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Attempt to extort a Foreign Government to interfere in u. S. Elections, particularly in opening an investigation on his political opponents. Terms of spending time on it, it is because it is rather straightforward. This is a complete violation of our constitutional obligations and an abuse of power and a betrayal of the country and it threatens the fabric of our National Security. I do not think we should be whether ite debating is legitimate. It is beyond legitimate. Every day goes without accountability is another day continues tority be imperiled and National Security of elections is threatened and we have to do something about it right now. Reporter what do you think impeachment means here . Impeachment means something to every Single Community in the united states. One from them day moment the muslim ban was announced and family separation happened, the moment that even the president was allowing diplomats and other government officials to use trump tower like a piggy bank, it has impacted our community directly. It has impacted my work directly. We have had to work overtime to reunite families and protect completelyare positive, contributing members of the community from having their lives destroyed. So far our community, what impeachment means is they finally believe there may be some semblance of security for their lives and protection for our community. That is why i say it is cathartic. And some people say this is not a joyous moment, and it is a seriousious, incredibly , bad moment we have come to this impasse. But so many people have been living in fear for years that their families will be ripped apart. When i hear our community applaud or sigh, that is why i say, go through it. The relief of the terror for years is something we have been holding. The purpose of the town hall was to talk about society, and yet your constituents had a lot of other things they wanted to talk about. Macro you pivot from the washington policy perspective, and what value do you get out of listening to all of the different concerns from your constituents . Talk about and update our community about the society legislation. Society legislation and a lot of our pot form is to tackle income inequality, poverty, and issues working families are encountering. I think when people ask about what to do about rent and health care, we are showing them what we are doing in washington. Rep. Ocasiocortez which is why think hearing from these concerns is so incredibly important. Meis sometimes shocking to that a lot of members, particularly republican members, go months without holding a town hall. Because how else can we navigate our policy without making sure wearing direct communication with our constituents. I think we covered a lot of ground. Everything from healthcare to alzheimers to hivaids to housing. I think we kind of opened it from the front, here is what we are doing to address some of the structural bedrock issues. Now lets get into the nittygritty of what is impacting your life directly. Expanding on that can you talk about why you feel it is important for everyone, all workers to have guaranteed benefits and health care, particularly domestic workers. What is important and how it benefits those families of everyday workers. Absolutely. Domestic workers as you mention, that is a huge part my story. My mom was that domestic worker, she clean houses. I sag rep reading books on other peoples staircases. The rights of all workers are important to me especially when it comes to to mystic workers. Workers. Mestic it is much more easy to abuse the rights of directed domestic workers, in general because theyre working in her home be on a closed door. Rep. Ocasiocortez for me, the guaranteed dignity of work is a core part of my ideology. Not just what i ran on but what i believe. I believe people should be paid enough to live. That we need to establish living wages for all workers, that health care is a ride i believe you should send your kids to College Without worrying theyre going to spend the rest of their basically indentured servitude to student loans. And i think there are certain things that we can establish as a dignified society. The reason it is important is because those are the things that make life really worth living and in a joyous hopeful way. If we are constantly short juggling to live struggling to live, how can we do other things like innovate. How can we do things like establish and respect civil rights and so on. You mention employers should all offer health care. But that that is that problem because rates can go up. Can you expand on that . Rep. Ocasiocortez actually i do not believe employers shouldour end goal is not an employers Author Health care it is that we have a Single Payer Health care system paired with now, without a sing a pair healthcare system, i do think employers should offer health care. I believe that health care is a right. And that without reliable access that is how we do at some of the barbarism of our system today. People who die because they cannot afford 300 insulin. That is not awake, i refuse to accept an america that allows people to die because they are not affording their prescription medication. Theire to afford prescription medication. As far as impeachment is concerned, do you think congressman ship may have a walking rollout ,s men shift may have