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Many levels and i want to take us back to the underlying bill and extreme Risk Protection order act. Which would incentivize states and localities to implement extreme risk laws, which is simply common sense. And i wanted to bring forward our experience in my home state of washington, which became the fourth state in the nation to pass an extreme risk law in 2016. Since we have implemented that law in Washington State, and weve supported it with county resources to help enforce the law by also recovering firearms from people ordered to surrender them by a judge, a number of people at risk of suicide have been referred. According to kimberly wyatt, who runs the king county program, she has, quote, seen folks who were in the midst of the Behavioral Health crisis come into court and thank Law Enforcement for saving their lives. Late last year Law Enforcement in Washington State prevented a possible mass shooting after someone flagged a potential threat. And that was a man who posted images on facebook of himself holding an a. R. Style rifle and posted repeated threats to, quote, kill 30 jews and commit a school shooting. Evidence shows these extreme risk laws are effective. For every 10 to 25 firearms removals under extreme risk laws in connecticut and indiana, about one life was saved through a Suicide Prevention prevented. Case study in californias extreme risk law found that at least 21 cases in which extreme Risk Protection orders were used to disarm people who threatened Mass Shootings, and the support for these laws cut across demographics and party. A recent n. P. R. Poll showed that americans, including republicans and gun owners, broadly support red flag laws like this. And so i just want us to come back to the incredibly passionate and moving testimony of my colleague, representative mcbath, and thank goodness we have you here in congress. We are talking about saving lives. We are talking about reasonable things that can and have been done in states across the country that have been shown to be working, that do not continue to need amendments like this one that we have with tremendous respect to my colleague, mr. Buck. We have data that shows that these laws work, we should just pass this law here in congress, and we should move on to the other bills that we have that also are necessary in a tapestry of laws that we need to pass here in congress because the reality is that as we sit here debating and debating, more lives are being lost. In the 200 days since the senate failed to act on the commonsense legislation that we passed in the house of representatives, we have had incredible numbers of Mass Shootings. In el paso, texas, and dayton, ohio, we went with my colleague, representative escobar, congressman neguse and i went to the vigil, the memorial in el paso, deeply moving. We need to take action. And i just hope that my colleagues will get to the core of what this bill does, which has been proven again and again, state after state, to be an effective way of ensuring that we do not put guns in the hands of those who are at extreme risk. Red flag laws. So i thank you, mr. Chairman, and i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Nadler the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. Move to strike the last word. Mr. Nadler the gentleman from pennsylvania. Who i hope will be the last speaker on this amendment. The gentleman from florida. Thank you, mr. Chairman. If the gentleladys correct, these red flag laws are working state by state, then i dont understand why we wouldnt allow them to continue to work state by state. It seems notable to me that my state of florida has a strong sheriff system. Other states have state police. Which is not a regime were familiar with. To institute a National Red Flag law seems to be unfaithful to the very debate that we hear from my democrat colleagues. Mr. Gaetz im ready proud of floridas red flag rather proud of floridas red flag law. I think it gives due process. I think a lot of concerns my republican colleagues have addressed wouldnt apply to the florida law. By also recognize that different states are but i also recognize that different states are different and it would be my home that we allow the federal hope that we allow the federal system that were all proud to work within to function correctly. Its nye expectation that best practices will emerge, that theyll be copied among the states and we can get on to the stuff that only the federal government can do, like reforming our asylum laws so that we dont continue to have a mounting crisis on our southern border. I know the Ranking Member has more offer to so ill yield him the remainder of my time. Clings collins ms. Collins i agree with the chairman. One of the things that the gentleman from florida just brought up is the conflicting standards in this bill. Theres a conflicting process standard in the bill between states and also between the federal. I think thats a problem that invites [indiscernible] theres also many laws that have issues that someone is having an issue you can be brought before a judge, you can be found incompetent, you can find these in every state. But also going back to the last one. This is actually something that the gentlelady from washington and i agree on, just in different ways. Dont bring if we cant bring this list up, due process put in an extra step of due process, then dont ever bring the no fly, no buy list up again. Dont ever bring it up again. Because it is no due process on that list. You can be on the list and not even know it. And similar names i guess, lets just be in having this conversation, i understand if you want to vote against or not like it. I get that. But lets dont have another discussion, in fact, i would maybe put forth lets do away with the no fly, no buy list. Everybody would go really upsbet that. But this brings out a problem. This one actually makes a list better in the sense that it is still problematic, which i think we would agree upon, but at least there is a probable cause out of outside of being put on the list. Ms. Jayapal would the gentleman yield . I was not in congress when the no fly, no buy list was passed. I would tell you that on the outside, we were not in favor of it. For exactly the same reasons. There is a serious problem with who ends up on these lists and how you get off of these lists. I dont think that my entire caucus agrees with me on that. So im not speaking for anybody else. But i am saying that there is a consistency here, at least to the thinking that these databases have tremendous problems. And the reality is that on the no fly, no buy list, that no fly list, that list targets a lot of muslims, a lot of sikh americans, a lot of individuals that are deemed as terrorists. Here we are targeting black and brown communities, as my colleague from texas talked about. And i just think we have to be very clear that there are a lot of problems with these databases. We talked about this during the dream act. We had an extensive discussion on. This i am consistent, mr. Collins, i am with you on this. Ms. Collins i agree. Reclaiming the time. I think the gentleladys right. I was here, lived through this, and was talked very badly about whether we say this is a whenever we say this is a problem, we say were the worst in the world because we let a terrorist get a gun. No. I appreciate the gentleman from colorado bringing this up. I think there is sufficient protection. I will vote for this amendment. But at least its brought out a large discussion, sometimes, but in late nights in the Judiciary Committee as i found out over my 6 1 2 years, its amazing who comes around to actually having similar points of view. I would never have started the day thinking ms. Jayapal and i would have a similar view on something but we can handle that and the world is still going to be processing tomorrow. I yield back. Mr. Nadler the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question finally occurs on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. No. President opinion of the chair, the nays have in the opinion of the chair, the nays have it. The amendment is not agreed. To roll is requested. Call call the roll. The clerk [roll call] the gentlelady from california. Are there any other members who wish to vote who havent voted . The clerk will report. The gent california. Waiting on the gentleman from florida. Mr. Nadler the clerk will eport. Caller mr. Chairman, more 11 ayes, 21 noes. Mr. Nadler the amendment is not to. Ed to. Are there further amendments. Mr. Chairman. Mr. Nadler the gentleman from louisiana. I have an amendment at the desk. Mr. Nadler the clerk will report the amendment. Caller amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to h. R. 1236 offered by mr. Johnson of louisiana. Page 29, line 6, strike shall be d all that follows through line nine. Mr. Nadler without objection the amendment will be considered as read. The gentleman is recognized to explain his amendment. R. Johnson spks i offer this amendment mr. Nadler the gentlelady from california retains a point of order. Johnson i have this amendment to prevent an applicant from know gliha rassing someone named. We have to prevent deprive anything american of Constitutional Rights, i think can help to we can help to do this by increasing the level of punishment here. H. R. 1236 did not include any penalties for false reporting or frivolous petition. While the amendment in the nature of a substitute now includes such a provision, it does not go far enough to deter false claims. My amendment would add that an applicant abusing this process an be fined up to 5,000 and imprisoned up to 5,000, imprisoned for up to five years or both. No american with a malicious intent to strip an american citizen of a right should be allowed at any time. The right to bear arms is a critical part of our no american history. Its rooted in our inalienable right to selfdefense to secure personal liberty and private property. We have a duty here in the house Judiciary Committee to