Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 2020 Rep. Jim Clyburn D-SC Fish Fry 20240714

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But you can find all of our segmentsn journal online. Statere is no other blessed with that number of candidates all in one place. You are special. Youask is to introduce to the members of congress who have joined us from all over the country. We do have a few. Me on thisld join stage, i would appreciate it. They are the ones not running for president. Representative barbara lee from california. Secondly, we have marcia fudge from the 11th district of ohio. We have representative richmond from the Second District of louisiana. Next, cheri bustos from the 17th district of illinois. She is probably out there swallowed by you. Next, a representative from the 17th district of california. And we have some coming to the stage now. Next, Steve Forsberg from the Fourth District of nevada. Representative Joe Cunningham. From the First District of South Carolina. And because representative district weeft the will allow him a generous one minute for remarks. Quiet sigh can do it in 45 seconds. Thank you all for coming here. Majority whip congressman clyburn. We are one of the few seeds that actually flipped the house. Soundsy whip clyburn better than minority whip clybourn. We are going to keep him in the minority. A lot of people think South Carolina is a red state. Democratsto prove with our values, we can win. Ofry precinct of the state South Carolina. Be all need to be proud to south carolinians. Be proud to be eating fried fish with the next president of the eyes states tonight. You all give it up. Wonderful. Thank you so much for those remarks. Are we ready for the next . I know, right . If Jamie Harrison could come to the stage please. While we are waiting for him to we will have remarks from cedric richmond, a representative from louisiana. Ofi have the great title being assistant to the whip which means i do whatever he wants me to do for free. Going to get a free speech. What a he is going to get is a free introduction. Jim clybourn is one of those special people. He means what he says and he says what he means. He is our majority whip. Up james t clybourn. Better known as the husband to ms. Emily. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thanks to each and everyone of you. For all you are doing. Dignity andore respect to the governmental process in this country. Thank you. Thank you for all you are doing to help turn this state blue. I just want to thank the say themuch i appreciate respect these candidates have work. To your hard your dedication. Your love of country. Efforts making this here in thisy state. I have been asked what is the fish fry all about. Effort to say thank you to those who worked every not looking for anything in return. Good peopleto get in government. Trying to select leaders. It is already great. It has been great for a long time. Candidates today are vying to make the greatness of this country acceptable and affordable for all americans. That is our challenge. To get us started tonight, i want to call to the stage. For we get started, barbara lee. She finally made it. Come on up. Say thank you. The chair of the state party who just had a dinner that turned out to be the biggest sit down event ever held in the Columbia Convention center. Congratulations. The candidates coming up momentarily, i want to call up one of my proteges. Young man. Cant get great of him. Rid of him. Jamie harrison. You, congressman. South carolina, are you ready . We are going to send him home. Know about Lindsey Graham. He is probably the most well loved golf caddie in the country. Will calls him a political wind socket. He changes his colors more than any chameleon. His spine went away. My friends, this is what we are going to do. This campaign is not going to be about Lindsey Graham. About all ofo be you. We have to rebuild trust. People no longer believe in the political process. Give people to hope. All of the pundits, some of them are here, saying there no way in the world you will win in South Carolina. Let me tell you what my fairytale is. The day after the election, you alter on your tvs and you flip over to fox news. Hannity with a handkerchief, crying. You say, what happened . Is packing his bags. The second thing is, on the are going to say, what happened in South Carolina . Home. Sending lindsay thank you so much. We need you, i love you. Thank you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, she finally showed up. Barbara lee from california. Here is my good friend roe carter. Also from california. Started, ladies he is a former congressman. Credit for helping ourblish the tone that made comeback possible. Ony of you recall one night the floor of the house of representatives. Led the sit down. We were told it was against the rules. When he sat at the lunch counter in georgia, it was against the rules. He sat down anyway. To make sure the country knew what we were doing. This man, better aurora beddoe or rourke beto efforte, put together an to make sure everyone knew what we were doing. People came from all over and we sat on that floor until 2 00 a. M. In the morning. We saw him reestablish his party in state of texas. Beto orourke. Thank you. How is of buddy feeling . Everybody feeling . I am so grateful for majority whip clyburn, his work along with Joe Cunningham to make sure the house of representatives closes the charlston loophole. That we make progress on ending gun violence in this country. One of the things i am most is hisl to you for, sir, work in the Reconstruction Era National monuments. Making sure the full story of the United States of america is told to the people of the men states of america. We know one everyones story is included in our National Story, it is only then, we can right the wrongs and set this country in the right path. And theg the lead inspiration of jim clyburn, we have been going through every part of the state to listen to everyone. Listen toumter to those veterans who put their lives in this line. To make sure when they return, we spare no expense. We end the wars we are in and bring those servicemembers back home. Going to buford. Pain paying respects at the gravesite of Robert Smalls to make sure he is in the National Story and make sure we know how the people of the low country will meet the challenge of Climate Change before it is too late. Going to denmark, South Carolina and listening to people who just want to be able to drink the water. They want a federal