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I was pleased how he responded. He did all of that story find it line and search andrewcard cspan. Org. 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, remaining electronic votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from illinois, mr. Rush, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1420 as amended, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk h. R. 1420, a bill to amend the Energy Independence and security act of 2007 to promote Energy Efficiency via information and Computing Technologies and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 384. Nays are 23. 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the motion of the gentleman from illinois, mr. Rush, to suspend the rules and h. R. 1768, on which the ordered. Nays are the clerk will report the title. A billrk h. R. 1768, reauthorize subtitle g of title 7 of the Energy Policy act of 2005, relating to diesel emissions reduction, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house uspend the rules and pass the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. House proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 295. 114. Ays are 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are passed, d, the bill is and without objection the motion o reconsider is laid on the table. An we have some order in the house, please. Will the house come to order. For what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition . I ask m speaker, unanimous consent to address the house with the ohio delegation. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Madam speaker, on august 4, a ass murderer opened fire on innocent civilians in dayton, ohio. District. Toric oregon hundreds of people were present in the streets, in restaurants and bars. This twoblock area thats ess than five minutes from my home. The killer wore body armor, a ask, and carried over 200 bullets. Armed with a recon figured weapon, he fired almost 50 32 seconds. In that time he killed nine 27. Le and wounded later, we heard a familiar story. People who knew him had feared a danger. Man was he had told people that he shooter. Be a mass however will eaker pro tempore the gentleman yield . The house is not in order. Thank you. Proceed. A. Turner however, he passed background check in the purchase of his weapon. Of the ter told me courage of the Police Officers at the scene. She heard the first shots, turned and watched the officers unflinchingly run immediately toward the gun shots. Within 32 seconds of the shooter opening fire, Dayton Police took down the shooter. Let me be clear. The officers didnt receive the call in 32 seconds. The officers didnt show up in 32 seconds. They killed him in 32 seconds. But even with the dayton Police Officers incredible heroism, nine innocent civilians were killed. And 27 were wounded by the shooters gun fire. He was armed with a magazine of 100 bullets and had another magazine with him. If he had not been stopped, the death toll could have been unimaginable. When the president came to dayton, he congratulated the Police Officers on their training. Sergeant knight responded, sir, you cant train courage. Today, Sergeant Knight and these courageous dayton officers received the medal of valor. Officer jarlede campbell, fficer vincent carter, officer dinglinger. Their bravery and quick action saved hundreds of peoples lives, including my own daughter. Theyre here with us today, joan by dayton mayor. Please join me in thanking them. Now, my fellow colleagues, we need to show the courage of these Police Officers. Lets Work Together to pass bipartisan bills that actually have a likelihood of becoming law and making our country safer. The forthcoming debate will be about our values, american values. Human values. How could we get to a place where people are routinely killing innocent people that they do not know . The debate must also be about mental health. How to identify those who are a threat, remove their ability to do harm . And get help for those who need it. This debate will be about violence in our culture. The Virtual World that so many of these killers have spent countless hours training in. And the American Public rightfully demand that this debate will include a conversation about guns. As we pause for a moment of silence to think of those who were lost in dayton, ohio, lets think of all of those that have been lost in mass shootings, their families and our obligations to them. Im going to ask that our moment of silence last for 32 seconds. So that as this body thinks of those that we lost, the horrific understanding of how quickly the passing of 32 seconds occurs and that within that time period, nine people were murdered and 27 people injured. My fellow colleague from ohio, joyce bait beety, knows the family joyce beatty, knows the family of one of those victims. I ask her to read the names of those killed. Mrs. Beatty thank you, congressman turner. To our colleagues, to the officers and mayor. Megan betts. Monica brickhouse. Nicholas consumer. Erek fudge, thomas mcnicholas, lois oglesby, saeed saleh, logan turner, Beatrice Warren curtis. Thank you. Yield back. Michael turner i now ask that all members and mr. Turner i now ask that all members and guests rise for 32 econds of silence. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Madam speaker, i send to the desk a privileged report from the committee on rules for filing under the rule. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. The clerk report to accompany House Resolution 548. Resolution providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 205, to amend the gulf of Mexico Energy security act of 2006, to permanently extend the moratorium on leasing in certain areas of the gulf of mexico, providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 1146. To amend public law 11597 commonly known as the tax cuts and jobs act, to repeal the arc tick National Wildlife refuge oil and gas program and for other purposes. And providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 1941. To amend the outer Continental Shelf lands act, to prohibit the secretary of the interior, leasing programs certain Planning Areas and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore referred to the house calendar and ordered printed. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Johnson madam speaker, i rise to ask unanimous consent to be removed as a cosponsor for h. R. 1748. