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Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. At a Police Chiefs conference in chicago, President Trump spoke about his support for Law Enforcement and Border Security and the recent military raid in syria that led to the death of an isis leader. The president also signed an executive order to establish a new Commission Led by the attorney general that would study key issues facing Law Enforcement. First, lets hear a big round of applause for that playlist. It is the president s playlist. [applause] manreat music from a great to get us excited about his presence here today. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I called to order this special session of the 2019 annual conference and exhibition of the International Association of chiefs of police. Over the past year, i have had the honor to meet with the president several times. During these meetings, i have witnessed the president who has demonstrated commitment and meaningful work with criminal Justice Reform that will make both Law Enforcement and our communities stronger and safer. Iacp was fortunate enough to work closely with the president and his staff during the development of the first step act. A process that evolved not only from iacp, but also prosecutors, community members, civic leaders, and religious organizations. All input was heard, discussed, and thoughtfully deliberated. Historicrt led to the bipartisan passage of the first step acct. I want to thank the president for his support of Law Enforcement and his continued commitment to strengthening our criminal justice system. It is now my distinct honor to introduce the strongest supporter of Law Enforcement that this profession has ever seen. The president of the United States, donald j. Trump. [applause] President Trump thank you very much. [applause] President Trump thank you, thank you, paul. Hes been my friend for a long time. Thank you for that introduction. It says it all. I think there is nobody that has ever been more certainly in the position of president for our great police. It is an honor to be with you. Please sit down. Lets go have a good time. [applause] President Trump i want to thank you for nearly four decades of Exceptional Service in the line of duty. Im thrilled to be here at the 126th annual conference of the International Association of chiefs of police. Joined by thousands of amazing Law Enforcement leaders, people that i know, people that i love, people that i respect who defend our communities. Chase down criminals and keep america safe. You dont hear it enough. You do an incredible job. The people of this country know it. And, the people of this country love you. You dont hear that from these people, but they love you. You dont hear it from the fake news. [applause] President Trump the fake news does not like talking about that but they love you. Every day of my presidency, i will be your greatest and most loyal champion. I have been and will continue to be. It was a tremendous weekend. [applause] as you veryump well know, it was a tremendous weekend for our country. Leadered isis albaghdadi. [applause] President Trump they have been looking for him for a long time. They have been looking for him for many years. He was a sick and depraved man and now he is dead. [applause] dead. Ent trump hes hes dead as a doornail. [laughter] President Trump and he didnt die bravely, i will tell you that. He should have been killed years ago. Another president should have gotten him, but to me, it was a very important i will say all the time, they would walk into my office, sir, we killed this leader at a low level. I will say i never heard of him. I want albaghdadi, that is the only one i know. Get him. And they got him. [applause] President Trump but he was big time. He built the isis caliphate. You hear about isis, it was him. It was once the physical size of the state of ohio. It had 7 Million People and it was growing big, big, big. And, they had a problem. It started about two and a half years ago. [laughter] [applause] and during myp administration, i, we, altogether destroyed the caliphate 100 . Remember, i got it down to 97 . I said, all right, lets go home. Those people started saying 100 . Before me, they didnt care. Now they said how about 100 . And, we met some great generals. I learned a lot about generals. I met some good ones and saw some bad ones. Some who did not have what it takes and others who had more than anyone would have thought. It was supposed to take a year, maybe two years. I said to one of them, how long will it take . I think we could do it in one week, sir. A little more like you. We have now tens of thousands of isis prisoners under tight supervision. Countriese want the in the region to police their own borders. We dont want to be a policeman of this case of two countries that have not gotten along for centuries. We are keeping the oil. I always said that. Keep the oil. We want to keep the oil. 45 million a month. Keep the oil. We have secured the oil. This morning, we are delighted to be joined by the lifelong friend of our brave police, incredible guy. Tough guy. And, somebody with a tremendous heart also. But, he is strong, he can take it. Attorney general william barr. Where is william barr . [applause] President Trump they are giving him a side angle. Thank you, bill. Doing a great job. We are also glad to have with us representatives rodney davis, mike boss, and darren lahood. These are warriors. Where are they . The three of them. They are warriors for us, all of us. Thank you. They have done an incredible job. Thanks as well to the entire iacp board. And, congratulations to your new chiefng president , stephens. Ss where is he . You should be sitting up front here someplace. Ok, im going over here. Standup up, stephen. I went all the way around the room to find you. [applause] President Trump thank you very