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Discusses congressional hearings on the safetyestes on thursdaye on procedures impeachment procedures and trade policy. Host it is the washington journal for october 30. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hear from John Sullivan today being nominated to become the next u. S. Ambassador to russia. You can see that at 10 00 this morning at cspan. Org. The House Rules Committee will take up the resolution released yesterday on the next phase of the impeachment inquiry. Democrats say the process gives republicans what they have been asking for. The white house says the president will not get due process. The vote is expected on thursday. We will go over what has been laid out by democrats. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. And independents, 2027488002. You can text us at 2027488003. And on twitter at cspanwj you can post on our Facebook Page at facebook. Com cspan. If you go to our website at cspan. Org, we have an entire section laid out dedicated to the impeachment inquiry where you can find information including the text of the resolution released yesterday, a tracking of how democrats are feeling when it comes to impeachment. All of that available at cspan. Org. Joining us on the phone to go over this impeachment inquiry, tullymcmanus. Can we go over the role the committees will play Going Forward starting with the House Intelligence Committee . What does the resolution say about their work . Guest the resolution lays out two distinct phases. First is the Intelligence Committee led by adam schiff. They have been conducting the closeddoor depositions on the ukraine issue and the resolution lays out procedures to make that process public. They will be holding open hearings with public testimony on that matter. The Intelligence Committee would andile an official report send that to the Judiciary Committee, run by jerry nadler. The Intelligence Committee public hearings, the resolution lays out in pretty intense detail the number of minutes each person can ask questions of witnesses and staff, counsel who can ask questions. These were details lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were very eager to see as the impeachment inquiry moves forward. Host then the role of the judiciary . Will yes, the judiciary take that report and consider whether to recommend either one article of impeachment or multiple articles of impeachment. The judiciary is also given the right to seek additional evidence and hear from witnesses and in that round, President Trumps legal team will be given more opportunity to defend their side of the story on this ukraine issue. There were additional procedures released last night for the Judiciary Committee phase, including that chairman nadler would have the right to block lawyers from crossexamining witnesses if the president continues to try to keep other ,itnesses from testifying executive branch witnesses, which he has already been trying to do, recommending they not give testimony. That is one power that was interesting to see when this was released yesterday. Host one of the things released yesterday was from the white house and this is from the White House Press secretary. They labeled it an illegitimate sham. The press secretary saying the white house was barred from participating until chairman shift conducts rounds of schiff conducts rounds of onesided hearings. The Administration Still doesnt get due process. How do democrats respond to those claims . Guest democrats have been sticking with their argument that in the investigation phase in the house, there are limited Due Process Rights for the president because he will be able to exercise his full Due Process Rights to defend himself, bring witnesses, etc. , when it goes to trial in the senate, that is the point at which democrats see the president as having full rights. During the judiciary phase under this resolution, the president counsel will be able to present their case, respond to evidence, submit written requests for additional evidence, they will be able to raise objection, and crossexamine witnesses, which is significantly more involvement than has been taking place behind in the behind closed doors phase we are in. ,ost Catherine Kelly mcmanus how did democrats respond to tullymcmanus, how did democrats respond . They talked about the process in developing these procedures . Guest this is a very topdown process. Even yesterday, within an hour before the document had been , most people, even democrats in the house even on the committees had not seen the resolution and could not speak to its contents. It was very clear these were being laid out from the house, democratic leadership, and the leaders of these committees and others were not involved in that process. That definitely was clear as members were so eager, along with reporters, to find out what would be included. Host there was initial talk when this process was revealed that thursday was supposed to be the day of the vote, what is the likelihood of that happening . Guest we are hearing very mixed things right now. Most members i talked to yesterday said they were under the impression thursday was the expected date. Said thatteny hoyer was not locked in yet. The resolution will go to the House Rules Committee this afternoon at 3 00 p. M. And that will really set the trajectory for timing. Host when it comes to the closeddoor hearings, what are we expecting today from those committees involved . Guest todayguest , the committees will hear from two employees, one of the state department who previously worked council,nal security katherine croft, her testimony, which has been obtained by multiple Media Outlets at this point, will describe that she received multiple calls while working for the National Security council from former republican congressman robert livingston, who is now a lobbyist and he was pushing for the removal of the ukraine ambassador. He called her an obama holdover and croft says in her testimony she was unclear and remains unclear who was directing livingston to push for this removal. Another employee who worked for u. S. Envoy to ukraine, kurt volker is Christopher Anderson and he will be testifying also. He has been working on ukraine issues for years and he said senior officials at the white house blocked state Department Officials from releasing a statement that would have condemned russias action in ukraine in 2008 and describes in his testimony that he will give, john bolton and the relationship with Rudy Giuliani and the voice those two had on ukraine and the impact it has had on the president s ukraine policy. Tst catherin katherine joining us. She has a story published today you can find at rollcall. Com. We will talk about the release on these procedures. Your thoughts on it. