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Motions to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3537. H. R. 499. And h. R. 3734. The first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, remaining electronic votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from illinois, mr. Schneider, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3537, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk Union Calendar number 188. H. R. 3537. A bill to amend the Small Business act to codify the boots to Business Program and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 424. The nays are 1. 2 3 having been in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from illinois, mr. Schneider to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 499. The clerk will report the title. The clerk Union Calendar number 187, h. R. 499, a bill to amend the Small Business act to clarify the treatment of certain surviving surviving spouses under the definition of Small Business concerned and controlled by Service Disabled veterans. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 416, there are no nays. 3 being in the affirmative the speaker pro tempore have all members voted. Any members wishing to change his or her vote . On this vote, the yeas are 423. There are no nays. 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from illinois, mr. Snyder, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3734 as amended on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk h. R. 3734, a bill to require the comptroller general the United States to report access to credit, to require the administrator of the Small Business administration to report then veteran inters Agency Task Force and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 421. The nays are three. Adopted. Ment is 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The house will be in order. Take your conversations off the floor. The house will be in order. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The house will be in order. Members, clear the well. Take your conversations off the floor of the house. The house will be in order. The chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The house will be in order. Members, take your conversations off the floor of the house. Without objection, the gentleman from new jersey is corrected. Mr. Payne madam speaker, i rise to recognize november as American Diabetes month. It is a personal issue for me as i am one of 30 million americans diabetes. H this number is set to rise significantly. An estimated 84 million americans with prediabetes, and it is the seventh leading cause of death u. S. E in addition, people with diabetes are twice as likely to or a stroke. Sease the c. D. C. Estimates diabetes this country almost 30 billion 330 billion per year. My colleagues will spread the message of diabetes this month. We need to do all we can to stop this deadly disease. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rise . Llinois madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to remarks. Nd extend my the speaker pro tempore without objection. The house will be in order. Mr. Davis madam speaker, i rise oday to recognize this week as National Apprenticeship week. For over 80 years. Apprenticeship system has been the Gold Standard for workforce unitedment policy in the states. In 2017, President Trump signed thexecutive order expanding Apprenticeship Program, and since then, more than 500,000 the program. Ntered apprenticeships that are egistered with the department of labor provide participants onthejob training and classroom education, equipping to with the skills needed succeed in todays labor force. With continued job growth in economy, i want to encourage more apprenticeship opportunities. The leapced h. R. 1774, act, which incentivized more d. O. L. S to offer the registered Apprenticeship Program through a new tax credit. Also come with incremental wage increases, improved skills, enhanced ancements, retention, and increased productivity. So id like to thank all the businesses, employers, and the Building Trades that have done and encourage more businesses in various fields to participate. Back. D the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the rise . Woman from illinois i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Speaker, i madam ise today to celebrate sigma gamma row. Bring about progress society. We were first founded in educators. S by all today we have more than 100,000 members and more than 500 the united oss tates, canada, the bermuda, dubai. We have undertaken work on many lawses including act against aids, operation big book bags, 1922, a partnership with u. S. A. Swimming to increase inclusion in the sport while reducing drownings in our community. The third sigma amma row to be elected to congress. Our membership includes alice black n, the first journalist accredited to cover washington. Use in and i want to give a special international ambassador. Reater service, greater progress. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise . Request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Thank you, madam speaker. While traveling across pennsylvanias 12th district, our team consistently hears from employers with open positions trained kills gap of labor. Employers and individuals should seeking jobs should available to l fill open jobs needed with skills. Thats why celebration of apprenticeship week is so important. National apprenticeship week a growing eness to skills gap by highlighting the benefits of apprenticeships. Wages during onthejob training while receiving instruction and having supervision from a mentor. Apprentices also learn important soft skills like work attendance, being a team player, positive work attitude. Additionally, employers train they need, skills often creating a direct pathway from training to employment. Keller they have been working across p. A. 12. Partnership opportunities exist employers, including Energy Developers and educational institutions, to apprenticeshiplike programs. Programs like these and apprenticeships across the to grow the proven economy, lower student debt, and lead to familysustaining careers. Please stand with me in support of National Apprenticeship week. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from mississippi rise . Excuse me. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida rise . Without objection. Over half of er, the people in my district in lorida, including myself, were born in another country. Over 8,000 of those immigrants recipients who have lived here for many years, some for decades, and have roots in community. They are entrepreneurs, first esponders, teachers, community leaders, and service men and women. Powell ms. Mucarselpowell today, daca is at risk. Recipients contribute billions to our economy and the conomic consequences for removing Daca Recipients would be catastrophic. We would mportantly, lose valued colleagues, friends, owners. L business protecting Daca Recipients is do just the right thing to for our economy, it is the moral hing to do for us and our country. I urge the senate to swiftly pass h. R. 6, the dream and be that we sent them months ago to secure daca countrys future. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The Founding Fathers understood the Important Role our farmers and ranchers would play in construction of our great nation and congress has always played a pivotal role as a friend to our agriculture community. The usmca is an agreement that would strengthen trade relations with two of our largest trading partners, mexico and canada, and would give a muchneeded boost to the american farmers. In august of this year, i toured mississippi with the Mississippi Farm Bureau federation mr. Guest during these visits and subsequent meetings, the Mississippi Agriculture community has constantly discussed the importance of the usmca and asked for its approval. Unfortunately, the House Majority has chosen impeachment instead of ratifying this trade agreement. The majority is prioritizing a partisan political process over substantive policy issues that would strengthen our country. Madam speaker, i ask that we focus on the real work that needs to be accomplished this year and pass the usmca in support of our nations farmers and ranchers. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. I rise on behalf of the thousands of dreamers in my district, the 800,000 dreamers across the country, threatened with deportation due to the administrations decision to rescind daca. It is unconscionable that our dreamers are at risk for being removed from their families and from the only country theyve ever known. In addition to the moral arguments we are hearing today theres argument for da cars, one as a doctor i know needs our attention, and thats a Public Health argument. Doing away with daca would mean the u. S. Could lose over 27,000 Health Care Workers and support staff around the country. At a time when we can least afford it, we would lose nurses, physicians, e. M. T. s and hospital workers, people who have spent their careers making our nation healthier and whose absence would bring our Public Health great harm. Thats why i cosponsored and the house passed h. R. 6, the American Dream and promise act so that 800,000 dreamers who work, are in school, have joined the military, or are working to improve our Publics Health on a daily basis can live without fear of deportation. So i urge Senate Majority leader mcconnell to stop playing games, have a vote, and lets get h. R. 6 passed. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Madam speaker, i rise today in support, as others have said, of National Apprenticeship week. The Republican Led Congress and President Trump jump started americas economy, making it the best in the world. Theres never been a better time to enter the work force. However, every time im back in the district, i hear about the need for skilled workers. That is why apprenticeships are absolutely vital to developing americas future work force. By connecting employers directly to their future work force, americans have the opportunity to develop Technical Skills while gaining valuable work experience. And the number shows how successful these programs are. 94 of those who complete an Apprenticeship Program retain employment with an average salary of more than 70,000. Im proud that georgia is leading the way in career and Technical Education and apprenticeship. For example, in lyons, georgia, chick on of this sea invested millions in constituent of the Art Technology and helped train our next generation of skilled workers through their ea Apprenticeship Program, creating more jobs and promoting Economic Opportunity throughout the county. We must continue with this training. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from virginia seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Across Central Virginia, the seek our sikh neighbors are celebrating the birthday of the first guru, celebrating the man whose teachers have shaped the core beliefs of their families throughout the century and are remembering his unwavering commitment to the plight of the oor, his push for equality for all. Ms. Spanberger he encouraged his physical lowers to focus on what united his people, not what divided them. He taught them to pursue truth. And while others sought to destroy and disregard the earths resources, the guru taught his followers to be responsible stewards of the land. In Central Virginia we have a warm, vibrant, simbings kh community. O them i wish a happy day. I hope theyll have an opportunity to enjoy the special festivities alongside family and friends and thank you for your rich contribution tours cultural, business, and faith community. Together we thank you for incorporating the gurus principles of generosity, grace, and passion into your daily lives. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Thank you, madam speaker. I rise today to call attention to National Adoption month. On any given day in our country, there are 440,000 children in the foster care system. Most for two to five years. This Holiday Season i encourage you to open your heart to the penalty of adopting a child. As an adoption attorney, i can personally testify that you cap give no greater gift to a child without a home than the security of a parent. Mr. Spano alternatively, foster care may be a better option for you. My family had the joy of fostering four beautiful children over a twoyear period and simultaneously gave their birth parents the chance to receive help to overcome problems that led to their childs removal from their home. Tampa bay is blessed to have the glad nee center for adoption, Catholic Charities adoptioner is sthrirks Florida Baptist Childrens Home and others on the front lines for this issue. This National Adoption month think of these kids as you sit at your thanksgiving table and shop for crim and when you consider growing your family. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Last month, i had the honor of meeting with jack and jill of americas Eastern Region team representative. For the past 80 years, the eastern reof jack and jill of america have been impacting the lives of children by making them civically engaged, charitable, and selfless leaders. Mr. Van drew the development of this club allowed children to come together in a close, social and cultural relationship with one another. This Organization Provides a Supportive Community for mothers, children, fathers, and teens to assist in the positive transformation of not only the communities but of the country. The Eastern Region is the largest in the country with 5 chapters and continues to provide innovative programming in the new millennium. Because of the dedication of these individuals, working with the region, the Eastern Group chapter has provided over 500,000 meals to families in need in the year 2014 to 2015. Its a Job Well Done by the Eastern Region of jack and jill of america. We thank them for their support, for their help, and their commitment to america. I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Without objection. Thank you. After several weeks in the secrecy of the basement of this building, the impeachment process has moved upstairs. And it doesnt look a whole lot better in the light of day. Chairman schiff has made it pretty much a oneman show. Mr. Lamalfa and continues to deny a due process that you would see normally in a court of law with bipartisan input. In other modern impeachment examples weve seen input from beth sides. Were not seeing that here. So we have this really ugly display going on of a partisan witch hunt against President Trump. Nothing has changed by coming upstairs. It doesnt look any better under the light of the cameras. The star witnesses brought today indeed are not stars at all. They werent even present on the call. Between the president of the United States and ukrainian president. Indeed, what we have is a sham. It needs to stop because its dividing our country and dividing our ability to get anything accomplished in this place for the American People. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Madam speaker, the right to terminate a pregnancy has become framed as a Womans Health issue and yet more and more voices argue in favor of methods of abortion that place a Womans Health at great risk. Such as teleabortion, a means of killing an unborn child by acquiring abortion drugs and being coach bud telemedicine how to use them. Simple except the woman isnt in a medical facility no medical personnel are planned, and if it doesnt go as plan and the baby is not still born, it may end up in a dumpster and the woman may end up in the emergency room. Bill tohy i filed a new prevent teleabortion. The f. D. A. Reports more than 1,000 ad verse events that required hospitalization. If a Womans Health argument is more than subterfuge that puts dressing on a tragedy, please join me in passing h. R. 4935, the teleabortion prevention act. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from new york, mr. Espaillat is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. Mr. Espaillat thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the subject of my special order in the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Espaillat i now yield to my colleague from california, mr. Kosta. Mr. Costa i thank the gentleman from new york. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to talk about an important issue affecting our country and that is dreamers. Many who are in washington this week fighting for their lives in front of the United States Supreme Court. Dreamers are americans. Just like you and i. And they should be treated as such. When the Obama Administration established the deferred action for childhood arrivers, deferred act for childhood arrivers, these were infants from 6 months to 6 years of age and anywhere in between, these dreamers came here through no choice of their own. But for them this is the only country theyve ever known. They were qualified and granted under this program enacted by the Obama Administration to be protected from deportation. Thus granted a legal status. Since then, these young people have made an immense contribution to our society every day. They are our friends, they are our neighbors. But they have been betrayed by this administrations cruel policies toward migrant communities. Including the efforts to repeal the deferred action for childhood arrivals, otherwise known as daca. And to dismantle the advanced Parole Initiative which was a rt of this effort, which allows dreamers to visit their loved ones in the event that theres a wedding, a funeral, some other critical moment in their lives with their families in the country that they originally came from. These cruel and shameless policies are throwing the lives of these people, most of them young, in chaos. They live in fear every day. Fear. To see if theyll be removed. Deported from the only home theyve ever known. From the only country theyve really ever known. Living with the uncertainty is not a right, its unfair, its and unjust. Its not the american way. For 243 years, america has been a beacon of shining light for immigrants around the world. So in this case we may promise to protect dreamers, if the Supreme Court rescinds these protections i believe Congress Must keep fighting. I will keep fighting. I know these dreamers. I have visited with them. They are in my schools and the Community Colleges and the state universities. So know, i want m to you to know, because these reflect and represent what, the American Dream. Whats the American Dream . He American Dream is about immigrants past and immigrants present, and its the embodiment part of. Reamers are a so i ask my colleagues to join in us this afternoon standing up and speaking out for those dreamers. My eld back the balance of time. Mr. Espaillat madam speaker, i ow yield to my colleague from california, mr. Vargas. Thank you very much, madam speaker, and thank you much to the gentleman from new york. I rise today on behalf of undreds of thousands of dreamers. Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard arguments over the future deferred action for childhood rrivals, as you heard, Daca Recipients. This decision will determine whether nearly 800,000 dreamers ill lose their Legal Protections to live and work in the United States. He average daca recipient came to the u. S. As a young child and has called our country their for nearly 20 years. Enying their legal rights or rekrending the rescinding the promise made to them seven years ago would be immoral and wrong. They are students, teachers, responders, entrepreneurs, and Community Organizers who our countrys make our country stronger and day. Ribute every approximately 27,000 Daca Recipients are currently employed as Health Care Workers staff. Port rescinding daca will be a direct threat to the Public Health, as from our colleague, dr. Ruiz. We rely on these people. At this moment, it would be a disaster to not give them the remaintatus they need to in our country. Daca recipients and their hold a combined 24. 1 billion in spending power each year. Recipients daca boosts Social Security and medicare through payroll taxes. Recipients have completed high school, entered fouryear colleges and graduated. S and College Enrollment rates have dramatically increased for dacaeligible individuals and completion rates have skyrocketed. Dreamers are our brothers and our sisters and our neighbors. They dont know any other as home. They were brought here as hildren, and many times as infants. They built their lives here since they were little kids. They grew up in america learning history and loving and celebrating our culture and reedoms, just like any other american. They work, they pay taxes. Before, they dream of serving, too. Is ing our backs on them against our american values. The choice is clear. To ust keep our promise dreamers. We must protect the dream and uphold daca in the highest court land. We heard here recently, very ecently from a friend on the other side how we should open our hearts this Holiday Season adoption. N that need hes correct. At the same time, we should open thateart to these children came here, oftentimes when they were infants. Own. Ult of their their parents brought them here. They grew up in our country. N fact, many of them thought they were american citizens until they became older. In the words ker, of our great colleague who elijah passed, cummings, we are better than this. We are better than deporting these children that have never another country other than our own. We are better than this. Is fully the Supreme Court better than this. Madam speaker, with that, i yield back. Mr. Espaillat madam speaker, i my colleague from california, mr. Correa. I thank the gentlechairman from new york. I want to correct the record dreamers, who they are in the United States. I represent central orange largest ome to the number of dreamers in the United States. I want to talk a little bit few of the dreamers in my district. My t one, jose who lived in district in santa ana. He enlisted in the United States corps. He was deployed to iraq. In 2003, he was killed at the age of 21. The First Service member from Orange County to make the sacrifice. Jose, rest in peace. He is a dreamer. To correcter, i want the record about the dreamers, be who they are. Olice officer, herman, grew up in illinois. His hard work and positive attitude earned him a slot in academy. Hes a valued member of his team department, and in the words of his police chief, hes part of this community. Citizen. Od hes a goodman and we need him. Martinez, a dreamer. Correcteaker, i want to the record about who dreamers are. Theyre lawyers. Cesar vargas grew up in Staten Island in new york. He served our nation in the army. After law school, cesar passed the new york bar on his first 2011. And then he applied for admission to the new york bar. But due to his immigration status, he was denied. It would take him five more before cesar became the first dreamer admitted to the new york state bar. Dreamer. Gas, he is a madam speaker, be i want to about the record dreamers. They are american soldiers. Up in southern california. He joined the u. S. Army, and on year, he f last shipped out to basic training. He wants nothing more than to our country. Hes a warrior and a patriot. Dreamer. Army. U. S. Madam speaker, i want to correct and ecord about dreamers who they are. American soldiers. Ames grew up in southern california. James enlisted in the United States army. Is goal is to protect the United States of america because he loves this country. He needs daca reformed to ensure home after being deployed to defend our nation. James is a dreamer. Hes part of the u. S. Army. Madam speaker, i want to correct dreamers about who are. They are harvard graduates. Grew up in the heart of my district in santa arrest anna. Was the santa ana. She was the first undocumented masters o receive a degree from harvard. She was the first undocumented candidate from claremont graduate university. Montel is a dreamer. Madam speaker, i yield. You, madamlat thank speaker. As the whip of the congressional pleased toucus, i am lead this monthly special order hour. Critical time in america, a critical time for our the communities that we represent. Yesterday morning, madam that the ou may know Supreme Court heard a case. On dreamersrguments rests on decisions nearly one million Young Americans in the Supreme Court of the United States. Million people who were brought here at a very early young age and have known no other country but the United States of america. We have come to call them symbolize cause they a way of what the American Dream for. S they derived the name from Bipartisan Legislation 2001 by none other than the former republican the dent pro tempore of senate, orrin hatch of the state of the and dick durbin state of illinois. That legislation was multiple times, would have granted residency tatus to immigrants who came here as minors, assuming they had no criminal record and had a diploma. Ol and they could become permanent to dents if they go college if they got a College Degree or serve honorably in the military. This proposal was seen as a ritical component of any comprehensive immigration reform, and for many was lowhanging fruit. The easiest thing we could all sides of the aisle, an opinion polling of the that out. Eople bore in fact, we have seen polls after polls after polls indicate that over 80 of the American People, whether they are in red blue states, support dreamers. 2013, after the House Republican majority flat out even consider an overwhelming bipartisan omprehensive immigration package, painstakingly and finally mended approved by the senate on a healthy bipartisan vote, resident obama looked at what his options were and he so was this ast deal lowhanging fruit. Administrative discretion in enforcing immigration laws, a long use ared by ority president s on both sides of the deferred reate the action for childhood arrivals program, or the daca program. While the program couldnt provide permanent legal essentially did told those who have been eligible under the dream act came forward and followed various steps to ensure to met conditions similar throws in the those in the dream act, they would be granted elief from deportation and issued documents, allowing them to remain and work legally in United States. In essence, the dreamers came forward and shared their information. Their address, their date of birth. Us, the ed that with government. They were forward. Transparent in their approach to share vital, ersonal, and confidential information with the government. The daca program and the dream popular and so important because they are an example of who we are and aspire as a nation, a nation of immigrants. Our core ors principles, such as basic fairness, compassion, and common sense. Whats more, it is in our ational interest to keep Daca Recipients here. 2027, daca and to ficiaries are projected contribute 416 billion to the g. D. P. L they pay 5. 7 billion in federal taxes and 3. 1 billion in state annually. Taxes researchers estimate ending daca will cost the United States anywhere from 283 billion to 463 billion over the next 10 years. Our nation also sees benefits if the fact that many daca educated are hardly and skilled workers. 