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Dr. Biden hello, everybody. What a great crowd. Happy independence day. As many of you may know, the bidens are a military family. My father was a signal man and world war ii and our son beau served in iraq as a member of the Delaware National guard. I know you have a lot of military families here in iowa. How Many National guard are in here . How many military are in here today . [applause] dr. Biden today when we celebrate the birth of our country, i often think about the people who defend our liberty with their lives. It is not just those who served in the armed forces. It is their families as well. Even though they dont wear a uniform, they also serve. Today, i just got to tour the iowa veterans. [applause] the commandant and his team are really doing a great job creating a community that recognizes the personal specific needs of each veteran in the Veterans Home. I was grateful to i also met mark smith who joined me is he in the back . [applause] dr. Biden the commandant called the Veterans Home the jewel of iowa. I thought that was really a nice way to phrase it. I wanted to put that in my speech. I thought that was appropriate because it was such a special place. Joe says we only have one sacred obligation and that is to be the families who have served in the military. Here in marshalltown, you are setting an example that we should model around the country at the iowa Veterans Home. After the last president ial election, so many people kept coming up to me at a bench in the airport, at the grocery store. They said the same thing. We miss joe. Tell him to run. [laughter] dr. Biden people said they missed his deep experience with working with our allies around the world. It is not just that they miss the kind of leader that he is. They miss his decisive character. His kindness. His experience and ability to unite us. The way he inspires us to keep believing that our best days are ahead of us, not behind us. After charlottesville, there was a new urgency to the words i kept hearing. We need him, joe has to run. When we hear on the news today, we are told that we have never been so divided. We are told that our differences are irreconcilable and that there is a war between them and us. We have certainly seen how hatred and bigotry have taken to the streets, torches in hand, children are being taken away from their families at the border. Our progress is slipping away. Womens rights, civil rights, our environment. So much is at stake. And yet, i believe that those who want to focus on the vision are wrong. Division are wrong. When i travel across this nation, i see hope. I see people who care, like all of you. I see people in communities who come together to stand beside each other to lift up one another. That is the america that joe biden is fighting for. [applause] dr. Biden just by your being here, i know that that is how you care about america also. In just a few years, so many of us have lost the faith and our institutions and in our politicians. Today, we must choose a path forward. One of division or one of decency. One of optimism or one of fear. The consequences of these choices are enormous. They could change the path we choose for years to come. And yet, it is the Little Miracles that restore my faith. Last weekend i was in boone, and i met Community Organizers who decided to run for office. Young people believing in a better tomorrow who moved to iowa to work on the caucuses. Teachers, and im a teacher [applause] dr. Biden giving five dollars a month to make a difference. Volunteers giving their precious time to organize their precincts. People who outright reject the cynicism and complacency that is so tempting at times. People like my husband, joe biden. Joes faith in god, in our communities, in the boundless potential of the american ideal is unshakable. His faith is that we will never stop working to be greater. That our courage and convictions will live out in the end if we are all unified. Joe believes that together, there is nothing that we cant do. That is why we must elect joe biden to be president of the United States. [applause] dr. Biden i want to end today by saying thank you. Thank you for showing up on your holiday. Thank you for caring. Thank you for your faith in believing in this idea that is bigger than all of us. That we can build a better nation together. Thank you again for being here on our fourth of july and i hope joe and i get the opportunity to meet each and everyone of you and thank you for being here today. Now, it is my privilege to introduce our next guest to the stage. He has done a fantastic job leading the town as leader of marshalltown. I have also heard he has been busy outside of work as well. Since not one but two of his daughters are getting married this summer and fall. [laughter] please help me to congratulate and welcome mayor joe greer. [applause] mayor greer i am accustomed to doing this with a legal pad. Let me see if i can fire up the iphone instead. Please have a seat. I have been told to keep this to two to three minutes and thats difficult for a trial lawyer to do. [laughter] i did some research and there are some interesting background similarities between joe biden and me. We both grew up in an Irish Catholic family. We both had asthma as kids. We both played football, wide receiver and half back. We both graduated with a poly sigh degree. Political science degree. We both went to law school. His first job was on the city council. Same with me. His family and ours has been affected by cancer. Im sorry. I have done this a lot. I cry about half the time and interviews and as conferences. Im sorry about that. [applause] it started with the tornado and it hasnt stopped. We believe into things. We believe in two things. One is to have a balanced judiciary. We need a president