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. And independents, 2027488002. It was Hakeem Jeffries yesterday talking about these next steps, the role democrats will take. [video clip] where we in a phase are moving from information gathering primarily through depositions into the public truthtation of facts and to the American People and consistent with that process moving forward, it has been determined it is appropriate to willne how the transition take place from the investigation that is ongoing now into the public presentation of witnesses, documents, information, and the truth to the American People. Host that took like place yesterday. From st. Louis, missouri, democrats line first this morning, your thoughts on the process when it comes to impeachment. What do you think . Caller hello. I am first time caller and i think the proceedings are exactly the way they should be. Wheren it to a grand jury they compile evidence to see if there is actually a ruling to impeach the president and as time goes on and as they have found already, it will all come out and all parties will see the evidence. A lot of people have called, especially republicans, to say it is not fair, but they have republicans asking questions to the witnesses as well. I agree with the procedures and i am glad they will be unveiling so everyone will know what is really going on. Host on our independent line from massachusetts, mike from somerville. Caller i feel like you are the iron fist of cspan, in a good way. These hearings and this issue i have been watching for about 6 weeks since the last time i called in. I know it is a political process, but it is going as planned in a legal fashion and the calls that i hear a lot about this being a hoax or it is disingenuous and the same as Everything Else i hear a lot of these callers claiming hoaxes along with Climate Change like there is some big conspiracy. Host one of the calls in this process was transparency. Caller as far as impeachment goes for from what i understand, it has been as transparent as legally assess at aid. I guess the right wing and gop are saying it could have been a little more transparent, but what they are calling for and they are calling for fairness, which i almost cant believe to hear that word come from them. Could be a, maybe it little more fair if everything was open, but i think this political situation we are in as a whole and that party in particular has demonstrated nobody can trust anyone and these impeachment proceedings are going as planned according to the gop write up of the rules. Host brenda a new jersey, republican line. Caller good morning. I am calling in regards to thinking President Trump is doing a great job running the country and the democrats aint giving him a chance. By saying they want to impeach him, it is disgraceful. Years ago, i was always a democrat. In the last maybe year and a half to two years, i said to myself, no way, they are so far left. Why not give the president a chance . Host as far as the process democrats have laid out, what do you think specifically about that . Caller they are pushing for impeachment, which is a disgrace. Countries all over the world must be laughing at us. Give our president a chance, President Trump is doing a great job, give him a chance. Host that is brenda in new jersey. Usa today has a new poll from the publication and Suffolk University saying americans are split about whether the president should be convicted and removed from office. 47 against. Despite damaging new testimony, 30 to 40 of those surveyed remain solidly on the president s side. The house of representatives prepares to vote thursday. There is usually more on these surveys publish, you can check it out for yourself at usa today. Massachusetts, independent line. Caller i think the investigation has been followed up by being disproven. They are looking to impeach regardless. They are not applying the law, this should be something that has done wrong as a crime as and nixon. This democrats are saying is part of the process to figure out, in essence, what was done wrong. Caller they called for impeachment before he was sworn in. Host gina from alexandria, virginia. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. All i wanted to say is before the impeachment was open, the democrats did have to go to barr for approval, he shut it down, he did not want any impeachment, that is why it seems it is not transparent, but they are doing a jury grand jury and everything without the help of the Justice Department. I think they are being very respectful. Host impeachment in total is the role of the congress. That is the body ascribed to the impeachment process. Caller he was supposed to approve the beginning of this and he did not want any part of it, that is what i am getting from news media. I wish the right would stop being so hateful about this because if a democratic president had done the same thing President Trump has been doing for quite a bit, i would want the same thing done to him. Host that is gina in alexandria. Chairpublican conference from yesterday. [video clip] democrats are trying to do, they basically cooked up a process they have been conducting in secret, the aim of very clearly to preclude the council from asking questions of witnesses and pro clued republicans from being able to call witnesses and they have taken this process and gotten so much pressure because of the way they conducted the process and they are attempting to put a cloak of legitimacy around this process. They cannot fix it, the process is broken, tainted, they have gone through this process where you have seen one side of the story and selectively leak those facts. We are not going to participate in helping them attempt to provide legitimacy to that process. It really is shameful what democrats have doing in the attempts to impeach a sitting president in the basement of the capital. Democratsof facebook, are doing everything by the rules that were set in place. Mary it is a waste of time and money, everything they try to do turns out to be alive. How about working together for america instead of trying to tear it apart. Tony gates, looking forward to these proceedings, i want to hear the witnesses and coconspirators testify in public. The gop will complain a matter how they are handled. They dont want their criminal behavior exposed. Andrew avery, far little, far too late. How will they ignore hundreds of hours of testimony and hearsay that occurred prior to this resolution. They are afraid to put vulnerable members on record supporting this expedition. Facebook. Com is how you post. Youcan text us as well if include your name, city, state. Text us at 2027488003. Faye in alabama, republican line. Caller good morning. How are you . Host i am well, thank you. How are you . Caller im okay. I have several comments and a question if that would be ok. Would this be a different thing foriden was not running president and this all surfaced about this his shortcomings if this he was not running . My second comment is the news media picks one word and blows it all out of proportion. I watch cspan all the time and i listen to all the meetings congress has. Stormed the word they into the meeting. I did not see one person running meeting. Ng in that another word that has been used atPresident Trump lashes out soandso and soandso. I have never heard him lash out at everyone. Host because we are talking about what democrats have laid out, what do you think of it . . Caller i think it is underhanded and dirty and i think there will be things that come to service that we are not watched the i funeral of Elijah Cummings and they attacked President Trump during the funeral and i thought that was underhanded and dirty. Int this is mary lou cleveland, ohio. On, go ahead. Caller hello . Host you are on the air. Good morning, go ahead. Am an independent. I left the Republican Party in 2016 when trump was nominated. I am more convinced than i was before that he needs to be impeached and removed from office. Host based on what . Caller based on all the evidence, especially now that i listened to the Lieutenant Colonel and i saw the statement and read the entire statement. Biden andwant to hurt he did hold back funds for the defense of the ukraine, he did hold it back because he wanted dirt on joe biden. There has been too much out there and the other thing i am embarrassed that is there is not one thing when they come out of those hearings, republicans testimony. Te the they only complain about the process. Pelosi has scheduled the vote i want them all on record, my former party, i want them on record saying they dont want to investigate these impeachable offenses. Host mary lou in cleveland, ohio, talking about the plan to vote for tomorrow. She mentioned the testimony of Lieutenant Colonel lindemann. Testimony of more than 10 hours, he was listening in on the call between trump and president roomski from the situation. He said he was so worried about the president s request that zelensky investigate his political foes, he reported at the direction of john bolton, who found the ukraine pressure unsavory. I did not think it was a proper to demand the Foreign Government investigate a u. S. Citizen and i was worried about the implications. I realized if ukraine pressured investigation into biden, it would be interpreted as a bipartisan play. That would all undermine u. S. National security. More of that takes place in the Washington Post. Illinois next, democrats line, jerry. Caller yes. Think he should be impeached democrats are going exactly by what the constitution says. Yes, i do. Host based on what . Caller based on what . Based on what is coming out about what he did with this call to ukraine. Lynn ispublican line, next, portland, oregon. Caller i wanted to refute a couple statements. First of all, this congress is not following the rules set up and in order in the 1990s for the clinton impeachment. Mary lou a couple calls back said republicans come out and dont refute anything, does she not listen to the facts that they are under gag orders not to make any statements about what goes on unless it is public and not put into the committee . The only people saying anything and leaking are the democrats because they are under orders not to. There is no rule following. Most people that call in seem to think tomorrow they are voting in the house on impeachment. They are still not doing that. They have a trial they set up half done and now they are going to go back and try to unbake it. Host as it moves into a more public phase, what do you think about that approach . Caller it is still not following the rules and the whole thing is President Trump has done nothing wrong, he speaks in hyperbole and people interpret that as lies. He also tends to repeat himself and he uses two or three different keywords. He does not speak in a politically correct manner and the people do not like that and do not understand that this is a man raised