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Businessman who ran against the incumbent democratic governor. A buffer zone between us and i wont forget the men who died who gave that life to me i have to stand up next to you aint no doubt i love this land d bless the usa [applause] [cheering] from the plains of minnesota i have been to houston from new york to l. A. It is time for them to say that i am proud to be an american where at least i know i am free. And i wont forget the men who died who gave that life to me. I gladly stand up next to you and defend her until today. Nt no doubt i love this land. Usabless the im proud to be an american where at least i know i am free. I will not forget the men who died who gave the life to me next to yound up and defend her until today cause there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the u. S. A. [cheering] [chanting usa] pres. Trump thank you, very much. Hello, louisiana. Hello, louisiana. I happened to watch a Football Game last weekend. That was not a bad game. Not too bad, was it . I am thrilled to be back in the beautiful by you state with state with thousands of hardworking americans who believe in god, state and country. But i am down for a reason. Es ofsaturday the ey history are looking upon the great people of louisiana. Remember, saturday. You have to vote on saturday. It is a close one and you will have a great republican governor, you know that. A great republican governor. He will bring down the Car Insurance, bring down your taxes. If you want to defend your values, your jobs and your freedom, you need to replace radical, liberal, John Bel Edwards with a true louisiana patriot, eddie rispoli. In two days i really need you, but you really need you to send a message to the corrupt democrats in washington. They are corrupt. They are crazy. But you are not going to let them destroy our country and rob your children of their future. You have to let them know it. Becauseu come back duckhunting is early they almost got me on that one. They almost got me, those people in new york almost got me on that one. But after you come back you leave real early, then you come back. You have to go and vote and then go to the game and have a lot of fun, but you have to vote on saturday. Really important. Under Republican Leadership our nations economy is booming, wages are rising, confidence is soaring, liberty is thriving and america is stronger than ever before. We are supporting our police and rebuilding our military, including 1 billion to totally revamp the legendary b52 bombers, like those at the air force base. We totally rebuilt our military. Our country is respected again. With the strength of the areican warrior, we defeating radical, islamic terrorism. And the blood 30 savage known as albaghdadi is dead. [cheering] [chanting usa] pres. Trump and so important, our rebuilt military. We can say with total confidence, not that we ever want to do this, but our enemies do not stand a chance against the power of the United States military. [cheering] america is winning again like never before. Again,rica is respected respected at the highest levels. Every country that comes to see me they respect our country again. While we are creating jobs and killing terrorists, the radical left, democrats [booing] is ripping our country apart. They are trying to overthrow american democracy and erase the votes of tens of millions of americans. First it was the russia hoax. Then it was the mueller witchhunt. You remember that one. So far, much more than 100 because it goes he for the election ever took place. We have been going through this since before the election took place. A bunch of bad people. Then one of the single greatest ever told by anybody in this government, one of the great scandals from the beginning. All of the things they have been doing. Now, the absolutely crazed lunatics, the democrats, radical left, and their Media Partners standing right back there. [crowd booing] pres. Trump are pushing the deranged impeachment witchhunt, but doing nothing wrong. And theything wrong are doing nothing. They have not done a thing since nancy pelosi, the speaker. They have not done a thing. Again, there lies will be exposed, just like the last times. [crowd cheering] pres. Trump their schemes are on route are already unveiling unraveling. They asked to these two nevertrumpers, what do you think you exactly impeach him for . They stood there like, what . And theirnraveling sinister plans will fail they have already failed, as far as i am concerned. [crowd cheering] as i am getting out of that beautiful airplane, air force one, it is a beautiful plane, this just came out, big story. New remarks from top ukrainian official damages democrats impeachment narrative. [crowd cheering] pres. Trump this came out. I only read it because they do not like to report stories like this. Because we are fighting the democrats, but much more difficult to fight is the fake news, i am telling you. They are a partnership. I call them a partnership made in hell. Ukrainian foreign minister said thursday, listen to this they do not even