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Much. I am awaiting our conference. Junko he is a man of few words and gets it done. That is what i like about him. The whistleblower is very inaccurate. The whistleblower started this whole thing by writing a report on a conversation i had with the president of ukraine. Ukraine. The conversation was perfect. It could not have been nicer. And the conversation was perfect. Not a thing wrong. Unless you heard the adam schiff made up part of the conversation. It should be criminal. It should be treasonous. He made it up, every word of it. I tell you what, he should be forced to resign. Adam schiff is a lowlife. He should be forced to resign. Realized he could not read it to congress. It was a very nice conversation. Many people were on the phone. We had stenographers on the phone taking it down word for word. He took that conversation which was perfect. He said i cant read this. He made up a conversation and he reported it and said at the congress and the American People. It was horrible what he said. That was supposed to be coming from me. It was all fabricated. He should resign from office in disgrace and frankly they should look at him for treason because he is making of the words of the president of the United States. Not only words but the meaning and its a disgrace. It should not be allowed to happen. Reporter [indiscernible] pres. Trump no, no. He did not say that. He did not say that. If you look at what he said, he found everything to be very normal. He is a good man. He found it to be very normal. I saw schiff call him shifty schiff. He is a shifty, dishonest guy was critical of one of the great secretaries of state. Graduated number one in his class at west point. Graduated top one of the top of his class at harvard law school. The most honorable person. Mike pompeo. This guy was negative on mike pompeo. There is an expression. He could not carry his blank strap. He could not carry his blank strap. You understand that . I watched over the last few days and i watched some other countries build up, build up. We have built up more than anybody because of me. No help from the democrats. Do nothing democrats. They dont have any work. All they want to do is try to steal the election in 2020. They come up with this impeachment nonsense. The conversation is all based on one phone call i had. Im talking to the president of ukraine. You will hear from our ambassadors and some of the folks that know about the call. Why the call was set up and every thing else. It is perfect. Lindsey graham said i did not know there was no quid pro quo. Before they said the only reason i put that out and i did it with the approval of ukraine, otherwise i could not have done it, was the whistleblower was so dishonest. The whistleblower said terrible things about the call, but he then it was second and third hand. He did not know what was on the call. These are bad people. These are dishonest people. When the American People it will be a great day. We have to go back to building our country. 99 of Nancy Pelosis time is spent on this. She should worry about lowering, the price of drugs which i have done. It is hard to do without the help of congress. Border security. We have hundreds of miles of wall under construction on the southern border. She should worry about infrastructure. She should worry about the usmca. She is not doing it. I saw part of her press conference. Im sorry to bother you with this, mr. President , because we have other things to talk about. She said drug prices. She has been trying to get drug prices down for how long has she been in congress . Are you see was happening to her district . It is called tent city. We sent a violation to the city of san francisco, unsafe water, unsafe conditions, environmental. Our epa is sending nancy pelosi, with all the talk about epa, there are needles and drugs all over the street. There are tents. There are people dying in squalor in the best location, san francisco. You have to see whats happening to san francisco. You have to see what the democrats have allowed to happen as an example of what they have allowed to happen. Take a look to los angeles. Yesterday, as you know, i was sued by the governor, gavin newsom, another beauty. I was sued by him, a do nothing. I cant get on the ballot in the state of california. It was a massive story, the biggest story, mr. President. It was headlines all over the place. Trump gets sued by this donothing governor in california. It was big. Here is what happened. Yesterday i won the case. Very convincingly. A very tough, smart, highly respected judge, not a trump person at all, not appointed by trump. Appointed by someone you would call the opposition. Came out with a scathing and tough opinion. I won the case. I did not see one story that i won the case from the fake news. I did not see steve write it. I did not see you write it. Let me just tell you to finish. Nancy pelosi and shifty schift, who should resign, and jerry nadler, its a disgrace what is going on. We should be focused on making America Great again and keeping America Great because that is what we have to do. When i look at that parade with military and millions of people, we better get smart. We better start focusing on the right thing. What they did was nonsense. You have a perfect i mean perfect conversation whether president of another country, ukraine in this case. They try and say lets impeach him. They have been trying to impeach me from the day i got elected. I have been going through this for three years. They have been trying to impeach me from the day i got elected. You know what . They failed. This is the easiest one of all because this one is based on one conversation. What about obamas conversation with the president of russia . He said tell vlad i will talk to him after the election. Nobody reports that. That is stuff you should report. You people should be ashamed of yourself. We have the most Dishonest Media you can imagine, and you should be ashamed of yourselves. I think ive answered most of your questions. Pres. Niinisto finland is the happiest country in the world. What can you learn . Pres. Trump you get rid of pelosi and finland is a happy country and he is a happy leader. Reporter are you going to cooperate the identity of the whistleblower should be protected . Pres. Trump i think the whistleblower should be protected, if the whistleblower