government who will invest in their communities. Going to South Carolina State University and listening to people talk about justice where every story is included so there is justice for every american. If we bring everyones story into the story of this country, it is only then we will achieve the great things we want to do. A World Class School Education System because we get behind Public School educators, criminal Justice Reform in this country, confronting the challenge of Climate Change before it is too late. So South Carolina, thank you for sharing your story with us, making it part of the National Story and insuring that this country can meet the greatest challenges that weve ever faced and do it together. [speaking in spanish] well see you later. [speaking in spanish] thank you very much. Thank you so much. Thank you. Now, ladies and gentlemen, the next person up needs to introduction. He is a former Vice President of these United States. Ladies and gentlemen, joe biden cheers and applause] joe bide hello, everybody. This is my third fish fry, jim. It seems like ive lived in South Carolina for a long time. Look, its a delight to be here with jim. I was pointing out today, the highest ranking africanamerican other than the guy i worked with for eight years. You all know in your gut this election is more important than anyone no matter how old you are youve ever been involved in. Not because any of us are running because of the man who occupys that office. We can make up the four years of damage hes done. But eight years of damage will be almost impossible to get back. So folks, im here to tell you, i hope to be your nominee. Im going to work as hard as you can to get your support. But heres the deal, whomever the democratic nominee is we have to Stay Together and elect a democrat president of the United States of america. [cheers and applause] so thank you thank you thank you thank you d i tell you what i do miss, fritzbee in here. Nice to see yall. Jim thank you so much. We might have to put this as a ay down in history, thats the shortest speech joe biden ever made. Now, ladies and gentlemen, i understand that today is National Selfie day. If that is true, we got the best representation of that fact. Next up, i call him the selfie man of the United States of america, my good friend corey booker cheers and applause] corey it is selfie day. Hello, South Carolina give it up for jim clyburn. Theres a whole bunch of candidates that are going to come up to this stage. But this is not about one person or one office. It is about who we are as a nation and who we must be for each other. Let us dedicate ourselves in this election to making this about taking it back not for elected not for connected but for the people of the United States of america. And we all must make sure that we may be in the midst of a primary, but when the pre mary is over, we become a united force. [cheers and applause] not just to beat one guy in one office, but we become a united force to put the indivisible back in this one nation under god and stand up for liberty and justice for all. And so now, this is a fish fry. So i want to end with this. From one guy from a guy that loves dad jokes. Lets not flounder. Lets get out there and kick some bass. [laughter] jim that was great. Thank you. And now, ladies and gentlemen, this next candidate is an author who has written many self help books, a great friend of oprah winfrey. And now a president ial candidate. Put your hands together for the written a s has selfhelp guide on how to become president of the United States, mary anne williamson. Mary anne thank you, sir, thank you so much, congressman. Ladies and gentlemen, in 1863 at the battlefield where the soldiers at gettysburg had died, Abraham Lincoln said that they had died so that a government of the people and by the people and for the people would not perish from the earth. Nd yet, today, in 2019, on our watch, a government of the people and by the people and for the people is perishing in front of us, a government by the people for the people and by the people have become a government of a few of the people for a few of the people by a few of the by multinational corporations and for multinational corporations. A capitalism gone amuck. A viral strain of capitalism has corrupted our government and it has hijacked our moral value system. It is time for the people to step in. [cheers and applause] we need a moral and a political and an economic revolution in this country. 1776, we said hello to an aristocracy, and its time to say it again. Ladies and gentlemen, its time for our generation, a generation rose up and abolish slavery, a generation rose up and gave women the right to vote. A generation rose up, and abolished segregation. Ladies and gentlemen, it is our time. It is time for the people to step in. Thank you see you tomorrow thank you thank you thank you thank you, congressman. Jim thank you so very, very much. Now, ladies and gentlemen, our next candidate announced his candidacy in the most millenial way possible. He announced on late night tv and the next day on twitter. My good friend, he really is y good friend eric swalwell. Eric thank you, whip clyburn. I think its great that you gave us the same tshirt because our candidates are a part of the avengers. Were here to save america. The republicans, thats the hunger games. But i have to ask you, South Carolina, were you finished with your work when you made us in the majority in the house of representatives by sending us Joe Cunningham . Were you done . No. You know what you did . You gave us the majority. You gave us the time. Im bringing the promise to americans to all americans. I was the first to go to college. My dad was a cop. They worked hard so i would do better and dream bigger. Have an opportunity with 21 candidates who are 41 and under. Will the future be a Health Care Guarantee where if youre sick you dont go broke will. 0 uture for college be interest for student loans. Will the future include dirty maps and dirty money . And will the future for women say her body, her choice . And will the future for ending gun violence say that we love our children more than we love our guns . [cheers and applause] so heres my pledge to you, ending gun violence will be my top priority. We pass background checks in the house of representatives because you sent us Joe Cunningham. Make me your nominee. You will get sick and tires of tired of seeing me because i will help elect jamie harris into the senate so we can pass that there too so lets challenge