want to report it. Ukrainian foreign minister said on thursday that the United States ambassador did not link financial, military assistance to a request for ukraine to open up an investigation into former Vice President and current democratic president can you believe . Like we need help to beat Sleepy Joe Biden . I do not think so. [crowd cheering] know, last you election by the way, i hate to say this, but i have a lot of spit experience and experience is important. The talent is more important than experience, right . I had no experience. Last election we took down the bush dynasty. It is ok. With no experience. Bush dynasty, then we took down the clinton dynasty. [crowd cheering] pres. Trump then we took down the very crooked obama group. [crowd cheering] pres. Trump so we took down obama, with no experience, but i had you and we won. So think about that, and then think about me. Gee, lets get some help from ukraine in order to beat Sleepy Joe Biden. I dont think so. Just to finish this up, so there was nothing, no link, no nothing, president ial candidate Sleepy Joe Biden i added the word sleepy. This is serious. His son hunter. Where is hunter . What happened to hunter . I think he made more money than anybody in history for somebody with absolutely no talent or experience. He is number one in the world. Ok. The ambassador did not tell us, and certainly did not tell me, about a connection between the assista assistant nce and the investigation. Nothing happened. I have never seen a direct relationship between investigation and security assistance. They have said now nothing do notd, and yet you read this. It only came out a little while ago, in all fairness. Can you report this tonight and tomorrow, please . [crowd cheering] so, if pelosi were honest, which she is not, and if shifty schiff [crowd booing] pres. Trump he has the little 10 inch neck. What size shirts do you need, adam . I wear a size nine. Nine . He will not make the lsu football team, that i can tell you. Is gone. Eck he is a bad guy, a dishonest guy. He is the guy that went off and fabricated a whole story and read what i supposedly said to the new and very good, i think, new ukrainian president. Think ofschiff it, he made up my statement and it was horrible what he said. Saying, you doby not call me, i call you. Where did this come from . He is sick. Here is what happens. I said, i better release the real call. The calltranscribers, is perfect. We released it and that was the beginning of the end for them. They are disgraced. [crowd cheering] are justmp they dishonest. They hurt our country incredibly badly because i do not like to release calls from other president s and prime ministers. You do not want to do that, but you have to because he fabricated he made up the conversation. He is a thief, crook. He is a corrupt politician, and frankly, he should be prosecuted. The only problem is he has immunity because he is a congressman and he made the statement in the halls of congress. Statement, he made the statement while in that great, beautiful building, therefore he has immunity. He can be crooked as hell. He gave the republicans, who by the way really stuck together it is beautiful to see. [crowd cheering] pres. Trump so we do not have rights to lawyers, we dont have rights to anything. It is the most incredible thing. By them being so ridiculous, people see we have been taking away our due process has been taken away. We have truth, the fact everything is absolutely perfect, perfect. And based on the poll numbers and other numbers, but based on the poll numbers, the people in this country are not buying it because we are going up and they are going down. Lets keep it going for a while. Lets keep it going for a while. I have one problem. I have one problem. It has been very hard on my family. Whoever heard impeachment is a dirty word. It has been very hard on my family. Me, what a life i lead. You think this is fun, dont you . But it has been very hard on my family, very hard. I have found republicans stick together. You know what they are doing now . Sir, our poll numbers are going through the roof, could we keep this going . I said do me a favor, could we get it ended . They say, lets keep it going, we never had a time like this. I got a call from evangelical leaders the other day, a lot of them. They say the church has never been more energized as it is right now because of what they are trying to do to our president. Ever. [cheers and applause] so we have a great group of republicans, but they actually said, lets keep this sucker going for a while. I dont know, something nice about ending it. Let me just say, with this from the ukrainian president and the Ukrainian Foreign minister, this is the whole ball game. In theory, they should end it tonight, but they wont. They will find something. These are very dishonest people. Democrats are trying to overthrow the last elections because they know they are not going to win the next election. That is all it is. [crowd cheering] never forget [crowd chanting four more years] the democrats in washington are trying to stop me because i am