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Magazines of the digital era. It is a different format. We take a very different approach. I work for a 24 hour news channel. We are pumping it out around the clock. We look at our podcast as an opportunity to catch up for the week and talk about what is going on. We do it every wednesday. It started out of necessity. They needed somebody to do something for labor day a couple of years ago. Dan and i are friends and we started doing it. Like a lot of new media, when you are doing it the best thing is you dont think anybody is listening and you are too worried about it. So we spent the first year not paying attention to if anyone was listening and use it as an opportunity for friends to catch up. Imagine if your closest friend, you had the opportunity. It was scheduled into your book once a week. I have to talk to this person catch up for an hour. And catch up for an hour. It turned into something that we were really amazed after a while how big a Listener Community was, how popular it was, how successful it was. It was a totally unplanned unscripted entity. , we could not be happier about it. Host what do you know about your audience . Guest i know they are thoughtful. I know they are funny. I know they are engaged. The inside jokes and trivia, i think because it is in your head because a podcast is in your head you feel a sense of connection. You know the experience and i know the experience of when youre on tv people feel like they know you. Let me tell you, when i travel in promotion of my book or giving speeches or going out around the country the degree of connection i have with people who are podcast listeners is pretty remarkable. Its an intimate relationship. Host remind people what the book is. Guest the book is every man a king. You can see my speech about it on cspan. Org. Host type in stirewalt and at the top of the page, and you will find his appearances. In terms of downloads, do you know how many that is . Guest apple makes it tricky. Apple is sneaky and thats why you have to get a lot of reviews and people have to go star it and review it for apple to keep percolating it. I think we are sort of like the New York Times bestseller list. There has to be some sleightofhand involved in how they do it so people dont game the system. We have pretty consistently been a top political podcast for the past three years. Host do you see your job is to make money for the podcast and make it selfsustaining . Is it to drive eyeballs to the fox news content behind it . Guest my job is to catch up with dana perino and have a good time. Fortunately our employers have never interfered with what we are doing. It has just been what it is. The same way i read a daily i write a daily newsletter called the Halftime Report rate you just make it. A favorite podcast of mine is Malcolm Gladwells revisionist history. It is a great podcast. It is deeply researched, deeply reported. It is all gladwellian from top to bottom. Then there was the moment that happens this week i was listening to it and he included a conversation with at ts chief marketing officer. It is hard to read and add in a podcast. I have great sabbath a. Every time Jonah Goldbergs talks about sleep number beds you can see it is awkward to make that part of the plug. Part of the flow. Unlike a commercial on tv. Where you say we will be back in two minutes. To have to make it part of it, to have gladwell have to do an interview heres a journalist doing an interview with a guy talking about great at ts phones are, it just feels awkward. We dont have to do that. Nor do we have to say tonight at 7 00 you can see an amazing interview with elmo from sesame street. We do not have to do any of that stuff. Thats a big part of what and listeners want. If not authenticity, at least verisimilitude. Host tonight an interview with Chris Stirewalt about his podcast. You can join the conversation. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Independents, 202 7488002. [previously recorded earlier today] host you mentioned the Halftime Report, your newsletter. How do you think President Trump did in his trips to dayton and el paso . Guest he has figured out a way to handle these different than his predecessors. The previous template was there is a tragic incident and then you wait and go to the Memorial Service and make remarks at the Memorial Service. That is not going to work for trump, especially in incidents like these were hes on welcomed by many. Me where it is contentious, where it is angry. That is not going to work. He figured out a different way to do it. Hes done it a few times now. You get in early. You go soon. You meet behind closed doors. You dont do big Public Events and then you get out. Then after the fact the the president can say i went, i , consoled, but i did not do some events. If we think back to barack obama speaking for the Gabby Gifford shooting in arizona. Or if we think about george w. Bush in new orleans having to go to jackson square. Those are not moments that trump will be able to land. So, he has figured out something that works for him. Host when President Trump went out he is also tweeting. He had comments for some of his critics. Should he not have been tweeting yesterday . Host look, i dont care with what these people do. They are politicians. He is trying to get reelected. There is an interesting debate that goes on in our politics about trump and his tweets. Some republicans will tell you it is four dimensional chess. That these are secret genius. Democrats will say he is other democrats will agree and say hes using tweets to destroy the nation. I tend