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August 31 at 10 00 eastern on book tv on cspan 2. South bend indiana mayor and 2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg was in New Hampshire for a town hall where he took questions and met oneonone with voters. This is about an hour. Mayor pete thank you. Thank you. Wow. What a fantastic group. Thank you so much for coming out. Thank you again, mckenzie, for that great introduction. Mckenzie, for that introduction. I want to thank all of you for taking the time and caring enough about our country to get together and talk about what we are going to do to make things better. We are at a difficult moment in the life of this nation. We are at a chaotic and unstable and frightening and divided moment. But, i believe that it is in our hands to change all of that. Not just for the moment, but for the era that is ahead of us. I think we are lucky and unlucky enough to be among those americans who get to be alive making decisions when the country reaches a fork in the road. Thanis about a lot more who is the president today. Although lord knows, were going to need a new president. [applause] [cheers and applause] folkspete we have choosing between whether to buy prescription drugs or whether to buy groceries, and the president s focus is on whether to buy greenland, weve got a problem. [laughter] when he was serious about buying greenland but joking about the medal of honor, weve got a problem. There is something deeply wrong in the white house, but i would argue that we would not have gotten to this moment if there were not something even deeper going on. In other words, i dont think a person like the current president can ever get within cheating distance of the oval office unless theres a deeper crisis that is destabilizing our politics, and i think weve got to respond to that, too. For as long as ive been alive, our political and economic systems have not been keeping up with our realities. Weve got an economy where the gdp is going up and Life Expectancy has been going down. Weve got a climate that is increasingly losing its ability to support our way of life. Weve got endless war. With no plan to get out of it. Sooner or later, this comes to a breaking point. And we are at that breaking point. But it is up to us, it is upon us, and and i think it is within our power to do something completely different. Thats where i come in. Thats why im running for president. [applause] with your help. [applause] now, what does that better way look like . What does it look like to build a presidency that can actually handle those problems in the moment . First and foremost, before we get to the policies, weve got to anchor ourselves in our values. And this will be the campaign that breaks the spell, that has people thinking the word values is automatically a republican or conservative idea. Were talking about not conservative values, but american values. [applause] that are best honored with progressive policies. [applause] that has implications. If were serious about freedoms, here in the state that lives by the creed of live free or die, then we need policies that recognize theres more to freedom than cutting regulations on a bank. If we really want to deliver freedom, experience liberty, we have to deliver policies that give Us Health Care because youre not free if you dont have Health Care Coverage. It holds you back from living the life you choose. [applause] were also proposing a medicare for all who wanted system that gives people the freedom to choose a publicly provided medicare option that i think is better than the Corporate Options without kicking anybody off the plan theyve got, letting them vote with their feet, in the classic american way and , moving us to universal Health Care Coverage that way. [applause] we want to talk about freedom. Lets make sure were securing Freedom Associated with a womans right to choose so its never being dictated by politics. [applause] [cheers and applause] and we need more men to be feminists out there, backing up women for the rights. [applause] [cheers and applause] this is what it means to be serious about freedom. If youre serious about freedom, we ought to be free to decide who we want to marry without a county clerk us who our spouse should be based on their version of their religion. [applause] [cheers and applause] i think freedom comes by way of the ability to organize for a good days pay for a good days work, which is why we stand for organized labor. I have a plan to shore up unionization knowing that it is the unions who built the middle class and the attack on unions that led to the stagnation of wages in this country. Economic freedom is freedom, too. [applause] and i believe freedom comes by way of education, which is why its time for a secretary of education who actually believes in public education. [applause] [cheers and applause] we could be uniting around these american values. We should be uniting around the value of patriotism. Lets put an end to the idea that patriotism belongs on one side of the aisle, especially these days. [applause] show less text ]en we gather under a flag that is not a republican flag, but an american flag. [applause] one that i saluted when i was in uniform, knowing that it represented not just the freedom, but obligation to speak up when