in a different era and speaks differently. Host how does that relate to the inquiry . Caller it relates to the inquiry because he did nothing wrong, they are interpreting did wrongmething he when they are just trying to get to the bottom of weather whether our money in ukraine was being used in a corrupt manner. These people on the phone and listening are not the people making foreign policy, president ofmp is and he plays outside the box, that is how he thinks, he does not think in a manner that they like and that is the bottom line. Host daniel from california, independent line. Caller thanks for taking my call. I would like to touch on the single most important thing in this conversation. The 14th amendment allows due process and this thing has allowed nothing. I am an independent. I voted for trump, but the truth of the matter is the process in congress is so embarrassing. Kavanaugh, he also was dissed doing a job. It is absolutely ridiculous the people in our country are being fed this by the news agencies. This process is not following the constitution. The biggest failure here, really, in life, is the United States Supreme Court that should step in because the facts going on here are just ridiculous. Host if impeachment is a congressional process, why would it be the role of the Supreme Court to do something about it . Caller because you should always have due process. Kavanaugh was just a job interview. Do you think it is right a person can go in there and alleged crimes committed where there is no evidence . That is not correct. That is not american and that is exactly what is going on here. Host matthew in north carolina, hello. Caller yes. I think trump should be impeached. Host based on what . Caller he is doing a horrible job and just host in your mind, what qualifies him for impeachment . The the way he did way he handled the ukraine thing joee tried to get dirt on biden. That is just unamerican. Host for the first halfhour of this program as House Democrats unveiled next steps in the procedures when it comes to the impeachment inquiry, we are asking about that. You can comment by calling the lines. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. And 2027488002 for independents. If you want to text us this morning, all you have to do is put your name, your city, your state and text us at 2027488003. You can post on facebook and twitter. Politico writes a federal Appeals Court put a hold on a judges order requiring the Justice Department to give the grand jury material from special counsel Robert Muellers investigation. A threejudge panel of the u. S. Court of appeals issued an order thursday granting the Justice Department request for an administrative stay of chief judge barrel house ruling on friday, which they concluded also rejected a key white house argument the impeachment investigation is unconstitutional because no house votes been taken to initiate it. The temporary stay was granted to freeze the status quo remain in effect until the appeal is argued or decided. More of that when you go to the website. We will go to victor next in alabama. Republican line. Caller yes, sir. I have been through two of these impeachments so far and this one is the biggest joke i have ever seen. I think it is time for republicans to Start Holding republicans with failure to uphold their oath of office. Host how is this process different than the previous two . Impeachment has always allowed the president to have an attorney present, ask questions, and defend his rights, everybody wants to put donald trump below the law and he thinks he is above the law. Whenever they find something he itt be guilty of they say wasnt proven he wasnt guilty. There is no court of law decision to prove you werent guilty. Host that is victor in alabama. Mike said it seems to be deliberate intention from the right to make the public think the republicans are not public at these closeddoor inquiry. Tell the truth. Josephine in cape canaveral, florida. Caller hello. I am a loyal southerner and a patriarch and i was a democrat all my life until 1992. That is when clinton came on the scene. We would have had a wonderful country of ross perot had been elected. The clintons have the power and they took it away from us and we had to put up with that until trump and i never would have voted republican because i am a southerner. Host about the impeachment process, what do you think of this . Caller they are dead in the water. That Democrat Party is gone. Thank god, this is the beginning of the end for them. A new party will rise, the old democrats were good people. Host when you say they are dead in the water, what do you base that on . Caller i base that on what they are doing, they are mean, hateful, unethical, crooked, a bunch of lawyer speakeasies and there is only one thing to do. That party has got to go and it will go because the decent people are going to get out of it like i did. Host darlene in new york, democrats line. Caller good morning. I am definitely for the impeachment. Since trump has come on the stage, i see a person that is really unfit, the constant lies, divided the United States of america with hate speech, he uses hitlers playbook if you ask me, he has used the courts and lawyers his whole life, they learned from his whole family to hide behind. Host with all that said, what do you base impeachment on . Give me a specific. Caller i have been listening to both sides and i think he got his three amigos in there and the were trying to corruption, there was anticorruption people in there, they swept him away and he brought in his corrupt people. The other side does not want to hear the truth. It is like i just call them the cult of 45. Host when you say bring in the corrupt people, you are specifying who . Snowdengiuliani, that guy. He is one of trumps puppets. Hase is no protocol that he done and look at how many people has this man in and out the door, and go . What does that