much. Congratulations. Incredible group. I hear you are an incredible leader. Thank you very much. Thank you to the international Law Enforcement partners who join us. Together, our nations ensure the rule of law prevails and the entirety civilized world, we work together. I want to extend our immense appreciation to all the Law Enforcement family members in the room. Please stand. The family members really make you folks work. Family members, please stand. [applause] President Trump i know how that works. I know how that works. Without those family members, you wouldnt be doing so good. I know that. But, there is one person thats not here today. Were in chicago. [laughter] President Trump i said where is he . I want to talk to him. More than anyone else, this person should be here because maybe he could learn something. [applause] President Trump and that is the superintendent of Chicago Police Eddie Johnson. A a few days ago, johnson said the values of the people of chicago are more important than anything President Trump would have to say. I dont think so, because that is very insulting statement after all i have done for the police. My have done more than any other president has done for the police. [applause] over 100 years, we can prove it but probably from the beginning. Heres a man who cannot bother to show up for a meeting of Police Chiefs, the most respected people in the country, in his hometown and with the president of the United States. You know why . His job. Use last year, 565 people were murdered in chicago. Since Eddie Johnson has been police chief, more than 1500 people have been murdered in chicago. And, 13,067 people have been shot. During the first weekend of august 2019, 7 people were murdered and 52 were wounded in 32 shootings in chicago. And recently, they had 78 shootings over a weekend spree and three people killed. And, chicago has the toughest gun laws in the United States. That doesnt seem to be working too well, does it . A lot of you people know exactly what i mean. Under johnsons leadership, they certainly dont protect people. Then, you have the case of this wiseguy Jussie Smollett who beat up himself. [laughter] President Trump and he said maga country did it. Maga country. He said its a hate crime. Thats a hate crime. Its a scam. Scam, just big like the impeachment of your president is a scam. [applause] and then yoump look at whats going on. Smollett is still trying to get away with it. He would have been better off if he paid his 100,000 bill. Chicago is unfortunately the worst sanctuary city in america. Chicago protects criminals at a level few can even imagine. Last year in cook county alone, ice asked local Law Enforcement please,o please, pretty we beg you. Well do anything necessary to stop crime. We want to stop crime. 1162 people, please. Detainerach case, the was denied and Eddie Johnson wants to talk about values. No. People like johnson put aliensls and illegal before the citizens of chicago, and those are his values. And frankly, those values to me are a disgrace. I will never put the needs of illegal criminals before i put the needs of lawabiding citizens. Its very simple to me. [applause] President Trump so, when Eddie Johnson and many other people from lots of other regions and areas support sanctuary cities, it is really in my opinion a betrayal of their oath to the shield and a violation of his the to serve and to protect Courageous Police officers of chicago. I know some of them and they are the most incredible people. They could solve this problem quickly. [applause] itsdent trump embarrassing to us as a nation. All over the world, they are talking about chicago. Afghanistan is a safe place by comparison. Its true. Arece officers of chicago entitled to a Police Superintendent who has their backs and knows what hes doing. Youre entitled to a Police Superintendent who sides with you, with the people of chicago. The people want this. The families of chicago, not the criminals or gang members that are here illegally. And not the stupid politicians who have no idea what the hell they are doing. [applause] but i am going to tell you a quick story because it happened right here, and i was very impressed with a certain person. Whoever that person may be. Im sure we can find him. But about three years ago, i was leaving chicago and i was accompanied by a massive motorcycle brigade of policemen. And to do that, they have to guess mostecause, i places say you have to volunteer. I had a lot of volunteers. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Other candidates have and hundreds of them chicago was , in the news a lot just like it is now because of all of the killings going on and all of the shootings and all of the horrible things happening. When i arrived at the airport, the Police Officers asked whether or not it would be possible to have some pictures and before i won the election, i could do that. Now, secret service has a little bit of a problem. If it was up to me, i would do it. But it was just before, i might have even been president elect. The leader of the brigade was this really powerful, strong looking guy. Big booming voice. He was definitely the boss. You know what that means. Put your cycles over here, come on, lets go. And yet they all loved him. They loved vince lombardi, beloved certain people. It is all about respect. Shouting at his men and come on, lets go. They were doing exactly, he was the guy. Just as im boarding the plane i asked this man, i had a lot of respect for myself and i said he wasnt doing anything wrong, he was just the boss. I said excuse me, come here. What the hell is happening in chicago . He said, it is very sad. I hate to see this happening. I asked him what he thought the problem was and he said theres no leadership from the mayor and theres none at the top of the Police Department. They are afraid to do anything. He said, we have great police, sir, the