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Us on set, stephan. Good morning. About the union fees. Why should someone pay for it if they dont want to . The broader issue becomes this. The union provides a vehicle for working people to have a collective voice. The morene of surprising things i found, how the union advocates for the community at large. As a Child Protection investigator in chicago, i go into some of the most impoverished areas in chicago. I get to see the Living Standards of folks and what they have to deal with on a daytoday basis. The union provides the vehicle for me to come back through a Labor Management system, where i get to sit down with members of management and discuss what it is i see. And give recommendations with servicean better deliver, better streamline our approach. How we can better access resources and get them to places that are needed. The union bargains for society. Host what about these feeds becoming a political because of Union Activity . Have been under the gun of the governor who has made this political. One of his first orders was to shop the fair was to stop the fair share fees. Board,e governor came on they have advocated for society. It cametical aspect of in when the politician came in. Guest unions support candidates which support unions, which support the right of the unions to speak collectively. Nothing political about members of society calling 911 and expecting their call to be answered. There is nothing political about that. What is political is when you try to stifle my voice to be able to advocate for those in the community. If you want to ask stephen questions, call in on the lines. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Independents, 202 7488002. Thoughts,eet us your cspanwj. Part of the brief filed by mr. Advocacyds mandatory groups that individuals are forced to subsidize will have political influence far exceeding citizens actual support for these groups and their agendas. We need to lay out the battlefield. No one that comes into State Government is forced to join a union. If i decide to join a union but dont want to get involved in the political aspect the union engages in, i do not volunteer to give that portion. Anyone that does not want to be involved in the unions Political Activities does not have to. The union still advocates for those people. We advocate for everyone. What would it do for cohesiveness if someone paying fees and some do not and still receive it regardless . Guest that can have the impact to where some may look at that eye, so todiced speak. The sanctity of the contract is more important than individual squabbles. Valid contract, when we are dealing with theunity issues, both of overriding principles we work from, the employer or something impedes the contract, that is what we go after. Host do you know mr. Janus personally . Guest i do not. Host ralphs, he is up first. It good morning. This whole argument is silly. I work in the private sector. I understand this is public. We haverivate sector, the Union Security agreements. The argument is silly i was not forced to take my job. I vote on my contract, whether or not to have a union. The case, allin he wants is a free ride. He was not forced to take that job. Pick fors the wrong the Supreme Court. Back workerto roll rights. That is what this is about. Having a collective voice on the job. I have to agree. We understand who is behind this. Corporate ceos, my governor is leading the pack, if you will. They have been public about the funding the unions. They want to take away the behts of working people to able to come together and have a meaningful voice. From ohio, tom. Caller this is a sad day in america. Years started working 50 39 for the unions, they had of the employees in the country and we had high living standarsds. Time to sign a contract and giving employees a right to negotiate a contract, they want to get rid of it. If you want lower Social Security and lower retirements, hopefully we dont see the Supreme Court do this. Is, 19 is the union now. If he does not like paying union dues, there are 81 that are nonunion. He doesnt want one of those because they do not pay nothing. Host thank you. Guest he states a good premise. Public Service Workers bring a very stable workforce, a wealth of experience and expertise. I have been on my job 23 years. I am still in the middle of the pack in regards to seniority. This their and make profession. A lot of people may come to their jobs, but they come to engage in their profession. We are all professionals. When you talk about best practices or best standards, those are things we have come up with. We have set the tone in regards to how society is dealt with and how the government delivers. Host what are fees like . Local has individual the autonomy to set the fees. There is a minimal standard set by international and it is broken down by that standpoint. From local to local, it varies. It is not a percentage of your paycheck. It is a flat rate. Host how much of waste do you have two say how those fees are used . Guest when a fee increase comes down from international, we have discussions in regards do we want to pass this on to members or do we want to eat that . We take it to the membership and let the membership have a vote. If you are a union member, 202 7488003. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Independents, 202 7488002. Wilson, north carolina, go ahead. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, you are on. I was a union member out of new jersey. I moved to north carolina. I am retired. I enjoyed my union retirement. I got all my benefits. I am enjoying what i paid into it. I have a relative who did not want union and now i think my union, my brothers. 560 out of union city, new jersey. I am enjoying it. This affects them in retirement as well . Are a different topic, but it does come into play. A union member and working for the state has afforded me the opportunity to put my children through college, the opportunities to take a family trip. The opportunity to develop and save a pension funds, so i can have retirement. The unions advocate for those things. Second to none. This is worked for and earned. Is 1. 