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Toight kelly and i are going have a fire side chat. We thought this would be a of having a dialogue about our republican get to know kellyanne better. Being ff, thank you for here. Let me say thank you to you, jane. You are a fantastic state party chair woman for the state of ohio. You. Beginning with the president and ice president appreciate your leadership in ohio and i want to my nd everybody here im in personal capacity as Kellyanne Conw conway. Those t want any of ethics people to get crazy overnight. Up t a little more dressed than unusual because it is date ohio. In i want to thank you and senator mrs. Portman and the Lieutenant Governor and we have ther statewide elected officials, local officials. Want to have a great time and support what i call the freedom agenda. Being here and being part of a movement in the protects ry that freedom and liberty. Thank you and god bless each and you. One of a lot thing a talk about is encouraging women to get involved in public service, running for office or working on a campaign. To lieve it is important have more women involved in the political process. We as a party nk should do to empower more women or to get office involved in politics . Question andrrific the number one impediment for any women not running for office is nobody has ever asked them to do it. I love you but you wake up every morning and see a senator mirror. Women have to be told you would e great for the on commission or mayor or school board, what about congress. Ave you thought about ever upping your game from olunteering or driving seniors to polls or getting involved in believe policy and running yourself . I think that it is very daunting for some people, men and women, run. They already have full lives. You wonder how would i fit this the never ending todo list. I want to do the best job i can do. But you will stay up at night anyway worried about the issues world in ohio and your counties in ohio so you ight as well take all of that angst and those beliefs and and put it e action into greatness. Run yourselves. m not sure i would ever do that so i dont mean to be presenting to people something i myself would never do but there are many ways. As donors, nvolved you can be involves. A very important special voice at the policy table and i can say in our and especially given the president i work for, a seat at utely have the table and we are not just to you can only talk about issues, we ster of can talk about the we cluster, the like. My and so one thing from the beginning s to say to women in your peer group i can understand why you why you sayolitics, politics is an awful game and it toxic, people are just mean o each other and get nothing done in the State Capitol or washington, d. C. Ou have to admit to women that you can understand why i hate politics. But they dont hate public politics is a mean to the end they care about. Say i dont care for politics women do not mean i ont care who runs the School System because they did. I dont care how much you tax me because they do care. Dont care if the government runs healthcare into the ground, that. Dont carr about have beenre if things destroyed. They do care. Favoriith in women to take on the Public Policy and put and knowledge it in a place that encourages to run for state party chair or elective office. Women should ink run because they are women. I think women should run because strong, strongwilled, thinking human beings who have a lot to add to the Public Policy conversation. Talked about in 2016 to just give a condition terrace, a con terrace contrast, female candidates ften have three distinct advantages. They are seen as fresh and new. Never will a female congresswoman from this area or chair female. Jane is the first one. There you go. Or five machien on the council. Great if a woman would run. Attractive to many voters. Women are seen as less i would say incorrup incorruptib incorruptible. More ethical than the system firstould be entering the time. That the is not a gender comm t comment. Of thee been never heard Old Girls Network because there isnt one. That is ok. Ou have seen this happen in races where you have a scandal, comes i s and a woman was not part of that scandal and call. D not know no the other thing is they are seen s negotiators, consensus builders generally interested in what their political opponents feel about a particular Public Policy issue and how they might agree. I will give an example. E have here with rob portman whoer lucky to have and we are lucky to have in washington once while. Portdman. Jane i portman. Opioidd with them on the crisis and it is their portmans and senator bipartisan leadership that has truly us starting to break the back of the crisis. Ou have the second hardest hit state in the country but ov down 5 , eaths are years. T decline in 30 in ohio they are down more than 20 . Remarkable. You have in your own senator synthetic opioids. You had him pushing with men and omen from both sides of the aisle the crib act, something embraced so y has babies born chemically dependent there are more resources for them and finding ways for the and mother to stay together. I can go on and on but thats one example of something that you hard here in ohio that we are starting to see the right ship turn in the direction. A lot of people. I see everyone. This is important. Yesterday the ribbon newcut by the governor on a High School First of its kind in ohio. Leadership. Or your we are very sorry for the loss bless him and god and thank you for turning your grief into something so positive. I answered your question in a couple of case. Gave an st thing is i example of an issue where we eed more leadership of both genders but female voices saying public wow thrarbgs is a Public Policy issue that needs people in government to work with the sector and favorite based centers and health and law nals enforcement but we need the Government Intervention to get funding. You are absolutely right. Believer