to fall into the camp that says most of it is probably reactive. That he watches beto orourke cussing at him. Basically hes heading for the exits and the democratic process. It is over for him. I think he scored 2 in the latest quinnipiac poll. Here is trump throwing him a lifeline by engaging back with him and telling him to be quiet. This is what orourke needs. And this gets orourke on television aroundtheclock. He needs the exposure to make himself not a victim here but to have grievance. In american politics in the key 2019, attribute, the best think you can have is grievance and now orourke has grievance and trump has grievance with orourke. Maybe they can fight with each other on the internet. Host allete you chat with a few collars. Lets chat with a few collars. Kevin from colorado. Caller i do watch fox primarily, but more as a student. A student of journalism and im a Media Consultant by trade. So i have a masters in , journalism. I am fascinated by how effective fox is. Being that its a narrowcast caster rather than a broadcaster. My question is specifically about foxs demographics. Based on what i know whites account for 63 of the u. S. Population, down from 72 in the census. Your audience is 94 white. Average age is 65, 66. It is national but its a narrow caster. In that you actually reach less than 1 of the u. S. Population. Guest i have no idea where he got the numbers. I dont know if they are true. The truth is cable news is the audience is whiter and older than the country as a whole because we are going through podcasts are a big part of this. We are going through a transition. I call it the wormhole. American media is passing through this space. If you look at espn struggling to figure out a way to do sports. They are struggling because cord cutting hits younger people at a higher rate than older folks. Baby boomers are less likely to be cord cutters than people who are millennials or zennials. We have to realize where the viewers are and what is going to happen. I think podcasts are part of it. We have a fox nation product trying to connect with younger viewers. It is hard. The cable platform that served us so well for not just us but cspan and our competitors for the past 20 years does not work in the same way and is not going to continue to work in the same way it does so everybody has to be ready. Host the caller said he had a masters in journalism. What qualifications should someone have to be a journalist today . Guest they should work as a journalist. Journalist professors almost always regret when i speak. I have a degree in history. Getting advanced degree in journalism is great if you want to teach journalism. If you want to practice journalism, practice journalism its a vocation but its also a trade. You have to go do it. The most important thing i can tell anybody that wants to be a journalist. Is go find somebody who will you money i was paid 250 a week at a college. Write five stories a day and check back in a couple of years. Either you will love it and you wont notice you are underpaid for being overworked and you will be underway, or you will be selling insurance summer. Host how did you get the fox to fox news . Guest i covered the statehouse. I had a really stable career. I have carried the title politics editor since i was 28 years old. I am 42 now. I think im in a rut. I have been a Political Editor for a long time. Host what does the digital politics editor at fox news do . Guest im just a regular politics editor now. I think of the stories. Host what are the things reporters should be working on. Guest i write the Halftime Report. I do a podcast. I make regular appearances on the channel. On election night, and i dont say its my favorite part but its one of my favorite parts. Its a long process that takes us there, but when they say fox news can now project that barack obama will win ohio or donald will win pennsylvania, i get to be part of that decision. Thats a really cool thing i get to do and i love it. Host for people waiting for those calls can you explain how you do that . Guest we get them in advance and we wait until the tension is as high as possible no. We actually have i will not get into the weeds but its host weeds are ok here. Guest ok. Here is the deal. We tried something last year to Great Success called the fox news voter analysis. Fnva. The fnva is different than an exit poll. We were not satisfied with exit polling. No one is satisfied with exit polling. The way they work on election day is you take a big survey, maybe 5000 humans participate. It is bigger and you also used to have a pretty high rate of confidence that these folks were actual voters because you were talking at the polling places. Well, you know that election day is now election month. That makes it hard. You rely more on phone calls to homes and doing that stuff. Partnering with the associated press, university of chicago, we have come up with the brilliant arnin mishkin, nerd number one. I am nerd number two. We can talk now just about who voted, but who did not vote and why. A big part one of the things about our system now i believe it was getting the themselves and are just as responsible for why we have as broken a system as we do as those who are voting. Maybe more so in a way. Knowing why they did not vote in what they want is part of the discussion. I love it. Im so excited to see what we do in 2020. Host jess from nebraska, republican. Good morning. Caller john, let me Say Something to you first if i could. That lady you had on this last time, it would truly be nice if you could bring somebody in to challenge almost every single point that she made because