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[indiscernible] i am not concerned about anything. The testimony has been fine. For the most part i have never heard of these people, no idea who they are. They are very fine people, never trumpers. Nobody has any firsthand knowledge. There is no firsthand knowledge. All that matters is one thing, the transcript. It is perfect. Lets not on television, it was a great constitutional lawyer who said what trump said, and he was respectfully what President Trump said was perfect on the transcript. What he said on the telephone call with the president of ukraine was perfect. He said nothing else matters. What he said was perfect. He analyzed it every line, every paragraph, not complex, it was perfect. Every one of the people canceled themselves out. They go all over washington, lets find the 10 people that hate President Trump the most, and lets put them up there. In some cases they turned out to be very much on his fanfare but in no cases have i been hurt. What do you say to those who dont believe you . Pres. Trump it should not be having public hearings. It is like the russian witchhunt. It is a continuation. When you look at the lawyer for the whistleblower, i thought it ended when they found the lawyer was compromised. The lawyer is a bad guy. I thought that was the end of it. This is the continuation of the hoax. It is disgraceful. In the meantime we have the best markets we have ever had, stock markets, unemployment numbers, we have the best employment numbers. We have almost 160 million people. We have never been close to that. But you people dont want to talk about that. Can you tell me whether it is tariffs, rollbacks pres. Trump they would like to have a rollback. China would like to get a rollback. Not a complete rollback because they know i wont do it. They want to make a deal a lot more than i do. Im happy right now. We are taking in billions of dollars. I am happy. China would like to make a deal much more than i would. You and Jeff Sessions pres. Trump i have not gotten involved. He said nice things last night but we will have to see. [indiscernible] have you forgiven him for recusing himself . Pres. Trump i dont even think about it. [indiscernible] you,e who just believe [indiscernible] shows that you did something wrong . Pres. Trump it is simple. I had a good call with the president of ukraine. The call was perfect. I have a second call, which no one knew about and i guess they want that to be produced also. You heard that, john. I have a second call. I had a second call which came before this one. Now they want that one and if they want it i will give it to them. I have not seen it recently. I had a call before this with the president of ukraine. I have no problem giving it to them. I have no problem. [indiscernible] askn the bidens did you bill barr or anyone to investigate the bidens and if not, why would you ask the president of ukraine to do something you were not willing to ask your own Justice Department . Pres. Trump we are looking for corruption. We are giving hundreds of millions of dollars. Take a look at biden and you will see tremendous corruption. What he did is quid pro quo times 10. Quiet. Quiet. Are you ready . I never spoke to him about anything. Bill barr can do whatever he wants to do. I saw the same tape on television and it shows joe biden is a crook. Crooked. the fake news which is you and you, you dont want to do anything about it. Walked out with millions of dollars from crooked. The fake news which is you and ukraine. Millions of dollars from china. He doesnt know anything. He walks away. It is a crook deal and enterprise. If the press did it right, it is a hell of a story. [speaking simultaneously] [indiscernible] will look at it assuming we get it. I never like to talk about things until we have them but it could be iowa or farm country or someplace. It will be in our country but it could be someplace like that. I dont think so. We have more. [speaking simultaneously] [indiscernible] pres. Trump i wont. I will see how it goes. You have good candidates. Alabama is a place where my approval numbers are very good. I think i won by 42 points. I will go watch a good Football Game on saturday tomorrow with lsu which will be great. We will see what happens. He has got tough competition. You have the football coach doing very well. Good peoplee running in alabama. Lets see what happens. [indiscernible] pres. Trump we will see what happens. We are getting along very well. They want to make the deal far more than i do. They want to make it far more than i do but we will see what happens. You know as a reporter of finance, you know what im saying, they have do volume their currency and they we are taking in billions of dollars of tariffs from china. I like our situation. They want to make a deal much more than i do. [indiscernible] you cant change her behavior, you probably shouldnt run again in 2020. What do you say . Really shapedou my behavior. From the day i came in here i have had problems with phony stuff like a phony dossier which turned out to be false, like false investigations which a lot of my behavior was shaped by the fake news