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Biden, brother wife of former Vice President joe biden takes part in the biden president ial campaign in dover, New Hampshire. This is 35 minutes. [applause] a few overcoming. I and the organizer. We are so excited to have jill biden here to join us today for our brandnew. Lets hear it. [applause] awesome. Once again, thank you all for coming. I want to get a special thank you to all of our elected officials. Our city counselor, raise your hand. [laughter] if you are a New Hampshire state representative, can you go ahead and raise her hand as well . [applause] thank you. And then, if anyone has run for office against in New Hampshire, can you raise your hand as well . Awesome. Thank you all for coming. Before we get started, i just want to share with all of you why im here on scene. Around 10 years ago, i was diagnosed with scoliosis, a severe deformity of the spine. Fortunately for me, my parents have Amazing Health insurance through their employer, so its covered. My doctors appointments and all of the years of that that i needed. Six years ago, i had a spinal myion surgery to correct spine, and that would have cost 100,000 had i not had the Amazing Health insurance of my parents. Age ofecognized at the 16 that there was a large disparity in this country between people and their health insurance. That is something that is unfortunate and i recognize that not everyone has the luxury that i did, and that is why i trusted joe biden with our health care and i believe he is the best candidate to be the next president of the United States. [applause] of you know, as Vice President he help create the Affordable Care act which has provided millions of people to help insure they need and as president , he wants to reform and revise that to at a public option and make sure that everyone is covered and everyone can have the ability that i had with my scoliosis situation. And so as you know, 2020 is a very important election, no matter how old you are. This is very important and we need all the help we can get to make sure that joe biden is the next president of the United States. We are actually going to have today to knock on some doors and talk to people in the community and i hope that all of you will grab a packet and join us today. But before, im excited to introduce the county commissioner to speak with us. Thank you. Good morning, everyone. Take a minute, first of all, its my pleasure to be here with you all this morning and i want to talk a bit about joe biden. This is the second time i endorsed to widen for president. The major reason for that is that this election is not about the candidates. Its about us. Its about the middle class. Its about restoring the social contract that we had in this country that my fathers generation and my grandfathers generation had. And puty by the rules our kids to college. Seen so many people the past few decades lose that opportunity. Being, joe gets us. Joe never forgot where he came from. I had an opportunity when he ran for United States senator. He went around and had like 1000 coffees. He talked to real people about real problems. , if ialso share with you can, and a lot of people dont but overtime for women the violence against women the he was an architect in 1990s. The Domestic Violence program. The county in New Hampshire as a result of having that bill for Domestic Violence. Of time, it has graduated from a small bill that helped hundreds and hundreds of folks to our Family Justice Center in New Hampshire. That would not have happened if it was not for joe biden. So, when i mentioned to you that its about us, it is about us. The election is about us. Not about the candidates. Its about what they stand for and what are they going to do to help us . Joe has not only the best message, but he has a history of working for the middle class. And its so important, it is so important, especially with the issues you see going on. This polarization we have in our country, its not a good thing. Its not a good thing. Its about time we get an adult in the white house. [applause] there is nothing wrong with reaching across the aisle to the opposite party and to work on problems collectively as human beings. Theres nothing wrong with that. Way in thatur regard in the last decade or so, and i dont know about you, but im really tired of it. So, i want someone like joe who cano is a statesman make those connections, not only in our country, but across the world. We need to restore americas presence in the world at the last great hope on this earth. Happyhat said, im very to have them with us this morning because your advocacy for, whether it is for support of education for women and young ladies across the world, to fight the war on cancer, support for military families, i think you are going to make a great president. A great first lady. And i hope that dover and surrounding regions help make that happen. They are all yours. [applause] thank you. Thank you for your introduction and for your leadership here. Years, you have served and local government with passion and conscience and because of your guidance, Stafford County is stronger and more accountable. Thank you for your work. And thank you to everyone here today for joining us. I know that there are lots of ways that you could spend your saturday morning, so im grateful and honored that you and join teame biden. And thank you to team biden. I appreciate it. [applause] so, i am a teacher and i teach writing at a community college. I fact, actually, yesterday was grading quizzes in between events. You must be a teacher. So, perhaps in light of losing