fighting for you, fighting for you. They are attacking and they dont. Thats what he just said. They do not care about us. Who said that . Raise your hand. That is right, they dont. And they do not care about africanamericans. They talk, they work very hard for the africanamerican two months before the election and then people do not hear from them anymore. Remember what i said, what the hell do you have to lose . Remember that . They saw that and we have the best employment numbers and the best unemployment numbers in the history of our country. Record. [cheers and applause] they are attacking me and the Republican Party, an attack on the whole party because i am taking on the broken establishment and restoring governments loyalty to the people. If you want to see what corruption looks like, just watch the video of sleepy joe, and watch him as he brags about withholding 1 billion in aid money to ukraine until ukraine fires the prosecutors, gets rid of the prosecutor that has been going after his son and his sons company in ukraine. His son got millions of dollars from a company. See how much he made before the father was Vice President. No experience, no nothing, millions of dollars paid approximately 168,000 a month, plus millions of dollars with no experience. Would anybody here take that job . I think so. I think so. I think i might take that job, ok. That is a good job. Then hunter flew to china. We are making a great deal with china. Or we are taking in billions and tariffs. Either way, they want the deal more than i do. But he flew to china with his father on air force 2, a slightly smaller version of air force one. And while the Vice President was going soft on china, his son picks up 1. 5 billion for his stupid fund that he never did before. [crowd booing] meaning he could make tens of millions of dollars a year. I was with the top wall street people the other day. They love us because we are setting records every week, virtually. Which by the way, Means Companies coming in and jobs, jobs, jobs. That is what it is about. I was with the top guys that did do this for a living. Can you go to china and pick up 1. 5 billion in 10 minutes . They said, impossible. Supposing you guys . Cant do it. Cant do it. But a guy with no experience can do it and the fake news do not want to talk about it . But it will become a Major Campaign issue. It will become a Major Campaign issue. Americans deserve assuming he wins. I hope he does the only problem is we will have the lowest ratings in the history of debates because he is a very sleepy person. He is exhausted. Joe is exhausted. Tired guy. Americans deserve to know the truth, but the fake news media, they are covering it up like they have never covered it up before, ever in the history of our country. [crowd booing] in fact, i saw a report today. We killed albaghdadi, worst terrorist head of isis, we took 100 of the caliphate. When i took it over, isis was all over the place. We defeated 100 of the caliphate, ok . When we took down albaghdadi, two weeks ago, they said, President Trump, out of the stories written, had 64 bad publicly. How do you get bad publicity . We did not lose any of our talented soldiers. [crowd cheering] and the fake news gave me bad publicity. You cant win. The other thing one of the papers, the washington post, which is a terrible newspaper, started talking about albaghdadi as a great religious leader. Oh give me a [crowd booing] if the other side would have killed him, he would have been the worst human being ever created, but he was a bad guy and we got him, that is why we are more determined than ever to drain the swamp. That is what we are doing, draining the swamp. Washington democrats have declared war on your values, and the values of a great, great place thats called louisiana. Have you ever heard of it . So in two days you can show the far left democrats that you will not stand for their socialism and their corruption. You know your 401 k s are through the roof. If you want to see them go down, start voting democrat. Youll see them cut in half and further than that. Saturday, you need to fire your farleft governor. He talks, but he will not be there. When pelosi and all of these characters from washington call him up, schumer, how about chuck . [crowd booing] i call him crying chuck because i saw him cry one time while making a speech. Isnt that sad . I call him crying chuck. Crying chuck. Little [indiscernible] you have a chance to elect a true louisianan champion, Eddie Rispone. A real success, by the way. Gotta get out. You gotta get out. [crowd chanting eddie] in mississippi two weeks ago, we had a tremendous success. We elected a governor. He won by more than anticipated. Really good guy. Everybody down the ticket elected by more than people thought. In kentucky we elected everybody. The governor got brought up in a few short days 19 points. I went, we made a speech, the whole ticket was there. Everybody won big. The governor is a good guy. 19 points is big, and he lost by a few thousand votes. The headlines, trump you have to give me a big win, ok . He made a lot of our decisions and