and by the other side. That was a lot of my behavior. The fact is we created the greatest economy in the history of our country. With all of that stuff going on behind me, nobody else could have done it. Rush limbaugh doesnt know a man in the world who did what trump did. I dont know leon cooperman, but whoever he is, i know of him, he can have his own view but in the meantime i am making him rich and a lot of other people including the working man and woman. They have never done so well. Best i have ever been. Everything about our economy is about the best it has ever been including unemployment. I think in light of all of the things going on. You know what i mean, the fake news, all of the things that went on, it is called a swap. The ior, i caught caught them all. Lets see what happens. Nobody else could have done that but me. I caught all of this corruption that was going on and nobody else would have done it. We have the best economy, greatest economy we have ever had, best job numbers, african americans, asian americans, hispanics, the best ever. We have done a great job. Tell leon, who i have seen but dont know, tell him congratulations. He did well with trump. [speaking simultaneously] [indiscernible] pres. Trump we are dealing with india lots of different things. Prime minister modi is a good friend of mine. You saw me in houston at the event. 55,000 people, it was great. We have a lot of things happening, Good Relationship with india. E wants me to go i will be going at some point. [indiscernible] my charity was great. I gave a lot of money away. I was sued because new york, they sue you for anything. On a really bad thing, if you look at that clinton charity, they left that is one of the reasons people leave new york. I gave away 19 million, took no expense, no rent, no fees or nothing. 100 of the money was given away and i had to actually go through a process for years with new york because new york is a corrupt state. It is a corrupt state. It is a sham. I gave 19 million away. Instead of saying thank you, great, they hit me with a lawsuit, and it was started by a man who had to get out because he beat up women. That is the kind of place it is. [speaking simultaneously] we are going to be coming out with a very important decision on vaping. We have to take your of our kids most importantly. We will have an age limit of 21 or so, but we will be coming out with something next week very important. We have a lot of people to look at including jobs. It is a big industry, but we will take care of it. You mentioned vaping, you are talking about ecigarettes and lots of things. We are coming up with a big paper next week. [speaking simultaneously] [indiscernible] we are talking about the age and the flavors, also talking about keeping people working and there is pretty good aspects. We are coming out, close to a final report, john giving a next week. Raising the age pres. Trump we will be doing that. The first transcript of the call with zelensky it is my understanding the white house is not seen to release that. Will you overrule him . Pres. Trump they dont want to give information on a scam. Im ok with releasing it. It does not bother me. I said it was fine. Which isnd call really the first call, the one before this, i had a call. Im sure it was fine. I make a lot of calls. I have no problem releasing it. Thany is more transparent i am. If i wasnt and didnt release it would have been a problem. The fake whistleblower said something about the call, many things which were wrong. When the whistleblower came forward, he talked about the horrible call. Turned out to be a pop perfect call. It was a perfect call. So they live. The whole thing is a scam. This is a scam by the democrats to win the election. Now they want my first call. I have no problem giving it to them, other than i do not like giving calls to the media when i am dealing with foreign nations, but i will give it if they want it. [indiscernible] at the beginning of september, presumed there was a quid pro quo. Then there was a call on the ninth, did he talk to you prior to that telephone call . Pres. Trump i hardly know the gentleman, but this is a man who said that there was no quid pro quo. And he still says that. He says that i said that. He has not changed that testimony. This is a man that said, as far as the president is concerned there was no quid pro quo. Everybody that has testified, even the ones that are trump haters, they have all been fine. They do not have anything. But now they want the first call with the president of ukraine. I will probably give it to them, they want it badly. If they want it, i will give it to them. I do not like that, because it sets a bad standard. Anytime some because from china, if i speak with kim jongun, are they worried about me on the call . But in this case because the press has been duped into a hoax, and in some cases started the hoax, i will give the letter if they wanted. Want it. But i will say this about the call. I think it is a very revealing call. [indiscernible] you have been invited to russia for the may day parade. Pres. Trump that is right, i am thinking about it. It is in the middle of our camping