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[applause] so thank, not you, but the first lady, because i know she did most of the work the last couple days, hosting is that the capital, a wonderful office building. Today, we kick off the one a celebration of the space station. The one instruction to me about americas Space Program is i cant take this my 12yearold son, so im not allowed to touch it, but to get us started i will , recognize my friend and nga vice chair Governor Hogan of maryland. Gov. Hogan good morning, everybody. As you know we are celebrating , the 50th anniversary of apollo 11. And the moon landing represents one of humanitys greatest achievements. It is often told through the eyes of three astronauts. But what we could not see, the years of painstaking work. They made this a story 24,000mile journey to the stars possible. It truly was a feat of American Ingenuity and spirit. At the heart of this effort were the men and women of americas Space Program. And this anniversary is a great opportunity to say thank you. In maryland, we have the goddard Space Flight Center, which is home to Hubble Space Telescope operations, and goddard served as the Main Control Center for communications during all Apollo Missions in the 1960s. Marshall Space Flight Center and governor iveys state of alabama , is one of nasas largest Field Centers with 6000 employees. Marshall developed rocket engines and tanks for our Space Shuttles and built sections of the International Space station and it was at marshall where , they designed, built, and helped launch the saturn 5 rocket that carried the astronauts of apollo 11 to the moon. We were very fortunate to have with us today the director of the marshall center. Her 32year nasa career includes decades in the Space Shuttle program. She guided the she guided the successful fly on retirement of the shuttle in 2011. She was one of the programs managers for the space launch system program, where she helped lead the developers of the most powerful rocket ever built. Among the honor she has received are the nasa outstanding leadership metal and the president ial rank of meritorious executive award, the highest honor for career federal employees. So please join me in giving a very warm welcome to jody singer. [applause] singer good morning. This is wonderful event to participate in. I will tell you a little bit about nasa. On behalf of the National Aeronautics and space administration, nasa, i thank you for the opportunity to tell you about my job, tell you about my passion and talk about what we do to explore, discover, and inspire the next generation. I would like to start with a video about nasa and our plans to return to the moon. So, jordan, if you could roll the video. Ignition sequence start. All engines we have taken tremendous steps. Pres. Kennedy we choose to go to the moon before this decade is out. We have achieved the earthshaking, the breathtaking, the groundbreaking. Mr. Armstrong one small step for a man. And left a mark in the heavens. Our successes build one upon the other and what is possible. It is time we take the next great leap. We are building the next chapter of american exploration, returning to the moon to stay, so we can go beyond mars, to expand what is possible and further our understanding. The architecture for these missions is already taking shape. We will go with new systems, bold designs, and a sustainable mission. You can hear it, taste it, touch it, we are going. We are training, testing, pressing our Pioneering Spirit every component, defining our resolve with every line of code , and securing our success with every launch. This is not hypothetical, this is not about flags and footprints. This is about Sustainable Science and feeding forward the advance of the human spirit. Because we are the pioneers, the star sailors, the thinkers, the visionaries, the doers. And because we stand on the shoulders of giants to go farther than humanity has ever been, we will add our names to those of the greatest adventurers in history. Every day, every mission, we advance this cause. We are nasa. And after 60 years, we are just getting started. Dir. Singer so hopefully that woke you up. [applause] dir. Singer so i am blessed to get to work on the nations program. And im very proud. But one of the things i want to make sure you walk away today with is understanding the investment in space, and it provides direct economic benefit and creates a variety of jobs in each of your states. I hope each of you see some of the goodies that we put in front of you. You have a nasa sticker, nasa pin, and you also have a Bumper Sticker and hopefully will display on your bumper, you want to take home with you, and it basically says through exploration. I picked governor herbert of utah. Since i have been in utah. It is a fun Bumper Sticker. Please enjoy. I want you to know you are part of it. I a little bit of show and tell, too. Hope each of you find a thing that shows the United States. I can say stars that have fallen all over the United States, and the reason i show that chart is it shows 3000 Companies Across the u. S. Over the 50 states, so, yes, your state is actively involved in the exploration program. You can look and see different stars of different sizes, those different sizes to pick the amount of companies that you have, and if you would like to provide the Different Companies that support aerospace and our mission, not only human exploration, science, technology, i will be glad to provide that at some point in time. So, again, you are part of it. Now i would like to talk about how nasa is doing. I want to talk about our plans, how we can use the moon to go further, and we say the moon lights the way. Wait, obviously we have to talk about apollo. Those who are old enough, hopefully you remember what you were doing, probably watching it on a black and white tv. You remember maybe what happened. Those who werent alive, i will tell you. Hopefully you understand the benefits that it gives. So last week, we celebrated the apollo 11 mission, which captures not only our nation but the worlds attention. It demonstrated the power of americas vision and technology to inspire. It represents the greatest engineering and scientific achievements. Many of those benefits we enjoy today come from those missions. Can you think about how you would do it today without your computer, without your cell phone, without tang . [laughter] dir. Singer could you survive a minute without your cell phone to get returning to the moon will let us change civilization and that is why nasa is , committed to achieving the goals of space exploration, innovation, and discovery. Many of you have heard the president and Vice President in march challenged us in my home huntsville, alabama, my home base at marshall Space Flight Center, challenged all of us with the mission and said i want our nation to be committed to returning americans to the moon and charged us to accelerate having boots on the moon by 2024 and have a sustained presence by 2028. This accelerated approach brings our nation, our workforce and economic base into play. We are thankful for the bipartisan support that is helping pave the way for a sustainable return to the moon and taking this on to the next giant leap, which is sending astronauts to mars. So the best accomplish this goal, nasa is Going Forward to the moon under a program called artemis. The Artemis Program, if you didnt know, artemis is the twin sister of apollo. The twin sister of apollo, artemis, is the goddess of the moon, so very appropriate. So artemis personifies nasas path to the moon. So these sustainable steps is we are building on missions the take a sustainable presence not just going and planting