the next generation to go big on the issues. Be bold with the solutions and do good again as americans. Thank you so much. Thank you, whip. Jim thank you very much, eric. Our next candidate comes to us all the way from colorado. Hes been on tour. Hes been a jeologist. Hes been a mayor. Hes been a governor. And he is aspiring for the next office. John hickenlooper from alifornia. John all right. How are we doing out there, South Carolina . I want to thank reverend clyburn, thank you for putting this together. An t to thank for this is honor of. My name is john hickenlooper. Im a Small Business owner who took that scrappy spirit into being a governor of colorado. I want to give you a few examples what we did there with that scrappy spirits. We expanded womens reproductive ights and we reduced teenage pregnancy. We also changed our legal system. We closed two prisons. We got the near universal health care. We passed universal background checks. We have the most secure Voting System in the country and some of the highest turnouts. You should care about that. We also have the number one economy in america for the last three years and the best Apprenticeship Program this side on the atlantic. I want to take that same those same processes, those same successes and roll them out for the country. A lot of people here have a lot of good ideas. Weve done it. And i think if it worked in colorado, it will work for the United States of america. Thank you all for being here. [cheers and applause] jim thank you so much, governor. Our next candidate is a former mayor, a former secretary of housing and urban development, a young man who aspires for another housing program, the white house of the United States of america, my good friend julian castro. Julian [speaking in spanish] good evening. Thank you, whip clyburn. You know, i have a twin brother joaquin that serves with representative clyburn. We grew up on the west side of san antonio with my grandmother and my mom. My grandmother had come over from mexico when she was 7 years old as a little girl because her parents died. She never finished Elementary School in san antonio, so she worked as a maid, a cook and a babysitter her who life. She raised my mom as a single parent. And my mom raised my brother and me as a single parent. And to think that just two generations after my grandmother got here with nothing to the United States one of her grandsons is serving as a member of the United States congress and the other one is running for president of the United States of america. [cheers and applause] that is america that is its promise. And, you know, in this campaign were not just going to talk the talk, were going to walk the walk. Were going to be fearless. A couple of months ago, i was in charleston, a couple of blocks away from the mother emanuel church. And it reminded me that four years ago, someone went in there and me murdered nine people. And then a few hours later, he was apprehended by police without incident. And it made me think, well, then, what about eric garner and what about Stephon Clark and what about Jason Ferrell and what about laquan mcdonald. And what about pamela and walter scott and donna bland . Were going to make sure that this country works for everyone whether its dealing for Police Brutality or making sure that we do not have another flint because well insure that lead is not another major house threat. We can be the fairest and prosperous nation on earth. Lets go make it happen. [speaking in spanish] thank you. Thank you. Jim thank you so much, julian. Our next candidate is someone with whom i worked very closely turnover years. We have been the fearless duo when it comes to expanding health care through community, health centers. He ran before. Hes back again. Ladies and gentlemen, my friend, your friend Bernie Sanders. Cheers and applause] bernie thank you. Let me thank thank you. Let me thank jim clyburn not only for being a great congressman but for working together to make sure that everybody in this country can at least have high quality primary health care. [cheers and applause] you know, weve got a president today who thinks hes going to win reelection by dividing the American People up. Well, weve got some bad news for him. Were going to do exactly the opposite. We are going to bring the American People together. Black and white and latino, native american, asianamerican, and were going to bring our people together around an agenda that works for all of us not just the 1 . Health care is a right, not a privilege. We are going to raise that minimum wage to a living wage 15 bucks an hour. We are going to make public colleges and universities tuitionfree. And we are going to substantially reduce student debt. [cheers] donald trump thinks that climate hange is a hoax. Well, donald trump is wrong. And together, we are going to take on the fossil fuel industry. And we are going to transform our Energy System to Energy Efficiency and sustainable energy. We are the richest country in the history of the world. 500,000 people should not be sleeping out on the streets tonight. Generality frication should not be gentryfication should not be destroying neighbors. Were going to build the infrastructure and building the Affordable Housing this country desperately needs. Brothers an sisters at the end of the day, the 1 , theyve got a lot of money and a lot of power. But weve got something they. Nt have, we are the 99 and 99 is a hell of a bigger number than 1 . Let us stand together. Let us defeat trump. Let us transform this country. Thank you, all. Justice sotomayor thank you so much. Justice sotomayor jim thank you so much. And now, ladies and gentlemen, our next candidate is a gentleman who decided that it was not difficult enough to be mayor of new york city. Something to take on a little more difficult and that is running for the United States of america, the mayor of new ork city, mayor de blasio. Mayor de blasio everybody, congressman jim clyburn was a civil rights activists in his youth, now one of the great leaders of the United States of america. Let us thank him for all he does. And congressman that is some damn good fish. Thank you for the fish fry. Everybody, our party needs to be the party of working people. I have a simple message. Working people first. Do you agree with that . Working people first. Working people are the heart of this country. But the government is not on the side of working people. We have no such illusion. We have to make a change. Now, in new york, ive proven it does not have to be of and