect that but i come from a witnessing tradition and i thought this was the transfer of power, im a senior senator, im going to go. But it was important to me what wore. Has the scaffer that ords planned parenthood. Next day, i showed up at that rally that was held around the rally, the womens march, the largest protest march known in he history of the world, i spoke and i wore my pink planned parenthood scarf. Heres my plan for number three, im going to be wearing that scarf when im sworn in as president of the United States. Cheers and applause] this is partly about supporting planned parenthood and the full range of Health Care Services for women and including access to abortion. That is part of what we do as a country and making sure that health care is available to everyone. This is about supporting our Community Health centers, about making sure that health care is available in many of our high schools that we get people access to health care. Not enough that you can track it down and find it. The way we make Health Care Accessible is we put it in the communities. I strongly support this. One way we will do this is when we have Better Health care plans and including more people in our coverage, now we can afford to get those Community Health centers and get those coupleors out there. Thats what i want to see because every Single Person should have access to the health care they have. It is a basic human right. Cheers and applause] what is the biggest thing you want to change in america when you become president . Sen. Warren it starts with corruption. [applause] a little better big better for the gun manufacturers and a little better for the big polluters, just a piece at a time. And now with donald trump as president , what has been bad has just skyrocketed, has just taken off like crazy, right . Are you kidding me, a coal lobbyist as the head of the Environmental Protection agency . A former lobbyist for the Defense Agency is now the secretary of defense and betsy devos, secretary of education, no. The way i think about this is our democracy is broken. I get it. Rich people may own own more chutes or more cars than you do or more houses than you do, but they are not supposed to own a bigger share of our democracy than you do. Cheers and applause] sen. Warren we take that on. We fight that fight. We knock back the influence of money and the lobbyists and the bought and paid for experts. We can off our back foot and get on our front foot and then the whole world changes because now what is possible is that actually, you could ask the billionaires to pay a wealth tax. Hello, right . [applause] sen. Warren we can beat back the big polluters and beat back the influence of the gun industry, but its got to start with not a nibble around the edge, not a lets be polite to the rich folks but starts with big structural change. Thats how we are going to get this done. I love that. [cheers and applause] im connor. The senate is biased in favor of republicans and threats to voting rights, what is your plan to work with mitch mccome to ass your ambitious agenda . Sen. Warren i have a plan for this. We fight for big ideas because thats how we will take back the senate and put Mitch Mcconnell out of a job. Cheers and applause] im curious about this, we have to get out there and show people what democrats are willing to fight for. The changes that will affect peoples lives, the things that matter where they live and when we do. Its about getting elected, you bet it is. It is about november 2020 but about january 2021. So heres the thing. For everybody, im asking to be part of this, understand i want you to be in this in the prime areas and in the general but nobody gets to go home after we win. You got to be in the fight as hard and as strong the day after the election as the day before. Cheers and applause] sen. Warren when im ready to fight for that anticorruption bill and roll back the filibuster so we can get something done ill do it from the biggest and best platform in the world and that is the white house. And you will be doing it all across america. We are going to push this government and hold it accountable. Thats how wells do it together. Thank you. I love that. Cheers and applause] paige. Come up and do some more. Im just going through these, im ready. I thought there was one more. 1058. Come on over here. Come on over here. 1063. Se have you got, 1063 in the house . Sen. Warren we got a 1063 or just stretching your legs . 1063 . There could be a stuffed animal in it for you. Moving along. 1048. Sen. Warren come on over. And then well do two more 1060. 1060. 