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We will have a lot of people joining our military. We really needed that. Thatob numbers are so good the military has a hard time youing people and i think will see a big spike. I have already heard a lot of people coming in. There is no place like our military. We had great numbers this morning. Those were really unexpectedly good. Our country continues to do really well. We are going to be breaking records. We dont have a fed her knows what theyre doing so its one of those little things. If we had a fed who would lower rates, you would have a rocket ship. When president obama was here he played paid close to zero interest rates. From election day, we are over 50 increase and we pay trillions of dollars. Last night was spectacular. [indiscernible] i would love a broadband. We are working on it. We should talk about infrastructure and drug pricing. We will be talking very soon about a clause. Other nations pay less for drugs and we do. Sometimes by 70 . We are working on it right now. Clause where we pay whatever the lowest nations prize price is. Why should other nations pay much less than us . They are taking advantage of this system for a long time. We are working on a favored nations clause so that whatever the lowest nation is anywhere in or company, we will pay that amount. We will do it in the form of an executive order. [indiscernible] we are thinking about doing that. There are 45 ways we can do it. We are thinking about doing it soon we are doing well on the census. Statement. He wrote something out and the judge didnt like it. I have a lot of respect for Justice Roberts but he didnt like it but he did say come back. [indiscernible] we will see what happens. We can start the printing now and maybe do an addendum after we get a positive decision. Working on a lot of things including an executive order. I dont think im a bully at all. I think i have been taken advantage of by other countries, pharmaceutical companies. If you look at what joe biden has done with china. Shirts with china and now china is dying to make a deal. And billions of dollars in tariffs are coming in and china is paying for it not our people. If you look at what we have done , i call it the obama biden mess. You will end up in a war with north korea is sure as you are standing there. We will see what happens. Youre going to end up in a war with north korea. [indiscernible] i dont call them braids. I say they came in illegally and we are bringing them in legally. They have to get to the court system. Who havemoving people come men all of these people over the years have come in illegally and we are removing them and bringing them back to their country. [indiscernible] it in termsnk of of that we are just celebrating our country. Orre is nobody stronger nobody who has a military close to ours. I spent 700 million when took over the military it was absolutely depleted. We had old planes and jets. It was tired. Now we have the finest jets in the world. Military equipment the likes of which we have never had. Building submarines and aircraft carriers all made in the usa. I am all about jobs. We have great job numbers today but when it comes to the military, its not about jobs. There is nobody that comes close and our military now is just about the top. Just about the best it has ever been. There is nobody that comes close to the power we have in our military. What we have and in fact, if you look, our nuclear is in great shape. We have renovated, fixed, buying some new we never want to use it we have to be in a that we have to be in a position. Our nuclear is in a great shape. Our military is in great shape. [indiscernible] those people that you see, a lot of people in front of the white house. Everyone of them loves it. Give a say and i want to little appreciation, the media generally speaking loved it. We had a lot of rain. The teleprompter went out. [indiscernible] andhe teleprompter went out at the end, it just went out. Said and in the middle of that sentence it went out. That is not a good feeling. When you are standing in front of millions and millions of people on television and i dont know what the final count was what that went all the way back to the Washington Monument and the rain knocked out the teleprompter. Well so i speech very was able to do it without a teleprompter but the teleprompter did go out. Look at anyway because there was rain all over it. Despite the rain, that was a fantastic evening. I think people really had it and a lot of people it was really a recruitment situation. A lot of people are going to be joining our army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard. [indiscernible] im going toned on get trump. I never met her i dont know who she is. Thats ampaign legal youre not allowed to do that. She knew nothing about me. She campaigned im going to get trump. We have a 100 clips and so to you and you cant do that. It isnt about lets see if we can find something. Her whole campaign was im going to get trump. You cant do that. [indiscernible] it is very interesting. After 500 witnesses, 2500 subpoenas, every Single Person i know practically was called in one form or another. And even though your eyes people nothing could have withstood that. If there was a, in the right place. If there was a. In the long work wrong location, you couldnt have started. No collusion, no of structure in. Its amazing. It shows i am a very honest guy. [indiscernible]. China we will see what happens. They are talking to us and they want to make a deal. We had a deal and they broke it. They broke the deal. They should not have broken it. I think if they had it to do again they wouldnt because we have great big tariffs going. And we arerdeal talking to them and we will see what happens. We will see what happens with iran. Iran has to be very very careful. [indiscernible] will know in about two weeks. It was a very interesting problem that they had in new hampshire. I cant tell you about it. It had nothing to do with the white house. There was a problem up there and i wont go into what the problem was but you will see it in a week or two. [indiscernible] is beinguthern border policed very well by mexico. Thano is doing far more the democrats and we all know it because of tariffs. We put 6000 people they have many of them there on their southern border. On our southern border which is the main border you think of, they are going to have anywhere between 16000 and 21,000 troops. It has a big effect. They have only been there for about a week. A tremendous impact. You will see the numbers starting to come in very well. Guatemala is going to be signing an agreement. We are talking to mexico. Mexico is really doing a good job. Thing, when people come in illegally, then it is crowded. I have seen some of those places and they are run beautifully. They are clean, they are good, they do a