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The key mission watch all of this online. Well live this and hid back to the house for votes. 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, roe remaining electronic votes will be conducted at fiveminute intervals. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentlewoman from california, ms. Waters, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2515 as amen as amended on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. Lip h. R. 2515, a bill to amend securities and exchange act of 1934 to amend the definition of whistleblower. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 410, the nays are 12. 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Without objection, the title is amended. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentlewoman from california, ms. Waters, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3050, as amended, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk h. R. 3050. A bill to require the securities and Exchange Commission to carry out a study of the threshold limitation applicable to the definition of a diversified company under the Investment Company act of 1940, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 417, the nays are two. 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objectio the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentlewoman from california, ms. Waters,o suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2409, on which the yeas and nays were ordered. The cleill report the title. The clerk h. R. 2409, a bill to amend a securities and exchange act of 1934 to expandccess to capital for rural area Small Businesses and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore e question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Members will record their votes by eleconic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captiong made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes isxpressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore n this vote, the ys are 41 the nays are 7. 2 3 beingn the affirmative, theules are suspend, the bill is pssed. And without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for wt purpose does the gentleman from missouri seek recognition . Mr. Clay mr. Speaker, ask unanims consent that the committees on Financial Services and veterans s be diarged from further and askation os. 1749 for its immediate considerion in the hou. The speaker ptempore the clerk will report e titlof the bill. The clerk se 1749n actto clarify reirements for cin mortgaged financ loansnd for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore is t objection to consideraon of e bill . Without objection. The bill is read third time and passed. And the motion to ronsider is laid on the table. Fowhapurpose does t ntleman ex seek recognitio mr. Speaker, i a unanimous consent th the coittee on judiary be disarged fro further consideration of h. R. 96 mr. Speaker,he house is ot in order. I k unimous consent that te committeon judiciary be diharged from furthe consideratioof h. R. 962, the bornive abortion survivors ptectio act and i ask for its immediaonsideration in the house. The spker ro tempore under guidelines consistently issue by successive speakers, the chair isonstrained noto entertain the requt unls it han cleed by the bipasan leadership. The gentleman inot recze for debate. The chair will entertain requests for one mi speeches. Fowhat purpose does the entleman from new jersey seek recognion . Ask ans consent to addss the hou for one minute and revise extend my remarks the speaker pro tempore whout objection. The gentlem from newersey is recoed for one minute. Mr. Payne mr. Eakeerial sexual abus Jeffrey Epstein has eenested again. They have charged him with running sex trafficking ring and where he pa to have sex with girls as young as 1yea and said his abuse happened tween 20022005, three years before he received a sweetheart dealefore eceived nths in prison and avoid federal trial for sexu abuse. Deal is our current secreary of labor,lexander acosta. Hats why im calnfor secretarycosta to resign. Histions in the epstein c e prefers to protect millioire crinalover the common man. Protect millions of erican workers from corporate abuse when he clearly supports the abusers . He cant. Thats why he needs to resign and then let thi. Cduct a thorough investigation his actions to ensure that nothing like this ever hapns again. And i yld back the bance of my time. Tho teore for what puosdoes the gentlema from georgia seek recognitio mr. Carter ask unanimo consent to addr the house for on minute and to revise and tend my remarks. The speaker proempore withou objection. The gentleman is recognized f one minute. Mr. Carter mr. Spe, i rise y to recognize major gene lee quint is his service for the thir infantryivisi at fort stewart. On may 17, h departed to be the commandingerm for the u. Army forceat fort bragg. He i leaving rt stewart in a better place. Extraordinary lead tnsure soldiers and unitare readfor m durig s 0 years of service withhe unid states military, he has done evething fro deployg in iraq to leavinghe third i. Dmissions in georg. Than y Major General fr your ervice to our nation. Yove been a eat leader for the third infantry division. Wish you the best oluck in your ne position at fort brag thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. The speakerpro tempor for whapurpose does the gentleman recognition . And seek ask unamous consent to address the house for one mine d to revisand ex my remar. The speak pro tempore without objection. Th gentleman is recoized for one mine. Mr. Lanvin mr. Speaker, rise with deep sadnesso rememr a lume anyone area in the eld of cersecurity and people who are aestament to his work and kind soul. I have be touch bs rk. Mike and his colleague fst brien the