a flag but sustainable presence that will take us forward. So why go to the moon . Many of us could cite different reasons, we could talk about strategic leadership, we can talk about global participation , but one of the things that is passionate to me is talking. M. , the science, technology, engineering and math. We know apollo spun off many that were inspired to go into s. T. E. M. , and what we want to do today, if you think about youngsters in the class today, the ones in junior high or Grammar School are the next astronauts going to mars. We want to challenge them to go the route. Telling you how we will get there. I will give you a quick summary. If you look at the top of the chart, it talks about how we will go from earths surface and think about today, we have an International Space station 200 miles out. We have vehicles going commercial to do that. We are trying to go to hundred 50,000 miles out and eventually on about 2 million miles out. So it requires a different vehicle. That vehicle is the space launch system and the orion vehicle, which is capable of taking them there. It is broken into missions which , which is a crewed mission, an uncrewed mission in the 21 timeframe and the artemis mission, artemis 2, which is the first time we will have humans on the surface of the moon, not just going to the surface of the moon but going to the south pole for the first time. In addition, there are other assets we have to have been placed was a gateway to allow flexibility for safe return, pressurized crew module and the artemis 3 in 2024. In parallel, there are other things we are supporting, with commercial launch vehicles, the systems we have to have in place to go forward, because that will be part of understanding the moon, understanding the soil, and understanding where we want to land to get the critical information we need. Giving it another accent is a parallel path to success, not and, thes an ability to launch crew on the orion and sls and the ability to launch cargo on commercial crew. So it truly is an and. I would love, i get to take this rocket home with me. I will tell you, this is the space launch system. It is built by contractors, the across the United States, from utah to the motors to the engines, california, think about all over the place, as well as colorado, you name it, and it is over 3000 employees involved, excuse me 3000 companies , that are involved in the 50 states. It is a National Program that gives 60,000 jobs, so it truly is a national vehicle. The success of artemis will provide a sustainable presence in space, but would also needs and i willinable, tell you, not only having the largest vehicle ever built but also takes you on a mission but also having skills to build it and all the things we need. It is more than an economic benefit but inspiration and investment that we havent a big investment is in our workforce. The workforce nasa is passionate about, inspire, innovate, explore. We promote education. We have a large component of what we do, and i personally go out and talk to young folks and encourage them to follow stem s. T. E. M. , and it is critical we hit them at an early age. Enhancing education opportunities, internship programs, pathways, cooperative programs, engaging k12, examples include in the righthand corner, where we have a rover, you have teams that come together from all over the United States and the world to put together machine, operate it and we put them through , obstacles just like they are on the terrain of the moon and mars. It is a characterbuilding exercise, and we have folks that volunteer. Also we have participation where we look at new technologies, new technologies in each of your states, that we are participating with you in and that includes advanced manufacturing, material processing, advanced things we have to have where life systems get involved, very critical. We promote these engagements and it results in spinoffs. Did you know that more than 1800 spinoffs come from nasa and the participation that we have with many of your contractors and communities . So the Artemis Program will continue what apollo did, what shuttle did and continue to have the spinoffs that include examples of advanced manufacturing where you have to have parts made in half the time and perform in the space environment. It is amazing, that ability. I will tell you in closing the benefits from exploration have significant impact, and we will see many more as we explore the future. The future is so bright, it is uneditable the things, things we knew before, we cant imagine what we will know in the future. Things we will be doing 50 years from now when im speaking at a convention, it will be something. I may be in a wheelchair but we will see, they will prop me up , but do keep in mind, all seriousness every dollar , invested in space doesnt go to space, it stays here on earth. It helps communities grow, helps economic benefit, gives inspiration, it gives academia a place to definitely work and partner together. Apollo missions were good for the United States good for , space, and it is even more true today. Just like apollo, we expect artemis investment to pay off, to result in new and gamechanging activity, and definitely to be an inspiration to the future generation. I love what i do and encourage everyone to participate. We have a tremendous challenge, i wont tell you, cheating gravity and being part of space expiration is not challenging. We learn something every day, because we are doing something that hasnt been done before, we are doing it in a different way. It is challenging to do that the Diversity Team do that too. We have a tremendous challenge ahead. The payoffs and benefits are wonderful. Today, we must decide as a nation. If you want to continue our legacy of american preeminence, in technology and science and exploration, or do we want to take a backseat and watch as other nations define our future and define where we can be . I dont know about you, but i can tell you, just like the chart says, lets go. The time is now, i am ready to go, i am ready to leave, and thank you for your support. Lets go launch. [applause] dir. Singer so thank you so much. I know we are trying to adhere to schedule. I work for nasa, so we have to launch and land on time. But it is up to you, any questions, i will be willing to entertain, or if not, during a break, i will be around to do that, too. Gov. Bullock i think we have time if anyone has questions . ,governor herbert . Gov. Herbert thank you for the presentation. I have lived long enough to watch the apollo landing and in the beginning, i heard president kennedy saying we are going to go to the moon. Tell me on the fiscal side of it, because washington doesnt seem to balance their budget now. Is this going to be an added problem . How we are going to pay for it . And how it is going to cost buzz aldrin wants to go to mars as soon as we can. What is the cost of this going to be . Dir. Singer from the budget we have today, it is critical, the bipartisan support makes a huge difference in the ability to , and the ability to have sustained funding makes a difference, to have a sustainable path of being able to get there. Nasas budget is somewhere in the 21 million, and that is of the national budget, so we do a lot with a little, but we do know every dime count, so i will tell you the budget we get, we appreciate. We put it to definite use. We are very conscious of spending the dollars. It does matter to have the same process, because not only does sustained funding make a difference for our large companies, it also makes a difference for the vendors because the vendors also need in , each of your states, that sustained funding to keep going, to keep the Technology