Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 2020 Rep. Tim Ryan At Politics Eggs 20240714

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Many of you are here as guest. Without our sponsors, we could not produce the series. It is because of them that we can do this. , it is the most Popular Series in america as far as politics goes. We have more political activity in this building and in this camp is than any other campus in the united dates. United states. A lot of it is thanks to these great Corporate Partners we have. I also want to mention, we have the Senate President here, donald suzy. [applause] remember, she is in the middle of her budget process with the senator, who is here as well. [applause] their cars will be speeding for concord soon. But i want to mention, this quarters magazine, the Senate President is a graduate of a local college, so i picked one up, it is great. I have been here about nine years. In the nine years i have been here, my absolute best partner is a new Event Council for everything that they do, we do together. Its been an absolute fantastic partnership. Who leadsjim brett, that effort, continues to amaze me with the people they bring throughout new england to their membership. They are a great partner with politics and eggs. For the purposes of introduction, my good friend, jim brett. [applause] thank you. You said it just the way i wrote it. [laughter] appreciate it. Theme also the knowledge president of a very good friend of the new Event Council, good friend of mine, somebody that i have an enormous amount of spec for, barbara. Respect for, barbara. First lady of somerville. She is accompanied by her member, mike capuano, a of the u. S. Congress for almost 20 years, commonwealth of massachusetts, did an outstanding job. We want to thank them for being here. He is also a very good friend of our guest speaker here this morning. Want to give kudos to neil, the team here for the work that they do, as well as the new england council, who organize these events they in and day out. Thank you to the sponsors. People always ask me how you can provide these forums, breakfast. It is because of these wonderful sponsors. Great corporate neighbors here in New Hampshire, new england. If you know anybody that works there, you should say thank you. It is a great opportunity to hear from the state was candidates running for the highest office in the land. Their Women Council members, if youre interested in more events, we have them for you this coming friday. We will be in maine. We will hear from the senior senator, susan collins. The following monday, we will hear from the newly elected congressman from the second district, jared golden, speaking to the new Women Councilmembers. July 8, we are back here to hear from the junior senator from the great state here. Maggie hassan will be speaking to the new england council. Many more events coming with politics and eggs. Today, we are delighted to welcome congressman tim ryan to our politics and eggs. The congressman is currently serving in his ninth term, representing ohios 13th congressional district, which includes akron, youngstown, as well as other surrounding communities. He got his start in politics after graduating from bowling state university, where he worked as a congressionally on capitol hill. He also has New Hampshire ties. He received his law degree from the New Hampshire school of law, when it was known as the Franklin Pierce law center. After law school, he returned to ohio, where he served in the state senate, before being elected to congress. He is a Senior Member of the very influential House Appropriations committee, where he chairs the legislative subcommittee. He is also the cochair of the manufacturing caucus, where he works with his colleagues on both sides of the aisle, including several members of the new england congressional delegation. [no audio] can help us reduce stress, improve performance, and recapture the american spirit. The second was published in 2014, titled the real food revolution. Healthy eating, real groceries, and return of the american farm. In april, he announces candidacy for the 2020 democratic nomination. We are pleased that he could join us to share his vision for the future of our great country, as he campaigns here come a the first of the nation primary state. Please join me in welcoming the honorable tim ryan. [applause] thank you so much. Its a great honor to be here. I went to the Franklin Pierce law center. New hampshire really is a second home for me. Through that process, i heard about the politics and eggs breakfast. Was not the top student at Franklin Pierce, so i never thought i would be speaking here at the politics and eggs breakfast, but im honored to be here. I know how deeply this tradition runs in the country. Capuano, a colleague, but him and i also used to be roommates in washington, d. C. , so great to be here with you. Barbara, senator souci, senator dalessandro, old friends from New Hampshire, alderman dan oneill, mr. Very, thank you for being here. Erry, thank you for being here. I believe we are at an Inflection Point in the country. I come from ohio, my district includes youngstown, akron, ohio. We are really at the epicenter of the industrialization in the United States. I could tell you stories going back 40 years about my wife andreas