96 of Daca Recipients are school, be and 75 are pursuing a bachelors degree higher. 27,000 Daca Recipients are as health mployed care workers and support staff. Integral part of the ealth Care Industry across america. So it stands to reason that do nothingdaca would but hurt the economy, drain our businesses of skilled and workers, and threaten our Public Health system. Case is n the current making its way through the courts is precisely because the has been nistration unable to substantiate their easoning for terminating the program, and President Trump, himself, has said on numerous has he doeshe not want to deport daca says. Ents, or so he in fact, two lower federal injunctions laced in the efforts to eliminate the daca program. I there are a few things believe we must do. Unlikely,usly, though if the administration really does not want to send daca place of their a place they have never known, rescind its order or find other administrative means to give them certainty. More importantly, madam speaker, it is that we change the law to provide permanent these young mericans, and they are truly americans. They feel americans. They have been here for many, years, and many of them, with the exception of having card, ard, their green are very much part of the american fabric. The proud to vote for dream and promise act not too long ago when it passed here in the only and as formerly undocumented immigrant he was honored, deeply honored to preside over its passage. It is now on the senate to act, arguments d the yesterday in the Supreme Court hopeful eful were that the court will be reasonable and understand that these young people have nothing to give their sweat and heir work, their abilities to our nation and based on the vote years ago, its clear if the. 6 would pass majority leader in the senate, mitch mcconnell, brought it to a vote. This legislation, similar legislation, a lot more complex, more comprehensive in scope, was passed not too long ago in the senate in a bipartisan way. In the meantime, democrats in the house, we must continue to consider other legislation that will help dreamers. For example, the education and Labor Committee recently passed a sweeping reform of our Higher Education programs, the College Affordability act. That bill would make college more affordable and accessible to dreamers by making them eligible for financial aid, pell grants and other kinds of financial assistance. Besides, it would if we are encouraging dreamers to complete their education in order to grant them legal status, the least we can do is help them afford the education. There are numerous reasons to keep dreamers here and give them the certainty they need to succeed. The most basic being that we have always been and will continue to be a nation of immigrants. For the rest of this special hour, you will hear from other colleagues in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to share their stories about why this is critically important for the future of america. In fact, i am compelled to tell you that this is a fight for the soul of america. But here i yield to them. I want to thank the many groups who continue to serve our constituents through their advocacy, their legal assistance, their Organizational Skills and their moral support. Groups like unidos u. S. , united we dream, hispanic federation, make the road new york, faithbased groups, labor unions and countless others. You are all shining examples of what america stands for and we could not be successful in our work inside the capitol without the work that you do outside of the capitol. With that, madam speaker, i yield to my colleague from the great state of florida, mr. Soto. Mr. Soto thank you, madam speaker. And thank you to my dear friend, the gentleman from new. Ork, congressman espaillat you know, we had a rally a while ago where i got to hear my dead my dear friend from new york talk about, as he was addressing droomers dreamers, that they were the tears of their grandparents. They were the dreams of their parents. And how generations led up to the moment where their children can experience the American Dream. And it really got to me. It was an emotional moment for all of us thinking about that story that all of our families, other than our native americans, experienced at one time or another. That someone had to make a choice. Someone had to cross an ocean or a desert or so many other barriers to get to here, to the United States. As we look at what the supreme urt, yesterday having oral arguments, is set to rule upon, its pretty clear that terminating daca would not be in the best interest of the sunshine state. Its pretty clear that ending daca would be bad for florida, President Trumps new home state. When you look back, our state passed in a bipartisan fashion in the Florida Legislature when i was there instate tuition for dreamers. We also passed a bill that i filed and was able to pass to admit dreamers to the florida bar. So in a state that many people refer to as purple, being democrats and republicans going back and forth in close issues and close elections, we came together to protect our dreamers. So i hope, as the Trump Administration is examining their arguments and working before the Supreme Court, that they recognize that this wouldnt serve in floridas best interest. In florida we have over 80,000 dreamers, 30,000 of whom are Daca Recipients. And i wanted to spend a few minutes tonight talking about their stories, about my constituents. The first dreamer id like to speak about, daca recipient, is ermand or otherwise known as herman to us affectionately. Erman grew up in the city in honduras. Wanting to give him and his sister a better life, his family decided to migrate to miami, florida, in 2002. During this time, his parents instilled in him a respect and curiosity for the law. This led him to join the Miamidade Police explorers while in high school. In 2012, herman applied for daca. Deferred action for childhood arrivals. Which allowed him to pursue Educational Opportunities posthigh school. After gragg, he moved to gainesville, graduating, he moved to gainesville, florida, where he studied Political Science at the university of florida with a focus on ethics and moral law. During this time at u. F. , he joined the College Democrats Prelaw Fraternity and assembly for action, a conference that aims to build Community Relations with local organizations. During his junior year, herman interned for our office in d. C. , where he helped draft a bill i introduced earlier this year, the artificial intelligence, otherwise known as a. I. , jobs act. After his internship, herman worked not only on our campaigns, but oversaw phone bankers and canvasers as our district coordinator. Herman has since graduated from the university of florida, receiving his bachelors degree in may of this year, has spear headed a group advocating for restaurant workers to unionize against unfair treatment and pay, and now currently holds a position with the sierra club as their organizing representative for the wildlands red tide campaign. Herman continues to be an advocate for other dreamers and hopes to fight the structural inequities and racism stemming rom collinization. Another amazing daca recipient, amazing dreamer from my district is Mariana Castro. Mariana came to the United States from peru at the age of 10 with her mother. Leaving her brothers and father behind, while her mother worked three jobs to keep food on the table for her family, mariana excelled as a Central Florida high school student. In 10th grade, she realized that regardless of her excellent grades, involvement in hundreds of Community Service hours, that her undocumented status would impact and potentially stop her academic career. Opportunity shined when daca became a reality a few months before her graduatings graduation. She graduated from Celebration High School in 2013, received the highest academic scholarship in the state, and chose the university of florida to be her home for the next four years. At the time, even with daca, she was denied an instate tuition rate in college and her scholarship was revoked. Mariana paused her education and fought for instate tuition that i previously mentioned in my speech here tonight for undocumented students in the state of florida. Her efforts came to fruition as she stood side by side with so many other dreamers when we finally passed the instate tuition bill for dreamers one year later. And what happens when we give someone like mariana opportunity . She returned to the university of florida where she graduated with a degree in biological sciences this past may. As a document recipient, she was unable to receive any state scholarships, federal aid or loans. While being a fulltime student, she worked 40 hours every week at restaurants to pay for her education out of pocket. During her college career, she interned at my Congressional Office in 2018 and was later hired as a legislative aide in the florida senate. She also helped Start University programs that provide visibility to undocumented students. Most recently, institutionalizing a training for