6 billionp working. Retired members, 3400 local unions across the states. Chevy chase, maryland, independent line. Joe, go ahead. The guest says their activities are not political, but when you went through your activities, they are all political. For better next, why, z. Both sides of the aisle say they are advocating for better x, y, z. Mean you can say what you want is not political because you think it is good and you think political and the other side is bad. It is laughable to assume, to state these unions are political. They are very liberal. They support democrats 80 to 90 of the time. Would be the guest offended if he were forced to republican or conservative cause. He will say you can take out the lobbying, but money is fungible. If somebody said everybody has to be a member of the nra because gun safety is not do,tical, but what we will you just dont have to pay the lobbying part. All you have to do is support the gun safety and child programs and people would object like crazy. I am not suggesting nothing the union does does not have a political component. Component the unit does the union does engage in has a way of impacting everyone. Colleagues,e of my who does what i do, protects attacked was brutally by a parent we were trying to protect a child from. Her name was pam knight. Succumbed to her injuries and passed away. The union, a day after her attack, the unions advocated to theirthen and support policies in regards to workers. The unions went to the lobbies went to Lobby Congress to make better ways and to strengthen laws and to protect state employees. Our political activity does more than give us a raise or better benefits. It protects us in society. The president of local 2081, we talked about Justice Gorsuch, the idea he is probably going to support mr. Janus side of the argument. Guest i cant speak to what he might do. Are the unions concerned about that . Yes, they are. Unionhow does the response . Guest we have been working the plan. We understand the movement is out there. We understand the corporate ceos, those who are funding and supporting the case. They want to silence the voice of the workers and take the power. We have been talking to our members. We have been engaging them and finding out what we need to approach needsr to be, how we need to problem solve. It ruled against us tomorrow, we would operate the same. There it does not mean we will not work hard and still januses of ther. World. Are working at looking at alternatives. There has not been a specific plan put in place. They are looking into alternatives. Host this is philip. Hello. Caller good morning. I am a member of local 488. Critical. Is it is important our members, that the Union Collection dues from fair share members as well. They are reaping the same benefits. You cannot get nothing free. Working for the city of philadelphia, a union member for 17 years. I see the benefits of being in the union. Union has allowed me to go back to school and earn my College Degree and has allowed comfortable good, lifestyle, able to take vacations. Host are their members who will question the idea of paying fees because of political concerns . How do you respond to them . I have been serving as the Union Shop Steward for eight years. I have members asking why should i be in the union i dont see where the union has benefited me. I remind them if it were not for , thingsifices and fight the union fought for before, they would not have the benefits they have now, like health care. I have to join my brother making that point. Historically, unions have been the vehicle for the working class to move into the middle class, for working people to have dignity in the job, to be able to not necessarily a rich life. No one goes into Public Service looking to get rich. They go into Public Service to serve. They fill that need and get something in return. In return is at least a comfortable life. Right on point. I appreciate his comments. His mr. Janus capped arguments in a First Amendment context. What do you think about that . , ast i find it laughable lot of the issues he raises in thisriefs occurred after was put on the table. The history of this. The governor first brought this issue and had it dismissed in court. He had no standing in this. And had to find someone that would have standing to be the face of this. The corporate sponsors behind this case, they are the ones who are doing the land grab, if you will. Theyre the ones trying to take with the power, trying to silence the voices of the working class. Host how did the lower court rule on this . Guest my understanding is the lower courts ruled in favor of the union. That is how i got to the Supreme Court level. The other side never put on a defense. They did not put on much of anything. They wanted to fasttrack it to the Supreme Court. Host kalamazoo, michigan, independent line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I was a member for about 14 years. As a state employee. Flooded with mailings, but also from the actual Union Members and stewards themselves with political messages. It almost seemed like a branch of the dnc we were so covered with vote democratic. It was roughly the high 90 they asked us to vote democratic four. Democratic for. I was a member of a previous union. With this union, the uaw. It seems the stewards and the reps were the ones to benefited the most. They pushed their agenda a lot. What they wanted, and the newer workers, they got less and less. They were still paying the highest dues of the time. Guest i cannot speak to his union or the practices. Speak to is, in collective bargaining, there is give and take. Asthe years progress and years go on, there is sometimes more giveandtake. Sometimes, new or members may have to they may not have or enjoy the benefits older members have. At the same