best in the country. Said we dont have the leadership at the top. I said, youre a tough guy. How long do you think it would take you to fix this killing problem in chicago . He looked at me and he said one day, sir. They know all the bad guys sir, they know what to do. We could straighten it out so quickly that your head would spin. I left very impressed with her it was one day or one month. There was no doubt he could have done it. And i actually told the story numerous times. I sent his name into someone involved in chicago and that is the last time i ever heard of that man. Good jobly has a someplace outside the police force. Sorry to do that to you, but hes happy. Hes happy. [laughter] he doesnt have to put up with the nonsense. But i thought, theres a guy who could be your Police Superintendent and do a hell of a job. He would straighten things out. But that was years ago and i was thinking about it, i just thought about it on the trip over. I said, im going to chicago. I want to tell the story because it was to me a great story. Because you could fix this up so fast. Leadership would be easy to find. You have a lot of people right now in the department and i love when they go to other parts of the country and they dont know the name of the most basic street. They go all over and hire somebody, he comes in. Where is it located . You have incredible people in chicago. I know some of them. I have met some of them. But remember 565 people were , murdered last year. And its a shame. I want Eddie Johnson to change his values and change them fast. [applause] today, we are here to report on the outstanding progress we have made to combat crime and restore peace and safety to our american citizens. And most cities are setting records for good crime numbers. In the years before i took office, outrageous slanders on our police went unanswered and unchallenged from your leaders in washington, you know that well. Radical activists trafficking in antipolice hostility and criminals grew only more emboldened as a result. In two years before my election, Violent Crime up bysed 8 , murders were more than 20 and going a lot higher nationwide. The steepest twoyear consecutive increase in over 50 years. But with your help, all of that is changing and changing rapidly. Under this administration, we are once again standing up for Law Enforcement. We are condemning antipolice bias in all forms and were getting you the support, resources, and respect, we have tremendous respect for you. The respect you deserve. [applause] together we have taken bold action to reverse the tide in Violent Crime. Over the last two years, the number of murders in america and americas major cities has dropped, unlike here, by more than 10 . We havent took the chicago numbers out of our total numbers. The numbers would be incredible. And they already are. Even including chicago. The nationwide Violent Crime rate has declined for two consecutive years. During the same time, the number of burglaries was reduced by over, think of this, a quarter of 1 million. A quarter of 1 million less. It also helps that we have the strongest economy in the history of our country. That probably helps. [applause] i will take a little credit for that. And it was announced as i was getting off the plane at the s p has hit an alltime high. The highest in the history of our country. [applause] and thats not for rich people, thats for everybody. Thats for your 401 k s. I have again a great love for the police. In new york, i was there not so long ago. Policeman, i like to shake hands after an event, not that i like to, i do it because i respect you. They want to shake my hand and fire marshalls, people in different stadiums. But i was at an event in new york and came out, i was shaking some hands and one policeman said i want to thank you, my 401 k is through the roof. For the first time in my life, my wife thinks im a financial genius. [laughter] and said he was up now 72 percent. I said, thats not bad. He said, she always thought i was incompetent initially. But you have made me into a genius. He hoped to me. He actually went to kiss me and i said, no thank you. Its not my deal, but thats ok. But he was great. And he gave me an idea. Many of you have 401 k s. Does anybody in this room have a 401 k thats down . Raise your hand, please. Does anybody have a 401 k thats up . Everybody. I dont know what you would have had to do to get one down. You would have had to be really bad. They are up 70 , 80 . Last year my administration charged the largest number of defendants ever recorded in the history of our country. Bill barr is doing a fantastic job. Let him hear it. [applause] and i say that because he hears from the fake news that there all the time. They want to silence everyone. Except for their very strange opinions. If we went with that, you would not have a country very long. Weve increased federal firearm prosecutions by 44 compared to the last four years. The previous demonstration, this this is a new record. Three years ago, we revitalized project safe neighborhoods. Now federal prosecutors are once again working closely with state and local Law Enforcement , all of the Community Leaders to marshal our resources to target crime in the most dangerous areas and and lock up violent offenders. In the coming weeks, attorney general barr will announce a crackdown on Violent Crime which is so important. Targeting gangs and drug traffickers in high crime cities in dangerous rural areas. Lets call it the surge. We can come up with lots of names but were going to be doing something very dramatic. You are going to see tremendous results very quickly. The best way to reduce gun violence is to put criminals with firearms behind bars. [applause] and just so you understand, because i think there is no stronger protector than me, we will always protect our second amendment. Always. [applause] my administration has also