aurora vuerability to show how malware cod knock out power to millions. At led to cofounding the bersecurity caus. Mike was aloving husband, a ghter of the cancer that claimed his life. And i walws remember him as so many whot thugh his expansive two crses as an educator. Herish my time because he helped me how congrs could derstand e teclogy. Michl made a difference. He never be replad t willight to improur nations cybersecurity. I yield back the balance of my time. Eaker pro temre for what puose doeshe gentleman froflorida seek recognition . Ananimous consent address the house for one minute and to vise andd my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognifor e minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. As nor dr. Jud gingach president o the uversity of south orida. She emphased researc and that cmitment has been aajo as u. S. F. One of the top plic universies for search. Tampa has own into onof t most succesul techubs in the world a uder r world leadership, endowments nearly doubled and graduationates has tripled and sdents graate at the same rate. On a pernal level, she is an nselyenerous donor, helping fu the hon college and made an additionaift. But more impressive are her energ and genuioncerr her concerns. E worked 1 hour daysnd stillade time t with udens. Judy, you are a woman clearly guided by purpose andrateful for everything you coinue to do to kehe universi of south floridater for our entsnd oury. Thspeakeempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recogniti . Askanimous nsent to address the house r one minute and to revi and extenmy marks. The speaker pro temre wit objectio on mute. Y iscogned for r. Sper, the health and safety millions are at risk. Today the fifth circuit hear oral arguments aimed at pealing the Affordable Care t. He texas atorney general want to endealth cae corage for people with preexistin conditns foyoungdults and pregntomen. Tex has highest number uninsured peop anywhere the und states and would increase by 7. 1 million if these protections end. We kno th america suffers we cant afford our neibors, fell texa use these protections. Premiumsor drs. appointmen will increase significantly. House demoats will expand afforde Quality Health care nd low Prescription Drug prices and i yid back. The saker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentman from florida seek recognition . Address the h foone minute and to rise and exnd my remks. E speakepro tempore without objection. E gentleman ecognized for ne minute. I re today mr. Speaker, i rise today t honor the gentleman. Mr. Holl wel isveteran of e uniteates army whnow is hespends his wee days seg his community as a u. S. Ostal wrker andkends at loc cemeteries cleaning the headstones ofour fall eterans. Mrrutherford has ceaned ov 600 he does so selflessly, me tick loist louisly scrubbing each meticulously scrubbing each headstone. In his own words he says that everybodys got to have a project and i think if you can help the community, even better. On behalf of the Fourth District of florida, i want to thank mr. Hollowell for his service and his inspiration to his community. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for ne minute. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, ive known the men and women who have served in the department of Homeland Security and have dealt with the border for many, many years. Ive respected the work that they have done. It is tragic, however, now that as we continue to serve under this administration, we now find the department of Homeland Security in a major coverup. The unaccompanied children that have been separated from their families, the disallowance of members to visit and do their oversight work, to see the conditions, and the rejection of the department of Homeland Securitys office of Inspector General who wrote a direct memo to the secretary that said, there is an urgent crisis that you must deal with at the border, and for this secretary to go on National Television and deny it, you can apraud the men and women that applaud the men and women that work, but you cannot applaud bad acts. You cannot applaud whats happening in mexico. The my grants that are there are not being taken care of. Theyre in desperate need. Some of them will not have a place to live. Some of them will not have food. And it is because of the policies of this administration. The department of Homeland Security must serve the nation, it must not serve one single president. I maintain that were going to fight to fix this broken immigration system. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from North Carolina seek recognition . Ms. Foxx i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise to congratulate the city of West Jefferson in North Carolinas Fifth District on yet another successful christmas in july festival. For the last 33 years, the festival has taken place on the first weekend of july to celebrate ash countys vibrant and nationally renowned Christmas Tree industry. The dedicated volunteers of the Festival Committee and board of directors bring together this wonderfully Patriotic Community around americas independence and the best Christmas Trees in the country. As a former Christmas Tree grower myself, i can attest to the importance of recognizing this often overlooked yet highly significant farming industry. Not just during the christmas season, but all year round. It is not only an honor to represent these patriots and tree growers, its an honor for me to share this tradition with them every year. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, nine years ago the house passed the Affordable Care act to ensure that tens of millions of americans had Health Insurance. Thanks to the a. C. A. , over a million floridians were able to get health care coverage. In these past nine years, republicans have consistently tried to repeal and sabotage the Affordable Care act. As a result, families in florida are often unable to afford their health care. Today the president tried once again to repeal the Affordable Care act. If the president gets his way, more than 1. 