our leaders are doing the wrong thing. And when we do, we should not be accused of being disloyal to the republic for which it stands, let alone told to go back to where we came from. We should be recognized for participating in the american tradition of debate. [applause] [cheers and applause] patriotism, security, at a time when National Security is going to rzequire more from us than ever before. But 21st century security threats like cybersecurity and Election Security are not going to be dealt with using a 17th century Security Strategy like putting up a wall. Its not that easy. Theres a lot more to keeping america safe at a moment when one of the things that endangers our lives is white nationalists violence, and needs to be called out as such, and fought by the United States of america. [applause] [applause] National Security means ensuring that the Second Amendment is never twisted and worked into a death sentence for thousands where not willing to implement common sense gun safety reform. [applause] and if were serious about security, weve got to be ready to treat climate disruption as the security challenge of our time, nationally and globally. We have to lead on this. [applause] and one more thing about security in the age of endless war. From now on, authorizations for war ought to have a sunset, so that if a president really needs to keep troops deployed overseas, they should have to go back to Congress Every three years and make the case. And congress should be ready to step up. If we have troops who who can summoned the courage to go overseas and put their lives country,ne for this our members of congress should be able to have the courage to make tough votes on whether or not its appropriate to send them. [applause] [applause] kate Pete Buttigieg mayor pete so, lets rally around these values that bring us together, freedom and security that do not belong to a political party. Just like god does not belong to a political party. [applause] we stand for people of any religion and no religion equally because that is the part of the founding idea of this country. [applause] and those of us who are guided by religious faith ought to know that there is a choice, that at a time were seeing what were seeing on the southern border, that take food aid out of the hands of the hungry, knowing that [no audio] [applause] [indiscernible] mayor pete we are commanded by every faith tradition i have ever heard of to concern ourselves with the wellbeing of the marginalized, identifying with the prisoner, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger. Dont let anybody tell you the Christian Faith or any faith necessarily means youve got to vote republican, not when we are seeing what were seeing from this white house. [applause] we have a choice, and the choice has never been clearer. The way we exercise that choice is through democracy. In our democracy is not in the best shape at this moment. Its not a democracy in my view, or even a democratic republic, if dollars can outvote people. [applause] if districts can be drawn to where politicians are picking out their voters instead of the other way around, thats not democratic. If our fellow u. S. Citizens do not have proper from puerto rico to d. C. , weve got some preparation to do in building up our democracy. [applause] good news is we can do something about that. Thats why i proposed a 21st century Voting Rights act that makes sure everybody can exercise the right to vote in this country. [applause] the mayors eye view of the world is when theres a problem, you find a solution. We have a problem in our democracy at our society of people being divided against each other, people not even recognizing as fellow americans, people who have a different background. Theres a solution for that. And part of that has to do with creating a million paid National Service opportunities so americans can have the common bond of working together on something hard, just like i had in the military, but without having to go to war in order to get there. Thats something i propose we make it happen. [applause] we have a problem with systemic racism in this country, which is why im proposing we have a solution as ambitious and bold as the Marshall Plan to rebuild europe, but this time invest right here in america. When the black experience puts you almost in a different country on health, education, everything from access to the boat vote two to credit to start a small business. We need more minority entrepreneurs, Health Equity across the land, better housing. We have a plan. [applause] when we see a problem with Rural Communities losing population, we have got to act on that. We need a federal government that will support communities developing their plans to get connected, innovated, built of jobs, and we need to support immigration for communities that not need only new jobs, but more people right here in Rural America if we make it possible. [applause] and today weve been traveling the state, talking about the problem, the crisis really, and in Mental Health and addiction. It deserves to be named and it deserves action. No longer can this be treated as a marginal issue or specialty issue because it affects all of us, all of us. And we have to act. [applause] what does that look like . It means enforcing parity so Health Insurance companies have