dad who lost his dad at youngstown sheet and to in the late 1970s. It was back in a day that if they closed a factory, they did not give you 60 days notice. Work,hen, you show up to and the gate would be locked. Off 13 months, had to sell insurance, cut down trees. Just bought a house, just had a second kid. , who then had her daughter later. [laughter] i can go back 15 or 20 years. I could tell you about my cousin donny who was a vietnam veteran. His last act at the factory was unbolt the machine from the factory floor, put it in a box, and ship it to china. People from that factory have to do state do the same thing to mexico, and then go down to mexico and train the workers who would eventually take their jobs. I could go back just a few weeks to the General Motors factory just outside youngstown, ohio. Used to be 16,000 people in the factory. Two days after thanksgiving, they laid off the final shift. And the reason i tell you this close,n these factories i know who is working in them. They are my friends. They are our family. When these things happen, when overdose,es of an there is a good chance we know who they are. And i believe it is going to be critically important for the next president of the United States to deeply, deeply understand what is happening to the workingclass in the United States of america. We see and hear, the economy is going great, the stock market is up, the Unemployment Rate is down. Yeah. People got two jobs. People got three jobs. And the people who used to make 30 or 40 or 50 an hour, are now making 15 an hour. It is having its effect on our society. We see the ripple effect. My wife is a first grade school. Eacher in mason one of my kids is turning five tomorrow. He has been for reminding me since just after christmas. In, you know my birthday is june. But we know what is happening, we see it. My daughter called me after the gm factory closed, crying, in tears because her friend was crying to her because her dad lost his job and they didnt know what they were going to do. They didnt know if they had to move, or if she was going to get pulled out of school. Then we find out a few weeks ago, the poor guy had a stroke. I think it is important. I think it is important for me, running for president , to help other people in this country who are not in that group, the people who are doing really well , to really understand what is happening here. Because the future of our country hangs in the balance. When you are sitting in northeast ohio, and you see the top 1 of the people in the country have more wealth than the bottom 90 , and you see buyingfrom the coasts their kids into school and knocking other workingclass families out, when you see the concentration of not only will but also opportunity, and then you represent a factory like General Motors General Motors gets a bailout, tax cut, and my people get the shaft. The banks get a bailout, the people who are influential get a tax cut, and our folks are making struggling to make ends meet. There is a level of unfairness happening today in the United States of america that is all of our problem. We are all americans. Before you are democrat or republican, you are an american. We have a stiff competition that we are in today with the chinese. They are coming at us economically. We have to figure out how we stop it. But it starts with creating opportunity in the country. So lets compare two 26yearold. If you were born in 1940 and you 1966, you had a 90 chance of doing better than your parents. 90 . 1990, ande born in you turned 26 a couple years ago , you have a 75 chance of doing worse off than your parents. So it is not a surprise that you see polling come out where 73 of the American People do not think the American Dream applies to them. What are we doing . This is not right. And i believe, where we come from, even as a democrat, we feel forgotten. We feel like we dont matter. And then i started traveling the country. I see this problem happening everywhere. You go to l. A. , there is a tent city of homeless people. You go to the southern border, and babies are literally being ripped from their mothers breast. You go to ohio, the factories are closing down. You go to lake okeechobee in florida, it is filled with algae. There are all of these really big problems that we are never going to solve unless we start coming together. And donald trump went to washington, d. C. To blow it up. Quite frankly, a lot of people voted for him to do that. And i think we can all pretty much agree, he has done something pretty close to blowing the whole thing up. Now it is time for us to put it back together. I believe somebody that comes from a district from five counties of which donald trump won three, and i got in the mid60 percentile in my election, maybe i can be the guy to do it. Wisconsin, michigan, western pennsylvania, ohio, lets reestablish a new center of gravity, not just for the democratic party, which has become in many ways very coastal, and perceived in our area as elite. Of gravityw center is youngstown, ohio, or akron, ohio, maybe we could start to put this back together. I tell people all the time, when i walk into the oval office in the morning, no one will have to explain to me who i am there for, or what im going to do. Hat means pulling it together business, labor, research, academia, state, local, federal, house, senate, coming