by the 1 . In new york, we listen to the people. And weve given things to the working people they deserve. We put money back into the hands of working people. We need to put money back in the hands of South Carolinaians. What we have done weve done prek for every child for free. Do you want that in South Carolina . Weve made sure that working people if they get sick, got fored by they get paid sick days so they dont have to choose between going to work or going to doctor to get well. Do you deserve paid sick days in South Carolina . We we believe in the Green New Deal in new york city. Do you believe in the Green New Deal . Were making it come alive in new york. And we can make it come alive in this whole country. You know what else weve done, weve divested 5 billion from the fossil fuel companys that put us in this mess to begin with. And one more thing one more thing. I got sick for waiting for washington to address health care. Today in new york, we guarantee health care for anyone who does not have insurance. We guarantee it. We give them a primary Health Care Doctor for free. Do you think you deserve that in South Carolina . Do you think people should go to the emergency room and thats their only doctor . By the way, theres no Health Care Without Mental Health care. Nd i want to thank my wife sherlane mccrea who is leading the charge in new york and around the nation. Everyone deserves access to the Mental Health carry they need without any sigma or any discrimination. So my friends, our party our party needs be to every american, clearly the party of working people. We need to be the party thats on the side of people who have been ignored for so long. We need to be the party thats willing to take on the rich and the powerful once an for all. When we become in the eyes of every day americans the party of working people again, we will not only defeat donald trump, we will defeat trumpism. We will defeat all the division, all the hatred. We will yine fight this country because it will be a place for everyone again. Lets be the party of working people. Lets be a country that honors working people, and lets win in 2020. Thank you, everyone. Jim thank you very, very much and now, ladies and gentlemen, our next speaker demonstrates theres something in the water out in colorado. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States senator from the state of colorado, a good buddy, michael dennis. [cheers] michael i dont know if its in the water, mr. Whip, in colorado, it might be something else. Hello, everybody. Im michael ben threat colorado. You may not have heard of me. I havent spent my life running for office. Im not a career politician. In fact, i was a School Superintendent before i was in the senate. But i i want to say a couple of things tonight while im on the stage. Thank you, mr. Whip for your incredible leadership of this country. It is an unbelievable thing that as we meet here tonight. We have a president in the white house that does not believe in the rule of law. We have a president who doesnt believe in an independent judiciary. We have a president who doesnt believe in the congressionally granted right to a free press. We have a president who doesnt believe in a womens right to choose. We have a president who doesnt believe in universal health care, and hes taking Health Care Away from millions of americans. We have a president who denies that Climate Change is real. In my view, we have a president who doesnt care about america. I dont think he loves america. I dont think he loves anybody but himself. And if you didnt vote for him, hes not working for you. And he doesnt think you count. And he wants to take your food away from you. And he wants to take your chance for a free speech away from you. We need to beat this guy in 2020. And the only way were going to do it is by overcoming the divisive politics that he represents. The Rearview Mirror that he represents. We need to go forward, united on an agenda that brings the American People together around health care, around our economy and around Climate Change. I think we can do it. And not just beat donald trump. But govern this country again and do the right thing by the next generation of americans. Thanks for being here tonight. Thanks for having me, mr. Whip. Well see you soon, South Carolina. Jim thank you very much, senator. Our next candidate, we have a woman whole is who is a reigning wrestling champion from the state of new york, the woman who proved to me that they got more cornfields in upstate new york than we have here in h carolina. Kristin gillibrand. I just want to thank congressman clyburn for hosting us and to have the best fish fry in the nation. God bless, congressman clyburn. So ladies and gentlemen, the one thing you need to know about me is that ive taken on the powerful and the corrupt my entire career. I took on the pentagon twice. First over the repeal of dont ask, dont tell. And then over Sexual Violence in the military. As a member of congress from new york state, i took on the banks. I voted against the bailout twice. Ive taken on members of Congress Many times. First by posting my earmark, my Financial Disclosure and my taxes and passing along the ban of Insider Trading by members of congress. I have taken on President Trump more than any other senat in the u. S. Senat voted against his agenda more than anyone else. So i will take on the battles that other people wont because thats what this president ial election is actually about. About standing up for our democracy, about fighting for our values, about making sure. R voices are heard in 2018, Record Number people turned out. Ran because we stood up to President Trump. Imagine not just a woman having a seat at the table, but imagine a woman at the head of the table. [cheers] imagine, what the agenda would be. In order to do any of the good ideas weve heard tonight, any of them, the first thing you need to do is go to the root of the corruption. You need clean elections. Youve got to root out political corruption with publicly funded elections. Once you restore that democracy, that power into the hands of the people, so you have as much power as any koch brother. Then you can do anything that we talked about. Health care is a right and not a privilege. Medicare for all, Single Payer Health care. You could pass a Green New Deal. Take on the corrupt plutters. Take on the fossil fuel industry. And you can make sure that we have lower Prescription Drugs by taking on the drug companies, taking on the opioid industry. So i promise