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That we are welcoming students and u. S. Institutions. I teach a human rights course and i have some mainlanders who didnt want to take my course because they were afraid to take the course. Other people were reporting on who took it for human rights in china and the director, and then even recently if i had the students in the class, observers and whatever in the mainland, the census is on the mainland students as well so we do have them protesting, but we also have to recognize that they are all under surveillance with families back home. They really want to echo the call to bring in the role of the companies ended together, as they protect hong kong act moves forward and discussion is going through a legislative process, i think it would be good to think about and address the u. S. Companies because not only will the denial of these export licenses address the issue that will address the issue of no longer being complicit but will it address the issue of the actual category of lethal and nonlethal material, and i wanted to point out that the China International exhibition on Police Equipment every two years, the next one they all held in beijing will be held on may 122 the 15th. Thats a really important date and they have thousands of exhibitors from all over the world. In the past we have been monitoring Many Companies that have gone to exhibit and sell and afterwards reports very probably very probably they also report on th reported on tf millions of dollars of contracts thabut they were able to securen beijing so one thought might be to offer additional licenses and what about technology transfers, without collaboration and training the chinese partner companies, what are the other thing that needs to be in place because theyve been named an economic competitor for the u. S. It is not an even playing field. Its whether we are dominating the economy, youre not investing in your companies but china is investing in the Key Industries and thats technology and the ai, the military sector, Financial Services and then the completely stateowned enterprise. I want to ask one final thought for what can be done going forward. On the council at the end of this year, china rotates off and cant come back on. I think that is the year in which i know you have left the council for various analyses of its effectiveness, it is a leading player among all the Member States in the council you can exercise your role as an observer and your very influential role in working with other democratic governance to issue joint statement initiatives, so it is important and particular that is the year you are on the ngo committee. That is the year to support and push for reforms needed to allow for the Civil Society groups its very important that the u. S. Can raise the issues but in the General Assembly that is where i think it is really important to exercise leadersh leadership. The 2,020th the year you can push because they will be there with the client states and threatening everybody else to support them, but the point is they will not have a vote, so i think it is a good year to get some traction. I will make a couple of quick comments one is that cooperation and this may need to be reconsidered or looked up more strongly in the future. Second, as far as companies go in hong kong is a system where the Patriotic Companies are privileged over other companies if you happen to be a prodemocracy supporter, you are at the bottom, it is not an enemy. Regarding the universities, they are all funded by the the govert statistics on the pressure of the academic agendas Research Interest and so forth and there are real problems if you are considered a sensitive personality such as spending time or researching sensitive issues that may or may not be evident. Theres also a lot of things that have been related to academic and other freedoms above the water and below the water line. Even if you are not arrested, your name is being recorded and associated as being a protest site. This may come down in a hiring decision, vetting process by other companies. The former chief executive discussed such a possibility around 2014 or 2012. The chinese Stateowned Enterprises incorporated into the hong kong shoul shouldnt be treated as hong kong companies. Thank you. I know there is a vote on and so im going to yield over to senator king. But we could keep your answers short to get the questions in and i think that would be helpful. I am struggling with the fact that we have got an island of democracy in the cf repression. You have a country that seems to be perfecting the control state. Millions of cameras, facial recognition and yet we have got hong kong. There are two societies moving in the opposite direction. But a freedom of Expression Movement or they are in such firm control this is a fantasy . Where does this go quick. Thank you i have no answers because this is an ongoing struggle but you put your finger on it the control state is that china has built a whole ecosystem of control through the technology and through the law and the most comprehensive because it is built on selfcensorship and social platforms reporting on each other so there is a whole ecosystem that is comprehensive prickle but the one thing about technology that is interesting is that asymmetry of power you could have that powerful authoritarian state is not withstanding the mass crackdowns on lawyers or torture the communist party has not been able to shut down the Chinese People who continue to work for a heat hole range. But hong kong always has been the only city in formal china that has over 100,000 people every year on june 4th remembering. Hong kong students and journalists who went up to beijing to support the Democracy Movement there are