it was all very questionable. Especially when you start using the southern poverty law center. You know and i know that place is a joke. When they use those numbers you might as well just be pulling them out of the sky. Second of all if i can talk to , chris, i graduated from Salem College in West Virginia. I love West Virginia. I got to tell you, our media is gone. I watched yesterday and cnn, immediately when they went to dayton, ohio, they never showed or talked about anything other than el paso because they knew the narrative for dayton was wrong. I truly think it is not the politicians. Our media has turned. You watch. Rue the day when this comes back to bite them because they have thrown away their right to be called media. Guest there is an old joke. You know what politicians like to do with their Political Base . You treat them like mushrooms. Keep them in the dark and cover them with horse manure. A fantastic way to do that, and both parties do that, is that it is the presss fault. I watch the New York Times had a headline on monday. It said trump denounces racism trump calls for unity and denounces racism. It was a onedeck, twocollumn headline. They came up with a construction that was 100 accurate. Host trump urges unity versus racism. Guest most of the president of candidates attacked the times. They said Kristen Gillibrand said this is killing people and saying somehow the times was complicit in mass murder. Harry reids former flak says hes canceling his subscription because he is disgusted by the complicity in all of this. Here is the deal. Politicians im sorry to be all movie quotes. Whats the line from usual suspects . The greatest trick never ever played was convincing the world he did not exist. We have a system that is profoundly dysfunctional. We have politics that is so stupid as to profane the name of the United States. All of that is true. Yet both parties have figured out the better thing to do was to get them to talk about us. We aint the story. There are plenty of reporters who want to be the story and plenty of folks who will stick their face in the camera and make a story about themselves. Theres lots of coverage where people say look at me and my coverage. We are not really the story. The story is what people elected to positions of authority are doing. Host lea, georgia, good morning. Caller chris, i would like to speak about the current climate of our politics. I really appreciate your response to the previous caller and saying the press is not the enemy of the people. Guest thank you for that. Caller the climate is where you cant speak about the issues involved in politics like our infrastructure not being fixed, like our broken health care system, our broken educational system. We dont even talk about those things anymore. We are talking about peoples personal lives, whether they are for or against abortion, legal or illegal immigrant, whether they watch fox or cnn. I think it is petty politics. I tire of it. But its important for all of us to still be involved in our political system. What do you think we can do to bring the system back to where we are debating issues and passing legislation to deal with the issues in the country instead of being mired in racist dogma or worrying about our neighbor being different than us and worshiping different than us . The petty things we are involved in today. That i think are attributed in part to our petty president. Guest first, repeal the 17th amendment. No i actually do want to repeal the 17th of them it. The direct election of senators has been a disaster for the country. One of the most important things im coming around on this issue. The way that we the parties choose nominees. Weve had about a 40year experiment with primaries. I think it has failed. I think we can conclusively say that for all the evils of the smokefilled room, for the problems of state conventions. They were very few primaries in the country. New hampshire was considered so unique because so few places actually held primaries. The norm in most places was he would have county conventions that would choose delegates for state conventions that would gather to choose nominees. Not just for the president but also for the governor and the senate and all of that stuff. The state was not involved and elections were not involved. Now we have a primary system that sort of got snapped into place in the postwatergate reform. The consequence is we are much dumber. Our politics are profoundly dumber because the only way for you to really win in a primary is to find a way to get to the right or left of the person next to you. The only way to get there. Often. For a long time the political establishment did not mind having primaries because they had more money and more name identification. The jeb bush factor. Have primaries or whatever you want and i will come in as a , megawhale, dump 100 million that marco rubios shorts and become the nominee whether you like it or not. That doesnt work anymore because of social media and because of our atomized media world. You cant do it anymore. I think we have to take a serious look at the primary system. Is that the way we want to do it or Something Better . Host the top two primary system . Guest ranked Choice Voting experimenting within maine could be interesting. Having states run primaries and having your secretary of state running the effort of choosing nominees for parties is a mistake. I dont think taxpayers should have to find that and i think fund that. To i think the party ought settle their own hash. I do not care how they pick their nominees. I dont care if the democrats have a potato sack race to