you, the best way to take on a bully is to stand up to him and fight for what we believe in. And thats what we, this country will do in 2020 od bless, america jim thank you very much, kristin. Our next candidate announced her candidacy for president of the United States in a big snowstorm. And she kept those snowflakes in her hair so long, thought she needed to come down here to South Carolina to get rid of them. Klobuchar step forward, the senator from minnesota. Thank you so much, mr. Clyburn. And, you know, the last time we were together at this fish fry when i spoke here, i think it gives us all good luck, South Carolina. Because the last time was the year that we elected barack obama as president. [cheers and applause] ok. So yes, i announced in the middle of that snowstorm. And afterwards, the president of the United States sent out a tweet. And he made fun of me for talking about Climate Change in the middle of a blizzard. So i wrote back. Donald trump, the science is on my side. And id like to see how your hair would fair in a blizzard. Ok. But the reason i did that by that river was that i wanted to make a point. That its time to wross the river of our divide, to get to a higher plain in our politics. And my background is a little different than donald trumps. My grandpa was an iron oer minor. My mom was a teacher and a proud union member. My dad was a proud newspaper man. And i stand before you as the granddaughter of and i ron oer minor, as the daughter of a teacher and a newspaper man, as the first woman elected to the u. S. Senate from the state of minnesota and a candidate for president of the United States that that is what america is about. Shared dreams, the simple idea that no matter who you come from, no matter who you know, no matter who you worship or who you love that you can succeed in the country. We have a man in the white house that divides us every day. He goes after immigrants after people of color. He decides hes going to accepted us to war by tweet. And we need to come together and win. And every great thing that my colleagues have said up here, we need to get done. We need to go after Climate Change, right . We need to do something about Prescription Drugs and bring those cross down. We need to go after College Costs and bring them down. But none of this is going to happen unless you vote. So im going to end with this, there is nothing more important than voting, not only for president but for all of your tickets. The great Joe Cunningham if youre over there in charleston for representative clyburn for all your candidates for state house, for state senate. And youve got to do it. And the way we do it, by the way, is reauthorizing the Voting Rights act by start by stopping what they have done. Stacy abrams would be governor in georgia if they hadnt done what they would do. That is right that is true. So the last thing i ask you, id love your support because our number one for our democracy to pass my bill to automatically register every kid in this country when they turn 18 that is how we move this country. Id love your support thank you everyone thank you, South Carolina [cheers] jim thank you, senator. Thank you so much. R next candidate comes to us from middle america. He has the experience of watching a small town lose all of its economic impact, watching working men and women not do well, a guy i spend a lot of time with up in washington, d. C. But i turned on my tv the other morning and he was doing yoga. I dont know what that means. But tim ryan is your mic. And do a yoga move. Tim thank you, jim clyburn. And i think were doing some hot yoga tonight. Thank you so much. My name is tim ryan. I represent a Congressional District thats in northeast, ohio halfway between cleveland and pittsburgh. And i can tell you stories going back 40 years where my fatherinlaw lost his job at youngstown sheet and tube 40 years ago, unemployed for 13 months. Had a second daughter, had a mortgage. Borrowed money from his parents. I could tell you about my cousin donnie who was a vietnam vet 15 years ago. His last act that he did at the company he worked for was to unbolt the machine from the factory floor, butt it in a box and ship it to china. I could tell you a story just a few weeks ago after a General Motors plan in my district that used to have 16,000 workers that is now idle. And what i want you to know here in South Carolina is that when those factories close, i know who works in them. Theyre my family. Theyre my friends. And the middleclass has been getting screwed now for 40 years. Its time for us to reclaim our place in the american democracy that we have here and we do this, my friends, by building again in the United States of america, by making things again in the United States of america, by filling these factories where we make the electric vehicles, where we make the batteries, where we make the solar panels, where we reverse Climate Change by putting the american penal back to work. We do this we do this, my friends. We do this, my friends, by moving the center of gravity in the Democratic Party, back to the middle of the country, and back to the south. And if we do that, we will send donald trump packing, but we will also send Mitch Mcconnell packing. We will we will win a seat in north carolina. We will win a seat in west virginia. We will win a seat in iowa. And we will send Lindsey Graham packing too. Thank you jim thank you, tim. Our next candidate is a member of the house of representatives, but before that he gave his all so that we can stand here tonight. Man who spent three tours of duty in afghanistan sacrificing on our behalf. Dies and gentlemen, seth multon. Thank you very much, good evening, South Carolina im a United States marine veteran. Im a United States congressman. And i am a young father. And i do not want my 8monthold daughter growing up in a country defined by donald trump. Donald trump thinks he know what is patriotism is. He thinks that patriotism is hugging the flag. Patriotism is standing up every single day to make sure the flag stands for something. Donald trump also thinks that he is above the law. And that is wrong. Which is why i was the first candidate in this race to say that the job of the United States house of representatives when a president breaks the law is to start impeachment proceedings and we should have done that a long time ago. I have fought for this country. And i will fight for you. And someone who has been fighting for you for 25 years is jim clyburn. And i just want to tell you one quick thing. When i came