a walking rollout. Rep. Ocasiocortez i do not think is rocky because all of this is in compliance with whistleblower laws. Nothing out of the norm about that. This whistleblower followed all the laws and protocols we have reestablished for was a blame. He followed the proper channels. The threat was vetted and passed on by the Inspector General red i do not think that those are not my concerns. With regard to the dust society. I understand the frustration of asking how much is going to cost. And that question is not asked about other items. Budget concerns are not insignificant. You know you will have to face this question from some of her more moderate colleagues. How much is it going to cost and how are you going to pay for itfor a just society. Rep. Ocasiocortez youre right in that this is a question that is only asked about the general welfare of the public. It is not a question we ask about war. It is not a question we ask about the two put 1 trillion gop tax cut. It is only a question we ask about when it comes to providing education, health care and providing for the webbing of the american people. That said, you have to single things out the wellbeing of the american people. If you have five bills in one resolution, the resolution cost nothing, so that is great. When you look at our housing provisions, a lot are hard rules on regulators, and protection for tenants. These are protections changes to our roles that it cost nothing to pass our rent increases. It cost nothing or it is negative all in holding a piece of landlords accountable. But when it comes to other issues like for example expanding the safety net to our criminal justice system. Notnything, that ends up saving us money as a society because youll get the city of new york alone, cost anywhere 250,000 per to year per person that is incarcerated. Pay 17,000 for every child that is in school. Net, are expand our safety and that prevent a person from become incarcerated, that as money in our pocket. So not all of these are expenditures paired a lot of them are either investments are there strict cost savings in terms of the actual legislation of some of these bills. I think there is something to be said when it comes to updating the federal poverty line. But frankly, there are a lot of people who need help, and we do not fix that problem by denying the problem. But are you going to come up with a number at some point. Rep. Ocasiocortez again each of these legislations get scored. A lot of them are not cost. So theres no reason to figure out how much something costs if it is a rule change. And for the sense that those may have a price tag attached to them, we are happy to have that conversation. Im going to ask in english and if you could give an answer in spanish far spanishspeaking viewers. How much does your lifes factor into a just society. Thats your Life Experience factor into a just society. [speaking spanish] i cover the bronx and many theests with people against expected broadbased jail. I read that you are also against the jails because it does not necessarily promise that rikers will close. Againsther reasons or broadbased jails yucca rep. Ocasiocortez i think there are a few paired women working with local organizers to have this conversation. This vote is happening october 17. It feels like what im getting for my constituents that there is a lot of confusion about what is in the plan and what is not in the plan. It seems as though at the minimum, this is about that i personally would like to see delayed. For me some of the red flags is the fact that one of our largest Infrastructure Investments we are going to make as the city, 11 billion not be toward homelessness. It will not be toward fixing our subways. It will not be toward repairing. It will be toward incarcerating people. Minimum, dn a bare cars ration in terms of principle. Decarcerate need to our country. American carts rates more people than anywhere in the world. Bylieve we can decarcerate 40 , by things like pretrial detention. By reducing the amount of people actually in a gel you can close rikers and potentially not have to do this. But there is a lot of debate on this issue. I respect and see a lot of people who say this could create other issues. We do not want to see people moved to boats or barges. I just do not want to see them in a cage at all. I think this is a conversation we need to have. And i would hope that we allow advocates along the whole spectrum to be heard. My concern is that this conversation has not quite yet happened. Your court date next month. Are you feeling optimistic . Rep. Ocasiocortez i think so. We will see. I hope that what we are really fighting for is to allow a lot of communities who often get targeted on social media, to whatthe right to monitor theyre going to be exposed to. We were give the college try. Monday, the discussion on impact of a popular election on a residential campaign. Next, a look into the lack of diversity in federal judges and. Ow it impacts this is one hour and 10 minutes. Good morning everyone. I am the executive Vice President of external affairs at the center for american progress. I want to thank each and every one of you for joining this very important event. We are here to discuss a fundamental issue that strikes at the heart of our democratic values. If we truly believe that all ic

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