he did not win, but we brought him up a lot. The rest of kentucky, they had record, record numbers. But Eddie Rispone, you have to understand, he is profamily, prolife, proSecond Amendment and 100 proamerican. [applause and cheers] so i have known eddie for a long time. He was a successful guy, made a lot of money. He went against a phenomenally talented and wonderful human being. We all know ralph and love ralph. I will bring him up here in a second. [applause and cheers] eddie and ralph, they want criminal aliens off of our streets and dangerous offenders behind bars. Eddie is going to cut your taxes. You pay high taxes. Reduce your regulations and protect Louisiana Energy which is under siege. If any of these other people get in, there wont be entered any energy. I dont know what we will be doing. I dont want any petroleum products. They dont want coal. They probably dont even want wind. Try liking a windmill when is 50 feet away from your house. Wetry liking a want eddie. I supporting eddie, by supporting eddie, you will deliver a powerful rebuke to the socialists trying to sabotage our democracy and a race your cherished way of life in louisiana. Erase your cherished way of life in louisiana. And you can send a tremendous message back to washington because eddie is running against a failed left man, John Bel Edwards. He has let you sowed that down in let you down in Economic Development. He is a tool of nancy and chuck and probably that guy adam schiff. I dont think schiff plays well down here. He is controlled by the same extremists who are pushing the witchhunt. If John Bel Edwards gets involved, he will push it like hell. Got another enemy, what difference does it make i have so many . I have an enemy in louisiana, i dont want that. You need a republican, not a democrat. Everyone is republican. [applause and cheers] one of the reasons he gets nothing done. He is the chosen candidate. John bel, he wants open borders, radical, proabortion. [crowd booing] policies and he loves the fake news media. You know why they love him . He does what they want, the opposite of what you want. A vote for John Bel Edwards is a vote for radical leftists who despise your values, hate your beliefs, and want to crush the workers. You are doing lousy compared to others. The whole country is doing great. We are having a great surge like we have never had. You are ranked number 50 on Economic Development. You are doing fine but not like you should be. That is after i give you a 10 billion down two months ago with the lng plant on the gulf. Right . And now they want to expand it, it is doing so well. Edwards broke his solemn vow to the people when he pushed through the largest tax hike in the history of your state. He doublecrossed you, and you can never trust him. He will not vote for us. It is called make America Great again, keep America Great. [applause and cheers] to finish up, i want to hit him strong. What the hell . He hates me now. Dont think he ever liked me although he used to be nice in person. He used to say i like the president. He would go inside and say i dont like him at all. Just to finish up, he is in the pocket of the trial lawyers who have sent your Car Insurance rates to the highest level anywhere in the United States. [crowd booing] he allowed illegal aliens to steal from families and John Bel Edwards supports illegal aliens, not american citizens. Pretty simple. Here is another one i hate to say. We dont want to hurt your state. On John Bel Edwards watch, louisiana has the highest murder rate in all of america. Did you know that . On saturday, you have to send the message that a vote for John Bel Edwards, your current governor, taxes are high, Car Insurance is a disaster, unemployment not great at all, you are 50th in Economic Development and number one in murders, it is a vote for the washington swamp, a vote for the washington establishment. On saturday get out and vote for Eddie Rispone who is for jobs, safety, and freedom. [applause and cheers] so with that, that was a long harangue, but i want to put it in your heads, very important. Even if john bel wanted to do good, he cant. Hes got to go through all the republicans. They cant stand this guy. You got to vote for eddie. Can i ask him to come up and say a few words . Eddie rispone. Get out and vote. [applause and cheers] [crowd chanting eddie] eddie thank you mr. President. Thank you for being here. Louisiana, we are trump country. [applause and cheers] we love President Trump, and he loves louisiana. [applause and cheers] you might not know this, but this is the fourth time he has been here to help us win back our state. [applause and cheers] he went to alabama last weekend to help the lsu tigers beat bama. [applause and cheers] now we have to fire our liberal tax and spend, socialist leaning governor John Bel Edwards. John bel edwards has passed the highest tax in the history of louisiana. [crowd booing] he has taxed the oil and gas industry, where we have lost thousands of jobs. He has released over 1000 dangerous criminals. He supports new orleans as a sanctuary city. [crowd booing] and he and