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Vice pres. Pence hello, florida. It is great to be back in the sunshine state. Great to be here to welcome home one of floridas newest residents. I have to tell you, im here for one reason and one reason only. That is that florida and america need four more years of President Donald Trump. [cheers] vice pres. Pence im here because i stand with President Donald Trump. [cheers] vice pres. Pence when this president stands up for american jobs and american workers, i stand with President Donald Trump. [cheers] vice pres. Pence when this president stands up for freedom and our armed forces, i stand with President Donald Trump. [cheers] vice pres. Pence like all of you, when this president stands up to the donothing democrats and their endless investigations and partisan impeachment, we stand with President Donald Trump. [cheers] vice pres. Pence what began four years ago has grown into a movement. A movement of Everyday Americans from every walk of life. Here in florida, you believe we could be strong again. [cheers] vice pres. Pence you believe we could be prosperous again. [cheers] vice pres. Pence and Florida Republicans were with us every step of the way. [cheers] vice pres. Pence not just all of you but all of your great leaders like ron desantis. [cheers] vice pres. Pence Lieutenant Governor jeanette nunez. [cheers] vice pres. Pence attorney general ashley muti. [cheers] vice pres. Pence your former attorney general, the great pam bondi. [cheers] vice pres. Pence lets hear it for floridas great delegation to the congress of the United States and the United States senate. [cheers] vice pres. Pence with their support and your support, florida said yes to President Donald Trump in 2016. I know youre going to say yes to four more years when you send President Donald Trump back to the white house in 2020. [cheers] vice pres. Pence theres only one way i think you can describe the last three years. Its been amazing. Its been three years of action. Its been three years of results. Its been three years of promises made and promises kept. We are just getting started, florida. Its true. Think about it. This president promised to rebuild our military, restore the democracy and stand by our troops. President donald trump as your commander in chief has done just that. He signed the largest investment in our National Defense since the days of ronald reagan. [cheers] vice pres. Pence with that renewed american strength, weve taken the fight to radical islamic terrorists on our terms, on their soil. [cheers] vice pres. Pence in the last year alone, American Forces captured the last inch of the isis caliphate in syria. [cheers] vice pres. Pence u. S. Special forces took out the leader of isis, albaghdadi is gone. [cheers] vice pres. Pence our troops are coming home and conan, the hero dog, is just fine. [cheers] vice pres. Pence we visited the military in iraq. It was a great privilege. We told them what all of you already know. The armed forces of the United States are the greatest force for good the world has ever known. [cheers] vice pres. Pence our troops know they have a commanderinchief who will always have their back. [cheers] vice pres. Pence that goes for all of those who wore the uniform. President trump promised our veterans access to the real World Class Health care that you earned in the uniform of the United States. President donald trump delivered. We reformed the v. A. And veterans choice is now available to every veteran and american in america. [cheers] vice pres. Pence this president promised to secure our borders. [cheers] vice pres. Pence weve made historic investments in border security, apprehensions on our southern border are down by 70 . Weve already started to build that wall. [cheers] crowd [chanting] build that wall, build that wall, build that wall. Vice pres. Pence oh, we are building it. This president promised to appoint conservatives to our federal courts at every level. President donald trump delivered. Weve already seen this president appoint more than 160 principled conservatives to our federal courts and they are all men and women who uphold the godgiven liberties enshrined in our constitution like the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I couldnt be more proud to serve as Vice President to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life. [cheers] vice pres. Pence its about security. Its about our liberties. Its about our values. Its about jobs, jobs, jobs. [cheers] vice pres. Pence from the first day of our administration, President Trump has worked to revive the american economy. We cut taxes. We rolled back red tape at historic levels. We unleashed american energy, fought for free and fair trade. Americas economy is booming. [cheers] vice pres. Pence its amazing. Since election day 2016, 6. 7 million new jobs created by businesses all across this country. Unemployment hit a 50 year low. The stock market is soaring. More americans are working today than ever before. [cheers] vice pres. Pence the truth is, thanks to President Trumps leadership and the support of floridas leaders and congress, and all of you, weve made America Great again. [cheers] vice pres. Pence to keep America Great, we need to decide right here and right now that florida is going to vote for four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [cheers] crowd [chanting] four more years, four more years, four more years. Vice pres. Pence think about it. Four more years means more jobs. Four more years means more judges. [cheers] vice pres. Pence four more years means more support for our troops. [cheers] vice pres. Pence its going to take at least four more years to drain that swamp. [cheers] crowd [chanting] drain the swamp, drain the swamp, drain the swamp. Vice pres. Pence the choice in this election couldnt be clearer. The stakes couldnt be higher. Today, we have a president who loves this country. Stands by our military, our workers, and our freedoms. I can tell you firsthand, he never quits. He never backs down. He believes in you and he fights for you every single day. [cheers] vice pres. Pence thats a lot more than you can say for those donothing democrats in washington, d. C. [booing] vice pres. Pence they want higher taxes, lateterm abortion, and socialist policies that would crush this economy. Worst of all, these donothing democrats spent the last three years on endless investigations, trying to overturn the will of the american people. They are back at it again. [booing] vice pres. Pence you know, i think the democrats are running down this president because they know they cant run against this president. [cheers] vice pres. Pence they cant run against his record. They cant run against our results. They are pushing their partisan impeachment because they know they cant stop you from giving President Donald Trump four more years in the white house. [cheers] crowd [chanting] four more years, four more years, four more years. Vice pres. Pence you know, despite three years of nonstop resistance, im here to tell you firsthand, President Donald Trump has never stopped fighting. Keeping the promises he made to the people of florida. He never will. Now, its our turn to fight for him. Its on. We need you to keep bringing your enthusiasm, keep voicing your support, keep telling your friends and neighbors that America Needs four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. We will get this done in november of 2020. [cheers] vice pres. Pence we have work to do. It will take all of us to do it. I know we will get it done. I have faith. Faith in this president. My friend. His drive and vision, i see every day. Whose drive and vision have made America Great again. [cheers] vice pres. Pence faith in all of you and all of our fellow americans who know we can make America Greater than ever before. Lastly, i have faith that he who has blessed this nation every day, since that