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Payne madam speaker, september is Peripheral Artery Disease awareness month. Known as p. A. D. , it is a lifethreatening and chronic circulatory condition. It causes blood vessels from the heart to the legs to marrow. And slows or blocks blood from getting into the legs of sufferers and could lead to unnecessary amputation. Far too little is known about an illness which afflicts almost 20 million americans today and could lead to 3. 6 million americans losing a leg in the next 30 years. According to researchers at Johns Hopkins university, it is a personal battle for me as i know, being an africanamerican who suffers from diabetes, the disease is three times more likely to affect africanamericans and diabetes is one of the highrisk factors. Fortunately it is easy to prevent. That is why i started the congressional p. A. D. Caucus in the house with my colleague, Gus Bilirakis from florida. Amputations is one of the most physically and emotionally damaging injuries a person can experience, especially if its unnecessary. We need to focus more attention and resources to a problem with a clear solution and save sufferers and families an unnecessary trauma. And with that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition . Mr. Scalise to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Scalise thank you, madam speaker. I rise today to congratulate the east bank allstars from river ridge, louisiana, for winning the 73rd Little League world series championship. Its exciting any time that the United States competes against the world and wins and doing so in such a classy fashion that represents the great values of this nation. But its even more special that these young men from my district were the first in the state of louisianas history to win the Little League world series. It was an exciting series for all of us. It captured the imagination of the people of louisiana. But especially to watch how these young men represented themselves and the rest of us in such a classy way, as they competed against the nation of curacao and delivered an 80 victory for the United States. I, along with all of my colleagues from louisiana, introduced h. Res. 547, to formally congratulate these young men. They look forward to going to the white house to meet the president , hes extend thed the invitation. Again, a great moment for louisiana, a great moment for the United States, and especially for these young men from river ridge, louisiana. With that, madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you very much, madam speaker. Today i rise to applaud the heroic work of the United States coast guard in response to the historic category 5 hurricane dorian. The coast guard motto is, always ready. And they have shown that in the wake of this disaster. By strategically positioning personal personnel, aircraft, cutters ahead of the storm, they were able to respond quickly and save lives. In fact, in total the coast guard First Responders rescued over 200 people in dorians wake. Mr. Crist back home in florida, i had the opportunity to visit the First Responder crews from Coast Guard Air station clearwater after they returned home. We could not be more proud of their dedication, as well as their service. Again, thank you to the brave folks of the United States coast guard for always being ready to keep america and our neighbors safe and secure. Thank you, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from North Carolina seek recognition . Ms. Foxx i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Without objection. Ms. Foxx thank you, madam speaker. I rise to congratulate winstonsalem state university, wssu, in North Carolinas Fifth District on its recent ranking by money magazine as the nations best public historically black university for value. The publication considered 26 different measures of value, including affordability, education quality and graduates record of landing wellpaying jobs. Many institutions do not make timely completion of college a priority. Leading to increased debt for the six out of 10 students who take more than six years to graduate. Wssu is a bright spot in our Nations University system, though, with the average student graduating in under five years and alumni earning an average 46,200 annually within three years of graduation. Chancellor ellewood robinson, wssu administrators and faculty should be very proud to lead our nations historically black universities and colleges in value and i applaud the schools dedication to honoring the Financial Sacrifices made to pursue postsecondary egscade postsecondary education. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas the gentlewoman, im sorry, the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee ask to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, i rise today to speak on a number of points. First of all, to acknowledge the killing and mass murder in el paso and dayton and odessa. I think it is calling upon this congress to not only pray, but to do. And i plan to do. Let me also indicate that this is the year of return. 400 years that enslaved africans came to the United States. Millions were enslaved and came. From 179 to 1865, the institution of slavery was constitutionally and statutorily sanked. Im comblad to have glad to have been part of the historic trip to ghana with my colleagues and the speaker of the house to honor the year of return. Ghanian the gan leadership for welcoming us. The loss of life and the issue of wealth being created in this nation. Let me also remind our colleagues that we are glad that our neighbors in the southeast survived, but i want to remind us of the devastation in the bahamas. We must not let our neighbors suffer. We must rise up with funding, we must recognize that they are our neighbors. We must deal with immigration laws and we must be receptive, mr. Speaker, to helping them get back on their feet. I know this congress in this house will Work Together when our fellow neighbors are suffering the way theyre suffering. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Thompson mr. Speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to recognize ben weaver, owner of serve pro, a damaged Restoration Company in evansburg, pennsylvania, that specializes in fire, water and mold remediation. Bens an Army National guard veteran who was recently named the western pennsylvania veteranowned Small Business person of the year by the Small Business administration. I was pleased to be back in evansburg recently to present a commendation for this award. What started out as ben in one truck as his mobile office has become a growing company of 22 employees, a fleet of 20 trucks, and a 10,000 squarefoot Office Building with a Second Office opening soon in indiana, pennsylvania. Ben was able to launch his business thanks to the help of an s. B. A. Backed 7a loan but he attributed his success to being active in his community. Ben mentioned community is like a family. He said, quote, in the end people really want to do business with people they know, their extended family, end quotes. I applaud bens dedication, hes certainly deserving of this award. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from ohio seek recognition . Kaptur to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for minute. Ms. Kaptur the original nafta has bun one of the has been destructive st trade bills. Tooth and nail when it was considered back in the 1990s, and as classentative for working communities from toledo to cleveland, ive since joined constituents in bearing witness to the devastating affects of what free s of what some call trade. President trump repeatedly bolstered he would scrap nafta better deal. Te a but his proposal lacks common enforcement provisions, falls short of companies to reshore american provides massive carvouts for big pharma that of cause the cost prescription drugs to skyrocket even more. Ive always been an advocate for air trade among free people, but nafta crashed the largest economy in the world, the United States, into that of a nation, mexico, without any plan to deal with he human and economic consequences. Madam speaker, as currently 2, tten, the usmca, nafta continues this failed legacy of nafta 1 and remains a failure worker. American the usmca is just nafta 2. Defeated, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom South Carolina seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Wilson madam speaker, every i participate in a bus tour of South Carolinas second roxanne, ith my wife, and dedicated staff from washington, d. C. And district offices. Especially appreciate scheduler stephanie for successfully coordinating her bus tour in the tradition of emily. Our trip consisted of over 20 across five counties in the district. It was humbling and inspiring to constituents, Small Businesses, schools, chambers of commerce, and manufacturers. Visited weretops i rapidly growing, including harter n. E. X. Films of columbia, a world leader in highperformance specialty films 100 more jobs d along with swiss crono who plan add 105 jobs. In addition, the orangeburg park city industrial began construction to welcome new businesses and jobs. Chamber of the commerce hosting a town hall on the tour. Im grateful to be accessible constituents. E to in conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never forget global war and the on terrorism. The speaker pro tempore thank you. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . Without objection, the entlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Waters madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Speaker, i rise in support strong support for in theple of the bahamas aftermath of hurricane dorian. Bahama s of the grand and abaco island are in a desperate situation. Crisis, thenitarian likes of which has never before faced the bahamas. Efforts oful for the the usaid and the u. S. Coast guard which have been nstrumental in leading search andres could you efforts and providing emergency food to bahamians. S cochair of the congressional caribbean caucus, i strongly upport an expedited u. S. Process application process, waiver process for about a hamians are who bahamians who u. S. Eking to go to the and extend the temporary of all d status bahamians. Displaced members must be respect and all visas must be processed mmediately and efficient manner. The road to recovery will be ong and difficult but all bahamians must be treated with respect. The United States is standing ith you during this difficult time. We will do all we can to aid in the Recovery Efforts in the months. Eeks and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Madam speaker, i request address thensent to house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Speaker. You, madam i rise today to commemorate mostis bellamy, one of the influential individuals from mount morris, new york. Author of the pledge of allegiance. Yesterday marked the 127th of the pledge of allegiance, which was First Published in a magazine called companion, on september 8, 1892. Was initially written as part of a campaign to put flags in every school in the country. R. Collins it read, i pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, nation, indisible, with liberty and with justice for all. It said the flag of the united added. Was in 1954, congress added the words, under god. 30word pledge we say today. Ellamys words are recited millions of times every day and are ingrained in our society as pride ession of national and patriotism. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the yields. N for what purpose does the gentlewoman from the district of columbia seek recognition . Norton to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the entlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Norton madam speaker, on thursday, september 19, the oversight and Reform Committee hearing on historic d. C. Statehood. It will be the first hearing on 51 in 26 years. This is not an informational madam speaker. This is a jurisdictional hearing of that word. Ng the state will still be called d. C. Will d. C. , but douglas common, after commonworth. C. Residents pay the highest federal taxes per capita in the United States. Has almost is bill enough cosponsors to pass right now. Late to too cosponsor. 51 to go to the house floor without you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. For what purpose does the florida seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemanion, is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. Honor world war ii veteran colonel andy cole, u. S. Army retired. Cole enlisted the in the wisconsin National Guard in 1936. World war ii he spent 43 months in the South Pacific participated in five amphibious landings, was wounded in action and was awarded the purple heart. He was one of the first troops that went to hiroshima following the atomic bomb. Stellar career by serving multiple worldwide tours of duties including in vietnam from 1961 to 1963. This o and mr. Spano colonel cole 100th birthday but in fact, its we who celebrate him. Os you a debt of owes you a debt of gratitude for anding protect our freedoms the faith that brought you the darkest days of sir. For blessing us for your life of sacrifice. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields. N for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemanion, minute. Gnized for one the fair grounds recently elebrated their 50th anniversary. After many years from moving opened place, the 4h july 24, 1969, at its current in south jersey. R. Van drew many of the traditions established back then talentes the pet parade, show for the young people who program. Te in the 4h participating in fishing, small robotics, the g, program enriches many aspects of learning. Has shown that young people in 4h are almost four in s as likely to engage stem programs during the school year thanks to what they explore time in during their the program. Head, heart, for hands, and health. 4h has clear that the been deepening these young peoples skills in all of these areas. The participants, workers, volunteers, and horner of the a 4h foundation and fair grounds, on 50 years, for sure. Youre helping youth become confident. Youre making south jersey proud, and you are making mature adults ready to take on the world. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the georgia seek recognition . Mr. Carter i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Carter madam speaker, i rise today to recognize ms. Retired from who er broadcasting post with wtks in savannah on september 6. Originally from South Carolina, to the first came Congressional District of georgia after her college life, and for love, work. For life, it was our large green easygoing people in our area. That love portion included her marriage and becoming a mother. Work is what nearly everyone in savannah has woken years. Or the past 21 mrs. Anderson hosted the program news now radio on wpks along with her morning mr. Bill edwards. The program has become the most area, in the savannah interviewing countless Community Leaders and giving commuters important daily updates. Now shes leaving the air to spend more time with her family. You the best of luck in your future endeavors. You will be missed on the air every morning. Thank you, madam speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the california seek recognition . Ask dam speaker, i unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman minute. Nized for one madam alfa thank you, speaker. During our august recess, we had a very successful trip to the at some of ooking the work that had been done for ecovering our forested areas and doing the types of thinning and management that needs to be done to make our areas much more safe and sustainable into the future. A very successful y successful bipartisan effort. Senator feinstein as well as our local members of the house had supported this work and were at that time of year again, the tating fires affecting west, affecting my own district in california right now. Walker fire. The people being displaced, having desperately move their cattle ute of the area out of the area. A lot of aircraft are going. Why do we have to do this year after year instead of managing our assets, the peoples assets, our national a way that makes it fire safe, habitat safe for the wildlife thats there and later the negative effects you have from negative Water Quality and all the ash things that get into the streams . E need to be much more proactive. 44,000 acres burning in my district right now just on that walker fire and the fear people have to put up with and the loss of wildlife. To do much more. We need the Forest Service to be empowered with the tools to get this work done. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Nder the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentlewoman from california, ms. Is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. Thank you very much, madam speaker. Thank you for yielding. Honored tonight to chair nd conduct the special order sponsored by the congressional to thankcus and i want chairwoman karen bass for her remendous leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus and order ding this special tonight. Effort to race to the public and this bodys attention he observance of 400 years since the first enslaved africanamericans were brought of america, which began 250 years of one of the horrific crimes committed against humanity, overnmentsanctioned institution of slavery. Yield to ke to now congresswoman chairwoman bass statement and just want to say to her i really commend ou tonight for your leadership and really for keeping africa as entral in our foreign policy, because we all are reminded through your leadership that africa does matter. Thank you. Mr. Bass thank you. Thank you very much ms. Bass thank you. Thank you, very much, madam speaker. As chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus, im flad to be joining this special c. B. C. Special order hour. Tonight my colleagues and i will take the time to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the first enslaved arakans arriving in the United States. The Transatlantic Slave Trade was the largest coerced migration of human beings in the history of the world. An estimated 10 million to 12 million enslaved africans were transported across the Atlantic Ocean between the 16th and 19th century. The brutality, murder, rape, disease and starvation were so high that some historians assess that around 15 to 25 of the enslaved africans died aboard slave ships. Slavery in the United States officially lasted from 1619 to 1865, for 246 years. Enslaved africans worked 10 or more hours a day in dangerous conditions and also worked 18hour days in peak cotton picking and sugar harvesting season. The average lifespan of enslaved africans who labored on sugar and rice plantations was only seven years. Violence on the plantations was always a danger and threat to the lives of enslaved human beings. Wealth from the enslaved africans and their labor established global capitalism and set the Economic Foundation for europe, the caribbean and the americas. According to the National Museum of africanamerican history and culture, quote, by 186 0four million enslaved people produced well over 60 of the nations wealth and the slave trade valued them at 2. 2. 