time, i enjoy the protections. The union continues to fight. There is always another contract coming. We always try to increase what it is. We always come back to the table with the argument that listen, these things need to be in place. California, democrats line, jeff. Caller i have a question about neil gorsuch. In his decisions with trump. Debbie, will go next to silver spring, maryland. Also calling for neil gorsuch because of the russian scandal. Dont understand why he cannot be suspended. The president has no right to make an appointee to the Supreme Court. Host only because we are going to keep it to the topic of the case, even though Justice Gorsuch is involved. Republican line, tallahassee, florida, carol. Caller i am calling from florida, as most of the states in the south, went to work to work right to shortly after the civil rights passage. You have spoken about the history of the labor unions and the benefits they bring forward. Case, thecular epicenter of the case that has been running through the system with many cases, trying to. Ismantle the benefit it seems to me, i heard the gentleman from michigan and another from pennsylvania, these are middleaged white men who careerrt of a working that did not pan out. Who is responsible . You cannot owning a gun is different then working. People who come together to bargain right here in florida, we are now facing a bill from our Republican Legislature that is legislatively controlled, putting forward bills to take away the pension. Theyve got the Teachers Union that fights that. It is primarily the Teachers Union, but the have broken out so many bills we believe that there. This is a nationwide attack. This lawsuit may be the culminating point of something very poignant throughout the nation. A lot of people have been devastated and hurt by the corporate interests supporting this case. This is just a culminating actor of it. Pedro republican line, new york. Caller good morning. I am a little confused. Citizens united has allowed ,orporations to have a voice and they are able to give Political Action groups large amounts of money. Citizens, who as is giving the money. For me, it seems that unions counter ility to cataract to bring back some kind of balance into this world where people think corporations are social illssolving by creating jobs. Corporatem across the sector and corporate interest behind this case, they can write a couple of checks that go into the millions of dollars. Unions dont have that type of capital. We do have numbers. We do have members we can put on the street to knock on doors, to push a point, if you will. We cannot match corporate entities dollar for dollar. We are not trying to. We are trying to get fairness and equality. Scme, if you go to af they will show you. That is the main website. We go to baltimore. Democrats line, last call. Caller hi. Pedro go ahead. , andt to think mr. Mittens i want to also thank the members. You have to read what is going on instead of just listening. You have got to read for yourself. Thank you. If the Court Decides in mr. Janices favor, is there any other recourse available . I am not one of the attorneys, i would have to ask them. But i will say is this. Work. L get up and go to we will still advocate where we can and how we can for the community. Pedro youre going to watch the case today. What are you looking for . Personally, it is quite an honor to see the hiss history taking place. Im going to try to better understand what the arguments are and better understand what the other side is. I have been very hardpressed to do so. I still may not after this case. Im going there to be part of history. Mr. Mittons joining us to talk about this case. For that, we thank you, sir. Announcer tuesday morning, new york republican congressman on gun control and School Safety. Then, she can democratic congressman talks about infrastructure and what can be done to bolster industrial cities. And the efforts to combat extreme poverty and the effect of president trumps proposed budget cuts. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal tuesday morning. Joined the discussion. Announcer here is whats live tuesday on the cspan networks. The house is back in town clock a. M. Eastern time and will work on a two hills. The second measure looks at ways to prohibit online sex trafficking. Follow house coverage on cspan. The senate will continue debate a federalination of judge on the 11th circuit court. The senate is in at 10 a. M. Eastern time on cspan2. On cspan3, Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell testifies about the health of the u. S. Economy before the House Financial Services committee. That is at 10 a. M. Eastern. Then former fed chairs janet yellen and ben bernanke will give their perspectives on the economy. Our coverage from the Brookings Institute starts at 2 00 eastern. Sunday, on cspans q and a, Politico Magazine picture contributingr editor talks about his book about the members of president johnsons staff who helped implement his Great Society programs. How an administration within the space of four and a half years built all these programs , how they passed congress they build medicare and medicaid from the ground up, how did they create the first programs like head start or food stamps, nutritional programs for children, and how did they do this while desegregating a third of the country in hospitals, nursing homes, public, nation, and fighting a war in vietnam . Announcer q a, sunday night on cspan. Next, president talks about gun violence in School Safety with the nations governors. It was part of the National Governors Association Winter meeting. Of the white house says the president will meet wednesday with a group of lawmakers to discuss ways of addressing gun violence. [applause] pres. Trump thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. I want to thank our Vice President for that lovely introduction. That was very nice and i appreciate it

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