to treat Mental Health conditions and provide for Mental Health visits just as we do for physical health. [applause] it means training our Police Officers and our teachers on how to recognize signs of Mental Health issues, but also equipping them with a place to send people when they do identify those issues, making sure we have the providers we need when it comes to Mental Health. [applause] it means building up our defenses as a country, our defenses to the risks posed by Mental Health, addiction and suicide risk. Its why there ought to be a three digit number linking to the National Suicide hotline so it is that easy to tell somebody where to go. [applause] and it is time to break the silence that has people struggling with Mental Health issues or addiction thinking that they are alone. Because one in five americans will experience a Mental Health challenge. So people who are experiencing that need to know, and their loved ones too, that there is nothing to be ashamed of. We need to talk about these issues as openly as we would talk about cancer or a twisted ankle or diabetes because labs are on the line. And if we get lives are on the line. And if we get this right, if we do the math and look at what will happen in the next 10 years if we dont do something different, it means that if we act, if we can cut by half the deaths from despair, in this country we will save one million lives. How can we not . How can we not act and do that . Lets make it happen together. [applause] thats what this is about, not easy fixes but Real Solutions to get something done. And these are problems that will be with us even when weve gotten a new president , so we need to sink our teeth into this and realize we cant spend all our time and energy talking about him. Weve got this show going, right . Its quite a show, like a reality show, game show, horror show. [laughter] [applause] and the thing with horror shows, you cant look away. Thats what makes them so gripping. But we cant win by going on his show. Weve got a better show. And so this movement is about picking up the remote and changing the channel to something better. [cheers and applause] [applause] mayor pete thats a little bit about what i believe, what i plan to be doing as president , and why im running. But i want to make sure we have a conversation. The rooms and numbers are getting larger, but this still qualifies as an intimate gathering enough that we can have a conversation. We gathered questions from folks that are here and help us navigate the q a, please welcome back to the stage mckenzie, who is going to be guiding us in those questions. There she is. [applause] great crowd. Alright, first question for mayor pete, what is your relationship to president obama . Is our questionnaire here. From ruth marino . Mayor pete so, first of all, im an admirer of president obama. [applause] this is somebody who operated under some terrible constraints, especially if you look at what happened in the senate. And yet, he was able to reverse the trend toward a Great Depression in this country, move us out of the war in iraq, rescue the Auto Industry in this country, which is a pretty important thing where i come from in the industrial u. S. Not bad for eight years work, what this president achieved. While it is easy to say there are things we would do different and we certainly need to move things forward with the Affordable Care act, although the Affordable Care act has saved so many lives that we must defend it while it is on the books. [applause] but im a little puzzled that some folks are running against president obama. Im running against president trump. [applause] i will also say that we are fortunate hes decided to commit his ex presidency to mentoring a Younger Generation of leaders in the arts, in community organizing, a little bit in politics, too, as part of a new generation emerging, im glad he decided to invest his energies in that. Thanks for the question. [applause] one other thing about this. The president is making the case now, saying you have to vote for me. You have no choice but to vote for me. Because of the economy. [booing] and you think of it, under president obama, unemployment was like 10 when we came in. He got it down to 5 . This president went from 5 to 4 and hes like the rooster when the he think he made the sun come up. Now hes saying you have no choice but to vote for me. And basically the message is, you might not like the racism, the chaos, the bad example set for your kids. But you got to support me because of the job growth. Thats almost as good as the job growth in the obama years. What an argument. It shows you just how to how out of whack things are. Having said that, this is what is next. Each moment is different. And the moment ahead of us is almost anything weve seen, certainly in my lifetime. Its not about going back to the obama years or clinton years. Its about figuring out how to make the future better than the past. Because theres no such thing as again, in the real world. [applause] alright, next question. What are your plans for strengthening our Public Schools to provide every child with a quality education . Mayor pete great question. It is our questioner here . Are you involved in education . No. Mayor pete alright. 