6 million floridians would lose their coverage. Ms. Mucarselpowell and Insurance Companies could charge even more, resulting in higher costs for american families. Women could be charged more than men for the same services and People Living with preexisting conditions could lose coverage. Floridians cannot afford these attacks on their health care. I implore the senate to pass the bills that we have already sent them to protect health care for all americans. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to pay tribute to ms. Elsey wathes who passed away on may 28, 2019. Ms. Waits was a native louisianans and was born on may 9, 1920. Throughout her life she was always known as someone who loved and cared for those around her. Of her many accomplishments, ms. Waits was an avid volunteer in her local community, helping Young Children achieve their dreams and she also took it upon herself to organize a local quartet groupie where she sang for several years, traveling throughout the state. While shes lived an extraordinary life dedicated and devoted to service and compassion, her First Priority was also and always her family. Mr. Johnson she was a love mother and grandmother to eight children, 21 grandchildren, 44 greatgrandchildren and eight greatgreatgrandchildren. One of ms. Waits children is my good friend and former colleague in the louisiana house of representatives. I just wanted to extend my sincere and deepest sympathies to all of the family and friends whose lives were blessed by ms. Waits. I pray that gods grace gives them comfort during this time and theyre able to reflect on all the joyful memories that she provided. Proverb 31 reminds us, a woman who fears the lord is to be praised, honor her for all that her hands have done, her children arise and call her blessed. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to address the continued injustices at our southern border. Recent reports have continued to highlight that conditions at d. H. S. Detention camps are deplorable, inhumane and abuse to have children. Current and former Border Patrol agents have attested to the horrible conditions these children are being subjected to. Ms. Brownley now that we have provided emergency funding, we must stop this abuse by the Trump Administration in its tracks. We need far greater accountability, we need to set required standards for medical care. We need strictly limit the time spent in detention facilities and we need to Institute Protocols to ensure compassionate processing of children and families. What is going on at our border does not reflect our values. It does not reflect who we are. And the impact on these children will last a lifetime. I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to work with us to stop this stain on our great nations long history of compassion, refuge and inclusion. I thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. For eaker pro tempore what purpose does the gentlewoman from ohio seek recognition . Ms. Kaptur i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Kaptur mr. Speaker, i rise today to condemn president trump, his administration and all the antilife republicans in congress who seek to strike down the Affordable Care act using the judicial system this time. Their callousness would cut off millions of americans from their Affordable Health care plans. Today the u. S. Court of appeals for the fifth circuit began hearing oral arguments in texas vs. The United States, a case supported by the Trump Administration that would strike down every Health Benefit afforded to the American People under the Affordable Care act. If republicans strike down the Affordable Care act, then the protections for 130 million americans with preexisting conditions, more than 1 3 of our people, would be erased. Including nearly five million ohioans. The uninsured rate would go up by 65 . The Affordable Care acts historic Medicaid Expansion which covers 17 Million People would go out the window. And protections for women that prevent Insurance Companies from charging them higher rates than men would disappear as well. These popular and lifesaving provisions would be repealed. Mr. Speaker, since its inception, the Affordable Care act has provided quality coverage for more than 16 million americans. Lets ensure that highQuality Health care remains a right for all. Not a privilege for just the few. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. When joe dietrich was told by his guidance counselor that he should join the High School Crew team, fighting clan, he wasnt interested at first. But joe, a 16yearold with cerebral palsy, isnt one to back down on a challenge. Mr. Van drew all he needed was one practice on the lake, pushing his boat through the water, with his doubles partner, jason wheeler, to immediately fall in love with rowing. Joe and jason went on to become the high schools first adaptive boat to row in the atlanta county rowing championships and they also went on to compete in the stotesberry cupberry gooda. Joes perseverance and willingness to challenge himself is an inspiration to his teammates, to his coach, and to all who gave him the most courageous award at their teams award bank wet. Joe says the camaraderie and friendship hes found with his teammates is what means the most to him. Thank you, mr. Dietrich, for being an important part of our community. You are an inspiration and you are a hero. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from california, mr. Garamendi, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. Mr. Garamendi mr. Speaker, i tot put this placard up here emphasize what our Democratic Caucus is attempting to do. We have a program called for the people. And were trying to deal with the issues of health care across this nation. And we know, as do basically the entire american public, that health care is in many cases not affordable. So how can we deal with this . Well, one way is to deal with the cost of prescription medicines. And we have a program, weve actually voted it off the floor and its off in the senate where it will linger as the grim reaper, senator mcconnell, kills legislation that would be for the people. So this is one example of many that we democrats are trying to address. Back in 2010, we addressed this issue, at least in part, with the Affordable Care act. Which was promptly called obamacare by our republican colleagues at that time. And they campaigned against it and ultimately succeeded in winning the house in the 2010 election. And then spent 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 in an effort to repeal the Affordable Care act. Fortunately they did not succeed. And when the new president , mr. Trump, came to office, they the once again to repeal Affordable Care act in 2017. They failed, largely because a senator from arizona who was then suffering from cancer voted no in the senate. And so we thank senator mccain for having the courage and the understanding of what it meant to have a preexisting condition. So here we are today. Here we are today with all kind of charts that im not going to put up. Im just going to speak directly to this issue. As was said just a moment ago by my colleague from ohio, the Appellate Court in new orleans is taking up an issue that republicans, including the president , have put before the repeal able to gain a in the congress of the United States, they are now pursuing in the courts of the land a repeal put forward by i think 16 attorney generals, all republicans, to use the courts to repeal the Affordable Care act. I want us to understand what this means. The fight of the last eight years, unsuccessfully in the court of the people, the congress and the senate of the United States, being unsuccessful, they are now they are now attempting in the courts of this land to do what they could not do through the representatives of the people of the United States. The cynical effort to do this 2017, y began with the december, 2017 tax cuts that the republicans rammed through Congress Without one hearing. Not a hearing in the ways and means committee, not a hearing in the Senate Finance committee, not a hearing at all. And attached to that legislation was a repeal of the mandate that was in the Affordable Care act at every american must purchase insurance or have insurance through their employer. That repeal then opened the door o the current attempt now in the a. M. Ate court in new orleans a. M. At court in new orleans that could give rise to a decision that might ultimately be made by the u. S. Supreme court that would totally repeal all aspects of the Affordable Care act. So what does this mean . Mr. Speaker, what does this mean for you and i . I hope you do not have a preexisting condition. I do, because im over 65. 130 million americans have a preexisting condition. The repeal of the Affordable Care act would remove the protections that those americans have that would guarantee them coverage without discrimination. Now, mr. Speaker, i was the insurance commissioner in california in the early 1990s and again in 2002 through 2005 and i know what it means when the Insurance Companies discriminate based upon preexisting conditions. I have seen the documents that they would require men and women to fill out before they would issue a Health Insurance program. And every conceivable issue that a human being would have from high Blood Pressure to, indeed, being a female was on that list. And the Insurance Companies had unilateral, total discretion, to charge more or not provide insurance at all. And so, the president of the United States at this moment, together with those attorney generals and apparently the support of our republican colleagues are at this moment, attempting to put a burden to reestablish a burden on 130 million americans that do have a preexisting condition that are current little protected. But if they have their way in court, would lose that protection and face once again the onerous and in many cases, deadly burden of carrying a preexisting condition and not being able to get Health Care Insurance or having to pay several times more because of their preexisting condition. Among us does not have well, perhaps the other 40 actually 50 of americans who stand at risk of developing high Blood Pressure, diabetes or some other illness. Thats not all. In my district. In the Sacramento Valley of california, the Affordable Care act has allowed the creation of what we call federally qualified clinics who now are the principal provider of initial health care in my district. Not just to poor people, not just to transients who have moved from one job to another, but for people who have been insured for years, but because of a lack of medical services, could not get insurance. These federallyqualified clinics are totally dependent upon the Affordable Care act. Repeal the Affordable Care act and those clinics are gone. And the services they provide will not be in communities, both urban and rural across america. How bad is it that those attorney generals are so stuck on repealing obamacare that they are ignoring the reality that millions upon millions of americans have come to depend upon these clinics. If the Affordable Care act is found to be contrary to law and constitution, by the courts and the cynical, die bottleic repeal of one section of the Affordable Care act, those people will not be able to get primary care services. And thats not all. The Affordable Care act expanded the Medicaid Program across this nation and some 