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Senator warren good morning church. Good morning rainbow push. It is so good to be here this morning. It is good to be in the house of the lord. Oh, yes. I am here this morning though because this country is in a time of crisis. We are in a fight for the very soul of our nation, and when were in this kind of fight, when were in this kind of battle, we need allies who know how to fight and who know how to win. [applause] senator warren we need strong per sit tent fighters persistent fighters. We need fighters who know that giving up is not an option. We need principled leaders who have the courage to fight for their convictions, we need giants who know that social change is possible only when we join together across lines of difference. We need a champion like our reverend jesse jackson. [applause] senator warren thank you thank you. For generations under the leadership of our reverend jesse jackson, the National Push coalition has been on the frontlines in the fight for justice. Im here today to let you know how proud i am to stand shoulder to shoulder with reverend jackson and with you in this fight. [applause] and now, more than ever the mission and mandate of rainbow Push Coalition is vitally important because heres the truth. The fight for social, racial, and Economic Justice is far from over. Every day we wake up to a new attack, attacks on our values, attacks on our democracy attacks on the most vulnerable among us. These fights are hard and at times it can seem like our labor is in vain, but im here today to remind each and every one of you our fight is a righteous fight. [applause] senator warren a righteous fight. And in a righteous fight we fight until we win. [applause] senator warren so i grew up out in oklahoma, grew up in a Methodist Church. Every sunday in the Methodist Church my mother every wednesday at methodist womens circle we know some of you, right. When i had my babies, i took my babies to church. By this time i was down in texas, a Little Church down there, and i tried to help like like help out, like most people do. I would bring a covered dish for the meetings, you could always count on me for costumes for the easter pageant or christmas pageant. One day the pastor came up to me and said, elizabeth, id like you to Teach Sunday School. And i said, oh, reverend, you know, ive got little kids, ive got my own teaching job. You know how that goes. He said, no. Id really like you to Teach Sunday School to fifth graders. We had a teacher quit and we need you to keach sunday Teach Sunday School. And finally he reached out and said, i really need you to Teach Sunday School. And i said maybe ill try he said, this is the third teacher who quit. And i said, oh, is there a problem in the fifth grade . No. He said, look. He said it is not that hard just so long as nobody gets hurt it will be a success. Well, im thinking whoa. So i keep trying this and the pastor unlike reverend jackson, he puts the arm on you, you come through. There i am, i show up to teach my fifth Grade Sunday School class. I dont know how to describe this. These kids are wild. They are everywhere. They are having a big time, but not there to do much of a sunday school lesson. In the space of the first two or three weeks, they cut each others hair. That was a highlight. They glue a bunch of stuff together, including a bunch of our equipment and stuff in the room. Were on the first floor, fortunately, because at one point all the little boys climbed out the window. So it is a pretty chaotic mess. I decided this is awful. Im not doing a good job here. Theres one thing i do know how to do and it is teach. Come on. I was a special needs teacher. Im now teaching in law school. Surely i can do this. So i got my kids together, finally about the fourth sunday we did this. I said, look, everybody sit down. Were going to read a story from the bible and im going to ask you some questions about this. So i gave them a little piece to read about noah. And so they all read about noah and they are still gigging and twisting in their seats but they all read about noah. And i said, how do you think noah felt when he heard god . And of course they give lots of gig i will answers, answers like, am i going crazy, and is it a space man talking to me but after a while they start to get engaged. What would that mean that god spoke directly to you and told you about something that was going to happen in this world. So they got a little bit engaged started answering the questions and we made it through the juice time and passed out the juice and cookies and actually had a pretty good class. So did it again the next week. Brought in a different story and started asking questions. And they got more and more engaged. We gave up doing the art we gave are up cutting each others hair and got focused on the bible questions. And so one day we were reading a passage about charity. And the children were struggling with the question about charity. And the difference of charity what you give but you dont have to give, but you need to think about what do you owe . And thats where the conversation turned. So i was asking the question, what do we owe each other . Not just give up to a charity. What do you owe each other. And so they go back and forth and they figure out some parts of it that are pretty good, that you dont push your brother down. Okay. I get that. You know, you dont hit kids. Okay. I get that. Another kid said, you dont put bug ge rs in your brothers food. Note to self, dont eat at their house. But i had one kid who was always pretty quiet. He was bigger than the other kids, but always pretty quiet, a kid named jesse. And jesse didnt volunteer too much. I tried to draw him in. And finally jesse said i said you have an idea of what we owe each other . And jesse said, yeah. He said everybody gets a turn. And i thought yeah. And he said, everybody gets a turn. And i thought of that as very much like the passage from matthew. So if you will forgive me, i know you know the passage, but i want to remind everyone and see if we can link these up. So im at matthew 25. You ready . Were going to do a little matthew. Im old school so this is going to be king james version. Okay. [applause] senator warren let me set the story up. If theres anyone who doesnt know the story. It is that the sheep are being divided from the gets to. And just so you all understand, the sheep are going to heaven, the gets to most definitely are not. And the shepherd has divided them and he put the sheep on one side and the gets to on the other, and heres the passage. And then he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the to gets on the left. Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand, come, you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation for the world for i was hungry and you gave me meat. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you took me in. Naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came unto me. And then shall the righteous answer him saying, lord, when saw we thee hunter and fed three and thirsty and gave thee drink. The sheep said, i dont remember seeing the lord and doing these things to the lord. When seeing a strarng and took stranger and took thee in or when we saw thee sick or in prison and came unto three. And the king shall answer and say unto them verily i say unto you in as much as you have doneth unto one of these the least of my breathearn you have done it and that, to me, is what this is all about. For me there are three lessons in that passage. The first is there is god in every one of us. There is god in every one of us. Not god just in those who look like the lord. God in every one of us. There is god in the children. There is god in the hungry. There is god in those who are in prison. The second thing it says to me is that we are not called simply to observe. Were not called just to have a good heart. We are called to act to feed the to act to feed the hungry to bring water to the thirst ti, to vis thirsty to visit those in prison and third we are called to act without promise of reward. We are called to act because it is right. [applause] as i travel this country and i hear from the american people, they share their struggles they share their fears they share their concerns, but the people know what is right and they are ready to act. They know that they have been called for such a time as this and they are willing to step up. I am here today to say that none of us is alone in this fight. When i am president , we will answer this call together. [applause] senator warren this is not a call for another round of empty promises. This is not a call for another round of vague ideas. This is a call for real plans to make real changes in our lives and in our communities. And, yes, i have a plan for that. Too many for today, but let me mention just a few to remind everyone. Some of you may know that i have proposed a two cent wealth tax on the richest fortunes in this country. Two cents. [applause] senator warren everything over 50 million, two cents and heres what we can do with two cents. We can provide universal child care for every one of your babies, aged zero to 6. We can provide universal prek for every 3yearold and 4yearold in this country we can raise the wages of every Child Care Worker and preschool teacher in america. We can make public Technical School Community College and fouryear State College free to every one of our kids. [applause] senator warren we can level the Playing Field and put 50 billion into our historically black colleges and universities. [applause] senator warren and we can cancel Student Loan Debt for 95 of the kids who have got it. Yes, we can begin to close the blackwhite wealth gap with these plans. But theres so much more. I have a plan to fund black entrepreneurs. Lets close the entrepreneurship gap. I have a plan to counter the effects of red lining. I have a plan to end the mass incarceration of millions of our brothers and sisters by banning private prisons. No one should make a profit from locking people up. I have a plan to make sure that every american citizen gets to vote and gets that vote counted. Yes, this is a moment of tremendous challenge but i believe this is the moment we have been called to, and i make you this promise. When i am president , we will answer this call together. We will answer this call and we will stand with one another. We will answer the call to make Health Care Affordable housing and highquality education for every child a basic human right. [applause] senator warren we will answer the call to build an america where the difference between a good education and a prison sentence isnt just a few blocks. We will answer the call to make certain that every working person every working person regardless of race, creed, or economic background, every working person is paid a living wage so they can build a secure future for themselves and their families. [applause] senator warren we will answer the call to build an america that commits to educating our children before it criminal sizes criminalizes them. We will answer the call to build an america where a runin with Law Enforcement or a turn down the wrong Street Corner doesnt cost you your life because of t the color of your skin. We will answer the call to build an america where federal solutions to local problems are made by communities for communities, in communities. Where no one is forced to leave their community to find equal opportunity. We will answer the call to end mass encars radification in this country mass incarceration in this country. When i am president , we will create a country in which like matthew 25, every human being has value and we turn our backs on no one and we will start right here in chicago. [applause] senator warren i know the challenges we face are enormous and the forces that stand against us will stop at nothing to divide us, to turn us against each other. In times of struggle, in times of uncertainty i often turn to scripture for inspiration to keep the faith and to stay in the fight. So, for me it is second timothy, for god hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I am in this fight because i am not afraid. I know our fight is a righteous fight, and if we stand together, if we fight together, if we persist together, if we dream big and fight hard, then we will win and we will make this the america of our dreams. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. There has been discussion about an appearance before congress. Any testimony from this office would not go beyond our report. It contains our findings and analysis and the reasons for the decisions we made. We chose those words carefully and the work speaks for itself, and the report is my testimony. I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before congress. Former special counsel mueller is to appear before the House Intelligence Community and will report on the russian interference in the 2016 election. Watch Amy Klobuchar. We bring you live to adel, iowa where 2020 president ial candidate Amy Klobuchar is holding a meet and great. I cant believe you all are here in the middle of this heat. For me its 100 degrees warmer than when i announced but its great. Looks like we have a lot of food and a lot of people enjoying the food

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