curtailed the harmful and intrusive use of federal consent decrees which wrongly gives meddlesome officials in authority dc immense to tie down local Police Departments and make it very difficult to do their work. The longer will federal bureaucrats micromanage your local police. And we will work with upon request local police and help them, not to hinder them. Were waiting for a call from chicago, because theres no place we would rather help than chicago. To reduce people going back to prisons and to help nonviolent inmates successfully rejoin society. Last year we passed historic bipartisan criminal Justice Reform. It has been very successful. They have been trying to get passed for a long time. We had conservatives, super conservatives, very liberal people, republicans, democrats, a lot of people. Im especially grateful to the help of chief cell of the iacp. Fantastic man, as well as pat and jim pascoe of the fraternal order of police in achieving this landmark breakthrough. As you know in recent years our country has seen a dangerous trend of criminals assaulting police. We dont like that. Last month, Chicago Police officers adam wozniak was serving an arrest warrant for a man suspected of shooting a woman when the suspect opened fire and shot at him multiple times. He was very, very badly hurt. His fellow officers chased down the gunmen while adam stemmed the bleeding from his wound. Almost died. After a month in hospital and multiple surgeries, after that, adam recently came home to his wife and to his two young children. So badly hurt. We are profoundly grateful that adam is with us today. Officer, we commend your tremendous bravery. Thank you. [cheers and applause] President Trump thank you, adam. You look good. Very handsome. With face like that i wouldve been president ten years earlier. [laughter] looking good, adam. But an attack on Law Enforcement is an attack on all americans. Thats true. [applause] thank you, adam. And we believe that criminals who murder our police should get the death penalty. [applause] to help keep you safe, i have made 600 million worth of surplus, military equipment available to local Law Enforcement. If you remember the Previous Administration didnt want to do it. Nobody knew why. Sitting in warehouses, getting dustier. Sty or and i probably would pay a lot of rent to a lot of landlords all over the country. So actually i do know why. They didnt want to make you look so tough. They didnt want to make you look like you were a threat. Thats ok. We want to protect our police. We made it available and we provided nearly 29 million to train more than 80,000 Police Officers. [applause] and my administration is also addressing mass violence. We seen some incredible Police Officers doing some incredible work recently. A few weeks ago attorney general barr sent the letter to all Law Enforcement agencies announcing that he will lead an effort across the government to use the most proven methods of fighting terrorism and Violent Crime, to identify, assess, and engage potential mass shooters before those shooters strike. [applause] and last month, i was profoundly honored to award the medal of valor to the six Police Officers who brought down the mass shooter in dayton, ohio, in 29 seconds. I dont know how many people saw that. I thought it was incredible. [applause] he did a lot of destruction but it wouldve been the worst in history. 29 ill never forget the scene. There were six but it was on tape. This is boom, boom, room and they were out there, perfect. There was no anything. Its hard to figure, other times you see something, its a surreal experience. They were shooting so fast, 29 seconds. He was dead. He was going in for a lot shooting, a lot of killing. They were incredible, so they came to the white house and they got the medal of valor. A great honor. They were fantastic. Dayton, ohio. [applause] and today were grateful to be joined by Dayton Police chief richard beale, and assistant chief matt carper. We commend your departments sterling professionalism, and thats a a great state you are in, ohio. We love ohio. And what you did in dayton and the way those Police Officers acted, and so quickly, so quickly. Gentlemen, please stand. [applause] come up here. Come on up here. Come up. Come on up here. They look pretty good, too, i have to say. You guys were unbelievable. Say a couple of words, please. [laughter] well, thank you, mr. President. And also to attorney general barr for the recognition of our Police Officers. Six brave Police Officers that acted decisively, swiftly in the mass shooting in dayton, ohio, on august 4. They represent the highest of ideals and performance of our profession. We are deeply proud of them. I have with me Lieutenant Colonel carper. He was the acting police chief in my absence when i was in washington, d. C. Before i could return back to dayton, ohio. He was Senior Commander on the scene in his early, early hours of august 4 helping to coordinate the response. Police officers regionally to respond to the scene and perform the vast duties required at the time. Grateful to him and his leadership. The Dayton Community is grateful for his leadership, and for all of those dedicated Law Enforcement personal that responded in the Early Morning hours, the very duty to required to do in such a professional manner. So my gratitude to matt carper for all of his leadership. [applause] President Trump great job. Today im proud to announce another historic action were taken to reduce violence in america. In a few moments, i will be signing an executive order to establish a new commission on Law Enforcement and the administration of justice. Trying to get this for a long time. [applause] this commission will be tasked with providing concrete recommendations to address some of the systemic challenges that burden Law Enforcement including homelessness and mental illness, supporting the ability of Law