7 billion. The financial legacy of the slave trade contributed to the creation of nation states such as france, spain, portugal, netherlands, great britain, south america, the caribbean, as well as the United States. One of the contemporary myths one of the contemporary myths that too Many Americans believe is that only the south gained from slavery. However, both the southern and northern economies of the United States profitted from slavery. For example in manhattan, enslaved black men accounted for 1 3 of the labor force by 1740. During reconstruction, former enslaved africans made some progress. The first members of congress, black members of congress, were elected to the house and the senate. Nevertheless, black members of congress were still not allowed to eat in the same cafeteria as their white colleagues and were segregated overall in the institution. And this went on for many years. There was a period in which there were no africanamericans in congress at all because they were run out. Black codes adopted under reconstruction in the south and some areas of the north restricted freed blacks from equal political rights, access to quality education and jobs. For example, the state of mississippi enacted a black code law to arrest free africanamericans who were unemployed and lacked permanent housing. They could be arrested and bound out for a term of labor if untitle of the bill pay the fine, which means they were just reenslaved and they used the criminal Justice System to reenslave people. When reconstruction ended in 1877, the majority of africanamericans lived in the southern states. However, the southerners used their power in state and local governments to pass new laws, jim crow laws, some people refer to this as u. S. Apartheid. As a matter of fact when the south africans when White South Africans were setting up the apartheid system in the early part of the 20th century, they traveled to the southern part of the United States to learn what we did so they could replicate it. The Civil Rights Movement was borne out of a need to resist secondclass citizenship and to demand that america deliver on the promises in the u. S. Constitution. The 1964 Civil Rights Act granted the federal government a new role in desegregating schools and other public facilities. The progress that was made in the legislation that was eventually passed in the u. S. Congress was made because of a massive Grassroots Movement that we have come to know as the Civil Rights Movement. Many laws were passed that allowed for equality or access to education. Buta as soon as those laws were passed, unfortunately they were challenged in the supreme court. So as we remember and honor the 400th anniversary of all the enslaved africans africans arrival in america, we must never forget the tragedies, successes and contributions that all of them made and africanamericans are a part of the very fabric of america and have made significant contributions in every major field, oftentimes we tell the glorious history of the United States, but at some point in time we will embrace all of the history of the United States. And not just focus on the parts that make us all feel bad and feel good. And i yield back to chairwoman barbara lee. Thank you. Mrs. Lee thank you very much. I want to thank you ms. Lee thank you very much. I want to thank you, chairwoman bass, for laying out much of the history and reminding us that this is really an opportunity to recognize the resilience, the renewal and the strength of africans and africanamericans. Through much adversity, as laid out, africanamericans, the descendents of enslaved people, continue to rise from our brutal path. Thank you again for your leadership. Id like to ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on my special order for tonight. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Lee thank you very much. To ike now to yield chairman bobby scott from virginia, chair of our education committee, who has led so many efforts to educate the public with regard to this 4 u. N. Th year commenl ration and also 400th year commemoration and also the real significance of the Middle Passage as it relates to not only 400 years ago, but today. Thank you again. Mr. Scott thank you. Madam speaker, i rise today to share some reflections on events commemorating the first arrival of enslaved africans, english colonists in north america, including a forum, my colleague, representative donald mceachin, hosted enrichment earlier this summer and the events that took place on Fort Monroe National monument last month. It was my great honor, along with representative loria luria, to welcome Congressional Black Caucus chair obama bass and fellow c. B. C. Member clay to Hampton Roads for the solemn occasion marking the 4 u. N. Th anniversary for the first 400th anniversary for the first anding of africans to america. The first 20 and odd africans and the millions who followed them. This was the goal that senator caine and i had in mind when we drafted a bill to establish a federal 400 years of africanamerican history commission. The goal of that commission twoose explore ways to commemorate not just the events of 1619, but also to recognize all that has happened since. The city of hampton and the commonwealth of virginia did a tremendous job in organizing events, including those last month to commemorate and reflect on what happens in 1619. But its incumbent that we as a body support the ongoing and necessary work that of that Commission Beyond 2019, as we committed to do when we passed h. R. 1242. The senator and i working with our colleagues in congress to secure federal funding to support the work of the commission, which is mandated under h. R. 1242 to plan programs, to commemorate the history, recognize the resiliency of the africanamerican community, acknowledge the impact that slavery and legalized Racial Discrimination has had on our country, and educate the public about those impacts and contributions to our community. The commission is also directed to provide Technical Assistance to state, local and nonprofit groups working to further the commemorations, as well as Ongoing Research on our complicated history. 1 million was included in the house version of the fiscal year 2020 department of interior appropriations bill to support the commissions work and that legislation passed the house earlier this year. Im committed to making sure that these funds are actually are actualized and thankfully there is significant precedent for federal support for commissions like this. Additionally, in recognizing the tremendous task before the commissioners and funding and the funding challenges they faced, senator kaine and i are also actively exploring ways to extend the work of the commission for several years beyond its present july, 2020, termination date. This part of our nations history is far too important to let this opportunity pass. Every american should be afforded the chance to understand and learn from it. As we gather at the site of where slavery first arrived on our shores 400 years ago, we reflect on our complicated history, we celebrated the resiliency and many contributions of the descendents of those slaves, and we are committed to follow the research and effectively address the issues that continue to plague our communities. Including a tax on our voting rights, police