first thanksgiving, will yet bless this one nation under god, beyond all we could ask or imagine as we put our trust in him. [cheers] vice pres. Pence ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming out today. President donald trump is the real deal. Hes a man who says what he means and means what he says. He gets up every day and fights to keep the promises we made to the american people. I know that with your continued support, with our strong allies from your statehouse in the nations capital, President Donald Trump in the white house for four more years and with gods help, we will keep on winning. We will deliver a great future for the american people. Together with this man, we will keep America Great. Now its my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you my friend and the 45th president of the United States of america, President Donald Trump. [cheers] [cheers] pres. Trump wow. Man, this is a big place. Thank you very much. Thank you to Vice President mike pence. Hes doing a fantastic job. Thank you to the great state of florida. Less than one year from now, i will join voters across the sunshine state, my home. As we head to the polls, and together, we will win back the house. We will hold the senate. We will keep that beautiful white house. We will keep it. We just had another stock you saw that. The stock market just hit another alltime in history high meaning 401 k s and jobs. Everyone is getting rich. And im working my ass off, that i can tell you. Before you leave the arena, make sure that you register to vote. We cant take any chances. We have a great governor. Were very happy with ron. Register to vote. As we gather together for thanksgiving some people want they dont want to use the term thanksgiving. Everybody is using christmas again. Remember, i said that . Now were gonna have to do a little work on thanksgiving. People have different ideas on why it shouldnt be called thanksgiving. Everybody here loves the name thanksgiving and were not changing it. Americans have so much to be thankful for. The economy is booming, wages are rising, crime is falling, and america is stronger than ever before. Weve created 6. 7 million new jobs, including 600,000 jobs right here in the great state of florida. Were protecting american workers, taking care of our amazing veterans. You know, the veterans, for years, i was a civilian, i loved my life. It was so much simpler. It was so nice and soft and easy. You build a building and have fun. I would always see that you turn on the news and read in the paper about our veterans being mistreated. They were doing such a poor job. You dont hear that anymore. Out veterans, for the first time, are taken care of to a level that has never happened in our country before. Maybe most importantly right now with the world the way it is we are rebuilding the awesome power of the United States military. 2. 5 trillion and everything is made in the great u. S. A. A few weeks ago, u. S. Special forces brought the worlds number one terrorist to justice. The bloodthirsty savage known as albaghdadi is dead, finally. [chanting] pres. Trump just this week, i stuck up for three great warriors against the deep state. You know what im talking about. I had so many people say, sir, i dont think you should do that. People have to fight. They shouldnt say, gee whiz. They wanted to put him in jail for 25 years. One young man was in jail for 7 years. He had 16 years to go. I want to tell you, when you look at what they did to that man, you would have been very proud at what we ended up doing. He came out and he hugged his parents. It was a beautiful thing. I will always stick up for our great fighters. People can sit in airconditioned offices and complain, but it doesnt matter to me. Theyre out of that field, and they are doing a job for us like nobody else in the world can do. The fact is, america is winning again. America is respected again. So while were creating jobs and killing terrorists and taking care of our borders. Were setting records. The wall is happening. Its getting billed rapidly and thats a real wall. The radical left democrats are trying to rip our nation apart. [booing] first, it was the russia hoax. Total hoax. It was a failed overthrow attempt and the biggest fraud in the history of our country. Then the mueller deal. You remember that mess. They had nothing. Two years. They spent 45 million and the real cost is many times that number. Now the same maniacs are pushing the deranged impeachment. Think of this. Impeachment. A witch hunt. The same as before. Theyre pushing that impeachment witch hunt. A lot of bad things are happening to them. You see whats happening in the polls . Everybody said, thats really bullshit. [cheers and applause] everybody. A lot of fake news out there. Theyre gonna say the president came. They will never talk about the crowd. One of the democrats yesterday had a rally. Two people showed up, two. Two people they give us no credit. If some but he has a rally like 1000 people, theyll say, it was packed. They had a thousand people. If we have a rally with 50,000 people, they dont talk about it. I dont know much about this, but you go outside, there are a lot outside that cant get in. The lies of the democrats are being exposed. Their schemes are unraveling. Their crimes, and thats what it is, crimes. Did you ever hear this guy, schiff . He made up my statement to the ukrainian president. He made it up. These are crooked people. These crimes are being revealed and their sinister plans are failing at a level that nobody thought, even me, possible. The radical democrats are trying to overturn the last election because they know they cannot win the next election. Its very simple. You know, when i started this [crowd chanting four more years] pres. Trump when i started this, i said, were gonna do this and that, and it didnt mean anything. Just another guy trying to get elected. Its tough. Its not easy. When a guy goes out and nobody shows its not easy. Its normal. This is not normal. You think this is normal . Can i be honest, in front of those fakers back there, some of the most corrupt people in the world. I will tell you in front of these guys, and theyre fake, theyre corrupt. In front of the media, this has never happened before. We never have an empty seat. I say, lets go to florida, just get me the biggest arena. Lets go to wisconsin, lets go to michigan, lets go to pennsylvania, north carolina, south carolina, michigan anywhere. And all i say is, it doesnt matter, just get me the biggest arena. We get these massive arenas like this one and theyre packed. We put the screens outside so that people can see. There is something happening in this country like has never been seen before. In the twisted worldview of the washington very sick democrats, it was totally fine when Hillary Clinton ran her outrageous pay for play scheme out of the state department. Then she deleted 33,000 emails after receiving the subpoena from congress. That was standard play. When i have a perfect phone call its a perfect call. There was a woman being interviewed. They were talking to women who voted for trump. [women cheering] pres. Trump no, they were trump they could not find the right, so they got these 10 term, buty voted for they said he wont do it again. They all said who is voting for trump . No, its incredible whats happening. Its incredible. They actually said, and i say this because they will bring it up, but we have the greatest base in the history of politics. Thats my opinion. I like the smartest, and to say that about you. I went to great colleges, he went to Great Schools and colleges, you people are successful. They like to dream mean to demean. But we are winning. , youre better looking, youre sharper. They call themselves elite. If theyre elite, then were the super elite. Its true. They talk about these people that are elite that are running. Have you been watching these debates . Whats elite about that . Theres nothing elite. Were doing great. Were going to have a tremendous victory. When i have a perfect call think of it, what they get away with. Dont forget, i came to washington having been here only a few times. So im saying this, and i am downng riding past thenia avenue, hotel that i built, beautiful, and i say to the first lady, who is doing a fantastic job, i think i might have been in washington 17 times in my life, and im looking at the first lady and i say, melania, do you believe it . Im president. [cheering] can you believe it . And i never saw so many motorcycles and i never saw so many police cars and we are going so fast in the opposite direction its not supposed to go that way i say, this is cool, we could get used to this, this is ok. Im thinking to myself when i said that i said, look, so i get elected, and i beat the bush dynasty. [cheering] i get elected and i be with no beach, with no experience, i have tremendous world experience, but i didnt have political experience i get elected and we beat the clinton dynasty, right . And then we beat Barack Hussein obama and whatever the hell dynasty that is. We have 24 years of people putting people in office. We have tens of thousands of people. Some of them are very nice, but i get stuck with a lot of people that i dont want. Tens of thousands. Were getting it right. We have a great cabinet. We are doing things that no president has ever done before. Youve got to be very happy. We have done more already. Hopefully, i will say this to drive them crazy, hopefully we have another at least five years to go. At least. You know, they think, hes not leaving, dont you . We have five years and we will make it a great five years. We have done much more than i promised. If you look at the tax cuts and the military and the v. A. Right to try, how good is that . Things that for years and years they have been trying to get passed. When i have a perfect phone call with all of the horrible things that they have done, with the president of the ukraine, theyve tried to claim that its an impeachable offense. One of the women said this morning, im voting for trump. I happened to read the transcript of his phone call and he did absolutely nothing wrong can you imagine . They take this perfect call and they want to impeach your president. Heres the good news. We have more support in the Republican Party, kevin mccarthy, meadows, jim jordan, the great champion wrestler. We got a couple of them here. Ill save their names. Steve scalise has been incredible. Hows elise doing . New star. Its incredible. Devin nunes, how good has he been . devin. Devin. So many more. I dont want to get into it. A lot of stars are being made. I was told backstage that our poll numbers are through the roof. People dont like watching a scam. They dont like watching it. They have a sick puppy, shifty schiff. He is sick. They dont like seeing whats happened. A lot of democrats are saying one of them was in detroit, d, democrat 30. Thats not one that we will work too hard to get but you never know. She came out and said, im not here to impeach the president. What theyre saying is, they dont like the position they are in. They are going to like it less and less and we will take it right to november 3, 2020. Were gonna take back the house. So the president of the ukraine declared there was no pressure put on me. Hes the only one that matters. He said it all different ways. No pressure. They dont even know what theyre talking about. The Ukrainian Foreign minister stated, and i quote, ambassador sondland did not tell us, and certainly did not tell me, about a connection between the assistance and the investigation. I have never had a direct link between investigations and security assistance. What that means, it means, we did zero we did nothing wrong. Nothing. A great senator from wisconsin, ron johnson. A supporter of us from day one. Of the ukraine, he said, who met privately and he met with president zelensky and he said, at no time during that meeting was there any mention by the president you know what im talking about, right . At no time was there any mention or anything that they were feeling any pressure in return for military aid. They were devastated by what happened with this mueller witch hunt deal. Then mueller testified. How did he do . Wasnt too good. They were devastated. They say, this was a disaster. Now they say, give us anything, well impeach him. Let him go to the refrigerator and pick an orange, from florida, no less. Well impeach him. During the time period at issue, the u. S. Government held many meetings with the ukraine and never once did the ukraine or the official say anything that was wrong. All of a sudden im hearing about a phone call. Fortunately, they had transcribers. How about if i didnt with these lowlifes. All im saying, i dont want to go in it too long. Its a terrible hoax. Last week, sondland testified that i told him, what do you want from the ukraine . I said, i want nothing. No quid pro quo. I want nothing. Tell president zelensky to do the right thing, to do what he ran on. Thats what he said. Everybody knows this. Everybody. Theres a lot of people who heard shifty make up a story where he made up what i said. These are the facts. The case closed, game over. Turn off the television. As soon as he said that, it was like, turn off the television. I have had republicans come up to me say, can we keep this sucker going a little bit longer . Weve never seen anything like it at the polls. I said, lets get it over with but, you know what, we are stuck dealing with sick and corrupt people. The failed washington establishment is trying to stop me because im fighting for you and because were winning. Very simple. Theyre attacking me because im exposing a rigged system that enriched itself at your expense, and im restoring government of, by, and for the people. If you want to see what corruption looks like, then take a look no further than slow, sleepy joe. I dont know whats going on with joe. When sleepy joe was in charge of the ukrainian policy, his son, i call him, where is he . Wheres hunter . What happened to hunter . Wheres hunter . His son received millions and millions of dollars from a Ukrainian Energy company you know the reputation of that company, despite knowing absolutely nothing about energy. What business are you in, sir . The mailbox business . Oh, bail bond, whoa. You know hunter biden . Do you know sleepy joe . Bail bonds. Hmm. Did you ever work on energy before . He said no. You know more about energy than hunter. Despite being thrown out of the navy for lots of different reasons, he made no money, zero, nothing. All of a sudden, his father becomes Vice President. Hes making millions and millions, and then he goes to china. Were getting close to a good deal. If we dont make it, thats fine, but were getting very close. Hunter is dealing with different people than i am in china. After 10 minutes, he walked away with 1. 5 million. I said to everybody, these are different people than i am dealing with in china. Theyre much softer. That was when his father was Vice President. Can i tell you something . The fake news doesnt want to bring it up. They protect everybody. [crowd booing] the democrats on stage dont bring it up, do you notice . If he should make it, it will be brought up 75 of the time we are debating. Nobody ever got away with a scam like that. Nobody. Day after day, we are exposing the depravity, dishonesty, and sickness of the corrupt washington establishment. They are rough and dirty players. They are coming at you from every side, coming at you from new york, coming at me from new jersey, coming at me from every democratic state. Rush limbaugh said and sean hannity [cheers and applause] that he doesnt know a man or woman in the world that could take the crap that President Trump is taking and i understand that. And at the same time, be a great president. Nobody, in the first three years of a presidency, has done what weve done, nobody. Thats very important. With your help, were going to complete the mission. We are draining the swamp. On election date 2020, the crazy democrats are going down in a landslide. That landslide is going to start right here in the great state of florida. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting usa, usa, usa] pres. Trump thank you. Here is something that you just read about. We like these updated stories. Dont we like something that happened a few days ago . Everybody falls asleep. Nobody comes. They say, how was he . It was so boring. It was so boring. I always say, being president ial is always easy. Thank you. It is so easy. Doing what i do is tough. Its not tough for me because i like it. If you dont love what youre doing, forget about it. I do like it. What we are doing together has never been done before. Never been done. I like telling the stories that happened. They dont have to put them in speeches. He read stuff and people fall asleep. On saturday, you saw what happened. The white house physician called me and said, i could do some of the physical. I never took physicals before. Its important. Its good. January is a very busy month for you, sir. Youre right. What do you want to do . Lets go. We go to walter reed medical center. Incredible doctors. I was there for just a short while. I visited a family of a soldier. Incredible family. Their son was in serious condition. I stayed with them for a little while. Very simple. I took a little part of my physical so i dont have to take it in january. I got back into the motorcade, the car. We have many cars and trucks and ambulances, unfortunately. Lots of different things. We also have a bus, whatever carries these crazy people. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump the press follows me wherever i go, unfortunately. In the old days, i can sneak out and go someplace. These people are crazy. The press, everybody is there. We started a beautiful thing. Lots of cars and lots of action. The press is following me. I hadnt even gotten back to the white house. That stupid, corrupt, horrible cnn [crowd booing] pres. Trump their ratings are terrible, by the way. And others, and others, and others. Cnns ratings are terrible. Look, their light just went off. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump the light just went off. I shouldnt do it. I shouldnt do it. We lose audience when that happens. They reported so here i am. [crowd chanting cnn sucks] pres. Trump im there for a very routine, little, simple physical. By the way, i want to tell you about it. If there is something wrong. Its very big stuff. I was there to save a little time. I feel great. Let me tell you, if i didnt feel great, i wouldnt be ranting and raving to 22,000 people with lots of people outside. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump so i get back in and now its a short drive. We arrive in the white house. I heard that they said, it came out in the media, including some of the very dishonest people who are here tonight. Its like the Academy Awards used to be. You know the Academy Awards . They were big until they have started hitting us. Now they have gone down the tubes. Look at all those lights back there. But im getting out of the car and somebody says, are you ok . I said, whats that about . I go a few feet further and another security, sir, are you ok . I said, yes, im fine. Whats wrong . Nobody has ever asked me that. These are the greatest people. The military, the secret service. They are the greatest. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump but they dont ever say, sir, are you ok . I could see he was troubled. He likes me, you know . I walk another few feet, sir, i hope youre ok. What is going on . And then they said i had a massive heart attack. Nothing to joke about. They said i had a massive heart attack. And it wasnt true. They knew wasnt true. They were with me. If you had a heart attack, you dont leave the hospital shortly after. You stay in the hospital for a little while. About six weeks, maybe. So we had the people call. It doesnt mean anything. They are totally corrupt people. They said its untrue. They brought it down from a massive, unbelievable heart attack its very dangerous for them to do. The world believe it or not, the rest of the world and leaders like and respect your president. We dont want to hear this. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump its very sad. Instead, they brought it down a notch. They said, he went into the hospital. Its true, i didnt wear a tie. Why would i wear a tie . The first thing they do is take off your shirt. Show us your gorgeous chest. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump we want to see. Weve never seen a test quite like it. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump seriously, why would i put on a tie . We are there in 20 minutes and i take it off. Its a physical. People said, he wasnt wearing a tie which is unusual for me. Maybe its not their fault. You never apologize. They said, he wasnt wearing a tie. Its a sign of a massive heart attack. We called off and our people did a good job. Screaming, hes fine, nothing happened. They brought it down to tremendous chest pains. He had chest pains. One of them said, they were tremendous. Tremendous. The only one that didnt know it was me. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump and then they said, a little bit later, he is staying over in the hospital. They knew i came back. They were with me. They were with me. They saw me got into the car. They saw us leave. They said i stayed at the great walter reed hospital. So, we said, no, the chest pains arent true. They kept on reporting it. We couldnt get them to stop. They are corrupt, crooked. We dont have freedom of the press. We have a very dishonest press. [crowd booing] pres. Trump on monday, i flew to texas. I opened up an Apple Computer plant. They make the new, beautiful mac whatever. I met with tim cook and did lots of work. Its a long flight. I got back many hours later, it was late night. I said, you know what, i just set a record. Yesterday or the day before, they said i had a massive heart attack. Now, a day later, im traveling to texas to open up this big plant. I dont know. Not too many people have ever done that one before. So, i just want to tell you as an example, we had a great two weeks watching these crooked politicians not giving us due process. Not giving us lawyers. Not giving us the right to speak. And destroying their witnesses. It fell apart. Those were there witnesses. We werent allowed any rights. For the first time in the history of our country, we had no rights. Despite that, we won. If you read the crooked new york times, if you read the washington post, a horrible paper, we dont have it anywhere in d. C. Anymore. We dont deliver it or give it. We used to buy it. I ended it in the nation. I want them to get correct news, not fake news. They are bad people. Out, what happens is we go we win to the people, we keep winning, we won these last two weeks so solidly, if you pick up the new york times, this crazy washington post, you would have no idea, but you know who knew it . The people. Thats why, thats why they dont want to see this go on. It probably will because the people are nuts. They are nuts. And i think probably its a good thing for us as a party, because i think its going to walk us that election, which will take place already so we are thrilled to be joined tonight by many terrific republican leaders. I want to have them up on the these are warriors, they are at their fighting for your president and your country, and for the state of florida. Congressman matt gaetz, come on up. President trump a man i just watched it last night on television, he was fantastic, congressman michael walsh. Come on up, michael. [cheers and applause] President Trump get on up here. [cheers and applause] President Trump billy posey, a great guy and a great fighter. Billy, come up. Come up, billy. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump gus bilirakis. Gus, come on up. And a man who is an incredibly brave guy come a friend of mine, somebody who has done a fantastic job and loves this state. Brian mast. [cheers and applause] President Trump are want to introduce attorney general and a friend of all of ours who ran a great campaign, won easily, despite a lot of crooked stuff going on with those voting machines, folks. A lot of bad stuff going on with those voting machines. Attorney general ashley muti. Come on up, ashley. [cheers and applause] President Trump and by the way, a friend of mine. A great woman and person. Former Florida Attorney general pam bondi. [cheers and applause] come up,ump , pam. Florida cfo jimmy petronius. Jimmy, come up. And Lieutenant Governor and somebody that really has become a star in this state, jeanette nunez. Come on up. [cheers and applause] its good to see you. President trump incredible people. And somebody thats one of the most popular governors anywhere in the country. [cheers and applause] ident trump and [cheers and applause] President Trump true. He better not be more popular in florida than me. Im never going to [inaudible] but heres a quick one. Heres a quick one. [cheers and applause] President Trump true. Heres a quick story. I shouldnt say it. But what the hell . Ron has been a friend of mine for a long time. He was a congressman the didn incredible job, always protecting me from the russia witchhunt and beyond. Matt ande guys, with everybody. He would be on there. And i always thought ron was a little heavy, right . I thought he was a little overweight. Thats ok, we all have our problems. It did not matter. But people liked him. But he ran an incredible race. That was incredible race. And then he ran against a democrat who was supposed to be unbeatable. He got beaten badly. Now this is one of the most popular governors. But i always thought ron was a little bit heavy. And then one day im with him and i pat him on the shoulder. I go wow, thats a lot of muscle there. My hand didnt sink in like it does with a lot of people. And then i see him without his shirt one day. And this guy is strong. And he is not fat. Thats all power. Thats all muscle. I want to tell you that. I said, ron, you are one of the few i say it too. Dont walk around with a jacket all the time. Take it off. People are going to see the real ron. Hes a great guy. Hes a tough guy. Hes a brilliant guy. And hes our governor. And im very proud. When we got involved with ron, a lot of people were saying, will he make it . I said, he is going to make it because hes a champ, hes a winner. And i want you to say a few words. Ron, thank you. [cheers and applause] Governor Desantis thank you. Great to be with you all, and let me just say, mr. President , given your change of registration, welcome home to florida. [cheers and applause] Governor Desantis and why not come to florida . We have one of the lowest tax burdens of any state in the country . [cheers and applause] desantis you see some of these states that are going bankrupt, we have over 5 billion in reserves with our budget. [cheers and applause] Governor Desantis and i see some of these cities and states with lawlessness when i came office i was proud to sign a bill banning sanctuary cities in the state of florida. [cheers and applause] if your desantis support, we are in the process of eliminating common core. [cheers and applause] Governor Desantis and as soon as i came into office i was able to replace on our state Supreme Court three liberal justices with three conservative constitutionalists. [cheers and applause] i got todesantis and thank the president for his support of florida. I am kind of excited that he is here, but i am even more excited to have melania as a florida resident. [applause] i think insantis florida, we are lucky to have my beautiful wife i think the best first lady of all the 50 states, im just saying. But now not only do we have casey, who does a great job, but we also have melania as a florida resident, so we are really lucky on that regard in florida. [applause] Governor Desantis but let me tell you about the president when we had a hurricane hit northwest florida. A lot of people had forgotten about that. Those folks were in dire straits. I went up to the oval office and even though a lot of people told him, dont do anything, let it go, he was right there, standing behind the people of northwest florida. He has helped rejuvenate that area. Base. Ed kindle air force its going to come back bigger than ever. Very important for our military. When we were trying to get clarity ands access to cheaper prescription drugs, we had an avenue to let people buy them in canada, because it is about a third of the price a lot of times, and people said no, you cant do it. I met with the president and he said no, we are doing it. They are in the process of putting that through right now. President trump has stood with our communities in south florida, cubanamericans, venezuelan americans to stand for freedom in this hemisphere and stand against the dictator ships in places like caracas and have on a. And we are one of the most veteran friendly states in the country. Andas stood by our veterans he has stood by our military. [applause] and so oursantis success in florida obviously weve got a lot of great people but and we have a president that not only understands florida, he supports what we are doing here. I have to bug cam about locating the state command in florida at some point. [cheers and applause] i know thesantis air force doesnt want it, but he makes his own decisions, as we see. Thank you for being a good friends to lorna. God bless you, god bless florida, and god bless the united dates of america. Thank you guys. [cheers and applause] President Trump great people. And i will say thanks to republican policies, we have the hottest economy anywhere in the world, its not even close. Unemployment has reached its lowest level in more than 51 years in the last 12 months. Florida has seen the secondlargest payroll increase of any state in the nation. People are making money. Africanamerican unemployment has again just reached its lowest rate ever recorded in the history of our country. [cheers and applause] President Trump hispanic american and asianamerican unemployment have also recently achieved their lowest levels at any time in the history of our country. Africanamerican poverty has reached an alltime historic low. [cheers and applause] President Trump wages are rising fast. Bluecollar florida workers saw their wages grow nearly 4. 5 in just the last 12 months. People are finally starting to see. For 21 years they were going backwards. People would work 21 years ago when i was running 24 years ago people would have a tremendous problems. They would make more money many years ago, decades ago than they were making three years ago. And they would have two or three jobs. Thats not happening anymore. You can go and choose your job. If you dont like what you are if you dont like if you are not having a good time getting up the morning, all you do is find a new job. You will get more money, most likely. Youve never been so set. Youve never been successful like youve been right now. Never even close. And the state has never had this success and by the way, you have a great governor previous toronto, rick scott, who is now your senator. He is fantastic. And marco rubio, a great guy. We have two great guys, marco and rick. Two great guys. They love the state. The Median Income under president bush rose 400 over an eight year period. Think of this. Eight years, 400. Under president obama, it rose 975. Over an eight year period. Have 400, eight years. 