his greedy trial lawyer friends are causing us to have the second highest Car Insurance in america. [crowd booing] we have to get rid of John Bel Edwards, and we need your help. [applause and cheers] but this is bigger than louisiana. We have got to send a message to these liberal socialist democrats in washington that we support our president and we will not put up with the lies. Lets send a message to them. [applause and cheers] like the president just said, how do we send that message . We elect me as your governor and say we are going to fire john bel, and we are going to be back where we belong. We are a red state. We will work with the conservatives and this president conservatives and this president to make louisiana number one in the south with jobs and opportunities. [applause and cheers] for our children and grandchildren so they can stay here and call louisiana home. That is what we here for, folks. We want them to stay here. [applause and cheers] and what can you do . You can vote for me, send a message to washington, turn our state around, but we will need your help. We need to get out the vote. We need to tell our friends and families and everyone we know to get out the vote saturday so we can turn louisiana around and support our president in 2020. God bless you. [applause and cheers] thank you. [crowd chanting eddie] President Trump great businessman, that is what you need. Thank you, great job. So we are also thrilled to be joined tonight by many of your terrific louisiana leaders, and i want to ask a few of these people to come up. Might as well ask them all. They are warriors, all of them. A man who knows more about the medical world than just about anybody i know. It helps that he is also a doctor in addition to being a senator. He is a great man and a great person. Senator bill cassidy. Come on up, bill. [cheers and applause] and a man who has become a great friend of mine, so tough and so smart. You know who i am talking about. He has got the greatest name. A very special guy, went to oxford. He went to oxford. You know what that means . That means good. That means you are very good. He loves this state. John kennedy, senator john kennedy. [applause and cheers] i think what we will do is we will have some of our incredible warriors come up also. Because we have a man you have never heard of before. He is the toughest guy. He got hit hard, and you know when they had him out at second base less than a year after, he couldnt move well, didnt have big range. I tell the story, he was in the big stadium and they were playing the democrats of all people. The first pitch, a hard shot, was hit to the second baseman and it was hit hard. I said it is a disaster. Steve got down, steve scalise, he caught the ball and threw the ball to first base, came off to a heros welcome. Steve scalise. Come up, steve. [applause and cheers] great guy. [applause and cheers] i went to the hospital the night he was hit, and he wasnt looking too good. The doctors said not looking good, sir. He wasnt. I told them one thing i learned, your wife loves you because she was crying. I have known many wives that were not crying in those cases. I said your wife is in love with you. You got better fast, and we love you. He is a brave guy. Another brave man, and a highly respected man, a man who gave eddie a hell of a fight, that was close they have developed a real relationship and respect for each other on the campaign trail. It was a Nasty Campaign but not really nasty enough because ralph suspects eddie a lot and eddie respects ralph a lot. Ralph abraham, please, congressman. [applause and cheers] and i want garret graves. Come on up here, garret. Clay higgins. Your great congressman mike johnson, all incredible people. Mike johnson. Great man, great people. [cheers and applause] your former congressman john fleming. Your states attorney general jeff landry. [cheers and applause] state treasurer john schroeder. Come on up. Come on, john, you got to say something. Go ahead. We cant forget the secretary of state who is also on the ballot, kyle erdwin. [cheers and applause] hello, louisiana. [cheers] hello, shreveportbossier. Thank you, thank you, thank you, President Trump, for visiting our state yet again. [cheers and applause] i stand before you tonight i stand before you tonight as a proud deplorable. [cheers and applause] and unlike, unlike some of the folks in washington, d. C. , i am talking about the cultured cosmopolitan, goats milk latte drinking, avocado toast eating insiders elite. As a deplorable, i believe that everybody counts. And i care about you. [cheers and applause] and so does the president of the United States of america. [cheers and applause] go vote saturday. [cheers and applause] unless listen to me. Unless you are happy with crap py, vote for Eddie Rispone for governor. Unless, unless you are happy with crappy, vote for kyle for secretary of state. [cheers and applause] unless you are happy with crappy, vote for robert mills for the state senate. [cheers and applause] god bless america. God bless our president , and god bless the state of louisiana. [cheers