author Toni Morrison recently,thinking a lot about stories. You teaching this . Math. The other side. [laughter] anyway, the stories that we tell shape our identity, they can isolate us and they can make us afraid. Angry, and even inspire the kind of gun violence that weve seen again and again. Can actually make us rise up to kindness as well. They can remind us that our differences are precious, and that our similarities are infinite. That our community, our country, is capable of beautiful and powerful things. Speech,obel peace prize morrison said, and i quote, narrative is radical. Creating us at the very moment is being created. Yours, tell usd what the world has been to you in the dark places and in the light. When i think of the story of these last few years, its hard not to focus on the things that divide us. We all feel it. The hate, the bigotry, the margins in the streets. The political risk, the violence. But we have other stories to tell, too. Unh toay, i was at celebrate 25 years of the violence against women act, which was passed exactly 25 years ago yesterday, in 1994. And as im sure most of you know or all of you know, unh is one of the safest schools in the nation for women. Never settling for good enough, always looking for better ways andddress and prevent rape assault. To echo what my husband said when he visited a couple years ago, he said, i wish all colleges had a little more unh wildcats in them. You can clap for that. [applause] think that a would law to keep women safer in their homes and on the streets, a bill to protect their civil rights would pass easily would make some sense to all of you, it actually took four years. Joe was chair of the Senate Judiciary committee at the time, and one summer, he was reading the stuff joe reads, old crime statistics, and violence against ,en was dramatically declining but violence against women was on the rise. So, he went and he met with womens shelters and Crisis Centers and he heard heartwrenching stories from the women. Andhe heard stories of rape abuse. Be a partner, to lift up those stories and to take them back to washington. So, think of the time. Many of his colleagues in the senate were really against what he was doing there. Wey thought that maybe should not punish abuse so harshly. And if you can remember back then, Domestic Violence was thought of as this private family affair. And can you believe, that was just 25 years ago . Can if there is anyone who go beyond, it is joe. He doesnt know how to be discouraged. Turmoil,aces political when he faces cynicism and anger , even when he faces unthinkable things like the death of his accident,aby in a car and later, the death of our beloved son, he finds a path and he moves forward with unflinching determination. Joe has always hated bullies. So, he did what he does best. He brought people together. He went to both sides of the aisle, which is what he is known for. He has lifted up womens voices. He pushed back on the experts who made biological claims that women triggered men to abuse them. You remember, im sure a lot of you remember this. He never gave up. And after four years of hard he watched president clinton signed this bill. In the years after this law passed, incidents of serious victimization by intimate partners has declined by more than 70 . Whiche a National Hotline has saved thousands of lives and we created a culture change around violence. Thats what we need, that culture change. Something that was once only whispered about has come into the light. Protecting the civil rights of women and girls, the communities who come together to stand up against bigotry and hatred. Young people who choose to make a difference in our world just like so many of you who are here today. Everyone who keeps fighting for our values rather than sink into cynicism and despair. Thats our story, too. And thats the story that we are going to tell together. When we lift each other up. Withwe share good books our friends who are struggling. Moment, i want you all to imagine that its the summer of 2021. [applause] [laughter] say it is a saturday morning. You have your coffee cup in hand. And you pick up the morning paper. And the headline isnt about some latenight sweet storm. Tweet storm. A story about children, like this little child who was just here. Who will benefit from universal prek. You read about the progress that is being made through the Paris Agreement and how the United States is once again leading in the fight. You turn on the television the saturday morning, and the how we are talking about are going to build on the Affordable Care act. [applause] and they are reporting that someone is finally standing up to the nra to keep our students safe. [applause] and when you look at that tv, and you see the president of the United States, you dont turn the channel. [laughter] [applause] you call in your kids from the other room, because you want them to hear what the president of the United States has to say. A president that we can be proud of. Peopledent who brings together, not tears families apart. A president who believes that our best days are ahead of us, not behind us. Thats the future i want. And i know its the future you want, too. And thats why you are all here today. We are so excited, all of us here at team five to open our office in dover. Every time i visit New Hampshire, i can feel the energy and the excitement growing. At every phone bank, every democratic picnic, every fair and farmers market. Today, i think im going to a greek festival. [laughter] people are excited. It was great, we went last night. [laughter] and this is just the beginning. We are