guard that carefully. I want to say this to my dear colleague, ms. Mcbath, whose story is come pelling. I know that we agree on the moral crisis in our country, im glad you said that tonight. I take issue with one thing you said. You said our concern is that guns have become our god. Those are your words. Thats not our concern. Our concern is that there is a very real risk today that state that state is taking the place of god. That the state is becoming our god. And that was the founders great fear. Thats reason we have the bill of rights. Thats the reason it was passed. Its the reason we have to protect these individual rights. Because its so important to who we are as americans and as human beings. So i urge my colleagues to support what i think is a very reasonable amendment. Will the gentleman yield . Mr. Johnson im happy to yield. I thank the gentleman for yielding. I would ask if the gentleman is familiar with any jurisdiction in the United States, territory or state, where perjury is not a crime, meaning where if someone was to go to a court and give a false statement where they could not be charged with a crime . I yield back. Mr. Johnson i think thats a crime in every jurisdiction. Unless youre talking about the f. B. I. , representative gohmert says. What we need to do is build in this bill, its and been acknowledged because these amendment in the nature of a substitute has these penalties, its been acknowledged that we need to have a deterrent here because this is so serious, step thats being taken is so serious. All im saying is, lets enhance the penalty because if youre going to have a real deterrent you need to make it serious. I withdraw my point of order. Mr. Johnson i yield back. Mr. Nadler the gentlelady ithdraws her point of order. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek reck snigs . Move to strike the last word. Mr. Nadler the gentleman is recognized. Let me first thank representative carbajal and representative mcbath nor legislation. I want to say that everyone on this committee wants to reduce gun violence. I dont doubt the motivations or sincerity of my colleagues across the aisle. I do note that their argument nd policies have not made us safer. Over the years, in fact, based on recent study, we have increased Mass Shootings, not only in frequency but also in lethality. We have heard numbers and arguments from my colleagues across the aisle and both their policies and those advanced by the president have not worked. I think we should look at different ways to solve this problem. With respect to this specific legislation, the extreme Risk Protection order what were doing is not that new. Because under Domestic Violence restraining orders you can take away the guns of the perpetrator in an ex parte hearing. E have 5150 mentally ill determinations where again a person can get the guns taken away without having to be at a hearing. This has been done before in other jurisdictions. Have upheld it. This it doesnt seem that in these other instances with Domestic Violence retraining orders and 5150 proceedings we have this massive increased penalty. Theres no reason for it to apply to this bill. Must have of this bill is simply funding existing laws in existing states that have extreme Risk Protection laws, that have been upheld by the courts. So nothing here is unconstitutional because the courts have already upheld existing laws that do this. I note that i was in the california state ledgely is chaur when a young man went on a rampage near u. C. Santa barbara and killed six students and injured several others. It was a tragic day and spurred us to pass californias gun violence restraining law, the first extreme Risk Protection order in this country. I believe that this legislation will be very helpful for states to continue doing these laws. I also have two marksmanship awards from the u. S. Military. I fire guns, i have taken them apart, i clean them, i know how lethal they are. In terms of suicide, they are extremely lethal, more lethal than any other means of suicide. We know based on the latest statistics from the centers for Disease Control in 2017 there day. Ver 100 gun deaths a today in america over 100 people would die from gun violence. 35 will be killed by someone else. Over 60 will be by suicide. Risk protection k protection orders will help mitigate that problem and we know it works because studies have shown it works in state that was adopted these extreme Risk Protection laws. So we can try doing the same thing over and other again and expect a different result but that doesnt seem to be working. We should try something new. I request imy colleagues to think about this as simply trying to pass legislation because the old ways have not worked, have not kept us safer. With that, i yield back. Mr. Nadler i recognize myself for a moment. I recognize myself far moment on the amendment. I am not prepared to support this amendment at this point. I dont know that we should oppose the amendment. The difference is, the bill says shall be fined not less than 1,000. The amendment says not more than 5,000. So that could be 1,000 also. The amendment adds imprisonment up to five years. Presumably someone who did it so egregiously that a judge would do that probably committed perjury in doing that my hesitation at this point is that i think before we accept this amendment wed have to look at talk to some other people, look at what various state laws say to make sure were not completely out of line with the practices and experiences. I will oppose this amendment for the moment but it may be that well go forward it by the time we get to the floor. Mr. Chairman. Mr. Nadler i yield. Mr. Collins i appreciate that. I think we opened this, so just to clarify because i know a lot of us would be interested, if we could Work Together would be a successful amendment at rule committees . Mr. Nadler im not going to commit that wed accept it. Mr. Collins but thats your intent . Mr. Nadler yes, i suppose. Im not committing we will accept this amendment but i do think that it its worthy enough to study and discuss it. Either to accept it later or accept it in part or not. Im not prepared to im not prepared to support it now. I would oppose it now if it comes to a vote. If we dont do that, well take very careful look at this will the gentleman zeeled i am willing i take the chairman at his word in good faith. I do think its a reasonable and thoughtful amendment. I think its one that should be bipartisan. I do take you at your word and and hers the others that sponsor this legislation that we do not want people to abuse this. We dent want anyone to be unjustly deprived of their Constitutional Rights and because of that, in a spirit of bipartisanship which is all too rare these days, i withdraw this amendment in the hope that we can work on that together. Mr. Nadler i appreciate the gentlemans action. We will look at it carefully. Well be talking to you and to the minority, to the ranking minority member before we go to rules committee. Mr. Collins can i bring up a point . I know theres another amendment waiting on this one. Why dont we withdraw pending work right now and well work on it right now because this is something we can get den. As we both have known mr. Nadler we have to talk to other people. Mr. Collins we can sit right here and do that mr. Nadler i cant do that. The penalty prenchings is in the amendment in the nature of a substitute. Its not mr. Nadler i agree with that. Im not sure theres any research on the state level that will change it. Mr. Nadler i dont know. Im not prepared to accept it at this point. Ill withdraw it because weve been here for umteen hours anyway. Mr. Nadler i appreciate the gentlemans action. We will be working on. This are there any other amendments . The gentleman from california. I move to amend by striking the last word. Mr. Nadler i couldnt hear. Move to strike the last word. Mr. Nadler the gentleman moves to strike the last word. The gentleman is recognized. I think its ironic that the previous bill on binding arbitration it was argued that trial by jury is so important it should be provided even when both parties waived that right in a contract. Then we immediately turn around and consider this bill which argues that we should deny first and Second Amendment rights without a jury. Mr. Mcclintock i do believe the underlying premise of this bill s is sound. Believe if someone gos out of their way to warn us they want to kill a bunch of people we ought to take them at their word and thats what we used to do we identified someone who was a danger to themselves or others we could judicially commit them to Mental Hospitals where we could confine them, treatment them, care for them and protect the rest of society from them. In may state of california, 1958, we had 37,000 mentally ill in state Mental Hospitals, many of them were dangerous. When the states preponderancelation was barely a third of what it is today. Unfortunately that would be about 100,000 preponderancelation in the Mental Hospital today but we emptied out those hospitals, only about 7,000 are now confined for treatment and the rest are out on our streets, many among our burgeoning homeless population. And id ask the proponents a few questions. First, what makes you think such a law will keep firearms from violent people . Most firearms used in crimes are illegally obtained in the first place. Is it the effectiveness with which our drug laws have kept drugs out drugs out of the hands of drug addicts . And second, and more importantly, if someone is too dangerous to have legal access to a gun, arent they too dangerous to be out on our streets at all . If theyre violent criminals why arent they incarcerated . And if theyre dangerously mentally ill, why arent they confined so that they cant do harm with illegally obtained firearms or any number of other lethal forms of mayhem . Mr. Lieu was right in one respect, he said we do need to look closely at what policies work and what policies dont work. We did not have this crisis 50 years ago. We have to ask what policies have changed in those 50 years . 