060. Sen. Warren she has it and doesnt want to do it . [laughter] is it 1060 really under the gum. We got it. Ok. Ok. We got four. Sen. Warren how about one more. 1065. Sen. Warren thank you, paige. My name is a nmpnmp. What is your plan to protecting the rights of eightivities and other nonbelievers. En. Warren thank you, a nmpnmp. It starts with the constitution of the United States, people can protect the people who want to worship or not worship. The way i see this is, i am a person of faith, i grew up in the Methodist Church and subpoenaed School Teacher but i see it as a fundamental question about what it means to be an american and what it means to be an american is that we recognize the worth of every single human being. Thats part one. And part two, were called to act on that, that we are responsible for our actions consistent with that, that we dont take advantage of people, we dont cheat people or hurt other people and do what we can to support other people and to build opportunity for other people. Its not for the core values right down at the heart that make us americans, i think that leaves us all the room in the world for wore shipping differently or for not wore shipping at all. And thats the kind of america i want us to be. Does that work . Thank you. [applause] im eleanor and my nickname is bear. Sen. Warren nice to see you eleanor. When you become president , are you going to stop Global Warming . [applause] sen. Warren yes. [cheers and applause] eleanor, that is a big commitment because we are in real trouble, you know this, right, that Climate Change threatens every living thing on this planet. And for me, the scariest thing that happens now is every time the scientists go back and recalculate the data, put in more information, its worse than what we thought it was. The problem is bigger, its moving faster and we have less time to respond. So this one is going to be big, all right, and we have to work really hard and have to Work Together. So my basic approach is we do everything we can. Not a part, not my plan versus your plan, we can, that is how urgent this plan is. I will do everything that and i love saying this, a president can do all by herself, ok . [applause] stay eleanor. Dont leave yet. Let me just a little bit about what that means. For example, on day one, im going to look through everything. On day one, i will issue orders hat no mining on any federal lands. Done. [applause] sen. Warren we will respect the decisions of native american tribes to protect their own lands and adjacent federal lands. [applause] sen. Warren oh, and i wont put a coal lobbyist as head of the e. P. A. I want somebody who believes in science. Yeah. You like that eleanor . Ill do everything i can do. But let me talk about a few of the other things. Another piece is that we have to make Racial Justice right at the heart of our climate plan, right at the heart. [applause] sen. Warren for decades and decades now, the government has permitted all of the most polluting industries to work right next to communities of color. Located the waste dumps next to communities of color and the consequence has been disaster both to Peoples Health and for the economic value. So i commit that as a part of my climate plan right from the beginning is i commit that a trillion dollars we are going to spend to clean up the communities that have been hardest hit and Economic Development in these communities. Critical. Cheers and applause] nime not through yet. I have to mention a couple of more. We have to be willing to pick up the regulatory tool. Nobody likes to hear the regulation or excuse me, this is where we are. Picked this up from jay inslee, governor inslee, because its good stuff by 2028, all New Buildings in the United States has to be carbon free. No more Carbon Emissions from these emissions. By 200, all new cars and lightduty trucks have been to be zero Carbon Emissions. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren and by 2035, all production of electricity has to be zero Carbon Emissions. [applause] three things, three regulations that you are willing to get out there and fight for will cut carbon in the United States by 70 . [applause] 70 is a good place, right. One more thing, we clean up. We get to zero Carbon Emissions and only 20 of the problem, its a big fraction but still a fraction. We have to be World Leaders. We are World Leaders and leading the world in the wrong direction right now with donald trump and giving a lot of cover to places that dont want to make difficult decisions. We have to change that and not enough to say paris climate accord. Yes im in. But we need so much more. There is an upcoming 17 trillion market around the world to buy clean, clean energy, things to clean up the air, things to clean up the water, de salnizzation. And much of what we need is not yet invented. We will go up ten fold our investment and research and development around clean. Thats what we are going to do. Ell [applause] sen. Warren and then we are going to do something with that and that is to say anybody can use that research to build anything you want to build so long as you build it right here in the United States of america. Ood jobs here. Best estimate is that is about 1. 