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Us now for a discussion about impeachment, campaign 2020, just days after you endorsed Bernie Sanders for president. Why bernie . Because he can crush trump. Host guest because barnett can crush trump. I say that as somebody from michigan, a statement bernie won in the primaries in 2016. We lost by michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. He can win michigan, wisconsin and probably pennsylvania. Host why and how . Whenever some people are looking for in trump and i hope many of them deeply regret it, bernie is not part of the system that they see as corrupt. Not speaking to their needs. Across the speak street here spending most of their time raising money for the next election. Peoplei think to most even if you arent for bernie you would say hes the real deal. He says he is. He will follow through. He will not be bought off. Inwill stand for the things the things that i stand for. We have a great group of people running for president. Many good people running and i like at least half of them. What ive been telling people is if you believe the polls that say the top five in a headtohead with trump according to most of the polls would win. So if you believe that we can beat trump then you should in the primaries vote for the person who most closely resembles the things you believe in. Wins we getever behind that person in november, of who it is. Host progressives who havent made their choice yet. What your mind separates Bernie Sanders from elizabeth wine . Host i love elizabeth warren. I had her in my movies. Inirst interviewed her before sheet appeared in anything on tv. For the people who support her i think they are supporting a good person. Bernie would probably say the same thing. Iernie, because bernie dont know how quickly your control and can throw something up on the screen but if you add that photograph of him in chicago 1963 where hes being arrested by the police because he is demonstrating against andegation for civil rights thats 1963 bernie. For over 50 years this person has fought for things that used to be thought of as crazy weather it was you should be able to marry the person youre in love with no matter which gender paid gender. Yes. Thats the picture. They are hauling him away because he is standing up against racism. Look at where the American People have come. Al the polls show that majority of americans believe in climate change. They believe women should be paid the same as men. If you go down the whole list of the issues bernie was right on those issues 50 years ago and hes fought for those issues for 50 years. And now the majority of the country has come toward where bernie has been for all this time when it was a crazy idea to think about paying people 15 an hour. That is so powerful to me and ive known him for a long time and he is consistent and what you see is what you get and i think that a lot of people and i think he would excite young people and others to come out and vote next november. Host you were with him at that heavily attended rally in new york. Did you get a chance to talk to him about his health . Host guest yes. And his wife. Basically his arteries got cleaned out and she said now on their morning walk, she cant keep up with him. Of blooda free weight going through freeway of blood going through. Hes in great shape. On saturday, i really think you could beat me in a 100 yard dash. Trakstar and he was in high school. Put that picture of of him winning the big race in new york city. Im not worried about that at all. When we talk about health, im less worried about bernies health. About flintried michigan or the health of this planet or of an unarmed like person sitting in their home. Shoter it was the woman through the window in fort worth or in dallas, the black man who was a cpa eating ice cream watching tv. Thats a health issue. So when we talk about health thats what i want to talk about. When we talk about heart attacks what i would like to say is the only heart attacks anyone needs to be worried about is the heart attack wall streets going to have when hes inaugurated president of the united states. Show,e the 1 running the thats the end of that. Host Filmmaker Michael Moore taking a phone calls on the washington journal. Good morning. This is my lucky day. I get to talk to michael moore. Bernie is my man. Andre doctors and nurses every high school has a kid coming out to be a doctor. They say its a radical idea. Social security and medicare was englandl idea, to declaring independence was a radical idea. This is a country of radical ideas. Lets get on that. Guest where do i talk to richard . Which camera . Those are great points. In 1850 wass day the First National womens rights conference in wister, massachusetts. And 900 people showed up to and the newspapers wrote about them like they were the craziest people on earth. The New York Herald road they are trying to get rid of the bible and the constitution and make no mistake about it. Especially with health care, hes notn is rocket science. Hes just proposing what every other industrialized country has. The Health Care System where its a human right and you will never go broke. Total number of people in canada that lost their homes due to doctor bills because they went bankrupt, zero. Zero in sweden. Zero in france. Zero in spain. Zero in germany. Why we cant figure out how to do this when we are the wealthiest nation on earth. No offense to canada, seriously. Where are they getting their money. Theyve made a conscious decision as a people to say we have to take care of each other. People say, our taxes will go up. They pay a little bit more taxes in canada and france. Heres what they dont pay for. They dont pay for health care. Many of these countries dont pay for college. You go to college for free. In many countries daycare is either free or nearly free. Now,eople watching right how much do you pay in daycare every month. How much do you pay to take care of your pains. What your student loan payment this month. I think the average is 200 or 300 a month. Its easily 1000 a month for daycare. Its close to 20,000. We dont call it attacks in this country but thats what it is. We are all being taxed an extra 20,000 a year depending on how many kids you have. Roughly we are paying that already and what if we just paid those bit more and all of things were covered. Host have you calculated what your tax rate would be under a Bernie Sanders tax plan . Guest yes. First i calculated my savings under the trump tax plan. Do so my commitment and i this only because its a moral issue with me that i cannot pocket