Going and for us to have boots on the moon by 2024. Hogan there is also an governor herbert there is also an economic benefit we received from the Space Program, in tang. I know we joked about that last night. Dir. Singer [laughs] i picked that up from you last night. Gov. Herbert there are a lot of things we enjoy today that came out of the developers of the Space Program. Is there any economic estimate of what that spun off to be for us for our economy . Dir. Singer we have 1800 spinoffs. I dont in front of me have the exact dollar value. Spinoff we can talk about and one then intangible benefits like we talked about, the use of your cell phone to help in medical activities, think about things even Northrop Grumman in your state has which talk about the ability to work with landmines, get rid of those, the things you see in a safety airbag to the medical as well as medical equipment that is used but i would be glad to be able , to get that information and give you specifics and that would be great because it really does, the spinoff does make a difference. Gov. Bullock one last question, governor ducey. Gov. Ducey great presentation. I am a big nasa fan. It is my First Television memory, that moon landing. Can you speak a little bit to governor herberts question regarding where we are fiscally as a nation . I certainly think this can be a wonderful investment, you mentioned sustainability, exploration. Can you touch on the National Defense aspect of it . From a nasa i will tel perspective, i will tell you, having National Defense and the ability to have world peace in a Global Environment is a top priority of nasa. From talking about the defense, but would not be my area, that would be the defense area. I will tell you we do find synergies for the defense, because of our supplier base. There are many suppliers that support these activities that are the vendors and suppliers we work with at nasa so the ability, we look every day to find synergy not only in technology but the business spaces and the communities we can support. And the relationship with the department of defense, or the coordination with defense . Dir. Singer the relationship, we definitely have two different swim lanes. Ours is definitely exploration and discovery, where the defense is defense, but there is definitely synergy you can find from the technologies and how we Work Together to try to do what the common goal is particularly with our vendors. Gov. Ducey thank you. Gov. Bullock please join me again in thanking jody. Ms. Jodey singer. [applause] and now we will immediately go into our first plenary of the morning driving the conversation, safer and smarter roadways led by governor Gretchen Whitner and Governor Polis. Whitmer and Governor Polis. Gov. Whitmer good morning, everyone. I am pleased to host with governor steve polis this presentation and improving the safety of our roadways, which will highlight strategies to address traffic fatalities, improving impaired and distracted driving policies, support for advanced Transportation Technology and investments in infrastructure, to improve safety for all road users. Despite several years of an improved safety on our roadways Traffic Safety remains an issue of concern for every one of us as nearly 40,000 people are killed in Motor Vehicle crashes annually. 94 of those crashes are caused by human error and a significant portion involve some form of impairment, drug, or drunk driving. There are other causes that contribute to Traffic Related Fatalities and injuries including distracted driving. Each day, approximately 9 people in the United States are killed, 1000 injured in crashes that involve a distracted driver. With 22 new governors, now is an important time to address issues of impairment. Some of the most important levers that can be used to create opportunities and partnerships to reduce the number of traffic related injuries and fatalities. In my state, in the state of michigan, we have taken steps to work collaboratively across disciplines with public safety, public health, and transportation agencies, private partners and organizations and foundations like in my state the key for foundation which was which was established by steve , keefer after his son was killed by a distracted driver a few years ago. Efforts to bring awareness to Traffic Safety and reduce the number of traffic deaths make all our roads safer and families safer. Today we are going to hear from a group of experts. Dr. Grant baldwin is the director of the division of Unintentional Injury prevention at the center for Disease Control and prevention, mister brian bernard, Senior Advisor to the secretary of the Us Department of transportation, and helen witty, the National President of mothers against drunk driving. Important federal partners will give us perspective as we have an important conversation how to increase fatalities and serious injuries, but before we go on to our speakers, i would like to invite Governor Polis to talk about what he has been able to work on in colorado. Gov. Polis thank you, im excited to be part of this conversation. Over 50 years ago in 1966 our nation faced a Record Number of traffic deaths and fatalities. It was governors at the ng a meeting that identified Traffic Safety is a priority and joined with leaders to improve safety. 50 years later traffic deaths again are one of the leading causes of death nationally and just as governors did then, today we recognize safety impacts our state and the lives of our citizens. 40,000 lives each year, traffic crashes impose a large financial and economic toll in our states. In 2016, the stated cost of Motor Vehicle deaths and injuries and Property Damage was 432 billion. That includes lost wages, medical expenses, employer cost, Property Damage, a holistic look at the costs associated with traffic accidents. Of course most tragically , traffic fatalities and serious injuries leave a longterm impact on loved ones, families on families, on friends, kids, neighbors, the broader community. As governors, we have an opportunity to directly impact policy levers that can reduce fatalities and injuries on our roadways. Its not just an issue for civilians, but it is also an issue for Law Enforcement and our department of transportation workforce. I have been in office six months, and i have already attended two funerals of state troopers who were killed or struck by vehicles, and we lost two department of transportation workers. In colorado, we are taking commonsense measures like clearer stripes on roads, building better shoulders and passing lanes in rural areas, new Education Programs to reduce Impaired Driving, new laws to to prevent snowplows. We are talking about creating a culture of safety, culture of safe driving behavior, to do an extensive Outreach Program through the department of transportation called the whole system, whole safety. For this session, we hope to continue this conversation that we began over 50 years ago about how states can leverage efforts and advancements made over the last several decades to truly improve safety on our roads. Gov. Whitmer thank you, Governor Polis. I want to extend a warm welcome to our guests here and thank you for participating in this, hoping perhaps each of you will share some opening comments with us on the issue and if you kick. Baldwin if you kick us , off, that would be great. Thanks. Win really an honor and privilege to be here. In my five minutes, i want to tell you a little more about what we know in terms of risk factors. I will talk about what we can do about it, including a vision for the future, and finally i will talk about what cdc specifically is doing. 