2 Million Manufacturing jobs here in america, Good Union Jobs here in america. We can do this. And then we sell it or if we need to, give it away all around the world because we have to clean up all around the world. We have to make this happen. Its a real commitment. Last thing i want to say, though, a lot of folks are going to talk to you about climate and say i have this plan and i have another plan and i want to spend so much money, im all for it. Thats great. But if they are not willing to talk about corruption, if they are not willing to talk about rolling back the filibuster. We will have things that have ice names, save the world, whatever names that people want if ut on, but the truth is, it is the petroleum lobbyists and the big polluters who dont want to spend the money to clean up putting this stuff together, it will have loopholes they will have to drive trucks through, dirty trucks with no bio added to them. Heres the thing thats why i keep saying all of this intersects back again with who we make government for. When i say to you, im going to do this, im going to start to make this government work for you. We make this government work for you. Our next step is to clean up the rest of the world. Thank you. Cheers and applause] my name is cassidy. Im a First Year Student at the university here and im from a small rural farming community. A lot of my class is like, the opportunity to go to college is o cool, but like its their income is based off their parents. A lot of them go to Community College and i wanted to go to the university of iowa and my brother went here, too. It cant be so that it is much more expensive than it used to be and i looked at my rewards compared to my brother and i was awarded 5,000 less in just the span of four years and its crazy. How can you fix this and make it easier for to afford university. Sen. Warren i got a plan for that. Heres what i want to start this conversation. It is time for a wealth tax in america. Cheers and applause] sen. Warren i always start with how we are going to pay for this stuff. Heres the basic idea, tax on fortunes above 50 million, in other words, your first 50 million is free and clear but first millionth and dollar you have to pay two cents. When you hit a billion, you have to put in another penny. Thats the basic idea. Anybody in here own a home or knows a family that owns a home. You have been paying a wealth tax forever. It is called a property tax. What i want to say is for the top tenth of 1 . Its not your real state, but it includes your stock portfolio, the diamonds, the realm brant, the yacht. Right . There there. Other billion has are out there. They are out there. Other billionaires are out there. They said i would hard for my money. Worked hard for my money. You had a great idea, good for you. Good for you. Absolutely. That is great. Mind, if you build a Great Fortune here in america, you built it at least in part using workers that all of us helped pay to educate. The you built it at least in part getting your goods to market on roads and bridges all of us helped pay to build. You build it at least in part andected by Police Firefighters that all of us pay the salaries for. We are happy to do it. When you make it big, really big, the top 10th of 1 egg, pitch into sense so everybody else gets a chance to make it. Here comes the fun part. What can you do for two cents . The answer is we can do universal childcare for every bevy in this country aged 05. Pk for every threeyearold and fouryearold in america. Exploiting the mostly women, mostly black and brown women who do this work. We can raise the wages of every childcare worker and preSchool Teacher in america. Two cents. We can do all of that for our babies. Plus, we can put a new investment, 800 billion new federal dollars into our Public Schools. Every Public School in america. Isnt that amazing . Two cents. We can do that offer the babies, all for k12. Free we can make tuition public Technical School to your cows and Fouryear Colleges in america. Plus, we can help level the playing field. We can put 50 billion into our historically black colleges and universities. And, just one more, we can cancel Student Loan Debt for 43 million americans. Two cents. There is the answer. Think about this. How do we invest in opportunity . Is it that we believe it is more important for the top 1 10 of 1 not to have to pitch into cents . They keep growing these Great Fortunes, they should grow them at the fastest possible rate. Or do we believe, good for you that you built this fortune, but pitch in two cents so we can invest in an entire generation of americans. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren good good my name is maureen. I would like to know what you are going to do when you become president about the immigration process. And how do we get our brothers and sisters i wouldve cages sisters out of the cages . [applause] sen. Warren i just want to start where marine ended this question marine ended this question. When words began to drift out, about a year and a half ago, that our federal government, our government, was taking children away from their families down at the border, i went down. I went down to mcallen, texas. This is before they started locking senators out of that place. I went down to bear witness what this place was like. And i want you all just to envision a giant amazon warehouse. Only it is dirty and it smelled bad. I walked in and on the left were cages, one after another after another. They are jammed against each other. Maybe 10 feet wide, 40 feet deep with one toilet in the corner, crammed full of men. On the right, same thing, except crammed full of women. People are just standing there. There wasnt even enough room for all of them to lie down. And then i thought, this is the worst thing ive ever seen, open it up, and there were though freestanding cages of little girls. About the size of just this group of folks sitting