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At the ceremony, we will hear from current House Speaker nancy pelosi and other congressional leaders. Ladies and gentlemen, the honorable nancy pelosi, speaker of the United States house of representatives. Speaker pelosi good afternoon, everyone. As the speaker of the house, it is my official and personal honor to welcome friends of Speaker John Boehner to the u. S. Capitol on this historic day. The presence of members from both sides of the aisle, from both sides of the capital, is a testament to the respect that all have for john, mr. Speaker. We are pleased to welcome two former speakers. We anticipate speaker gingrich, who is with us, and speaker ryan. Both of them are here. [applause] welcome and extend our gratitude to debbie, lindsay, and tricia, and the entire boehner family for sharing john with this congress and with our country. It is my privilege to invite the delivery of the invocation. I am surrounded by quadrophonic speakers. [laughter] dear god [applause] [laughter] we give you thanks for the proceedings of this day. And for Speaker John Boehner and his place in history as the 53rd speaker of the peoples house. We thank you for his many years of faithful attention to the peoples house, as it speaker. Our nation will always be grateful for his leadership and aware of the important contribution Speaker Boehner made boehner to the greatness of our nation. Bless our time here together on this joyous occasion. In the course of the ceremonies, may all be reminded of our shared citizenship and the importance of Public Service in the advancement of our experiment of constitutional democracy. May all that is said and done here be for your greater honor and glory, amen. Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the presentation of the colors of the United States by the u. S. Capitol Police Ceremonial Unit and the singing of our national anthem. And the retiring of the colors. music oh, say can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . [color guard commands] ladies and gentlemen, the honorable kevin mccarthy, republican leader of the United States house of representatives. Good afternoon. It is an honor to be here. Of all the turmoil going in washington, john boehner brought us all back together. [laughter] a special thanks to johns wife debbie and to his children and grandchildren. I spent many hours with your father and sometimes it was a smokefilled room. [laughter] but he always spoke of you. He always spoke of you. From the earliest days, the capital billing has showcased Americans Values through art. The Capital Building has showcased americas values through art. Few individuals embody these values more than john does. Think for a moment of the American Dream. A young boy growing up with 11 siblings and sweeping the floors of his dads bar. Nothing prepared him more for the job of being speaker. [laughter] in congress, john served in several leadership roles and as a committee chair. In modern history he was among the best prepared in history to be elected to become speaker. And this preparation served john well, and our country. History will be kind to this man. From the time don received that gavel john received that gavel, until this year when i had to return at, the federal government was spending less in discretionary that it was when john was first handed the gavel. I do not know if they will ever happen again. It has already been broken. John secured new Educational Opportunities through Charter Schools for underprivileged children a d. C. And across the country. He showed his love for freedom by commissioning the freedom foyer in the capital include the bust of william churchill. Winston churchill. He did this while skillfully managing diverse views and personalities. [laughter] you know who they are. [laughter] i saw this firsthand when we Work Together to earn the trust of the American People to lead congress. I saw a lot of john and will always be the grateful for the opportunity he gave me. I met john for the first time as a young staffer, when he was on the Oversight Committee in north carolina. In a contested election. We became friends. When i first got elected to congress as a freshman, i remember john calling me into his office, when he was minority leader. He wanted to offer me the job of being the Platform Committee to that year. I remember turning to him and asking him, did i do some thing wrong . [laughter] he gave me a day to think about it and i took the job. Our member calling him and he said were going to win the majority. Ira never calling him. I will i remember calling him. We want to make a pledge to america for what we promise to do and would carry out. John was right. America was hungry for that. I remember taking john to the First Tea Party rally. It happens on tax day, on april 15. John heard something others were not hearing across this country. And he wanted to make a pledge that we would govern differently. He was right. We captured 63 seats that year. John became the speaker of the house. If you look at this career, there are a lot of trees and some stumbles. Our life is like a book, and there are times in the chapter when we stumble that it may be the end of that chapter. There are many that would have left a retired left or retired going through some of the struggles john endured. You never see him complain, he always had that smile on his face. And he endured. And he rose to the occasion that many did not think possible. To recapture the house. Not just for a party, but for a republic and a country. I applaud you for the work you have done. In johns case, what i learned, and all those days of being speaker, and some were tough. John has the patience of job. For job that meant suffering and never losing faith in god or cursing him. John never lost his faith in god, his country or his party along the way, there have been a few tears. [laughter] but i will tell you this, whenever you saw the tears on his face, he was usually talking about children or freedom. Because he cared deeply about their future and about hours. John put his heart and soul into preserving the American Dream, particular through education. He wanted everyone to have the opportunities that a good education creates. We will add this portrait to the gallery of speakers. Many people will pass by it, but what will it tell us . A portrait last