together around a few ideas that can move the country forward. Where i come from, people want solutions. They dont want a bunch of rhetoric, they dont want to hear politicians talking. They want ideas that will solve the major problems in the country. And that is what i want to do. I believe one way to address uss economic problem is for to create an industrial policy in the United States of america that will actually get us building things again, and making things again in the United States. There will be 30 million electric vehicles made and manufactured somewhere in the world in the next 10 years. I won the made in the United States. I want the batteries made in the United States, the charging stations made in the United States . You know who controls that market now . China. 40 to 50 of electric vehicles in the United States are made in china. We need an industrial policy. Our electric vehicles democrat or republican . Building things. Democrat or republican . Not sure. But if we drive that investment into communities of color, old old riversteel, communities, old manufacturing, old textile, we intentionally drive the investment to where it needs to go. Drive the investment into those forgotten communities. We should do the same thing with solar panels. You know who controls 60 of the Solar Panel Market today . China. Because they intentionally want to. As president , i want to intentionally dominate the electric vehicle market. I want us to dominate the solar market. What does that mean for people in New Hampshire . It means that we will get away from this economy that people 13 an hour, and you can have a good job, good union job, with a good wage, tension, security for your family. So you can have weekends off, go on vacation. My people dont want to be rich, they want a little fishing boat. They want to take their grandkids fishing, catch a ball game a couple times in the summer. Maybe catch a browns game in the fall. You know, we have a Football Team now in northeast ohio. Lookout, tom brady. [laughter] coming to get you. Our youngest sons name is brady, so herei first started coming , did you name your son after tom brady . I looked them in the eye and i said, absolutely i did. [laughter] i really didnt, but you know that is what they want. They just want the opportunity to work hard, play by the rules, take a shower after work, not before, and do their part. Lets get them excited about what the future of this country is. We are building this and building that, and we are also taking care of the Climate Change issue. We had fix our health care system. When people talk about pragmatic solutions, we have to fix the root cause of the problem. When we talk about health care, we need some public option. I have been on the singlepayer bill since 2007. The next step has to be some level of a public option for people to buy affordable, Accessible Health care in the United States of america. That should not be too much to ask. People like my mom, who told me on mothers day, she is paying 1000 a month for Prescription Drugs, and she makes a little more than 3000 a month in her pension this is the congressmans mom. This is happening everywhere across the country, and it is not fair. We have to fix it. We also need to have another conversation around health care that recognizes that 75 of the Health Care Cost in the United States are from chronic diseases that are largely preventable. 75 . If we are going to fix the health care system, we have to put this thing from a disease care system, a sick system, where we wait for people to get sick and then dumped money into it, and then wonder why cause are going up, and we spend 2. 5 times more than anybody else in the industrialized world and get worse results. Lets flip the system and reward doctors for keeping us healthy. Rebates for staying or getting healthy. Half the country today, adults, almost half have diabetes or prediabetes. The cost to the health care system, 2. 3 times as much as a nondiabetic. I dont care if we are singlepayer, private health, fee for service, outofpocket, v. A. Care, i dont care what we are talking about that system is going belly up in years, if half the country has diabetes or prediabetes. Now we are realizing that you can actually use food as medicine. Who knew . Right . But there are private programs pilot programs out there where they literally give them healthy food, a couple thousand dollars worth, and they reverse diabetes. Did you hear me . We can reverse it through food. We are running around trying to figure out some genius way to do it, and doctors are figuring it out. We can free up money to take care of people who are really sick. We can free up money for education, other health care programs, infrastructure, research, building the new economy, with a healthy, more vibrant group of citizens. We have to make sure we are addressing the Mental Health issue in the country with our health care system. Same thing with education. How we how are we going to be china . Beat we need to be healthy and educated. Right now, we are falling behind. And i will push and promote it will be introducing very soon a robust education reform bill. I will be the education president. And it starts with dealing with the root cause, which is our kids come to school in trauma, in trauma. Over 50 of our kids are low income. 