50 years ago we executed murderers. 50 years ago we put violent criminals behind bars until they were too old and feeble to be dangerous. 50 years ago when we identified a dangerously mentally ill person we confined them so that we could treat them and we did these things fully within the provisions of our bill of rights and trial by jury. 50 years ago, we had virtually no gun control laws and the question id raise after 50 years of enacting such laws is, if they were a solution to this problem wouldnt things be Getting Better and not worse . Mexico has the most stringent gun control laws in the western hemisphere yet their murder rate is four times what it is in the United States. In 50 years, weve dramatically constrained the death penalty. Weve released dangerous criminals back onto our streets. Through Early Release programs as well as sanctuary laws. And we have emptied our state Mental Hospitals. At the same time weve enacted a wide range of gun vol laws and hings are getting worse. 50 years of practical experience we discovered that gun vol laws are extremely effective at disarming lawabiding citizens. Theyre extremely ineventive at disarming criminals and madmen and trofts and terrorists. If were serious about confronting this crisis, we should set aside ideology and instead take a clear look at the Public Policies that actually work to control this violence and to protect all of our citizens from it. Until were willing to do so, i believe things are going to continue to get worse. I yield back. Mr. Nadler the question now are there any further amendments . The gentleman from colorado. I have an amendment at the desk. Mr. Nadler the gentleman has an amendment at the desk, the clerk will report the amendment. Caller amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by mr. Buck of colorado. On page 22, line 20 i reserve a point of order. Mr. Nadler the gentlelady reserves a point of order. The amendment will be considered as read. The gentleman is recognized to explain his amendment. Mr. Buck thank you, mr. Chairman. I want to focus on one area of deep concern that affects active duty military personnel as well as millions of our nations veterans. Sadly this bill turns a deaf ear to the concern ours Service Members and veterans have been raising for years. For years the v. A. Has been using a patient flag system to recognize those considered unsafe or a threat. These are used to delay or deny treatment. The bill allows a veteran to be flagged a danger even when the veteran expresses, quote, frustration about v. A. Service or wait times, end quote. We know v. A. Wait times are unacceptable. The danger is not there the v. A. s patient flag system is also ripe for abuse. More than six years ago the v. A. Inspector general said the democracy left quote a comprehensive definition of what constitutes disruptive behavior, end of quote. The system is also not uniform, allowing v. A. Facilities to adopt their own system without proper oversight. In january, 2018, the v. A. Inspector general also expressed concern that the v. A. Flag system was arbitrary. It was secretive and veterans were unaware they had been flagged and it denied the veteran due process as it lacked any resource to remove phony flag or file an appeal in any meaningful way. The i. G. Also found that medical records for full 49 of all flagged veterans lacked any evidence that the veteran had been notified theyd been flagged. One veteran was flagged out of retribution because he registered a complaint of elder abuse after a v. A. Nurse openly mocked and laughed at a deaf veteran of world war ii in the waiting room. Flags like are this are all too common, they are used to punish veterans who speak out including on behalf of fellow veterans. Im concerned that this system which lacks proper civil liberty protection such as notice and right to appeal will result in an influence extreme Risk Protection orders. We cannot allow that to happen. Another concern i have is that the potential far red flag under the current bill will deter veterans from seeking appropriation medical attention for servicerelated disabilities. This red flag bill has the potential to stigmatize veterans who might suffer from ptsd. Congress has done so much to encourage veterans to seek needed help. With this red flag will this red flag bill now use the veterans medical records against the veteran . We cant allow that to happen. Im concerned with the impact a red flag regime would have on active duty military personnel. Imagine a marine who is about to deploy, recently got divorced and her exhusband files petition for extreme risk against her not because shes truly a danger but because hes use the process which lacks commonsense safeguards to target his extwhisme kind of stress that a made up petition will have will affect command readiness for our military. For this reason, i think red flag petitions involving active duty military personnel should be referred to d. O. D. So they can be handled within the command authority. So heres what my amendment would do. First it would require federal courts to refer extreme risk pr text order petitions involving active duty personnel to d. O. D. Second, it makes sure that past military service which naturally involves a history of using a firearm cannot be considered as a risk factor to deprife a veteran of their Second Amendment rights. Third, it clarifies existing federal law to ensure that accessing v. A. Benefits will not trig aerolos of Second Amendment rights. This approach is based on bipartisan bill to protect veterans rights. Fourth, it ensures that no veteran will lose their gun rights based on the fact that the veteran needs help in managing their affairs. Such as v. A. Benefits or was flagged under the v. A. Patient system that fails to include proper protections and safe forwards. I believe this amendment is commonsense, it contains many bipartisan provisions and i urge the committee to adopt the amendment. I yield back. Mr. Nadler the gentleman yields back. Does the gentlelady insist on her point of order . Ms. Lofgren i do. The amendment is outside the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee, devises procedures within the jurisdiction of the have the rans Affairs Committee not this one and therefore is beyond the scope of our Committee Authority and is not germane. Mr. Nadler does the sponsor wish to reply to that . Mr. Buck yes. Thank you, mr. Chairman. My amendment specifically amends the bill in front of us. It doesnt ask another committee to take it up. Number one. Number two, it talks about risk factors that are included in our bill specifically page 22 of our bill and makes sure that a veterans use of a a veterans use of a firearm previously is not considered a risk factor because that veteran was serving his country and had authority to use that weapon. I want to make sure we are protecting veterans and it is i believe germane to the underlying bill that were considering. Mr. Nadler im prepared the chair is prepared to rule on the point of order. The chair rules the point of order is well taken, the bill is not im sorry, the amendment is not within the jurisdiction of the committee, although it amends this bill, any amendment obviously would amend this bill, it requires actions to be taken by the department of Veterans Affairs under fitele 38 and we have under title 38 and we have no jurisdiction over title 38 or the department of Veterans Affairs, we cannot adopt an amendment to a bill which requires various action by the department of Veterans Affairs. Consequently the amendment is out of order. Re there further amendments . The gentleman from ohio. I have an amendment at the desk. Mr. Nadler the gentleman has an amendment at the desk. The clerk will report the amendment. Caller amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to h. R. 1236. Mr. Chairman i ask that the moment be considered as read ms. Lofgren i reserve a point of order. Mr. Nadler the gentlelady reserves a point of order. Without objection, the amendment will be considered as read. The gentleman is recognized for ive minutes. One of the massacres happened in el paso, texas, and the other of course happened in dayton, ohio, which is less than 30 miles from my congressional district. Mr. Chabot first and foremost we should recognize these tragedies and pray for all the families in dayton and el paso and throughout the nation who had a loved one killed at the hands of senseless murderers. Although im a firm advocate of Second Amendment rights, i also believe that firearms should not be in the hands of criminals or those with Mental Illnesses like those who took the lives of so many this past august. One way we can accomplish this is to ensure that the nics system is accurate, up to date and is properly checked to make sure that individuals who are in the database cannot obtain a firearm. In my home state of ohio, they are working to accomplish just that. On the face of this legislation, it seems as if the majority is attempting to also make sure that individuals who shouldnt have a gun cant obtain one with their red flag law. However, its not without its flaws. I was an attorney in southwest ohio and i served in this committee since i was elected to congress 23 years ago. So i, like so many other colleague, sitting on both ends of this dais, understand the importance of due process. Unfortunately, this legislation as drafted fails to protect the due process of everyday, hardworking, lawabiding gun owners. This legislation is flawed because it provides federal grants to states to enact red flag laws that could deprive a person of a right to poss firearms before a hearing where the gun owner has notice and is given an opportunity to participate. As you all know, due process is fundamental to the very existence of our nation. And for this red flag law to have such a low evidentiary standard illustrates that democrats dont seem to care much about the Constitutional Rights of american citizens. This bill as written only requires that state courts find by a