1 mr. Buttigieg i married a teacher, so i get an education about education every time i come home. [applause] and the educators i know are dedicated. They bring it home with them when they are involved in education, but they are not getting the resources they need. There are a lot of things that need to happen in order to support kids and the next generation. But the biggest thing we need to do is support our teachers. And that means pay them more. [applause] teaching is a profession of unbelievable importance for the future of this country, and yet its not being treated that way. Its not being viewed in the same professional lens as other professional lens is so many other important professions. I think if we honored teachers more like soldiers and paid them like doctors, this would be a better country. [applause] but this is also why we do need to invest in Mental Health, why we need to make investments in supporting a professional learning communities among education professionals. Thats why we need to be willing to use federal dollars to help smooth out the fact that its actually the lowest income districts with the kids most in need that have the fewest dollars per pupil going into supporting those kids getting a good future. You would think it would be the other way around. We would invest more for those who needed the most. Thats part of what i am to fix. Theres no question we need to do a lot around Stem Education to prepare people for some of the technological fields that are needed. It is also true that humanities and Arts Education are not a luxury. [applause] [cheers and applause] theyre not a luxury. They are a necessity. If for no other reason that we workersonly educating we are educating citizens. And , we want them to be strong citizens, which means having a wide ranging education as they come up. [applause] alright, next question. What you want hi School Graduate to do a National Service, maybe to forgive our college stat for one year . And that is by patricia ryan. Mayor pete great, is patricia here . Here somewhere. Thank you. Heres how i would do it. I wouldnt do it as a requirement, but i would make it effectively the norm everybody does it. If we get it right, what it looks like, is when you are applying, we whatever you do after high school, whether you are applying for your first job right away, or applying to enter the military, or applying for college, the first question on your application is what did you do during your service year and , what did you learn . It just becomes universal. If we want that to happen, we have to pay for it. Thats an investment in the future of this country. When we do that, it would be a benefit as youre doing it because youre getting paid. But yes, i also believe this should qualify for Public Service benefits and i think we need to make it easier to access the Public Service loan forgiveness program. Its great in theory, but needs to be userfriendly and inspire people more people to be involved for a whole career of Public Service in the future. [applause] do you think that a president should always get the consent of congress, explicitly, to undertake military action . Mayor pete yeah, this is what i was getting to earlier. Is our questioner here . In here somewhere. So. [laughter] oh, hello. Hi. So yeah, part of why we are where we are is congress walked away from war powers. I would build in a three year sunset to every authorization for the use of military force. Niger, last soldiers in on counterterrorism, there were a lot of members of congress who admitted they didnt even know we were in that country to begin with. Right now, weve got folks deployed in east africa based on the resolution passed to deal with al qaeda. Were not that far along from the date were going to see news about a casualty from afghanistan, who was not born on 9 11. I thought i was one of the very last troops leaving afghanistan five years ago. And right now, there is a soldier packing her bags, ready to go over there, probably wondering a little bit what the endgame is and what the mission looks like. So i believe a big part of this has to be for congress to step up. And as president , i would insist on congressional authorizations before committing troops on the ground in that way. [applause] describe your processes for appointing the Supreme Court justices. Mayor pete great question. By the way, lets all pray for the health and wellbeing of justice ginsburg. [cheers and applause] mayor pete so, the process, first of all, will involve identifying justices who have that same vision of freedom that i shared earlier. Justices and judges for the bench, by the way. And we should be a little more expansive in who we look to to be on the bench. Nothing against the ivy league, obviously. Im partial to harvard. [laughter] but there should be a wider range of educational backgrounds going into the federal judiciary. [applause] than we have today. [applause] and it should be as common to find people with a background in being, for example, a public defender, as it is to find people with a background in prosecution. There should be a balance. Ill look for people who think for themselves. It wont be about aligning with the partisan politics of the moment. But i will care very much about the judgment and the values that justices and judges put forward. Heres the other thing. Im going to have to get somebody through the senate. And you