and applause] now you know, i am a little confused tonight, and i want to make sure the record is straight. Im going to give you a choice. The president has been speaking as if he might run against joe biden. Let me ask you, who do you think is more promilitary, joe biden or donald . Donald]uting and who do you think is going to protect your Second Amendment rights . Donald]uting and who do you think, who do you think who do you think is going to protect your borders . Donald]uting there is one question. That would be who is going to vote for our incumbent governor. But if he was a resident of our state, who would vote for Eddie Rispone, joe biden or donald . When he is not just you but also to get your neighbor and your neighbors neighbor. This is going to be a close election. It could be decided by 1000 votes. You are going to make a difference if you vote and get your friend to vote and your friends friend to vote and your girlfriend and boyfriend. And if you do that and if Eddie Rispone gets elected, you know who is going to credit . Donald trump]outing they are also going to credit you. Thank you. [applause and cheers] President Trump thanks, bill. [crowd chanting usa] thank you, bill. Thank you, john. I want to bring up a man who has shown a lot. So incredible, respected in congress, by me and he has become a real friend. This guy has been something very special. He ran a tough campaign. I would say he had less money than eddie, but it was ok. It was tight and now he is 1000 for eddie. Thank you so much. We all think President Trump for making America Great again. He allowed me to fly on air force one to get away from that insanity. Thank you so much for doing the United States the agreement, thank you for taking care of our military. This great president has got our backs. In louisiana, we know what horse manure looks like. Inquirythis impeachment is full of it. To her that pelosi is up neck in it. You said it, they cant beat you at the polls, so they are trying to overturn our vote in the last election. We are not going to let that happen. We also said president , thank you mr. President for pointing out that we are last in the economy. We are last in jobs. We are last in murder, everything we should be first in the louisiana, we are dead last. We are much better than that. While the democrats are trying to convince us that three makes a couple i dont have any idea what a fluke goal is but that is what they are telling us, three makes two, this great man is working every day of the week. We appreciate you, mr. President , and [applause and cheers] and in louisiana, we know we have the most we have oil and gas industry which will rival most countries, and we have a wonderful peoples ingenuity who is second to none. We are not going to be fooled again, mr. President. Go out and vote saturday, vote for eddie, and lets get this thing done. Thank you. [applause and cheers] pres. Trump thank you. [applause and cheers] [shouting] pres. Trump right people. Great people. It is a thursday night, as we didnt want to interrupt your high school football. We didnt want to interrupt other things you are doing. I always like friday night with these things but this is some thursday night. Would you rather be anyplace else ivana trump rally . Trump rally thursday night now. But with the help of everyone tonight, america is booming like never before. We have created 6. 7 million new jobs, unemployment at the lowest rate in over 50 years. Half a century. [applause and cheers] africanamerican unemployment reached its lowest rate ever recorded. Hispanic american, Asian American unemployment have recently hit the lowest rates in the history of our country. Africanamerican poverty has reached the lowest rate in the history of our country. [applause and cheers] nearly 2. 5 Million People have risen out of poverty. The number of americans quitting the job they hate to take a new job is higher than ever before. You are not stuck at a job you dont want. You get more money sometimes. It hasnt happened in many decades. After years of painful stagnation and decline, wages and income is rising at one of the fastest rates in history. Real wages for lowincome workers have gone up nearly 9 . Average Median Income under president bush as an example rose only 400 over eight years. Under president obama it rose only 975. And under your favorite president [applause and cheers] it rose 5,000 in just 2. 5 years. [applause and cheers] in addition in our case to the 5000 dollars, we can add another 5,000 in savings from tax cuts, relation cuts, and energy, Energy Production and energy costs. So when you add it up, it went up 400 for president bush, 975 under president obama, eight years and eight years, and a little more than 2. 