that balances out what has happened in the last few years. [applause] mayor greer finally, the Affordable Care act. I went out to washington, d. C. 15 years in a row to lobby for the Cancer Society to get more funding. With joe biden and barack obama, we got that done. Our family has people who have preexisting conditions. They would not have insurance if we did not have that. Bless them for that. [applause] mayor greer i am pleased to be here to introduce you to our past Vice President and maybe next president of the United States, joe biden. [applause] mr. Biden how are you . Thank you. Please, have a seat sit down. [applause] you sound like my sister. [laughter] mr. Biden mr. Mayor, thank you very much. How many of you have lost someone to cancer or are fighting it now . That is why you all know, it never fundamentally goes away. That is why i think for jill and me, and for the mayor himself, when you Start Talking about it, you relive it immediately. We are making enormous progress. I will do everything i possibly can as president of the United States to see to it that we and cancer as we know it and we can do that. We are well within reach. [applause] mr. Biden mr. Mayor, we have a lot in common and our backgrounds except i only had one daughter get married at one time. We would have to sell the house. [laughter] you think im kidding, but im not joking. The county chair, the democratic chair, i said to her inside that this is the most important, thankless job in american politics, but thank you for doing it. I also thank jim, the president at uaw. Inre is an expression delaware. They are the ones that brought me to the dance. In early days, we had the highest percentage of uaw workers including michigan, because of such a small population with a large percentage of workers, we were the largest gm plant outside of detroit and the largest chrysler plant. A lot of other things. They are all gone now. They are all gone. They were the first to endorse this 29yearold kid when i ran. And i won. We also want to thank the ufcw. Roger is the president and they did a couple great months lately. Particularly in massachusetts. Stick with it, we are coming back. I make no apologies, i may union i union guy. Am a [applause] mr. Biden i think people are beginning to realize, and my wife is going to get mad at me for going off scripture a little when American Workers are beginning to realize is there would not be any such thing as a 40 hour week or overtime pay, there would be no such thing, and it goes on and on, were it not for organized labor. We owe you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, it sounds trite, but it is really great to be back in iowa celebrating independence day. Such an incredible promise for americas future. That was 243 years ago when a group of rebels got together about 25 miles from where i live in a town where jill is from, philadelphia. They pledged their lives and fortunes and their sacred honor. It sounds corny, but thats what they did. They pledged their lives and fortunes and their sacred honor to a revolutionary idea. We hold these truths to be selfevident. All men and women are created equal, et cetera. We learn all those phrases in school. Thats who we are. Ever since then, president s and patriots have gathered on this fourth of july to reflect on what the greater meaning of this american experiment was. It is an experiment. In 1821, a couple decades after the revolution, John Quincy Adams proclaimed americas glory is not dominion, but liberty. Her march is a march of the mind. In 1861, Abraham Lincoln voted to make the case for the civil war, reminding congress that there will be a struggle to maintain the world of substance whose meaning is to elevate the condition of all men. To lift artificial weights from everyones shoulders, and to clear the path for everyone. Those are high sounding words you learn in school, but it is who we are supposed to be. 1962, in the grip of the cold war, when i was getting out of there was a pilgrimage to philadelphia hall. This nation conceived by liberty and maturing independence has no intention of advocating its leadership to any in a Worldwide Movement for independence to any nation or society committed to systematic human oppression. These three different president s in vastly different times were united in the faith of this idea. America is an idea unlike any other in the world. An idea. The pursuitication, of humankinds highest ideal, which is liberty. What will donald trump say this evening . Sincere. G when he speaks to the nation at an event designed more to stroke his ego more than americas ideals. Will he speak to the example america must set for the rest of the world . Or will he offer a robust defense of Democratic Values as other president s have . I know the answer to that. Believe isp i incapable of celebrating what makes America Great because i dont think he gets it. [applause] he has trouble distinguishing between our allies and adversaries. Think about it. Grasp that america is a march of the mind toward greater openness, greater understanding, greater human freedom and the pursuit of free lives and meaning and fulfillment. If donald trump has eight years in the white house, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of the nation. We cant let that happen. Period. [applause] mr. Biden whether or not i am your nominee, and i hope i am, i will work like the devil to see to it that doesnt happen. Last time you can recall a reading in history that embraces dictators and strongmen . And a fundamental rejection of everything the founders wrote about . Russia, kimin and jongun in north korea, mohammad bin salman in saudi arabia. Their drive to concentrate greater power in their own hands and silenced the opposition including brutal assassinations. Thats what i call the death of liberty. Last