whatever mother i money i might be saving now because i do well in making my movies and selling my books, whatever. That money that i save has to go to something else. The first thing would be to removing the person who gave me the tax cut. That would be my first priority. That has to end and people have to pay more. Me have to pay more so that the middleclass class and especially the working class dont have to pay more. Some people should be paying less actually. Ofave a pretty good idea what it is and im more than happy. April 15 i think is a wonderful day. I actually like paying my taxes. I dont always like what they go for. Fact that ie the get to be an american and im so proud to pay for that privilege of having the things that i have in this great country and i think people like me actually should be contributing even more to that. I was born in the 50s. I remember a time as a small child watching hollywood newsreels and seeing how the rich lived. , 70, 80, being taxed 90 . Look at any pictures of the rich in the 40s and the 50s. They were doing really well and they helped to pay for things like an interstate highway system that president eisenhower gave us and had that thing built pretty much in a 10 year span of time. Host this is tim. Independent. You, bernie and ralph nader are my heroes. It is such a pleasure pleasure to talk to is a retired machinist. I had to comed home to take care of my non. Shes 89 now. Thank god for unions because theres just no good paying jobs. I was going to support warren but after seeing the rally with bernie because i gave bernie 900 for his campaign. To ralph naders campaign. Host what was it about the rally that convinced you . Caller i was thinking maybe we need a woman. Bernieth warren mirrored sanders pol a gs. Like mike, i like paying my taxes. Hour imaking 30 an should pay my fair share. I like to drink clean water and when i flush the toilet i would like to know its not going into a river or lake that i would like to eat fish out of. Next time you are in Traverse City hi would love it if you stupidutograph my book white men which by the way you stole from me because i was saying that before you even wrote the book. I would love to do that. If you want to just bring it by, i restored a couple of old movie theaters in northern michigan. Bring them by the State Theatre in Traverse City. Just leave it in the envelope with a note and i will get back to you. I would be happy to do that. Im so glad you said that about our taxes. If you dont like how we are spending our tax money and we dont a lot of things, we have the ability to throw out the people that are missed spending our money. We supposedly still have a free press where that press can do their job and that press can tell us what we are doing with our tax dollars. Im glad you are supporting him but elizabeth, too. This is such a great year that the majority i think of the people who are going to be voting in the democratic primary voting aggressive. They are for elizabeth. This is a good thing and i want to underscore what you said. Weve goneng that 200 plus years and only one gender has served and for half of those years women couldnt even vote. It was a crime if you were a woman to vote. Woman three years ago but we have to get rid of the electoral college. She won by 3 million votes. Just in case President Trump is watching, i always like to by overim that he lost seven Million People difference between trump in the others. The people who did not want him to be president of the united states. Host linda out of missouri, go ahead. Caller i voted republican for mccain because i really like him. But throughout my voting career i have voted democrat, republican and independent. Republican but a ive been having my thoughts. I was born in the 50s. And i admire mr. Moore a much. I love his movies. And his books. Explain toe you to me because i do have five grandchildren that i worry about, what is the difference socialism and democratic socialism . Because i do really like bernie but im not really positive. Guest these terms are all messed up. I was on hannity a couple years ago and he said, so you are a socialist. I said, actually im a christian. Its kind of the same thing. You like to say a word because it has all these connotations. The democraticsocialist is really, the focus should be more on democratic or democracy. Problem is that the choices we are given when they say its capitalism versus socialism, i think its wrong. Thats the wrong equation. Its capitalism versus democracy. Believe that our economy should be run in a democratic fashion . Its a democracy in the sense of our Political Institutions and we get the vote. It doesnt matter if you win the election it doesnt necessarily mean you win the election either. We cant just be a political democracy. We have to have an economic democracy. The economy needs to be controlled by the people or representatives of the people. We have to have a say in this and capitalism is antidemocracy to me. I heard somebody speak the other corrupt capitalism, when you say that you are thinking of the old capitalism. Adam smith and the early capitalists said this a system wont survive if it doesnt have a heart. And its noted capitalism. Hitting a 21st century feudal system. Now is whats happening that halfat statistic of the American Public doesnt have 500 to their name. If a loved one died tonight across the country, they dont have the cash on hand by the plane ticket to go to the funeral. Half of our fellow citizens. The Economic System we want to live in . So when bernie says that that kind of Socialism Means everybody gets a seat at the table and everybody gets a slice of the pie. And some people might get a bigger slice than others, but everyone is going to have a slice and thats not the way it is now. Host Mark Zuckerberg is going to testify on capitol hill. What would you ask him . Guest im actually going to head over there. I probably shouldnt alert them that im coming. What i would say to mark inventedg is, you something that has eliminated the middleman and allows us to all kind of talk to each other. Thats a good thing. And its interesting that the motivation for this invention was simply that he wanted to meet girls. Thats really how he started in college. Became what it is. And what it is has become harmful in many ways. In the 2016 it did election. Probably what they are going to talk to him today is has this really changed . Are we going to go through in the next 12 months what we did in 2016 . With all of this orwellian fakery going on to actually move people in directions that they wouldnt move to had they not been lied to. I