15 million americans have been able to Gain Health Care access through the Medicaid Programs. In the california, we call it medical and it provides three million californians with access to health care services. That through the expansion will be gone. And the support for states across this nation will be eliminated. If the Affordable Care act is found to no longer exist because of court action. How cynical. How sad. How harmful. But thats what theyre pursuing. And thats not all. Theres a problem that existed before the Affordable Care act. Young men and women found coverage in some universities, in some jobs to either the university and the fees or through an employer. But most when they became 18 years of age who lost their family insurance, the Affordable Care act said, thats not good. They would were able to stay on their familys insurance until the age of 24 where they would be able to buy insurance themselves or be able to have a swrob in which insurance would be provided. Insurance is expensive. We know that. So exchanges were set up across the nation. Insurance exchanges, where people could shop for insurance. Those exchanges provided not only access to insurance markets, but they also provided through the Affordable Care act tax credits that would make the insurance affordable to them. Nope. Going to be gone. Its going to disappear. If the court in new orleans rules against the Affordable Care act. And so how will they afford insurance . Well, they wont. And in many states where there are fed ex changes, california not included, because california set up its own state exchange, but those states that have a federal exchange, it wont exist. The ability to shop for insurance will be demolished or eliminated and along with it, the subsidies. Those people, those 9 million will not receive them. Goes on and on. Are you a senior . Are you on medicaid . If so, you are at the last year in which the doughnut hole will no longer exist, beginning four years ago. The doughnut hole, this is the Prescription Drug doughnut hole which prior to the Affordable Care act, there was a subsidy, part d, for Prescription Drugs. Hat ended at 1,500 of prescription costs. And then there was a doughnut hole on which the individual on medicare would have to pay for insurance and that was somewhere around 4,000 and above that, medicare would once again pick up the costs or most of the costs. In the Affordable Care act, we specifically set up a system so over a fouryear period, the doughnut hole would shrink each and every year from 1,000 500 and next and 3,000 year, it would be gone. Im sorry, seniors. The Affordable Care act, if found by the court to no longer be constitutional, would reemerge immediately, by diately upon an action the Appellate Court or i suppose the supreme court. If you happen to be a senior, you better tock pocketting money which im sure you dont have, o prepare the for the day that the republicans every single one of them and the president would once again reestablish the prescription le drug doughnut hole. How smallminded can you be . Apparently there is no end to it. So here we are. On this , our effort will democratic side of the aisle is for the people. Not for some ideological mum bow, jumbo, but for the people, we want a Health Care Program that provides solid benefits for americans. The Affordable Care act takes us a long, long way towards that goal. Doesnt achieve it totally. And we have more to do. Many of us talk about medicare for all and we need to get there. And our colleagues are doing since its institution in 2010 to do away with it and never, ever providing a substitute. You remember that repeal and replacement mantra, there has never ever been a Replacement Program that has made any sense whatsoever. So we are for the people. We want to deal with the cost of Prescription Drugs. Not to increase for seniors as our republican seniors are attempting to do. Not to put americans out of the insurance market, as they are attempting to do by eliminating the guaranteed coverage regardless of your health care status, not to put people out of insurance if they are 1826 years of age, as our republican colleagues are attempting to do, not to eliminate the clinics that millions of americans depend upon for their primary care, as our republican colleagues are attempting to do, we want it for the people. We Want Health Care coverage for every american. We want it to be affordable and available. O here we are, on a day in which the Appellate Court in new orleans is hearing from the president s lawyers, from the president s lawyers in the department of justice that 13 million americans should lose their Health Coverage and 130 million americans should be facing insurance discrimination because of a health care issue. We are hearing from the president s lawyers that it is good to eliminate the clinics and subsidies that some 9 million americans are hoping to get to so they can afford insurance, that the exchanges that provide a marketplace for people to sort out what kind of an insurance policy they want, should be eliminated. The president s lawyers are out there purposely harming americans all because the president has said we must repeal the obamacare program. Well, im sorry. I disagree. I want americans to have health care coverage. I was an insurance commissioner for years and i fought the Insurance Companies every single day. And then i came here in 2009 and was able to vote providing on this floor the vote that allowed the Affordable Care act to move out of this house to the senate and eventually become law, the 218th vote. Im proud of that vote because i know from my personal experience that the Affordable Care act dealt with real problems that americans had and gave americans a real opportunity to get health care and to get health care services

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