very moving stories of the protesters knowing the tanks were coming. And the beijing regime tolerate hong kong . Is that a fundamental threat the part that has the golden egg they like that part but that is a free range farm now they want that golden goose. [laughter] to keep playing those eggs but no air or nothing. So they try to do the impossible they try to keep half of it but deny the reality we have a history of freedom and then i do teach some civil rights and into demonstrate in those demonstrations and when they participate the people will get a knock on the door from Public Security to say your daughter and your son is in the march and tell them to stop. Mainland is in hong kong so its not just what you see in the media but the hong konger who support and are inspired by that is what beijing is afraid of. They are afraid now suddenly they realize we cant censor everything because they have legal vpns and they are getting the information because the blackout did not work so now there are mainlanders who have expressed support for the hong kong Democracy Movement and what has happened to them to be arrested and detained and threatened and intimidated. Not withstanding the full force they are not able to shut it down or to tell that mainlanders who do see what they see and also can support the movement that means those mainlanders who want democracy can also have a chance but hong konger is also on the front line. Is hard for us to conceive of that courage but no doubt somebody is reporting to beijing. Thats right. Please make sure we are stated properly. I dont want any misquotes. Thank you for your courage to speak the truth. And we will make it clear to the regime that democracy is an important value and we will not just pay lip service. Thank you very much. Thank you mister chairman and take you to the panel to provide expertise on this important and timely topic. I spent more than five years and part of the time was in hong kong in the 19 nineties in the private sector raising a family ever two youngest children were born in hong kong i am deeply concerned with the ongoing erosion of autonomy and human rights and they stand with the citizens of hong kong. Just the past month i hope to lead legislative exchange between the us and the leaders who came to my home state of montana and this was better to understand that situation to identify the key issues as leader of the free world in the entire world would support the autonomy it is one country and two systems june 30th 1997 to see union jack come down for the last time and to work with protesters to accept the demands with the use of Excessive Force we must continue to Work Together to fulfill a strong relationship between our two countries. The protesters have conformed the consensus with universal suffrage does the government need to comply or is there the outcome that could be acceptabl acceptable . Hong kong people with those demands and all of those were within the existing constitutional framework especially beijing to make the promise and to recognize the importance to enjoy freedom and autonomy especially with the hong kong people ruling hong kong so that must continue to have democracy even with that regime crackdown so i will say that. Now the summer of discontent is now the year of discontent thats for the world to understand how in this difficult time of the uphill battle. We have a vote coming up and we have to get there quickly but how do you expect chief executive lamb to respond to these demands and how much power does she have to make concessions or does beijing have the final say quick. Carrie lamb is a puppet government headed by beijing and she is part of this and whether we are not stopping Police Brutality with a free election that is the chief executive of Hong Kong Carrie lamb just follows the order from beijing authorities especially with the press conference the past few weeks to be criticized it already shows this is through her personal capacity. I would love to keep this discussion going longer. And one additional question. And to look at further scrutiny with the notions that there is no such thing as a free lunch applies on steroids that are agents of influence in with the subcommittee on human rights which i chaired there is a series of hearings as well as those entities and colleges that have access to Mainland China and get the enormous numbers of perks and venues including nyu and give a lecture in shanghai on the campus but the concern is that to say that the Chinese Government centers 82 are public and 14 are private centers what im most concerned about is asking for the gao report february of this year and that is the terms and conditions which really is mostly secret but we have a situation if they come to the United States and seemingly they are doing education in language and culture it is all about the worldview and Domestic Defense of policy including hong kong but very specifically what are the Confucius Centers and those that are based in china today what are they able to say and do without fear of retaliation with this great prodemocracy effort. Thank you its important to note that the Confucius Institute has been led by wonderful activism of the Tibet Community to show that you really can push back to get the institution to be more accountable and reliable. The quick answer to what they are saying is what can they say . We are always under the guidelines right now. Under that Ideological Campaign that is underway where every single party nonmember that the line of the day, everything is determined from the top and if you say anything under this new regulations it is defined very narrowly you cannot say only what the line is its backed up and led by the us and interviewing one interfering with Domestic Affairs to violate