in more women running for office. Are thinking ou about it come see me. Backstage. Do you think the democrats moving further left helps the reelection . I think i know the answer to that. Will w do you think it affect their party in the i donte conway recognize the Democratic Party. I was raised in a very unconventional household. I was raised by my mom, her mom, and two of my mothers unmarried sisters, younow know, the italian girls that dont marry. I didnt know what we didnt know. I didnt know what we didnt have. Raised byew i was women, at the height of the feminist year, my father left us. My mother was given a subscription to miss magazine. Catholic, 100 italian, catholic, workingclass, nobody had gone to college. Basically, they were democrats. I should have been a big feminist democrat. But they were democrats who believed in the second amendment, who were prolife, who believed yes. [applause] Kellyanne Conway as Small Business owners, you work seven days a week. They believed that they were just trying to make their life better than their immigrant forefathers before, and that my life would be better than theirs, and so on and so forth. I dont recognize the Democratic Party. Find in the congress prolife democrats, democrats who voted for the tax cut and act. Ack jobs you have democrats running for president saying, i am going to ban fracking. Go talk about that in ohio and pennsylvania. They dont want any cows, gas, they dont want any gas coming out of cows. Power,nt want nuclear they are telling you how to live your life. Apart from the offensive price tag of consistent story government measures like the Green New Deal and medicare for all, the attention to what they are doing Pay Attention to what they are doing. Apart from the obscene monetary cost, the moral cost of the government in every decision you make is antithetical. Said, asresident pence long as we are there and you are here, the United States of america will never be a socialist country. Ever. [cheers and applause] Kellyanne Conway lets have a little bit of fun with the democratic field, shall we . So, we had a woman who was running. Her big platform was women empowerment. Women were not buying it in the Democratic Party. Kirsten gillibrand, out of the race already. These are not right wingers getting in her way. Of the race. D out jay inslee, the twoterm governor, running on climate change. He is out. The twoterm governor of colorado, a swing state, to governor i worked on on a couple of things, john hickenlooper, out. The mayor of new york city, had about as many people who had about as many people in a rally in iowa than i had around my sunday afternoon dinner table. This is called sunday dinner in an italian girls house, not a rally. Out. Just embarrassing. If their policies were cohesive and coherent and compelling and conservative, they would still be in the race. People simply are not buying what they are selling. We are the democrats, we are for transformational generational transformation, it will nominate the first female president of the United States, we already did that. They say all that, and their top whitecandidates are career politicians in their 60s and 70s, which i have nothing against, except they certainly do. Kamala harris, where is cory booker, where is Amy Klobuchar in the vls . The polls . That is the Democratic Party electorate rejecting them. I dont know why the heck the Democratic Party electorate is so racist and sexist, i cant figure it out. [laughter] Kellyanne Conway they seem so beholden to the extremes. They seem like they will say anything. That is truly scary. What about when they were asked in the first debate, how many of you want to give Health Care Benefits to Illegal Immigrants . They all raised their hands. They wouldve put their foot up in the air. Governmentew deal, taking over health care, and joe biden, he doesnt some coherent half the time, but he doesnt sound like joe biden anymore. This is not the joe biden was represented delaware in the senate or the chairman of the judiciary committee. It is not that joe biden. We will see what happens. I think the negative affect of the Democratic Party longterm ohio was anok, outlier in 2018. You furnished a number of republican statewide elected officials and members of congress, and that is really terrific, because it was a rough year. It in ohio, and i think part of that is leadership, investing believing in voters, registering voters, getting the message out. I think it is also because in 2016, you have the transformation going. Think about how Many Democrats in justpublican in ohio the past couple of cycles. In the president s rally in new mexico, they had 30 hispanic democrat, i just read it online. They are already reaching over across the aisle. The people who believe in the freedom agenda, who dont want the government to get between them and their doctors and pocketbooks, between them and their kids, between them and their churches, schools, health care. Who wants the government in the Doctors Office with you . I do think longterm, they are going to have a problem, but the transformation you started here in ohio is a true model that i use all over the country. You can roll the tape. Three withm plus president obama in 2012 to plus eight for President Trump. That is an 11 point swing in one election cycle. That is remarkable. Remarkable. [applause] Kellyanne Conway that is not a squeaker. Vote, iook at the raw believe president obama beat governor romney by about 100 some thousand votes, maybe 132,000 votes, may be higher. Then you have donald trump beating by 433,000 votes in 2016. The woman who lost the election, whose name i never say anymore, her, she lost i have a million votes here in ohio. Of 80n eight out counties. 