to the United States congress, i defeated an 18year incumbent in my own party. I was not exactly the popular kid on the block. And a lot of people said they would be a good mentor to me. But one man took me under his wing, introduced me to all his friends and made sure that i got off to a great start. Thats your jim clyburn. Its our jim clyburn. A great american. Thank you all very much. Jim thank you. And now, ladies and gentlemen, our next candidate cheers and applause] all right. The leader of the yank gang there the yag of the yang gang. There they are. Hello, South Carolina its so fantastic to be here with you im not a career politician. Im an entrepreneur and a problemsolver. And i am here to solve the biggest problem, the biggest challenge of our time. It is a challenge that got donald trump elected in 2016. The reason why donald trump is our president today is this, we automated a way four Million Manufacturing jobs here in South Carolina, many michigan, in ohio, in pennsylvania, in wisconsin, many missouri, in iowa, and my friends in technology know that what we did to the manufacturing jobs we will now do to the retail jobs, the call center jobs, the fast food jobs, the Truck Driving jobs and on and on through the economy. We are in the midst of the greatest economic and technological trance form mation in history of our country. What experts are calling the Fourth Technology revolution. I am here to advance Real Solutions for the American People that would hem improve our lives. [cheers and applause] now, if youve heard anything about me, youve heard this. Theres an asian man running if president who wants to give everyone 1,000 a month. And all three of those things are dead true, South Carolina. At would 1,000 mean for the college kid struggling to pay your tuition your textbooks . What would 1,000 mean for the single mom who is trying to create a better life for their son or daughter . What would 1,000 mean for the elderly South Carolina who is struggling with Prescription Drug prices that are going higher and higher . This is a vision of a trickle up economy that with your help, we will take to the rest of the country in 2020, trickle up from our families, our communities, what do you think, south arolina . This is the vision. We have to solve the problems that got donald trump elected in the first place. Now donald trump is our president because he got some of the problems right. But his solutions were garbage and nonsense. His solutions were build a wall, turn back time, bring the jobs back. And we have to do the opposite of all that. We have to turn the clock forward. We have to advance our society and our economy as fast as possible, and i am the man for that job because the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes math. Lets make america think harder. Thank you, South Carolina. I love you. Thank you, congressman, clyburn. Jim thank you, andrew. Yates [anting andrew jim ladies and gentlemen, our marimont,date is from florida. Thank you, congressman clyburn. Hello, South Carolina im mayor wayne messom. I drug my wife all the way from South Carolina. Im getting out of the dog house. So help me say, im sorry, baby. South carolina, miramar mayor wayne messom. My father was a contract sugar ne cutter who cut sugar cane in florida for 75 cents for a oll of sugar cane. Im not the candidate that youve seen in the fox or msnbc town halls but im a former football player. And sorry for my Clemson Tiger friends. I caught my first touchdown against clemson for the Heisman Trophy winner, charlie ward. My nfl t on after career was cut short we built a Construction Company and were proud of that and grateful for that. And im living the American Dream that my parents came here for. But ive seen for too Many Americans that that dream is slipping away. Lets talk about what ive done as a mayor. Were the 13th largest city in the state of florida. But were fighting a lot of issues that transferable to this country. Im suing the state of florida so i can put sensible gun control laws in my city. If i dont want assault style weapons in our parks, dont you know the governor of florida can remove me from my office. But im suing the state for that. Rig trying heres a to drill oil until the everglades. And were fighting that right now. As a mayor we passed a living wage in our city because we feel our city workers should not have to work more than one job to take care of their families. We banned the box in my city because you may have had a hiccup in your past. So we dont ask the question if youve been arrested if youre trying to get your life back on track. America, my friends, for us to win this election, we cannot forget the disenchanted. I was the first candidate to propose a complete forgiveness of Student Loan Debt in this country. 1. 5 trillion. Affecting 44 million americans. Im so glad to see other kents have proposed their own other candidates to have proposed their own version. And this is hard for people of come color and women. We have a president in this country right now that is so bent up on building a wall on our southern border. The political will is just that strong that hell take money away from our basis to build it. So my question to you is, why isnt our political will so Strong Enough that well provide health care to every american in this country . Why dont we have political will to have sensible gun control in america . Why dont we have the political will to make sure that we pass a living wage at 15 an hour in this country so that americans can really be able to take care of their families. So if you want to support this campaign, i want to thank you, South Carolina. You gave me my Second National poll. And im only one poll away from making it to the debates. So if you want to continue to elp my campaign, visit wayne foru. S. A. Com because i tell you i will bring a championship voice to this race. Theres more ideas. So thank you for having me this evening. Thank you mr. , clyburn for having a great fish fry. I think i had too many pieces, but im going to give you a couple more. We love you, South Carolina. Take care. Jim thank you, mr. Mayor. Our next candidate is my classmate. We came to congress together. Sworn in in 1993. Im still hanging around congress. Hes now retired as the governor f the state of washington. Ladies and gentlemen, my good buddy jayinessly. Thank you. Thats my phrase. My name is jay insley governor of the state of washington. Could we give a big thanks to the people who fed us tonight . They were incredible. A lot of work going