chinas sovereignty. We hear over and over we need to get a better story because if you say anything against that not only are you violating the new news regulations but subversion and incitement going against the partys views that is why it is so important that authoritarian system in the mainland must change it has got to change i think that hong kong people with my friends and colleagues say please save us we now have another angle i think they will save themselves and i think they will do it. What is necessary for the International Community please make the cost less because it is heartbreaking the young people are ready and that key is that the human cost can be mitigated. How do they get their marching orders . This is like going inside of the black box. I am pretty sure all are approved and reviewed as a heres a creative thing i can d do. How do we know this . Because nothing is there there are big holes in the history and you will probably read about those diverse ethnic groups in china and see that version of what is happening and if those institutes are also monitored if anybody says anything that is challenging that narrative im pretty sure they will be in trouble so the money what do you say is the enticement to the universities sometimes they come along with others without endowed chair like money for the program so there is a collapse in this editor left but i like to Say Something to him anyway. [laughter] im so sorry i need to get this point does somebody who loves hong kong personally and professionally from the private sector we need to remember that every single state owned enterprise has a committee and now that has extended to companies with Foreign Investment in foreign companies. I had a company asked me how could that be . How are they making us establish a Party Committee . They are not targeted all companies have to have a Party Committee review your personnel and management and Business Decisions to make sure everybody is ideologically or are. Look at the annual reports they had pictures of the annual meeting they are happy with us this year so we comply American Companies list the soe there are 120 listed on the Hong Kong Exchange that is within the Management Structure so we need to look at that as we look at other actors. Thank you very much you have been very patient i am the last person as this winds down but first of all thank you for being here everybodys testimony has been informative and has given us marching orders and i appreciate your responses to the questions. Congressman smith in the hearing referenced to pass an action of human rights abuses of china looking the other way thinking china would do it but things continue to get worse. It is fair to say for the most part, the Us Government is very good at talking the talk and we respect the rights of the tibetan people to practice religion that the repression continues and there is no consequence in what we try to do is change that that in itself does it change anything so we tried to move legislation forward and then to protect hong kong with the rights of democracy thats for us to pass in the house and senate and i believe and give you the assurance we will do that. It doesnt happen overnight we have assurances from the relevant committees in the house they will move to this at the house and senate floor with bipartisan support. That will happen. We get the message on that. We will follow through. We have our assignments. You have traveled along with your colleagues behind you to recognize them as well who has traveled a long way at a very critical time. You have come here to build International Support for hong kong it is important for the record for you to say why it is so important the International Community and the United States support your effort and why that is critical to your success. And also i would like to get everybodys response. I have to be honest i have been somewhat disappointed in our administrations response to what is happening in hong kong and i think it should be much more forceful and i would appreciate your comments or advice to give the Trump Administration to what they should say dealing with the Chinese Government. Speaking to what advice we can give to the Trump Administration, i would say that us responses have to be resolut resolute. If they are not hard and unwavering you will not get any respect from the communist party so they will exploit that. The strongman aesthetic is what rules beijing even hong kong. So dealmaking doesnt mean much to them because whatever deal they make they will subvert just like universal suffrage and rule of law. We call that parties speak in the administration has to be aware of the parties speak and understand it. Second, as others have alluded to on both sides of the pacifi pacific, this is the first ideological confrontation of the new cold war if you agree with it or not when it is perceived by both beijing and people in dc to be ideological confrontation. Witnesses here and people in this room are looking to save hong kongs autonomy the state of two systems and beijing and hong kong are looking to weaponize those two systems against the us. Is not just getting a good trade deal from china its an issue much broader than that. One country to system specifically looking at how china can use hong kongs advantages through customs treatment to exploit the world. We have seen it with the recent scandal at the United Nations were patrick o was found guilty to promote his initiative and we saw that earlier china with the first Aircraft Carrier in ukraine done through a whole series of deceptions and manipulation of the Hong Kong Special status. This is still going on today. We are not looking at it and this is one of the reasons in my opinion its very important to treat state owned