great job. They are crowded because the democrats will not give us any relief from these loopholes. We have loopholes so bad that we have a silence that are so bad. Of themaces are, many are incredible. They are very well run. I said it yesterday. Border troll is not trained to be doctors and nurses and janitors. They trained to be Border Patrol. That is what they are doing and they are doing a phenomenal job. Because we are doing so well as a country, we have never done this well. Highest ago, we hit the stock market number we have ever had in the history of our country. Our country is doing great. Unemployment is very low. We just came out with 224,000 new jobs. That is bringing people up like they have never come up. Border patrol and ice have done a great job. People are being removed from the country we are removing them. Starting with ms 13 we have taken out thousands of ms 13. We have never had an onslaught and the reason they came up and the come up is because country is doing well and they want jobs. [indiscernible] there is a report that says those facilities are overcrowded and dirty. Theyre doing a great job. Tell them not to come because its illegal and very unfair. People have been waiting in line for seven years or eight years are aboutave they to be admitted. If have been studying. Thousands and thousands of people will be legally removed from the country and that process has started and we have been doing that for a long time. [indiscernible] that i dont know because i dont run it but i will say this, probably every club in the United States has that. It seems to be from what i people do a way that business. We have ended, whatever they did we have a strict rule. Every clubat practically in the United States that is the way they do business. [indiscernible] i havent seen it. I will say this, Border Patrol has been treated very very badly by taking members of congress very badly. Certain members of congress say very bad things and live. And exaggerate and Border Patrol people are people that are not happy about. I just spoke with the attorney general, we have a number of different avenues we can use all of them or one. Were doing very well in that issue. We are spending 15 to 20 billion on a census. We are doing everything we are finding out everything about everybody. Think about it. 15 to 20 billion and you arent allowed to ask them are you a citizen . If you look at the history of our country, it has always been asked. We are fighting very hard against the system that is a difficult system. We will make a decision. The attorney general is working on that right now. [indiscernible] you need it for many reasons. You need it for congress. For districting. Appropriation. Where are the funds going and how many people are there . Are they citizens are not . You need it for many reasons. [indiscernible] thought ivanka was amazing at the g20. The foreign leaders loved her. They think she is great. She is very smart and she has done a great job. She sacrificed a lot. Banca and jared worked very hard and they sacrificed a lot to do this but they want to do it. Almost 10 worked on million jobs training and going to companies and getting them to hire people. The foreign leaders really like her a lot. Im notspan. Org grooming her for office. [indiscernible] obamayou know, president had separation. In 2014 he built the cells. They were built by president obama. He had separation. At the one thing he didnt have is a good economy. We have a tremendous onslaught of people who can blame him . They want to get in and take advantage of the economy but they have to come in legally into america. Border patrol has done an incredible job and mexico has been doing an incredible job. He is a good man. A lot of people thought his answer was fine. I havent seen the answer yet. It could be expanded very simply. There are many reasons that you do it. We were surprised by that decision. Citizenship has been on that thing most of the time for many many years. Shocking but after spending 15 million it is not on. [indiscernible] joe biden. Total advantage of him and president obama. We were paying for almost all of nato. Those countries have to protect themselves with us. They have to make a contribution. In my first year, i raised almost a hundred billion dollars from those countries. Joe biden didnt know what the hell he was doing and neither to president obama. They were taken advantage of and now they are paying. Dont know. They think its fine but they have to pay their way. The United States is not going to get killed on trade with europe. They kill us because we defend europe and we lose a tremendous amount of money. We lose on a trade and the military. President obama and Vice President biden, they didnt have a clue. Byy got taken advantage of china, nato, every country they did business with. [indiscernible] i dont know that i will be able to. I hope they do well i hope they win. [indiscernible] kim jongun on numerous occasions, president obama wanted to meet with kim jong on an kim jongun said no on numerous occasions. We have a very nice relationship. We have done a lot and we have gotten our hostages back. We are getting the remains back. A lot of good things are happening and there has been no Nuclear Testing. During president obama, there was Nuclear Testing they were testing missiles. Right now it is very quiet. [applause] [applause] several democratic president ial candidates talked about issues impacting students, educators and neighborhood public schools. You can watch that tonight starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. The cspan cities tour is exploring the american story as we take a book tv and American History tv on the road. In collaboration with spectrum, we take you to missoula, montana. 66,000, itlation of sits in the western part of the state. In the heart of the northern rocky mountains. We see bears here all the time. Particularly they are looking for wild and domestic fruit in the valley. Momentt this crucial where we have to decide how much space we are going to make for these wild animals. Noon onus saturday at cspan2 book tv. P. M. , our look at mozilla continues on American History tv. Insmoke jumping started 1939. The goal of the smoke jumper was to parachute into wildfires that were inaccessible by other resources. Keeping the fire from becoming massive wildfires. The cspan cities tour exploring the american story the first and third weekend every month as we take a book tv and American History tv on the road. Former speechwriters for president clinton and obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama speak at an event hosted by the university of Chicago Institute of politics. It is one hour 10 minutes. music the iop is honored to welcome speechwriters who have inspired us. Terry edmonds served as assistant to thesi

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