may have heard where Mitch Mcconnell said in 2016 it was a matter of principle he would never vote on a justice in an election year. But then he said if it would happen in 2020, he would totally have a vote. This is a problem because bipartisanship relies on good faith. And that leadership does not even pretend to be there in good faith. [applause] this is one reason why i agree with former senator harry reid that we have to do away with the filibuster. [applause] and its why it is really important, of all the strategies for dealing with Mitch Mcconnell out there, by far the best one is for him not to be the majority leader anymore. And im here to make that happen. [applause] [cheers and applause] that means having a nominee with coattails. What is your favorite symphony . Mayor pete oh. Didnt see that coming. [laughter] sorry, the questioner here for that one . Whats your favorite symphony . [inaudible] really . Interesting. Im going to go through the seventh. It takes you through all the emotions. Its heroic. Its sad. Its up. Its down. Its moving. Its stirring. Yeah, ive got to go with the seventh. Now its in my head. My father got one of the tunes from the seventh caught in his head for roughly five years. [laughter] whenever he was doing the dishes, he would be humming it. Maybe thats where it soaked into. Next question. If you become the democratic nominee, how do you plan to unite the liberal and more moderate wings of the party . [applause] mayor pete good question. Thank you for your question. First of all, theres 24, 22, whatever number of people running for president is now. That number minus one is not going to be the nominee. And all of those people, the 23 people, need to rally around the one who is and unite as quickly as possible. [applause] and weve got to do it around our values. Again, in my view, these are american values. We dont have a monopoly on it. And thats why its one of the reasons its wonderful to see moderates and even republicans thinking about crossing over. I dont think we need to pretend to be more conservative than we are. We win by being true to our values that even with people with different values can be aware that we came by our values honestly. Its not about getting everybody to agree on every single issue, is about having a shared sense of direction for the country and where we need to take it. The other good news is, most of us are with us. Democrats, we have this psychology where were always inclined to be on the defensive as if everything we were saying was unpopular and we had to hide from our ideas. There are some things that we may advance that arent popular but they are the right thing to do so were for them. Frankly, most democratic policies are a lot more popular than the current president. Raising the minimum wage. Universal health care. Universal background checks. Commonsense gun safety reform. Immigration reform. People want to do what we want to do. Well have some differences on how to get there and its healthy well hash it out in the process and well hash it out in the process but at the end of the day were on the same team and weve got to act like it. [applause] can you tell us what personally motivates you most when it comes to addressing the climate crisis, and why you will make it a top priority on the campaign trail, and as president. So is the questioner here. Oh. Hello anyway. What does your tshirt say . Climate action. Excellent. I cant make out your hat. What does that say . Make earth cool again. Sounds like a good idea. One thing that motivates me is it hard to look into the eyes of anyone younger than i am and not say were getting a lot about this because the more you plan to be here the more you have at stake. In my view it isnt so much saving the planet, the planet in some form will be here no matter what, its about saving opportunities and lives for those who are going to have to live on that planet. The and thrive. The personal thing that motivates me most in terms of what sticks in my head when i think about Climate Change is an experience i had as mayor of south bend. Twice as mayor ive had to activate our Emergency Operations center because of extreme flooding. One of them was a thousand year flood, and the other one was a 500year flood. They happened 18 months apart. So either i got some crazy statistical luck swirling around, i should get down to foxwoods and try it out or things are changing the thousand year flood is no around us. The thousand year flood is no longer a thousand year flood and i remember the night before the first day of school during an august flood that created flash floods that destroyed homes, we had seven inches of rain. I went to bed, thinking it was one of those fiveminute rainstorms and two hours later i was in that Emergency Operations center working on incident response. A few hours after that im on the porch of a woman who has got four kids on the west side of south bend, low income neighborhood, her home is flooded, halfway through. Its a split level home. The kids toys are floating by. Cartoon style on the water, and shes saying what am i supposed to do with my kids . Its the day before the first day of school. I thought to myself, this is Climate Change. Its not pieces of ice falling off the antarctic. Its not things happening in the distant future or off on the north pole. Its