determine who the nominee is, just tell me who it is and then have an election. The general election should be administered by the government and administered with taxpayer resources to make sure we have a free and fair process, but i dont care how the parties pick their nominees. Host who do you think the Democratic Party nominee will be . Guest oh that simple . I think the funniest story of 2019 the Political Press you have to think of as a big amoeba. That has little hairs and is moving around. You and i are both part of it. They are 5000, maybe 10,000 people in it. Sometimes we are all in the same bakery in iowa on the same day wearing hairnets. They are looking at mitt romney admiring the butter cow. There is also a strong groupthink in the space. Inside the Political Press. Yes, i would say, and i have mentioned this many times, the press has a liberal bias in the sense that the people who tend to make up newsrooms in the United States come from places like bethesda, maryland and long island, new york. Just like the Energy Industry has a conservative bias because people come from oklahoma and houston. Yes, there is such a thing is as media bias. The biggest bias in the media is butthe biggest bias in the media is for groupthink. , for conventional wisdom and received wisdom. The received wisdom inside this amoeba was joe biden cant win. He is too old, too white, to o moderate. He is out. Bernie sanders really wanted really won in 2016 and joe biden has not received the telegram. I laugh every day. Oh, joe biden is 32 . Untouched, unharmed. Every day there is a new narrative that sets up where today is the day that joe biden will be laid low. Joe biden will be crushed by the insurgency inside the Democratic Party. Everyday joe biden eats ice cream. Host joe biden today will be the iowa state fair, the soapbox. Guest huge ice cream and aviator sunglasses opportunity for joe biden. Host covering it today live on cspan, joe biden and Steve Bullock starting at 1 45. You can watch it on cspan or listen on the free cspan radio app. Kimberly is next on the independent line out of cornell, new york. Caller good morning. I wanted to say i was a republican for 25 years. I have always been a person who my views have been closely aligned in the last few years with the Republican Party in the Republican Party has moved further and further away. I wanted to say i dont mean to be offensive but fox media has been relegated as trump tv. I have put your podcast on my playlist. I plan on listening to an episode today. Guest oh good. Caller but do you feel as a Media Company you are also responsible for any of the domestic terrorism or any of that . Because it seems that fox media has been very supportive they are good people on both sides and that type of thing. Guest i dont. I cant speak for my company. I cant speak for my company. Look i work in the same , building. I am one floor exactly above our studio 1. You see that view of the capital, you watch fox news you can see the same view from one floor down. Later today you will see me do it from this studio. Chris wallace and brett bear practice some of the very finest journalism in washington. I am privileged to work with people like them. I am privileged to work with dana perino. I am privileged to work with people in new york who do fantastic news shows. Im also privileged to work with hundreds of producers and reporters who fanned out across this country to put themselves in harms way very often to cover the news. Look, in answer to a previous caller i said that the temptation is to let politicians shift the blame to the press. It is really the presss fault. If only they would act the way i wanted it to, everything would get better. If only these people would stop lying and tell the truth then everything would get better and its tempting to believe that. But here is what i know. This is messy. We do not have the system we have because it is easy. You know what is easy . Authoritarianism is easy. You know it is easy . The reason we have a bill of rights is because those are invasions of personal individual liberty that are so tempting to every government that the founders said we better enumerate them and write them down because these things are near irresistible for government. We say we like free speech. In the United States yes, we. Love free speech. We hate free speech. Free speech is horrible. It gets in the way. People say things that are hateful and disgusting and bothersome. People are annoying, all those things. The reason we enshrined it in the First Amendment and it is there is because it is inviolate. Are alltand that there kinds of things said by the press that are upsetting to the president , upsetting to democrats to whomever. We have to do a better job. I placed most of the responsibility for what is going on in this country today politically with the citizenry that is not keeping up its end of the bargain. Host Chris Stirewalt is our guest. Ill tell you what is the name of the podcast. Where can folks find it . Guest you can go to fox news radio or go through apple podcast, stitcher, wherever you go and we will meet you there. Guest do you each have a certain role . Host we have a certain role in our friendship which is to say michael barone, when he did a political typography of the United States, he breaks the country into different groups. In the upper midwest, stretching out into the rockies he had an area that he called rule following scandinavians. They are like the woman at the 2008 convention in st. Paul. I had a terrible cold and i was trying to go take my medicine in the reporters and the press bleachers. This very nice