season, but i will certainly think about it. President Vladimir Putin invited me it is a very big deal. Celebrating the end of the work. War. I appreciate the invitation. It is in the middle of the political season, so i will see if i can do it, but i would love to go if i could. Barr and at doj are not denying the press conference pres. Trump they are not saying anything. Let me tell you. Listen, i never asked him for a press conference. It is fake news by the washington post, which is a fake newspaper. If i asked him to have a press conference, i think he would do it, but i never asked for him to have a press conference. You know why i wouldnt do it . Because the phone call was perfect. Read the transcript of the phone call. Nobody needed a press conference. If i asked him, by the way we confirmed i never asked him, i think if i did ask him, i have not said this yet, but i am sure if i asked him to have a press conference, i think you would. That is fake news. We told them that, before they wrote the story, but today when you tell the press conference isl the press something it nonsense, it is all fiction. You know where they do, they make it up. Not everybody, not john, not everybody, but they make it up. [indiscernible] pres. Trump . What . There you going to release first transcript . Pres. Trump i had another phone call, it is a very important phone call. It came to my attention last night that they want the first phone call. Now, the problem i have in releasing the first phone call, because that was actually the second phone call. And it is a perfect call. But they found out that there is another phone call, and that is the first phone call. And they want it released and we are considering that. Which one . I do not know about any calls. I have no problem, it is up to mike. But i have no problem. P you keep calling it a cou rather than impeachment. Pres. Trump you know what it is, really, it is a crooked deal. This is like the fake dossier. This is like everything else. These are crooked people. The election it was they lostslide the election, it was a really it was aliens i. And they will lose again. They want to weaken me, but it has made me stronger. You look at the polls, my boulder up. Polls are up. Fundraising is through the roof. It has never been this high. People are angry about it and it has pushed people to vote for me, not just republicans. It has made people angry. They should become angry because this is a hoax. And i will tell you, the whistleblower, i call him the fake whistleblower. He gave them a fake report of my phone call. And all of the sudden when i release the call, all of a sudden everybody disappeared. The whistleblower disappeared. What happened to the second whistleblower . Why isnt the first going to testify anymore . You know why, because everything he wrote in that report almost is a lie. It is a phony phone call. My phone call was perfect. He made it sound bad. That is why i had to release it. The whistleblower is a disgrace to our country. And the whistleblower, because of that, should be revealed. And his lawyer, who does the worst things possible two years ago he he should be sued, maybe for treason. But he should be sued. His lawyer is a disgrace, a disgrace. And where is the second whistleblower, right . Wheres the witness that give the whistleblower the information . They all disappeared because adam schiff is a corrupt politician. He is corrupt. He made up a speech input my voice in it. He made up a speech. It had nothing to do with what i said. Adam schiff is a corrupt politician that is not giving us due process, not giving us lawyers. Despite all that, we are kicking their ass. [indiscernible] mr. President , why is bill taylor [indiscernible] pres. Trump everyone of those people testified absolutely ffine for me. They have gone out of their way to find the people who hate President Trump the most. They put them up there. Everybody has been absolutely fine. I do not even know most of these people, many of them ive never heard of. So what crooked adam schiff is doing, he is a corrupt politician and what he does is he looks all over, tries to find people that do not like donald trump and he puts them up. We are winning so big. My polls are the highest theyve ever been to my am leading in every swing state been, i am leading in every swing state. The numbers just came in. They are the highest in history. I will tell you what, we are winning so big because we are going these are corrupt politicians, that includes nancy pelosi. She is a corrupt politician. She should go back to her district, which is horrible, filthy, drug infested. Wiped out to the ocean, it is being wiped out to the ocean. You need to see what is happening in san francisco. Nancy pelosi should focus on her district. These are corrupt politicians. [indiscernible] pres. Trump we are going to atlanta. This we are doing very well with africanamericans. I think a big factor is the fact that they are having the best economic year theyve ever had in the history of our country. We are going there, we have been invited and i think it would be fantastic. Are you worried about [indiscernible] can you beat Michael Bloomberg . Pres. Trump i have known michael for a long time. Go back early on, he said a lot of good things about donald trump. I know michael, he became a nothing. Well, butgoing to do i think he will hurt joe biden, actually. He does not have the magic to do well. Little michael will fail. He will spend a lot of money. He has some big issues, some personal problems and a lot of other problems. But i know Michael Bloomberg fairly well, not too well, but well enough. He will not do well. If he did, i would be happy. There is nobody i would rather run against than little michael. What about white house officials and depositions, evidenced the white house is obstructing and could lead to an article of impeachment. Pres. Trump they are making that up. This whole thing is a phony set up. When you look at the lawyer who got this started, the whistleblower lawyer. It is a phony deal. These democrats are corrupt. Nancy pelosi is a corrupt politician. Shifty adam schiff is a double corrupt politician. He took my words from the phone call and they were so good that he totally changed them, he went before congress and made a speech to congress, and in that speech, john, he said things that were horrible. And had no relationship to the call. And later on he was embarrassed. Let me tell you something, adam schiff is a corrupt politician and our people know it, they know it too, by the way. We have the highest poll numbers and the most energy. I was with Mitch Mcconnell and a group of people last night, actually, i was with the leaders of faith, evangelical leaders all of them said they never had the energy that we have had and we have now in the republican party. And beyond the republican party. People that were democrats were there for donald trump. Can you explain, just so people understand, while you are not allowing people like Mitch Mulvaney and others to testify . Pres. Trump i do not to give credibility to a corrupt witchhunt. I would love to have Mick Mulvaney go up. Mitch mulvaney go up. I would love to have every person go up, who know me. But what i dont like is when they put people up that i never met before. When they put the head of the never trumpers on the stand. But even those people were fine. Those were people i never heard of. The people that i know, i would love to have them go up. The rest is up to the lawyers, i have to do with the lawyers say to a certain extent. Not always, but to a certain extent. I will tell you, i would like to have the people go up. Except one thing, it validates a corrupt investigation. Adam schiff is corrupt politician. He is as corrupt as you will ever see. When he makes up my words and takes words to congress and he acts so innocent, he is a corrupt politician. Ok, thank you. [indiscernible] [sound of helicopter] announcer today, the secretary of Veterans Affairs discusses oversight issues at his department and what is being done to ensure the care of u. S. Veterans. He will speak at the National Press club live at 1 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. This afternoon, campaign 2020 coverage continues with former Vice President joe biden holding a Campaign Rally with voters and supporters in new hampshire. He also plans to file his candidacy paperwork at the statehouse. You can watch that at 1 00 p. M. On cspan. Then President Trump visits atlanta where he will launch the black voices for trump coalition. You can watch his comments at 3 00 p. M. Eastern, also on cspan. On sunday night on big tv at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on afterwords, Newt Gingrich with his latest book, trump versus china. I do not think the chinese have any great planning for the next 25 years, to try to take us on militarily in a traditional sense but i think that they are trying to build the cyber capabilities, i guess this is an part where huawei is asset for them, and they are trying to build in space. Announcer at 10 00 p. M. , a journalism professor talks about her new book, diversity inc. What i am not optimistic about is white americas ability he fiction of africanamericans, of latin people, of the centuries old demeaning images of people and how that has as much to do with the lack of diversity. Announcer want to book tv every weekend on cspan2. Watch book tv every weekend on cspan2. Announcer monday is the observance of veterans day and at that morning we will bring you remarks from officials who plan to speak at Arlington National cemetery. Watch the wreathlaying, plus a ceremony, beginning at 11 00 in the morning on cspan. Watch the cspan network live next week as the House Intelligence Committee holds the first public impeachment hearings. The committee, led by adam schiff, will hear from three state Department Officials starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on wednesday on cspan3. And william taylor, and Deputy Assistant secretary of george assistant secretary of state, george kent. Then the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine will appear before the committee. Follow the impeachment inquiry, live on the cspan Networks Online at cspan. Org or listen live with the free radio app

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