on. Listen, we know that weve got hot fish and cold beer. Two of the best things in the world. But we do have a little serious work to do tonight. And i want to talk to you about two things. I want to talk to you about one of the reasons ive always been jim clyburns big fan. Back when george bush was trying to start a war in iraq and the war drums were beating, and the deception was fine. And john bolton and his crew was trying to start a war in the mideast, jim clyburn stood like a big oak tree against the iraq war and i stood with him. And now, that same strength that this man showed, weve got to show to stop a war in iran. Thats what the Democratic Party needs. Do i hope youre going to stand ith me in that regard. I think this country deserves a president who doesnt like to us all the time. Now, theres a lot of lies that can get to us. But theres one that bugs me the most. When he says that Climate Change is a hoax, when our towns are burning down, when our fields are flooded, when our coastlines are inundated, when he says that Wind Turbines cause cancer, we democrats know they dont cause cancer. They cause jobs. And we are going to put people to work in this nation defeating Climate Change, because were going to make defeating the Climate Crisis the number one job of the United States. And when we do that, were going to put 8 Million People to work and union jobs, i. B. W. Members, machinists, carpenters, car united this is for the states. Lets go be our destiny. Thanks a lot. Jim thank you. And now, ladies and gentlemen, our next candidate is also a riend, a former college. I had my biggest book signing event in his home, hosted by him and his great wife. Ladies and gentlemen, john delaney. John thank you, thank you, jim clyburn. Lets hear it for jim. For the incomparable. The one of a kind, jim clyburn. Thank you, South Carolina. I tell you, the one thing that always struck me about jim so i grew up in a working class family. My dad was an electrician, he was a union electrician. And we didnt have any fancy conversations around the dinner table about politics. But what he would tell me all he time, if you care about workers, you vote for the democrats. And i tell you if we can get back to that lesson, were going to win every election. And jim clyburn doesnt let anyone forget about that lesson in the congress of the United States. My friends, together, we are on a mission. A mission to find the neark has been lost. Lost through an action, lost through incivility, lost from a president who lax a moral compass. We are better than this. Every one of us are better than this. We are a country of faith, of country and of ambition. We saved the world. We created the American Dream for millions of people including people like myself who grew up in a blue collar family, had a successful career in business. And then the privilege to serve my country. But we did it with Real Solutions. Not impossible promises. And we got to do that again. Whether its fixing health care, improving public education, Building Infrastructure or creating jobs. We got to do it with Real Solutions and put the worker at the center of those solutions. Thats what i promise to do as your president. Ive done it my whole life. I dont want to just be your president. I want to do the job. God bless yall. Thank you, jim clyburn. Thank you, South Carolina. And thank you for soon sending Jamie Harrison to the senat of the United States of america. Jim thank you very much, john. Many of you recall, john was here last year. Thank you so much for coming back. Ladies and gentlemen, our next candidate is someone with whom ive partnered in recent weeks to do what we can, to redules student debt. Shes got a plan for that. And i want to share in that plan. Ladies and gentlemen, elizabeth warren. Cheers and applause] hello, South Carolina we we got a government we got a government that works great it works fabulously it works terrifically for the rich and the powerful im running for president because i want a government that works for the rest of us. Im in this fight because i believe that the time for small ideas is over. We need big, structural change in this country and this economy. And big structural change starts with big ideas. How about a wealth tax on the 1 . 10 of and, you know, what we can do with that money . We can build opportunity in this country. Universal childcare for every baby age 0 to 5. Prek for every 3 yearold and 4yearold in this country. Raise the wages of every childcare worker and preschool teacher in this country. Tuitionfree technical college, Community College and Fouryear College all across this country. 50 billion to our historically black colleges an universitys. And in a great plan with congressman clyburn, we can cancel Student Loan Debt for 95 of the kids who have got it. We make this government work for us. And that means were just getting started. We need to attack our problems headon. We need to attack Climate Change headon. We need to attack the control of the n. R. A. Headon. We need to have courage in this country. So for me, its about building a future. This is our chance. Fight e can dream big, hard and win cheers and applause] jim thank you. D now, ladies and gentlemen, all of the candidates, after our next two speakers, we would like for you to come up here, awe lot of people would want this picture of tall candidates we believe that picture can be the picture we can carry across South Carolina and help turn this state blue. So now, ladies and gentlemen, i want to introduce you to our next candidate who is a fierce, fierce prosecutor, a great United States senator from the state of california, a good friend whose name i know how to pronounce, kamala harris. Cheers and applause] amla whats up, columbia [laughter] so listen, its that point of the evening where almost everything that has to be said has been said except one thing madam president [laughter] kamala im going to take us down for a moment. Im going to take us down. Lets go for a moment. We just celebrated this week sadly, the fourth anniversary of emanuel nine. And we cannot forget and we cannot forget that it was here in South Carolina that we have had heroes of our nation who fought and died for civil rights, who fought and died for equality, who fought and died to insure that we would have a voice, that our voice would be recognized, voice that our that our voices would be powerful and that we would not relent until there was equality for all human beings. And so we honor the emanuel nine. We an honor the heroes that they