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Whileto reporters departing the white house. [inaudible] economy in the world. It has picked up tremendously. A lot of great things happening. Roof. Onomy is through the hopefully we will get a decision from certain branches of government. We have a lot of good things happening. We were just speaking with the department of commerce and we have interest in a country like. E have never had before do you regret targeting baltimore . Baltimore has been very badly. Ishandled for many years it is a corrupt city. Theres no question about it. All you have to do is look at the facts. The government has been pumping billions of dollars to no avail. Baltimore is an example of what corrupt government leads to. Billions of dollars have been given and i feel so far feel so far feel sorry for the people baltimore. If they asked me we will get involved. We are already involved in the standpoint that over many years billions and billions of dollars have been given to baltimore. Theres a lot of corrupt government or i think that representative comings should take his oversight committees are doing oversight on baltimore. On the fed come up what should be rate cut the . The talks are moving very well with china. China always breaks the new deal at the end or seems to boot seems to. They devalue their currency and they are pumping money into the system to be able to pay for it. A lot of companies are moving out of china. The United States dates is doing phenomenally well. We are giving some money to our farmers who have been really targeted by china. The farmers like me and i love the farmers. I will say the farmers are there grateful. The most they ever spent on agriculture products was 16. Illion i took just a small part of the money that china is paying us and i gave it to the farmers and the farmers are very happy. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, [inaudible] the fed moves in my opinion far too early and far too severely. I have made the economy so strong that nothing is going to stop us. I want to see the quantitative tightening stop. I also think that had they not done it, as good as a record in the stock market, we have the alltime high at the history of the stock market. I think it would have been 10,000 points higher and we foursave been in the with gdp. President obama had zero Interest Rates. We have normalized Interest Rates with zero Interest Rates anything happens. [inaudible] dont talk about that. I think they acted too quickly by far. The fed is often wrong. The Washington Post called Mitch Mcconnell what . I think the Washington Post is a russian asset by comparison. Mitch mcconnell loves our country. Hes done a great job. We are trying to pass an infrastructure bill. Its being written up right now as we speak for our highways and roadways. We are going to be up to 179 judges. Nobodys ever seen anything like that. And other than George Washington we will end up having the highest percentages put on the court and its going to be a legacy. Mcconnell is a man that knows less about russia and russian influence than even donald trump and i know nothing. So, i think its a horrible thing which is just a paper for the benefit of amazon. The Washington Post is fake news just like the New York Times is fake news. Its put there for the benefit the Washington Post of amazon , that is my opinion and i think , its a disgrace. And if we actually said that i didnt read it. If we actually said that Mitch Mcconnell is an asset of russia they ought to be ashamed of themselves and they ought to apologize. Reporter [inaudible] pres. Trump well i think right now it would be sleepy joe. I think. I feel he will limbo cross the line. That is what i think. What i think doesnt mean anything. But i know the other people, i know him, i think he is off his game by a lot. But i think personally, i think its going to be sleepy joe. Reporter [inaudible] pres. Trump no, i think im helping myself because im pointing out the tremendous corruption thats taken place in baltimore and other democratic run cities. All you have to do is look at the past mayors in baltimore and see what happened. I think im helping myself and i will tell you what. The white house and myself and letters and emails and phone calls have received more phone calls than i think on any other subject of people from baltimore and other cities corruptly run by democrats, thanking me for getting involved. Those people are living in hell in baltimore. They are largely africanamerican. You have a large africanamerican population and they really appreciate what im doing, and they have let me know it. They really appreciate it. By the way the numbers just came out. Unemployment for africanamericans is the lowest it has been, the best numbers, in the history of our country. The lowest in the history of our country. But people have called from baltimore thanking me so much. Because all that money has been spent over 20 years has been stolen and wasted by people like Elijah Cummings. Reporter [inaudible] well i have a great relationship with brazil. I have a fantastic relationship with your president. He is a great gentleman. He was here, as you know. The trump of brazil. I like that. That is a comp lament. By the way, i think hes doing a great job. Its a tough job. But i think the president is doing a fantastic job. Hes a wonderful man with a wonderful family. We are going to work on an agreement with brazil. Brazil is a big trading partner. They charged us a lot of tariffs. But other than that we love the relationship. Reporter are you concerned about the health [inaudible] pres. Trump the what . Reporter [inaudible] who might have been poisoned while in prison . Pres. Trump i heard about it. I dont know about it but i will find out about it. I heard about it last night. Reporter [inaudible] pres. Trump John Radcliffe is a brilliant man. Hes a wonderful person. I spoke to him long before about this. Long before. Months ago. I spoke to him before the mueller fiasco. I think probably nobody in the history of capitol hill has embarrassed themselves like what mueller did to himself and the democrats. But John