woman, very scandinavian woman said no, sir. You are not taking that in there. When i complained that they were people drinking this actually happened. They confiscated the beverages of every person who had smuggled them in. Those are rule following scandinavians. That is dana perino. I am from what i call the hillbilly firewall of West Virginia. We dont follow the rules very well. We are quick to rath and sometimes intemperate. Dana and i have a very good give and take relationship. Host how often do you talk about jasper perino . Guest jasper is americas dog. I know that her husband peter outranks jasper. Not by a ton but he deftly has he definitely has the edge on jasper. I am beneath. I am lower than that. Tom is next. Caller just a republican this time around. I have a white shepherd. Isle of dogs just like daniel. I want to push back on the press. I do believe the press is responsible for the attacks on our Police Officers. They ran Michael Brown, Michael Brown, Michael Brown. It was all lies and its never stopped. I do blame the press for a lot of the radical stuff, the racial stuff. It about makes me cry. It is so sad. I do blame the press guest we didnt. People at fox news didnt. Malcolm gladwell did a great unpacking of the Michael Brown case in the story in his revisionist history. I think it was last week that was really good. Sorry to be a Malcolm Gladwell ad sales this week but. Host you can promote your own podcast. Guest i have a tshirt on underneath. The truth here is, yeah reporters make mistakes all the , time. That narrative im talking about, that amoeba that forms its point of view, it is hard to change. When you have a wrong idea that takes root, the idea that ferguson was basically a Police Officer hunting a kid was wrong and proven wrong. But you know what else was overlooked . That Police Department was shaking down that community for years. Fine after fine. They were an oppressive force in the community that was generating revenue for itself and for the city by abusive conduct towards the community. Big fines big tickets for , nothing. All of that kind of stuff. The stories tend to be a lot more complicated than we think. We have an opportunity now. There was a time in america for you had three television networks, two newspapers and a couple of Wire Services that basically that is where you got your information. That was the story to be told. We did it in 30 minutes on the evening news. Now it is everywhere. We have to learn to be better consumers. We cant just be passive takers anymore. We have to be intentional consumers that go and ask better questions. I promise you this will get harder, not easier. Host charleston, West Virginia. Joyce. Democrat, good morning. Caller i remember you almost every sunday morning on decisionmakers. Guest yes maam. He wantedd of course to turn West Virginia. He claimed he only wanted two parties but he was actually very republican. He was very much against justice, but as soon as he was elected governor he is now working with them. That was horrible. He ran as a democrat and then switched to republican. I think everything wrong with this country has to do with republicans. I can remember when they were very good republican senators and representatives. They were just fine people, but no more. It is everything wrong with this country that can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party. Host that is West Virginia. Guest i thought maybe it was a bill i owed 70 money. If joe mansion runs for governor, which he might. With the pat toomey bill when he came back out on the background checks. Everybody in West Virginia is every politician is terrified. He is icing the kicker. If mansion does go back and runs for governor, which i would not be surprised if he did. He liked being governor and was good at it. Justice has been a train wreck. West virginia has not been a profile in great leadership of late. I do want to address this thing about laying all the countrys problems at the feet of republicans. Can you imagine if everybody did that with the other party . My side bears all the blame for this. This would invite all of us not to fix the things that are wrong with us. You have to clean up your own side of the street first. Yes, republicans screw stuff up. Democrats screw stuff up. The idea that is in a binary system you can have such a thing as mono causality if only the other team was in charge then everything would be better. That invites lazy thinking and we have an era of intense negative partisanship. Negative partisanship is the worst kind. There is positive partisanship. I like my side and i think were doing the best. What joyce talked about was the most intense form of negative partisanship that says the other side is evil and must be defeated. If that is your only threshold, you will not hold your own side to a high standard. Host from michigan bob, independent. Good morning. Caller i would like to take a little bit of a walk back in history here with you regarding president obama and president bush. When they showed up you tend to think people dont want somebody to show up at tragic event like that. Yet, you kinda blewover Donald Trumps private meetings as that is just the president. A president , and this includes bush. For all his faults. And obama for all their fault, when obama showed up at sandy hook and bush at 911, they allow themselves to be crying with the American People at their loss and showed a bit of empathy. Unfortunately your answer is that is just donald trump. I will tell you what. The empathy gene is something the president of the United States has to have. And the one we have now has none. Host