5 years it went up 10,000 under President Trump. [applause and cheers] boulder not real so that is pretty good. Those are tough numbers. We are adopting a policy of American Energy independence which is great for your state in particular. Texas is happy also. [applause and cheers] and north dakota is not too unhappy. We have a lot of states that are happy. America is the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world. [applause and cheers] meanwhile the farleft democrats in washington want to abolish the production of oil and natural gas. How do you like that idea . How about this clown beto . He was against guns, religious religion and oil and lives in somebody call him and explain it wasnt a good idea. Democrats want to raise your taxes. A politician that could lower taxes, we give you the biggest tax decrease, and it was always a good thing. They want to raise taxes. I have been doing this for a lot shorter time than most of them, trying to figure out how does that work . Is that a good thing . Taxes are going up down still further. We have not form found a form of energy acceptable to the left. No energy, no nothing, close down every business in the country. We are ending decades of ruinous trade policies that cost the state one in four manufacturing jobs and the numbers are higher. Weak leaders, corrupt politicians sold you out, let others plunder our factories and steel the crown jewels of your economy. Past administrations financed the rise of china, no idea what they were doing. On the backs of the american middle class. Under this administration the great betrayal is over. We are fighting for workers and communities and our american dream. [applause and cheers] we are replacing the nafta catastrophe, one of the worst trade deals in history with the u. S. Mexicocanada agreement. We could only get pelosi to do something. She is not doing it. It should have been approved months ago. All the democrats want she doesnt want to put it up for a vote. She is too busy doing other things. Things. It is a huge win for louisiana farmers and manufacturers. Nancy pelosi and the democrats need to stop the ridiculous witchhunts and pass the usmca because we have a country to run and they got to get back to running it. Before my election our leaders use of the Great American middle class as a piggy bank to fund their delusional global projects. We took care of nations all over the world, nations you never even heard of. They decimated American Manufacturing to promote Economic Growth in foreign countries. They used our military to defend wealthy nations, subsidizing their welfare states with your money. They poured precious american blood and treasure into the middle east while our cities fell into decay. But i was elected to be president of the United States, not the world. [applause and cheers] [chanting usa] pres. Trump after years of rebuilding, we are finally rebuilding our nation. We are putting america first. That is what is happening. [applause and cheers] past leaders transformed faraway nations into chaotic war zones, then they demanded the americans accept unlimited migration to protect our families and block migration from some of the worlds most dangerous places, i implemented something that some people loved and some people didnt like. It is called a travel ban. And it was recently voted on very favorably in a thing called the United States supreme court, found totally constitutional and we are keeping terrorist criminals and violent extremists out of our country. [applause and cheers] on no issue democrat politicians more totally betrayed you then on immigration. The radical democrats open border agenda invites vicious gangs and dangerous criminals to pour into your communities, neighborhoods, state. Right here in louisiana our brave ice officers have arrested criminal aliens charged or wanted for murder, manslaughter, sexual battery, fraud, forgery, bodily injury, drug dealing, position of stealing weapons and possession of stolen weapons and child abuse. We are getting them out by the thousands. That includes ms 13. We are getting them out by the thousands. I want to thank our border patrol. I want to thank ice and Law Enforcement very enforcement. They are incredible. We have launched historic and unprecedented action to secure our southern border. We have released a brandnew border embers today showing we have successfully reduced illegal crossings by more than 70 since may. And i can proudly announce we have ended cap tout to release and we are building the wall faster than anyone thought possible. [applause and cheers] [chanting build the wall] pres. Trump thank you. It is being built. Going up. We had to fight for every inch. We have the help of our military it is national security. It turned out it is national security. Our message to those seeking to break our laws is simple. Dont try it. You will fail, you will be sent back home. That is the way it works. If you want a governor who supports that, a governor who supports what we are doing on the border and supports the heroes of ice and border patrol, you have only one choice, to get out on saturday and vote for Eddie Rispone. You have to. [applause and cheers] democrats are becoming more and more extreme by the day. The planned government takeover of health care with would deny you the coverage you need and the doctor you want. My administration will always protect patients with preexisting conditions and we will also protect your preexisting