a long time, but a legacy of change last far longer. It grows from generation to generation, like compounding interest or a snowball rolling down a hill. John, your legacy is right here in the peoples house. This portrait is more than a tribute to one man. It is an internal reminder and each turn reminder of the values he stood for, freedom, hard work and never quitting. Those are the same qualities Theodore Roosevelt spoke of in the arena, and not lived up to them. The portrait speaks to us as clearly as when john would speak to us from the floor of the house. It is the same message we would hear when he would comment about our cricket tie or our wrinkled suit jacket our crooked tie or rigell suit jacket. Representing the people is the most sacred response ability and american can have. John took pride in how he appeared before the American Public because he took pride in them. He was proud to be their representative and showed it in the responsibilities it entailed. This is what i will hear when i walk by this portrait, and i will take pride in knowing that the American People know what john stood for. I know that john does not put much stake in fanfare. If you asked him, he never wanted this day too, and never cared about a portrait. His approach was to get to the point quickly and emphasize it strongly. Like president lincoln at gettysburg. John to be brief, but make a big impact on peoples lives. For all johns greater compliments, great accomplishments, funding, opening and changing the v. A. , transform your country and listening to a voice others would not, there are couple of things that still live on, like the boehner birthday song. [laughter] you may know that last sunday was his 70th birthday. I would like to end with you joining with me in singing to john, his birthday song, the boe hner way. music this is your birthday song, it does not now asked to long. It does not last too long. music i know your portrait will last generations. The honorable charles e schumer, the aquatic leader of the United States senate. Democratic leader of the United States senate. When your chairman of the rules committee, as i wasnt 2012, he planned the president ial inauguration and associated festivities, including the congressional luncheon, and honor but a laborious task. Without naming any names, several dignitaries had preferences about where they liked to sit, when they would like to speak and how, exactly, they would like their food prepared. When i asked Speaker Boehner, he replied, i am one of 12 children. It does not even need to be warm. [laughter] despite rising to one of the highest offices in our country, john boehner never forgot where he came from. He carried that modesty and a sense of perspective with him. Even the speaker of the house can sing to exhibit he do to can sing zippety doo dah at a press conference. As colleagues have noted, john wore his emotions on his sleeve. He sometimes got overwhelmed and not always when you would expect. A politico headline wondered, why does john boehner cry so much, before listing a series of misty item moments. Listening to a song on st. Patricks day, before american the beautiful after a tribute to golf legend arnold palmer. If only he had stayed a few more years i never would have become crying chuck schumer. [laughter] the president labeled me, and initially was parenthetical, as fake tears schumer, because i was weepy and tearyeyed when we had immigrants whose families were being split up on stage. And trump said, i know schumer, and he never cries. Actually it is well known in my family, when i took my children to see free willy, i started weeping when he escapes. My daughters ran out of the theater. Im not going to say Speaker Boehner and i agreed on most issues. But he always exercised humility and a sense of humor and understood the nature of compromise. He knew that in a divided government you do not get a hundred percent of what you want all the time. Sometimes he knew you do not even get what you want from your own side of the aisle. It is not hard to understand johns love of cigarettes, red wine, and the occasional serenity prayer. I believe if his interest in legalizing marijuana had started earlier, he might have enjoyed an even more relaxing speakership. [laughter] it is an easy subject, you know. In all seriousness, Speaker Boehner was always a good, a decent man. He worked to guide the house under the most difficult of circumstances. We thank him for his service. We are glad to see he is enjoying the next chapter in his life. [laughter] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the honorable mitch mcconnell, majority leader of the United States senate. While it is great to be here today with all of you for this wonderful occasion, i have been hardpressed to think what words of tribute could possibly be meaningful to a stone cold stoic like john boehner. In situations like this you can imagine some honorees may be getting emotional or choked up, but not john. Not somebody so unemotional, so completely unflappable. You could set aside all johns other compliments, and he would still deserve three to be remembered forever as the best deal negotiator with the worst poker face in political history. Yes, Speaker Boehner has always worn his heart on his sleeve. It is one of the biggest reasons he earned so much respect and affection through his career. Even from those who strongly disagree with him. We all remember john arrived in 1991 as a hardcharging young conservative. He and six other freshmen decided to endear themselves to the old guard by immediately calling out the house banking scandal. John kept right on shaking things up and speaking his mind for a quarter of a century. He fought for reforms. He helped shape and lead his conference. And he served the American People as speaker of the house. Steering the institution through a turbulent time with patriotism, principal, and graciousness. I will never forget how john asked lane to the job of speaker for the press. John explained the job of speaker for the press. I grew up in a bar, mopped floors, the dishes, tended bar. You had to learn to deal with every character that comes in the place. And trust me, i need all the lessons i learned growing up to do this job. [laughter] that is the john boehner magic. With john, you had the red wine, the trattoria, the smokes, the golf. Almost a caricature of a powerful