brutality, environmental injustice and disparities in education, housing, wealth and criminal justice. So as we reflect on the events of 1619, let us all commit to constructively address those horrific years of slavery and legal discrimination legal Racial Discrimination and move forward with strength and i would wisdom to re with the resolve of our ancestors. I want to thank the gentlelady from california for convening this special order and i yield back the balance of my time. Ms. Lee thank you. I want to thank the gentleman from virginia for that very powerful statement. And also for the very hard and diligent work that you have been engaged in around the commission. And what youre doing each and every day to educate not only your district, but the entire country with regard to not only the past, but also where we must go from here. So thank you again. Id like to now yield to congresswoman alma adams from the great state of North Carolina, congresswoman adams serves on Financial Services committee and the education committee, but also i always have to say that i know her as an artist, as a professor, but also as a great public servant. So thank you again for being with us tonight. Ms. Adams thank you very much, madam speaker. It is my privilege to be here tonight and i want to thank the gentlelady from california for not only her wisdom and guidance and for leading this session tonight, but for all of the distinguished work that she has done for so many years. I also congratulate the chair of the c. B. C. , karen bass, for the leadership that shes providing, as well as chair of the education and labor committee, which i have the privilege of sitting on, congressman bobby scott. I rise today, madam speaker, to join my colleagues in recognition of the 400th anniversary of the first recorded forced arrival of enslaved African People in america. This anniversary marks the beginning of a legacy of oppression and discrimination that affects the affect discrimination, the effects of which we still live with today. From those first 19 africans who reached jamestown, upward to 12 million africans would be kidnapped from their homes and brought to the new world. Those men and women had almost everything taken from them. Their names, their religion, their families and their freedom. But the one thing that they couldnt that couldnt be taken from them was their spirit. The culture and customs that they brought to america leave a heritage for us, their descendents, to proud of. To recognize how far weve come and how far we still have to go. We know Structural Racism in our society didnt end in 1865. We know it didnt end in 1965. We know that there are still Racial Disparities in access to employment and education and health care. We know racial bias persists in our criminal Justice System, and we know that pay disparities still exist along racial lines. The shameful legacy of slavery remains. And it is incumbent on us, the joshua generation, to keep us moving forward. One of the first things we can do to keep us on the path to a more equitable future is to have a full reckoning with our past. It is a long it is long past time for us as a society to have an open and honest conversation about the lasting effects of slavery in america. My he is my esteemed colleague, congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee, spiced picked up the torch and introduced h. R. 40, the commission to develop reparation proposals foran africanamericans, which ude which i am a proud cosponsor of. We need to have the National Dialogue to come to terms with how we as a nation have not historically lived up to our ideals. The advocacy of our youth, who fight for consideration of this bill, is a call back to the fights that made public accommodations open to all races. And that made the voting booth open to all as well. Its a call back to the abolitionists who awakened the public to the horrors of slavery. And the black men who became soldiers to protect and preserve our union and their freedom. And it is a call back to the 19 africans who landed in chains on those Virginia Shores 400 years ago. Who never gave up the hope that one day theyd once again be free. I yield back. Ms. Lee thank you very much. Thank you, congresswoman adams for that eloquent statement and for what youre doing with our young people as chair of our historically black universities and colleges. What youre doing to pull us all together on behalf of all our children is remarkable and you are not only teaching us how to teach them but also leading the way on so many issues as an educator. So thank you again for tonight. Also now id like to yield to congressman don payne from the great state of new jersey who serves on the Homeland Security committee and the transportation committee, congressman paynes whole life has been about addressing the inequities and vestiges of this last 400 years. But also he grew up in a household where his dad, our great friend, the late congressman don payne, focused on after character his son, congressman don payne jr. , has africa in his blood as a result of glowing growing up in the household with his beloved father. Thank you again for being here. Mr. Payne madam speaker, let me first thank the gentlelady from california for those kind remarks. She has been a consummate ighter for equality if for all people across this world. A true humanitarian in her own right. From oakland, california. Duringad the great honor the time we celebrated her birthday, to see a picture of that was his afro indicative of the times and it was perfect. And i was not surprised. Her work in the congress is second to none and she has been a true role model for me. A true friend to my father. Always had high accolades for the gentlelady from california. And now that i am her colleague, understand why. Madam speaker, this year marks what i would call americas great economic shame. In 1619, the first votes boats filled with victims of human bondage reached our shores hen they docked the very first africanamericans walked off a plank and into american history. It would create a dilemma for the leaders and citizens of this new republic that has not been solved to this day. They were considered unequal in a country where all men were created equal. Their existence would cause moral men tous and engage in the most immoral behavior. And they came together to fight for one goal, the belief that would besome day, they free at last. As we commemorate the 400th africansry of enslaved reaching this land, america, it s important to discuss how far africanamericans have come as a culture and a community, and how far we have yet to go. When i look around this