preponderance of the evidence that an individual poses a danger to himself or others before taking their guns away. Their legislation also states that the order of protection can exist in perpetuity as ordered by one judge. Even then it appears it can be done ex parte or without the jodge or the knowledge or participation of the individual subject to that order my amendment is simple and protects the Due Process Rights of lawabiding citizens with want to exercise their Second Amendment rights. It ensures that the applicant must show with clear and convincing evidence that the respond respondent poses a substantial risk of unlawfully using a firearm to cause death to hymn or herself or others. If a state court should find that the respondent does it cannot issue an order for more than 21 days during which time the respondent is evaluated to determine if he or she has a mental8ness. Additionally before an ex parte order the applicant must swear under oath under penalty of perjury the respendent should not be in posofingse a firearm. If the court orders they should not be in posofingse aim a firearm that order must be reviewed annually. This will help to keep the guns out of the hands of fennelly unstable individuals. I urge my colleagues to adopt this commonsense amendment to help make our communities safer while allowing lawabiding americans to continue to exercise their Second Amendment rights and without jeopardizing their Due Process Rights. With that, i yield back. Mr. Nadler i yield the gentleman yield back. Yield myself five minutes ms. Lofgren i withdraw my point of order. Mr. Nadler the gentlelady withdraws her point of order. I yield myself five minutes in opposition to the amendment. The bill discusses behavior. Were here today to discuss behavior not to Stigmatize Mental Health disability. Specific behavioral indicators of dangerousness are far more reliable predictors of future violence than Mental Illness which is why extremist laws prevent access to firearms by persons exhibiting dangerous behavior regardless of diagnosis. Most people with serious Mental Illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar dised orerer never violent toward others. Past violent behavior is the best predictor of future vines regardless of diagnose. Other factors include alcohol or sub stauns abuse an reckless firearm behavior which is why these orders are based on these factors. While Mental Illness such as depression increases the risk of suicide not all individuals with a Mental Health diagnosis will become suicidal. Prior suicide attempts, threats of suicide, risky alcohol or Substance Abuse an recent acquisition of firearms are the behaviors that must underlie any erpo issued. To substitute Mental Illness criteria for behavioral criteria is the wrong direction and is not borne out by experience or evidence. And would greatly stigmatize Mental Illness and lessen the effectiveness in preventing firearms violence. Accordingly i urge defeat of the amendment. Who seeks recognition . Mr. Chairman. Mr. Nadler the gentleman from olorado. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I agree with the chairman and certainly oppose this amendment, i believe the amendment undermines and ultimately weakens the underlying bill. But i again want to go back to the core of why were here and why we ought to Work Together to pass this important proposal. Theres a gentleman in my state of colorado by the name of tom sullivan. Tom sullivan tom sullivan is a state representative who represents his districtable in colorado. He also district honorably in colorado. He also happens to be someone whose family has been directly impacted by gun violence. In 2012, on july 20, tom lost his son, alex, in the aurora theater shooting. Alex turned 27 that evening. And tom and his wife lost him forever. I know that i cant begin to fathom, to describe the agony that they have experienced as a family at the loss of alex. But they, like our colleague, representive mcbath, who continues to inspire so many of us, they turned that sorrow and that anguish into action. And tom over the course of the last seven years has become a champion for gun violence prevention. He was elected, as i said, to the state legislature. And earlier this year in colorado he succeeded, thanks to his leadership, working with our governor and the state legislature in enacting a red flag law that is very similar to the law that we are debating tonight. As a country, as a people, and as a congress, i believe we have to take action. For toms family and for families of countless others who have been so tragically impacted by gun violence. And i know that my colleagues on this side of the aisle earlier throughout this debate have referenced this notion that we need to pursue bipartisan solutions. It bears mentioning that there are two republican cosponsors on this bill. It bears mentioning that in colorado, in a poll that was conducted this summer, 60 of republicans support red flag laws. So, if my colleagues are serious about addressing gun violence, about addressing suicide, colorado happens to be the 10th highest rate of suicides in the United States. 50 of those involve a firearm. If my colleagues are serious about that, i would hope that they would join us tonight in supporting this bill so that we can finally do something about the pervasive gun violence that is raving aning community as i cross our country ravaging communities across our country. With that, i yield back the alance of my time. Who seeks recognition . Ok. The gentlelady from georgia im sorry. For what purpose does the gentlelady from georgia seek recognition . Mrs. Mcbath thank you, madam chair. I move to strike the last word. Recognized for five minutes. Mrs. Mcbath thank you very much. Id like to address amendments that add Mental Health as a factor to consider when determining whether to issue. I understand the desire to address Mental Health. That is the reason why i sit on the Mental Health caucus. As a member of the Mental Health caucus, its very important to me that laws continue to be a vital tool in helping people that are in crisis. Including but not limited to those that are subject to having a Mental Illness. However, adding Mental Health as a factor could actually do more harm than it will do good. Stigmatize Mental Health, it could even prevent people from getting the treatment that they need for fear that it could affect their own ability to own a gun. The truth is that most people with Mental Illness are never violent towards others. In fact, theyre more likely to be victims of violence themselves. According to a 2015 study in the anles of epidemiology, only 4 of violent acts in the United States are attributable to Mental Illness. Rather, stigmatizing meble illness, we need to rather than stigmatizing Mental Illness we need to focus on evidencebased risk factors for violence, and those are factors already included in this bill, for a judge to consider when issuing an extreme risk protective order. And these include recent threats, recent violence violent acts, reckless use of a firearm, and Substance Abuse. When the senate Judiciary Committee had their hearing on extreme risk laws earlier this year, chairman graham invited ron hornberg of the National Alliance on Mental Health Mental Illness. He testified that extreme risk laws should be based on individualized assessments rather than stereotypical assumptions about specific groups of people that are not grounded in evidence. And i really couldnt agree more. I urge my republican colleagues to listen to the witness invited to testify by senator graham and reject these efforts to stigmatize those with Mental Illness. We must take an evidencebased approach to keeping people safe. And look at genuine indications of violence. For that reason, i oppose this amendment. I yield back the balance of my ime. For what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition . Mr. Langevin i move to strike the last mr. Cicilline i move to strike the last word, madam chair. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cicilline thank you. I rise in opposition to the amendment. I want to make a couple of points. Number one, theres been a lot of discussion this afternoon, this evening, about the absence of due process and the fact that theres a constitutional right at issue here, the Second Amendment being somehow infringed upon. I want to associate myself with the distinguished gentleman from maryland who reminds us in the heller decision, the United States Supreme Court acknowledged the right of the government, both the state and federal governments, to impose reasonable restrictions. This isnt a limitless right to possess firearms of any kind, any time, anyplace you want. And in fact, the legislation that is before us includes important due process protections. On page seven is a notice in due process section which says the individual named in an application for an extreme Risk Protection order as described in subparagraph a shall be given written notice of the application and an opportunity to be heard on the matter in accordance with this section. That is classic due process. Notice and an opportunity to be herd. Second point i want to make heard. Second point i want to make is that with respect to the ex parte order, the standard of proof in that is probable cause. This is on page 16. A court may issue an ex parte order only upon a finding of probable cause to believe. So what this legislation is designed to do is when an individual, a Family Member finds out or discovers that someone is about to have access to a firearm, that is somehow reflecting some danger to themselves or the community, think of an example. Hearing that someones going to take a gun and go shoot up a school. Right now theres no mechanism to stop that from happening. Theres no mechanism to go to a court and say, this person is a danger to themselves and others. Theyre going to do something that will result in the terrible loss of life. Thats exactly what this bill provides. A vehicle to do that. In a really responsible way. With notice, with