50 of our Public School kids are low income. All of the Adverse Childhood Experiences that come with being low income, it causes trauma. Thesee, job loss, all Adverse Childhood Experiences, literally prevent your brain from accessing the prefrontal cortex. Your executive functions, the area of the brain you need to learn does not work when you are in fight or flight mode. Pushing social and emergent and trauma based programs in our schools and making sure that every school has a Mental Health counselor to help our kids deal with this. And so, why . Why am i pushing this . When you look at a robust social and Emotional Learning program, an 11 increase in success scores. A 10 increase in good behavior, 10 decrease in antisocial behavior. It shifts the mood of the school and connects the kids to each other and teaches them about healthy relationships, teaches them how to talk through their problems and deal with conflict in a responsible way. These programs are out there. The problem is that the adderall government is broke, the federal government is broke. No one is talking about it. If you are looking for Something Different and to get these things that are working all around the United States, i am your guy. We will do this. We are not going to reinvent the wheel, we will keep pushing it. That is what i am offering in this campaign, Real Solutions that get to the heart of the matter. I think that is what the American People want. They want Real Solutions, they want us to come together and start solving these problems. That is what i want to do. Two other quick things. And we are looking at the environment, and obviously building electric vehicles and solar, and wind turbines, competing with china, all of that helps with climate. We are missing an essential oure, and that is agricultural policies in the United States. A lot of the sickness that we see is coming from heavy uses of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, we have destroyed the soil in the United States. You want to talk about the social the social and Emotional Learning, it has the support of the Brookings Institution and the American Enterprise institution. Let us push that agenda. We can get that done in the United States congress. Talk about soil, there are people, farmers who do not think that Climate Change is manmade. They are promoting regenerative act agriculture because it gets carbon into the soil and it starts rebuilding the soil. I could care less why you want to do that. The fact that you want to do that and that it is good for food and good for the environment, and it reduces all of these pesticides and stuff that we are putting on the food that is making us sick, and we have a coalition that we can move forward with. Even thoughs with, you will get a little education on soil health. He did not know you would get that when you came this morning. When you put carpet into the soil it increases organic matter. For every 1 increase in organic matter in the soil, that soil can hold another 25,000 gallons of water. The reason we are getting all of this flooding and runoff that goes into the Mississippi River is because we have destroyed the soil. The carbon content in the soil is low. We need to get carbon out of the atmosphere and into something else, let us put it into the soil. We have a Political Coalition to move forward. And our farmers are going bankrupt. Rural america is in a recession. Farmers havent made a profit in five years. Pay the farmers to do regenerative agriculture and boost their revenues. These solutions are out there. I did not drive over here and say i have an idea about soil health and how this fits in my political agenda. This is happening. Let us come together around some of these key issues that we can move forward on. Our Current System is killing 200 20 220 metric tons of fish in the gulf of mexico because we put what we put down the Mississippi River. Does that make sense . That is happening around the world. It is time for the United States to start leading on the big issues of the day. On, workers are hurting. People cannot find affordable housing. Our criminal Justice System is racist. Let us admit that and start fixing it. Over are being attacked their own personal health care. Let us stop all of the fighting and come together and make america what we want it to be, not what it is today, what we want it to be. That is our job. Just think how blessed we are in the United States. We were born here, or we immigrated here. Talk about lucky. Vladimir putin is not our president. We do not live in a communist country where we are suppressed. With that comes responsibility. The responsibility is i am not a savior, i am not. I am not a superstar. I willno fairy dust that sprinkle over the industrial midwest or New England States and say it is all fixed now. I am not. No one can. Together,t us coming and solving big problems. I want an opportunity to lead that charge. Where i come from, we have been searching for the solutions and they are out there. I am not going to sit by and brady, my, ella, nieces and nephews, your kids and grandkids the current status quo. I am not going to do it. Tim, you are from the house of representatives, no one has won from the house. And how many years . I do not care. Do you think i care about that . You see what we are doing to our