here. Freestanding cage of little girls. They had no toys, no tv, they sat, just sad little girls. Most of them didnt seem to know where they were, where their families were, what had happened to them. And then there is another cage of little girls, and then another one. And over that way, a cage of little boys. And beyond that, a cage of another little boy cages of little boys. Back in the corner as i came through, there was a cage of nursing mothers, the ones with little tiny babies. I remember i stopped to so many people, i talked to one young woman, holding her little baby, and she came from central america. She said she had given a drink of water to a Police Officer. Word had come down that night that the gangs believed she was working with the police. And she knew what that meant. She and her baby would be killed. So she never had any notion of immigrating to the United States. She wrapped her baby up and she ran, and she ran all the way to our border. A great nation lives its values every day and that mean we treat people who come to our borders with humanity and respect, that is who we are. And that is who we must be. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren let me just lay out the central parts of an immigration plan. One is we all have to recognize in this country, immigration does not make this country weaker. Immigration makes this country stronger. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren stronger economy, stronger connections around the world. Part one, we need to expand Legal Immigration in this country. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren part two, we need a path to citizenship for the people who are here. The dreamers, yes. But also their grandparents, their parents, their friends, people who are paying to work in agriculture, people who have overstated student visas, we need a path. These are our friends, our neighbors. We need a path. In part three, and part three, we need to stop this trump made a crisis at our border. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren how do we do that . The first part is we restore we expand aid to central america. So that they can establish rule of law again. So it is not the gangs running things. [applause] sen. Warren help them and the second is that we say to the entire world, we are a country that lives its values and that recognizes the worth of every human being. You come to our borders begging for help, then we will welcome you in and give you a hearing. That is who we are. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren thank you. Thank you for the question. Good. We have got paige back. We are going to do three more. Do you want to draw the first one . No . Sen. Warren not even not even the appearance of a conflict of interest here. [laughter] sen. Warren im staying away from that. Thats my president. Ok. The next one we have, 1047. Yay come on over here. Sen. Warren come on over. And then we are going to mix it up a little bit. Ok. Now we have 1042. 1042. Here we go. Sen. Warren fabulous. Amazing. Sen. Warren make the last one a good one. Do you want to do the honors . Sen. Warren no. And now we have 1070. Sen. Warren 1070. You got it . All right, weve got it. Thank you. Ok. Hi. Come on up. Hi, elizabeth. My name is mary. Before i ask you a question, i want to thank you very much for being such a strong role model for everyone, but especially for women and girls. Sen. Warren thanks, mary. [applause] one issue that is very important to me is the environment. Im going to ask you another question about that. What are your specific plans to undo the damage that our Current Administration has done rolling back Environmental Policies . Sen. Warren yeah. So, oh god, it is like this is worse then we think it is. Because they are just doing it every place they can. Even deals that had been cut. So, cleaning up of the river, finally after years of foot dragging, you finally get the corporation in, they say they will go along. Donald trump gets elected and they say wait a minute, we want to think about that one more time. It is everywhere they can be a the Environmental Standards in california. Thats the bad news. How much damage they are doing and how fast they are doing it. Heres the good news. Most of that is through agency, which means we get the right person at the head of the Environmental Protection agency, and i dont just mean somebody who says i want to work on this, i mean somebody who says i get it, the world is on fire, and we need to make change fast. And do keep in mind, the good folks working at the Environmental Protection agency, they are there because they believe in the work. So you get them a leader and you turn them loose and you bring the scientists back in. Im going to Say Something shocking, i believe in science. [applause] sen. Warren thats how we both get our rigs back in place. Understand, back in place is not good enough. We cannot say our goal is business as usual. Lets get us back to where we were. The problem is bigger. The problem is getting worse. We have got to be both more aggressive and more innovative. For me, since you are on this narrow part of it, i want to tell you about that kind of person i want to have at the head of the Environmental Protection agency. I want