Enforcement officers to ensure troubled individuals receive the mental care they need. The commission will provide concrete recommendations and it will study the best practices to recruit, retain, hire, train and provide for health and safety, the wellbeing of Law Enforcement officers. Care of our Law Enforcement officers. [applause] after the Commission Issues its recommendations next year, it will happen soon, because most of them know many of the answers before they begin, you understand that. We will begin implementing the best ideas immediately. It will take place immediately. Since i took office, we have harnessed the entire federal government to combat the drug addiction epidemic. And last year, drug overdoses fell for the first time in nearly 31 years. Great. [applause] i want to thank acting Drug Enforcement administrator dylan , who joined us today at almost every person in this room for working together to end this horrible plague. This is a plague not only of this nation, this is all over the world. To stop the flow of deadly drugs into our communities, we are also taking dramatic action to secure our southern border. Illegal crossings are down 60 since may, and we are building the wall faster, bigger, and better than ever even anticipated. Going up now. And i want to thank our military, our military has been great. The army corps of engineers, all the folks in the military are fantastic. The wall is going up at a rapid pace. We will have anywhere from 400 to 500 miles built by the end of next year. That will have a tremendous impact. As you know, the other side knows that. But i made one big mistake on the wall. I shouldve said i do not want the wall and they would have insisted we build it. Big mistake. I shouldve said i want no money to go to the wall and they would have thrown money at it like you would not believe. But our military came through and its going up great. Its topoftheline. Acting commissioner of u. S. Customs and Border Protection mark morgan joins us today. I want to thank mark and all of the members of Border Patrol for the extraordinary work to defend our homeland and protect our nation. Please come up here for a second. I want to show you. I dont want you to talk because i want to get out of here. First time ever. But because it is you, i will stay as long as you want. Come on up. Come on up. Two great people. I think we should have them say a couple of words. [laughter] come on, mark. Mark mr. President , on behalf of the brave men and women of the drug Enforcement Administration who i am privileged to lead, thank you for your constant and incredible support of our mission, and thank you for your support of all of Law Enforcement. Thank you, sir. [applause] President Trump and soon uttam will not be acting, by the way. Hes done a great job he doesnt know this yet, but soon he will not be acting. Congratulations. [applause] mark . So first of all i just want to footstep that we will be beautiful wall by the end of 2020. [applause] with every mile of wall that is being built, i promise you its not just the cities and towns on the border. I always say every town, every , city, every state is a border town, a border city the border state with every mile that is being built we are all safer because of it. Thank you, mr. President. [applause] just real quickly, i would like to say that agent morales and all the other nominees, i think that they embody the Law Enforcement spirit. They represent who we are as a profession and what we stand for, that we get up every single day doing something greater than ourselves. And thank you to i. C. P. , for your leadership and everything you do. Thank you to you, the leaders of Law Enforcement for supporting the men and women who get up every day, put the badge on their chest and safeguard this country. Thank you for what you do. [applause] and, mr. President , thank you, mr. President , for your support. I know this man personally and , when he says he loves us, it is sincere, heartfelt and he , means it. Thank you, mr. President. Because of our president s support as a Law Enforcement for profession, we are stronger for it. Thank you. [applause] trump thank you, both. Two great people. Thank you both. To all of the Law Enforcement partners across the western hemisphere, thank you for helping shut down the smugglers, traffickers, and coyotes. Who would ever thought in this modern age human traffickers, you think of it as an ancient crime. Its more prevalent today because of the internet, you understand that well. Than ever before all over the world. As my administration works tirelessly to protect our borders, we face an onslaught from far left activists who want to erase americas borders and nullify the federal laws. We cant let that happen. This includes activist judges who have issued nationwide injunctions prohibiting us from enforcing the immigration laws enacted even by congress. Just as one example, federal law authorities expedited removal for illegal aliens apprehended within two years of entry. But a district judge issued a ruling saying the law could only be applied to illegal aliens caught within 14 days. Thats a tiny fraction of the time frame allowed by the statute. And the number of people coming in is cut to a level that becomes almost insignificant. Up . We win when it goes how long will that take . A year . Two years . These nationwide injunctions undermine our entire immigration system. And other systems. Its not the job of judges to impose their own political views. Their job is to apply the letter of the law, as per our great constitution. [applause] that is why i have already had appointed and approved 158 brandnew federal judges and court of appeals judges who are committed to upholding the laws of the constitution as written. We should soon be up to 182. We are way over record territory. Nobody has seen anything like that. I want to thank you, president obama, for