88 counties. The difference is the Company Combination of methods and delivery. Delivery is no longer a style, wearing a certain color, that is fine, Everybody Knows that delivery is a system. We now have somebody in President Trump that communicates directly with the people. I think that is transformative for the electoral process. What do you think are the three compliments of President Trump that will impact the Election Campaign will significantly . Most significantly . Kellyanne conway that is a great question. I will go with if i am will sayhree i these. Certainly, the economy. Let me Say Something about the economy for a moment. You heard all the statistics and you know here in ohio your about 4 Unemployment Rate you are about 4 Unemployment Rate also. Under the new Republican Leadership in ohio, yes, it is the Unemployment Rate, but look at ohio, you have the lowest numbers in an insurance claims in employment insurance claims. That is huge. Look at numbers like that. Other leading indicators. The deregulatory agenda has kicked out 13 regulations for every new one in. Air,hose 13 are not clean those are duplicative, onerous,nvasive, expansive expensive ways the people were getting into your property, pocketbooks, into your schools, into your Small Business and survival. The deregulation and tax cuts that lead to americans getting a both, we a raise, or went to 21 below the 23 average. There is no incentive for this companies. Theyre bringing back the wealth and bringing back the jobs to our country. Also the 6 million plus jobs that have been created since President Trump has been elected. In which industry . Agriculture, manufacturing, coal. You have candidates now saying do away with coal, fracking. I think an Inflection Point for Hillary Clinton was when she promised to put the coal miners out of work. Really . Thanks for that free advertising. States who care about people in the states it is also the energy explosion. The energy development. We are now for the First Time Since the 1950s a net exporter of natural gas and oil. [applause] Kellyanne Conway that is economic. So, one criticism i had about messaging by the Republican Party years ago i was very vocal about it was having the same people around the campaigns, and the candidates losing. Apparently, doing well for themselves is not tied to success. But donald trump is taking care of that by and large. The big important one is if we are only talking to job creators, or entrepreneurs. I love business owners. I love job creators. Economy,usiness and because with an economy that job creators, job holders, and job seekers, you need to benefit all three in a robust driving, continuing thriving, continuing economy. They are being rescaled and retrained. Orple dont just have jobs availability of job security where they are, they have job mobility. You have a great job already . You can go and choose and look for a job closer to home, so your commute is not as onerous, so you can spend more time with the kids, doing what to do to do for you what you want to do for you. Pick one that just makes you happier. Thinking six years ago you were stuck in that job were looking for a job, now you have your pick. That is great for the job holders and jobseekers, and of course theres great economy for ae job creators thats great economy for the job creators, as well. Just created last week the 150th federal judge confirmed. 150 and counting. [applause] Kellyanne Conway and, that includes are two Supreme Court our two Supreme Court justices. We as americans dont always pay close enough attention to how much our judiciary, how much sayinion and control and they have over our pocketbooks and civil liberty issues. For the president to be transforming the federal judiciary chain with people who dont look at the constitution as a paper towel, but actually is a document with protecting as a document with protecting and consulting on trying to figure out how to interpret the laws, i think that is incredibly important, and he is just getting started. This has been a centerpiece of the Trump Presidency and leader mcconnells tenure as majority leader in the senate. That will have implications. These are lifetime appointments, in many cases. That will have many implications for our jet is prudence. Jurisprudence. I would say the third one is what the president is doing and continuing to do on the world stage reporter . The reason i say. Continuing to do on the world stage. A president who listens to his , telling him your biggest challenge is going to be north korea, may be a different president , may be a typical politician would of said yeah, you didnt do much for eight years, i guess we wont track. I guess the budget is not even worth engaging. The president sees it differently. He is willing to meet with people and bad actors and people if it will help to secure the peace and prosperity here and bring it to other hotspots around the globe. When i talk about national onurity and what he is doing the world stage, i throw in there trade. To look at the trade agreement he just secured with japan, the trade agreement he secured earlier with korea, of course, the trade agreement with need to get to a vote, the usmca, the u. S. Mexicocanada agreement needs to get to about. The house representative seems awfully busy voting on articles of impeachment and assorted nonsense, but ladies and gentlemen, you can call your members of congress and somebody elses member of congress and tell them to get the vote on the usmca. It is a great way to modernize nafta. It is great for ranchers, manufacturers, jobseekers, job holders, but what the president is doing on the world stage whether it is in asia or entree, whether it is four on trade, whether it is denuclearizing, and standing retaliating, the president doesnt like multilateral trading, but he likes bilateral, in the case of the usmca, trilateral. Will continue to happen on the the president will be the first onstage stage to calling meeting and give an address about freedom. [cheers and applause] Kellyanne Conway and that is taking the case to the rest of the world and saying roughly about 80 of the worlds canttion where they worship freely or express that. Some are paying the ultimate price for that. In this country, it is our first