week, Vladimir Putin gave an interview where he said the western liberal idea has become obsolete. But here is trumps response. , donaldg to the press trump thought he was talking about democrats in california. Not a joke. Doesnt understand the difference between liberals as opposed to conservatives in our political context, and liberal as opposed to autocratic systems of government. That is what Vladimir Putin and others stand for. I am here to tell Vladimir Putin, who i have met a number of times, and he doesnt want to hear it the liberal idea is an american ideal. We never will let it be obsolete, not as long as we have patriots committed to the higher ideal of life with liberty and the pursuit of happiness. [applause] thats what we should be talking about on the fourth of july. The liberal idea is what drives entrepreneurship and innovation. It inspires art, exploration, human curiosity. That is what we mean and critically, it is what built the free world. It built the free world. The free world is an american design. We created it. Together with democratic allies in europe and asia after world war ii to hold in check the abuses of power by any one a collectivefirm defense, open economies, human rights. That is why there is nato must no single nation could step out the free world drove the march of democracy. It allowed unprecedented Economic Growth the world had never seen. Basic human rights and freedom in communities around the world. Ours is a community of values and it stands in opposition of the oppression of other people. That is why putin wants to destroy it. Thats what hes about. He is actively working to tear apart our democracy. Ladies and gentlemen, america is the heart of the free world. That is not a hyperbole. We have to maintain and keep that heart beating strongly and defend it. That is how the fourth of best honored, by the memory that our declaration is the first and foremost call to arms in defense of liberty. The fact is, we have to remember, jfk put it best when he said ours is not an individual liberty of one, it is indivisible liberty of all. [applause] mr. Biden i honest to god dont believe donald trump gets either one of those concepts. My liberty depends on yours. My liberty depends on yours. Our liberty as a nation rests in our ability to ensure equal access and equal opportunity, not just for our own children, but for all children. We all benefit when all of our children have access. We have to take on the inequities of our system that are causing too many today to question their faith and their the ability of democracy to deliver for them. It is not enough to be for political quality. We have to be for economic fairness as well. It is not enough to be against the way donald trump conducts himself. Everybody knows who donald trumps. Even supporters know who he is. The way he insults the dignity of women, poor people, immigrants, algae dt q lgbtq people, we have to be against his policies that are creating inequity in this nation. [applause] mr. Biden quite frankly, those policies are rigging the system against the lower class and working class. The bottom is falling out. The majority of americans no longer think their children will be able to have a life as well as they had. You get a 400 bill in one month and surveys show the vast majority of americans would have to borrow money to take care of it or sell something in order to take care of it. An attack on our democracy and liberty when that happens. I know they call me middleclass joe. It is not meant as a compliment. But i know who built this country. It was the middle class. [applause] thats the message i have been carrying across the country everywhere. It is all the more important today on the day we celebrate independence. As i said, our country wasnt billed by wall street, ceos, hedge fund managers. It is built by me and you, americans like the neighborhoods where you and i came from. Think about this. Chance,s given half a have never, ever let their country down, not one time in history in war or peace. That is the history of america, giving Real People Realty is. My dad used to have an expression. He was a whitecollar worker and every time we moved back to delaware, he said joey, the job is a lot more than a paycheck. It is about your dignity, respect about your place in the community, being able to look at your child and say it will be ok and mean it. Today, some people cant do that. That is what we have to change. That is my northstar. I think we have a moral obligation to rebuild the middle class and this time bring everybody along, no matter their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, who they love, where. Hey live, o for me, its about restoring the dignity of work. People being able to provide security and joy for their families. How can a person maintain dignity if they cant afford to take care of a sick child or Family Member . I am not joking about it, think about it. How can you sustain your dignity if your child has a preexisting condition and there is nothing you can do to pay for the insurance . How can you maintain your dignity when your child or someone close to you who you ave is suffering from terminal disease and insurance comes along to say, times up, you have outrun your coverage . Our son came back from a rack with a diagnosis of terminal cancer a rack iraq with a diagnosis of terminal cancer. I couldnt fathom looking at his wife and our grandkids to say times up, the last four months, you are on your own in pain. I really mean it. Think about it. So many people have been through that. How can a parent maintain their dignity if their child has an opportunity to go beyond high school, a trade school, community college, but you cant afford to get him there . Had a goodmy dad, he job, i guess middleclass, threebedroom splitlevel house with four kids