40,000 is for every single that theres eight people injured and 99 people who are treated and released from emergency department. You heard about the Economic Costs and how staggering they are. There is real gains for us to make. Some of the risk factors we talked about over the course of the hour are consistent over time. I will mention three of them. Restraint, speed, and alcohol, in terms of restraint we seen a huge increase in the 1980s. It has gone up from 10 , 90 of our fellow americans are buckling up, at least 27 Million People who arent buckled up. We know upwards of 50 of people who die in car crashes were not restrained at the time of the crash. Alcohol continues to be involved in onethird of all traffic fatalities, we know from data from cdc, we know there are 121 million episodes of selfreported alcohol Impaired Driving annually, less than 1 Million People arrested for dui, 70 of people who die in alcohol Impaired Driving related crash had a bac level above 0. 15. In terms of speed, 50 of us report driving over 50 miles an hour faster on our highways and over 10 miles an hour faster on our city streets than the posted speed limit, and we know a 5 reduction in speed can reduce crashes by upwards of 30 . So what do we do about it . Nga as part of a Larger Initiative that i suspect brian may talk about called road to zero. Division for this program is fairly simple. Get to zero traffic fatalities in the next 30 years. What undergirds that vision is these two core principles, it is an accessible to lose a fellow american on a u. S. Road and recognition that we are all human, we make mistakes so we need roads and cars and rules that govern our driving behavior that keep us safe at every turn. There is power and promise and one of the core tenets is to double down on evidencebased intervention and so some of those include like restraint, high visibility reinforcement, media campaigns to increase seatbelt use, and making sure kids up to age 5 after age 5 are restraint in an ageappropriate booster seat, as a specific example. Alcohol, we can talk about sobriety checkpoints, ignition interlocks, improved use of drug recognition experts, and potentially lowering the bac standard, which was done in the great state of utah. Finally in speed, obviously theres enforcement capacity, automated speed cameras that can be helpful as well as other traffic measures, roundabouts and whatnot that can make a big difference in terms of reducing speed. So in my remaining time, i will tell you a couple of things about what cdc is doing. We have a program called Motor Vehicle prioritizing intervention and Cost Calculator for states. What you do as a governor is your state Highway Safety office has a budget, they enter that budget into this program, and it looks and identifies what interventions, if stood up, could save the most lives and for the most cost if implemented in fullscale. It is a program nga has helped support over time. We have grown and evolved. It is much easier to use. I encourage you to look at it , and i would be happy to provide the links to that. And finally this is something we , will be releasing later this year. A program called lincs, or linking information for nonfatal crash surveillance. We exist in a sophisticated environment where we have multiple data streams that can be connected from health data to police crash report data to dmv data. Dmv data. We are trying to think creatively about how to do that work, and we are releasing a guide to do that work more robustly. I think that is my time. It overl i guess turn to brian but eager to participate in the conversation for the next hour, so thank you so much. Dr. Bernard good morning, everybody. I will speak to you about the national highway Traffic Safety administration to us d. O. T. Our mission is to save lives, prevent injuries and reduce the Economic Cost associated with roadway crashes on the nations highways. We do that through three main buckets. We conduct vehicle research, Vehicle Safety research, and that includes crash testing and the 5star safety rating youre probably familiar with when you buy a new car, the end program. We also do research into different Safety Measures put into vehicles, and youve seen a lot of new Technology Come onto the market in the last few years that we have been doing a lot of research into proving out and helping the development of. Secondly, we do behavioral research, so we do research into motorist behavior, distracted driving, Impaired Driving, speeding and argument protection, seatbelt, to make sure everyone using the roadways is buckling up, obeying the traffic laws in states and driving sober and not distracted. Our third bucket is the partnership with the state and , and that is where you can help. We give out over twothirds of our budget every year to the states, that is over 600 million some of that is formula funds the go to support your Highway Safety activities in the state that you generate a Highway Safety plan in partnership with Highway Safety office, and another part of that is instant grants which are lobbies. If your Legislature Passes certain laws on Impaired Driving, distracted driving, you will get additional grant money to use at the state level. Finally i want to talk about our communications and high visibility enforcement campaign. We conduct research into developing nationwide campaigns. Im sure you are familiar with most of them. Click it or ticket has been around for a long time. We also have drive sober or get pulled over. And actually this last winter, we have a new campaign, which is if you feel different, you drive different. Drive high, get a dui, which is targeting from all the anecdotal evidence we have seen, increase in drug Impaired Driving. Im looking forward to the conversation and answering any questions you might have today. Thank you. Ms. Witty thank you and good morning. It is an honor to be here. Thank you to the nga for having a seat the table, and thank you, governors, for making Traffic Safety a priority. It is an honor to sit next to these two experts. More americans have died in car crashes in the last 19 years than in both world wars, according to a story by the Washington Post just this week. As National President of mothers against drunk driving, i represent hundreds of thousands of victims of drunk driving crashes, and despite decades of progress, we are still facing drunk driving deaths that are up 11,000, almost 11,000 every year, drunk driving, drunk driving is still the number one cause of death on our roads. Each death is preventable. , and it causes a Ripple Effect across families and across our nation. And i know that pain, because on june 1, 2000, a sunny afternoon, my 16yearold daughter went rollerblading. Dont worry, mom, i will stay on the bike path. I will be right back. She reached the end of our driver, flipped around backwards kiss, and that was the last time i saw her. Her 13yearold brother was on his rollerblades to go with her , and she said mom keep him , home. I want to go fast. She was my first born, she put me through my mom paces. My husband and i had our dream family. They had the perfect names, john and john and helen and helen marie. She was helen marie because i didnt want to be old helen or big helen. That was where we were. A teenager, impaired on alcohol and marijuana, ended our dream. My daughter looked up and saw a car spinning on that bike path , and there was nothing she could do but die. That is what we want to stop. I cant even begin to explain what those first years of deep , dark grief were like. A funeral for 16yearold. Packing up her things. A husband who identified her at the crash site when he went looking for her, because she didnt come home. Nobody should have to do that. Nobody. And that is why i am so grateful for your emphasis on this