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They are approaching the doors of the chamber. We will say goodbye at this point. Thank you for watching. See you tomorrow. Which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] the speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. October 16, 2019. I hereby appoint the honorable dean phillips to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2019, the chair will now recognize members fromlies submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties. All time shall be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. Each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. Now the chair recognizes the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Fleischmann, for five minutes. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to honor the great people of saudi daisy, tennessee, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of this community. Mr. Speaker, i am privileged, so privileged and honored to represent 11 wonderful east tennessee counties in this great peoples house. My largest county is hamilton, perhaps you have heard of the city there called chattanooga. Thats our largest sitty. Right up the road is a very special place. Saudi daisy, tennessee. It has a great history. Its been a city for 50 years, but long before that it all started with the construction post tavern in 1819 which hasten poe of saudi daisy called home. In the years to follow, the tavern served as a hospital during the civil war. And was torn down later but a replacement is there today. Depending on who you ask, you may get one of several stories about how it got its name. Some say it was an adaptation of an indian name meaning sipping place. Others will tell you it derived from the name of a trading post. Owned by william solder, nicknamed saudi. As time went on after the civil war, which was home to most scots and then later welshmen came, they brought coal mining to the region. The industry grew and the daisy coal company was founded by thomas parks who named it after his daughter, daisy. The coal Company Expanded and the region became known as daisy. Mr. Speaker, in 1969, america put a man on the moon, a Little Ball Club im very fond off in new york, the mets won the world series. I was 7 years old then and i didnt know somewhere in Hamilton County, tennessee, the great people of soddy and daisy were coming together to put together a beautiful city. About a week or two ago i celebrated their 50th anniversary as a city. Today joining us in this great peoples house are the men and women who serve on that commission. These are people who volunteer. They serve without pay. These are truly Great American citizens. I want to talk about them right now. Weve got mayor gino shipley and his wife. Vice mayor Robert Cochran and his wife. Commissioner jim adams and his wife. Commissioner max low and his wife. Commissioner Rick Nunnelee and his wife. I also want to recognize soddy daisy city manager janice keagle and at that celebration the very first mayor of soddy daisy, max orr was present and hes still a prominent figure in that community today. I know in soddy daisy and communities in Hamilton County today right now, mr. Speaker, School Children are watching us. In the public schools. And i want to tell them that their parents and grandparents and founders of this Great Community have been Great Americans. Soddy daisy has a rich past. I have been with this Wonderful Community in times of triumph and tragedy. I have been there when they had floods. Your community is a Great Community. Good, good people. Wonderful people. As bright as the past has been, i want to at the time students who are watching today that the future is going to be even brighter for soddy daisy, tennessee. This is a community that loves god, loves our country, loves our veterans. Its a special place. Mr. Speaker, before i yield back, i want to wish soddy daisy and the great citizens there a very happy birthday. Godspeed. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Costa, for five minutes. Mr. Costa i ask unanimous consent to address the house for five minutes and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Costa mr. Speaker, i rise today to honor the important historical figures of the Sikh Community on what will soon be the 550th anniversary of the sikh religion. It the founder of sikhism, the fifth largest religion in the world, but the story is largely unknown in the western world. Garu was born in november of 1469 in present day pakistan. According to sikh traditions, the birth an early years of his life were marked with many events that demonstrated had he been marked by divine grace. He traveled far and wide teaching people the message of one universal creator, and that god is good and that god is everywhere. Guru nanak preached the universal message of justice and equality for all. Womens empowerment. Service others, and devotion to the nature and our environment. Every year sikh pilgrims travel to his birth a place to remember his life and message of love and compassion and kindness. These values that we hold true every day. I know from personal experience and my interactions with the sikh leaders across my district and throughout this country that these values are instilled in each and every one of us and them. Unfortunately, one such sikh leader tragically passed away a week ago and her loss is heavily felt by so many members not only throughout california but in india. Mr. Speaker, i rise to celebrate the beloved member of a Sikh Community and my home of fresno, california. Miss jasper, goody sudu. Lived an and an admirable life and made so many contributions to our communities of for 25 years she produced a Weekly Television show and Founding Member of kbif 900, a local radio station. Her week long programming featured interviews with Community Members and cultural figures. She was a role model and leader to all, especially young girls and women. It not only aired in fresno but halfway around the world in india. It was also streamed by thousands on social media. Guddi was a member of numerous local organizations and worked hard to preserve the punjabi culture, sikh religion, for children and families and community and help those assimlate who came from punjab. Mr. Speaker, i ask my colleagues to join me in honoring the service of guddi sidhu. A