giving me 142 open judges. How you allowed that to happen is beyond me. Its beyond me. Thank you president obama very much. Everybody in this room thanks you. [applause] we will have 182 very shortly. In cities such as philadelphia, boston, and here in chicago, weve also seen a growing number of radical politicians and prosecutors who refuse to enforce the law. You heard about that. For example, local prosecutors have declared that they will not charge certain offenders, including many theft and drug crime offenders. They just wont charge them. This is a fundamental violation of their sworn duty. The most dangerous and shameful attacks on the rule of law comes from and in the form of sanctuary cities. Sanctuary cities ordered jails and prisons to release criminal aliens, people had committed the worst crimes, directly back onto city streets instead of safely turning them over to federal immigration authorities and i. C. E. So they can be incarcerated or tried, or what i like to do best is get them the hell out of our country. Bring them home and let them take care of it. [applause] as you know, countries love sending their worst to us because they dont have to bother with them they dont have , to jail them. Let the United States do it. Well, we are very tough on that as you have probably heard over the last couple of years. Thousands of removable criminal aliens are set free in the u. S. Communities every single year because of these policies. Terrorizing the public and menacing the peace. Inconceivable that nobody would want and a lot of elections are being lost because of sanctuary cities because people dont want them. In the greatwo state of north carolina. They were won by big margins and i was very happy about that. The problem is they dont want to write about. If i lose its the greatest catastrophe in the history of the country. They pack up their bags and leave. They dont want to talk about it. Lets not talk about what happened in louisiana with the governors race. Lets not talk about the fact we picked up two senate seats in 18. Picked up two. We went from 51 to 53. Nobody knows about that. Itll talk about these things that we talk about them. Hopefully we talk loudly enough to people understand whats going on and how well were doing. Last year alone, here in illinois, local officials block i. C. E. Detainees, illegal aliens respond before hundreds of offenses including homicide, trafficking dangerous drugs, trafficking humans, robbery, and sexual assault. Just a few weeks ago near seattle, washington, a county jail released an illegal alien ms13 gang member, the worst, who they previously refused to hand over to i. C. E. And by the way, i. C. E. , they are heroes. They are patriots, heroes. They are tough, great. Who would do that job . Who would do that job . These are warriors and they love our country, by the way. This man went on to murder a 16yearold boy with a baseball bat who didnt do anything. He was a young child who was on his way to a beautiful future. He didnt do anything. He murdered him with a bat. Last year on the day after christmas, america grieved when California Police officer was murdered by criminal alien, a known gang member, a tough guy with two prior arrests for bad things who was released due to sanctuary city laws. Not one more American Life should be stolen from us because a politician puts criminal aliens before american citizens. [applause] so they want open borders. Everybody come in, come on in. They want open borders and they want sanctuary cities. Forget politics. You tell me thats good politics . I dont think so. I think youll find that out. Here today is someone who can tell you more about the threat posed by sanctuary cities, a career i. C. E. Officer and the current i. C. E. Director, a fantastic guy. Matt. Please come up. [applause] matt thank you, mr. President , for giving me this opportunity to address our partners in Law Enforcement. I want to note the remarks am about to make are the same i would have made two years ago, six years ago, eight years ago. Our country and every Community Within a a safe with Law Enforcement at all levels. There is significant human costs to sanctuary laws and policies that ban local Law Enforcement agencies from working with ice to include even the simple sharing of information about criminals in their custody. Laws and politics like these make us less safe. Its plain and simple. Its past time to put aside the political rhetoric and listen to the facts, and the fact is people are being hurt and victimized every day because of jurisdictions that refused to cooperate with i. C. E. As Law Enforcement professionals, it is frustrating to see senseless acts of violence and activity in our communities, knowing ice could have prevented them with some and the type of , cooperation we seek is simple. We dont ask any Law Enforcement agency to enforce federal immigration law. We merely ask Law Enforcement agencies to honor i. C. E. Detainers, which until recently, most agencies did for over half a century. Hold the person for a brief time, notifies when they are getting ready to release and turn them over to us in the safe confines of the detention facility. Our detainers are issued based on probable cause, exact same standard that every Law Enforcement agency in u. S. Operates under. The fact is that 70 of the civil unrest that i. C. E. Makes are at local jails and state prisons across the country. But we used to make more. Before sanctuary laws or policies prevented us from doing so, leaving us with no choice but to expand additional Significant Resource to locate and arrest criminal aliens and other immigration violators. Its less effective, its more disruptive, and makes us less safe. There will be criminals we dont find, and often when we do, its after theyve been arrested for another suspect criminal violation. These are preventable crimes and even more importantly, preventable