happening in our neighborhoods. In our communities, in a million different ways. Wildfires from california, Sea Level Rise in florida. Even in the middle of the country as far as you can get from either coast in our little river city peoples lives , are being wrecked by the consequent as of climate disruption. Thats what motivates me knowing how much we have on the line. The other thing that motivates me is knowing how proud we would be, how good it would be for our country, if we did something about it. Not just implemented some policies, but rallied as a country. We do better when we have a national project. Its like the moon landing. We had that 50year anniversary of the moon landing. Picture what it was life for the country to summon its energies to something hard, and by the way, given how leading the world in doing it, given how bad u. S. Credibility is around these days, if we were leading in the global crisis. I think we would all stand taller and prouder if we did it. That motivates me. Im here today with my two School Aged Kids a they prepare to return to School Next Week they worry about the gun violence. How specifically do you plan to help my kids as well as the hundreds of thousands of others to keep them safe . . Howpete ir kids here areyou doing . How old you . Just a few more days of summer, then back to reality. 15 and 12, they said. I remember being 15 and i remember being 12. And its not a super easy, i mean, its fun. But its also kind of heart. Its hard freaking out school, sartre figure out homework. Homework starts getting harder. Socially its a little harder. The last thing you should be worried about is your physical safety. Those of us who are in charge are supposed to deal with that so you dont have to. Its the last thing that should be on on your mind and we owe it to you to make sure that is the reality. [applause] [applause] what,pete and you know mom has a lot of other things she should be juggling and worrying about without worrying about your physical safety and we know as a country the things we ought to do and things america wants us to do from universal background checks to red flag laws, to dealing, idea of the kind of weapons that i trained on, stuff like what i carried when i was in afghanistan, the idea that that should be anywhere near an american school, in a neighborhood in peace time in 2019, is dead wrong. [applause] [applause] so the American People want these changes to happen. We need a president who is prepared to stand up to an nra that doesnt even speak for gun owners any more. Just gun executives and companies. The president has demonstrated no will to stand up for them. For a minute he pretended to to be for background checks and then the nra called and he took his orders. It is just wrong. Also we would not ban the cdc researching gun violence as a Public Health issue. [applause] a law against is researching something, you have to ask yourself what is that they do not want us to find out so, my do the research . Action plan on gun violence calls for us to deal with all of that, as well as added to instead of separate from subtract from the department of homeland securitys program to deal with violent extremism and work to build up the political and civic power to actually deliver something that most americans want. In the meantime whats making the difference is the urgency of the questions coming from young people demanding that we make sure that there is not another generation dealing with school shootings. Frankly, the power being demonstrated by moms like you in those red tshirts that show up literally at every event i go to and demonstrate that the nra isnt the only game in town on these issues. So thank you for your activism and leadership. [applause] arts support all areas of life. As an accomplished pianist, who speaks several languages, a war veteran, will you increase arts funding and support . Absolutely. [laughter] you already got one. Thats okay. Were fellow symphony lovers. You can have two questions. For one thing, as i said before, this is not just about generating workers. Our Education System ought to be preparing us for life and frankly, arts is an important part of that. Other thing important about the arts, is in a moment when we have the crisis of being able to understand each other one of the best ways for getting to know people who are very different from us is through art. It is what film does its what , literature does. It puts you in somebody elses shoes and its through stories that we can picture one anothers perspective. Thats in short supply right now, so we need more of it. To me its almost a National Security investment to make sure were doing more of the arts. Its even relevant from the perspective of Economic Development in the age of automation. Because the parts of our jobs that are going to go away are the parts you repeat all the time. Those can be done by a machine. And that means the parts of jobs that are going to become more important are things that involve critical thinking, involve dealing with ambiguous situations or exceptions to rules, or dealing with other people. And from an education perspective and a culture perspective thats a big part of what arts does. So again, to me, its not a luxury, its a necessity and it will be supported when im president. [applause] all right. So we