professional staff about relevant immigration laws that affect the student body, while raising funds for the out of the shadows scholarship, a scholarship specifically for undocumented students in florida that she oversaw for three years. Over the years, she received several awards for her advocacy in the immigrant community, including being named the only female outstanding student leader in her graduating class. Today Mariana Castro serves as the Central Florida Business Manager for impact fund, working to change Public Policy around immigration through Coalition Building and bipartisan action. Mariana plans to obtain a combined degree and continue to use legislation and grassroots organizing in order to fight for disinfranchised communities in the nation. Also as the Civil Rights Task force chair for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, i wanted to talk a little bit about the issues before the Supreme Court. We know with the daca program that the federal government created a promise. A promise to these eventual Daca Recipients that their deportation would be deferred. And it was for an obvious reason. Theres over 10 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. And these were the lowest priority for deportation. Because they were young people who came here through no fault of their own, that knew no other country other than this one, and i can tell you, as we heard from mars story, and from hermans story marianas story, and from hermans story, that they are indeed ambitious and they are indeed contributing to our society. So a promise was made to these young people. And they relied on that promise to their detriment. By giving their information to the federal government, every two years periodically, and then from there the federal government should be stopped from being able to use that to deport them, to single them out in any way. And if the program is going to down, it should be done in an orderly fashion. And i think those who are in the program should at least be able to stay in the program, or if not, not be targeted by the federal government. And so i think its right that the federal government should be stopped from using this information to the detriment of these young people. And then we look at the reasoning. And its hard to see under either rational review or a higher scrutiny that the court may apply, that theres enough information to strike down this executive order. It was done through the ordinary process and now the reason originally proffered was simply that it was unconstitutional. You know, thats the purview of the Supreme Court, thats not a reason for an administration to be able to strike down a program. They actually have to give a reason beyond their own opinion that somethings unconstitutional. And of course the Trump Administration didnt do that. In all their procedures, to try end to the law. Then eventually in the Appellate Courts, they tried to come up with some statistics, come up with some justifications, after theyd already gone through the process, and now they want to put the genie back in the bottle. Now they want to say, well, our rationale is given to the Appellate Court so we should be able to just use that from the beginning. Thats not the way the process works. Even then it was the same xenophobic misrepresentations that we hear about these young people being spouted to this day. So whether its under simply the courts scrutiny, i think its pretty clear and we hope the Supreme Court will end the program or at the very least have an orderly termination of it, protecting these kids and stopping the federal government from hurting them any further. And with that, i want to yield back to my great friend, the gentleman from new york, congressman espaillat, a champion of dreamers, the original dreamer, if you will. Thank you for having me tonight. I appreciate it. And thank you. Mr. Espaillat madam speaker, i now yield to my colleague from california, the second vice Congressional Hispanic Caucus, ms. Barragan. Ms. Barragan i thank the having this special hour and for all his work. As the Supreme Court deliberates this administrations attempt to end the daca program, its easy to see average american the term daca as a case or a set of immigration statistics or political daca is g chip, but 700,000 living, breathing people to be their america home. The only home most of them have had. Of over 8,000 of these daca members live in my district, and amongst my most valued and vulnerable constituents. Hey are our brothers, our sisters, our friends, and schoolmates, our neighbors, and workmates. And in my instance, my cousin. Case, they are also dedicated and talented interns working in both my district here in my ight washington office. Irene garcia is a daca recipient has lived in the United States since she was 10 years old. Shes earning her bachelors cal statedomingas hill. Parttime barista and shes working hard in my san edro office, even as a young girl, irene dreamed of working in our government. Sadly, she worries that interning for me might be as ever come ell because she cant work for the government she respects and pledges allegiance o without proof of legal residency. Juan hinojosa is an outstanding an er of my d. C. Office as intern. He lived in this country hes since he his country was 2 years old. Of course, its the only home when he has ever known. Juan graduates arizona state, he will be the first in his family to do so. Spent two nights camping out to be in line to get inside the Supreme Court so that witness yesterdays oral arguments. Wanting as an observer, to witness history, not even as an appreciator in our but as a participant whose fate may rest in the hands of that moment. These are just two examples of wonderful and meaningful ontributions that all Daca Recipients make to our communities, our economy, our our american o culture. Our nation made a promise to hard, hat if they worked if they study hard and they played by the rules and follow become that they can american citizens and travel as talents take them. It is quite literally the promise of america. To say to Daca Recipients, nervously awaiting you are es, that valued, you are appreciated, you belong here. D you thank you. Gentleman. K to the mr. Espaillat thank you. Speaker, in conclusion, id like to thank my colleagues today. Ning me here i would like to reiterate the Important Message that we are support dreamers, and his is not impossible, madam speaker. In 2002, while i was a member of the new york state assembly, the new york e of the state legislature, we passed tuition, allowing undocumented College Students instate y to pay tuition. We did that with a republican and with a republicanled senate. Year, new york state, peralta ssed the jose dream act. So it can be done, madam just recently, i was speaking to a group of reamers and advocates in battery park, new york. As ng the statue of liberty a backdrop to our rally, and i cognizant of e what theyre doing because very those that write history, hose that write the chapters are he annals of history not aware theyre doing it. So i asked them to pay close ttention to what they were doing because they are in fact the protag nists, they are the protagonists, they are the leaders of this movement. Their faces and see what they want to do for our country, its almost impossible to them. So i told them to be very ognizant of their effort, because in fact, they are an army of good will. May not have weapons in wear hands, they may not military gear, but they are an will that i think is fighting every day for the of america. And 20 or 30 years from now, to tell their le children and grandchildren that hey were successful, they were critical, they were the the leader of a movement led by good will and standsmerica and what it for. So, madam speaker, we will our call on our colleagues in the senate to take up and pass the dream and act so that the lives of longer ,000 dreamers no hangs in the balance. Back. You and i yield the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Under the speakers announced olicy of january 3, 2017 2019, the gentleman from alabama, mr. Byrne, is minutes as the60 designee of the minority leader. You, madam thank speaker. The house of representatives has scene of serious chaos, weeks. Y today, but for unfortunately, for the american eople, we have nothing to show for it. Weve issued more subpoenas from weve had bills that have actually been signed by the president. The vent been working on u. S. Mexicocanada Free Trade Agreement that President Trump so hard to negotiate. We havent been working on funding the military or lower san legislation to drugs. T of prescription no. 100 of the energy of this place has been devoted to the trump. Ment of president you know, theres been a lot of a se, a lot of rumors, and lot of confusion about exactly what has happened, what is going on, where we are and how we got here. That. S a reason for you see, madam speaker, by house ules, impeachment is under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee. A Judiciary Committee has great big hearing room just across the street. Hats where an impeachment inquiry is