say . Host that is darlene in new york. Speaking of ambassador sans lund sondland what happened yesterday saying the former Hotel Executive and major donor testified on the july tent meeting with senior ukrainian officials and advisers including john bolton was uneventful. He said he broadly brought up investigations President Trump wanted ukraine to pursue, but testifiedr officials about a dramatic scene in which the ukraine meeting was cut left and nfc officials alarmed over comments about the investigation which they reported to a lawyer. The efforts by mr. Trump and his personal lawyer to push ukraine to investigate joe biden, a candidate for the president ial nomination and his son as well as issues related to the 2016 election set off that impeachment inquiry last month. Patricia is next, republican line. Caller yes. I am for trump and i think the other side is completely corrupt or just about and they are treasonous. They are doing things in secret behind closed doors. Why do they have everything secret and the people are on surveillance. Nothing is private anymore. Host this enters the public phase now, what do you think about that part of it . Caller the public stage . Host the public phase. This impeachment inquiry enters the public phase with the announcement yesterday. Caller i think they are totally corrupt and trying to destroy the country and this is one more way they are doing it. Host the president tweeting this morning about these efforts saying republicans are very unified and energized in our fight on the impeachment hoax with donothing democrats and we are starting to go after the substance even more than the unfair process because the reading of the transcript everybody. Nonsense is ant continuation of the winter witchhunt hoax. Republicans, go with substance and close it out. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell on capitol hill answering questions about impeachment and the efforts by House Democrats. [video clip] we will take a look at what the house produces and see if it passes the smell test providing due process protections the president and his team are entitled to like president nixon was an president clinton was. Are you committed to bringing the resolution to the floor . We havent made a decision yet. The next step is to take a look nd see weather the house is going they responded to the pressure we put on them to handle this in a more transparent way that meets the standards of due process that every american would be entitled to. Push back when others tell you have to change the filibuster or run a Supreme Court hearing. How is it appropriate for the senate to tell the house how to conduct an impeachment . We give them our advice all the time when we pass bills, critique their performance and they do the same with us. Impeachment is whatever a majority of the house decides it is at any given moment. Appears the democrats, emboldened by the new majority they have had this year, has been have been on this path for three years. The first headline in the Washington Post before the president was sworn in is the impeachment process is beginning, this is further evidence this is what they had in mind from the very beginning. Host independent line, joe talking about these procedures laid out yesterday. You are on, go ahead. Thatr yes, i dont like the proceedings were held in secret to begin with. Congress is there to do the peoples business and i dont think any proceedings or hearings before congress should be kept secret except those which truly involve national defense. As far as opening up the proceedings, it is late, but i an improvement and both sides will be able to call witnesses, submit evidence, and present their case. Think the public phase will be affected because of that first part you talked about . Do you think that will be skewed as far as people look at it . Theer i think the way secret proceedings were held with selective leaking with so to prejudice the American People in a certain way against trump. It would have been good that that not happen, but when i think it is opened up to the itent it came to a vote, think it can be. I think all the proceedings being held before congress right now are mostly theater. Trump produced a transcript of the statement he made and if he did something in there for which he deserves to be impeached, take a vote and impeachment and if he has not, take a vote hurried i think what is going on now is a lot of theater. In baton rouge, louisiana, democrats line. Good morning. The American People doesnt really understand how the process works. They understand when the republicans are in, everything is secret, all the investigations are secret until they have information to come to the public. This is the same thing. They are attacking the process because they cant attack the substance prayed let it come out. Dontr thing is this, you have many people questioning back and forth, you do that at a trial. You do that when you have a trial, you have your defense attorneys. This is an inquiry. Republicans have spun this so good, they always do, they always control the message. Host the previous caller said the process the first part is secret, and that can be concerning to him. That is not concerning to you . Theer trey gowdy said this other day, you need to have it closed initially to get the facts. This is a factfinding mission. Nd then you go to trial all i have to do is sit here and listen to the people that support trump and you want to know why this country is in trouble. We are in trouble. Host michelle from michigan, on the republican line. Caller how are you . Host i am well, how about yourself . Caller i could not be better other than the facts of these attempts to impeach the president. By theduly elected majority of the people. That frankly, i cannot see there are any of these items listed that he has actually done other than the fact that he did check on the biden situation in ukraine which was right in the long run because of all the money his son has been receiving not only from ukraine, but other Foreign Countries as well. The people who, heard testimony from the nfc icial and heard the call he expressed concerns about the call itself. Caller they dont like the fact that he is not a politician. Politiciansarent expressed themselves more straightforward rather than a political way. That is what people keep forgetting. He is not a politician. That is why the man was elected. Host that is michelle in michigan on our republican line. Lily from wisconsin in altoona, republican line. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I am first time caller. I am 60 four years old and i have been independent my entire life and i have watched all the impeachment hearings that have happened in the past. I have to tell you when people like aocrats it is fight between democrats and republicans, which it is not because independents put democrats in congress to do a job republicans did not do. I have to say people are saying they were after the president since he was elected, once we found out after the infoion the russians had and trying to work within our country and all the top officials knew it and Mitch Mcconnell did not want this out when we should have known that even as the election was going on. Processis impeachment deals primarily with the call to ukraine. See about the process you in relation to that . Caller we are not supposed to have foreign involvement in our country. Democrats, republicans, and independents need to Pay Attention to who is controlling our country. We need to find out the influences in our country, why the president all of a sudden pulled out our troops from the kurds as they got massacred. Republicans have not done their job, so we needed to put democrats in to do their job. That isat easily lily in wisconsin purred part of the testimony from the lieutenant general, he said he was concerned by the call and did not think it was property to demand a Foreign Government investigate a u. S. Citizen. I was worried about the implications. I realized if ukraine pursued an investigation into the bidens, it would be interpreted as a partisan play, which would result in ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has maintained and undermine National Security. Following the call, i reported my concern to the nfcs lead counsel. Part of the story was personal attacks against the President Trump and his allies attacked the Lieutenant Colonel as he testified, sparking a rare moment of unity as democrats and republicans defended the character of the National Security council member. The army officer purple heart recipient, who was a white house specialist in ukraine was cast as a never trumper by the president. Lieutenant colonel vindman testified he twice raised concerns about President Trumps push on that phone call. One of the people coming to his defense was liz cheney. [video clip] a wordso want to say about Something Else going on over the course of the last several hours in last night, which i think is shameful and that is questioning the patriotism and dedication of country of people like mr. Vindman, Lieutenant Colonel vindman and others who have testified. We need to show we are better than that. There patriotism, love of country, decorated veterans who have served this nation and put their lives on the line and it is shameful to question their patriotism, their love of this nation and we should not be involved in this process. We need to make sure we are abiding by, upholding the constitution. Just because democrats refused to do that does not mean we ought to let ourselves be drug down to the level they are operating. Host tina from missouri, democrats line. The impeachment and i think democrats are doing a great job. Stay focused and everything will come out. Host when you say great job, give me specifics how. Caller they had to go and if william barr would have took the whistleblowers complaint and investigated it like he should have, they would not have had to go and do the investigation themselves. Beings why all this is kept away from the public. They are doing his job. When the bissell blower whistleblower came, he said there is nothing to see here. If he did his job, democrats would not have to take up the it. Laint and be quiet about that is what they are doing, job and ifing his they would have investigated, they could have gone on from there. They hid it from them, so when they finally got the information, of course they have to investigate themselves. That is where republicans and people are missing it. They are doing an investigation right now and there should the closed doors because they had the opportunity doj doj did and they did nothing. Stay focused, democrats, what is done in the dark will come out to the light. Host if it should be closed, what is the value of public hearings . They had to get all the people first, you look and see if there is anything there. Once you find out there is something there, you have to bring the people in to see if there is substance and once they get it all together, then they have a right to bring it out to the American People and the president will get a chance to defend himself through all these allegations, they will get their chance. Right now, they are doing an investigation and i think they are staying focused on doing the right thing. Host linda in pennsylvania, republican line. Isler my question really what has the house done for us since trump was elected . Hear is we have to impeach trump. Once one thing doesnt work out, we are doing Something Else. Done nothing except want to impeach trump. All that time and money, if we had spent half that time working our government and doing something for the people, what a wonderful three years it would have been. All we do is work out what do i want . I want to impeach trump. I dont care about the people, i want to do what i want to do. This is a circus. Host that is linda in pennsylvania. Here is a couple things happening on the network today. First for ray scheduled to testify at a hearing on global threats. Letter toeenan sent a the committee saying he will not appear despite a subpoena. You can see that on cspan 3 and our radio app. Committee lays out a plan for the impeachment inquiry. They will set parameters for the debate and consider amendments to the resolution. You can watch that live coverage or0 on cspan 3, the. Org, the radio app. This is the house transportation hearing on the boeing super max, the ceo testifying yesterday, see that on the web, plus, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will consider John Sullivan to be the u. S. Ambassador to russia. You can see that on the web starting at 10 00. Greg in florida, independent line. Caller good morning, pedro. 