freedom. This, first to do that. Pretty remarkable he will give his big address on tuesday. Definitely you can throw the. Rug crisis in there he took over as president in a time where fentanyl was spiking greatly in our communities, and he called it a crisis, because it really is everywhere. We are working on the treatments, the law enforcement, prevention education. This is something the president and first lady work on together. It is something we take right to our communities. Something, if i had a runnerup to the three, i would place that of there up there. I see how much progress has been made and how much is left to be done. I have to ask, as the First Successful female president ial campaign manager, how did you break through the barrier to get to such a high position . Kellyanne conway well, thank you. Two things. First is, like many, many people, no different, i worked my bought off butt off for many, many years. Bought four prints from an art dealer outside, i believe it was right here 20 years ago, and they followed me through houses. I had just made a little bit extra money. Nothing expensive, but they meant something to me. Pollster, from the person im the person who went to see how it was playing. I feel privileged to have done that. What i did was literally got outside the beltway and even got outside the state capital often enough and listened to people. And what a magical, magnificent country we live in where i so enjoy and trust and have learned from humbly, from the wisdom of the american people. They have unbelievable ideas. Yes, they do. You have unbelievable ideas. [applause] Kellyanne Conway they thought this through. They have the solutions. Like everybody else, i worked hard. I didnt get married and have children until i was much older and i built my business. Flow cross the country, make connections flew across the country, make connections. It was fun, i was younger. I want everybody to always know this. Donald j. Trump, he asked me to be his campaign manager, just the two of us, he cleared the room. I was already on the campaign. You never once said to me, i need a woman. Where losing with women we are losing with women. He didnt say that one time. He said, do you think you can run this . What am i running, the campaign, the chute . Shoot . He said, the campaign. I looked at the polls, and i said we are losing, but we dont have to. Right now, the campaign, the election is about you. He said, i get the most media attention. Said, if you make it about hillary again, you win. The polls are saying she is not honest or trustworthy. She has 100 name id. What are they going to find out about her . It backed my point, fresh and new. Or beyond an approach is likely. Or consensus an approach is ethically. I credit President Trump for something no other president has an. I was hiding in plain sight for a decades. But he gave me not position or power, he gave me the freedom and latitude, and it allowed him to go what he wanted to do and what he did best, which is fly around the country and show up in the next and crannies, in the communities of this great country, and deliver his message directly to the people. Knowing that somebody and a few people, and a few teens, were looking at the data, not doing what they were doing in her campaign, the fastest to make a small fortune is to waste most of it, we were overspent, understaffed, under resourced. It made us really creative and it made us realize the greatest assets they truly didnt see what we saw. Which you know firsthand. Andh is when Donald Trump Mike Pence would show up somewhere separately or together, the local and Regional Media would be fantastic. They would totally missed that. Miss that. Will they vote . Waited in the rain for three hours. But that is donald trump who did that. He believed in me to help lead that campaign. I always share the credit. I do think the president himself andrves most of the credit nearly all of the credit, i will say. It proves that candidates matter. Your message matters. Campaigns matter. The other thing i wanted to tell you, because i think eventually it will come back to a higher back to ohio. I said to mr. Trump, i called him that at the time, he said, ok, honey, and bust. He was and left. I was going he was going to altoona, pennsylvania. He said i will share respect, there is a relationship of principal then staffer, and when it need to deliver good, bad or did. News, i i want to tell you something else. Donald j. Trump did something and believed in something, including in his selection of governor pence as his running mate. Something that other republican candidates up and down the ballot refused to do, and still dont do as much. Ch is, he didnt buy into buy into the three words, you cant win. I dont know if you can or cannot win until you do or you dont. People will tell you, thats right. People will tell you jane, three years, two years, six months before an election, who can and who cant win. Told that just being he cant win, we were being told what senator obama had been told eight years earlier in the joke, dont are a even bother. He was told that in the primaries. Twoterat her, became a m president. But what donald trump did is realize that electability is a trap, because what it does is it favors the pockets, high name deep pockets, high name ids. What the donald trump do . He replaced electability with electoral college. I told him, i can help you. You have to allow me to do the following things, he replaced electability with the electoral college, thats right. And so, he chose a midwestern governor who had also been in the house for 12 years, a successful governor who had ties to the evangelical community, aintjudicial restr movement, that the regulatory the deregulatory movement. Going back to places like ohio and iowa and pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin, places where people send you cant win, once you get past that, you say, of course i can win. Creditive him a ton of for doing that, but the long did what all