vicious crime. Thank you. We are working hard, because, you know what . Madd was there for me. I cant tell you about those first few years, but madd was there. They gave me a platform, they educated me. Im standing here on that platform, because i understand, i hear the Stores Across the nation and all our states, what happens to families. In 2006, madd promoting a campaign to eliminate drunk driving. The very first part of that is Law Enforcement, as you all recommended. We have got to support Law Enforcement. They are the number one people out there right now on our roads that are protecting us, and it is dangerous work, dangerous work. That is our number one. We are also deeply concerned , because drunk driving arrests have gone down, and as they have gone down, the deaths have gone up. So we need to support those Law Enforcement officers that are out on our roads. Sometimes their presence alone saves lives, it stops all crime, not just drunk and drugged driving. And as a governor, you can make the difference by making Traffic Enforcement a priority. Second, madd believes that every convicted drunk driver should be should have an ignition interlock. We are working hard to pass laws in all the states, we have 33 states now with ignition all offender ignition interlock laws, and it is a small breathalyzer that a person convicted of drunk driving, if they start their car, they have to have a breath sample, and it allows them to keep working. Taking away their license just doesnt work. Up to 75 of people with revoked licenses continue to drive anyway. It is killing people. 33 states, new mexico was the first one. As a governor, you dont have to wait for your state lawmakers to propose these laws, you can propose policies on your own. We have seen this happen. Cuomo in shortor of the counties would have the resources they need for leandras law. He also worked hard to require ignition interlock for all offenders. In maryland in 2016, Governor Hogan made it clear that he law, support nnoahs when a traffic officer was arresting a dui was killed. Thank you, you worked hard. Also, outspoken to make sure the dmv keeps that up. You worked hard from the day it was proposed until the day you signed it. ,nd in massachusetts this year i got to visit governor baker. He had proposed legislation requiring interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers. I had the pleasure to meet with governor baker this year and we hope massachusetts will be the next state that will have alloffender interlock laws. Thank you. The third step up our campaign to eliminate drunk driving is technology. Technology joining in is going to stop drunk driving. There is a specific technology breath or touch sensors. This is different from ignition interlock. This would be a technology, and brian can really talk on this, it is a passive system. If a person is detected through breath or touch, the car wont start. How about having that as a standard safety feature in all our new cars . And finally, our Campaign Calls for personal responsibility. Talk to everyone in your circle of influence. We can do this. Drive. Drink, dont if you drive, dont drink. Its a simple equation that we can all get behind. There are so many other opportunities nowadays for getting home safe. Lets get everybody home safe so that i dont have to meet any families, or hear anymore heartbreaking stories about senseless deaths. So, on behalf of my daughter, helen marie, and those victims who are not here today, thank you for making this a priority. Together with all of us together , we can make this a nation of no more dui victims. Thank you. [applause] thanks for those remarks, and helen, thank you for turning tragedy into a passion and a mission aund making sur that other so had to go through what you went through. Lets go to our fellow governors to see if you have any comments or questions or anything going to share about anything going on in your state. Governor pritzker. First i want to thank the panelists. Thank you for your time for coming here to the nga. It means a lot to all of us, and an particularly for those of us who are new governors to have the opportunity to hear your thoughts, ideas and direction i think is highly educational. And as Governor Whitmer said, there are 22 new governors, and so this this is a great time for you to renew the effort to focus on Traffic Safety and smarter roadways. I wanted to go to a question, im highly sympathetic with everything that was said about the issues around drunk driving and Impaired Driving. I have a 16yearold daughter whos just a new driver and a year and a 14yearold who will be getting his permit starting sometime soon. And i worry a lot about the peer pressure that goes along with being a teenager and the driving some other nodding heads around the room with teenagers. I wanted to go to a different question arodun technology that is available today for safer roadways. And in particular this vehicle to everything technology. Maybe brian, you could start with some remarks about this. But there are two standards as i understand that exist out there. Nothing has been decided upon which the standards or vehicles will carry, but it will make driving safer for everybody. I worry because we are going to make substantial investments in illinois in expanding broadband, expanding communication coverage to areas of the states that have never had it before. I want to make sure that we are doing it in a way that feeds into the need for v2x technology. And if we go the wrong weights going to cost us a lot more than if we figure it out up front. Can you tell us where that Cellular Technology wifi , technology, what is it that we should be thinking about in our states in order to feed into the future of cars . Sure, thats a quick good question, i would be happy to answer it. F. C. C. Has set aside a certain amount of radius that trump for intelligence transportation system, and that basically enable dedicated shortrange communication, which is fancy wifi for cars to communicate with one another through transponders and transmission on the vehicle. There will be able to communicate with another vehicle in the range, and infrastructure that is connected in the range as well. Theres a lot of possibilities there. We are most interested in the safety possibilities because there are plenty of times we have reprinted section roadway intersection collisions, where it driver will say, i didnt even see the other guy coming. I had no idea he was there. That technology can really help make a difference in cutting down those traffic crashes. So were really interested in the safety potential. To your point about two technologies being there, right now its the only one that can use that radio spectrum. The fcc is taking a look or has mentioned that they will be taking a look at what might come from that, what other technologies that can use the band as well, that dedicated spectrum. Cdx is another one, that one is cellular. So you have fancy wifi and cellular. Cellular also holds significant potential and were doing a lot of research to try and prove it out there. We are working with f. T. C. And the department of commerce, ntia, to do phase two of our testing. We are going to do it on a test track and thats going to start later this summer. Were going to do it at aberdeen , at the u. S. Army base in maryland. We will do track testing to see how that technology works. We are looking forward to sharing those results with everybody, probably towards the end of this year. Can i just follow up with, dsrc as iem with understand it, is we have to put in all new technology. We have to reserve spectrum for it, and that means new equipment and new towers and new coverage where cellular mostly