leader come to life walked right off the page of some political cartoon. You also have this remarkably forthright, goodhearted and genuine person. One of the most down to earth individuals this town has ever seen. Many have observed john embodies the American Dream, as others have said, one of 12 kids living in a one bedroom house and wiping down a bar in a factory town grows up to walk the corridors of power and actually gets his portrait hung right here in the u. S. Capital. But that is not the whole story. The story is not just that john climbed from a hubble start to wield all this power. The real story of the American Dream is how he used that power, working to help other children write stories of their own. John knew in his bones that he was speaker of the house for a reason. He knew he was speaker because small factory towns do not fight for themselves and Innercity School children who need School Choice do not fight for themselves. In the american idea does not fight for itself. All of them they champions, and a new, mr. Speaker, they all had one. Congratulations on this historic honor. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the honorable nancy pelosi, speaker of the United States house of representatives. Speaker pelosi back here again. Boehner speaker is a great patriot who has Speaker Boehner is a great patriot who dedicated his life. It is appropriate that we dedicate his portrait here in this pantheon where Great Americans are immortalized in portraits and bronze. Now his portrait will be in the speaker slobbery and it inspiring, enduring monument to the contributions he made to this country. I was trying to thing a vocations when i saw john crying. And then of i was trying to think of occasions when i saw john crying. I think he was crying when he gave me the gavel of speaker of the house. [laughter] being the first woman speaker, it was emotional, wasnt it, john . In johns Farewell Speech on the house floor, he said, the peoples house is that great embodiment of the American Dream. All of the speakers have addressed that aspect of johns life, of a speakers life. How appropriate that john served as speaker of the house because john is the personification of the American Dream. In his story, we are reminded of the promise of america. That a hardworking son of an ohio bar man can rise to be speaker of the house. As speaker, john was a formidable spokesperson for his party and his cause. He sought Common Ground where he could, held his ground where he could not. He always understood the value of relationships and consensus building. He always was about something i advise other members to be, he was always a person of his word. And friendship never left his voice and all of our negotiations. We will never forget how he worked with ted kennedy and george miller, two liberal lions, under the leadership of president george w. Bush, to pass Landmark Education legislation. We had our differences but i remember i respected his commitment to america and to this institution. We all remember how john made the visit of pope francis such a meaningful and beautiful experience for all of us, dont we, allister . And how wonderful today to see young allister here with zachary. Allister was six weeks old when he was blessed by the pope that day, with clarity, beauty and moral urgency, pope francis called on us to be better stewards of gods creation and to be instruments of gods peace. Don had that clarity and everything he did. Thanks to johns leadership, the holy fathers message of hope, peace and dialogue will be a blessing and an inspiration to our congress and the country for many years to come. In his Farewell Speech, not quite farewell because we have another one now. But in that space, john often spoke of the namesake of his home city, the great roman general, cincin natus, who answer the call of his nation to lead and then surrendered his power to return to the home he loved. John, the congress and the country have been strengthened by your decision to answer the call of our nation when you did. And now we wish you all the best, as you enjoy your retirement i do not know if that is quite the word for it. Now i have the privilege of inviting up to the podium here, Speaker Boehners family to join in the unveiling of his portrait. Debbie, thank you so much. And alister and zachary will be joining us as well, the future, the future, headache,. Here they come. Let us welcome the family to the podium. [applause] alister. Hmm, hmm, hmm,[chuckling] oh, man ready . [applause] [applause] [indiscernible] thank you. [laughter] thank you. Now, ladies and gentlemen, the honorable john a. Boehner, 53rd speaker of the United States house of representatives. [applause] mr. Boehner thank you, thank you, thank you. Well, well, well. Im excited to be back in the capital. [laughter] you see, madame speaker took care of me. She put a box of tissues down here just in case. We will see how i do. Madame speaker, thank you for hosting this event today. I want to thank my colleagues that i served in the leadership with, and our distinguished guests, friends and family. And let me say thanks to all of you for being here today. It may thank my family, dad, lindsay, tricia, jay, dominic, allister my for being supportive all these years. [applause] for the hubbards who made this portrait a reality with their generosity. They cannot be here today that cannot thank them enough. I also think the artist, ron, whose work can be found in the National Portrait gallery. He has done work for some of our nations top officials including some of our past president s. You may be aware that one of our past president s, my friend, 43, george w. Bush, also painted a portrait of me. For the record, that is a different portrait than this one. [laughter] that one will not be hanging in the speakers lobby. But it does hang in our living room in our home in ohio. And i think debbie and i want to send our thanks to president bush and laura for their wonderful gift of friendship. Let me think those who are not here today and people without whom this journey would not have been possible. My my late former chief of staff. My former and first chief of. Taff and his father and mother Great American families who sacrificed to support me and everything we were trying to achieve. Now let me thank my friends and my former colleagues that i have served in this institution