of you have done. I worked hard along the way and number two, i ran into elevated aump, he woman when nobody did it, he did it in the trunk organization for years Trump Organization for years, the campaign, the cabinet. It is not just who he elevates around him, it is what he is doing for americas women and men through these policies, and the way he is restoring respect and resources to our veterans and to our military, who are owed that. [applause] Kellyanne Conway before we close, i was hoping you could share a personal anecdote with your travels with the president during the campaign trail. Kellyanne conway ive got it. It was here in ohio. Actually told this very story when senator david purdue interviewed me in georgia. They enjoyed it, but it happened in ohio. It is labor day, 2016. I got on the plane that they with mr. Trump out of new york, usually out of laguardia. Newark. Rk i tried to warm the plane every four day go on the plane every 4 5 day. Plane. Get on this we are headed to cleveland first. , thenand, then youngstown fly back. We are going to meet up governor pence, was flying to cleveland, as well. We get on the plane, can mr. Trump says, why dont we do that . We look up at the tv on the plane, and Hillary Clinton had invited press on to her Campaign Plane for the first time. I said, have the press on our plane . It is not outfitted for that. Usually we are all full. And ibut they should, said, they are in the plane behind us. I said, Stephanie Grisham is with them. He said, they should be on her. Flight between cleveland and youngstown, why dont we invite them all then . All right, lets do it. I said, i dont want to lose my job. He said, that wasnt my goal either today, on labor day, but lets give it a try. So, the press came onto the plane. 20 minutes, they sent around, they loved it. It. At around, they loved the president loved that. We get to cleveland, and there were a couple of events. There were Union Leaders supporting trumpvence. We went to a diner. Then, we went over to a fundraiser in youngstown. Then, we got in the car for the last event of the day. The event was the Mahoning County fair. When we had landed in cleveland earlier that day, we were the fourth plane to land, there were three other planes, mike pence, Hillary Clinton, and tim kaine. Everybody was in ohio that day. The second most saturated state ads. Dds in the thank you for being saturated, because it prevented them from going to michigan or wisconsin. Do that again. We knew they were there. Know,mr. Trump, you i said to mr. Trump, you know, they just sent him for their first joint interview for abc news with david mayor. David muir. We asked if youre available, lets do it. We go to the Mahoning County , kenfield county fair, thats what it was. Is beingd, david muir driven down, abc is setting up, i have a picture of it. A gorgeous backdrop, the Rolling Hills and the two chairs, david muir, its going to be beautiful. There, and on the way, the governor, i know my corndogs, i know my games, i know my lemon freezes, ive got this. We got there, and the secret service is not letting me out of the car. They had slept the place swe pt the place, they had not swept it for a makeshift rally for tens of thousands of people that came out. That was my First Experience with such an event, where i really felt the only person at the fair that they was john kasich. Love you, governor. I never saw so many people. I never saw so many happy people standing sidebyside. They had been there for hours, and the temperature was 86 degrees. If you go to a rally, it a civilized, you have a seat, a ticket, might be able to sit in the a. C. People there had no idea what time they were going to show up and they were there the last day of the official summer, they were so happy to be there. Mr. Trump said, you have to figure out a way to get out of this vehicle and walk around with the people. Line formed a snake like for us to go through. I have been to plenty of county fairs, not quite like that. They would not let abc news interview them on that hill. The secret service. They said, there is no way, we slept the place. Swept the place. The president then says, those people, im going to show up for somewhere where someone doesnt play a Musical Instrument or sing. They did the interview inside the building. Inside a building. That was a big day for me and it ys within my heart for until this moment, because it should make people did not think that was just a routine, typical campaign that they wanted to give money to or foot for. Vote for. It was a movement. It was a movement that included them indiscriminately, thathat was really the way President Trump reached out and to sod reached out Many Americans and made them feel included. I think my last answer goes to your first question, as well. If people feel excluded from the process, they are not going to want to participate. They will think politics is a dirty word and will never run for office. We are building a movement. The under resourced, understaffed campaign, i think it should be and still will be trumppence in nature. It centers around the principle that he doesnt need this. He doesnt need this. They sacrificed a great deal to be president and first lady, trust me. It is for the people. And that is really the key, is for the people. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much, kellyanne, for coming here to ohio and telling us that great story about the kenfield fair. It means so much to me and all of us in the room to have you here. Thank you for everything that you did to elect President Trump in 2016, and thank you for supporting republicans. Kellyanne conway thank you ohio Republican Party, god bless you, and keep at it. God bless you. Enjoy your dinner. Thank you. [applause] announcer President Trump spoke to reporters at the you one today and was asked about his conversation with ukraines president. He also talked about the u. S. Economy during his brief remarks

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