is legitimate. When the Whistleblower Makes a big report on the conversation i had with a president of ukraine, and it was a great conversation. We talked mostly about congratulations on your win. We talked about corruption and referring to 2016 because what the democrats did in 2016 was corrupt. Lets see what happens. They are more concerned with that been with impeachment. They may be trying to hide what is coming. I let our great Law Enforcement take care of it. Attorney general barr i guess is working on it and i hope he is working on it because what happened in 2016 is a disgrace to this country. They are more worried about that because they know they are guilty as hell. They are much more worried about that. Reporter [indiscernible] pres. Trump when a whistleblower are you ready . I heard the whistleblowers report from you people. How bad it was about a simple conversation. This whole thing revolves around a simple conversation. If you remember at the beginning it was quid pro quo. That is all you heard about. I think he said seven or eight times. You will do this or we will not give you money. You will do this. I never said it. When i heard these horrible stories come out i had no choice but to release a conversation, which i hate to do any hope i dont have to do it again, with the leader of a country. I asked a certain person to call up the country to get permission to do it where would not have had permission to do it. It was so innocent. If anything, it helped them because it was an innocent conversation. One of whistleblower takes a very nice, innocent Lindsey Graham said i never knew you were that nice of a person. You are really, really nice. Lindsay said i never knew you were so nice. That was a perfect conversation. I heard rick scott today say that was a perfect conversation. How can they impeach him on the conversation . Hes a very smart guy from florida, rick scott. He said that was a perfect conversation. How can you impeach somebody on that conversation . The whistleblower wrote not that conversation. He wrote a vicious conversation. In other words, he either got it totally wrong, made it up, for the person giving the information to the whistleblower was dishonest. This country has to find out who that person was because that person is a spy in my opinion. When a whistleblower purposely or not gives something that is totally erroneous here is where i fooled him. They never thought i would release the conversation. They never thought in a million years i would release the conversation. When little adam schiff saw the text and read it he could not believe it. When nancy pelosi called for essentially impeachment lets impeach the president before she saw the transcript, this is a word for word transcript of the conversation, right . Taken by very talented sonographers. When she saw that i heard she went crazy. She said we cant impeach him on this conversation. Thats a great conversation. She went by the whistleblower. The whistleblower was so bad i would even think about it. The whistleblower was wrong. The only thing that matters is the transcript of the actual conversation i had with the president of ukraine. It was perfect. We are looking at congratulations. We are looking at doing things together. What are we looking at . We are looking at corruption. 1999, it was corruption between both countries. I have a duty to report corruption. Bidens son is corrupt and biden is corrupt. Almost any of those candidates, and i think they are all weak, but i think biden has never been a smart guy and he is less smart now than he ever was. Thank you very much. [reporters shouting questions] pres. Trump let me do that again. Thats a fair question. Last night my people came to me. Listen to this, mr. President. Im glad they are interested in finland. I am interested in finland. They said there is a book or something being written by the Washington Post people, so you know it is inaccurate. Two reporters said, President Trump started screaming, ranting and raving that on the southern border where we are building a tremendous wall, unbelievable what is going on. Army corps of engineers. We will soon have over 100 miles under construction and we will end up with 400 to 500 miles. That i wanted a wall, and i want a moat, whatever that is. It is not a word i used, but they used it. In the moat i wanted alligators and snakes. I wanted the ball to be a fence and i wanted it to be electrified. And i wanted sharp spikes at the top so it goes piercing through their skin, somewhat there with the way they said it. Skin piercing spikes. I wanted that whole wall to be electrocuted. Sir, you never said that. They came to me yesterday and they said, did you say this . Why are you asking that stupid question . Because the Fake News Media is saying you said this in a book. What book . They said Washington Post. Obviously it is fake because everything the Washington Post does is fake. It is done by a rich guy for the purposes of giving him power in washington. I call it the lobbyist Washington Post for amazon. He ought to be ashamed of himself. What they did to his reputation i think is no good anyway, but what they did to his reputation with the Washington Post is a disgrace. These reporters wrote this book. They said i want a moat with alligators, snakes, electrified fences so people get electrocuted if they touch the fence, and spikes on top. Never said it, never thought of it. I put out something on social media today. I said i am tough on the border but not that tough. It was a lie. You asked the question. It was a total lie. It was corrupt reporting. I dont even use fake anymore. I called the fake news corrupt news because fake is not tough enough. I am the one that came up with the term. I am very proud of it. I think i will switch it to corrupt news. The media in this country not everybody. We have some great journalists, but much of it is corrupt. You have corrupt media in this country. It truly is the enemy of the people. Thank you very much. [reporters shouting questions] announcer following those remarks, fenton trump and president Sauli Niinisto held a press conference. They took questions from reporters. Many focused on the whistleblower complaint against President Trump. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States and the president of the republic of finland. [applause]

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