already exists. And this is maintained by the cellular providers and wouldnt cost the state much anyway. I worry about the cost Going Forward, going one Technology Route versus the other. Thats a great point, governor. Its something weve heard from a lot of the states that trying to make those investments in dsrc or v2x. They want to know where the marketplace is going. The Technology May become interoperable in the future but for now the only one thats been proven and is allowed on the spectrum is dsrc. And that is d. C. Controlled, that spectrum. We have to work with them. Thank you, the panel, and helen. Im sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for the work of madd and the work you have done. You have truly changed the culture of the country, and i know theres much more work left to do, but i am convinced that young people are making better decisions than were made in the past. In arizona, we were able to defeat Recreational Marijuana in 2016. We do have medical marijuana, and i know these initiatives are spreading across the country. Im curious to what madds involvement is. You have made such a difference mothers against drunk driving, and with both science and technology to prevent and identify on the alcohol side. I think its more ambiguous on the drug side and it concerns me. , first withrious as helen, but what the rest of the panel can tell us how we are going to have safe roads in these situations. Helen thank you, governor. Its a challenge. Its a challenge. My daughter was killed by a alcohol and drug use. Drugs are still the number one killer, but drunk driving is coming along. So madd has added that to our mission. We are indeed fighting drug driving. In my state of florida, where im from, it is medical marijuana. Madd wants to fight against using marijuana and driving. We do not take a stand against marijuana at all, because for some places, it is legal. I wish the science had been definite before this process started. Because the science isnt there yet, but the science that we have shows how dangerous marijuana is, especially for our young people. I went into schools with madd for nine years, and i had students say to me, dont worry, we drive better when were on marijuana. And what was really stunning, i had parents say to me, dont worry, they arent drinking alcohol. They are only smoking pot. So this is a huge issue that i think we all are facing, and so madds out there. Polydrug use, specifically , is morend marijuana than double the impairment. I will turn it over to my cbc expert, mr. Bernard. Ill just add a couple of things. My division also responsible for to the overdose epidemic. As you know, 70,000 americans losing their lives to drug overdoses. We seen a huge increase in meth and cocaine use as well both with and without opioid and the frequency of use is going up. Product being the used is changing, and the modality of use is also changing. Smoking is the most common modality of use, but edibles are also on the rise. Thc is physiology of how and the use patterns, they really impact impairment. We were talking before this session started about the national roadside survey. We do know marijuana or thc is on board. It is the most common drug on board for the last national roadside survey. Unfortunately, the ability for officers to detect impairment is largely uneven. Drugnk arizona has recognition experts. The challenge is this not enough there is not enough of them and the ability to deploy them frequently as needed is a challenge. Unlike alcohol or you have a roadside test that can be done efficiently, that does not exist yet for marijuana. I think we are getting closer. The whole issue of Impaired Driving and polysubstance as helen pointed out usually ands very concerning, should be concerning to all of us. Perspective, we are focusing on research and also lawing resources out to enforcement to make sure they have the tools they need to combat Impaired Driving. Earlier this month, we announced a 2. 3 million cooperative Agreement Award with the International Association of chiefs of police to help train Law Enforcement to become dre at the state level. You will need more than one across the state, obviously, so we can increase the number of train officers that can successfully identify drug impairment on drivers its going to make a big difference. Hopefully that deterrent effect can reduce the number of impaired drivers on the roadways. I know that colorado has been a leader on cannabis reform. Delivery of marijuana. Were moving away from the risk of people driving while impaired, by legal delivery to peoples homes. We just enabled the legislation around that beginning with medical marijuana and then moving to full regulated sale of marijuana so people can exercise in our state. It is a constitutional right to use marijuana in their home without the risk of them using somewhere else and driving. So we are looking at a wide variety of tactics to decrease that risk. Governor herbert. Thank you. Again, a very important and emotional issue. I dont think anybody supports driving while you are impaired. Sometimes where we define impaired, though, is where we are having some problems. As some of you know, certain i hope helen, you know, that utah has reduced a blood alcohol ontent from. 05, the lowest in the nation. Not without controversy. And its probably too early to say whether were going to be successful with the outcome of that. But at least our duis are down right now so maybe its having an impact. It appears more people are getting on board with the phrase you used, if youre going to drink dont drive. Heineken beer, Jackie Stewart is their spokesperson, the famous racecar driver, does a commercial on that where he says, if you are going to drive, dont drink period. , thats maybe a cultural change that we need to address. I am curious to know if any other states are thinking of reducing their blood alcohol. 08 to or lower. 05in europe, some countries have it there or lower. Somehow zero. Also, we are kind of entering the age of the jetsons. Who knows whats going to happen over the next generation . Vehicles we came from the Paris Air Show and saw drones that are not only going to be carrying packages, but eventually, people. Like cabs. We are going to have streets in the sky. Whats going to take place there and how is that going to help us. When we see statistics that 94 of our crashes or human error, i guess the question to you is, what can we do in all the different arenas to reduce human error . For example, im just totally sick and tired of people driving on the roads, talking on their cell phone. Looking in the mirror, fixing their hair, eating a hamburger. The distracted driving is a big issue, i think. Were trying to work with our legislature to pass a law on that, but we are having some resistance, surprisingly so. So the age of the jetsons, we want to eliminate human error. I appreciate your comment about. 05. C d. C. Had found a some work that looked at, what if every state had. 05 . It would save between 6001200 lives, and just shy of 50,000 injuries and have a direct cost benefit of 34 million. So these are real numbers. Real lives. Real people named helen marie whose lives would be saved if every state had. 05. So just to put the benefit in context from c d. C. Supported work. En yes helen yes. And ill be the emotional part. Thank you. 05. You for impairment is impairment. And. 05 is impairment. The data is there now. So it is, it would be wonderful. Madd is happy to support any state that wants to bring forward. 