showing viewers on the screen some of the scenes from yesterday from the president s visits out to dayton and el paso. Guest not a vote for trump 2020 there. Not a trump 2020 vote. Its interesting. We have turned the american presidency into sort of this divine kingship, this magical shamanistic healer, this great father that is supposed to heal the nations wounds. And do all this stuff. Some president s are exceptional. We have had some exceptional men serve as our president s. Truly remarkable world historical figures. When we think about men like lakin or fdr. When we think about this stuff. I put washington in a different category. Because he made it. The truth here is weve also had a lot of maladies for president. James buchanan was president of the United States. It really actually happened. He was the president. We had good president s and bad president s and boring president s and weird president s. A problem with the loss of local media in the country is we have seen hollowing out on the local level across the United States as an unhealthy fixation on the city and one human being within the city. Its important who the president its important who the president is. The most powerful man in the world, and he flies in and has the podium. He is a man and he is just one man. The degree to which people either an occult of personality cult ofr in a personality fall at the feet of the president or despise him with the kind of whitehot intensity we heard from the caller in michigan should be a reflection of the fact we are a little out of whack on the presidency in the u. S. Host is it more intense today than it was for the Obama Presidency . Guest we have seen a ramping up. What the market to clinton or iraq, we have seen this intensification that has mirrored the changing media landscape. Here i am blaming the press. As we see the media landscape change the change in focus about what is going on in the clinton impeachment was a huge part of that. The 2000 recount. We had this escalating thing that has brought us to trump. The truth is i put a lot of the blame on congress. We have for 40 years i blame cspan a little bit. Because if you watch a congressional hearing now, i would get the cameras out. Is brian lamb in the building echo if he is, he will throw me off the roof. I read about this. You want to hearing and you have when congress, what do they do . Five minutes of speechafying. You are the most terrible person in the history of the world. Full of deep state collusion, lying person. Do you agree . I will go with no one that. No on that. Our congress is for people who are more focused on their own reelections than they are on guarding the power of the legislative branch. We have seen a whittling away of legislative power. The branches are not even supposed to be coequal. They are article one. Congress the house of representatives is supposed to be preeminent. Congress is article one, the seat of the center of power. The power to tax, to go to war or levy tariffs. Members of congress figured out it is harder to raise money and get reelected if you do difficult things. So what should we do instead . ,we should devolve that power to the executive branch to become this weak kneed, ridiculous creature congress has become, differing to the courts and the executive branch is the founders never could have imagined. Host this network has been trying to get cameras into the Supreme Court. For a long time. Guest dont do it. The Supreme Court is one of the last institution that works in the United States. Part of the reason small r republican institutions work as they are beyond the prime. Is they are beyond. Have the constitutional they did nothave the Constitutional Convention on cspan. Can you imagine wearing woolen clothes inside a philadelphia summer and airless chamber . I that ben franklin did not smell great. To have these guys packed into this room sweltering for secrecy because theyknew if they put the constitution together in public it would not work. We have a house in the senate but the Supreme Court is supposed to act in its own special way. I think having justices preening for cameras will not make this Supreme Court better. Host less than 15 minute left with Chris Stirewalt. Cohost of perino and stirewalt ill tell you what. That is the name of the podcast we are focusing on today. Podcast week on the washington journal. Darlene in oregon, a democrat. Caller good morning. I was just listening to chris. I have to say a lot of things he was just saying i totally agree with. The senate is stagnated. I believe Mitch Mcconnell owes too much to this president , including the fact that his wife is secretary of transportation. I think that should not happen for a senator as powerful as Mitch Mcconnell, his wife being the on the president s cabinet. Mitch mcconnell in my opinion gives term limits the reason for living. I also want to comment. I agree about the local news. Local news has been broken down. We turned to cnn and fox but they are not truly news stations. They are political commentary stations. Its a misnomer. Occasionally they put the news on when each one decides whats Important News to put on. Our local systems have been totally broken down by these three broadcast networks. Guest what killed local news was that newspapers died. The death of newspapers. You have 500 newspapers strewn over your table. The demise of newspapers. They were highly overleveraged. I was there when it happened. They were highly overleveraged because they were hugely profitable. They made tons of money. 