chamber, i see the results of how far we have come. There are now 55 africanamericans in the United States house of representatives. Led by a champion of our commitment to freedom, congressman john lewis. This representation would have seemed impossible 400 years ago. Back then, africanamericans were considered property. Back then, families could be torn apart for greater economic interests. Back then, africanamericans in slave states could be killed for something as simple as learning to read. We triumphed in spite of slavery. We knew they might own our bodies but they would never control our spirit. We have succeeded in every area of american life. Let us look at just a few ways we have altered america for the etter. It is easy to talk about how almost every original American Music style comes from our community. Everything from jazz to blues to hiphop. But there are several inventions we use daily that came from africanamericans. We invented americas first clock. And then the first automatic elevator door. We invented the traffic light. We invented the clothes dryer. And the electric lamp. We invented the ice cream scoop, the lawn mower, the mailbox, and even the heart pacemaker. We have triumphed over tragedy, but we still have a way to go. Right now, local and state and National Politicians are trying to reverse our civil rights. They could work to support us, instead, they want to deny us our vote. That is why we need to stick together and avoid the desire to focus on our differences. It is important that we remember that it was coming together as a community that helped us survive he horrors of slavery. That was our commitment to the common ideals of brotherhood, sisterhood, and family that helped us succeed. We need to remember that in these times where forces try to tear us apart, it is our common ancestry that can bring us together. It was true 400 years ago and it is true today. And with that, madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. Ms. Lee let me thank you, congressman payne, for your kind and gracious words but also for that brilliant presentation, reminding us again not only of our history but how we have risen to be great leaders in our country. Also, i want to thank you for your steady leadership on so many issues including health care and how youre working to raise the issue of the racial gap as it relates to people of color and as it relates to diabetes and all those health end cease that we have to close these gaps. So thank you again an thank you for being here tonight, participating. Madam speaker, how much time do i have remaining please . The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady has 35 minutes remaining. Ms. Lee madam speaker, 400 years ago, as we have heard tonight, the first slave ship arrived in virginia. This began one of the darkest chapters in american history. During the course of over 250 years of slavery, governmentsanctioned slavery, in america, families were ripped apart. People were beaten and brutalized. Men, women, and children were sold and traded like oxen. And to this day, black communities continue to suffer if the generational trauma from these crimes against humanity. That was followed by another 75 years of racism and domestic terrorism under jim crow and segregation which thousands of africanamericans were lynched. Churches were bombed. Entire communities were burned to the ground. In the not so recent distant past. And racist economic policies also institutionalized the racial hierarchy established by slavery and kept africanamericans trapped and segregated disproportionately in poverty. Policies like land seizure laws that left africanamerican farmers at risk of having their land seized and turned over to their white peers. To the fair labor standards act which excluded professions dom nailted by africanamericans from minimum wage protection. To the separate but equal doctrine in school and public facilities. To the segregation of the armed services. In which my dad served in a segregated military fighting in two wars for our country. Jim crow gai way to decades of gave way to decades of racist housing policies like redlines and subprime lending that further prevented africanamericans from building wealth. Followed by the war on drug which is devastated our community. Er to apart families and incars tore apart families and incarcerated millions of needlessly incarcerated fellow africanamericans. Today we seek continued we see continued disparitied among africanamericans due to the legacy of slavery, racism, and jim crow in america. Africanamericans still face disproportionate levels of poverty, unemployment and overwhelming strugtols achieve educational and income opportunity. Health disparities, including the highest rate of h. I. V. Infections, continues to impact africanamerican communities due to the lack of equal access and prevention resources. Its completely unacceptable that black women are four time more likely to die from preventable pregnancy complications than white women. For decades our criminal Justice System has disproportionately targeted communities of color, especially black and brown women and men. Institutional racism permeates every aspect of American Society and now sadly we have a president ial administration that continues to ignore our nations dark history of racism and bondage and in many ways is trying to move us backwards. From voter suppressions, targeting africanamericans, and ople of color, with budget cuts that undermine and affect their livelihoods. To undermining decades of civil rights. The gains we have made we now see an administration trying to roll those protections back. This president is trying to turn back the clock. Tragically, we are also now seeing history repeat itself with rampant family separations of immigrant families at the border. Children being taken from their parents and put into cages. The president has normalized racism and xenophobea. His constant attacks africanamericans and people of color to questioning the nationality of our first black president , proclaiming that there are good people among white supremacists, his racism has given others permission to hate out loud. It has also set the stage for the toxic mix of racism, gun violence and domestic terrorism that is gripping our country. Yes, we have a president today and an administration who continues to fan the flames of the fire that was born out of slavery. Let me be clear, though. We arent going back. Our beloved dr. Maya an yes lew lou once said, and still we ride. Just because were not going back doesnt mean we shouldnt look back and learn from our past. That informs what we must do today. The