kids in communities, falling apart, polite everywhere. No one to take down the hall. People are trapped in neighborhoods that have high crime. No way, not me. I may ruffle a few feathers, and i may have some coastal democrats and Ivy League Democrats that may not like what i am saying, but i am going to speak the truth is i see and feel it. We will move forward together. Education,abor, federal, state, local. The best ideas out there, he will scale them up and take care of the forgotten people in the United States. They will be forgotten no more. It will be all of us doing it together. We will take care of our veterans who are still at 22 a day taking their own lives. We are going to use the most modern techniques and approaches to help them. Yoga, meditation, acupuncture, why . Because it is working. They should not be on 20 Prescription Drugs a day when they have alternative approaches. Let me say to you, lastly. This will not be easy. This will be hard. Very hard. Very difficult. There will be a lot of fights along the way. I am irish, i do not necessarily mind that. Do you know the old irish staring . Canhis a private fight, or anyone get into it . I do not mind. But we will be fighting for something that will be transformational. Moving out of surviving to thriving. Quotewill just end with a that Bobby Kennedy used to use at the end of his brief campaign. I do not promise you ease, i do not promise you comfort. I will promise you these, and i willhardship, promise you sacrifice. And with these, i promise you victory. Thank you so much. [applause] we have time for a couple of questions, and we have students here with mikes, so if you could identify yourself and maybe i can ask the first question. A couple weeks ago, the congress was excited, infrastructure, we are going to work on something with nancy pelosi and schumer say, one trillion maybe the president says 2 trillion. It has disappeared and everybody acknowledged that the brilliant bridges, highways and dredging, and broadband needs to be expanded. She nobody seems to talk about i have an idea how to do it and a solution on revenue and how to address it. Your thoughts . Rep. Ryan obviously it needs to be done, and how do we come together. We have got to find revenue to be able to do it. The money, if you would look at the last 30 years, there has been a concentration of wealth that has gone to the top. Let us lay out a comprehensive infrastructure bill, and it includes broadband and all of the breadandbutter stuff. That also includes cleaning up our communities, adding rid of all of the dilapidated homes and commercial properties. How do we get into our downtowns, how do we renovate theaters and incentivize, and build bike trails and riverwalks . So, we can create in small and townes,id sized downtowns. I want that to be a big part of the future. We have to layout that vision of what it will look like for bringing young people back into the downtowns, bringing young people back to some of these communities that have lost and has been able big a big brain drain. Then we go to the wealthiest people. I would say i am not asking you to pay more because i hate you, i think sometimes democrats come off as hostile to business. You can be hospital to a concentration hostile to wealth and income in a couple inequality, but not free enterprise. Youve got to save capitalism from itself. Us,eed to ask them to help but lay out a plan so they do not feel that they are dumping money into broken systems. Money,ask people for whether you are a 50,000 a year or 50 million a year, fix the system. That vision is something that we can generate revenue from. Questions for the congressman . The gentleman in the back. Rep. Ryan he has a vest on, youve got to call on him. Thane federal debt is more 22 trillion dollars and our deficits are set to hit one trillion as soon as next year. Studentd to affect loans, mortgages, and our purchasing power. What is your approach to these issues and how you will reach across the aisle to achieve change . Rep. Ryan that is a great question about the deficit. Again, we just i did not vote for it. The republicans just past a tax cut for 1. 5 trillion. When you pay that back it will be about 2. 3 trillion. A time when the economy is the stock market is up in the unemployment is low. We have seen 1 trillion in stock buybacks from companies that took the tax cut. You saw stock prices go up and then ceos started selling their stock. The American People, we have to ask ourselves was that a smart thing to do when we need infrastructure and all of these things . For got to ask more more revenue and put a package together. We have got to stop looking at investments into education and Early Childhood and education and the structure as budgetary line items. They are investments. Look what ray dalia put out or he accounts for these investments. Early childhood is a 10 to 15 return. Infrastructure can be anywhere from 10 to 20 return. We have to balance the budget in the long run, but the way we get there is by reforming our systems, reforming health care, education, the bureaucracy that is the United States government. It has got to get lean and mean. Squeeze all the rate the waste out of the defense department. We waste 50 billion a year in the Medicare Program, even in washington, d. C. , that is real money. How do we get the government running as efficiently as we can . Ask for more revenue and make these investments that will yield more money to the treasury because they are good for economic growth. Is good fort else growth . Immigration reform. Most reports say could lead to 1. 