dont think hes got to feel good about facebook having become a lie machine. I wouldnt. I think they need to really press him on this and the larger issue of monopolies and the lack how one or two companies now control so much, is that democracy . Is that really truly an egalitarian country when one or two Companies Control everything . The i was being raised in 50s, we were told that the kind of country that says we only need one media, we only need one car company, we only need one airline. That was called something else. Odd that the socalled supporters of capitalism have shifted our system into where like the old soviet system there is no competition. There really isnt a free market. All of the things they say they believe in they really dont. They believe the best kind of company is if they could buy up all the competition and have the Old Soviet Union back. Host julie in wisconsin. Democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning. I am from wisconsin and im kind of like that lady, kind of voted voted all over the place. I questionng this, it because i dont believe the news because some of it is so fake. Voted i did not vote for hillary because i did not trust her. Ok. Now with everything coming out and beginning to think maybe we should go with Bernie Sanders. Wondering am also whats he going to do to our Social Security. Guest whats a 78yearold going to do to Social Security . [laughter] you cant have a better person being responsible to make sure that everybody over the age of 65 is going to be protected by somebody over the age of 65. I think you have nothing to worry about there. I am 60. I just turned 60 a while back. Im on Social Security because of my disability. I have a learning and spelling disability and i have a bad back condition. I do worry about things like that. Host lets take that up and your advice for julie. Guest i would encourage you to vote for bernie because he is somebody who cares so deeply about what you just described and making sure that you have a safety net. That you dont have to suffer because you have an ailment. I could go down a whole list of things from what shes talking about. Whats going on with what weve read in the paper this week about boeing aircraft. This is what happens when you dont have regulations. They are able to build planes anyway they want to build them. Theres no regulation of how they produce the pharmaceuticals you end up with pills that were made wrong. Somebody that is going to be on top of this and is going to always be thinking about the people. I would say bernie is the best for that in my opinion. But there are other democrats who also have a strong heart and a strong conviction for these things. Wouldnt . That guest they have dropped out. They are not on the stage. The 12 that are left on that stage all have strong convictions about these things. Centristmoderate and ones, the bidens and the others. Now i guessed Pete Buttigieg would be one of those. Or going to take things slower. Halfway measures. Things i dont approve of. I think we all learned from obamacare that great things happen in terms of preexisting conditions. But anybody who has obamacare knows what the cost of those deductibles are outrageous. All of those things that people shouldnt be paying for and if youve got the bronze plan, its the berlin bronze plan. Canada live a life similar to ours half a mile across the Detroit River and they cannot believe that the richest country on earth cant figure this out. The canadians and the others if youve traveled to these countries have this sense of way. We and we have sadly gone into this place of need. Most of the great religions say the most important thing is to take care of those who are the havenots. And thats our most important Michigan Mission here on earth. Say,e heard a preacher whats the way to get into heaven. When you get to the pearly gates, you need a permission slip from the poor. That said that when you were here on earth, when you are hungry you fed them. When you were homeless you gave them shelter. You took care of them. You were fair. You are just. You were honest. We cant lose these things and i fear that we are slipping away from that. Waiting in has been nashville, tennessee. With they question is level of partisanship in congress and the lack of focus in passing laws, i think to increase cooperation and progress, what to think about term limits for both congress and the judiciary. Thank you. Think generally thats a good idea. On the other hand i sure wouldnt have wanted to get rid of president roosevelt in the middle of world war ii so theres that. I see the arguments on both sides. Partisanship let me Say Something in favor of partisanship. Its good that you believe in something. If you are republicans and you have strong beliefs in something, you should fight for those beliefs. Run for office. Run locally. Get involved in the system. Fight for the things that you believe in. Some things dont have a compromise. You either believe that a fertilized egg is a human being or it isnt. Theres no halfway to that. There is no halfway to the death penalty. You either believe you can execute somebody and thats morally right or morally wrong. You cant halfway execute somebody. The whole way. Just like every other country has figured it out. People if theyve figured it out in portugal. If theyve figured out and most of the world away to take care of each other, we can do this, too. Let you get up to capitol hill. Thank you for stopping by. Guest thank you for the candidates challenging President Trump for the republican animation nomination, cspan hosts bill welsh and mark sanford. They talk about plans, strategies, and why they are running against the president. We will be taking your calls, tweets, and comments. Part of cspans campaign 2020 coverage. Cspan. Org andon listen wherever you are using the free cspan radio app. Politicon is live from nashville. Coulter,include ann nicole wallace, james cargill, sean hannity, and al franken. Time live on cspan, any on cspan. Org and listen wherever you are using the free radio app. Up next on cspan, officials speaking about the u. S. Withdraw from syria. That is followed by House Majority leader steve blair and Steve Scalise discussing the legislative agenda. Later, british Prime Minister Boris Johnson talks about his plans for braggs it while brexit. More now on the u. S. Withdraw from syria with james jeffrey, who says the state Department Special executive for syria. Withdrawal u. S. Could combat it. We come to order. Without objection all members will have five days to submit

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