supposed to take place. But we arent Holding Hearings because Speaker Pelosi doesnt want them there. Impeachment charade has been taking place in a small two floors oom underground below this chamber, bowels of the capitol. Sciff. Om is known as the its a very important room because its where members of our ess hear about countrys great secrets. Am you cant bring a cell hone you cant bring a cell phone in there. You cant bring a camera in there. And most importantly, the public cant go in there. Democrats made a big spectacle publicolding their first hearing today. They act as if theyre making virtuous action to bring forth transparency, as if theyre operating with the integrity. The truth is that todays earing is little more than a public showcasing of witnesses theyve already interrogated and little room to ensure they will only say what the democrats desire. You see, madam speaker, by conducting impeachment in that room, Speaker Pelosi and adam schiff knew the American People wouldnt know what was said. On, what was being but right outside the skiff, find iny room, you will dozens of cameras and news people. Are. They ou can see talking to adam schiff. Adam schiff and his staff have been feeding these reporters of information for weeks. For weeks weve been flooded ith reports of socalled explosive things that has supposedly been said in this room. Secret madam speaker, theres a rule in member of hat every congress has the right toed a east to at least watch a committee hearing. Couple weeks ago, some of my we leagues and i decided to wanted to know what was going on in that little room. Headed to the skiff, that little room, simply to watch. Dam schiff immediately stopped the proceedings and he refused left. Ceed until we theres another rule of the house that says the records of property of e the the house, and every member is entitled to review them. A reason for this rule. Those records dont belong to adam schiff. Belong to Speaker Pelosi. They dont belong to me. To the American People. So, again, i went back to the skiff, back to that little roof, and i showed them that house only nd informed them i wanted to read the transcripts from these secret proceedings. Chairman schiffs staff said no. They would not follow the rules of the house. Not let me read them. They said, youll get them with everybody else when we say so. So finally, they started the transcripts in a way that fit their agenda. Madam speaker, i have been these transcripts as they come out, and ives about been reading what the Mainstream Media has to say and ive also been reading what the has been saying about them. Talking ne of them are about the other side, about President Trumps defense. Make sure the American People have the facts, i felt to the d to come down floor tonight and talk about the things that, if youre not of pageshese thousands f materials, you might have missed. 3,000 ave now been about pages of testimony released. Despite many different opinions those pages, theres universal agreement that ukraine is one of the most corrupt on earth. You see, madam speaker, ukraine, soviet y former countries, is controlled by oligarchs. Almost all the wealth, most of the entry and pretty much all the political power. Is so bad in ukraine that Many American business refuse to do business there because they dont want to oligarchs, otorious and its been the policy of republican and Democrat Residents for nearly 30 years that ukraine must end rule tion, must adopt the of law, and must take away power from the oligarchs. President s krainian come and go, but time and time gain, things seem to stay the same. During the 2016 president ial know that senior members of the Ukrainian Government were very much on clintons side. Dont take my word for it. Article, whichis was written in the final days of presidency. Amas you can look at it yourself. Ow, thats not some rightwing website. Thats politico and it might read but it ard to says, quote, ukrainian officials are scrambling to make amends the president elect, President Trump, after quietly working to boost clinton. Ukrainian government was boosting secretary clinton. Adam schiffs chamber rules, we have not gotten to hear the president s side of the story. But it should come as a surprise o no one, as democrats have pretended, that President Trump did not want to devote his doing e limited time by things like holding an Oval Office Meeting with the resident of ukraine after facing stuff like this. Of course, a president not office a rare oval meeting is not the same thing as the United States support. Most people know, ukraine has been at war with russia for five years. Invaded ukraine and are still there. Nonlethal states gave aid to help them end the war but resident obama would not sell weapons to ukraine because he was scared it would upset the russians. Would you was, believe it, President Trump who began selling real weapons to to help them actually bring the fight to the russians. Hat decision has had an enormous positive effect on ukraine. In adam e testifying schiffs hearings who dont like the president have praised for that but, again, it appears that most of he issues that the democrats are raising started with a few individuals in the dministration trying to convince President Trump we should forget ukraines past and president w embrace the new president of ukraine and put a serious amount of time in that country. Began, in their own words, working to change President Trumps mind on ukraine. For weeks we have been going back and forth about what these individuals may or may not have been doing. We have a mountain of bureaucratic gossip. Weve been calling it hearsay, but its gossip, about what was going on, who was doing what. We have a lot of conflicting testimony. Speculation. And, yes, hearsay, gossip. But the democrats have provided zero, and i mean no direct evidence showing President Trump ordered some kind of quid pro quo. In fact, they quit talking about quid pro quo because they dont have any evidence of it. With all this testimony, with all these rumors, it is easy to forget this all goes back to the whistleblower. Of course we know that the whistleblower also lacked firsthand knowledge of what he reportedly blew the whistle on. He was, according to the spin ecter general, to the inspector general, a partisan individual. So a partisan individual, who has no firsthand knowledge, filed a whistleblower complaint and thats what were dealing with. The whistleblower made allegations that President Trump made demands on president zelensky on a phone call that occurred in the white house on july 25. But very few people in the media have reported that president zelensky has publicly, clearly and repeatedly denied any demand were made on him. They also have not reported that the justice department, the Criminal Division of the justice department, reviewed this allegation and declined to pursue a criminal investigation. They found no crime. Nevertheless, President Trump took the extraordinary step of releasing the transcript of this supposedly extraordinary call. You can read the entire transcript online. I hope the American People will do so. Because you wont find one demand in there. Not one. Read the transcript. Mr. Speaker, the other issue thats been swirling downstairs in that little room is this hold that was placed on Security Assistance to ukraine. And apparent i had some and apparently some other countries as well. We know that somewhere around july 10, the office of management and budget placed a hold on certain foreign aid going to ukraine. That is not a cancellation of funds. That is a process allowing the funds to be reviewed. Importantly, madam speaker, that hold was placed before the phone call that President Trump had with president zelensky. The call that the whistleblower raised. But, madam speaker, do you want to know Something Interesting . In the transcript, neither trump nor president zelensky said one word about the hold on that call. You would think that if President Trump were trying to use the aid for extortion, he would at least have mentioned. It you would also figure that president zelensky would have mentioned the issue himself. Given how important this aid was to his country. The truth is the reason president zelensky did not mention the funds was because he did not know the funds were on hold and President Trump never told him. Madam speaker, this would be a very strange quid pro quo where President Trump did not tell president zelensky and president zelensky did not know that the funds were on hold. In fact, it appears the ukrainians first found out about the hold when it was reported in the press on august 29, over a month after the phone call. Never mind that the funds were released 11 or 12 days later at the latest. Unconditionally. But lets talk about that hold. Many of the witnesses have speculated, speculated about why o. M. B. Placed a hold on the aid. But when pressed, in all those thousands of pages, theyve all said some version of, i dont know why the aid was placed on hold, or i think it was for this reason, but i dont really know. Lets just look at the facts. It seems that most everybody