an opportunity to be heard, with a higher standard of probable cause and an ex parte proceeding. And while theres a lot of discussion about the Second Amendment and the constitutional right. Let me remind my friends on the other side of the aisle, theres a constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My constituents have the constitutional right to take a walk in the park with their grandchildren, be protected from gun violence. They have a constitutional right to worship in a synagogue or a church and be free from being gunned down. Those are also important liberties and freedoms that we have a responsibility to protect. And i think on balance this bill does exactly the right thing. It protects those freedoms and those liberties with reasonable procedures to protect people from someone who has exibbletted an intention to hurt themselves or others by use of a fire a. We have got to do firearm. We have got to do something. The American People are sick and tired of seeing news accounts and seeing people in their own communities that have been ravaged by gun violence. And by the way, we should remember that the magnitude of gun violence in america is staggering. On average 136,000 americans are shot each year. Totaling more than a million in the last decade. Over the last few years our country has lived through the deadliest Mass Shootings in modern american history. And as the chairman said, americans are 25 times more likely to be killed in a gun homicide than residents of other highincome countries. 25 times more likely. We have a responsibility to do something about that. We ought to look at the example of new zealand. It took one mass shooting, fueled by hate before action was taken, yet weve had more than 293 Mass Shootings this year alone. More shootings than there have been days in the year. And we should say never again, but tragic and preventable shootings have become the new normal. We have a responsibility to do something. Were not going to pass legislation thats going to eliminate gun violence in its entirety. But we can pass a series of bills, when taken together, can significantly reduce gun violence in this country and protect our constituents from the violence and the horror and the loss of what occurs during these kinds of gun massacres. So i urge my colleagues to support this. Ms. Collins would the gentleman yield . Thank you. Look, i get your passion for this. Youre going to vote for it. Im not even going to take up the fact that we believe in constitutional right to life on a lot of different subjects, were not going to go there. But i have a point to make about your discussion of standards. That is not the standard you stated is not the standard for the entire bill. The standard is found under the federal standard. Not the state Grant Program. State Grant Program is still, it says on page nine, line three, the court finds theres reasonable cause or make the finding under a higher standard. So its not all protected under a probable cause standard. I understand the gentlemans passion, i understand what he wants but there needs to be at least pointed out mr. Cicilline the ex parte provision is the provision that has the probable cause standard. Which makes sense because if someone doesnt have a right to be heard, it makes sense that you heighten the standard to probable cause. Ms. Collins [indiscernible] i yield back. Mr. Cicilline i yield back, madam chair. The gentlemans time has expired. The question is on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the nays have it. He amendment is not agreed to. A roll call is requested. Clerk will take no roll call . Ok. Thank you. Are there any further amendments to the amendment . Madam chair, move to strike the last word. The gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Thank you, madam chairman. I want to thank congressman carbajal for his tireless work on this issue. I especially want to thank congresswoman mcbath for her leadership, for her passion, for being a role model for all of us in how to approach this issue. And i want to acknowledge my friend, congresswoman brooks, congressman upton and congresswoman dingell for their help on the jake laird act. Mr. Deutch after february 14, its important to remember that the Florida Legislature in fact did pass bills to increase both the increase in minimum wage for rifle purchases, 21, and passed an extreme Risk Protection order law and in the two mants after that law passed, months after that law passed, mr. Gaetz acknowledges, guns were removed from roughly 50 dangerous situations, including 34 times in broward county, and those laws include robust due process protections and they truly save lives. Theres evidence. Weve seen it. We know that it works. These should be this should be the law all around the country. Tragic violence shouldnt continue to happen all across our nation and data at the federal level shows that active shooter incidents are on the rise, with many shooters showing signs of Mental Illness and nearly a quarter of the incidents occurring at schools. Were continuing to grapple with how to combat these incidents. Local Law Enforcement remains on the front lines every day of this fight. And is often responsible for halting the actions of these dangerous individuals. Its critical that they have the tools to do that. Thats all were trying to do. I dont understand why this is so complicated. Contrary to conventional wisdom, gun violence is rarely random. Its rarely random. If we recognize warning signs, police have the tools to take action, we can save lives. According to sandy hook promise, most Mass Shootings are planned for six months to a year. In each case, they examined they were thrrnings signs that were ignored. In florida, police have long had the authority to detain people who are a danger to themselves and others for Mental Health evaluations, but no authority to take weapons out of dangerous hands until they pass the extreme Risk Protection order law after parkland. Its time for the federal government to step up and help give every jurisdiction the tools needed to intervene and save lives. Congress, weve had this discussion over and over again. Congress has shamefully failed to respond to gun violence. Not only in schools and churches and night clubs and convert venues, but in response to loss of brave Law Enforcement officers. Those who put their badges, run toward danger, ignore the risk that they wont return home. After their shift. Now is the time for the federal government to help states implement red flag laws around the country, and i just want to finish with a reference to a conversation we had earlier today. When we heard from vic, a 22year navy veteran, gun owner, member of colorado gun owners for safety. Who testified about the number of times that as a veteran hes had to come to the aid of other veterans who considered suicide. We shouldnt leave it up to other veterans to be there, to help save the lives of those who served our country. If we know a veteran is considering taking his own life, if we know anyone is considering taking his or her own life, then lets make sure that the tools exist to help save that life. Thats all were talking about. Again, were not going to stop. Yeah, its true, its true, criminals are going tgget their hands are going to get their hands on guns. There are lots of arguments we make against this we can make against this and every effort to say this isnt going to stop gun vine violence. Theres still going to be gun violence. Thats 100 right. But if we can take this action tonight and move this bill forward and it saves one life and thats a life of someone that you know and love, then everyone on this committee knows that its the right thing to do. I urge my colleagues to support this. Mr. Nadler the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Are there any further amendments . The gentleman from maryland. Mr. Raskin i move to strike the last word. Mr. Nadler the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Raskin i also want to add a word of praise for our colleague, lucy mcbath, who has channeled unthinkable, unspeakable anguish and pain in her life into active citizenship and leadership. Im not sure how many people could actually accomplish that miraculous recovery and transformation and i want to praise her for what shes doing for us in congress and for all of the people of america. I also want to salute 300 of my colleagues constituent constituents who are in Silver Spring who are in support of this package of gun safety legislation. And standing strong for the views held by the vast majority of the American People, that we can make effective, positive changes in our gun laws. And i also want to associate myself with the recent statements of mr. Deutch and mr. Cicilline, which i found very powerful and very eloquent. I support this legislation strongly, mr. Chairman, because something happened a few weeks ago in maryland, where a man was muttering threats about killing people and how mad he was and weve got a red flag law in maryland. His name was marcedouard rudkowski. 