were. It is upon their shoulders that i stand as a candidate for president of the United States. And i will tell you, i fully intend to win this election. And and in this fight this is a fight not only to recognize our history and honor the ancestors and honor the heroes. It is a fight for our future and a vision of our future and a vision of our future of our america. And our vision of our americas future includes a vision where everyone has health care, it will not be a matter of privilege. It will be a party of a right. An vision for our america is america where no one has to suffer. No one has to be in pain. No one has to worry about where their next paycheck is coming from. In our america, people will only have to work one job to put food on the table and a roof over their head. In our america, our teachers will be paid their value because they are rising our future. [cheers] in our america, no one that has h. I. V. Or aids will be prevented from having the drugs they need because they dont have the money in their back pocket. In our america, our children will never have to sit in school worrying about a gunman roaming hallways of the schools. Because we will put a renewal of the asalt weapons ban in our america. And in our america, we will have a president of the United States not ofthe business beating people down but lifting people up. And with your help, we will get this done. Thank you, South Carolina. [cheers] jim thank you, my dear. And now, ladies and gentlemen, our next candidate i know you have seen her picture on billboards all up and down our highways and by ways. Not just on the interstate, coming out of rural Church Sunday before last, and i looked up, there was this big billboard in rural carlton county, a billboard of tulsi gabbard. Tulsi. Tulsi aloha, South Carolina let me hear you one more time. Aloha thank you very much, congressman clyburn for your incredible leadership. And how much hard work you and your team put into hosting this event. Its great to be back here in South Carolina especially in the middle of summer. Almost 17 years ago, i was here with a big ruck sack on my back and a duffle bag in my front as a Young Private headed to fort jackson. Now, ive served for now over 16 years in the Army National guard. Ive deployed twice in the middle east where i had the privilege and the honor of serving with so many great americans, people who truly imbodied what it means to put service above self, people who sacrificed so much. As your president , i will bring those values of service above self to the white house, putting people ahead of profits, putting people ahead of politics, playing the interest of the American People in our country above all else the challenges that we face are great, because the rich and powerful have been in charge of washington for far too long, leaving the rest of us behind. But here is what i know, that when we stand united, motivated by the care and love we have for each other and our country, there was no challenge we cannot overcome. When we stand united, we can pass medicare for all. When we stand united, we can take on big pharma and insurance who are exploiting profits. When we stand united, we can pass criminal Justice Reform and federal more one up federal marijuana prohibition and ban private prisons. We can stand together to protect our environment, make sure we have clean water and clean air, and ban offshore drilling. As your president , i will end the wasteful regime change wars that have been so costly. I will end the new cold war and Nuclear Arms Race and take the trillions of our hardearned taxpayer dollars and invest them in our people, in our communities, and in our future. So i am asking you to stand with me and join me as we bend the arc of history away from war and towards peace, towards that Bright Future with hope and opportunity, justice, and equality for all. Thank you all so much. Aloha rep. Clyburn if i could get all , please join us if we can get the candidates kamala right . Ow, go on down to the end. All the tall people in the back. Oh, they want the short people up front. All right. Everybody . All right. Get your head between someone. Ladies and gentlemen of South Carolina, these are your candidates [speaking korean] [cheers and applause] show them how much South Carolina appreciates them being here [cheers and applause] rep. Clyburn wheres angela . Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for being here. I want to thank my daughters, mignon. , angela, my granddaughter, cindy. My staff. And those of you, i want you to know how much i love each and every one of you. If things go well, let me tell you emily is doing well. She is going to be around. We are going to still abrade our 58th on monday. Celebrate our 58th on monday. Thank you so much for asking. Announcer the democratic president ial candidates will continue to campaign in South Carolina. 16 of them are scheduled to attend a planned Parenthood Forum in columbia to talk about access to abortion and womens Reproductive Health care. We will have live coverage beginning at 11 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Announcer sunday at 3 00 p. M. Eastern, senator Bernie Sanders hosts a town hall at Clinton College in rock hill, South Carolina. Cspan. Org,cspan, or listen on the free cspan radio app. Kind of view political cartooning almost like advertising on television. You have about five seconds to capture viewers attention, another five seconds to deliver the point or sell the product. The only difference is with television you are selling a product, but with political cartoons you are selling an idea. Announcer sunday on q a, Michael Ramirez on his career in his book of satirical cartoons. I would have to say the clintons are probably my favorite political family. Ofn you take a caricature somebody in political cartooning, you are changing the dynamics of their features not only to make them into a cartoon, but to show the dynamics of their personality as well. Announcer sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. Cspans newsmakers this week is representative mike rogers, republican of alabama, a Ranking Member of the seniormost republican on the Homeland Security committee and a Senior Member of the House Armed Services committee, which puts him at the nexus of many big issues we are talking about this week. His district is home to fort benning at as an army depot and air force base. Turn youan, let me over to our two reporters. Scott, you are up first

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