has somehow forgotten that President Trump ran a campaign on deep skepticism of foreign aid. He asked some tough questions that the American People appreciated. Are we getting our fair share . Are the europeans freeloading off of us . Should we be taking a second look at this . So, we have a new president , a new parliament in ukraine. Is it really that surprising that an administration run by President Trump would say, lets take another look at this before we send another 250 million out the door . I think the American People would find that pretty reasonable. Again, madam speaker, we have a lot of bureaucratic gossip here. A lot of people standing around the watercooler somewhere in the white house, a lot of speculation. But not one person has testified that they had any direct knowledge that President Trump ordered the aid be held in exchange for some kind of political favor. Ot one person. In fact, the only witness who had any form of serious contact with President Trump and the ambassador testified that he called President Trump and asked him what was going on with this aid. Almost nobody has reported it, but here is a direct quote from that exchange. In this exchange, he talks about one of the democrat witnesses raising the rumor of quid pro quo with him. So he calls the president and here you see the president directly told him, there is no quid pro quo, no quid pro quo. That is the evidence thats being induced today. And before today. On top of that, we have Vice President pence meeting with president zelensky on september 1. And about three weeks later, you have President Trump, right here in this picture, you have President Trump with president zelensky. So, madam speaker, in closing, lets review. Weve got a total sham process, a real star chamber. The star chamber, by the way, it actually was something that grew up in the 17th century in Great Britain so that the king, in order to squash his political opponents, could have a closed hearing, have his own rules, and then do whatever he needs to take the people that were dissidents and squash them. Thats the star chamber that adam schiff has been running. We have no evidence that President Trump ordered any kind of quid pro quo. None. No evidence. And the democrats have stopped talking about quid pro quo because it isnt working for them. Because they dont have the facts. The call transcripts show no demand. President zelensky says there was no demand. And no evidence shows President Trump ordered a demand. The ukrainians got the aid money within days of even finding out it was on hold. And finally, mr. Speaker, they got the highlevel meeting not only with the president of the United States, but also with the Vice President , that they wanted. But here we are, madam speaker. So many important issues falling by the wayside, with nothing getting done for the American People. Were going to run out of money to run the government in about a week. And we have done nothing about it. The constitution makes clear that impeachment is an acceptable redress only for, let me quote it, quote, treason , bribery or other high crimes and miss demeaners. Closed quote misdemeanors. Closed quote. Nothing less. I think my friends on the other side, unfortunately, they get up here in washington, and they forget that although they may not like this president , he was chosen by the American People as a leader of this country. And im sorry, madam speaker, they must do much better than offering the American People some hearsay and bureaucratic gossip if they want to take this president down. The truth is this about removing the president. They know that the votes in the senate arent there for that. The senate is not going to remove President Trump from office. Not happening. This is about satisfying the democrats desire to play to their resistance base, the people who said the day after the election in 2016 they wanted to impeach donald trump. The whistleblowers lawyer wrote that he wanted to a coup in january, 2017. This is also about trying to build up a case for defeating President Trump in the 2020 election. The impeachment process is not supposed to be used for that. We have campaigns for that. We raised money to do that. We dont use this body for that. This entire process from its very inception has been a hypocritical, shameful exercise in partisan political tunism. There is no sub opportunityism. There is no substance here opportunism. There is no substance here. But democrats have made a critical error in orchestrating their scheme. If you watched what happened today, most of it was boring and the reason it was boring is because theres no there there. The democrats have misunderstood and underestimated the resolve of the American People that elected this president. The facts are on the president s side. And we will rise to the occasion and fight back against this radical scheme to remove President Trump. And with that, madam speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Green, for 30 minutes. Mr. Green thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, and still i rise. And i rise tonight with love of untry and heart, inspired by harriet, the movie. I saw the movie. And i was inspired to speak tonight because of some of the horrors associated with the movie. But there were some high points in the movie. But the movies about a person orn into slavery, a person who had been given the promise of freedom, freedom that was denied. Spired by this movie, i rise i also would rise because im mayaing an the poem lew left us. The maya angelou left us. The poem that allows us to express some of the reasons why im here in this congress, if you will. And this poem, the last stanza, she leaves us these words. Bringing the gift that my ancestors gave, i am the dream and hope of the slave. He dream and hope of the harriets. The dream and hopes of those who were able to survive the journey across the ocean. Those who were able to survive and not be lynched. Those who were able to survive jim crows laws and bull connors dogs. Im the dream and hope of the slave. And still i rise. I rise, i rise. I am proud that maya angelou gave us this poem. Because it gives us something to believe in. We are the hope of the slave. There are many of us, im not the only one. But i rise tonight. I rise because i am the beneficiary of people who lived and died so that i might have this moment. Im not supposed to be in congress. Eople lived and died, people who survived german shepherds, highpressure water hoeses. Im the beneficiary of people who hoses. Im the beneficiary of people who fought in a war, a war for freedom. , in that war for freedom some 600,000 americans lost their lives. Most people believe that world war ii claimed the most america lives. Not so. Did world war i. Near did the vietnamese the vietnam war. So. It was the civil war that lives of e most americans, a war fought so that have the privilege of standing here today. Say to you thats what was in the minds of the people, of a people ation metamorphosed into this opportunity. I will say in this war there were some africanamericans, they were known as the lerk will designate troops, some 30,000 the clerk will designate troops died, and still that others made a sacrifice. Talk m here tonight to about the bigotry that still this country. Bigotry is on the rise in this country, and we, the members of house, hav have acknowledged it and we are responding to it. With responded to it hearings. 2019, hearing 9, styled hate crimes and the rise nationalism. Wednesday, may 8, 2019, hearings the rise of onting domestic terrorism in the homeland. Wednesday, may 15, 2019, confronting White Supremacy part 1, the inaction. S of hearing, june 4, 2019, styled supremacy white art 2, adequacy of the federal response. Hearing, wednesday, september meeting thestyled challenge of White Nationalist abroad. At home and 2019, september 20, addressing transnational terrorist threat. These are some of the hearings to the n our response ise of bigotry, to the rise of hate, White Supremacy, antisemitism, all of the various invidious discrimination find ourselves having to islamophobeia, homophobia, all of the heinous phobias we have to contend with. We are responding and we are responding because this hate has with. Dealt those who ignore invidious who ignoreion, those racism, se who ignore all of the various phobias that attention our perpetuate these very phobias, invidiousous forms of discrimination. Ignore. Tuate when we ignore. Tolerate, we i rise tonight because we cannot ignore the hate. To stare it down. We have to take it on. Must do so because im the slave. The the many who suffered. Given this opportunity, and it would be a wasted opportunity if i but only came to this congress the issues of our day, the issues de jure, and issue. This other issues are important. I dont put them aside, but this be ignored, and to ofore it would be a betrayal those who suffered so that i might be here. A slap in the face i those who died so that might have this opportunity. So i take advantage of the affordedty thats been me, not necessarily because i to. To, but because i have i dont have a choice. As long as im in this congress, im going to be the reminder, im going to be the conscious of who have suffered. Down. Not back tonight, i want to ask the why do more than 51 voters think that is a racist . This is a this is printed. This is information. Yes, in this country, the reatest country in the world, the country that stands for liberty and justice for all, the of the with government people, by the people, for the people. The country where no one is law. The in this country, 51 of american believe that the president is a racist. 