975, eight years, and under trump, in less than three years, it rose 5,000. [cheers and applause] but, you trump but know, thats 5,000, right . Now you can add to the 5,000 from tax cuts, regulatory cuts, and energy savings. You know, we are the number one in the world. We can add another 5,000. So its 400, 975, and less than three years, 10,000 Median Income. Nobodys going to beat that. [cheers and applause] President Trump nobodys going to beat that. And we are going to keep it going. We have tremendous untapped potential. We ended the last administrations war on american energy. The United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world. [cheers and applause] President Trump the democrats want to close it up. I dont know what they will use. Little tiny windmills. They dont like the big ones. They killed too many birds. And we are reversing decades of ruinous trade policies that demolished one in four the number is actually now greater than that, when they look back florida manufacturing jobs, remember, you would need a magic wand . You will never bring it back. You need a magic wand. After the twin disasters of nafta, horrible, one of the worst trade deals ever made, and chinas entrance in the wto, the world trade organization. For years, bought and paid for politicians took money from special interests to ship your jobs to other countries. Their Campaign Coffers got full. And the lives of hardworking americans were destroyed. Happened all these Companies Left you with the jobs, they left you with nothing. But you are having the greatest year in florida. You are having the greatest year in the country that we have ever had before. [cheers and applause] President Trump a doctor, please. Doctor in the house, please. Doctor in the house, please. Thank you. Thank you very much. Are you ok . You look like a tough guy to me, ill tell you. Thank you. Get a little water. Get him a little water or something. In the old days, we used to share water. Today, that doesnt happen so much. Not that we would share. But our administration has some has done things that people havent seen for a long time. Maybe ever. No more putting our country second, third, 20th, 30th. We put America First now. We put it first. Thanks to our steel tariffs, steel mills are now firing back up across the nation. They are doing fantastically well, including a brandnew 240 Million Investment in polk county. Good place, florida. Polk county. We are replacing the nafta catastrophe if nancy pelosi will ever sign it and send it we are waiting for months. We are waiting, for months. Usmca, u. S. Mexicocanada is an incredible agreement. Everybody wants it. She doesnt want to give the people of our country a victory. So i dont know. Maybe she will put it. All she has to do is move it forward. A lot of people, but its one of the greatest deals ever. And at a certain point, canada and mexico have been waiting for many months. They are going to say, you know what, lets forget about it. She has to sign it. Everybody wants it. She has to put our country first. Have to put our country first. Because its a tremendous win for florida farmers and all farmers, for growers and ranchers from all over our country. Yet she and the democrats just have done nothing. They are doing nothing, folks. They are doing nothing. Its a terrible thing. Its a terrible thing. Powell, wherean is she . Is she here . And congresswoman shalala. [crowd booing] pres. Trump i know her well, new york. Youve got to get nancy to put it up, congresswoman. Just let her put it up. Nancy is on track to go down as the single worst and least productive speaker of the house in the history of our country. Before my election, our leaders used the Great American middle class as a piggy bank to fund their delusional global projects. Globe over the remember this im president of the United States, i am not president of the world. [cheers and applause] President Trump they decimated American Manufacturing to promote Economic Growth in foreign countries. They used our military to defend immensely wealthy nations, subsidizing their welfare states with your money. They spend trillions of trillions of dollars on wars in the middle east. By the way, you see whats happening. We are winning and pulling them back. Pulling them back. A lot of folks reporting today, we are doing great. We defeated isis, just a you just so you understand that. We defeated 100 of the isis caliphate. But when we see them forming, we go in and get them. Our military is unsurpassed. But they did this while our cities at home fell into decay and disrepair. We spent 8 trillion in the middle east. And when we want to fix a road or a highway or a school, it is not easy to get the money, but we are getting it done anyway. After years of rebuilding other nations, we are finally rebuilding our nation. It is about time. [cheers and applause] President Trump we are finally putting America First. [cheers and applause] leaderst trump past transformed faraway nations into bloodoaked war zones, then bloodsoaked war zones, then demand americans accept unlimited migration from those same terror afflicted regions. We dont want to do that. We are not doing that. As president , i will not allow our immigration system to be used against us. I will not allow Political Correctness to put our families in danger and our communities at risk. We wont do it. [cheers and applause] President Trump to protect our people from these grave threats abroad, i implemented the travel ban. And i just heard today by the fake news that the travel ban failed in court. But it didnt. It won in the Supreme Court. They said it failed, and they said that, but you know what they meant . In an earlier court, it lost. They did not say it won in the Supreme Court. They said, he lost in court on the travel ban. And that is right, in the early court. And then i lost at the appellate division, then i won at the u. S. Supreme court, but they didnt say that. They didnt say that. They forgot to tell you the last part. So we are keeping terrorists, we are keeping criminals and violent extremists the hell out of our country. Where keeping them out. And we are doing great on the border. We are doing great on the border. On no issue have democrat politicians become more dangerous than immigration. The Democrat Party wants open borders, which is a betrayal of every mother and father who wants deadly drugs to be kept out of their community. They want open borders. I mean, figure this one. They want sanctuary cities, let the criminals go in. They want open borders, let everybody pour into our country no matter who they are. And they want higher taxes. I dont understand it. All my life i grew up, and i had this great interest in politics, fortunately for you. But i always had this great interest and i would say, gee, they are going to lower taxes. Thats great. Thats like good. The democrats want to raise taxes and have open borders. Sanctuary cities i dont think that plays well. What do i know . They want to raise your taxes, and the threat is to every child whose school is under siege from these horrible gangs they would allow in, like ms13. We have taken thousands and thousands of ms13 gang members the hell out of our country and back to where they came from. [cheers and applause] President Trump in the Republican Party, we believe all americans, including millions of wonderful legal immigrants, are entitled to an immigration system that puts their needs first. We want to let people come in, the big door i used to talk about we want a big door, but people have to come in legally and they have to come in through merit. [cheers and applause] President Trump they have to come in through merit. But thanks to our tireless efforts to secure the border, Border Patrol, i. C. E, Law Enforcement incredible people. Illegal crossings are down 70 since may, and the wall is going up faster than anyone would have thought. And that wasnt easy. [cheers and applause] President Trump getting that wasnt easy. You