have time for one last question. How would with the ouster of ddt. What is the number one issue that you care most about . Mayor pete hello. So the issues i most care about is the trajectory of our country and the shape of our democracy that will make it possible if we get it right to deal with things like climate and gun violence and economic inequality, wages, and so on. As to how to deal with this president , i would think of it this way. First of all, it cant all be about him but we have to deal with him. This is trap. When he tells a lie youve got to address it, youve got to say what the truth is. If he does something racist youve got to say thats wrong but we cant give him the power to change the subject, and so, dealing with insults is not a problem for me. I grew up in indiana, im gay, im not that worried about it. [laughter] [cheers and applause] bullying, not a problem. And, you know, i learned how to keep my cool when the taliban were shooting rockets at our base, i think i can keep my tool when cool when hes sending tweets my way, too. [applause] but the best way to deal with him is to not let him change the subject because the subject of an election is you. The subject of an election is how is your life going to be different. How is your school going to be safer . How is our climate going to be more sustainable . How are we going to have more earnings in our pockets and strength in our communities and deal with Mental Health . How are our lives going to be different . And the less were talking about him the more we get to be talking about you. So thats what this campaign will be about and thats what im asking you to help me to do. [cheers and applause] one more time for mckenzie. Were excited for you. Alum. Really excited for your future. Thank you for. Helping me tonight. Thank you. [chanting pete, pete, pete] ive got to keep coming back up here. This is great. I just want to close with this reflection. I want to make the case for hope. And i know why hope has become a little bit less fashionable these days. Because we know what were up against but im still motivated by it. Getting involved in politics, i think showing up for an event like this. Knocking on doors for somebody, running for office, voting itself, is an act of hope. You only do it if you think its possible to use the pulleys of our life and government and our system to make life better every day for us. Thats why we do this. And even though we all know what were up against im animated by a sense of hope. Im picturing looking into the eyes of kids in the nottoodistant future, picturing running into your kids again. A few years from now, and being able to say, im sorry we let it get to that point but arent you proud of what we did in 2020 . Isnt it great that in 2020 we stepped up and make it safer. And we made it more decent in this country. [cheers] to stand up taller and say we took care of these things for you. So by the time they are old enough to run for president they are dealing with a whole different set of problems than the things that are on our table now, that we dont leave any of these problems for them. We fix them. Its the right thing to do and well be proud of ourselves and each other, and our country when we make that happen. So thank you. All have i to ask is, can i look to you to spread that sense of hope and urgency and that sense of belief that its worth getting involved . Are you with me on the idea of letting that show play itself out, picking up the remote and changing the channel . And will you help me win New Hampshire so we can take that all the way to the white house . [cheers and applause] im pretty sure weve got this and ill be working with you every step of the way in here to there. Thank you for your support and involvement. Thank you for caring about the future of this country and ill see you on the trail. Thank you. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] watch our live coverage of the president ial candidates. , your unfiltered view of politics. Sans spans cspans live every day with policy issues that impact you, coming up this morning, author harvey klehr discusses the history of russias influence in american politics. And Norfolk State University professor, cassandra new byalexander discusses the history of the arrival of the first of africans in virginia in 1619. Wake of the recent shootings in el paso, takes texas, and date and, ohio, the House Judiciary Committee will return early from recess to markup bills which will include restricting firearms to those deemed by a court to be a danger to themselves. Live coverage begins tuesday, wednesday september 4 and cspan. Org. And if youre on the go, listen to our live coverage. President trump will be overseas this weekend for the g7 summit in france. Before departing the white house, the president spoke to reporters about the ongoing trade dispute with china and the actions of Federal Reserve chair jerome powell. Pres. Trump we are going to france. Were going to have a good few days. It will be very productive, seeing the leaders who are friends of mine, for the most part. Wouldnt say it in 100 of the cases. I think we are doing very well. Our economy is doing great. We are having a little spat with china. We will win it. We put a lot of tariffs on china

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