2 increase in the gdp. Comprehensive strategy of investments, squeezing the government, up dating it, and things like immigration and criminal Justice Reform when you are getting nonviolent people out of the criminal Justice System, trained, and into the workforce. Now you are creating an environment where people are paying taxes into the treasury and then, over time you start ballot balancing the budget. Our friends from aarp. Thank you for taking our question. It concerns Prescription Drugs. To pay theontinue highest price for Prescription Drugs in the world. One should not have to choose between buying food and taking their medicine. Do you agree that Prescription Drug prices are too high, and if so, how specifically would you work to reduce the price of Prescription Drugs and costs for americans . Rep. Ryan i appreciate the question. Ohio is dealing with 1000 dollars a month in Prescription Drug costs. It is criminal, absolutely criminal. It is what we are asking our seniors, primarily to pay, but it is insulin, and all of these Different Things where you are seeing huge price spikes. What really frosts me is how that we as taxpayers invested in the basic research. Money that goes to the National Institute of health, and all of this research is done is because companies, i themselves, will not make that big investment. It is smart for people to make that investment, and we have. In the Pharmaceutical Company comes in, take some of that and converts it into something else, and charges exorbitant rates to the very people who helped pay for the original research. I think we need to have the Medicare Program negotiate down drug prices. How dumb is it that the Medicare Program does not negotiate drug prices before they start buying drugs . The Largest Health care program in the country does not negotiate and say it you want all my customers, let us sit down and talk price . Any businessperson would do the same thing. You want to run government like a business, let us do that. I think a lot of these drugs from canada, we should allow into the country. That competition and negotiation in and of itself will help reduce prices. Thank you. Yesman. Yes maam, just wait for the mic. Hello, thank you for coming and talking to us. I am a recent College Graduate and i am lucky that my parents were able to put me through college. He spent the past 42 years working as a boat mechanic. There are millions of americans who need jobtraining. My question is what would you do to ensure that we are increasing our workforce and ensuring that every american has access to training . Rep. Ryan a great question. We do have many jobs that go unfilled because we do not have the skill level to fill the jobs. I think this is a failure of government. We spend a lot of money on job retraining that does not necessarily get people into the jobs we want. We have to get this money as close to the local level as possible working with Community Colleges and local jobtraining programs, and making sure that they are tied into the local community and figuring out what the opportunities are. I talked about building let me just state, part of my k12 agenda is going to be to have robust Vocational Training back in our schools, so that we get kids on a track to have a job. Now, telling everybody in the United States that you have to go to college or uaa worthless citizen was the wrong way to go or you are a worthless citizen is the wrong way to go. That is the biggest farce. Now we have millions of people in debt for going to college, which we should allow them to negotiate down. That interest rate, and that will put more money in their pockets. Getting these programs operating efficiently at the local level working again and with the Business Community at the local level to figure that out. Having Vocational Training so you can get people on a track into those jobs. In ohio we have a Welding Program where you can get 13 credits of the 33 that you need to become a welder before you are out of high school. You are already on the track and say what will i do . I might as well do i might as well go, youre making 75,000 a year with no student debt. We should pay for the training certification. That is what i would do, but it has got to be local, efficient, and plugged into the local economic echo system. Ecosystem. You stole my thunder with the last question. Thank you for being here. My name is laura scout scott. I appreciate the answer to that previous question. Rep. Ryan i knew you wanted to hear that. You are well known for your dedication to mindfulness, and i was wondering how you are looking to incorporate that in the different platforms. The practice of mindfulness is a meditation practice where you train your mind to be in the present moment, which is the only moment there really is, our minds tend to go into the future and past, both of those because a great deal of anxiety. We are talking about the kids in schools being in fight or flight mode. Areemplative practices being seen and researched, and there is a lot of information and Scientific Research to back this up. You can