victims. How many billions of dollars has Law Enforcement spent on Crime Prevention and protection . If we want to prevent crime, help us get the criminals out of your communities. [applause] you want to stop gun violence . Get the criminals perpetrating that violence out of your communities. Last year, i. C. E. Arrested 11,000 people with weapons violations, those are gone from the country now. [applause] last year, we made more than 105,000 criminal alien arrests and remove more than 145,000 criminal aliens to include nearly 6000 gang members. This year, i. C. E. Homeland security investigations, with the many of you work sidebyside and we appreciate that partnership and cooperation, made nearly 37,000 criminal arrests, another record year. They seize more than 11,000 pounds of opioids, seized more than 624 million in illegal proceeds of crime, and rescued over 1400 victims of Human Trafficking and exploitation. [applause] we have many special agents in charge and headquarters leadership with us today and am honored to have the privilege of representing them and the tremendous work their special agents, analyst, our attorneys and Task Force Office and personnel do on behalf of this country. As a career Law Enforcement officer i am imploring all the state and local officers in this room to work with us, to find a way to partner with us for the sake of our communities that weve all sworn to protect and for the sake of our country. And for those that already do, thank you. You have every ounce of support from i. C. E. That we can provide. The truth of the matter, one which every person in this room knows, every community, every cop is safer when Law Enforcement works together. Thanks. [applause] President Trump thank you, matt. Doing a great job. I mean, honestly i did know he was going to make a speech, but thats ok. [laughter] hey, but it was a good speech. I did know, i said wait a minute, five pages hes got there. [laughter] its a good five pages. And thank you very much, matt. You are doing a fantastic job, and we brought out thousands of ms13 gang members, thousands. We take them out and we focus on bad ones, we focus on the worst people. You have people coming in and some really bad ones coming in and we have taken out thousands of ms13 gang members. R please put their lives on the front line for us every day our police put their lives on the front line for us every day and you deserve the absolute support of your elected leaders. My administration will always protect those who protect us. Here with us today are three of those heroes who were nominated for the iacp Police Office of the year award. Nick, Thomas Thompson, and Jonathan Morales three great , people. [applause] when minnesota i just left minnesota, great place, when minnesota officer nick responded to an active hostage situation, he found the killer holding a knife to the victim, and putting himself in grave danger for very specific reasons, he decided to fire a single shot and took out the murderer. Hes received tremendous praise and it was a very brave thing to do, a specific reason. Officer nick grivner, please come forward. Please come up. Thank you. Say a few words. Please. Thank you. [applause] officer grivner thank you, mr. President. And thank everyone here. Im actually speechless. I dont know what to say. This whole thing is so surreal to me right now, standing before you. I want to thank iacp for the wonderful nominations and i need to thank my chief from the Virginia Police department for putting me in for this support myand the entire Department Gave me. The people i want to thank the most of the people of virginia. My Community Rallied behind me. They took social media by storm. They called me and showed support for Police Department. Im very humbled and honored to be working for this department in a community that supports the Police Department so much. Thank you, guys. [applause] trump thank you. Great job. Texas Police Officer Thomas Thompson responded to a report of a robbery. When he entered the building, the suspect began to fire violently, but officer thompson fired back, and they arrested the criminal who had quite a record, quite a bad record. Officer thompson, thank you for your courage. Please come forward to the podium. Thank you. [applause] officer thompson i feel incredibly honored to be here and to be recognized for what is essentially just a story of me just doing my job. The president is right, there is literally hundreds of thousands of Law Enforcement many women in this country who are ready and willing to, when the moment when the time comes. Im very honored to be a because i won a moment. Mr. President , thank you for your support of Law Enforcement , especially in this day and age. Its no small thing. It matters, so thank you. Thank you to the lubbock [applause] i want to say thank you to the city of lubbock, to the lubbock Police Department for supporting me through a very difficult time. And finally and most personal for me, i want to say thank you to my wife. You are my rock and my best friend. I love you. Thank you. [applause] President Trump thank you very much. Finally, we are very proud to have with us a hero who was just recently announced as the 2019 officer of the year, Border Patrol agent Jonathan Morales. In may i met Border Patrol agent Jonathan Morales when he came to the white house for the national day of prayer. Just days before, he was offduty attending the service for passover when a gunman opened fire at a synagogue in callaway, california. You all read about it. Its terrible. Without hesitation, agent morales raced towards the shooter and began firing back, driving the gunman away from civilians. His swift and selfless action helped save many, many lies. I just want to say its great to meet you a second time, agent morales, and your courage and strength is really appreciated and so respected by the entire nation. Would