and my grandpa and mom and dad. Place. A happy i look back on it now and i understand why mom would never move in with me after dad passed away. [laughter] but we took care of that, too. My point is i remember how my father felt when i got a chance to go to college. But we didnt have enough money. ,nd he looked at me and he said i went to the bank to borrow the money, but they wont lend it to me. I will never forget what he said. He said, im so ashamed. Ill never forget the look in on his face. Think of all the people today, many of you, how many of you are having a discussion today about whats going on with the trade china . H how many are looking around and saying, who is going to tell her she cant go back next semester . We dont have the money. Who is going to say that . Todays Corporate Culture and this administration doesnt care about your dignity. They dont care about economic fairness. They are squeezing the life out of workers and making it harder and harder for you to barter for your own personal worth. Not just for unions to bargain. You realize 40 of workers in the u. S. Have to sign a noncompete agreement. These agreements have one purpose to hold down wages. It used to be at jimmy johns, you would have to sign, like all fast food folks, you wont compete. You could not go across town to get . 20 more working at mcdonalds or burger king or anyone else. What in gods name does that have to do with anything other than suppressing wages and increasing profits for corporations . Why do companies classify so many workers, lowwage workers, hourly workers, as management . For a simple reason, so they dont have to pay overtime. They take the profits and buy back their own stock. It cost more than 4 million hourly workers last year 1. 2 billion. 4 million workers who are reclassified or had to sign noncompete agreements. They found themselves in terms 1. 2 billioncation less going to them. Where did it go . Straight into corporate offer operations. Highest profit rates they ever had. Used to be a basic bargain. If you contributed to the welfare of the outfit you work in, you got to share the benefits. Tell me how that is happening today. Speaking of overtime, it is long past time to be a 15 federal minimum wage. [applause] mr. Biden folks, it is time we start to award work over wealth in the country. Let me ask you something. The stock market is roaring. How has it affected your lives . Is it really moving . How about the trump tax cut . Do you feel it . You are going to feel it if we dont win, because it increased the deficit by 2 trillion. Almost 2 trillion. What is the excuse . We have this great deficit, we have to cut the safety net, cut medicare, medicaid, social security. Not a joke. When they control the house, that is the budget they put forward. Folks, it is a sham. They have already said it. We cant let it happen, so we need the revenue that trump has put in the wrong hands to fall back into the communities that dont need the help. As i say to wealthy people in the room, the last people who need a tax cut are people making 10 million, 20 million, 40 million a year. You dont need it. If you are that safe, you dont need tax cuts. [applause] mr. Biden secondly, we need to get rid of the Capital Gains loopholes. A just economy an economy that , advances liberty for all is not one where the super wealthy pay a lower tax rate than a firefighter or a teacher. Think about it. I am being literal now. Because of the way they deal with Capital Gains for the super wealthy, they pay a lower tax rate. You could be making 200 Million Dollars and pay a lower tax rate than someone teaching at your Public School system. Reminder ofs also a an important lesson we learn in this country. Ben franklin supposedly said at the signing in philadelphia we must all hang together or most assuredly we shall all hang separately. That is my message to the Democratic Party and all people want to see a change. We need to unify this country. We have to overcome the status quo division. Thats the way we are going to get things done. We cant do it other than that. [applause] we really have to. I know some democrats say no compromise. Look, we can compromise without compromising principles. Marshalltown knows that better than anybody else. What you have had to deal with, with the god awful disaster and the tornado here. You came together. Much more has to be done. Working together with the city council and local businesses, you are well on your way, but this is a place with the federal government should also be much more deeply engaged in natural disasters. [applause] [no audio] biden it doesnt matter democrat or republican, all that matters was getting marshalltown back on its feet. You made it happen and you are still making it happen. It goes too slow, but all that stands in our way is a broken political system. For all our problems, im more than when i got elected as a 29yearold kid. I ran for the senate. I was a local county councilman. I got elected at 27 years old. I didnt want to run but i helped the party organize. I ran in a republican district assured i would never win, and i won. [laughter] they saw something i didnt see and reapportioned my district to about a 70 republican district and put me in a position we say in public life, up or out. I decided to get all in or all out. Heres why i think i am so optimistic. I was labeled than the young idealist, the optimist, et cetera. Im more optimistic about the position we are in as a nation today to lead the 21st century than i have ever been in my life. Lets remember who we are. We have the Strongest Military in the history of the world. No one else is close. Not one nation. Our budget and military is bigger than the seven next largest economies in the world. We have led not only by example of power, but the power of our example. Thats why people look