had a whole party. The democrats would give me anything, any money, billions and billions for anything, except the wall. Even though five years ago, they all wanted the wall. The only reason they do not want the wall is because i wanted it. And i made a terrible mistake they always say i never apologize for a mistake, but i did. I should have said we will not build a wall, and they would have demanded that we build the wall. If i had said, we are never going to build a wall, they said , we are going to build a wall. So i made a mistake. What am i going to do . What am i going to do . And we are removing illegal Border Crossers from Central America at a pace never done before. During my first two years in office. Are you ok . Okay. Doctor, please. Octor . Thank you. He is strong. Thank you very much. Doctor, thank you. Thank you, fellas. Great. [cheers and applause] President Trump dont forget, these people have been standing for two and a half days. Thats a lot. Thats a lot. Thank you. Go ahead. Come on back if you are feeling well, okay . That is the man i asked a question to before, and he gave me a good answer. You come back when you are feeling better, okay . Yeah, go ahead, fellas. You come back when you are feeling better, okay . Come back. Tough guy. Thank you. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump thats great. Thats great. Thank you. Firefighters. Thank you. [cheers and applause] President Trump thank you very much. What a great job. They are right on the ball, our people. Amazing. Thank you. Bring him back as soon as he feels better. During my first two years in office, Border Patrol seized 7000 more pounds of deadly drugs than the last two years of the obama administration. She is yours of heroin seizures of heroin were up 40 . The far lefts in place of sanctuary cities demonstrates their disdain for Everyday Americans. Sanctuary cities have adopted a policy now of lawless anarchy, aimed at innocent civilians. They deliberately release dangerous criminals onto our streets, out of our jails. It is crazy. Republicans believe citizens should be sanctuaries to lawabiding americans, not for criminal aliens. [cheers and applause] President Trump in a democrat president ial debate, every single democrat candidate raised their hand and pledged to give illegal aliens free health care, courtesy of you, the american taxpayer. [crowd booing] President Trump they raised their hands. I couldnt believe it. I will never allow democrats in washington to take away your health care and give it to illegal immigrants. The Democrat Party is determined to launch a determined takeover government takeover of health care that would take away your doctor, eviscerate medicare, and put every single Senior Citizen at risk. Republicans will always safeguard medicare for our cherished seniors. Always. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump we will strongly protect patients with preexisting conditions, and we will protect your preexisting itions physicians how about that . Which the democrats are not going to be doing. Thanks to our tireless effort to lower the price of prescription drugs, drug prices have declined in our country for the first time in more than 50 years. Think of that. But as we are working closely with your governor to bring drug prices down even more here in florida and other states, if they want it and they all will want it it is what ron said, we are allowing your state to buy the identical drug, often made in the same factory, from other countries where the prices are 50 , 60 , and 70 lower. Can you imagine this . That is because our system is all screwed up. So i say, go to canada to buy them. Watch what change happens. Watch what happens with the drugs. We are giving florida the right to buy at a much lower price. Florida and some other states. Virtually every Top Democrats also supports lateterm abortions, ripping babies straight from the mothers womb, right up until the moment of birth. That is why i asked congress to prohibit extreme lateterm abortion, because republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from god. [cheers and applause] democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, lateterm abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption. The Republican Party is the party of the american worker, the american family, the american dream, and remember this the Republican Party is the party of abraham lincoln. We forgot. Abraham lincoln. [cheers and applause] President Trump and ive always heard the most important thing a president can do is the appointment of judges. I say maybe the military, because without the military, we are not so interested in judges, right . So i think maybe the military. But we have done a great job with that, totally rebuilt. But we have appointed more than 160 federal judges, including court of appeal judges, to interpret the constitution as written. And we will soon have 182, which will be a record. We are strongly protecting our environment, because we want america to have the cleanest air and cleanest water anywhere on earth. Here in florida, as i promised, we delivered over half of 1 billion to fix lake okeechobee. [cheers and applause] President Trump remember that . I kept saying we are going to do it . Gave you actually much more than 500 million. We had it fixed. Hooverd the herbert dike and fixed the systems in the florida everglades. We did that altogether. They have been talking about doing it for years. They didnt do anything. It is finished in some cases. Almost finished. And all of the money has been gotten for florida. I also signed legislation authorizing 100 million to fight red tide and other toxic algae. To our coastal areas, now ron has some money that he wants, said he will get it straightened out. 100 million. Together we will preserve floridas natural majestic majestic Natural Beauty for every generation to come. That is what we are doing. We are investing over 2 trillion. Think of it. Going to be up to 2. 5 trillion in our military, including 200 million for military installations. On thelin air force base panhandle i love that panhandle, wow. Remember during the election, that great election night, right . Election night 2016 . We are out there . Remember that . That was one of the greatest evenings ever. [cheers and applause] President Trump and florida was coming in sort of even. We are doing well. A little ahead of schedule. Florida was the first really big state. We are going along, everything is all right. We are pretty even with crooked hillary. Then all of a sudden, we hit a thing called the panhandle. It was like a rocket ship. The panhandle. We take care of the panhandle. We love the panhandle. We also spent a lot of money on Macdill Air Force base in tampa. A lot. In panama city, we are building big, beautiful ships for our incredible coast guard. What they have done for your hurricanes and in the case of texas, puerto rico, this state will also be playing a Critical Role in the sixth branch of the u. S. Military, the space force. [cheers and applause] President Trump the democrats are trying to stop it, they are trying to stop it, but i think we are in pretty good shape. We need it. That is the new frontier. You look at china. You look at russia. You look at some of these countries. It is about space. We have to have it. We are behind. We are behind. We will never be behind like that again. Space force. Brandnew. I withdrew from the horrible, onesided iran nuclear deal. [cheers and applause] President Trump i recognize israels true capital and opened the American Embassy in jerusalem. [cheers and applause] President Trump and we have recognized israels sovereignty over the golan heights. They have been trying to get that done for 52 years. [cheers and applause] President Trump they have been working on jerusalem and the embassy in the capital for many, many president s. Everybody said we are going to do it during