gearing up for an incredible year, it seems like a long time, but its going pretty fast. This is why we need you, all of you. To knock on doors, to make phone calls. To tell your colleagues and your friends why you are supporting joe biden. And we need you to bring your friends and family along. Please, keep coming back. Me andlf of joe and everyone putting their faith in this election, thank you for being here today, everybody. Thank you. Thank you for showing up, take you for calling and walking and talking to your friends. And thank you for believing in an idea that is bigger than all of us. That we can build a better nation if we do it together. Thank you, dover. Thank you for being here. [applause] now i think we are going to get people to sign up. We have so many packets ready for all of you in the back, and im happy to train you all if you want to make some calls. Thank you for joining us. [applause] and if you would like to say hello or take a photo, will start lining up this way. We definitely have to have this background. You want to bring that in here . [indiscernible] thank you for spending this saturday with me. I, donna, how are you . Nice to see you. Thanks, thank you. I will tell joe i saw you. What do you teach . I ended as an administrator. Im still teaching. I just wanted to meet you. Thank you. Going to have a good commissioner of education. Yes, you are. How are you . Nice to see you. Look at this. Could we get a photo . Nice to meet you. I may state rep im a state rep. Well, thank you. I thought you were like, a college kid. [applause] [laughter] i love that you are involved so young. Nowhere to go but up. Thank you. Good luck. Great stuff. Nice to meet you. How are you . My name is james. You changed my life because i have terminal cancer. Im sorry. Ok, it has meant the absolute world to me, he was a total inspiration. I fought through it, im going to keep fighting. You have to. I just wanted to thank you for sharing. Thank you again. I have cardiac issues as well. But like joe, im a fighter. There is a reason youre here, right. I hope so. Nice to see you. I wanted to be here to give you love and give you energy. Thank you for fighting so much for us. Godless. Thank you, youtube. You too. Such a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming. Thanks, thank you for coming. Good morning, how are you . Wonderful to meet you. Thanks. Thanks, thank you. Thank you for coming. Thanks. I think joe will have a steady hand on the rudder of the ship. You can count on him. Hello, how are you . Iq for coming. Thank you for coming. I love following you on instagram, i have a german shepherd. Do you want a picture . You brought a real camera. I did. Ready . Thank you, nice to meet you. Thank you, i love that you came together. Hello, how are you . My firstis actually day as a fellow for the campaign. If i could get a picture. Sure. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for working for us. We really appreciate it. We had a great time. Great festival. It was great seeing you, its exciting. What should i eat at the greek festival . Barbecue lamb. It is really, really good. Hello, how are you . Nice to meet you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thanks for being here. I really appreciate it. How are you . Nice to see you. Thanks for coming. Thank you so much. Hi, nice to see you. You want to join . Sure, that would be great. Thank you so much. Thank you both for coming. Thanks for working. A great experience. Thank you so much. Thanks for coming today. What is your name . Tj. I appreciate the education world. I just want to say that i see and i looksset forward to seeing your role. Thank you. Hello, how are you . Im excited. I actually have one from michelle. Im good, what is your name . Diane. I pray for joe every day. Thank you. Thank you so much. Hi, im patty. When your husband got involved. Thank you. It is a speech about purpose. Thank you, and please extend our thanks. I will, thank you. We are advocates for the National Brain tumor society, and thank you so much. Absolutely, he survived because of cancer research. I keep them in my prayers. Thank you. How are you . Pleasure to meet you. We were here a couple months ago. Thank you. Thanks for coming. You last night, i try to make my friends go. Nice to see you. This is great. Good morning, how are you . She did a great job, didnt she . And the grandmother. Im a grandma, too thank you. I came 3000 miles. My sister is working. Thank you. Nice to meet you, thanks, a pleasure. Mpleting the set. Allimportant question, where do you stand on the oxford, . I think we need to have the oxford,. Comma. Oxford next, your call then comments on washington journal. Bradley. S with neil after that, the house Judiciary Committee review spun pending gun legislation. Book talking to strangers Malcolm Gladwell details why he thinks people make an accurate judgments about people they do not know. I am going to drag you out of here. Imprisoned and then two days later she hangs herself in herself. A tragic and unexpected result. That exchange that we saw which by the way, goes on and on, we saw only a small snippet of it, when i first saw that online, that is when i realized what i wanted to write about. If you break down that exchange moment i moment, you see multiple failures of understanding, of empathy. At 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. This morning, the wall street journals Gabriel Rubin looks at campaign 2020 congressional races. Then naacp president Derrick Johnson Discusses Campaign 2020 and quarter discrimination. And

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