30 , 35 profit margins. People could get huge loans to buy up newspapers. And consolidate them for economies of scale. At that exact moment the , internet walked up and said im going to eat you and newspapers said you are adorable, that will never happen. We will be fine forever. Five or six years later, done. We are in the process of replacing that. Social media is a big part of how we as americans are going to replace that. We have not solved the problem but yet. , it matters more whether or not your county commissioner is a crook then whether your congressman had a very long question for robert mueller. That is more important. It is more important if your governor is a nincompoop then if your congressman had the right feelings in an interview about something. We have to figure out a way together to get local news happening again because we need it badly. Host how do you see the 2020 senate and . House races shaping up . Guest isnt it funny how we do this . We will spend two years we are in the home stretch of a twoyear process where we hypothetically talk about what will happen. For 45 months we will have an election. If the democrats nominate elizabeth warren, i dont think the democrats will take the senate. If the democrats nominate joe biden or somebody heres whats happening. We are going through a massive political realignment. The parties are changing lanes. The democrats are becoming the party of the suburbs and collegeeducated people in the party of more affluent people. Republicans are becoming the party of workingclass white voters. The old roosevelt lbj coalition. A lot of the fiction is as they are passing each other and is like a nascar race and they are rubbing up against each others bumpers as theyre trying to get around each other. If the democrats nominate somebody who can win in suburban dallas, somebody who can win in suburban philadelphia in those places if the election were held today, which it wont be in joe biden will not be at 53 when he gets to election day if he was the nominee. But if the election were held today, joe would trounce donald trump. He would win 35 states. The democrats would take the senate and expand the majority in the house. The election is not going to happen today. By the time the democratic nominee comes out they will be badly beaten by their fellow democrats. Because right now they are really into the part where anything can be said or done in the name of victory. It is allowed. And republicans have 1 billion to dump on the head of whomever the democrats nominate. That person is going to be in pretty rough shape no matter what by the time we get to next june. We can index pretty closely the control of the senate and control of the house that how competitive the race is for the president. I would say right now my guess d plus one. Host the house . Wont make me. Not even for a free mug. Host e sandwich, massachusetts. Brian, republican. Caller thanks for having me on. I like just about everything you say. But when you started putting down governor justice in West Virginia, i thought i would give you a call and tell you i think hes doing a pretty good job out there. We go at West Virginia and love West Virginia. Guest 40 ago . Caller we go to wheeling. Guest you go to my hometown . Caller he kept the greyhounds races any building roads and people people working in West Virginia. Can you walk back that criticism . I kind of like him. Guest thank you for coming to wheeling, West Virginia. That is where my father taught me math. By how to bet a quinella at wheeling downs. The thing about jim justice, the republicans dont like him, the democrats dont like him. He will not come to charleston to work. He is getting primaried by half the people. He tried to follow the trump model. He sold his familys coal company. He owns the green briar and sold the coal company to a russian enterprise and made up a jillion dollars. And then decided he was going to get into politics. As it turns out you need a lot of gogo juice to be governor of a state, even a small state like our 35th state, West Virginia. I dont think justice has the gogo juice and does not want to be in charleston every day dealing with the pecuniary and peculiar requests of people cutting ribbons and green boy , scouts. He is in a bit of a pickle. Host talking about your podcast, do you end every podcast with trivia . Guest we do. Jason bonewald. He is now the director of operations or something for fox news radio. I think he has a license to kill. Im not sure. But he and wentworth came up with the show he and another producer were the ones that came up with the show and the idea. Every week, jason comes up with trivia questions and dana perino, to her credit, does not pretend she knows the answers or thought them up. Bonewald craft truly devilish questions every week. They were passing through west we hada last week and lunch with them. And my sons said can you have harder trivia for my dad . And i said you are not going swimming this afternoon. Host what does cspan stand for . Guest i knew this. Tell me. Host cable satellite Public Affairs network. Guest satellite was the missing word. Host who was the First Electric elected member to be televised on cspan in march of 1979 . Guest i will take a guess and say to oneill. Host it was al gore. Host who has the most appearances, elected official with the most appearances . Guest john mccain. Host harry reid with 4000, former senator, former majority leader followed by bill clinton with 3425, an Mitch Mcconnell with 3477. Last one for you. When did cspan2 first week in first begin televising live proceedings of the senate . Guest you are worse than bonewald. 