54 years old. The provisions of the red flag law were activated. The police went to his home with an extreme Risk Protection order, and they found 146 firearms, an arsenal of hand guns, rifles, shot guns, and assaultstyle weapons. Belonging to him and his father and he was charged with one count of making a threat of mass violence, and could serve up to 10 years. Now, who knows where that one would have led. It could have led to the kind of massacre that we saw at the annapolis gazette, one of my constituents tonight is at the rally, she lost her husband in the annapolis gazette massacre. So, from el paso to dayton to newtown, connecticut, to the Pulse Night Club shooting, all over america now millions and millions of lives are affected and touched by this reign of gun terror. We see a political pattern in the wake of these events. The president immediately says, seeing the convulsions in public opinion, well, were going to have to do a universal background check. Then as each day goes by, hes lobbied by the National Rifle association, hes moved by, i suppose, some of our colleagues across the aisle, and he begins to back away and say, well, i dont know. Maybe everythings ok. Maybe theres really nothing that can be done. Maybe we should just denounce evil. Lets just denounce evil. Lets denounce immorality. Theres a solution for you. In the worlds oldest, greatest modern democracy. Lets denounce evil. Theres a good solution. Mr. Chairman, lets go back to the constitution. The constitution was written for the people. It was written to protect our rights and our freedoms and, yes, including the right to keep and bear arms. By which the Supreme Court is interpreted to mean the right to handgun to defend yourself, the right to a rifle in order to engage in Recreational Activity and hunting. Not a right to have weapons of war. Not a right to obtain any of this without a background check. Not the right Justice Scalia tells us to go into a courtroom with guns or go into a Public School with guns or go into any public place with a gun where the community has decided you shouldnt go. Thats Justice Scalia talking. Thats the conservatives on the court, the fivejustice majority, the four liberals, of course, thought that they read the Second Amendment to believe that gun possession should be tethered to service in the militia, in the national guard. That was not the reading the majority gave. It but the majority still said, ample room for regulation. Just like in the first amendment, you have the right to speak. You dont have a right to pick up a microphone or megaphone at 2 00 in the morning in front of the white house and keep the president s family up. And make a ruckus. In fact, when you support reasonable time, place and manner regulations of the first amendment, you enhance freedom of speech. So that everybody can speak and we can make speech harmonious with everything else. Thats the same thing with the Second Amendment. Yet we get this absurd rhetoric that when you have reasonable, commonsense gun safety regulation, to keep people from getting guns who shouldnt have them, like felons and fugitives and unstable people, that somehow were violating the Second Amendment. Lets get together across party lines. This is forethe American People. The reason we have a social contract and constitution is because the people should be safer within the constitution, within the rule of law, than they are in the state of nature. I yield back. Mr. Nadler the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Mr. Gaetz strike the last word. Mr. Nadler the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Gaetz thank you, mr. Chairman. During my colleague from californias president ial campaign, he and i didnt agree on too many issues. But there was a sentiment expressed that is generational in nature. And that is ours is the first generation that has lived with these Mass Shootings throughout our time in school. And then now as young people are having to endure yet another generation of school shootings. And regardless of which solutions that you adopt, it is a fact that younger americans have these Mass Shootings as a part of their psychological and american experience. And it is just deeply sad. So i still think theres plenty of room to denounce evil. I still think theres plenty of room for our states to enact red flag laws. And i have some caution based on the comments of my good friend from florida, mr. Deutch, you know, the bill from florida that he references is one i helped write. My colleague from florida, mr. Deutch, can ask his own constituent, a democrat, former state representative, i helped write those red flag provisions because i believe strongly that our state could do better. But when my colleague talks about veterans and their firearms and their access to firearms, i can assure you that if laws like this were in place in the be a sense of due process, in the absence of due process, and i think we should do more there, that veterans might be less willing to share their trauma, share their Mental Health frailties out of fear that it would divorce them from their firearms. Its a population i care a lot about because i represent i think more veterans than any member of the committee and most other members of congress. We would never want to live in a world where people are less likely to seek the Mental Health care that they need and that we would all want them to seek out of fear that it might depriving them of their right. None of these are easy issues. Theres definitely room here for legislation that would accommodate the concerns of republicans and democrats. Sadly this isnt that bill. I continue to be encouraged by the work of senator graham and his approach seems to be more closely aligned with legislation that had been previously introduced in a bipartisan fashion by senators nelson and senator rubio following the tragic events in the state of florida. And so, i hope thats ultimately the work product we end up with. If we get work product like that, i would be inclined to support it. But the legislation before the committee now seems to go further. I yield to my friend from florida. Mr. Deutch thank you. I thank my friend. I just want to use the opportunity not to talk about this legislation. I want to use the opportunity to talk about veterans and anyone else in mental distress. It is Suicide Prevention month. Today is world Suicide Prevention day. I believe. And i want to just reiterate the importance of having Difficult Conversations about Mental Health, asking someone that you care about if theyre thinking about suicide, will not hurt them, but it could save their life. I would encourage anyone listening today to reach out if they need help. The Suicide Prevention life shrine 1800273talk. There is great agreement among every member in this committee that we need to do what we can to ensure that people have access to help. Thats one thing that there is no doubt. I want to take the opportunity to do that. I thank my friend from florida and, mrs. Mcbath, if mr. Gaetz im going to reclaim my time. I appreciate the gentlemans recognition that these are not buynary issues. That there is a point binary issues. That there is a point at which if you create barriers to people seeking Mental Health, that that could limit the ultimate success that they could have in their treatment. I think about our colleague, the gentleman from massachusetts, seth moulton, who bravely, courageously during his president ial campaign stepped forward and said he himself dealt with trauma as queans from hiser is. I dont think anyone here would his service. I dont think anyone here would want to go red flag congressman moulton for making those admissions. You would want people that have those challenges to show the same bravery and the same positive action that he showed and we wouldnt want to create a deterrent to that. Mr. Deutch will the gentleman yield . Can we agree there are too many members of Congress Running for president . Mr. Gaetz wait until 2024. I yield back. [laughter] mr. Nadler the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is on the amendment. The gentlelady from pennsylvania. I move to strike the last word. Mr. Nadler the gentlelady from pennsylvania. I did just want to note that we lose 20 veterans to suicide every day. And that one of the big purposes f this law is to address the issues of folks using guns to commit suicide, that that 60 of the gun violence in this country. Ms. Scanlon and that this is a healthy step toward trying to address those issues. With that, i would yield to the gentlewoman from texas. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentlewoman from pennsylvania. I want to associate myself with your words and congressman deutch, i want to associate myself with your words about suicide. And i think its important to note, in an earlier hearing that we had today, a veteran himself acknowledged the fact that he would want to take away guns from a veteran who was contemplating suicide. So veterans themselves understand, to save veterans lives, they would want to have the construct to be able to do that. I indicated a gun violence prevention summit that we held in houston. , that hearing of individuals presentations without respect to party, the issue that they raised was the issue of dealing with the displaying of warning signs. The very crux of this bill. In 51 of Mass Shootings, from twine to 2017, 2009 to 2017, the attacker exhibited warning signs before the shooting. For example, before killing six people inal at that vista, california, in may, 2014, the shooter made homicidal and suicidal threats and his parents alerted Law Enforcement, but there was nothing they could legally do to remove the firearms before the california changed its law. The u. S. Secret service and the u. S. Department of education studied targeted School Violence incidents and found behavior warning signs that caused others to be concerned in 93 of the cases. They also found that in 81 of incidents, other people, most often peers, had some type of knowledge about the shooters plans. In parkland, where 17 people were killed, it was noted that this student had been expelled from school and students and teachers reported he displayed threatening behavior, his mother had repeatedly contacted Law Enforcement. In Domestic Violence cases, before there is a conviction, Family Members are without any structure to in fact talk about the behavior of that loved one that is in the household, that is threatening the Family Members and the children. And so, this legislation is long overdue federally. And i want to acknowledge the individuals who came to this conclude last week conclusion last week. The doctor can the texas childrens hospital, dr. Wolfe, deputy chief medical examiner in Harris County, Sergeant Jeffrey mcgowan, Harris County sheriffs troy thinner, ef who is the executive chief of the Houston Police department. Executive director of the Harris County public health. Kim aug, District Attorney for Harris County. Dr. Howard henderson, a professor of administration of justice at Texas Southern university. Professor ronald turner, a professor of Law University of houston. Matthew simpson, deputy political director, aclu. Sonia corrales, chief Program Officer for the houston Womens Center which con firms the need for this kind of law as it relates to Domestic Violence. And Sonia Stewart who lost her two brothers, the founder of the i am foundation. Rhonda heart, hart, who lost a doctorate santa fe. And ariel hobbs who we heard from today, who said that many of her friends, she has them now, because of death. She represents march for our lives. And elizabeth haynes, moms demand action. They conceded to the point that this legislation of extreme risk orders was important to save lives and i believe this is what we need to do on the federal level, not just state by state. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Nadler the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The question occurs on the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. Mr. Nadler the gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Chairman, thanks. Mr. Armstrong move to strike the last word. Weve heard it all. Everybody thinks we voted on a red flag law in the north dakota legislature. We voted it down. Were now putting a federal system that will be in place that will be in effect in north dakota the same as it is elsewhere and were also setting up a situation where we incentivize states to do this. So, i think we know all this is going, i think im hopeful that there is more common sense across the chamber than there is here, but that is not necessarily the case. So heres what i am actually imploring my friends on other side to do. Most importantly, in the federal one, youre requiring Court Appointed counsel. We dont require that in any state court. In fact, in the states that do have red flag laws, Court Appointed counsel is the exception and not the rule. We are setting up a system, one, where youre forcing the citizens in north dakota to have this law in federal court when they have rejected it in the state legislature which happened in the last legislative session. Secondly, youre sbent advising states to put their own policy in place and, thirdly in states that already have it, you are going to have two completely different evidentry standards in hearings depending on when youre in federal court or in state court. You have competing interests. This is before we get into whether the federal government should actively be engaged in this. By the rationale in which we allow the federal government to do, that any crime involving a gun should rise to the federal level as opposed to having state level assaults, murder, Domestic Violence, all of the things which we ask our states to do. Mr. Gohmert it would help if people in congress, including this committee, would not jump to conclusions too soon and condemn Law Enforcement before they find out the Law Enforcement officer was acting in selfdefense and further dividing the country. We had a president that kept choosing before the evidence was in to go against Law Enforcement. Lack of moral clarity is why People Living in free societies cannot distinguish between free fundamentalists in a fundamental state. This new orwellian world, the arsonists and the firefighter are deemed morally equivalent. What we can push, we cant effectuate what needs to be done tonight. But we can resolve that we are going to encourage the teaching f right and wrong. This relativity has encouraged people to wonder, would it feel good to kill people . And then they go out and kill people. We need to be promoting a morality among ourselves and among this body and encouraging schools. Theres nothing wrong with speaking and teaching against ealousy and against killing. Until that is fixed, we are going to keep having to take away more and more and more Constitutional Rights. Why . Ecause we need to be safe. Those who would give up their liberty for safety deserve neither. But it is important to understand before we start giving up these liberties, these things that are in the constitution, continue to give them up and continue to have to have the Supreme Court say, you know what, were going to have to cut back on the rights that this constitutional provision allows, because people want to be safe. Weve seen it for want to be safe. And were going to spend hours taking away what can rights. Ameri i yield back. Yields back. And and there are in further pending amendments so the question occurs on the amendment is the nature of a substantive. This will be followed by a vote of final passage of the bill. I understand there will be a roll call vote on each. Them. In question is on motion to report the bill as amended to the house. Respond by saying aye. Opposed, no. Ayes have it. Will call the role. Jeffries. Ond, mr. Mr. Deming, aye. Aye. Correa votes aye. Scanlan votes miss garcia . Aye. Votes aye. Cia aye. Mr. Powell votes aye. Escobar votes aye. Mr. Collins . Collins votes no. Obi votes no. And mr. Gates votes no. Mr. Johnson, louisiana votes no. Mr. Bigs votes no. No. Mcclintock votes votes no. Ong no. Stubbe votes from tennessee . Aye. Collin votes reports. Nos. Ere are 22ayes and 16 it. The ayes have staff authorized to make conforming changes. Now we have three more bills to markup. Is two more gun bills. More bills . Two less controversial bills and feel everyone doesnt necessary to speak so we can easonable hour. R up and hr1186 regulate large capacity ammunition devices. Myself. I recognize troduced by our colleague, the gentleman from florida. Large compassity magazines shootings. Rible mass these. These tragedies have been magnified in the destructiveness large of the use of ar to ty magazines simil those used seven years ago similar to the aurora theater shooter. Last month, the shooter in round drum a 100 magazine to kill nine people and others in just 30 seconds. And days perfect that attack the people that killed four and injured 13 others at garlic a 75 al in gilroy used round magazine in addition to 40 round magazines. Of screen shot shows type round magazine used to kill 6 ictims from ar old v first rad classrooms near the front of the school of. Shot multiple e times. Perfect turning the weapon on the shooter at the post nightclub in florida used the to kill e of magazine, 49 people lee years ago. And in 216 shoot six people at her t Baptist Church in sout land springs texas used a merely identical magazine. O shows a device similar to 33round magazine funman in tucson, wounded and almost killed representative gab brie yil giffords in a supermarket parking lot, using a handgun with a 33 round magazine enabling him to kill six people, including a chief jus from the rizona strict court of a and injuring three others. The shooters dream only interrupted when attacked by a by stanner as he temporarily newpped shooting to attach a when theto its weapons ammunition. Ut of large capacity magazines make it easier to kill more people and they serve virtually no other function. Gs analysis of has shootin foun they were recovered in over half of the incidents. Average, the use caused twice as many fatalities and was times as many injury out question, it is long overdue death. These instrums of congress considered and enacted imilar legislation before. In 1994, congress banned possession of transfer of zag mag scenes more than tending rounds of ammunition. Those magazines on or before the exceeding ten rounds were grand fathered in and they can ontinue to possess banned magazines. 1994 it contained a sunset 2004, the ban in expired. E law the expiration of th in 2004, the use of high nes in crime guns has grown with tragic results. There was a reduction and down to a low of 10 before the law expired in 2004. 2010, the sheriff with crime guns more than doubled. 22 . Tates in the district high umbia regulate capacity and according to a researcher, whether a state has a large magazine ban is the single best predictor of the mass shooting rates in their state. In this nce is clear time we reestablish a ban on ple e devices, american peo strongly agreechlt one poll shows 70 of americans support a arge capacity magazines under scoring the obvious. Today we take a step to limit by passing a 10round magazine limit. Thank you for championing this effort and introducing this bill. You, mr. Chairman. Now, second bill of the night ering a bill well do nothing to make americans safe. Ou dont have to thak my word for it. Lets tlak at published studies. A 10year 1994 federal ban on magazines was enacted as part of the Violent Crime law act of 1994. 1997 an was in place in department of justice funded study of the ban determined at best the Assault Rifle ban can only have a limited affect on total gun murders because they a modest involved in fraction. Ooked at 51 dc l studies including assault weapons ban limitation and unable to show limitation reduced crime. Following year, in 2004 a follow up study determined affect eeded the pan would likely to be small at best perhaps too small. And polling the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech, governor cane reviewed a bath to study the atrocity. The shooter used several thats had magazine larger than ten rounds. Uld not have made a difference in the april 16th incidents. The law after 0 years in an 2004, the ban magazines rounds. R ten nd even pistol was rapid loaders could have been deadly. If you want to disagree with doj, and Virginia Tech findings. Corporation study available rand saw through to on the e how pans assault weapons affected the found oncluded and we ith the outcomes weve in stigated hag scenes that this bill are are common with abiding americans. Million detachable magazines. 