05. Michigan recently, and also in new york, and california. So we are hoping that this will happen. Thank you for your leadership, governor. And lets get this conversation rolling. Thank you. Governor, i can add on the distracted driving front, to get one of the best things that you and your fellow governors can do is to support your Law Enforcements high visibility enforcement campaigns on that. We have some safety materials that are all available for free. Trafficsafetymarketing. Gov. Support your Law Enforcement when they are making stops for folks who are driving on their cell phones. It is really important to show that you are prioritizing it at the state level. All those materials, if you can share them on social media or read them into your statements and press releases, that would go a long ways as well. Thank you. I have a question for you about those information approaches you take in public campaigns and were seriously trying to improve safety. We just passed the handsfree law this year. And we are looking at other ways to do so. Driveu talk about, if you differently, or click it and cket, and we have substantive data that shows how Public Relations campaigns in partnership with the d. O. T. , that show returns for those. That they seem like a good idea. I would kind of like to know data. Thats a great question, governor. Heres how it works. Congress give us about 30 million every year to partner with the states to help fund the overtime for Law Enforcement to go out there three different times a year to focus on click it or ticket and a focus on Impaired Driving. So we put out the messaging. We do all the safety campaigns and materials. At the state level you have Law Enforcement go out there into and do high visibility and enforcement, because you need both sides of it. You need the Public Education and awareness, and you need the enforcement, the visible presence of Law Enforcement. The best part of that is it does make an impact. The problem is, from the data that we have seen, it is an impact on the doing those times that we have an increased enforcement presence. Once that enforcement goes down, you see an increase again in the prevalence of that bad driving behavior. I would be happy to pass that on to your office. Governor . If a plane crashes on the other side of the world, it is frontpage news in america for days and weeks. And as was pointed out by the panel, we are killing a plane crash a day, day in and day out. We have been doing that for decades. When we are talking about the road to zero has a 30year time horizon, with the technology thats coming, i guess im questioning why that has a 30year time horizon. And then, also to the whole panel, a cultural issue, we had death in america in commercial one aviation in the last nine years, just one, and that was the individual sitting by the window. When the part flew through the window. When we have Autonomous Vehicles that represent an opportunity to be better than humans, because if 94 of this is caused by human error, we have to be better than humans yet were holding autonomous to standard of perfection, whereas if theres a single death, then theres a cry to lets all the Autonomous Vehicles off the road. But if Autonomous Vehicles only killed half as many people humans, i think we should all be cheering for Autonomous Vehicles because we would be saving 20,000 lives a year. For those of you who work in this field, just share with me your perspective on both autonomy, and the time perspective on why 30year years on road 20, versus something zero versus something shorter. Youre asking one of the toughest questions that we are grappling with right now. How do you provide safety metrics for deployment of Automated Vehicles . A lot of people would say it needs to be at least as safe as human driver before i can go on the roadways. We have over 37,000 fatalities on the roadways right now. Do we think human drivers should really be that standard . I think thats debatable. But we are looking at how we can prove these and make sure that when they are deployed, they are done safely. Right now, there is nothing on the roadways that is fully autonomous. There are some vehicles under research and development, but they all require a safety operator who is in the vehicle or in very close proximity. To go back to the question about what about a 30year time horizon, even if these vehicles are ready to go today, you would still have the lifespan of a vehicle right now is 12 years. So you would have 12 years before the turnover before the fleet occurs and yet more and more of those Automated Vehicles on the roadways. Anything we can do to make a dent in the overall number of fatalities is important but it will take some time. In the interim, what we are focused on his improving behavior to make sure motorists are driving more safely. I would just add that are part of road to zero, there are three core components to road to zero. Doubling down on what we know works, interventions, Vehicle Technology that exists is a pillar, the third is looking for second ways to change the culture around safety. Again, i mentioned that statistic from the early 1980s around seatbelt use rates. The social norm around seatbelt use has changed in this country. As wek more broadly, think about a safety culture, we need to lean in on the importance of safety. The u. S. Compared to other highincome countries, we have nearly double the crash that double the than otherity rates highincome countries. The country with the best rate is a quarter of the rate of we have here. Theres existing both evidencebased interventions and rules that govern how we all drive that can lower the rate quite substantially. I would like to add, on the technology part, since autonomous are decades away, we have the technology with the sensors, that is not decades away, that is years away. And that would become a person gets in the car, it simply wont start, through breath and touch sensors. We need to get that commercialized and in the fleet in the next few years rather than decades. So that gives me hope. First of all, i just want to thank the governors for bringing this to the discussion. I think this is the most informative discussions that we have had. And i want to thank our panelists for being here and for sharing so much. Helen, i especially want to thank you for sharing your story and your commitment to madd. This is i think a discussion were all grappling with which is why theyre so much interest in dialogue. In maryland as you mentioned, we passed noahs law, where required ignition locks for the very first offense. We also pushed for tougher mandatory sentences for repeat offenders because many of these folks continue to repeat. We have here with us, our secretary of transportation and our director of state highway administration. They been working on a really Innovative Program called maryland towards zero deaths. Program. It is all encompassing. We had 500 people die on our roads last year. We talked about some of the issues, but it is truly a comprehensive look. Its Impaired Driving. Its distracted driving, which also is a big killer. Aggressive driving, prevention. Occupant detection. Highway infrastructure and how they go about making our roadways more safe. And pedestrian and bicycle safety. I guess the question, somebody said, i think it was governor herbert that said, nobodys against Impaired Driving, which shouldnt be true. But we actually had difficulty passing tougher sentences on Impaired Driving. I guess the question for some of the governors, and for you, is what do we do about getting some of our legislatures to take this issue more seriously . We are killing more people than both world wars and weve got to do something about it. Helen thank you, governor. you know what the heart break is . Sometimes it takes personal involvement. And you know where personal involvement is . It can happen to anyone at anytime, boom, just