2002. Host 1986. Guest the only one i know is who was the first sitting president to call into cspan . Guest ronald reagan. Picked up the phone and called in. I forgot what he wanted to talk about. I think it would be cool if president s still did that. Host the first caller was october 7, 1980. Bob from yankton, south dakota. Guest bob, we appreciate you. Caller can you hear me . Chris john, i have not talked to you in a while. I think its amazing that we can get a microphone, get on tv and go out and tell people how they should think and feel. Its amazing. Most people start off with this statement about what they are going to say as i think. Americans are like lost sheep. They run around and pick out who is saying what they want to hear and they go out and and vote that way, as opposed to doing their own research. People tell you what theyre going to do and make the decisions on their own. Give me a mic and i can go around the country and tell people what they should think and how they should vote. That is what amazes me the most. They actually pay you guys for that. Thats a job . To get paid to do that kind of stuff. Guest its a living. It was either this or sell hotdogs. We have a problem, weak parties with strong partisanship. A double whammy combination of the mccainfeingold act, followed by the Citizens United decision arts up in court cut the guts out of our system. Took the money away from them. Groups like the nra or planned followed by parenthood or any of the super pacs have filled the roles substantially of the parties. As a result of these weak parties we end up with pretty bad politics. The parties used to act as a vetting system. You could not get to the top or make it all the way to run for president or the senate were governor unless you had run the gauntlet inside your party of people who were deeply committed and involved. I am a proponent im an admirer of what the twoparty system has done for the United States. I dont thing we understand what the twoparty system is and those two party two private institutions beings those two institutions being strong. Right now we have very weak parties and strong partisanship or people get to go out and say you think that is crazy, wait until you hear what im going to say next. Host term limits . Guest i think i am closer now. I think we have a great system, which is that the public will is there, the constitution can be amended. We have stopped trying. We used to do with some regularity. We have not done it. We finished off the bill of rights, the unpassed parts of it in the 1990s. , we have not really had for 30 but years now a serious effort at amending the constitution was with something really different. I think probably if the referendum were being held i would be voting for term limits today. Trying to get people to realize that the problem is really stemming from if we help these countries, less people will be coming to us. A big question with less than one minute left. Addressing what is going on in Central America has got to be part how the United States deals with we have a global migrant issue, people moving from the poor south to the rich north and we have to address that any variety of ways. Enforcement will never be enough. Host you can find the podcast wherever you find your podcast. We appreciate your time. Washington journal mugs are available at cspans new online store. Org and seestore all of our products. Announcer 2 cspan has live coverage of the 2020 president ial candidates at the iowa state fair on friday, live at 10 00 a. M. Eastern with the former hud secretary and saturday, live at 10 00 a. M. Eastern with governor jay inslee, senator, harris, amy klobuchar, kiersten gillibrand, elizabeth warren, and corey bricker. Cory booker. Watch live at the iowa state fair, friday and saturday on cspan. Watch anytime online. Or listen live from wherever you are, on the go, using the free cspan radio app. Announcer 1 campaign 2020, watch our live coverage of the president ial candidates as and make up your own mind. Campaign 2020, your unfiltered view of politics. Saturday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, female activists in the 1960s were people civil rights movement. While women were instrumental in helping to organize and put the march together, the events were purely dominated by men. Announcer 1 sunday at 4 30 p. M. Eastern, global significance of the declaration of independence during and after the american revolution. Multiple translations of our declaration also made their way to columbia, venezuela and ecuador over the course of 50 years after 1776, a halfcentury known to scholars as the age of revolution. Announcer 1 at 6 00 p. M. , eyewitness accounts from inside the white house during the apollo 11 lunar landing. We really staked ourselves into the cabinet room throughout the day. You could see the windows were dark, so we are into nighttime. The module landed at 4 15 in the afternoon and the astronauts did not walk until later. Announcer 1 explore our nations past on American History tv, every weekend on cspan3. Host cynthia milleridriss joins us for a discussion on White Supremacy in the United States. Y in the United States. She is a professor here in d. C. , a seniors a senior fellow at the center for analysis of the radical right. Explain some of the terms we hear in this discussion, White Supremacy, white nationalists, neonazi. What is the difference . Guest everyone is confused about this. No one has a complete agreement on it. Your question is wellplaced. Refer to the far right as a spectrum of ideologies that includes white supremacist extremism but also a range of other kinds of systems oneliefs and

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