you please come forward . [applause] agent morales good morning, everybody. Thank you, mr. President also for being here with us. You are our biggest supporter at Border Patrol. We all know in this day we need all the support and help we can, so really appreciate what you do. Thank you also commissioner morgan and chief, central sector, represent us also. You guys were responsible for giving us the training and tools we need each day to complete our mission out there. Immigration enforcement, most of criminals,hese legal we are the first ones we are the first ones they see when they enter our country. When i have the green uniform on, so who they will encounter. Just a little recap of that tragic day. We were sitting in our house of prayer. We were attacked. At that moment, a made a splitsecond decision. I was offduty, enjoying my leave, my time off. But i wasnt offduty as an officer, as an agent, sworn to protect my community, protect my people. I immediately went into action and i did what i could to save as many people as possible. The terrorist who attacked us ran away like a coward. Didnt even bother to challenge me or engagement or return fire. Im grateful to also on behalf of rabbi goldstein and the community thank you also for , your support and love for our committee. So thank you to all my fellow officers out there, always be safe. Cant be complacent, even on our offduty. Thats when it always happens, when we least expect it. Always be safe out there, and we never are offduty when we take the uniform off. Our mindset, we are still prepared for the worst case scenario. Thank you all. [applause] President Trump thank you. let me help you. Thank you very much. Hes an in much better shape right now than he was the last time. Any very short period time hes going to be perfecto. Thank you very, very much. Great bravery. That was a big deal. Each one of these heroes represents the Selfless Service of more than 685,000 Law Enforcement officers all across our country. Every day, americans get up and go to work. Our children go safely to school, and our families sleep soundly at night because the people in this room stand guard. You risk your lives, and you save countless others. And ive always heard you risk your lives for, in many cases, people you dont know, people you have never met. Its an incredible thing. And have to say, in concluding, you have no idea how much the people of this country love you and respect you. [applause] the sight of your badge strikes fear into the hearts of of criminals, and pride into the hearts of our citizens. When children hear the sirens from your patrol cars, they race to catch a glimpse, because of they know that you are the heroes of their street. And in many cases, they know that is really what they want to do someday. It is what they want to be. Thats what they want to do. They want to be a Police Officer. They see it. Out of love for our neighbors, care for our communities, and commitment to our country, we will shield peaceloving, lawabiding americans from anyone and everyone who would do them harm. We will keep our streets secure, our cities guarded, and our loved ones safe. We will fight Violent Crime, uphold the peace, enforce the law, and with god as our witness we will proudly serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. To all of the terrific Law Enforcement officers here today, thank you for your unwavering courage and your unbreakable devotion. Today and every day i vow to stand proudly, loyally, and faithfully with the incredible men and women in blue. Now, i would like to invite the attorney general of the United States, and the iacp and fop leadership to join me on stage while i sign our new commission on Law Enforcement. God bless you and god bless our great Law Enforcement, our Police Officers. God bless our military and god bless america. Thank you all very much. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. [applause] [applause] President Trump its easier with the one. [laughter] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats as the president departs. Announcer here is a look at what is live tuesday on the cspan network. On cspan, the houses back at 10 00 a. M. Eastern for general speeches, legislative this is at noon. A bill that would impose sanctions on turkey and incursion into syria. On cspan two, the Senate Returns to continue work on the 2020 spending bill that covers several agencies, including agriculture, transportation, and housing. On cspan three, the head of boeing is on capitol hill at 10 00 eastern to testify about safety concerns related to the boeing 737 max 8 aircraft which saw its great its fleet grounded this year after two fatal crashes. Later, a house judiciary subcommittee looks at how current immigration policies are affecting veterans and their families. Thinking about participating in the studentcam competition but has never made a documentary film . We have resources on our website to help you get started. Check out the download pages on linkstcam. Org and video to footage at the cspan library. Teachers can find resources on the teachers materials page to help you introduce studentcam to your students. Find a topic you are truly passionate about and pursue it as much as you can. This year we are asking students to create a Short Documentary on an issue you would like the president ial candidates to address during the campaign. We will award 100,000 in total cash prizes and a 5,000 grant prize. Take the microphone and start building. Produce the best video you can possibly produce. Visit studentcam. Org for more information today. On monday, members of the Congressional Black Caucus led a tribute to john conyers, who died over the weekend at age 90. Mr. Conyers was in the house of representatives from 1965 until 2017, becoming the longestserving africanamerican in congressional history

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