someone who has lots of ideas. I want someone who is willing to try a lot of Different Things and i want someone who is really committed to data. Collect the data on what it means. And do more of the things that work and less of the things that dont work. Can we get this government on our side . Thats the idea behind it. What i want is i want a fighter. I want someone who is so committed to this that they really will take on the oil industry, though they really will take on the big polluters. That they are not afraid. And i think the best way this happens is i get a person like that and then i back them up 110 . Because that is the only way we are going to make the changes we need to make. Thank you. It was a great question. Thank you. [cheers and applause] hi. Sen. Warren whats your name . Beth. Sen. Warren is that an elizabeth . Whoa double elizabeth. Feel the power. Im so happy the first time i get to vote is for a woman. Sen. Warren oh good [cheers and applause] sen. Warren im happy about that too, beth. Im really happy about that. I grew up in a generation terrified to go to school because of gun threats. Its really scary. I want to know what you were going to do about that. Sen. Warren ok. I know. Lets talk about the problem, ok . Its going to be ok. You want to come over closer . [laughter] sen. Warren ok. We have a gun violence problem in america. And that is how we need to think of it. Isabel Mass Shootings it is about Mass Shootings and that is really scary. But it is also about what happens on sidewalks and playgrounds, and communities, particularly communities of color, all around our nation every day. They dont get the headlines but children are dying. It is also about suicide. And the legality of suicide attempts because of the presence of guns. And it is about domestic violence. About the fact and it is women, largely, who are much more likely to die if there is an abuser and a gun in the house. So we have to think of this altogether as a gun violence problem. In the way i like to think about this, the way i approach it is to think about, we have an auto violence problem. Decades ago. People died on the highways. Stories written over and over about carnage on the highways, entire families wiped out. Five people died for every one million miles traveled on the roads back in the 1960s. And we decided as a nation, this is not acceptable. We want to do a better job of protecting our people. So we treated it as a problem of auto violence. And we said we are going to reduce that violence, we will reduce the deficit and heres how we will go about it. Some of the things we needed were obvious and easy, seatbelts. Safety glass. Some had not even been event been invented like airbags and automatic break in the systems. The approach we use as a government was to say, lets do what we can quickly, get those in, this seems lets the things that seem obvious, collect the data, and come back again. What else do we need to do . The second year, the third year, the fourthyear, until we bring down the death rate. Until we bring down the risk. Until we make our children safe. We need to treat gun violence not as a you are playing versus my plan. It is what will what plans will work best to reduce the risk . We need to treat it like the Public Health emergency that it is. Im in this for you, beth. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren ok. Hi. Im derek. Sen. Warren nice to meet you. Welcome back to iowa. Sen. Warren thank you. It is good to be back in iowa. We hear a lot of president ial candidates talk about bringing the country together. I think about the other side, the republicans who basically believe government is evil, every dollar you pay in taxes is theft, and that government is an oppressive force in our lives. Whereas i see government, i see my neighbors, my friends, my family working. Why cant we highlight the good work of all the people in government who are doing things for us . Protecting our food, our air, our water. This is our government. These are our laws. Sen. Warren yep. Im with you on this one, derek. [applause] im just inviting you to comment on that. Sen. Warren you know, it is interesting. Im there. I strongly support the people who work for government. These are good people. It is called Public Service for a reason. Because they are there. They are serving the public. If i can, i want to pull this back just a little when you started on this question of division in this country. Two very different views of what is going on. I want you to think about this a little differently. And that is i will tell you where this comes from. I mentioned the boys, my three older brothers. One is a democrat. [laughter] sen. Warren do the math. Ok . Yes, our thanksgivings are like that too. [laughter] sen. Warren but heres the thing, there are a lot of things we disagree on. But my brothers are furious over amazon making 11 billion in profits and paying zero in taxes. They are really angry. And i mean all three of them. Not just the democrat. I mean the democrats and republicans are really unhappy about this. They are furious over Drug Companies that take all of the research you when i paid for as taxpayers through the National Institutes of health and so on, take that research and turnaround, turn