the campaign. We are going to do it. We are going to do it. Never got done. We have a man with us tonight, the ambassador to israel, ambassador david freeman. Where is david . [cheers and applause] President Trump did i do a good job for israel, david . [cheers and applause] President Trump great ambassador. Great success story. Here in the western hemisphere, we are confronting the brutal menace of communism and socialism. We are probably supporting the great people of venezuela, cuba, and nicaragua in their righteous struggle for freedom. You know that. [cheers and applause] President Trump and to those who would try to impose the horrors of socialism on our country, i say again tonight, america will never be a socialist country, ever. [cheers and applause] President Trump this election is a choice between turning back to the path of american decline. We were declining. We were not respected. I can tell you that. We were not respected. Everyone took advantage of our country. You see what is happening. We were for sale. This gentleman said we were for sale. We are not for sale anymore. [cheers and applause] President Trump but now we are continuing forward to a future of american strength and dominance. If you look at the dominance look at what we are doing. Nobody thought they were going to see this. And american prosperity. It is a choice whether our country is ruled by corrupt politicians. You have been watching. You know what i am talking about. You think it is easy. They have been entrenched for a long time. Some very bad, very bad people or whether we will be ruled by the american people. Years you watched as your politicians apologized for america. Now you have a president who is standing up for america and we are standing up for the incredible people of florida. Thank you very much. [cheers and applause] with your help, we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence, and poverty to prosperity. Together, we will elect a Republican Congress to create a fair, safe, sane and lawful system of immigration. They dont want to approve loopholes. They dont want to approve anything. I want people to pour into our country, and many of those people are very bad people. With the help of our governor and our great congressman and senators, we will fight to give School Choice to every child in america who needs it. [cheers and applause] enactent trump we will trade deals they are coming along great. We just finished our big deal with japan. We just did our deal with south korea. Those were so bad, those deals, and we made them into great deals, fair deals. If they dont want to make a deal, we say hey, that is ok we will just tariff the product that pours into your country. And now we are enacting trade deals that result in more products proudly stamped with that beautiful phrase, made in the usa. [cheers and applause] we will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine, finding new cures for Childhood Cancer and ending the aids epidemic in america within 10 years. Can you believe it . We can do it. We now have the science to do it. Could have been started before my administration, but they didnt do that, but i did it. Who would have thought that was possible . When they told me about that a year and a half ago, i said, i did not know that. No,doctors came in and said that is what we can do. We are going to end the aids epidemic in 10 years. Will chart a new era of discovery in space and someday soon, we will land an american astronaut on the surface of mars. Thats what we are shooting for. Nasa is doing a great job and we have some private rich guys they love rocket ships, so we say, go ahead, elon. Play your games, go ahead. You can use our property, just pay us some nice rents, please. We will defend private property, free speech, religious liberty, freedom of assembly, and the right to keep and bear arms. [cheers and applause] President Trump and above all, we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one, beautiful country, as one america. We support protect and defend support, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States. We stand with the incredible heroes of Law Enforcement. [cheers and applause] President Trump we believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. We believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the true american way. We believe that children should be taught to love our country , and to alwaysry respect our Great American flag. [cheers and applause] and we willump andys live by the words nobody will take those words away, like they try to do with so many things, nobody of our motto, in god we trust. [cheers and applause] President Trump nobodys taking them. We stand on the shoulders of american patriots who crossed the oceans, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, revolutionized industry, pioneered science, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, landed men on the moon, and made america the greatest nation in the history of the world. And we are making it greater than ever before. [cheers and applause] President Trump proud citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country. And we are taking it back from some very bad people. We are returning power to you, the american people. With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting. And we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheers and applause] pres. Trump we are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation, under god. [cheers and applause] our beautifulp america is thriving like never before, and ladies and gentlemen, the best is yet to come. [cheers and applause] President Trump true, true. We will, together, make america a wealthy again. That is happening. We will make america strong again. That has happened. [cheers and applause] President Trump we will make america proud again. That is happening and has happened. [cheers and applause] President Trump we will make america safe again. [cheers and applause] President Trump and we will make America Great again. Thank you, florida. Thank you very much. [cheers and applause] President Trump thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] thanks for your comments. We go today the next in tulsa, oklahoma on the democrat line. Ranking member nunes thank you very much for taking my caller thank you for taking my call. For cspan. It is the one network President Trump did not criticize. To the speaker, his guest before me and to myself, and i am in a state as a democrat where all 77 counties in 2016 voted for President Trump. I think there has been enough evidence in what i have seen, which is uncensored on cspan and without commentary from millionaire bankers that there needs to be a trial in the senate. Let the process work its way out. If trump is not guilty, let the process work its way out. Live coverage of the ,ppeasement inquiry on cspan cspan, your unfiltered view of the impeachment inquiry. The House Judiciary Committee hold a hearing next week with constitutional scholars as part of the impeachment inquiry on President Trump. Intended to focus on the constitutional grounds for the president ial impeachment, according to jerrold nadler. The president has also been invited to attend and have his Legal Counsel take art by asking questions. Coverageave live wednesday, december 4, starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan three. You can also watch online at cspan. Org or listen live with the freak cspan radio app. This is david blankenhorn, president and cofounder of an organization known as better angels and hes here to talk about the work and plus the larger issues of civility in politics. Mr. Blankenhorn, good morning. Guest good morning. Good to be with you. Host thanks for joining us. The purpose of your effort is to bring people at least to a better understanding of where they are politically. Ca

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