enterprises anybody affiliated differently than how we treat regular hong konger. It is a scary thought to give advice to the administration but any action by the administration has to hold true to the core values the us core values on freedom and democracy in a totally echo it should not be made into a bargaining chip for a deal thats on the table. That ideological confrontation and the battle of the model is more than that it is china against the world it is not to models of equal legitimacy because the model china is trying to attack and replace is the model the International Community with Eleanor Roosevelt playing a key role , it was a world order to say never again of nazi germany never give again have mass detention and trampling on Human Dignity so deep down its not about models the chinese model is not coequal but a Chinese Party model we should frame that as china against the dominant world order and it still exist and they cannot treat it as if we can change the model. So there needs to be more consequences its important to recognize there are consequences already. When us speaks up and the commission has a hearing it is being watched and listened to. Im sure we are in living rooms in beijings right now of high officials. You are live on cspan. [laughter] i am live on cspan. [laughter] so the consequences we should keep in mind is the party does want legitimacy. It cannot stay in power to make military bullying but it cannot stay in power without legitimacy and thats what the whole International System moving on to the core values they say no we will not give you that legitimacy but we dont respect thugs and that is important. A Quick Response is that china is getting more wealthy and china is picking fights and expanding the military to the South China Sea and ownership of the South China Sea. Love that asiapacific region and with the canadians and the huawei incident. [laughter] and that is unreasonable and explains how dad is why i believe that you ask government it with that economic prominence to colonize and control many local societies in other countries and many are already compromise liked east Asian Countries like sri lanka they have to report to china and i believe only the us can from china. In so why they should be concerned as there are many interests for example a few months ago with us sanctions hong kong should not allow a ship carrying oil from iraq but the Hong Kong Government ignored the us sanction and allowed the ship to come to hong kong carrying dad oil back to iraq. This undermines your interest this is another reason why you should care and do something other than just issuing a statesman. This historic fight has been possible with determination of the youngsters and the hong kong people and i would really like to get a chance to thank the members of this commission and the chairman and the cochair for the continuous attention on the hong kong issues and pushing of this act because they have contributed in giving hope to the hong kong people. The way they tell the youngsters that their efforts are actually making a change. So we are not in the isolated struggle. We are on the front lines to protect these universal values. But by passing this we will see a momentum in the International Community where other countries might join in to preserve these values and also monitor the regime that is actually destroying these values on a daily basis. Thank you very much. With that expansion from china to canada and australia the Ballot Initiative implies how that Economic Foundation of the European Countries and how that International Order offers promise on the joint declaration with the us trade deal. With that uprising is the expansion without any respect on International Orders. And then to explain why because then those on the forefront that hong kong is at the forefront. And maybe the next free world. And now i slowly realize now is time for u. S. Congress to pass human rights and democracy act and also to unveil the foreignpolicy to china to prioritize human rights issues now not only in a political but humanitarian crisis. The first time i was in prison was two years ago. I was wondering how beijing authorities have no limit to set the precedent and then made me realize that i was in prison those who locked me up in prison would be president xi so that is an uphill and longterm battle 2047 whether it is me or someone else it would be the age of 50 after 28 years it can still be the hometown for freedom and democracy i think its time to have all the congressmen and the senators in the capacity to really Pay Attention to the protest movement in hong kong. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. I will think the commission for all the work they did to prepare this hearing and the panelist and thank you for your courage and commitment what is prompting action is your courage that we see unfolding on our Television Screens and part of the papers. I think for everybody here , you have been an inspiration. At the beginning we said we our diverse commission but on this issue we are in solidarity with you the future of hong kong should be determined by the people and i cannot thank you enough for being here. We are adjourned. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] d12. [chanting] [chanting] thank you. [applause] [chanting] [chanting] [inaudible conversations] you can watch the entire hearing on cspan. Org on the home page. Type in hong kong protest in the ideo Library Search box. Cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up this morning, a discussion of u. S. Iran tensions with michael singh. Well talk about wisconsins role of the 2020 battleground state with reporter bill globber and with the bulwarks charlie sykes. 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