30 million can accommodate more connect 1200 no comments, i yie. The sponsor of the bill. Thank you. Thank you for including this bill to ban high ka pass rity magazines on this issue. d like to thank our colleague n the senate and acknowledge leadership of Congress Woman senting columbine and we all know too many victims of too many surviving Family Members and loved ones of Mass Shootings and acts of gun violence. We stand to demand congress do something to stop it and that is t is this about . Seconds. Just seconds. Seconds matter. And those seconds can save a live. Seconds matter. Yesterday, President Trump honored First Responders that to everything they could save lives and in dayton, ohio, First Responders tped the 30 ter in a remarkable ly onds and that is hocking fast. Were grateful they were there. The shooter killed nine people. Nd injured 27 others 30 ght of joy cut short in seconds. Felt terror and at pulse, fter the hooting had orlando and gun violence happens in every day in , america. And a mass shooting happened in tug las a d stoneman gunman injured 17 others and rounds in six minutes. 150 in six minutes. Down the hallways for safety. In of the students may have survive that had horrible day. Igh ka aboutsity magazines not meant for our communities. With assault weapons they injure more people, faster than gun violence without them. From w, to Mass Shootings ings found in those shoot there were twice as many times as many 14 incident. R and we need to act today so we dont keep breaking the record for the next worses mas shooting in american history. To the next t now cert goers or n those preciousve to escape. Olleagues and implore my colleagues to support this legislation to take action here, to help save lives. For what purpose . E last word. Th of the work inning heart i was faced with breaking news that gilroy, in my correctional district had joined the toolong list of communities experiencing a tragedy of a mass shooting. At a garlic festival, a family happens every year. Like perpetrators, that proceeded the shooting and swems ones that followed and every day gun violence, the gilroy shooter style weapon with a 75 round magazine. Now, california along with anning assault weapons is one of nine states that bans sale or import of large capacity magazines or those that accept more than ten rounds. Law protect us . Law and thes a state shooter went to nevada to buy what he could not buy in california. Know, these weapons a hurry an lets in they do damage. Nders in gilroy were facing a shooter with an assault weapon with bullets and they ran at him in under one minute, they that. Him and put an end to because of the nature of the to kill three able people and injure 17 others. It others me saying well, wont solve the problem. Yes, it would. Old. En romero was six years he was kill that had day. Ld. Ley sala star, 13 years o theyd still be alive if that shooter had in the had access to those weapons. Matter. If this doesnt solve problems in every community it would have that is ir lives and act. We should he neglected to take note and what they did was they werent luring in now because they did and they were able to save 17 who had been right onecause theyre the spot. F those, some will never fully recover. Hat is how damaging these weapons are. So this is to support the raumatized d those t nd now is not the time to talk is the medies but now time. And ill remember the victims 6yearold boy a yearold girl that should still be alive today. Back. D move to strike the last word. Gentleman recognized five minutes. First id like to submit for losing count. There are a number of issue was this bill. First definition. 2, 14, the define what a magazine is under this magazine pan. And hat can be restored converted. Every firearm there e that could be readily restored and converted to accept rounds. An ten so this would ban just about the automatic y semi rifle and handgun. That i carry, carry more than ten rounds so youre unnning just about every handg accept a m that would magazine because any of those could be converted. There is a piece at the bottom for any rifle that accepts a magazine. That is the first issue. Second is that this would solve where and i dont know the other gentleman got his information from. Would do nothing to have addressed that because he gazines in und ma Virginia Tech shooting for several years, deadliest mass shooting in american history, hooter changed a total of 17 times. What youre rying to accomplish youre not going to flish and any of us that served this the military, we did exercise, as training you can exchange in 1, 2 seconds, then, further, on page two, paraphotograph 12, 15 this devices and ly to in ess on so the shooter parkland, any person that possesses the magazines can keep their magazines because youre not banning anything that people time this bill is is passed into law. Accomplishing nothing for thing to say only people acting in violence had ten round magazines theyre peopleng to kill as many 30 wound and i dont tryingand if the left is to stay and purport nobody should va ten round magazine itause if they decide to use for a nefarious purpose and try to kill as many people as hy sible in a hert time w ont you ban possession of the article . Doesnt. Used a er this parkland round magazine. Check. Sed a back ground so what you purport to stop this wont have stopped the shooter. Passed he can as have 30 rounds if that is what i dontdidnt so understand how this is protecting other than inflicting citizens on biding carry. O i forgot to put in a communication from the city of santa clara and article about gilroy. Without objection. Other gentle woman from california. N tonight. t spoke you for putting forward these bills and all of us just coming off of a six week recess z just one end of ed from the country to the them. I was listen owing my colleague it sounds like he might have interest in banning assault tening to d i was lis him say why not go after the funs . If he has interest in doing that, i would love to join him in that effort. When were considering these pills, those are steps weve made in this house. Refers to the left im in the sure who hes referring to. I see people in the democratic party. Im not sure what left he referring to. If i think about less than two weeks ago what happened over 54, in addition to mass tragically all witnessed a 54yearold st. Louis man was arrested in connection with a Fatal Shooting of a 15yearold child over the hot, nd, 34 people were s ix fatally in gun violence in chicago and 131 murders in 2019 in los angeles and i know my california colleagues mentioned ough lifornia we have t unlaws were proud of but the is lem we are in california ing from are com outside. So we know its a problem that far and wide many and i Hough Community will soon of issues, r types bout hing confusing to me a my colleagues on the other side of the aisle theyre clear on s itics or holes thi legislation we might propose. I never hear a solution. And i know you have to be as concerned about the violence in this country as we are. So what on earth is the lugs . I hear you put something forward, Mental Health is is issued. Im fine with that. Lets deal with Mental Health but there is never a concern of putting resources toward Mental Health. It is an issue but interesting had Mental Health comes up its a particular type of funman. Hot the type of pun violence many communities see on a daily basis. O i just would really like to hear in solutions. A Ranking Member mentioned various study thats dont prove this is a solution or that asolution. What haf leaved. Y werent allowed to look at it. I dont know what studies is he is talking about. Is hot deficit. It is possible to save some lives, and it plows up myths, which is that we need to make sure good guys have funs and if guys can go after bad guys well, if guys did have guns. It didnt matter because those slaughtered within a few seconds. Good guys the there and took out how many people were killed . How many injured . It makes no sense. When it comes to assault weapons ey are for. T th and i would like to hear solutions from my colleagues, support you ing to on the Mental Health tip. With resourcesle resources to address Mental Health and not just the rhetoric. I for consent to enter into a clay, from rom lacy missouri. One study i want to reference on is used sault weap with a high capacity magazine the number of People Killed in a by six oting increases . So weo because theyre deadly, they kill more people. So there is this doubt that passing a ban on these magazines will result in safing lives. That, i yield back. Who seeks recognition . Id like to strike the last word. Yes. Recognized for five minutes. You. Hank agueswant to thank my colle who continued to work on fun reform bills. Thank you to my friend and duetche. Ative ted twice as he use cause has wraalities as those kers where theyre in the being used. Roy. Seen gil people were killed and 13 wounded. Sandy hook elementary. Assault weapon used with a 30 ine. D magaz nd that took the lives of 20 children. Pulse, orlando in 2016. A 30 round used magazine. Taking the lives of 49 individuals. Lives taken at pulse jerry wright. And when i hear representative not ins saying this bill is going to do anything to save any i would like to ask my colleague to say that to fred continue to to fight for common sense gun reforms. I would lick for him to look into the eyes of the parents of ve not stopped ha advocating for common sense gun reform. Een the bill or the courage by my colleagues when you had the majority for decades, not one fun reform bill was brought into committee. Of assed in the house representatives. From my colleague, karen bass, you think its Mental Health . Fine, lets invoft in Mental Health programs and take action andther forms of gun reform gun safety legislation to save people we f the continue to see loose lives on senseless gun violence. And this is a very difficult subject for me. Every single time, i sit in this i hear my and obstruct colleagues think action disheartening because i know most americans are watching. And they see that you have no will, no courage, and i lost my to gun violence. Nd no it wasnt through a massacre. They didnt use high capacity magazines. Waits criminal but there are many things we can do to avoid nother Family Member from getting a call that theyve lost a loved one. I implore you

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