51 believe that the president is a racist . His makes people uncomfortable to hear me stand in the well of the house of representatives and racism emanating from the presidency. It makes people uncomfortable. To le want to get back bigotry as usual. When bigotry is something we an asneeded basis, but not anything that we seek to end. Bigot real estate, being bigotry, being something that we about, that we hear about but we dont have to do anything about. No. We have to do something about it. Question why would 5 the more than 50 of American Voters believe that the racist . T is a ould it be because at the time he was promoting an immigration ones in he ed called countries in africa, of color where people are predominant, could it be ecause he called them shole countries . Sketology. I never use profanity. I should correct myself. Profanity. Ak there are times when i do think as a d im told that person thinks so is the person, but i never say it. Those around me to the extent that i dont use it. The question is why do people think that the president racist . And one answer is, could it be has infused bigotry policy . When he was negotiating this immigration policy, he thereafteromment and promulgated a policy or ttempted to that would limit persons coming from countries of them access limit and open access to persons from countries predominated by anglos. Could it be because he launched ban against muslims . Of the why more than 50 American Public believe that the president is a racist . Travel ban based upon religion. This country we appreciate nd celebrate freedom of religion. Ban one, where is the line . Where must you stop . The ban was initially shot down tweaking. Implemented. As this president is thought by 50 of the American Public. Thats my refrain to be a racist. Because he attacked star family . The parents of a muslim who military, who gave his life for our country, could be because he would attack this family, a muslim family . Could it be because he claimed against dge was biased im and said that hes a mexican . Could it be because he believes justice from get a person of color . 50 of the American Voters believe that the racist. T is a and if i said people before, i now. Ect the record here and its voters. Justice be because the department sued his Company Black or not renting to people . The president of the united been sued for not color, to people of maybe this is a reason that more public t american 50 of the American Public believes that the president of he United States of america is a racist. Uncomfortable to hear. Pleasant. But its the truth, and it is if you know the truth, the truth will set you free. Hope to free some souls tonight. Ould it be because he refused to condemn the white for macists who advocated him . Didnt say White Supremacists, i want your support. Didnt condemn White Supremacy supremacists. Could it be because he whether the only africanamerican to become the United States was born in the United States . Carried be because he far . Message near and he was almost proud to take on challenge of questioning the nationality of the black of the United States. Has become president , it seems that hes undo the legacy of the africanamerican president. It be because he took ad advocating the Death Penalty for those who in what is known as the central park five, a case . Le people did ungodly things. Ungodly things to a young woman in central park. Persons of color were taken custody. He took out a fullpage ad and for the Death Penalty. Done because of principle. Lets give him the benefit of the doubt for the moment. Later on, it was proven that did not commit the crime. A technicality. D. N. A. Evidence. Apologized. T never stood his ground. As a matter of fact, hasnt thingszed for any of the that i called to our attention tonight. Does not apologize. Does not repent. Aes not say im wrong, i made mistake. Something that i do more often i make like to but mistakes. Doesnt apologize. Ive people incarcerated, but five people liberated based upon evidence. No apology. No retraction from the president. Be because he has condoned the beating of a black protester . R ould it be because he has stereotyped jews and shared an created by image White Supremacists . Has it be because he sanctioned and then sanctioned, the u. S. House of representatives for his racist comments directed at of congress . Reasons to be to ussed, but we have acknowledge that with all of and with our impeachment, on with all of this evidence, consider the impeachment of this president as radical republicans, as they were called, but they were with icans did in 1868 Andrew Johnson . Andrew ans impeached johnson in article 10, for those ho care to read the articles, article 10 of the 11 articles of they impeached Andrew Johnson for reasons rooted in his bigotry. He was the President Trump of his time. Johnson did not want the freed men and women to have the and privileges as other americans. He fought against this. Friedmans bureau. E did not want them to be accorded freedom, the harriet ubmans of the world to have their freedom. Andrew johnson was the bigot of his time but the republicans took a stand. The republicans took the moral high ground. When youre standing on the moral high ground, you have a moral imperative to go forward. And they did. And the republicans impeached Andrew Johnson. I admire the republicans of 1868. I believe that what they did was right. And more importantly, it was the righteous thing to do. I am a person who stands with what they did. There are those who would say, well, that was 1868. Well, the constitution hasnt changed. It was based upon the same constitution that we read, the same article 2, section 4 that we have used for our impeachment Going Forward currently. Same articles. Nothing has changed. You cant conclude that what they did in 1868, when they were closer to those who framed the constitution than we are today, had a greater sense perhaps of what, if you measure your sense of what was available by your nexus to those who made it available, they were following the constitution. We should follow the constitution. We have a duty and the responsibility to the harriets of the world to not allow this level of bigotry to continue to emanate from the presidency. Impeachment is moving forward. I have said months ago that the president would be impeached. I repeat only what i have said then, when i close with, he will be impeached. The hands of history will record that president Donald John Trump was impeached by this house of representatives. And for those who say that ive already made up my mind, you are correct. I have. Because the evidence is apparent. And there is no requirement that i must wait until we have had subsequent hearings. He will be impeached. And i believe that we ought to add articles that include his invidious discrimination harmful to this society. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise . Mr. Green madam speaker, i do now move that the house adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to adjourn. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted. Accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow for morning hour debate. And the house gaveling out. Well see them gavel back in, as you heard, tomorrow morning, 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Of course, you can follow the house live, as always, here on cspan. Today, the first public hearing of the mpeachment inquiry into donald trump, president donald trump, and, of course, what may or may ot have happened with ukraine and certain phone calls that were held in july. Two witnesses testified today. Acting u. S. Ambassador to ukraine, william taylor, and the of ty assistant secretary state, george kent. And well be showing that to you at 8 00 ver on cspan2 p. M. Eastern. First, though, a look at a ouple of the headlines in the post. Ton politicos headline that shot therefrom his joint News Conference from earlier of y with the president turkey at the white house. Were going to be showing the hearing over on cspan2. Well have that at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Cspan, well show the q a portion of the hearing. Were going to start with the of the intelligence committee, adam schiff, and then well have the ranking members questions. And thats devin nunes. And then afterward, were going to take your phone calls, see todays thought of impeachment inquery hearing and that will be inquery hearing minutes, ill be in 20 7 25 eastern time. H for your testimony and recognize myself and majority counsel for 45 nu

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