with. Whether you are a republican or democrat, whether you voted for me for speaker or for somebody else, it was an honor to serve with you. Let me tnk the people of ohios eighth Congressional District who sent me to the u. S. House as their representative for 25 years. I have had a few years now to reflect on my time and what it meant to work under this dome. It was a chance to learn from people i admired. The late henry hyde. And a guy named john danville. It was a chance to form friendships with people on both sides of the aisle and both chambers. Many of you are here. Real friendship and close friendships like that of my friend Saxby Chambliss and richard burr and tom. I remember the day i was first sworn in as speaker. I was really doing well, i had my act together, my chin up. I was up on the rostrum waiting for the applause to die down and i looked to my left and i see chambliss, burr, and latham, my three best buds. And it was over. [laughter] it was a chance to change our fellow government. First as the gang of seven, closing the house bank later with speaker gingrich and the contract for america. And later with a pledge to america and our mantra, where are the jobs . Which provided the governing agenda for my speakership. It was a chance to make laws with people like ted kennedy and george miller, two democratic colleagues, where we were able to Work Together without compromising on our principles. I have to say, working with senator harry reid for many years was an opportunity, again, to work across the aisle to get things done on behalf of the American People. Many of you on both sides of the aisle i can mention, but i do not want to ruin your career while you are still in office. [laughter] it was even a chance to honor some of my personal heroes, jack nicklaus, arnold palmer, and to welcome a pope to the u. S. Capitol to address a joint meeting of congress for the first time. But i never really wanted this to be about me. You know, the closer i got to the speakership, i came to realize this. I remember the weeks leading up to the 2010 election. Time magazine wanted me to sit and pose for a cover shot. While i was honored, i declined. They had the editor call my staff and plead the case and i declined again. Finally, they sent a photographer to chase me around ohio in the weekend before the election in 2010, and finally grabbed a candidate shot of me and put it on the cover. It turned out fine. I kinda feel the same way about this portrait today. It is my image that will be on the wall, but it is my hope that when our fellow citizens see this portrait in the speakers lobby for decades to come, they will think not about me but about the things that we stood for during my time here in the capitol. It does not cost anything to be nice. I like to think we were able to disagree without being disagreeable. I like to think we tried to do the right things for the right reasons. And i like to think we served with our priorities in line, mindful of our childrens future, especially when it comes to the challenge of our nations debt. Sometimes we fall short of these things but we always tried. It is important that those in office keep trying. I believe in an america where anybody can be anything they want to be. My life is somewhat proof of that. I hope that when my portrait hangs in the capital, it will not hang as a tribute to me, but as a tribute to that particular quality of this great country, we call it the American Dream. The American Dream is alive. It is alive because so many have sacrificed to keep it alive. And thats what i hope we honor today and i know i do. I want to thank each of you for being here today, for being who you are and for being here to help me celebrate this great day. God bless you and god bless this great capitol, and god bless the United States of america. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing as reverend patrick conroy, chaplain of the United States house of representatives, delivers the benediction. Reverend conroy let us pray. Loving god, we thank you that we have been honored to gather in this august place. To honor the 53rd speaker of the peoples house. We thank you for all who spoke this day, and ask that all might be inspired by the service of Speaker Boehner and all those who work in our nations capitol. May we stand ready to respond as we are able in whatever way we ought as responsible citizens. God, bless our speaker, our friend john boehner. Bless the congress he so honorably served in, and bless the United States of america. Amen. Please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats for the departure of the official party. On behalf of the speaker, we welcome you to join us for the reception in the rayburn room, which will begin momentarily. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] i think that everything i just said suggests that the court should think hard when it is doing its work. Trying as hard as they can not to look politicized and polarized because i think you are right. We live in this polarized time. The last thing the court should do is look as polarized as every other institution in america. It would be great for the courts to be seen. I think that there is a lesson for the court and how it but they should not fast thatnclusions so we are trying our hardest to decide really difficult matters. Sometimes, it will look like the world is falling in because but maybe we look to other anotherecause of decision. You can watch the entire event at the university of Colorado Law School tonight at 8 00 on cspan. The impeachment inquiry hearings continue next week when house judiciary chairman holds the first impeachment increase hearing into president , focusing on the constitution and the history of impeachment. Watch on 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan three. Chairman nadler extended an invitation for the president and his counsel to appear before the committee. Read the letter on our website. Follow the impeachment inquiry live on cspan3, online at cspan. Org or listen on the free cspan radio app. Former Supreme Court justice and the receives the liberty metal at the National Constitution center in philadelphia. We will hear from his former law clerk. Ladies and gentlemen, we meet to celebrate Justice Anthony kennedy. [applause] and as lincoln said at gettysburg, it is

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