conditions. Every democrat supports lateterm abortion, ripping babies straight from the mothers mom right up mothers womb up until the moment of birth. Republicans believe every child is a sacred gift from god. [applause and cheers] democrats are the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, lateterm abortion, socialism and blatant corruption. The Republican Party is the party of the american worker, the American Family and the american dream. [applause and cheers] we have appointed more than 160 federal judges. Soon 182, including court of appeals judges. They will interpret the constitution as written including our two Great Supreme Court justices, neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh. [applause and cheers] and we have invested 2 trillion in our military. You are a big an official eerie, with better ships, airplanes, bombers, tanks, missiles, rockets, better than ever before, built in the usa. [applause and cheers] i withdrew from the horrible onesided iran nuclear deal. I recognized israels true capital and opened the American Embassy in jerusalem. And we have recognized israels sovereignty over the golan heights. For years he watched as your politicians apologize for america. Now you have a president who is standing up for america and we are standing up for the people of louisiana. [applause and cheers] the next step to victory begins on saturday. Your vote on saturday is your chance to show the radical left washington democrats that louisiana rejects their extremism and their corruption. You will not allow your voice to be silenced, your vote to be canceled. You will not allow your country to be demolished which is what would happen if they get in. You have got a little head start because you have one lousy governor. That is why you need to get your friends, your family, neighbors and it out to vote for eddie. You have to do it saturday. With your help we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work, dependents to independents, elect a republican congress. We have to do that, please. Get rid of these maniacs. To create a fair, safe, sane and lawful system. We will not trade deals probably stamped with the beautiful term, made in the usa. [applause and cheers] we will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine, finding cures for Childhood Cancer and ending the aids epidemic in america within 10 years. We started that whole process. Who would have thought that would happen. We will defend privacy, free speech, religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms. [applause and cheers] above all we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one america. We love our country. We love our country. We support, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. We stand with the heroes of Law Enforcement. We believe in the dignity of work and sanctity of life. We believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy are the true american way. I believe children should be taught to love our country, honor our history and to always respect our Great American flag. [applause and cheers] a and we live by the words, and there will always be those words as long as i am here and hopefully for a long time, forever, the words of our national motto, in god we trust. [applause and cheers] we stand on the shoulders of american patriots who crossed the oceans, settled a consonant, tamed the wilderness, revolutionized industry, pioneered science, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and made america the greatest and we are making it greater than ever before. That is what is happening now. [applause and cheers] proud and incredible citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the american people. That is what this is all about. With your help and drive, we are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting. We are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [applause and cheers] we are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under god. America is driving like never before and ladies and gentlemen of louisiana, the best is yet to come. [applause and cheers] together we will make america wealthy again. We will make america strong again. It is already happening. We will make america proud again. That is happening. We will make america safe again. How we will make America Great again. Thank you. Thank you very much, louisiana, thank you. I saw her today at the reception a glass of wine in her hand i knew she was gonna meet her connection at her feet was her footloose man you cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want but if you try sometimes, well, you might find you get what you need at her feet was her footloose man you cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want but if you try sometimes, well campaign 2020, watch our coverage of the candidates on the trail and make up your own mind. Your unfiltered view of politics. During an event on price Care Health Care pricing, the president answered questions on impeachmentent proceedings and if he believes he will be impeached

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