beloved member of our community who had a passion for eople and made a difference. Mr. Speaker, i also rise today to draw attention to the recent events transpiring in syria, Northern Syria. Turkeys continuing actions against the kurds in this part of Northern Syria is not only appalling but unjustifyable and its not right. The kurds have courageously fought side by side with our o troops and deserve better. Losing over 10,000 of their caliphate. Defeat they are guarding thousands of isis prisoners. The kurds have been our partners. The United States Must Immediately impose sanctions on turkey for their irresponsible and outrageous behavior. The white house actions, i believe, have made the situation possible. And now Congress Must act to confront this unfolding humanitarian disaster, which is also a threat to our national security. And a damage to our international reputation. I will be supporting Bipartisan Legislation to confront the administration and turkey on this matter later this week. I support h. R. H. J. Resolution 77, which expresses the Congress Opposition to the administrations abandonment of the curdu kurd kurdish allies. Though turkey is a nato ally, we cannot stand by and let this happen in the face of reckless and irresponsible behavior on turkeys part. This isnt the first time turkey has acted in this way. This action has become necessary because of unilateral actions the president took without Consulting Congress or our european allies. Makes no sense. Its critical that we maintain our friendships and our alliances. America needs to have our alliances. We need to have friends. When there is no longer a prior priority for this administration to embark upon maintaining our relationships with our allies, our friends, we go down a perilous path, mark my words. The United States needs its friends and the actions like this to undermine our global image and risk as being seen as an unreliable partner in international affairs. We dont want to be seen as an unreliable partner in international affairs. I ask my colleagues to join me in cowling for responsible leadership on a bipartisan basis on this issue. I thank you. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Thompson, for five minutes. You, mr. N thank speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to discuss an issue that is incredibly important to me as a Senior Member of the house agriculture committee. My vision for the future of Rural America includes rebuilding the communities that provide much of our food, fiber, and energy. And to provide support for a robust rural economy. Of course this is virtually impossible without reliable, high speed, 5g broadband connectivity. In the late 1800s Thomas Edison created the first practical incandesce combrant light bulb. By 1925 half of all homes in the United States have electricity. Today we take electricity for granted. We dont think twice when we flip a switch. As we continue to experience todays modern technical revolution, it is my goal to see 5g broadband just as commonplace. 24 million Americans Still do not have access to broadband, and the vast majority of these people live in rural areas. A 2017 study by the United States department of agriculture discovered 29 of American Farmers did not have reliable Internet Access despite the fact that agriculture is all about technology today. Without reliable broadband access, we are leaving money on the table and the American Economy is failing to meet its fullest potential. Connectivity and competition go hand in hand. We can continue to invest in Rural Communities with 5g. Agriculture, health care, energy, education, and so many other industries demand this level of service. In 2018, we ushered in a new farm bill that underscored the importance of broadband in Rural America. Under a broadband guaranteed lending programs, larger Rural Communities are permitted to build infrastructure for telecommunication networks. The farm bill also supports Broadband Development where its most needed by prioritizing funds to Rural Communities that are at least 90 underserved or on served. We can also encourage innovation on this front through the opportunity zones. Established by the 2017 tax cuts and jobs act, mr. Speaker, opportunity zones incentivize longterm investments, private sector investments in rural, underserved, or economically distressed areas across the nation through publicprivate partnerships. In the commonwealth of pennsylvania there are 300 opportunity zones. There are 18 congressional districts. Im proud that 31 of these are in my district. To tackle Broadband Development headon, the fcc has introduced the idea of a gigabyte opportunity zones and the proposal has a prom mission future ahead of it. Gigabyte opportunity zones are designed specifically to address underserved areas by incentivizing state and local governments to foster connectivity. Streamlining regulations, supporting job creators, and strengthening our neighborhoods. With continued investment in 5g Broadband Development, the future of Rural America looks bright. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from New Hampshire, ms. Kuster, for five minutes. Mississippi kuster ms. Kuster thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in support of h. R. 4669, the maximizing drug coverage for lowincome seniors act. This past week i joined my colleagues, haley stevens, johanna haste, and terri sewell to introduce this commonsense legislation that will help to ensure that lowincome seniors are matched with the Medicare Part d Prescription Drug program that is best for them. I continue to hear from folks in New Hampshire who are struggling to pay for their Prescription Drugs. Often being forced to choose between groceries or rent and the medications that they need. They cant choose between the necessarities and their prescription medications. This legislation will help some vulnerable americans to afford the medications they stay healthy and it will save taxpayer dollars. Encourage my colleagues to support this important bill, and i yield back. He speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back, and now recognizes the gentleman from the great state of minnesota, mr. Emmer, for five minutes. R. Emmer mr. Speaker, i rise today to congratulate st. Michael city administrator steve bott for receiving the james f. Award. Leadership this award is the most prestigious award for nonelected state of vants in the minnesota. Our office has the honor of his ng with steve through role as chair of the i95 west Corridor Coalition which works expand and improve this Vital Transportation route in minnesotas sixth district. Recently joined steve at st. Michaels new public works acility and saw firsthand the incredible work hes doing in st. Michael. Effortsent that steves to improve his community has been noticed by many at home and minnesota. State of congratulations, steve, on this welldeserved award, and thank you for everything you do for our community. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to Lake Ridge Care Center in buffalo, minnesota, for providing outstanding care for seniors. This year marks the centers 100th anniversary. Facility has, this offered short and longterm care for older adults. Since a large number of are not mobile, the this 100yard line facility found 100yearold to get found a way people moving. With music requests from the residents beyond, have been motivated to exercise. As a result, the centers measures rose from 41 to 70 of residents walking and it rose in our states rankings. Congratulations to the staff at he ladies and gentlemen ridge care at the Lake Ridge Care Center. For the profound level of care. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to shaffer, te bryan blaine. For the city of brian is officially retiring after 33 years of service. Brian started with the city in june, 1986, as a code compliance officer. Later, he became the city planner. Since 2000 hes been the city. Or for the brian has left a Lasting Impact on our community. Rians fingerprints are on the largest projects in blaine, from the t. P. C. Twin cities golf open to the 3m pga tour event to the Largest Development that blaine has since thus far. Revenue , which added and growing families to the city is that project. 580 notably, brian secured acres of land which serves as wetland sanctuary. Thank you for tyour service to city, brian. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the back. Man yields the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas, mr. Marshall, for five minutes. You, mr. All thank speaker. This past weekend, i had the honor of being back in my home abilene, kansas, to 129thour 34th president s birthday and to rededicate the remodeled president ial library and museum. I got to see old friends. An old timers n baseball game. I got to hear part of ikes of his rough the eyes randdaughter mary jean, and greatgrandson. I was 9 years old when my dad was honored to be part of the for ikes funeral procession. Though ive been to the museum and library i was enthralled by ikes story. I liked the new layout and modernization. Indeed a great place to take children, to help them learn about the story of america. Story, his words, his kansas values from over 60 years ago ring as true today as they did then. Ike, who was born on the wrong tracks, literally, held hard work and education in regard. Est he often spoke of his home as the heartland of america. Valve being part of a value of being part of a and a humble life sometime. He was a visionary in many ways. One of dited to being the top five president s in American History and perhaps the reatest commanding general of alltime. He started the fight for civil rights, started nasa and the f. A. A. As well as the department of education and, of course, he was responsible for the we rstate highway system have on and rely upon today. But of all the things which i what struck the loudest chord was ikes battle to end called it, waging peace. Quote, i es words, i hate war as only a soldier who can. Ived it i hate war only a soldier who can. Ived it he coined the phrase, peace through strength. On to say, again i quote, our economic strength and military strength are our shield without which peace cannot be preserved nor defended. Dwight d. Eisenhower embodied the american ideal of success hard work, opportunity, and a purposeful life. Im thrilled as a Great American and kansan will soon be honored inh a National Monument here washington, d. C. , to celebrate his life and legacy. Mr. Speaker, for over 30 years, to work almostie every day. As you know, october is Breast Cancer awareness month, but what is people dont realize that one out of eight women evelop Breast Cancer in their life. As an obstetrician and gynecologist, i have had to tell women that very bad news, and thats why i try to remember every october, remember go get rage women to their mammogram done. If youre over the age of 35 and a year since your last mammogram, please call your physicians office, talk to a and ask her, is it time for you to go get your next mammogram done. For us to ts good talk about risk factors, risk factors for Breast Cancer. Of course, everyone knows about risk of a Family Member having Breast Cancer increases risk. And that may encourage you to get your mammogram done more often and at a younger age. You have more than one firstdegree relative with Breast Cancer, youll want to doctor about some genetic studies to see if indeed type of rrying some gene mutation that will increase Breast Cancer. There are other risks that people dont think about. A poor diet high in fat ncreases your risk of Breast Cancer. Obesity increases your risk of Breast Cancer. Lack of exercise increases your Breast Cancer. Smoking increases your risk of Breast Cancer. History of radiation exposure to increases your risk of Breast Cancer. Regular diet, exercise, 30 minutes of walking every day will decrease your risk. Often ask me about, though, are the ways you can prevent Breast Cancer, decrease your risk. Ive already mentioned a good diet and exercise, but breastfeeding also protects decreases your risk for Breast Cancer. Shoulde reason why women consider breastfeeding when they have their baby. To emphasize t today is that most new people diagnosed with Breast Cancer risk factors. Let me say that again. Most women that are diagnosed risk reast cancer have no factor at all. And thats why its important to on a ur mammogram done regular basis. The mammogram can pick up Breast Cancer two or three years before feel something, making the cancer much more treatable. Ith that, mr. Speaker, i want to say thank you and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess

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