Ratcliffe i spoke to him about this for a long time. He is a very talented guy. Hes a strong man. Its what we need in that position. Reporter [inaudible] i am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world. When ive known him all my life. I had to tilt to deal with him. But i got along with him, al sharpton. Now, hes a racist. Hes a racist. When people let me explain to you. What ive done for africanamericans in two and half years, no president has been able to do anything like it. Unemployment at the lowest level in the history of our country for africanamericans, nobody can beat that. You look at poverty levels. They are doing better than theyve ever done before. So many things. Opportunity zones. Criminal Justice Reform. President obama couldnt get it done. It was done really the biggest beneficiary probably is africanamericans. I got criminal Justice Reform done. President obama could not get it done. No other president was able to get it done. What ive done for africanamericans, no president has done. I will say this. They are so happy because i get the call at what ive been able to do in baltimore and other democratic run corrupt cities. Stolen, what been they have done. It has been wasted and it has been stolen. Billions and billions of dollars. And the Africanamerican Community is so thankful, i have called me and they say finally, somebody is telling the truth. Reporter [inaudible] pres. Trump i think the biggest problem is china would love to wait, and they hope its not going to happen. If i gotd just love defeated so they could deal with somebody like Elizabeth Warren or Sleepy Joe Biden or any of these people. Because then they would be allowed unable to continue to rip off our country like they have been doing for the last 30 years. China has been taking out hundreds of billions of dollars a year and what ive done with the tariffs, is number one, they have had the worst deal in any seven years. The worst deal in 27 years. Year in 27 years. Companies are leaving china by the thousands and prices are coming down and i will tell you this. China is dying to make a deal with me. But whether or not i will do it is up to me. It is not up to them. Reporter [inaudible] pres. Trump i think china is willing to give up a lot. I think if china had their way , they would wait until after the election, they will pray that trump loses and they will make a deal with someone that does not know what they are doing, like obama and biden. Like all of the president s before. Where they have done is they have picked our pockets. That is not happening with trump. Reporter [inaudible] i think if that is the case, i would be shocked. But if thats the case they are fighting against their people. Because the africanamerican people have when calling the white house, they have never been so happy as what i president has done. Not only opportunity zones for the biggest beneficiary the inner city. And not only criminal Justice Reform, but they are so happy that i pointed out that corrupt politics of baltimore is filthy, dirty, its so horrible and they are happy as hell. You may have a couple of politicians boycott, but its all a fix. Its all a fix. The fact is africanamerican people love the job im doing because im working for them. Im not working for the politicians. Reporter [inaudible] absolutely. What he should do, what Elijah Cummings should do is take his oversight committee, bring them down to baltimore and really study the billions and billions of dollars thats been stolen. It has been wasted. Its been stolen. They ought to take that beautiful waste of an oversight committee, go down to baltimore and other democratic run cities and see if you can find the billions that have been stolen. Reporter [indiscernible] pres. Trump my relationship with kim jongun is a very good one as im sure youve seen. We will see what happens. I cant tell you whats going to happen. I know one thing. That if my opponent was president , if she won, you would be in a major war right now with north korea and we are nowhere close. So we will see. I have a Good Relationship with him. I like him. He likes me. We will see what happens. Reporter are you willing to go to baltimore . Pres. Trump at the right time i will visit. But the people of baltimore are very thankful. They have let us know by the thousands of people because of the fact that finally somebody is pointing out how corrupt baltimore is. How billions and billions of dollars have been stolen. And the ones that like it the best what i am doing is africanamerican voters. Those are the ones. Thank you. [whirring of helicopter] from 17thcident to 20 third place. Youll he sees as grant makes the most dramatic rise of all of the president s, going from a 33rd two the 22nd spot. Where does your favorite president rank . Learn all of that and more about the lives and leadership skills of 44 chief executives in cspans the president s. It is a great vacation reading, available wherever books are or at cspan. Org aboutpresident s. Announcer heres a look at a coverage wednesday on cspan. Vice president pence and misery senator josh hawley speak at a conservative student conference hosted by the Young America foundation. Day, the reserve chair holding News Conference after his closeddoor meeting with fed officials. On cspan two, the sun is back at 930 a. M. Eastern to consider several judicial and executive nominations including kelly craft to bun ambassador. It is possible senators will also begin debate on a house passed a budget deal that also suspends the debt limit for two years. On cspan3, the Senate Armed Services Committee Considers the nomination of vice admiral micro michael killed ray to be chief of naval operations. That is followed by another hearing on train safety with the head of the federal railroad administration. Is chairman of the board of directors at the National Whistleblower cente, joining us on National Whistleblower appreciation today. Why is today the National Whistleblower Appreciation Day . In 1778, at the height of the United States revolution, the u. S. Congress passed our first whistleblower law. They did

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