40 year watcher of cspan. You are the best giving both sides a chance to give their opinion. And lily arejoe right on point when it came to your topic this morning and that is they made an excellent point with the reference trey gowdy made when he was the chairman of the inquiry looking into the benghazi affair with hillary clinton. Trey gowdy did say the best way to proceed in terms of providing what would be adequate and sufficient information to continue their inquiry or investigation would be behind closed doors. Once they had gone that information they had gotten enough information to bring what would be sufficient charges of impeachment were whatever kind of punishment that would come to the perpetrator of their allegations. The other callers, with all due respect to them, i dont understand why they would not allow the process to go forward as the constitution calls for and that is all democrats are doing, they are doing and inquiry and investigation to determine whether or not there is sufficient information to bring charges. One thing that is discouraging to this caller after watching so many years is we have a president who will not cooperate at all. He has decided not to allow any of the people who can validate the accusations to give testimony. I know he is the chief executive, but the other callers on the others, republicans and other people supporting this guy, they will regret. In thisians involved thing, that is against the law. You cannot allow to ask a Foreign Government foreign country to interfere in our elections. Int lets go to ken montana, democrats line. Caller yes, good morning. My comment is, first of all, i aep hearing people call this quid pro quo and lets make the term what it really is, extortion. That is exactly what our useident has done, tried to extortion to get a point of view from a different country. The second thing i would like to say is all these people, all republican types keep talking about the president being a businessman. In fact, if you had an operation, would you rather have a surgeon or a businessman do the surgery . I think we would all rather have a surgeon and i think all politicians, i dont care whether they are on the left or the right, basically go into the job trying to do the best job they can, but it is a learned grade, lets quit denigrating politicians. Lets respect them for the job they do and quit denigrating them for the jobs we think they should do. Host we will hear from roy inwood jock woodstock, georgia. Caller the statement from the colonel his fear and concern was not with President Trump, it was the democrats he was afraid of, that they would lose bipartisan support for ukraine. Beingid pro quo is fearful of a Democratic Party and we have at least three examples of where they did a quid pro quo and we know biden did it. He bragged on recorded television about withholding 1. 5 billion from ukraine unless they fire the prosecutor and you had Congress Send a letter to the president of ukraine is saying if he investigated, they would not receive aid. His concern is more with the democrats and not with the president , but we have twisted this thing so much to make people think it is about the 2020 election. It was about the 2016 election and all the corruption that took place during that time. Manafort is in jail as a result of the crookedness during the 2016 election. Democrats stick together. They are crooked, but they stick together. Host lets get one more call. Michael, baton rouge, louisiana. Independent line. Caller good morning, pedro. I would like to say i go back to what the president of ukraine said. The president of the ukraine. Aid it was no quid pro quo why would he lie . Why would democrats go beyond that . Why did mr. Schiff come out and do the parody . We all know democrats are doing the and we have a saying in stuck on stupid. A lot of us are stuck on stupid. Host when it comes to the impeachment process, what is the problem you have with it . Caller look at the way schiff did it. He went down in the basement and called it going private. You have to come out with the public to the public. All this stuff, you are going private with it, this is too serious to go down into some secure room and say we are going to pick up all this stuff now, leak some of it most of it out. We have common sense. Host appreciate all of you who called in this first hour. We will continue somewhat on the topic of impeachment with brendan boyle, democrat of pennsylvania. He will talk about rising deficits and the upcoming funding deadline. We told you about the boeing ceo testifying before congress, mary shiavo will join us to talk overall with flightthe problems and the inspection process. Us later on joining washington journal. Announcer sunday live at noon eastern on indepth, instant University Professor perry joins us to talk about africanamerican history and racial inequality. My mother came of age in jim crow alabama. My mother lived her youth through white nationalists society, and it has come

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