like that. So i believe that our stories are what unite us. Expertsuld bet that our also have a story. Thish i could make personal for everyone, before it comes to your front yard. Governor, you raised ignition locks. There were 35,000 ignition airlocks installed at some point through 2017. Ignition interlock rather installed in a vehicle reduce recidivism by upwards of 65 . So they are very, very effective. You mentioned the repeat offender and that really resonated with me. There is innovative work happening in places like florida where they are coupling ignition interlock smith Substance Abuse treatment programs, and they ine shown a 30 reduction repeat offense after that. So it is not just stopping alcoholho have addiction on our roads, but putting them on a path to longterm recovery. Anything that is a powerful model as well. I can also add we have grants. We have federal grants that go out to the states that passed laws that enable ignition interlock for firsttime convicted offenders. Theres a lot of requirements that go into it, and the political will to get there, but we have federal grants that will help at the state level if the state enacts laws that qualify. So i am more than happy to provide information on those, on occupant protection, into her driving, and ignition interlocks. Governor paulus had to leave and i dont see any other governors seeking to be recognized. I have a few questions. Data is becoming so much more and more critical in transportation design and confronting any sort of decisions around transportation and road safety. I am curious if you have had experiences or have advice for states in terms of how we are using data and how we should be collecting or analyzing data so that we can prevent fatalities related to Impaired Driving in particular . Helen one of the things i have learned in my work with madd is that the data for drunk driving arrests are not happening. They are not being counted. So that would be a place to start, is to make it all the same type of data collection, so that we know in each state and across states. One of the things that i faced earlier on was somebody getting a dui in one state and then that is not communicated to the state next door. That could save a lot of people because this person over here in the state is not known. Will just add i that the data that comes out of analysis reporting system that is run by nhtsa is on the toxicology of what drugs are on board in terms of the fatal crash are not great. As part of our response to the opioid overdose epidemic we are funding a program, and part of that is to support medical examiners and coroners to catalog all the drugs on board at the time of death and a much more complete picture. That data is absolutely essential for us moving forward. One thing a colleague of mine raised to me quite interestingly, is that if an arresting officer has evidence that there was alcohol impairment, that they stopped them from doing any subsequent testing about any other drugs involved, because they have reached the threshold for making that arrest. So, there is huge gaps. As i mentioned in my opening remarks, there are opportunities to connect data across multiple platforms, including from the Health Outcome side, which is purview,e cdcs with the Law Enforcement side, and other aspects of data. Including data that the vehicles we all drive today are very sophisticated in the data the telemetry that exists. So there are some real opportunities, governor. Baldwin, we found to the point earlier about polysubstance use, we found we only were allowing for states to put in three different drugs on the submission for the toxicology collection. So as part of our overhaul of the data collection, we added subsequent fields so we can capture all of the different drugs that in the bloodstream of anybody who is actually arrested and convicted. Well, i simply want to thank all of you for being part of this discussion today. I think it has been incredibly helpful, and certainly, a lot of my governors who participated, which shows how we are all grappling with trying to make our roadways safer. We appreciate the work you are doing in each of your disciplines, and i think one of the most Amazing Things ive ever seen is a parent who turns grief into a cause to protect other people. I just appreciate your sharing your story and the work that you are doing. But for each of you, youve added to this thoughtful conversation and, i think, inspired a lot of us to go back and get to work in improving some of the systems in our home states. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you, Governor Whitmer. That concludes our morning session. [bangs gavel] [chatter] announcer this weekend on book tv. Inight at 8 00 15 eastern her latest book what do we need our guest talks about experiences of Sexual Assault in her life, including an alleged assault by donald trump in the late 1990s. Men who take what they want, men who had their choice in women are seen as leaders. That is how this is reading. All these women, the more women that come forward, he is more like genghis khan, like alexander the great. He is like the great kennedy, clinton. Name them jefferson. It is a mark of the leader that many in many peoples eyes, to see a man taking what he wants. Announcer then at 9 00 p. M. , the annual libertarian conference in las vegas. We feature author john lott with his book, the war on guns here 47 of countries in the world. Report firearm data in the countries who dont report firearm homicide data other countries but tend to have the highest homicide rate. Announcer our coverage continues on sunday at 8 00 p. M. With former congressman from georgia bob barr talking about his book the meaning of is. We have allowed Public Discourse and political activity to risk to the level to sink to the level where we dont demand a requisite amount of understanding, education, inility and professionalism what we demand of our elected officials. Is thosehappens then important mechanisms such as impeachment, are devalued. Announcer then, at 9 00 eastern on after words, in his book the fifth domain former george w. Bush Administration Special advisor for Cyber Security talks about how to make cyberspace less dangerous. There are corporations in america that are pretty secure. Are they in vulnerable to attack . No, but they are resilient to which. Can someone penetrate their network . Not sure, there is no pyramid are anymore. There is no parameter anymore. But can they do real damage to those companies . The answer is no. Announcer watch book tv every weekend on cspan2. Intellectual. N he is an intellectual. He is comfortable with ideas. He understands the power of ideas. With that kind of foundation, that kind of intellectual foundation, a political leader can do all kinds of marvelous things. Announcer author and historian lee edwards will be our guest on indepth sunday august 4 from noon to 2 p. M. Eastern. He is the author of just right plus a collection of biographies on william f buckley, there a goldwater, and ronald reagan. Join our conversations with your questions. Watch live on sunday august for from 12 00 to 2 00 p. M. Eastern. And be sure to watch our live coverage of the 2019 National Book festival on book tv on cspan2. At her weekly news conference, House Speaker nancy pelosi discussed when she decided not to move forward with an impeachment inquiry against donald trump and her relationship with Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez from new york. This is 20 minutes. Good morning a b1. Commonay we had the notion of a lot of work over a. Of time to pass the agreement in a very strong bipartisan way on the floor of the house

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