literally get your mind out of fight or flight mode. What that does is it used your immune system, reduces your stress, therefore boost your immune system. Your body wants to heal itself, but with diet and stress levels we screw it up. Mindfulness type practices are showing Great Success in reducing stress and boosting the immune system, and helping with a myriad of problems that we have, ulcers and Heart Disease. It really helps with inflammation. If you look at the underlying which it is inflammation leads to high blood pressure, Heart Disease and other things. Itreducing the stress level, acts as a cooling agent to reduce inflammation and your immune system is stronger and it can heal itself. I would like to continue to do research on practices like this, also meditation, yoga, and some of these things that have been around for 2000 or 3000 years, and then we research them and implement them. There is a Great Program that was not far from here at the university of massachusetts medical center. I know your organization knows a lot about it. We are teaching doctors in middle School School to teach patients how to do these techniques so they do not go on Prescription Drugs. The default position should not be let me give you a pill. If we have other ways of approaching it, i think we should leave the world in giving people the tools that they need and it will reduce Health Care Costs and increase the quality of life. It helps with focus and attention. I do not know if you noticed, kids are having a hard time paying attention because of the technology and information overload. These are great practices to deescalated, sharpen their focus, and their mind so that they can look you in the eye and shake your hand. Then we can start teaching our kids how to be in the moment, and lastly, you see all not all, but many of the top performers, tom brady, are doing yoga. Curry, phil steph tokson used to teach this the Chicago Bulls and los angeles lakers. The Seattle Seahawks have an entire program. It is being researched around the world and as and it has shown great benefits. One final question. I always hate the last question. You know what i mean, be nice to me. Rep. Ryan i will try. I am tom, and i really enjoy your theme of trying to hold the country together. I think everyone believes in the theme. It seems like there is more energy trying to divide this country apart. As a leader of the country, what do you see that we need to do, what steps would you take to actually make it so that people now that disagree with you and have different views come together and work for the greater good . Intoryan when i first got congress, i came from an area that was devastated. Wanted melan, people to run for governor senate. I stayed focused on my community and started bringing back money to bring back the community. What we did is that we would sit ,own and listen to each other respect each other, know that if we are putting a deal together we will sit at the table. All we needed to agree on was this deal we are doing. We do not need to agree on every other thing. We have got to get back to listening and respecting each other. Obviously, the current president could use some training in mindfulness, deep listening, putting groups of people together, meaning you hear me talk and we are going to set down for the electoral view electric vehicle piece, it will be business, the labor, and the unions, and you figure out how to make that happen. There is a great story that president lincoln used to go there is a little room, it is now the statuary hall in the capital. It used to be a house chamber. There is a little room to the side and a member of Congress Actually they were copying machines, and he got it renovated and turned it into an office. There is a little fireplace. As the story goes, president lincoln would go to this little room and sit by the fireplace and just talk to members of the house of representatives. As he was trying to pass key peaches key pieces of legislation. Im going to do that. It is not about me. It is not about my ego or me tweeting and shaming somebody. It is about sitting down and doing what it is best for the forgotten people and communities. If my ego is in the way, that is not getting done. I will be personally slighted. But it is not about me. I think the president can bring that spirit of cooperation from the white house, a spirit of inclusion of all people, recognizing that everybody matters and diversity is our strength. Your opinions matter. We may not agree but you have a good reason the way you think that you do. I will try to convince you and you will try to convince me. It is called being adults. That is how we try to teach our kids. When i talk about social and Emotional Learning, all of the practices are about how do you listen to someone else and how do you recognize your differences and similarities. You teach that in school through a social and Emotional Learning program. We build that into education, and hopefully i will try to provide that leadership from the white house. Thank you for the opportunity. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] let me get a quick picture over here. All right. Thank you. Rep. Ryan i appreciate it. Are you kidding me . That is how it all started. 20 years ago. Rep. Ryan

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