it into drugs that they have had a, marketed, made their money, and then they up the price on. I dont mean a little bit, they up the price through the roof. This makes my brothers furious. They use different words to describe it. But they are all very angry about the corruption in washington. They get that they are being cheated. They get that this Government Works for those at the top. The government is not working for everybody. It is a government working great for those at the top. The next time somebody says our government never works in washington, it is just gridlock, whoa. Remind them of two things. When the republican donors wanted that tax break, it took five weeks for the republicans to go behind closed doors and write a taxpayer a tax break and give 1 trillion of money away to these guys. The rest of the time when nothing gets passed, when nothing makes it through the senate, think for just a minute. That works pretty well for Drug Companies. Works pretty well for Oil Companies. Works pretty well for gun manufacturers. It works pretty well for everyone for whom the system is working right now. Washington is working. It is working great for those of the top. Heres my pitch on this when you talk about great about bringing the country together. Instead of fighting with each other, left, right, middle, whatever, how about we focus on the guys who keep sucking more and more wealth out of this economy, more and more power out of this economy, how about we focus on them . And say, in a democracy, you have got to pay a fair share and give everybody else of opportunity in this nation. [applause] sen. Warren you walked away before i finished but i will say one more thing. We really want to beat donald trump. Anybody want to do that . [cheers and applause] sen. Warren then lets talk about the difference between him and us. Lets talk about the difference between his party and where we want our party to be. And that is right at this question of corruption. He is the most corrupt president in living memory. And we need to call that out. But we have got to be in this fight all the way. We can do this. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren good, thank you. Good. Last question. Is this the last one . Im gary. Sen. Warren may get a good one. Im ready. I am a vietnam veteran. [applause] i know what automatic weapons can do. In less than five seconds, it can hit everybody in that group and keep going. What can we do to get rid of the automatic weapons that no one should have . [applause] sen. Warren i agree. We need automatic weapons off our streets. You are right. Can we wind back and learn a little bit from history. People used to have machine guns. Right . Im serious. What did we do as a nation . We said well, we need to get rid of these things, this is not good to have anybody who gets in an argument with his neighbor having a machine gun. Not a good thing. And so what we did is we said you have to register them, you have to pay a fat tax on them, and if you dont want to do that, you have got to turn them back in. And by golly, thats what people did. They turned them in and we got rid of the problem of having a lot of people with machine guns. We can do the same things with weapons of war. They should not be in our streets or our homes. We need to get rid of them. Thank you. [applause] sen. Warren i want to thank you all for terrific questions. This is fabulous. And i want to do obviously the most important part of democracy, and that is selfies [applause] sen. Warren but before we do, i want to talk a little bit, as we wrap this up, i want to tell you a story about a toaster. [laughter] sen. Warren you did not see that coming, right . This woman is going to tell a story about a toaster. When i was a young mom, toasters used to cause house fires. Heres how it worked. Those toaster ovens with a little slide out trays, they did not have the automatic shutoff switch. So you put four slices on the tray, slide the thing in, flip it on, here the baby cry, run to the other end of the house, spend longer than you thought you had, and when you come back, the flames off the bread will be somewhere between six and eight inches, maybe 10 inches. If you are not lucky, you catch the curtains on fire and maybe the kitchen cabinets. Ask me how i know. [laughter] sen. Warren all im willing to tell you is when i was a young mom, my daddy actually one year gave me a fire extinguisher for christmas. And then along came a federal agency, the Consumer Product safety commission, and they said enough. We are done. Were down. And that was it. Couldnt sell toasters without a safety switch, house fires from toasters. Not bad. By the early 2000s of america, mortgages had to become so complex and so dangerous, they had a one in five chance of costing a family their home. Not from fire, but from foreclosure. In this time, the federal government was not on the side of the people. It was so deep in the pocket of the banks, they let them keep selling those things, and that was the crash of 2008. After the crash, i had an idea. How about if we have a Consumer Agency like the one for toasters, only we have one for Financial Products for mortgages, credit cards, student loans, payday loans . I go to washington, im not in an elected office, i go to washington, i talk to anyone who will talk to me about the idea behind this agency. Knock on as many doors as i can and i get basically the same two answers. First answer is that is a great idea. You can actually make a real change. This is structural change. An agency, where you cant do that stuff. The second thing everybody would say was dont even try. Dont try because he will be up against big money, you will be up against big banks, up against the republicans, up against half the democrats. You cant get it done. I get it. Big structural change is hard. But it is the right thing to do. So we got in that fight and we took on the big banks and we took on the big money. And in 2010, barack obama signed that agency into law. We won. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren yep. We won. Heres the thing, that Little Agency has already forced the banks to return more than 12 billion directly to people they cheated. Not bad. Not bad. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren we know how to make government work for the people. We have got an example of it. So, heres what i learned from that experience. Even if the big donors are against it, the big money is against it, if wall street is against it, we need big ideas to match the big problems of our time. We need a big ideas to inspire people to get out in caucus and get out and vote. We need to big ideas so that so thated big ideas everyone in this world will know who and what democrats are actually willing to fight for. We need a big ideas to take back the senate and put Mitch Mcconnell out of a job. [cheers and applause] yep. Sen. Warren we need big ideas and we need to be willing to fight for them. But i get it. It is easy just to give up on big ideas. To sound oh so sophisticated on why we shouldnt even try. But when we give up on big ideas, we give up on the people whose lives would have been touched by those ideas. People who are struggling to pay their medical bills, they are already in a fight. People who are crushed by Student Loan Debt, they are already in a fight. People who are stopped by the police because of the color of their skin, they are already in a fight and those fights are our fights. [applause] sen. Warren this country is in a crisis, and media pundits, washington insiders, even people in our own party dont want to admit it. They think that running a vague campaign that nibbles around the edges of these big problems is somehow the safe strategy. If all democrats can offer is business as usual after donald trump, then democrats will lose. [applause] sen. Warren we win when we have answers big enough to meet the problems that touch peoples lives. I am not running a campaign that is shaped by a bunch of consultants with plans that are designed not to offend big donors. I passed that stop sign a long time ago. No, i am running a Campaign Based on a lifetime of fighting for working families. I am running a campaign from the heart, because i believe that 2020 is our moment in history, that 2020 is our moment to win the fight for a Green New Deal and save our planet. [applause] 2020 is our moment for when the fight for medicare for all and save our people. 2020 is our moment to win the fight for a two sent wealth tax and invest an entire generation. And if you think that 2020 is our moment, if you think 20 20 is the time when the door has opened just a little, the door has opened for big, structural change, then i am asking you today, to commit to caucus for me, be part of this fight, because this is our time in history. 2020 is when we are going to dream big, fight hard, and win. [applause] music all im asking it is for a little respect just a little bit, baby just a little bit music [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up tuesday morning, we talk about the future of nato with defense priorities benjamin then a and peered discussion about Life Expectancy in the United States at virginia commonwealth university. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal live at seven eastern on tuesday morning. Join the discussion. On theer live tuesday cspan networks. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee looks at the future of u. S. Policy toward russia. That is at 10 00 a. M. On cspan. At 2 00 p. M. , the u. S. House returns for work on several bills including legislation regarding u. S. Citizenship for children of Service Members and Civil Servants born overseas. On cspan two, the Senate Returns at 10 00 a. M. Eastern to continue work on judicial and executive nominations. At 9 30 a. M. On cspan three, the Senate Armed Services Committee Meets to review the military Privatized Housing program and at 3 00 p. M. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee examines trademark systems fraud. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] led aspeaker nancy pelosi delegation of Congressional Democrats to the u. N. Climate change conference in madrid, spain. Speaker pelosi addressed reporters saying that the u. S. Is committed to Climate Change efforts even after president trumps decision to withdraw from the paris Climate Change agreement. She was also asked about the upcoming impeachment inquiry hearing

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