people of west africa have a mythical symbol, a mythical bird, its a bird that looks back with an egg in her mouth. It means its meaning reminds us to look back at our past, look at the mistakes we made, to look at what happened in our past that has strengthened us and made us who we are today, and to move forward. And to not make those same mistakes but to fly forward, creating a new world based on justice and freedom. This is our moment. Earlier this month we observed the 400th anniversary by traveling to ghana with a delegation of members led by House Speaker nancy pelosi and congresswoman karen bass. It was such a privilege and honor to witness and hear our speaker speak as the First American speaker of the united ates of america to the ghanaian parliament. This strengthens the ties that bind, not only between africans and africanamericans but between the african continent and american continent. People in both of our continents really have a long history that we need to recognize as being oftentimes very, very difficult, but together we must move forward. So while we were there, we paid our respects at cape coast and Almina Castle and at the door of no return we walked through where the first enslaved africans departed in chains, enslaved for america. He experience was a powerful this experience was inhumidity and empowering to witness the strength and determination of the enslaved to survive and build a Better Future for the next generation and we walked back through the door of return, what a glorious that was for all of us. Today, as we observe 400 years as the first africans were brought to these shores, let it culturalthat this is a moment. Moving forward go i look forward o this body addressing the inhumidity and uplifting those who were enslaved and h. R. 40, hampioned by our great warrior woman, Sheila Jackson lee, who is educating the congress and the public as to why a commission to look at these past inequities and how we begin to address them in 2019. A quote ose by reading from nicole jones, she is the author of the 1619 project. The project aims to reframe the projects history as our true founding and placing the consequences of slavery and contributions of blackamericans. We tell ourselves about who we are. In her piece in the New York Times, excuse me, hanna jones wrote, our declaration of independence signed on july 4, 1776, proclaims that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. But the white men did not believe them to be true for the hundreds of thousands of black people in their midst. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness did not apply to 1 5 of the country. To deny the justice promised to all, blackamericans believed in the american creed. Through centuries of protests, we have helped the country to live up to its founding ideals. She said without the eyed is particular and pike efforts of blackamericans our democracy today would most likely look very different. It might not be a democracy at all. Madam speaker, i would like to ask unanimous consent to insert the New York Times magazine 1619 project into the congressional record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. So ordered. Ms. Lee and i have this here and i want to read a couple of things from network, which is ag catholic sisters who are fighting for justice because this lays it out very clearly in terms of the progress gregs of where we have been and where we are today with respect to some of the laws we have passed. The Network Catholic sisters, slave code. 16131860. Policy two. 1865 to 18. And seizures, 1865 to 1960 during the 1960s. The National Housing act of 1934 this guaranteed loans to white people and refused lowest to black people, that was enacted in 19. The Social Security act, black people were twice as likely to experience hunger or poverty and 65 of black people were ineligible to receive this nick support. The fair labor standards act of 1938, the g. I. Bill of 1944, the separate but equal doctrine, 1954 to present day. Policy 9, 1970s to present day. Policy 10, the war on drugs. And i really appreciate the sisters and the nuns for laying this out because it shows us the institutional policies, the laws that were put in place that have created this new form of slavery. And this is a very powerful document. I hope that everyone has a chance to read this and i ask unanimous consent to insert this document into the congressional record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. So ordered. Ms. Lee i thank congresswoman bass for keeping the motherland f those of us in the forefront and the Congressional Black Caucus and recognizing the importance of this moment and recognizing that africanamericans after 400 years are continuing to fight for justice and for freedom and for a more Perfect Union for all americans. Thank you, and i yield the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. All members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities against the president. Ms. Lee i move that we adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to adjourn. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted. Accordingly the house stands they are back tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. For morning speeches and new and for legislative speeches. Cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up tuesday, stephen more of the Heritage Foundation will talk about the Trump Administrations economic record and how it could impact the 2020 election. To native talked americans about representation in congress. And the ellis will talk about her documentary on flint, michigans issues with contaminated water. Watch cspans washington journal tuesday morning. Join the discussion. The House Judiciary Committee makes tuesday to consider several gun violence prevention bills, including measures that aim to ban highcapacity magazines while urging states to create a process that tops highrisk individuals from buying firearms. Coverage begins at 2 00 p. M. Three and alsoan on the free cspan radio app. Wednesday is the 18th anniversary of the 9 11 terrorist attacks. Silence, the reading of the names and the ringing of the bells. Live coverage of the 18th anniversary of the 9 11 terrorist attacks on cspan, cspan3 and online at cspan. Org thread or, listen live on the free cspan radio app. Sayse Trump Administration there has been a 30 minute drop in people apprehended at the southern border from july to august following the june agreement from mexico to the United States. The Border Protection commissioner briefs reporters on the findings at the white house

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