to america. Because of our values and who we are. We have the most productive workers in the world. Our workers in america are three times as productive as workers in asia. North america is energy independent. We have the worlds greatest research. We have more Great Research universities in the u. S. Than all the rest of the world combined. Every major fundamental breakthrough that has changed the lives of people has come out of those universities monetized by businesses. No other nation in the world can match us if we remember who we are and invest in our people. The only thing that can tear america apart is america itself, and that is what is trying to be done right now to maintain power, separate us based on race, natural origin, based on religion. The only thing that makes the liberal idea obsolete business is if americans walked away from our ideal in the first place. When the press says donald trump said this or that, Everybody Knows who donald trump is. I am not being facetious. They all know who he is. But we have to show him who we are and who i am. So on july 4, let the world see who we are. This is the United States of america. This is the nation that willed ourselves into existence with nothing but faith in ourselves and the power of an idea. Theres not a single solitary thing we cannot do. Nothing, not a joke. There is nothing we have ever set our mind to as a nation we have not been able to do if we do it together. Even today, they teach the president kennedy speech about going to the moon in grade school. I remember from the time that i was a kid to when i was in high school to today, the one that got me the most was the phrase he used, he was asked why do you this. He said because we refused to postpone. I refused to postpone anymore, leading this country in the direction we can move to change the nation and change the world. So get up, america. Lets remember who we are and lets move. And may god bless you all and may god protect our troops. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Appreciate it. [applause] thank you. We can do this. I promise you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] thank you. Thank you for coming. I appreciate you running. Thank you. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] where are you from . Lincoln, nebraska. God love you. I work for the government, too. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] you are kidding me. I dont know what you are eating, i want to eat some of it. God love you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. The issue about the farmers. I agree with you. [inaudible conversations] what is your name . [inaudible conversations] i wish we had time to talk more. Thank you very much. How are you . It is so great to meet you. [inaudible conversations] what is your name . Sally. Im from ames, iowa. Great to see you. Thank you for coming to marshalltown. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] if you notice, the people we appointed, elena kagan, they have to i dont want to change the constitution. There will be nobody on the court [inaudible conversations] i have one request. Make America Great again, stop trump. [laughter] [inaudible] thank you. What is your name . Luanne. My husband is in the corner. Right there. Ok. You met him in independence. [laughter] thank you very much. Thank you. Here we go. Sure. Im available to be Vice President. I want to let you know that. I am here for you. Thank you. Thank you. Whats your name . Im a teacher. My huge concerns everyday are my kids access to Mental Health services and access to higher education. Two things. As you know, theres only 1 [inaudible] the Affordable Care [inaudible] thank you. How are you . Good. What is your name . Joey. Thats what my mother called me. I knew i was in trouble, she said joseph. Can i take a picture with you . [inaudible conversations] oh my gosh. I love you. How are you doing . You can tell a good story, mr. Vice president. Here we go. Are you doing ok . Thank you. Let me take a picture. [inaudible conversations] you saw what happened last election. We took them on and beat them. How are you . [inaudible conversations] how are you . This is my husband. You have done good. [inaudible conversations] you got my vote. [inaudible conversations] how are you . You have great friends. [inaudible] thank you. Would you please autograph this for me . [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] what do you teach . Spanish. God bless you. I can barely speak english. [laughter] thank you. You are a bright spot in this world. Please take good care of us. Thank you. Rose, how are you . Good. [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] thank you. [inaudible] thank you. I have been a fan of you for 30 years. How are you . [inaudible conversations] how are you . Just want to let you know im concerned about the future of our court system. [inaudible] we tried that once before and whoever is in power is abusing the power. We can change the lower courts now. [inaudible] thank you. How are you . Im great. My father had the only catholic wedding with a rabbi of officiating the altar. [inaudible] i would be happy to. [inaudible conversations] thank you. [inaudible conversations] alex, how are you . [inaudible] we both looked a little sweaty. This is my husband. You have to get low. All right. We probably need one with him in there. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] thank you. [inaudible] honor to meet you. Im from north carolina. [inaudible conversations] how are you . How old are you . You know this guy . My name is sarah, and i know they talked about this, but i am a survivor of sexual assault, and i was at the Brett Kavanaugh hearing and to see someone so unfit in this up in court is devastating, and i am concerned, with everything talked about today, immigration, everything [inaudible] [inaudible] number two, not only on the circuit court, but the idea that you are held accountable for your actions. I understand that, but i just want to know what the plan is. The plan is to appoint the right people. Thats the plan. [inaudible] well, thank you. I mean, i think i am, its just, it does bring it back, and i am very concerned, not just donald trump but a decadelong strategy on the part of the gop to appoint people like kavanaugh. [inaudible] i am not joking. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] my nephews, nieces we were able to go in, clean it up. And we can do that. You really know what youre talking about. Thank you. I appreciate that. Im serious. Most people dont understand. Hi. How are you . Good. What is your name . Tommy. Is a pleasure to meet you. That is my dad. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] theres so much potential, everywhere, everywhere. How old are you . 27. God love you. [inaudible conversations] i went to washington, got to spend three days on the hill. My Sons Foundation joined up with the special olympics, doing a whole thing together. He does. Its troubling, but hes still there. Three years of chemo, never missed a single practice. Thank you. We need your picture. Ok. [laughter] thank you. If i could shake your hand, too. I dont need to take so much of your time, but thank you and good luck. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. I met you many years ago, when you introduced jimmy carter. I figure that is 1975. Isnt that crazy . I still talk to him once in a while, and god love him, hes doing well. I think, i had a poster, which i eventually gave the Democratic Party. I dont know if they sold it. Bad battery . Oh, ok. Thank you so much. Got it. Thank you thank you. [inaudible conversations] thank you. Good luck. All right. Thank you, guys. Joe. Joe. [inaudible conversations] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] journal,s washington live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up friday morning, we talk with michael cannon about the state of health care in the u. S. , including proposals by democratic president ial candidate, and the trump administrations related measures. Rob richie of fair vote discusses the recent Supreme Court decision discount talking about gerrymandering. And efforts to push for nationwide right choice voting. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern friday morning. Join the discussion. Tomorrow, the National Education association hosts a forum with several democratic president ial candidates. It focuses on issues that impact students, educators, and neighborhood Public Schools. It takes place in houston friday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Sunday, on cspans q a. Nixons lastfter press conference, 10 years later, he was in a 49 state landslide. Then it all came apart. Columnist and political commentator pat buchanan served as a speechwriter and Senior Advisor to president nixon, discussing his book nixons white house wars the battle that made and broke a president , and divided america forever. In the memo, i said i think keep the tapeso of conversations with dean. I did not think they would be that damaging to us. And keep the tapes with breast never and the foreign policies breast never in the form policy stuff. I city should take the rest out and burn it and shut down the special Prosecutors Office before this thing turns into a monster. Butd not know at the time, nixon had called in hague and fred vizard to entertain this idea that he should burn the tapes. They said it would be obstruction of justice. I did not recommend burning subpoenaed tapes. They were his property, executive privilege existed. If he had simply gotten rid of them and said in peach and to be dammed, he would have moved right through it. Nixon said in his memoirs if he had burned the tapes as i had urged him to do, he would have survived, i think that is right. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q and a. Recess for thein july 4 holiday. Both chambers return next week. To consider arns 730 million Defense Program and. Olicy bill for 2020 after the Senate Passed its own version last week. The Senate Returns to begin work on a civil, judicial, and executive nominations, including assistant secretaries for the education and labor departments. Follow the house live on cspan, and the senate live on cspan2. The cspan bus is traveling across the country asking folks what it means to be american. I believe being american means you can be anyone and anything and have the freedom to express yourself and the freedom to embrace your culture and show it off. America truly is a melting pot. American hasng an elements embedded and woven into the american flag. We should also look to it and respect our country as our country has done so much for ourselves, the u. S. Citizens, and people abroad in other countries. American, to be a true patriot. I think that to be american means we get to stand up and express ourselves, that we have the right to express our voice, actions, and to quote a 1914 by national 1914 problem by emma will cox, by sounds when we should protest makes cowards out of men. To be an american, besides liberty and freedom, we have an awesome country to live in. We have awesome people to live with. Those are the things i like the best. The wonderful landscapes we have in this country. Also, the people all over the country in every corner. The oldest state in the union. Wonderful people to visit with. Voices from the road, on cspan. Next, remarks from President Trump at a july 4 celebration at the lincoln memorial. He spoke about the history of american independence while highlighting u. S. A compliment over the last 243 years. This is one hour

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